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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tratamento de lixiviados de aterros sanitários em sistema de reatores anaeróbio e aeróbio operados em batelada seqüencial / Landfill leachate treatment in sequence anaerobic and aerobic batch reactors systems

Ronan Cleber Contrera 06 June 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho avaliou a tratabilidade dos lixiviados do aterro sanitário de São Carlos-SP, utilizando-se reatores biológicos. O experimento foi conduzido à temperatura ambiente, em uma unidade piloto construída no aterro sanitário de São Carlos-SP. Inicialmente foram testados e comparados dois tipos de reatores anaeróbios, cada um com volume total de 1.200 L e ambos providos de agitação mecânica, diferenciando-se pelo tipo de imobilização da biomassa, sendo o primeiro com biomassa auto-imobilizada (ASBR) e o segundo com biomassa imobilizada em espuma de poliuretano (ASBBR). Um filtro biológico anaeróbio contínuo de fluxo ascendente de aproximadamente 120 L também foi avaliado. Além do pré-tratamento anaeróbio, foi avaliado também o pós-tratamento, que consistiu em um sistema de lodos ativados em batelada seqüencial de aproximadamente 180 L. O ASBR, inoculado com lodo granular de reator UASB, apresentou-se ineficiente, com problemas de desagregação e sedimentação da biomassa. O ASBBR, inoculado com lodo proveniente do fundo de uma lagoa de lixiviados, ao final de sua adaptação, apresentou eficiências superiores a 70%, em termos de remoção de DQO, utilizando-se lixiviado sem diluição, com DQO afluente da ordem de 11.000 mg/L, relação AVT/DQO aproximadamente igual a 0,6 e tempo de reação igual a 7 dias. Verificou-se que a biodegradabilidade anaeróbia dos lixiviados está diretamente relacionada à relação AVT/DQO, e que para relações AVT/DQO Total inferiores a 0,25, a biodegradabilidade é baixa, para relações entre 0,25 e 0,40 é média, e acima de 0,40 pode ser considerada elevada. Observou-se também que concentrações de N-amoniacal, da ordem de até 4.500 mg/L, não impedem o tratamento anaeróbio, desde que a biomassa esteja devidamente adaptada. Aos perfis temporais de concentração, realizados no ASBBR, foi ajustado um modelo de primeira ordem para consumo de substrato, na forma de DQO Total, obtendo valores de K1 variando entre 3,18 x \'10 POT.-5\' e 5,82 x \'10 POT.-5\' /(d.mgSTV/L). O pós-tratamento dos efluentes do ASBBR foi avaliado em um sistema de lodos ativados em batelada seqüencial, que obteve eficiência máxima da ordem de 30% em termos de remoção de DQO, com DQO afluente da ordem de 5.000 mg/L. Quanto ao filtro biológico anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente, obteve-se eficiências superiores a 70%, ao ser alimentado com uma mistura de lixiviado recalcitrante e etanol acidificado, com DQO afluente da ordem de 20.000 mg/L. / This work evaluated the tractability of landfill leachate from São Carlos-SP, utilizing biological reactors. The experiment was conducted at environmental temperature, in a pilot scale unity constructed into the São Carlos-SP landfill area. Initially, it was compared and tested two kinds of anaerobic reactors, each one with 1.200 L of total volume and both provided of mechanical agitation, differing by the kind of biomass immobilization, having the first (ASBR), self-immobilized biomass, and the second (ASBBR), immobilized biomass in polyurethane foam cubes. An approximately 120 L volume continuous up flow anaerobic biofilter was also evaluated. Additionally to the anaerobic treatment, it was also evaluated the post-treatment of landfill leachate in a sequence batch activated sludge system of 180 L. The ASBR, inoculated with a granular UASB sludge from a poultry wastewater treatment, was inefficient and presented sludge segregation and sedimentation problems. The ASBBR, inoculated using the sludge from the bottom of a landfill leachate reservoir, at the final of acclimation, presented efficiency over 70%, in terms of COD removal, utilizing landfill leachate without water dilution, with an inlet COD at the range of 11,000 mg/L, a TVA/COD ratio of approximately 0.6 and reaction time equal to 7 days. It was realized that the landfill leachate anaerobic biodegradability has a directly relationship to the TVA/COD ratio, and for TVA/COD Total ratio lower than 0.25, the biodegradability is low, for ratios between 0.25 and 0.40 is medium, and up to 0.40 may be considered high. It was also observed that \'NH IND.4\' POT.+\' concentrations at the range of 4,500 mg N/L has no significant interference in the anaerobic treatment, since the biomass has properly acclimated. At the temporal profiles of concentration performed in the ASBBR, it was adjusted a first order model for the substrate consumption, in terms of COD Total, obtaining K1 values ranging between 3.18 x \'10 POT.-5\' and 5.82 x \'10 POT.-5\' /(d.mgSTV/L). The post-treatment of the ASBBR effluents was evaluated in a sequence batch activated sludge system, which has obtained maximum efficiencies at the range of 30% in terms of COD removal, with an inlet COD at the range of 5,000 mg/L. As regards of the continuous up flow anaerobic biofilter, it has obtained efficiencies superiors to 70% when fed by a mixing of recovery landfill leachate and acidified ethanol, with an inlet COD at the range of 20,000 mg/L.

