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Självskattad arbetsmotivation och personlighet : En enkätstudie utifrån Self-determination theory och The Big Five / Self-estimated work motivation and personality : A questionnaire study based on Self-determination theory and The Big FiveJosefsson, Nathalie, Ålund, Ronja January 2024 (has links)
Forskning har visat att personlighet och arbetsmotivation påverkar hur individer agerar och presterar på arbetet (Judge & Ilies, 2002). Genom att generera en förståelse för hur dessa faktorer samverkar med varandra kan organisationer skapa en arbetsmiljö som främjar både individens och organisationens framgång. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka sambandet mellan personlighetsdragen i The Big Five och självskattad arbetsmotivation, med utgångspunkt i Self-determination theory samt att identifiera variationer i arbetsmotivationen relaterat till kön,ålder och tid i arbetslivet. Den första hypotesen var att det skulle finnas en positiv korrelation mellan yttre motivation och personlighetsdragen neuroticism och extraversion. Den andra hypotesen berörde korrelationen mellan inre motivation och följande personlighetsdrag:öppenhet, samvetsgrannhet, vänlighet, samt extraversion. Metoden som användes var en enkätundersökning, bestående av två validerade mätinstrument. Dessa var Ten Item Personality Inventory för att mäta personlighet, samt Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale för att mäta arbetsmotivation. 167 svar inkom, varav 160 användbara, 118 (73,7 %) var kvinnor och 42 (26,3%) män. Resultatet visade att samtliga regleringstyper för arbetsmotivation korrelerade signifikant med något av de fem personlighetsdragen. Det fanns en korrelation mellan neuroticism och fyra regleringstyper. Samvetsgrannhet korrelerade positivt med identifierad reglering. Öppenhet visade positiva samband med både intern och introjicerad reglering.Slutligen korrelerade extraversion positivt med samtliga regleringstyper utom extern. Analys av arbetsmotivation i förhållande till deltagarnas ålder visade att deltagare i ålderskategorin 41-70 år i högre grad motiveras av intern reglering, jämfört med ålderskategorin 18-30 som motiveras av extern reglering. Resultatet visade även skillnader på antal år i arbetslivet och vilken typ av reglering som styr ens motivation. / Research has shown that personality and work motivation affect how individuals act and perform at work (Judge & Ilies, 2002). By generating an understanding of how these factors interact with each other, organizations can create work environments that promote individual as well as organizational success. The aim of this study was therefore to examine the relationship between personality traits in The Big Five and self-estimated work motivation, based on self-determination theory and if there were any variations in work motivation depending on gender, age and number of years in working life. The first hypothesis was that there would be a positive correlation between extrinsic motivation and the personality traits neuroticism and extraversion. The second hypothesis concerned the correlation between intrinsic motivation and the following personality traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, agreeableness and extraversion. The method of choice was a survey consisting of two validated measuring instruments. These were the Ten Item Personality Inventory to measure personality, and the Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale to measure work motivation. We received 167 responses, of which 160 were useful. 118 (73,7 %)were women and 42 (26,3 %) were men. Results showed that all regulation types for work motivation correlated significantly with at least one personality trait. There was a correlation between neuroticism and four regulation types. Conscientiousness correlated positively with identified regulation. Openness to experience showed positive correlations with both intrinsic and introjected regulation. Finally, there was positive correlation between extraversion and all regulation types except for external regulation. Analysis of work motivation in relation to the age of the participants showed that participants in the age category 41-70 years were motivated to a greater extent by intrinsic regulation, compared to the age category 18-30 who were motivated by external regulation. Results also showed differences in the number of years in working life and which type of regulation that control one’s motivation.
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Personlighet hos ultralöpare och cyklister : En jämförande studie av the Big Five hos deltagare i Ultravasan och Cykelvasan 2015 / Personality in ultra runners and cyclists : A comparative study of the Big Five among participants in Ultravasan and CykelvasanBröms, Emelie, Hultenmo, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Allt fler människor deltar i lopp som sträcker sig över långa distanser. Denna studies syftevar att undersöka om dessa människors personligheter skiljer sig åt beroende på vilkengren de deltar i, och i så fall på vilket sätt. Med utgångspunkt i femfaktorteorin (Big Five)och med hjälp av ett självskattningsformulär, Revised NEO Personality Inventory, undersöktesoch jämfördes 214 löpare i Ultravasan 2015 och 145 cyklister i Cykelvasan 2015.Frågeställningen som föranledde arbetet var ifall löparnas personlighet skiljer sig från cyklisternas.Resultaten visade att löpare har en högre grad öppenhet i jämförelse med cyklisterna.Löparna hade även en lägre grad av extraversion i förhållande till cyklisterna,en skillnad som var statistiskt signifikant. Generellt sett visade resultaten små skillnadermellan löpare och cyklister. / More people than ever participate in long distance races and the purpose of this study wasto investigate the personality of these individuals. We had 214 Ultravasan runners and145 Cykelvasan cyclists complete the Revised NEO Personality Inventory test, to assesstheir personality based on the Big Five. The main question was whether the personality ofthe runners would differ from the cyclists’.Results showed that runners scored higher on openness compared to the cyclists.Furthermore, runners were significantly less extrovert than the cyclists. Generally however,the results showed minor differences in personality between the two groups.
