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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Study of Consumer’s Post-Purchase Evaluation toward Brand Equity of Five Stars Hotels in Thailand

Dejsiriphun, Chonnikarn, Suviratvithayakit, Kritsana January 2011 (has links)
Date: May 30, 2011 Program: MIMA- International Marketing Course Name: Master Thesis (EFO705) Title: The Study of Consumer’s Post-Purchase Evaluation toward Brand Equity of Five Stars Hotels in Thailand Research Problem: What are the characteristics of brand equity of five star luxury hotels in Thailand and which components of brand equity are the majority concerns from customers’ evaluation? Purpose: The study aims to investigate and analyze the interrelationship of brand equity of five stars hotels in Bangkok, Thailand and post-purchase evaluation in order to provide valuable information on how five stars luxury hotels in Thailand can successfully and appropriately exploit the hotel brand equity so as to create the branding strategy and to create a competitive advantage in the long run. Method: Qualitative approach was used to observe the data in the form of content analysis. While, the quantitative approach is employed in order to summarize the finding result. The data collection, the secondary source is the heart of this research such as hotel reviews, brand equity books and related articles. Conclusion: The empirical findings from hotel guest’s post-purchase evaluation reveal the most significant components of brand equity for five stars Thai hotel industry which are perceived quality and brand loyalty. Whereas, brand awareness and brand association are considered the least significant of all brand equity components from customer’s perception. Keywords: Brand equity, Brand loyalty, Brand awareness, Perceived quality, Brand association, Five Stars Hotel in Thailand, Thai Hotels Industry

Big Five dimensionerna möter arbetstillfredsställelse

Asmar, Nadin, Kallestad, Tommy January 2011 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har gett stöd för att personlighet påverkar arbetstillfredsställelse, och i denna studie undersöks om detta även gäller inom socialpsykiatrin i Eskilstuna. Syftet med studien var att undersöka samband och varians mellan olika personlighetsdimensioner och arbetstillfredsställelse. Big Five personlighetsdimensionerna mättes med Shafers personality scale och arbetstillfredsställelse med Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, och dessa mätningar skedde genom en enkätundersökning. De 78 deltagarna i denna studie var personal inom socialpsykiatrin, varav 23 var män. Resultaten redovisades genom Pearsons korrelationer och en hierarkisk regressionsanalys som visade att det fanns samband mellan vissa av Big Five dimensionerna och arbetstillfredsställelsefaktorerna. Detta stämmer även överens med tidigare forskning inom ämnet men däremot blev det inget signifikant resultat för hur stor del av variansen som berodde på personlighetsdimensionerna. Denna studie bidrar med att undersöka hur personligheten hos en outforskad yrkesgrupp är relaterat till hur de trivs på sitt arbete.

Kriminalvårdares och polisers syn på intagna i anstalt : en studie i attityd och personlighet

Andersson, Jessica, Färdigh, Andreas January 2011 (has links)
Attityder påverkar vår informationshantering, vårt omdöme och vårt beteende. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om fenomenet skiljer sig mellan olika grupper och om det har att göra med personlighet. 120 personer ur grupperna poliser, kriminalvårdare och en kontrollgrupp undersöktes avseende attityder till intagna och Big Five teorins personlighetsdimensioner. En one-way ANOVA visade inga signifikanta skillnader mellan grupperna. Två-vägs variansanalyser användes för att undersöka eventuella huvudeffekter och interaktionseffekter med hög respektive låg grad av samtliga personlighetsdimensioner samt variablerna anställning (kriminalvårdare, poliser och kontrollgrupp) och attityd till intagna. Inga signifikanta resultat påträffades.

Personlighetstestning som metod vid rekrytering

Dalmo, Helena, Heimer, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ studie som  kartlägger synen på personlighet inom sex olika företag inom rekryteringsbranschen. Studien beskriver hur och i vilket syfte personlighetstester används samt vilken betydelse de har i rekryteringsprocessen för chefsrekryteringar. Utifrån denns studie kan vi kunde vi att personlighetstester används för att kartlägga personligheten i syfte att göra en matchning med kravprofilen för att se om personen har de kvaliteter som önskas i ett rekryteringssammanhang. Vi fann dock en tveksamhet inför att vilja uttrycka personlighetstesters tyngd i urvalet. Vi kom också fram till att informanterna hade delade meningar om huruvida det är den objektiva eller den subjektiva bilden av personen som är av värde för att prognostisera framtida beteenden. Utifrån denna diskurs ställer vi oss undrande till om det är kandidatens självuppskattade bild eller omgivningens uppfattning som borde vara mest relevant för en lyckad rekrytering. Vidare fann vi att intervjuer enligt de flesta av våra informanterna har större betydelse för det slutgiltiga urvalet i rekryteringsprocessen än personlighetstester. Vad som dock är intressant att påpeka är att testresultatet ligger till grund för vad som diskuteras under intervjun och på så vis får en styrande funktion.