Wave Transmission Characteristics in Honeycomb Sandwich Structures using the Spectral Finite Element Method

Murthy, MVVS January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Wave propagation is a phenomenon resulting from high transient loadings where the duration of the load is in µ seconds range. In aerospace and space craft industries it is important to gain knowledge about the high frequency characteristics as it aids in structural health monitoring, wave transmission/attenuation for vibration and noise level reduction. The wave propagation problem can be approached by the conventional Finite Element Method(FEM); but at higher frequencies, the wavelengths being small, the size of the finite element is reduced to capture the response behavior accurately and thus increasing the number of equations to be solved, leading to high computational costs. On the other hand such problems are handled in the frequency domain using Fourier transforms and one such method is the Spectral Finite Element Method(SFEM). This method is introduced first by Doyle ,for isotropic case and later popularized in developing specific purpose elements for structural diagnostics for inhomogeneous materials, by Gopalakrishnan. The general approach in this method is that the partial differential wave equations are reduced to a set of ordinary differential equations(ODEs) by transforming these equations to another space(transformed domain, say Fourier domain). The reduced ODEs are usually solved exactly, the solution of which gives the dynamic shape functions. The interpolating functions used here are exact solution of the governing differential equations and hence, the exact elemental dynamic stiffness matrix is derived. Thus, in the absence of any discontinuities, one element is sufficient to model 1-D waveguide of any length. This elemental stiffness matrix can be assembled to obtain the global matrix as in FEM, but in the transformed space. Thus after obtaining the solution, the original domain responses are obtained using the inverse transform. Both the above mentioned manuscripts present the Fourier transform based spectral finite element (FSFE), which has the inherent aliasing problem that is persistent in the application of the Fourier series/Fourier transforms. This is alleviated by using an additional throw-off element and/or introducing slight damping in to the system. More recently wave let transform based spectral finite element(WSFE) has been formulated which alleviated the aliasing problem; but has a limitation in obtaining the frequency characteristics, like the group speeds are accurate only up-to certain fraction of the Nyquist(central frequency). Currently in this thesis Laplace transform based spectral finite elements(LSFE) are developed for sandwich members. The advantages and limitations of the use of different transforms in the spectral finite element framework is presented in detail in Chapter-1. Sandwich structures are used in the space craft industry due to higher stiffness to weight ratio. Many issues considered in the design and analysis of sandwich structures are discussed in the well known books(by Zenkert, Beitzer). Typically the main load bearing structures are modeled as beam sand plates. Plate structures with kh<1 is analysed based on the Kirch off plate theory/Classical Plate Theory(CPT) and when the bending wavelength is small compared to the plate thickness, the effect of shear deformation and rotary inertia needs to be included where, k is the wave number and h is the thickness of the plate. Many works regarding the wave propagation in sandwich structures has been published in the past literature for wave propagation in infinite sandwich structure and giving the complete description of dispersion relation with no restriction on frequency and wavelength. More recently exact analytical solution or simply supported sandwich plate has been derived. Also it is seen by comparison of dispersion curves obtained with exact (3D formulation of theory of elasticity) and simplified theories (2D formulation as generalization