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The Relationship Between the Big Five Personality Traits and Authentic LeadershipBaptiste, Bronti 01 January 2018 (has links)
Effective leadership, ethical leadership, and leadership emergence have been extensively researched, but there remains a lack of research on the relationship between the big 5 personality traits and authentic leadership. This quantitative study was based on the empirical principles of the big 5 model and guided by the big 5 theory. In addition, this research asked if there was a relationship between the big 5 model and authentic leadership, and which combination of the 5 personality traits best predict authentic leadership. Fifty-five adult participants, employed in various corporations, were recruited from a convenience sample. They rated their leaders by completing an Authentic Leadership Questionnaire, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory-3, and a demographic questionnaire. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analyses and the results showed that the big 5 personality model explained 46.9% of the variance (F (5, 49) = 8.65, p < .001. Conscientiousness positively (β = 0.40, p = .003) correlated with authentic leadership while neuroticism was inversely (β = -0.04, p = .046) correlated. These 2 traits best predicted authentic leadership and provided the strongest correlation. Extraversion (β = -.04, p = .739) and openness-to-experience (β = .25, p = .080) were non-significant traits. In the Pearson Correlation analysis, agreeableness had a weak inverse correlation with authentic leadership, (r (53) = -0.30, p = .027), and contributed 8.9% of the variance in predicting authentic leadership. Conscientious leaders with low level of neuroticism, who practice authentic leadership, will bring about positive social change by reducing unethical practices, improving communication with employers, employees, and consumers, and improving employee morale.
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Röda och blåa politiker- En studie om ungdomspolitikers personlighet / Red and blue politicians- A study of the personality of youth politiciansSadiku, Albert, Wernersson, Oskar January 2022 (has links)
Det svenska partisystemet är relativt unikt till följd av att det har en tydlig endimensionell struktur. Internationell forskning har visat på samband mellan personlighetsfaktorer och politisk hemvist. Mest framträdande är kopplingen mellan öppenhet och vänstersympatier, samt samvetsgrannhet och högersympatier. Det förefaller även som att politiker skiljer sig från den genomsnittlige väljaren när det gäller framför allt extraversion, samvetsgrannhet och öppenhet. I en svensk kontext är forskningen mer begränsad och således finns ett behov av att nyansera bilden. För att undersöka dessa samband hos ungdomspolitiker i Sveriges största politiska ungdomsförbund, SSU och MUF, genomfördes en enkätundersökning baserad på BFI-44 med N = 161. Ett nationellt representativt stickprov om N = 1524 som genomfört BFI-10 i samband med en undersökning av SOM-institutet fick representera den genomsnittlige väljaren. För att testa hypoteserna genomfördes ett flertal independent samples t-test. Resultaten indikerade att ungdomspolitiker i SSU inte var mer öppna än ungdomspolitiker i MUF (d = 0.062) och att ungdomspolitiker i MUF var signifikant mer samvetsgranna än deras motparter i SSU (d = -0.28). Ungdomspolitiker i SSU visade signifikant högre resultat på neuroticism (d = 0.52) och ungdomspolitikerna som grupp var mer extroverta (d = 0.22) och öppna (d = 0.27) än den genomsnittlige väljaren. Resultaten låg i stora drag i linje med tidigare forskning. Några av avvikelserna gick inte att underbygga teoretiskt, men spekulerades kunna kopplas till den unika svenska politiska kontexten. Vidare spekulerar vi kring sambanden mellan personlighetsdrag och politisk preferens mot bakgrund av studiens resultat. / The Swedish political party system is relatively unique because of its clear one-dimensional structure. International research has shown a connection between personality characteristics and political affiliation. The connection that stands out is that between openness and left sympathies and conscientiousness and right sympathies. It also appears that politicians diverge from the average voter when it comes to extraversion, conscientiousness and openness. In a Swedish context the research is more limited and therefore there is a need to add nuance. To explore these relationships a survey based on BFI-44 was conducted with N = 161. A nationally representative sample of N = 1524 that had conducted BFI-10 as part of a survey by the SOM-insitute got to represent the average voter. To test the hypotheses a multitude of independent samples t-tests was conducted. The results indicated that the youth politicians of SSU were not more open than the youth politicians of MUF (d = 0.062), and that youth politicians of MUF were significantly more conscientious than their counterparts in SSU (d = -0.28). Youth politicians of SSU registered a significantly higher score for neuroticism (d = 0.52) and the youth politicians as a group were more extroverted (d = 0.22) and open (d = 0.27) than the average voter. The results were largely in line with earlier research. Some of the deviations couldn’t be supported from a theoretical perspective but was speculated to have a connection to the unique Swedish political context. Furthermore, we speculate about the connection between personality characteristics and political preference considering the results of this study.
