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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stress : Samband mellan stress och personlighet, upplevd kontroll, samt socialt stöd / Stress : Correlations between stress and personality, perceived control, and social support

Lundberg, Anneli, Jankulov, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att studera om det fanns något samband mellan stress och personlighet, upplevd kontroll, samt socialt stöd. I studien deltog 135 deltagare, 58 män, 71 kvinnor, och 6 deltagare besvarade inte vilket kön de tillhör. Samtliga deltagare fyllde i frågeformulär om variablerna upplevd stress, personlighet, upplevd kontroll, samt socialt stöd. Resultatet visade att det finns ett positivt samband mellan stress och neuroticism. Det fanns negativa samband mellan stress och extroversion, stress och vänlighet, samt stress och samvetsgrannhet. Vidare förelåg det ett negativt samband mellan kontroll och neuroticism. Ett positivt samband fanns mellan kontroll och öppenhet. Slutligen fanns det ett negativt samband mellan socialt stöd och neuroticism. Det förelåg positiva samband mellan socialt stöd och extroversion, socialt stöd och vänlighet, samt socialt stöd och samvetsgrannhet. Studien visar att socialt stöd, upplevd kontroll, samt personlighetsdimensionerna påverkar hur individer upplever stress. / The purpose with the present study was to study if there were any correlations between stress, personality, perceived control, and social support. In this study 135 people participated, 58 men, 71 women, and 6 participants did not answer which sex they belonged to. All of the participants answered questionnaires about the variables stress, personality, perceived control, and social support. The results showed that there was a positive correlation between stress and neuroticism. There were negative correlations between stress and extroversion, stress and agreeableness, and stress and conscientiousness. There was a negative correlation between control and neuroticism. There was a positive correlation between control and openness. Finally there was a negative correlation between social support and neuroticism. There was positive correlation between social support and extroversion, social support and agreeableness, and social support and conscientiousness. The study shows that social support, perceived control, and the personality-dimensions affects how individuals perceive stress.

The Study of Innovative Behavior of R&D Personnel: The Joint Effect of Subordinate Personality Traits and Leadership Styles on Innovative Behavior

Chen, Chun-tsung 16 February 2005 (has links)
In recent years, because of the transition of global economic structure, competition between companies is changing toward knowledge management and innovation. Especially at the field of quickly changing product, the superiority of technology is always the key factor of competition. Today, R&D department is important in many companies. The efficiency of R&D not only depends on the ability of technology development but also on the skill of management. Therefore, innovative ability and R&D personnel behavior are important issues for companies. This study focus on the relationship between the innovative behavior of R&D personnel and its influencing factors that include personality traits of subordinate and leadership style of supervisor. The purpose is explored what factors affect the R&D personnel¡¦s innovative behavior. In addition, this study analyzes the influence of age, gender, education background, and etc., on innovative behavior. This study adopts Five Factor Model (Big Five) that includes Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness on the personality traits. In addition, the leadership styles contain the transformational leadership and the transactional leadership. Through a questionnaire survey, the following results are obtained: For the two influent factors, personality traits generate more effect toward the R&D personnel¡¦s innovative behavior than the leadership styles. Among the personality traits, Openness to Experience has the most contribution to innovative behaviors. For the leadership styles, transactional leadership would better encourage subordinates to behave innovatively.

Competitive Strategy Analysis for The Copper Strip Industry in Taiwan

Wu, Eugene 09 July 2001 (has links)
This thesis uses case study, focus on four manufacturers in copper industry. Base on Porter¡¦s generic strategies ¡V Over all cost leadership, Focus, Differentiation, with diversification and joint venture, all together five competitive strategies as the foundations of investigate structure. And I have made the matrix chart and a survey base on the five administrative functions. I observe individually for four copper manufacturers¡¦ competitive strategies, which are approved by customers, to find out if each of them has had effect in the market. Finally, I use Michael E. Porter¡¦s competitive advantage to test the industry environment, mean while forecasting the coming 3-5 years of First Copper Technology Co., Ltd. base on the theories of SWOT and PEST as the following: 1. Having joint venture with copper manufacturers in Mainland China or East Europe to get products to compete with local manufacturers, and no longer produce low attach value products. 2. Combine Japanese or Korea wholesalers or set up a trading company to sell high attach value product in local areas in Japan and Korea. 3. Total output needs to be maintained by lowering the cost, but the products should be developed in high attach value categories like lead frame and other high level alloy products, to get alone with new developments.