of Timoshenko theory) made on infinite domain and concluded that the simplified theory can be reliably used to assess the waveguide properties of sandwich plate in the frequency range of interest. In order to approach the problems with finite domain and their implementation in the use of general purpose code; finite degrees of freedom is enforced. The concept of displacement based theories provides the flexibility in assuming different kinematic deformations to approach these problems. Many of the displacement based theories incorporate the Equivalent Single Layer(ESL) approach and these can capture the global behavior with relative ease. Chapter-2 presents the Laplace spectral finite element for thick beams based on the First order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT). Here the effect of different choices of the real part of the Laplace variable is demonstrated. It is shown that the real part of the Laplace variable acts as a numerical damping factor. The spectrum and dispersion relations are obtained and the use of these relations are demonstrated by an example. Here, for sandwich members based on FSDT, an appropriate choice of the correction factor ,which arises due to the inconsistency between the kinematic hypothesis and the desired accuracy is presented. Finally the response obtained by the use of the element is validated with experimental results. For high shock loading cases, the core flexibility induces local effects which are very predominant and this can lead to debonding of face sheets. The ESL theories mentioned above cannot capture these effects due to the computation of equivalent through the thickness section properties. Thus, higher order theories such as the layer-wise theories are required to capture the local behaviour. One such theory for sandwich panels is the Higher order Sandwich Plate theory (HSaPT). Here, the in-plane stress in the core has been neglected; but gives a good approximation for sandwich construction with soft cores. Including the axial inertial terms of the core will not yield constant shear stress distribution through the height of the core and hence more recently the Extended Higher order Sandwich Plate theory (EHSaPT) is proposed. The LSFE based on this theory has been formulated and is presented in Chapter-4. Detailed 3D orthotropic properties of typical sandwich construction is considered and the core compressibility effect of local behavior due to high shock loading is clearly brought out. As detailed local behavior is sought the degrees of freedom per element is high and the specific need for such theory as compared with the ESL theories is discussed. Chapter-4 presents the spectral finite element for plates based on FSDT. Here, multi-transform method is used to solve the partial differential equations of the plate. The effect of shear deformation is brought out in the spectrum and dispersion relations plots. Response results obtained by the formulated element is compared and validated with many different experimental results. Generally structures are built-up by connecting many different sub-structures. These connecting members, called joints play a very important role in the wave transmission/attenuation. Usually these joints are modeled as rigid joints; but in reality these are flexible and exhibits non-linear characteristics and offer high damping to the energy flow in the connected structures. Chapter-5 presents the attenuation and transmission of wave energy using the power flow approach for rigid joints for different configurations. Later, flexible spectral joint model is developed and the transmission/attenuation across the flexible joints is studied. The thesis ends with conclusion and highlighting futures cope based on the developments reported in this thesis.

Teachers of Color's Perception on Identity and Academic Success: A Reflective Narrative

Finau, Lynette Suliana Sikahema 18 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Nekonvenční obvodové prvky pro návrh příčkových filtrů / Unconventional Circuit Elements for Ladder Filter Design