En relation mellan The Big Five och Health Locus of Control?

Åstedt, Eric, Mörck, Robin January 2007 (has links)
Denna studie undersökte relationen mellan karaktärsdragen i The Big Five och Health Locus of Control (HLC). Testen NEO-FFI och MHLC användes för att mäta karaktärsdragen och dimensionerna i HLC. 130 studenter vid Växjö universitet deltog i studien. Resultatet visade en relation mellan Conscientiousness och dimensionen Intern HLC. Extraversion hade en något svagare relation till IHLC. Studenter med en högre grad av Conscientiousness eller Extraversion hade generellt en högre grad av IHLC. Neuroticism hade en relation till dimensionen Powerful others (PHLC). Studenterna med en högre grad Neuroticism hade också i allmänhet en högre grad av PHLC. De funna relationerna kan tyda på att karaktärsdragen tillsammans med HLC möjligen kan påverka faktorer som inverkar på hälsan.

Hur mycket predicerar biopsykosociala faktorer alkoholkonsumtionen i förhållande till BMI hos studenter?

Andersson, Daniel, Nilsson, Conny January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka hur mycket av alkoholkonsumtionen hos stu-denter som kan prediceras genom biologiska (BMI, ålder och kön), psykologiska (Lo-cus of Control och The Big Five Personality Theory) samt sociala (alkoholvanor i familjen och anledningar till alkoholkonsumtion) faktorer. Vi har valt att undersöka varje individs alkoholkonsumtion i förhållande till BMI och därefter se hur mycket av variansen som kan prediceras av de variabler vi undersökt. Vårt urval bestod av gym-nasieelever och universitetsstudenter i Växjö. Sammanlagt ingick 201 personer i un-dersökningen, 107 män och 94 kvinnor. Vi använde oss av en enkät för insamling av vår data. Vi gjorde en multipel regressions analys som visade att alkoholkonsumtion kan prediceras till 34,3% av de prediktorer vi använt oss av. De biologiska faktorerna predicerade enskild sammanlagt 13,1% av konsumtionen, de psykologiska faktorerna 13,3% och de sociala faktorerna 7,9% av alkoholkonsumtionen i vårt urval. Studiens syfte ämnar belysa en del av de faktorer som påverkar en individs alkoholkonsumtion, för att skapa en djupare förståelse av alkoholmönster hos studenter. / The purpose of this study was to investigate to what extent alcohol consumption among students is predicted by biological (BMI, age and gender), psychological (Lo-cus of Control and The Big Five Theory) and social (drinking habits within the family and reasons for alcohol consumption) factors. We have chosen to investigate each respondent’s alcohol consumption in relation to BMI and then see to what extent the variance can be predicted by the variables we have investigated. Our selection con-sists of upper secondary school students and university students in Växjö. A total of 201 persons participated in the inquiry, of whom 107 were men and 94 were women. The data was collected by means of a questionnaire. We conducted a multiple regres-sion analysis which showed alcohol consumption can be predicted to 34.3% by the variables in this study. In our selection the biological factors alone predicted 13.1% of the alcohol consumption, the psychological factors 13.3% and the social factors 7.9%. This study seeks to highlight some of the factors that affect an individual’s consump-tion of alcohol, this in order to create a deeper understanding concerning alcohol pat-terns among students.