A feasibility study of a computerized adaptive test of the international personality item pool NEO

McClarty, Katie Larsen 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Samvetsgrannhet: Nyckeln till akademisk motivation? : En studie om förhållandet mellan personlighet och akademisk motivation hos studenter på en högskola i Mellansverige.

Sandberg, Emil, Ternström, Simon January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between students’ academic motivation and personality in different classes at a university in central Sweden. The study was conducted on students of economics and nursing, who were asked to answer a paper questionnaire. The questionnaire of consisted two parts, the first part was a TIPI test which measured personality traits using the Big Five theory and the second part was an AMS test that measured academic motivation. A total of 106 students participated in the study, including 50 from economics and 56 from nursing. The main result showed that the strongest significant correlation was between the personality trait conscientiousness and internal motivation. This relationship was found to completely rely on the nursing students replies, giving an indication that the nursing students who were self-disciplined and targeted were motivated by internal factors. This relationship was not found in the replies from the economics students. There was some difference between the two study specializations. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka förhållandet mellan akademisk motivation och personlighet hos studenter med olika studieinriktningar på en högskola i Mellansverige. Studien genomfördes på studenter från ekonom- och sjuksköterskeprogrammet som fick besvara en pappersenkät. Enkäten bestod av två delar, varav den första var ett TIPI-test som mätte personlighetsdimensioner med hjälp Big Five-teorin och den andra var ett AMS-test som mätte akademisk motivation. Totalt deltog 106 studenter i undersökningen, varav 50 från Ekonomprogrammet och 56 från Sjuksköterskeprogrammet. Huvudresultatet visade att det starkaste signifikant sambandet var mellan personlighetsdimensionen samvetsgrannhet och intern motivation. Detta samband visade sig helt bäras av sjuksköterskestudenternas svar, vilket gav en indikation på att de sjuksköterskestudenter som var självdisciplinerade och målinriktade motiverades av interna faktorer. Detta samband återfanns över huvudtaget inte hos ekonomstudenterna. Det förelåg en viss skillnad mellan de två olika studieinriktningarna.

Sales performance : A study of the correlation between personality traits and sales performance in the Swedish car dealership market.

Andersson, Johan, Carlson, Adam, Monié, Robert January 2015 (has links)
Background: When a company is employing new salespeople, much is expected from these. The company is hoping that the new candidate is going to perform well and contribute to the fullest. One of the big questions that the organization has to face is how to evaluate and sift through sales candidates in order to find the best suited one. Previous studies have shown to some extent that a person's personality can be connected to how well they are performing in different occupations. One commonly used framework for assessing personality is the Five Factor Model (FFM) which is able to account for different traits without overlapping. One way to assess a person's personality traits is by the use of the big five inventory questionnaire (BFI). Purpose: To describe if there is a correlation between personality traits and sales performance in the Swedish car dealership market.Method: The research was a quantitative study of two Swedish car dealerships, where 60 out of 72 employees at Hedin Bil & Holmgrens Bil answered the BFI questionnaire. The response rate was 83%. The survey was sent out by mail to the two companies whose responsible managers divided their sales staff in three different groups (good performing, average performing and bad performing) according to the company's organizational goals.Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that one of the hypotheses was supported and four rejected by the salespeople participating. The only hypothesis that was supported was that Neuroticism would correlate negatively with sales performance.