Shaktour, Mahmoud January 2011 (has links)
Kmitočtové filtry jsou lineární elektrické obvody, které jsou využívány v různých oblastech elektroniky. Současně tvoří základní stavební bloky pro analogové zpracování signálů. V poslední dekádě bylo zavedeno množství aktivních stavebních bloků pro analogové zpracování signálů. Stále však existuje potřeba vývoje nových aktivních součástek, které by poskytovaly nové možnosti a lepší parametry. V práci jsou diskutovány různé aspekty obvodů pracujících v napěťovém, proudovém a smíšném módu. Práce reaguje na dnešní potřebu nízkovýkonových a nízkonapěťových aplikací pro přenosné přístroje a mobilní komunikační systémy a na problémy jejich návrhu. Potřeba těchto výkonných nízkonapěťových zařízení je výzvou návrhářů k hledání nových obvodových topologií a nových nízkonapěťových technik. V práci je popsána řada aktivních prvků, jako například operační transkonduktanční zesilovač (OTA), proudový konvejor II. generace (CCII) a CDTA (Current Differencing Transconductance Amplifier). Dále jsou navrženy nové prvky, jako jsou VDTA (Voltage Differencing Transconductance Amplifier) a VDVTA (Voltage Differencing Voltage Transconductance Amplifier). Všechny tyto prvky byly rovněž implementovány pomocí "bulk-driven" techniky CMOS s cílem realizace nízkonapěťových aplikací. Tato práce je rovněž zaměřena na náhrady klasických induktorů syntetickými induktory v pasivních LC příčkových filtrech. Tyto náhrady pak mohou vést k syntéze aktivních filtrů se zajímavými vlastnostmi.

Limit and shakedown analysis of plates and shells including uncertainties

Trần, Thanh Ngọc 12 March 2008 (has links)
The reliability analysis of plates and shells with respect to plastic collapse or to inadaptation is formulated on the basis of limit and shakedown theorems. The loading, the material strength and the shell thickness are considered as random variables. Based on a direct definition of the limit state function, the nonlinear problems may be efficiently solved by using the First and Second Order Reliability Methods (FORM/SORM). The sensitivity analyses in FORM/SORM can be based on the sensitivities of the deterministic shakedown problem. The problem of reliability of structural systems is also handled by the application of a special barrier technique which permits to find all the design points corresponding to all the failure modes. The direct plasticity approach reduces considerably the necessary knowledge of uncertain input data, computing costs and the numerical error. / Die Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse von Platten und Schalen in Bezug auf plastischen Kollaps oder Nicht-Anpassung wird mit den Traglast- und Einspielsätzen formuliert. Die Lasten, die Werkstofffestigkeit und die Schalendicke werden als Zufallsvariablen betrachtet. Auf der Grundlage einer direkten Definition der Grenzzustandsfunktion kann die Berechnung der Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit effektiv mit den Zuverlässigkeitsmethoden erster und zweiter Ordnung (FROM/SORM) gelöst werden. Die Sensitivitätsanalysen in FORM/SORM lassen sich auf der Basis der Sensitivitäten des deterministischen Einspielproblems berechnen. Die Schwierigkeiten bei der Ermittlung der Zuverlässigkeit von strukturellen Systemen werden durch Anwendung einer speziellen Barrieremethode behoben, die es erlaubt, alle Auslegungspunkte zu allen Versagensmoden zu finden. Die Anwendung direkter Plastizitätsmethoden führt zu einer beträchtlichen Verringerung der notwendigen Kenntnis der unsicheren Eingangsdaten, des Berechnungsaufwandes und der numerischen Fehler.

Migrace jako téma krajských voleb 2016 / Migration as a theme of regional elections in 2016

Randáková, Alice January 2019 (has links)
Annotation1 This diploma thesis aims on the migration as a topic of regional election in 2016. This topic became resonating in Czech environment and appeared at several political subjects across the political spectrum. The author focuses on four regions in this thesis: South-Moravian, Moravian-Silesian, Plzeň region and Ústecký region. In respect of these territorial units the author aims on topic of migration, considering election 2016 as well as 2012, in order to clarify if the topic of migration is entirely new or it has already shown up in the czech political environment in previous election. The author aims on the first and second order election problematics in the the2 sis and also studies the role of the party's center and periphery in the regional election 2016 and 2012 in the territorial units mentioned above respectively.The author supports the research with a survey. The thesis consists of two levels. First is teoretical part, where the author defines the concept of migration, its kinds, etc. The author also explaines the theory of first and second order election. Following practical part operates with individual political programs, articles and election results. Main goal of the thesis is to answer the question if the migration was one of the main topics of regional election 2016. Another goal...

