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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da resitência à flexão, dureza e grau de conversão de compósitos para a técnica indireta em função da cor\" / Evaluation of resistance to bending, hardness, degree of conversion of composites for The technique indirect depending on color

Luciane de Lima Franco 01 December 2005 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a resistência à flexão, microdureza e grau de conversão de 9 resinas compostas para uso indireto: Solidex (Sl), Epricord (Ep), Belleglass (Be), Signum (Sg), Sinfony (Sy), Tescera (Te), Cristobal (Cr), Targis (Ta) e Adoro (Ad); e uma resina para uso direto como controle, Esthet X (Et), em função da cor: esmalte (E), dentina (D) e translúcido (T). O teste de resistência à flexão (n=15) obedeceu ao método dos três pontos (Kratos) e, após a obtenção dos valores de carga, os corpos de prova fraturados eram posicionados em fita matriz de poliéster e fixados com resina quimicamente polimerizável (Adaptic) no paralelômetro. Em seguida, os corpos de prova eram levados ao microdurômetro (Shimadzu), para obtenção dos valores de microdureza Knoop (n=15), através da aplicação de uma carga de 50gramas por 30 segundos. Para o grau de conversão (n=3), os corpos eram construídos na mesma matriz usada para resistência à flexão, e posicionados em frente ao feixe de infravermelho do espectrofotômetro Raman (Bruker RFS 100/S - 64 scans) para leitura do grau de conversão. A análise de Variância e teste de Tukey foram usados para tratamento dos dados obtidos. A partir dos resultados, chegou-se às seguintes conclusões: 1. Resistência à flexão: O ranqueamento variou em função da cor e as resinas Cr, Sy, Be e Ta tiveram valores de resistência flexural estatisticamente superiores aos dos outros materiais. Os piores materiais foram o Ep, Sg e Sl. A cor não mostrou diferenças significantes (p=12), mas a interação (p<0,0001) e o material (p<0,0001) mostraram. Dois grupos intermediários entre estes foram encontrados. Um deles com valores muito próximos ao grupo com maiores médias de resistência flexural, os quais se encontram os materiais, Et e Te e, um terceiro grupo foi composto pelo material Ad. 2. Microdureza: As resinas Te > Cr > Be > Et, se destacaram com os maiores valores de dureza, (em ordem decrescente de valores de dureza, e com diferenças significantes entre elas). Os piores valores foram obtidos por Ad e Sy com diferenças significantes entre eles. Ep, Sg, Sl e Ta constituíram um grupo com valores intermediários. Portanto, o material (p<0,0001) e a interação (p<0,0001), obtiveram diferenças significantes. Em relação à cor (p<0,0002), a cor indicada para esmalte apresentou valores estatisticamente inferiores do que dentina e translúcido, e deve ser atribuída aos baixos valores em esmalte, em relação a outras cores do material Te. 3. Grau de conversão: Os maiores valores foram obtidos pelo material Te > Be > e = Cr > ou = Sy = Ad. Os materiais Ep e Ta apresentaram valores de grau de conversão logo abaixo destes materiais, e os piores valores de grau de conversão foram mensurados nos materiais Sg, Et e Sl, com diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre eles. Em relação à cor (p<0,0001), a cor indicada como translúcido apresentou valores estatisticamente superiores aos das duas outras cores. Estes resultados são devido aos altos valores apresentados pelos materiais Sy e Ep. Também tiveram valores significantemente diferentes o material (p<0,001) e a interação (p<0,0001). / Objectives: To characterize nine laboratory-processed composite systems (Adoro [Ad], Belleglass [Be], Cristobal [Cr], Epricord [Ep], Sinfony [Sy], Signum [Sg], Solidex [Si], Targis [Ta] andTescera [Te], ) and one composite for direct placement (Esthet-X [Et]) in terms of particle-size distribution and to compare the flexural strength (FS), Knoop hardness (KH) and degree of conversion (DC) of these composites. Materials and methods: Approximately 5 g of composite paste were dissolved in acetone pro analysi, mixed and centrifuged for 30 min at 3000 rpm. The remaining filler particles were dried (37 °C/12 h) and ultrasonically agitated. A computer-controlled apparatus using laser-diffraction technology was used to determine particle size distribution. Specimens (10 x 2 x 1 mm) were fractured with a 3-point bending test (n=15). KH was measured on fragments obtained after the flexural test (25g/30s). Raman spectra of both unpolymerized and polymerized resins were measured at room temperature in the backscattering geometry using the FT-Raman spectrometer. FS, KH and DC data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA and Tukey\'s post-hoc test (?=0.05). Results: The range of particle sizes was dramatically different for each composite. The composite Et showed the narrowest range of particle size while Sg showed the widest range. The highest DC means were observed for Te, Be and Cr. The lowest means were observed for Sg, Et and Si. Cr, Sy and Ta showed the highest FS values, while Ep, Sg and Si showed the lowest FS values. Te, Cr, Be and Et showed the highest KH means, while Ad and Sy the lowest. Conclusions: The composites Te, Cr and Be showed the best performance in all methods evaluated. On the other hand, the indirect composites Ep, Sg and Si demonstrated the worst performance.