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Generalized Identification : Individuals’ levels of identification with groups and its relation to personalityManninen, Elina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates a newly developed term coined by the author called generalized identification, which is the tendency that people who identify high with one group tend to identify high with other groups as well, and how personality variables from the Five-Factor model may relate to this tendency. A common component of identification towards 10 preselected groups was calculated (N = 148), with a principal component analysis. The result reveal that the generalized identification account for 41 % of the total variance. A stepwise multiple regression analysis further showed that Openness to Experience and Agreeableness from the Five-Factor model explained 26 % of the variance in the generalized identification. However, due to low reliability when measuring personality traits, the relationship between personality and generalized identification could not be interpreted in a satisfying way, and it needs to be further explored before drawing firm conclusions.
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Winegrowers’ motives and barriers to convert to organic farming in Pfalz and Rheinhessen, GermanySiepmann, Laura January 2016 (has links)
Agricultural practices play a crucial role when discussing sustainable development in the world. Organic farming is a possibility to increase the overall sustainability, because it balances the environmental, economic, social and productive spheres better than conventional farming. Thus, Germany strives to have 20 % of the agricultural land organically certified. However, with current organic farmland at 6.2 %, the goal is far from being reached and conversion rates are slowing down, whereas organic viticulture indicates more successful conversion rates. Thus, the objective of this study is to investigate which motives and barriers wine farmers in Pfalz and Rheinhessen, Germany, have to convert to organic farming. Furthermore, it is explored which role one of the world’s biggest retailers, Systembolaget, plays in the decision process to produce organically or not. The study was carried out reviewing literature and through a questionnaire and interviews with, in both cases, eight farmers from the regions of which four were certified organic and four were conventional farmers. Moreover, the five capitals framework, which attempts to assess livelihood strategies, was applied to analyze findings. Results indicate that most motives for organic farming identified in the literature could be placed in the financial, social and human capital, whereas the questionnaire and interviews found as many categories in the natural capital. Barriers to convert to organic farming were most frequent in the natural and physical capital both in the literature and the empirics. However, the findings suggest that a focus lies on the financial and human capital, in which the economic situation and the ideology of a farmer played a crucial role in the decision process. Systembolaget plays a supporting role in the conversion to organic farming, but it is not the driving factor in a conversion process. The findings indicate that policy could consider revising financial support schemes, address ideological barriers against organic farming and decide on the use of copper. Moreover, the organic label as marketing tool could be stressed and the influence of the private sector could be acknowledged in order to reach the organic farmland goal of Germany.
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A critical study of the Five Dynasties poetry羅婉薇, Law, Yuen-mei, Vicky. January 2002 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Chinese / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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A formal analysis of the regular scripts by the calligrapher Ouyang Xun (557-641)Lee, Kean Yau., 李乾耀. January 2009 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Chinese / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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COMPARING PERSONALITY DISORDER MODELS: FFM AND DSM-IV-TRSamuel, Douglas B. 01 January 2008 (has links)
The current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000) defines personality disorders as categorical entities that are distinct from themselves and from normal personality traits. However, many scientists now believe that personality disorders can best be conceptualized using a dimensional model of traits that span normal and abnormal personality, such as the Five-Factor Model (FFM). Many research studies have indicated that the current personality disorder system can be adequately conceptualized using the FFM. However, if the FFM or any dimensional model is to be considered as a credible alternative to the current model, it must first demonstrate an increment in the validity of the assessment offered within a clinical setting. Thus, the current study extended previous research by comparing the convergent and discriminant validity of the current DSM-IV-TR model to the FFM across four assessment methodologies. Eighty-eight individuals that were currently receiving ongoing psychotherapy were assessed for the FFM and the DSM-IV-TR personality disorders using self-report, informant report, structured interview, and therapist ratings. The results indicated that the FFM had an appreciable advantage over the DSM-IV-TR in terms of discriminant validity and, at the domain level, convergent validity. Implications of the findings for future research are discussed.
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Psychopathy is associated with several behavioral and psychophysiological deficits. Lynam (2002) has argued that the use of an overarching conceptualization of psychopathy can provide a parsimonious explanation of psychopathic pathology. The current study examined relations between tasks used to explore psychopathic pathology and dimensions from the Five Factor Model of personality. Undergraduate participants completed the NEO PI-R, the BART, a go/no-go task, an emotional morph task, and provided physiological responses to stimuli. While hypothesized relations to FFM psychopathy composites were generally unsupported, other interesting relations to traits were identified. Results indicated that hypoarousal to negative stimuli was negatively related to pan-impulsivity. Maladaptive risk taking was positively related to panimpulsivity and high self-directed negative affect. Response modulation deficits were negatively related to pan-impulsivity, low self-directed negative affect, and facets of openness. Deficits in empathic responding were positively related to other-directed negative affect and self-directed negative affect, and negatively related to pan-impulsivity and interpersonal assertiveness. Although it remains unclear whether the failure to support hypotheses was related to the study variables or population, results indicate that the FFM can provide additional information with regard to what deficit tasks assess.
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