Extraversion & självkänsla : en studie på fasettnivå

Karlsson, Emma January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to increase our knowledge about the correlation between personality andself-esteem. A survey containing two instruments was spread through Facebook. The first instrument was a translation of Rosenberg's self-esteem scale (RSES; Rosenberg, 1965) that measured the degree of self-rated self-esteem. The second instrument was a self-formulated personality test that measured the degree of extraversion and every facet of this personality trait.The questions answered in this study are (1) if there is a correlation between self-esteem and extraversion, (2) how strong the correlations are between self-esteem and the individual facets of extraversion, (3) which facets that have a significant impact on self-esteem and lastly (4) how high the internal consistency of the instruments used in this study is. All data was processed in SPSS and to answer the questions correlation- and regression analyzes as well as Cronbach's alpha were used.The study reports two results - one that includes all questions in the survey and one that only includes questions that were considered to have high internal consistency according to Cronbach's alpha. Both results show a correlation between extraversion and self-esteem. The first result showsa correlation between self-esteem and the facets activity level, warmth, assertiveness and positivefeelings, but to different degrees. The second result shows a correlation between self-esteem and every facet. Both results show that the facets positive feelings and assertiveness significantly correlateswith self-esteem, but the second result shows that the activity level also significantly correlates withself-esteem. Both instruments showed high internal consistency measured with Cronbach's alpha. / Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen kring sambandet mellan personlighet och självkänsla.En enkät innehållande två instrument spreds via plattformen Facebook. Det första instrumentet var en översättning av Rosenbergs self-esteem scale (RSES; Rosenberg, 1965) som mätte graden av självskattad självkänsla. Andra instrumentet var ett egenformulerat personlighetstest som mätte graden av extraversion samt varje fasett inom denna personlighetsegenskap. De frågeställningar som besvaras i denna undersökning är (1) ifall det finns ett samband mellan självkänsla och extraversion,(2) hur starka sambanden är mellan självkänsla och de enskilda fasetterna inom extraversion, (3) vilka fasetter som har en betydelse för självkänsla samt (4) hur hög den interna konsistensen är hos de instrument som använts. All data behandlades i SPSS och för att besvara frågeställningarna användeskorrelations- och regressionsanalyser samt Cronbachs alfa. Studien redovisar två resultat - ett som inkluderar alla frågor i enkäten och ett som endast inkluderar de frågor som ansetts ha hög internkonsistens enligt Cronbachs alfa. Båda resultaten visar ett samband mellan extraversion och självkänsla. Första resultatet visar samband mellan självkänsla och fasetterna aktivitetsnivå, värme,bestämdhet och positiva känslor, men i olika hög grad. Andra resultatet visar samband mellan självkänsla och samtliga fasetter. Båda resultaten visar att fasetterna positiva känslor och bestämdhet har ett signifikant samband med självkänsla men andra resultatet visar även att aktivitetsnivån har ettsignifikant samband. Båda instrumenten visade hög intern konsistens mätt med Cronbachs alfa.


Nguyen, Daniel 01 May 2012 (has links)
Personality tests are often utilized in employment selection. Their wide use may be attributed to various studies which suggest that personality is related to job performance. Although personality is widely utilized in various assessment contexts including but not limited to personnel selection settings, both researcher and practitioners continue to criticize the use of measures due to faking behavior or response distortion. Furthermore, these criticisms are warranted because laboratory studies have consistently found that when instructed, respondents are able to alter their scores in order to appear more desirable. Additionally, there is also conforming evidence from field studies which suggest that 20 - 30% of real-world applicants fake in order to gain a competitive advantage in being hired. Faking studies generally define successful faking as the obtainment of the highest scores possible. This study used a recent and alternative conceptualization of successful faking. More specifically, faking is defined as successful if an applicant is able to match his or her responses on a personality test to the perception of what subject matter experts would consider critical traits for success to that job. Psychology and Business students were assigned to an `honest' or `faking' condition and asked to complete a personality test. Students in the honest condition were instructed to describe themselves honest, while students in the faking condition were instructed to describe themselves in the context of applying for a fictional customer service representative position. Additionally, all students completed a measure of emotional intelligence and cognitive ability. Subject matter experts were then surveyed on what they thought was the ideal characteristics for the fictitious position. This study found that business students who were given instructions to fake were able to fake better (obtain a greater match) than psychology students instructed to fake. Furthermore, individual characteristics such as job familiarity, cognitive ability, and emotional intelligence were examined in relation to faking success. Results indicated that only emotional intelligence was predictive of similarity. Moreover, the subscales of use of emotions and regulation of emotions were predicative of similarity. Finally, the limitations of the study and implications of results are presented and discussed further.