Caracterização térmica, grau de conversão, resistência à flexão e dureza de compósitos comerciais tratados termicamente / Thermal characterization, degree of conversion, flexural strength and Knoop hardness of heat treated commercial composites

Caroline Lumi Miyazaki 03 August 2010 (has links)
Visando otimizar as propriedades químicas e mecânicas de compósitos de uso direto aplicados na forma indireta, associados a tratamentos térmicos experimentais (TT), torna-se necessária uma caracterização térmica que permita a determinação de uma temperatura de TT segura (abaixo da temperatura de início de perda de massa). Assim, a primeira etapa deste estudo consistiu em caracterizar termicamente dez compósitos comerciais (Z100, Filtek Z250, Z350 e Supreme XT- 3M ESPE, Esthet-X e TPH Spectrum Dentsply, Charisma Heraeus Kulzer, Tetric Ceram Ivoclar Vivadent, Herculite XRV e Point 4 - Kerr), fotoativados pelo método contínuo (C) e pulse-delay (PD) (20 J.cm-2), por termogravimetria (TG) (n=1) e calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) (n=3). Foram escolhidas duas temperaturas de TT: 100 e 170°C, aplicadas por 10 min, 24h após a fotoativação. A partir disto, avaliaram-se: 1) o grau de conversão (GC), por espectroscopia FT-Raman (n=3); 2) a resistência à flexão em três pontos (RF) (n=10); e 3) a dureza Knoop (KHN) para as faces topo e base (n=3) de quatro destes compósitos (Filtek Z250 e Supreme XT, Esthet-X e Point 4), após diferentes condições: imediatamente, 1h, 6h e 24h após a fotoativação e 24h após fotoativação seguida de TT a 100 ou 170°C. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste de Tukey (nível de significância de 5%). Quanto ao GC (%), houve significância estatística para o fator material (p=0,000): Point 4 (68,42) > Z250 (63,05) = Esthet-X (61,69) > Supreme (54,27); condição (p=0,000): TT170 (73,20) = TT100 (73,58) > 24h (62,60) = 6h (60,18) > 1h (55,10) = imediato (53,66); e ativação (p=0,006): C (62,97) > PD (60,75). Também foram significantes as interações material × condição (p=0,007) e material × condição × ativação (p=0,013). Para a RF (MPa), foram encontradas significâncias estatísticas para os fatores material (p=0,000): Z250 (165,48) > Supreme (153,96) > Point 4 (131,30) = Esthet-X (128,06); e condição (p=0,000): TT170 (194,56) > TT100 (182,91) > 24h (150,88) > 6h (131,79) > 1h (111,77) > imediato (96,30); assim como para as interações: ativação × condição (p=0,000), material × condição (p=0,000) e material × ativação × condição (p=0,000). Para a dureza, foram encontradas significâncias estatísticas para os fatores: materialativação (p=0,000): Supreme C (82,46) > Supreme PD (80,29) = Z250 C (77,46) > Z250 PD (74,30) > Esthet-X C (69,17) > Esthet-X PD (65,67) > Point 4 C (57,21) = Point 4 PD (56,71); condição (p=0,000): TT170 (81,35) > TT100 (73,72) > 24h (70,36) > 6h (67,92) > 1h (64,99) > imediato (64,12) e face (p=0,000): topo (71,40) > base (69,40); assim como para as interações: material-ativação × face (p=0,011), material-ativação × condição (p=0,000) e face × condição (p=0,000). A partir dos resultados obtidos, pôde-se concluir que os TTs experimentais propostos foram capazes de aumentar as propriedades estudadas, sendo, de maneira geral, os resultados obtidos com 170°C melhores do que os com 100°C, e ambos melhores do que as demais condições. / Aiming to optimize chemical and mechanical properties of direct composites applied in an indirect way, with an association to experimental heat treatments (TT), it is necessary a thermal characterization, in a way to determine a safe temperature for the TT (below the significant mass loss temperature). Thus, the first step of this study was to perform the thermal characterization of ten commercial composites (Z100, Filtek Z250, Z350 and Supreme XT 3M-ESPE, Esthet-X and TPH Spectrum Dentsply, Charisma Heraeus Kulzer, Tetric Ceram Ivoclar Vivadent, Herculite XRV and Point 4 - Kerr) photoactivated by continuous (C) and pulse-delay (PD) methods (20 J.cm-2), by thermogravimetry (TG) (n=1) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) (n=3). After that, two temperatures were chosen for the TT: 100 and 170°C, which were applied for 10 min, 24h after photoactivation. Thus, some properties were evaluated for four composites (Filtek Z250 and Supreme XT, Esthet- X and Point 4): 1) degree of conversion (GC) by FT-Raman spectroscopy (n=3); 2) three-point bending test (RF) (n=10); and 3) Knoop hardness (KHN) for top and bottom surfaces (n=3). The conditions were: immediately, 1h, 6h and 24h after photoactivation and 24h after photoactivation followed by TT at 100 or 170°C. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukeys test (level of significance of 5%). In relation to GC (%), there were statistical significance for the factors material (p=0.000): Point 4 (68.42) > Z250 (63.05) = Esthet-X (61.69) > Supreme (54.27); condition (p=0.000): TT170 (73.20) = TT100 (73.58) > 24h (62.60) = 6h (60.18) > 1h (55.10) = immediately (53.66); and activation (p=0.006): C (62.97) > PD (60.75); and for the interactions: material × condition (p=0.007) and material × condition × activation (p=0.013). For RF (MPa), statistical significance were found for the factors material (p=0.000): Z250 (165.48) > Supreme (153.96) > Point 4 (131.30) = Esthet-X (128.06); and condition (p=0.000): TT170 (194.56) > TT100 (182.91) > 24h (150.88) > 6h (131.79) > 1h (111.77) > immediately (96.30); and also for the interactions: activation × condition (p=0.000), material × condition (p=0.000) and material × activation × condition (p=0.000). For KHN, statistical significance were found for the factors material-activation (p=0.000): Supreme C (82.46) > Supreme PD (80.29) = Z250 C (77.46) > Z250 PD (74.30) > Esthet-X C (69.17) > Esthet-X PD (65.67) > Point 4 C (57.21) = Point 4 PD (56.71); condition (p=0.000): TT170 (81.35) > TT100 (73.72) > 24h (70.36) > 6h (67.92) > 1h (64.99) > immediately (64.12), and face (p=0.000): top (71.40) > bottom (69.40); as for the interactions: material-activation × face (p=0.011), material-activation × condition (p=0.000) and face × condition (p=0.000). By the results, it could be concluded that both proposed experimental TTs were capable of increasing the studied properties, with, in a general way, 170°C generating better mechanical properties than 100°C, and both better than the other conditions.