The Relationship between of the Name and the Content of Chis¡XThe Investigation of The initial of Rhythm

Chang, Pai-Hung 08 February 2010 (has links)
The poetry of Tang, and the chis of Song are both the greatest literary styles in Chinese literature. Chis was widespread in Tang Dynasty, Five Dynasty and Ten-Kindom preiod, and Song Dynasty. During these periods, the names of chis had been changed and the amount had enlarged as well. Some of chis were used quite often and became the top ten songs. However; some of them only used few times, then disappeared. From those chis, the rise and fall of the dynasties, the news of societies and their cultural orientation were revealed. The relationship of the tune and the content of chis was the source of the authors¡¦ inspiration. Therefore, the relationship of the tune and the content of chis is important. To be the researcher of chis, it is necessary to realize the origin of chis and make a thorough understanding of them. So as to the study of chis. In the dissertation, the researcher started from quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as counted the number of tunes, sorted by ¡§the rules of chis¡¨ of¸U¾ð (Qing Dynasty) and 838 tunes of chis. It was concluded that the authors of chis in Tang Dynasty, Five-Dynasty and Ten-Kindom period and Song Dynasty often used traditional culture and folk tales as metaphor and construct the principles of chis. This dessertation was divided into six parts. Except of introduction and conclusion, there are four chapters which contain one dynasty respectively. Tang Dynasty, Five-Dynasty and Ten-Kindom preiod, and Song Dynasty, were three important periods when chis emerged, expand and mature. The development of chis was discussed in chapter two, three, and four, respectively. By studying initial chis of the authors in these three periods, the relationship of the tune and the content of chis was concluded in chapter five, which is the major point of this dessertation. Hopefully, the relationship among the different authors, various places, and dynasties could be revealed. Therefore, to study ¡§ how did the people at that time handle the tune of chis?¡¨ is very important. The authors of the tonal pattern and rhyme scheme was the tune of chis, which was formed in the court music of Sui Dynasty. In Five-Dynasty and Ten-Kindom preiod, court music, foreign music and folk music combined into chis. This new literature style described the happiness or sadness of the people at that time and sutisfied their emotional needs. The conclusions of this dessertation 1.The relationship of the tune and the content of chis is determined. 2.The tune of chis is related to its content when it initialed. However, the tune and its content were enlarged and changed in Song Dynasty. 3.The sentences in chis were similar to those in poetry. The intertextuality might deserve to be discussed in further study.

Research of the Taiwanese businessman three places across two shore OBU financing Take the S bank as the example

Huang, Yuan-ching 09 June 2010 (has links)
ABSTRACT In the past decades, the investment of Taiwan enterprises in mainland China, cross-strait trade and banking intercourse were required in indirect ways in view of economic security by the government due to the special political cross-strait relationship, which was the reason that the government could not get over exact amount of capital flowing into mainland China precisely. On the other hand, because of the various constraints on investment in mainland China, some companies transfer capital to mainland through various circuitous channels for the reasons of more flexible operations and avoiding government¡¦s regulations, which makes the cross-strait capital flow more complicated. No matter how cross-strait political situation goes, mutual business relationship is getting prosperous, we can tell from the fast growth of investment in mainland China, where is still the first choice to transplant for Taiwan's industrialists. Comparing y2000 and 2008¡¦s prime index statistics of cross-strait business collected from Mainland Affairs Council and Ministry of Economic affairs, the total volume of cross-strait trade (including Hong Kong) increased from US dollar 31.24 billion up to 105.37 billion that represented 3.4 times¡¦ growth; Taiwan¡¦s trade surplus against Mainland China was US dollar 18.78 billion increasing to 42.58 billion that represented 2.3 times¡¦ growth; Taiwan¡¦s export volume to mainland China (including Hong Kong) took 24.4% of total export volume in 2000 and then the percentage grew up to 38.5% in 2008, it was 1.6 times¡¦ expansion; the investment amount in mainland China was increased by 4.1 times from US dollar 2.607 billion to 10.61billion; the investment in mainland China took 33.9% of total outward investment in 2000 and then it grew up to 57.1% in 2008, it was 1.7 time¡¦s growth. Based upon the phenomenon the said statistics revealed, this study conducts deeper analysis in a practical way in capital flow across strait for solving investors¡¦ problems of fund raising and financial operation especially in the financial cash flow issues derived by trade, it tries to give financial layout advices for those who invested in mainland China or traded across strait. This study conducts analysis with SWOT and Porter¡¦s five forces model for reviewing an enterprise¡¦s Strength, Weakness, industrial¡¦s Opportunities and Threats from competitor it confronts. This study analyses chosen subject¡¦s (bank) strength and opportunities with SWOT model. Porter¡¦s five forces model is conducted for stress analysis on five kinds of impact on enterprises¡¦ operation. From conducting analysis on chosen subject, we discover that Porter¡¦s five forces model is interesting because it can spread and extend. For example, from the aspect of cooperation (ex strategic alliance) instead of competition, a lot of cooperative opportunities may emerge among the global competitive banking institutes. In the other way, verifying chosen bank through Porter¡¦s five forces model can also apply to discuss the issues of vertical and horizontal integration of banking industry. An analysis through this model concludes that applying offshore banking financing is the most favorable to enterprises and their operation flexibility. Banking industry in Taiwan will ultimately face the impact of competition from mainland China¡¦s banks after the MOU is signed. No matter being the banks¡¦ share holders in mainland China¡¦s banks, or setting up branches there directly, all banks include ones from Taiwan or cross nation banks cannot compete with the top four big state-run banks in mainland China according the conclusion of this study. This study tries to offer proper advices to the banks in Taiwan for making good operation strategies.