Migrace jako téma krajských voleb 2016 / Migration as a theme of regional elections in 2016

Randáková, Alice January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims on the migration as one of topics relevant in the regional election in 2016. This topic became resonating in Czech environment and appeared to be a theme for several political subjects across whole political spectrum. The author of this thesis focuses on four regions: South-Moravian and Moravian-Silesian regions, Plzeň region and Ústí region. In respect of these territorial units the author aims on topic of migration as itself, considering not only election 2016 but also the 2012 poll, in order to clarify if the migration topic is entirely new or if it has already shown up in the Czech political environment in previous elections. The author aims on the first and second order election problematics in the thesis and also analysis the role of parties' centers and periphery in the regional election of the years 2016 and 2012 in the territorial units mentioned above respectively. The author supports the research with a survey. The thesis consists of two parts. First part is theoretical one, where the author defines the concept of migration, kinds of migration, etc. The author also explains the theory of first and second order election. After the theoretical part, it is followed by a practical part operating with individual political programs, articles and election results. Main...

Investigation of Structural Properties and their Relation to the Phase Transitions in Shape Memory Heusler Compounds

Devi, Parul 18 March 2019 (has links)
The present thesis is devoted to the investigation of modulated structures as well as the direct measurement of magnetocaloric effect (MCE) in Ni-Mn based magnetic shape memory (MSM) Heusler compounds in pulsed magnetic fields after analyzing isothermal entropy data taken in static magnetic fields. The emphasis is on the modulated structure of MSM Heusler compounds because of lower twinning stress which facilitates the easy transformation from austenite to martensite structure. Synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction (SXRPD) was carried out to study the modulated structure and NPD for antisite disorder as Ni and Mn have easily the same atomic scattering factor. Direct measurement of the adiabatic temperature change ΔTad was done in pulsed magnetic fields, because of fast response of ~10 to 100 ms to the sample temperature on magnetic field, providing adiabatic conditions. It also gives an opportunity of very high magnetic fields up to 70 T because of short pulse duration during the measurement. The modulated structure has been studied for the off-stoichiometric Ni2Mn1.4In0.6 and Ni1.9Pt0.1MnGa MSM Heusler compounds from SXRPD and NPD. Ni2Mn1.4In0.6 exhibits martensitic transition at TM ~ 295 K and Curie temperature TC ~ 315 K. Rietveld refinement reveals uniform atomic displacement in the modulated structure of martensite phase and the absence of premartensite phase and phason broadening of the satellite peaks which was further confirmed by HRTEM study. Therefore, the structural modulation in Ni2Mn1.4In0.6 can be successfully explained in term of the adaptive phase model. Whereas, Ni1.9Pt0.1MnGa shows the premartensite phase in addition to the martensite and austenite phases and follows the soft phonon model. The temperature dependent ac-susceptibility shows the change in slope at different temperatures 365, 265, 230 and 220 K corresponding to the Curie temperature TC, first premartensite T1, second premartensite T2 and martensite temperature TM, respectively. Temperature-dependent high resolution SXRPD data analysis shows first, a nearly 3M modulated premartensite phase with an average cubic-like feature i.e. negligible Bain distortion of the elementary L21 unit cell results from the austenite phase. This phase then undergoes an isostructural phase transition 3M like premartensite phase with robust Bain distortion in the temperature range from 220 to 195 K. Below 195 K, the martensite phase appears which results from the larger Bain-distorted premartensite phase. In this work, the magnetocaloric properties of Ni2.2Mn0.8Ga and Ni1.8Mn1.8In0.4 magnetic shape memory (MSM) Heusler compounds were studied. Ni2.2Mn0.8Ga exhibits the reversible conventional MCE, measured from isothermal entropy change ΔSM and adiabatic temperature change ΔTad because of the geometric compatibility condition (GCC) for cubic austenite phase to tetragonal martensite phase as a consequence of low thermal hysteresis of the martensite phase transition. The reversible MCE has been confirmed by applying more than one pulse in the hysteresis region at 317 K. Ni1.8Mn1.8In0.4 possess improved reversible behavior of inverse MCE due to the closely satisfying of GCC from cubic austenite to modulated monoclinic martensite structure. The maximum value of ΔSM has been found to the same for both heating and cooling curves measured from isothermal magnetization M(T) curves until a magnetic field of 5 T. The adiabatic temperature change ΔTad results in a value of -10 K by applying a magnetic field of 20 T in a pulsed magnetic field. Furthermore, reversible magnetostriction of 0.3% was observed near the first-order martensite phase transition temperatures 265, 270 and 280 K. A reduction of thermal hysteresis has been found in MSM Heusler compounds Ni2Mn1.4In0.6 and Ni1.8Co0.2Mn1.4In0.6 with the application of hydrostatic pressure followed by GCC from pressure dependent x-ray diffraction in both austenite and martensite phase. By increasing pressure, the lattice parameters of both phases change in such a way that they increasingly satisfy the GCC. The approach of GCC for different kind of martensite structures (tetragonal, orthorhombic and monoclinic) will help to design new MSM Heusler compounds taking advantage of first-order martensite phase transition.