L'influence des traits de personnalité sur les attributs recherchés chez un employeur potentiel : Une étude comparative salariés / étudiants / The influence of personality traits on a potential employer's desired attributes : A comparative study of employees and students

Ghiffi-Enlinger, Hind 27 November 2017 (has links)
L’acquisition des meilleurs profils représente un enjeu stratégique et une source de compétitivité pour les organisations, lesquelles se sont intéressées de plus en plus au développement d’outils et de pratiques pour se différencier sur le marché du travail en tant qu’employeurs.En effet, des facteurs tels que l’innovation technologique, les restructurations, la démographie et les fusions ont contribué à l’accroissement de la demande en terme de compétences pointues et profils spécifiques. Plus que jamais, attirer et retenir les meilleurs talents sont devenus une priorité et une garantie de succès des organisations.Au niveau de la recherche académique, l'attractivité de l'employeur a été abordée sous plusieurs angles, notamment depuis le développement du concept de la marque employeur. Cependant, malgré la richesse des écris sur le sujet, nous constatons qu'il existe une lacune concernant l'étude des caractéristiques individuelles et leurs effets sur le choix des candidats potentiels des attributs attractifs qui constituent la marque employeur.La présente thèse étudie l’influence des traits de personnalité des candidats potentiels sur le choix des attributs de la marque employeur.Pour cela, une étude quantitative sur un échantillon de 1062 candidats potentiels (salariés et étudiants) a été réalisée. Elle met en évidence la relation entre les traits de personnalité des candidats potentiels et leur influence sur le choix des attributs recherchés chez un employeur et fait également ressortir également des différences entre les deux catégories de l’échantillon.D’un point de vue théorique, cette étude contribue à l’enrichissement de la recherche sur le concept de la marque employeur, puisqu’il n'existe pas d'études qui traitent le lien entre la personnalité des candidats potentiels et les attributs perçus comme attractifs chez un employeur.D’un point de vue managérial, elle permet aux organisations de comprendre les conséquences des attributs organisationnels affichés et les personnalités susceptibles d’êtres attirées et ainsi donner la possibilité aux praticiens d’ajuster et ou orienter le contenu de la marque employeur selon les traits de personnalité recherchés. / Hiring the best profiles has become a source of competitive advantage as well as a strategic challenge for most organizations today. It constitutes one of the salient tasks of human resources practitioners as far as recruitment is concerned.The current organizational changes triggered by globalization, innovation, demography, mergers and acquisitions and restructuring among other things have made it mandatory for corporations to attract and retain the best talents in order to secure the organization’s success.At the academic level, employer attractiveness, seeking to understand the work value preferences of current and/or future employees, has been tackled from different facets since the emergence of the Employer Branding concept. However, we have noted a scarcity in studies dealing with individual features characterizing the Employer Branding concept as a strategic tool of competitiveness in analyzing both the influence of personality traits for potential candidates and the preferred employer’s attributes.We have conducted a quantitative study based on a sample of 1062 (students and employees). It highlights three key points: Firstly the study sheds the light on the relationship between the candidates personality traits and the employer’s sought attributes. Secondly, it shows the influence of individual characteristics on the candidate’s choice and finally, it highlights the difference among different sample’s categories.From a theoretical point of view, the results derived from this study enrich our understanding of the employer branding by confirming the relationship between personality traits and organisational attributes.From a managerial point of view, the study reveals to practioners the importance of the communication about the components of the employer branding and the personality characteristics of the would-be potential candidates. It also paves the way for the employer to adjust or orient the contents of the employer branding according to personality traits sought by the organization.

Vztah koučování, self-efficacy, engagementu a osobnosti zaměstnanců maloobchodní společnosti / The relationship of coaching, self-efficacy, engagement and personality of employees in retail

Zvěřinová, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find a relationship between coaching, self-efficacy, employee engagement and personality traits according to the Big Five theory, that means openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. In the theoretical part, the thesis is devoted to measuring the effectiveness of coaching interventions, with a focus on finding connections with the concepts of self-efficacy, engagement and personality traits. The empirical part describes a quasi-experimental research verifying the assumption, that coaching had a significant impact on all monitored independent variables. The experimental group consisted of store managers of unnamed retail company, which were divided into experimental and control group. The experimental group attended six coaching sessions over six months, focusing on any topic related to their work life. The control group did not attend any coaching session. Both groups were tested at the beginning of the coaching program and afterwards. Respondents completed three questionnaires - General Self-Efficacy Scale, Gallup Q12 questionnaire for engagement and NEO five-factor personality inventory. Based on the collected data and statistical analysis, a statistically significant difference was found between the pretest and posttest...

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