A Study of Legal System of Christian House Church Management in Mainland China

Jheng, Jhong-fu 16 August 2010 (has links)
After the open-door policy, those nearly disappeared religions during the Cultural Revolution were arising again in mainland China. Chinese communist government, at the same time, proposed the religious policy, amended the Constitution to make the freedom of religious belief into the Constitution, and enacted the religious regulations. However, Christian house churches were often persecuted by Chinese communist government with illegal reasons. The goal of religious legal system is to achieve the freedom of religious belief, so, why did the religious persecution continue happening in China? Does the legal system need to be amended? That¡¦s the background of this research. This research uses the five major frameworks of administrative law, which includes administrative principles, administrative organization, limitation of administrative power, administrative remedy, and administrative supervision, to exam the operation of the legal system of the Christian house church management in China. Both document analysis and historical narration are the main research method to figure out what are Chinese communist government¡¦s considerations about ruling house church and what are house church¡¦s claims and requests toward the government. As a result, according to the five major frameworks of administrative law whether there are any improvements on¡§the legal system of Christian house church management in mainland China¡¨, and also to provide suggestions to achieve the goal that is protecting the freedom of religious belief and maintain the order of management at the same time. In this research through the five major frameworks of administrative law, the Chinese coummnist government insists the religious organizations must obey the Chinese communist party and the government, which is the base of proceeding religious government and legislation. As a result, only the patriotic religious organizations are legal; the rights of governmental supervision are too strong; the freedom of religious belief was restricted. Christian house church insists the freedom of religious belief should not be interfered by politics. This has made the house churches illegal, and enforces a ban of house churches. The Chinese communist government and Christian house churches had been lacking of communication for a long time, and the government strictly monitors religious organizations. In responding to the external pressure, the house churches developed certain ways to survive that made it even more difficult for the government to manage. This situation highlighted the recent legal system of religious management unsuitable for the house churches. The Chinese communist government should re-exam their policy on house church management, readjust policy thoughts and amending the legal system, and ensure protection of the freedom of religious belief.

The competition strategy research of Taiwan cloud computing industry

Lin, Yi-Chun 16 August 2010 (has links)
To say cloud computing is a brand new technology or industry development trend, I would prefer to say Cloud computer is the result of commercial business model revolution. The growth of Global information technology industry in recent years have been exhausted, the PC industry in the past, Intel and Microsoft, the Wintel architecture, across the world which exclusive more than 80% of market share. Each year the new products launches, all consumers must pay the bill without exception! However, when Microsoft introduced the new Vista operating system, the sales doesn¡¦t pan out as expectation. The consumers finally decide to penalize steadily increasing selling price. Meanwhile Intel also takes action to provide low-cost processor solutions to response to market needs and rescue declining rate of the market share. When global network coverage gets matured, the era of high-speed network is coming and human life will make a significant change because the business opportunities occur from the Internet. From the message propagation, interpersonal interaction and even food and lifestyle all hook up with the network; this huge business opportunity happens and it is appetizing! In recent years, ¡§Service" becomes the central idea of industry reconstruction. Cloud computing in fact is to serve as a starting point and the resulting value. "Cloud computing" has no "unified" specifications or definition right now, this study attempts to present to a limited data collected and discussed, with five force analysis, competitive analysis, management theory, explained the future of "possible" to become a huge business opportunity for the industry, and the feasibility to Taiwan in the light of the direction. The conclusions of this study are summarized as below: (1)Cloud computing has large business opportunity in the future (2)Taiwan Cloud computing businees opportunity can have 2 portions: one for hardware adding value, another for product reasearch (3)Taiwan has advantage to work with China for Cloud computing market (4)Taiwan government Cloud computing policy can study from Japan or Korea (5)Taiwan government Cloud computing policy can be a favor for local market

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