När ämnen möts : En analys av samhällskunskapsämnets funktioner och karaktärer vid ämnesintegrerad undervisning

Blanck, Sara January 2014 (has links)
This study examines the subject civics (social studies) in interaction with other subjects in interdisciplinary projects. By studying three different integrated projects in the grades 7-9, the study examines how subjects interact with one another. The aim of the study is to describe and analyze the character and function of civics in interdisciplinary projects. The results are used to discuss the relationship between subject and integration. In the world of education, there are two endeavors that may seem to counteract each other: on the one hand, focus on more clearly subject-specific knowledge and, on the other, the pursuit of cooperation and interaction between subjects in different forms of interdisciplinary organization of teaching and learning. Integration between subjects can be seen as an opportunity to address the complex problems and challenges of today's citizens in a changing global world. The results of the study describe three dynamic interdisciplinary projects that all contain a movement between different types of interaction between subjects with various degrees of integration. These types are predisciplinary, helping, correlated, shared and reconstructed. In addition, the study shows that civics in the three projects is emerging as an obvious main subject that aims to develop the pupils’ abilities to orientate (facts and concepts), analyze and discuss. So far integrated teaching appears to result in both what subject-specific teaching reaches and, moreover, it seems to form a synthesis knowledge that can be difficult to measure, but that relates to the main goals of the curriculum beyond subjects. These abilities to act can be used to describe the synthesized knowledge citizens need in order to act in the world. / Baksidestext I denna studie av hur samhällskunskapsämnet tar sig uttryck i ämnesintegrerade projekt i grundskolans årskurs 7-9, undersöks de till synes motstående strävandena att dels fokusera ämnesspecifika kunskaper, dels ge utrymme för samspel och integration mellan ämnen.  Resultaten visar en ömsesidig relation där ämne och ämnesintegration förutsätter varandra. Projekten innehåller en rörelse mellan olika typer av ämnessamspel – förvetenskapligt, hjälpande, sammankopplande, förenande, omskapande – med olika grad av integration mellan ämnen. Delar av projekten domineras av ämnesspecifika kunskaper där samhällskunskapsämnet framträder som tydligt huvudämne utifrån de ämnesdidaktiska profilerna orienteringsämne, analysämne och diskussionsämne. Andra delar av projekten domineras istället av integrerade synteskunskaper som relaterar till övergripande läroplansmål. Begreppet handlingsämne används för att beskriva denna syntetiserade kunskap medborgare behöver för att kunna agera i världen. Licentiatuppsatsen har skrivits inom CSD-FL, Forskarskolan för lärare i geografi, historia, religionskunskap och samhällskunskap, en särskild fortbildningssatsning för yrkesverksamma lärare. Centrum för de samhällsvetenskapliga ämnenas didaktik (CSD) vid Karlstads universitet har ansvarat för forskarskolan.

Answering Conjunctive Queries and FO+MOD Queries under Updates

Keppeler, Jens 26 June 2020 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird das dynamische Auswertungsproblem über dynamische Datenbanken betrachtet, bei denen Tupel hinzugefügt oder gelöscht werden können. Die Aufgabe besteht darin einen dynamischen Algorithmus zu konstruieren, welcher unmittelbar nachdem die Datenbank aktualisiert wurde, die Datenstruktur, die das Resultat repräsentiert, aktualisiert. Die Datenstruktur soll in konstanter Zeit aktualisiert werden und das Folgende unterstützen: * Teste in konstanter Zeit ob ein Tupel zur Ausgabemenge gehört, * gebe die Anzahl der Tupel in der Ausgabemenge in konstanter Zeit aus, * zähle die Tupel aus der Ausgabemenge mit konstanter Taktung auf und * zähle den Unterschied zwischen der neuen und der alten Ausgabemenge mit konstanter Taktung auf. Im ersten Teil werden konjunktive Anfragen und Vereinigungen konjunktiver Anfragen auf relationalen Datenbanken betrachtet. Die Idee der q-hierarchischen Anfragen (und t-hierarchische Anfragen für das Testen) wird eingeführt und es wird gezeigt, dass das Resultat für jede q-hierarchische Anfrage auf dynamischen Datenbanken effizient in dem oben beschriebenen Szenario ausgewertet werden können. Konjunktive Anfragen mit Aggregaten werden weiterhin betrachtet. Es wird gezeigt, dass das Lernen von polynomiellen Regressionsfunktionen in konstanter Zeit vorbereitet werden kann, falls die Trainingsdaten aus dem Anfrageergebnis kommen. Mit logarithmischer Update-Zeit kann folgende Routine unterstützt werden: Bei Eingabe einer Zahl j, gebe das j-te Tupel aus der Aufzählung aus. Im zweiten Teil werden Anfragen, die Formeln der Logik erster Stufe (FO) und deren Erweiterung mit Modulo-Zähl Quantoren (FO+MOD) sind, betrachtet, und es wird gezeigt, dass diese effizient unter Aktualisierungen ausgewertet können, wobei die dynamische Datenbank die Gradschranke nicht überschreitet, und bei der Auswertung die Zähl-, Test-, Aufzähl- und die Unterschied-Routine unterstützt werden. / This thesis investigates the query evaluation problem for fixed queries over fully dynamic databases, where tuples can be inserted or deleted. The task is to design a dynamic algorithm that immediately reports the new result of a fixed query after every database update. In particular, the goal is to construct a data structure that allows to support the following scenario. After every database update, the data structure can be updated in constant time such that afterwards we are able * to test within constant time for a given tuple whether or not it belongs to the query result, * to output the number of tuples in the query result, * to enumerate all tuples in the new query result with constant delay and * to enumerate the difference between the old and the new query result with constant delay. In the first part, conjunctive queries and unions of conjunctive queries on arbitrary relational databases are considered. The notion of q-hierarchical conjunctive queries (and t-hierarchical conjunctive queries for testing) is introduced and it is shown that the result of each such query on a dynamic database can be maintained efficiently in the sense described above. Moreover, this notion is extended to aggregate queries. It is shown that the preparation of learning a polynomial regression function can be done in constant time if the training data are taken (and maintained under updates) from the query result of a q-hierarchical query. With logarithmic update time the following routine is supported: upon input of a natural number j, output the j-th tuple that will be enumerated. In the second part, queries in first-order logic (FO) and its extension with modulo-counting quantifiers (FO+MOD) are considered, and it is shown that they can be efficiently evaluated under updates, provided that the dynamic database does not exceed a certain degree bound, and the counting, testing, enumeration and difference routines is supported.

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