"Influência do pH de armazenamento no crescimento subcrítico de trincas de porcelanas odontológicas com diferentes microestruturas" / Influence of pH of storage in the subcritical growth of trincas of odontológicas porcelains with different microstructures

Marcelo Mendes Pinto 05 July 2006 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar o efeito do pH de armazenamento (pH 3,5; 7,0 e 10,0) nos parâmetros de crescimento subcrítico (n e ? f0) de duas porcelanas odontológicas com diferentes microestruturas (com e sem leucita). A hipótese testada foi a de que o pH do meio afeta os parâmetros de crescimento subcrítico dos dois materiais. Duas porcelanas feldspáticas foram avaliadas: 1) Ultropaline Dentina (UD), JenDental/Ucrânia; 2) Veneer Material 7 (VM7), Vita/Alemanha. A porcelana UD é composta de matriz vítrea com dispersão de partículas de segunda fase de leucita, enquanto a porcelana VM7 apresenta exclusivamente fase vítrea. Espécimes em forma de disco com características específicas (diâmetro e espessura) foram sinterizados com os dois materiais seguindo o ciclo proposto pelos fabricantes. Os espécimes foram armazenados em diferentes soluções com pH específico (3,5; 7,0 e 10,0) por 10 dias antes de serem testados. Os parâmetros de fadiga foram obtidos pelo método de fadiga dinâmica utilizando o ensaio de resistência à flexão biaxial (“piston on three balls”) com cinco taxas constantes de carregamento (0,01; 0,1; 1; 10 e 100 MPa/s). A tenacidade à fratura e a dureza foram avaliadas pelo método da fratura por indentação (IF). A microestrutura dos materiais foi analisada por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura, difração de raios X e análise química por fluorescência de raios X. O efeito do pH no coeficiente de susceptibilidade ao crescimento subcrítico (n) foi diferente para os dois materiais estudados. Os resultados mostraram que, para a porcelana vítrea (VM7), o valor de n não variou significativamente em função do pH. Para a porcelana com leucita (UD), houve uma diminuição do valor de n quando a armazenagem foi feita em pH 3,5. O efeito do pH no parâmetro escalar (? f0) também foi diferente para os dois materiais. Para a porcelana VM7, tanto o pH ácido como o básico resultaram em menores valores de resistência em relação ao pH neutro. Para a porcelana UD, somente a armazenagem em pH básico resultou em queda do valor de ? f0. Os valores de dureza dos dois materiais diminuíram conforme o pH foi aumentado, porém, somente a diferença entre o grupo armazenado a seco e o grupo armazenado em pH 10 foi estatisticamente significativa para as duas porcelanas. Com relação à tenacidade, o pH não influenciou significativamente nas médias obtidas para os dois materiais. Com base nos resultados foi possível concluir que o efeito pH do meio de armazenamento no crescimento subcrítico de porcelanas dontológicas varia de acordo com a microestrutura do material. / The objective of the study was to determine the effect of the pH of the storage medium (pH 3,5; 7,0 e 10,0) on the fatigue parameters (n and ? f0) of two dental porcelains with different microstructures (with and without leucite). The hypothesis tested was that the pH affects the fatigue parameters of both materials. The dental porcelains tested were: 1) Ultropaline Dentin (UD), JenDental/Ucraine; 2) Veneer Material 7 (VM7), Vita/Germany. UD contains leucite and VM7 is only vitreous. Disc specimens were produced with both materials following manufacturers’ firing cycles. The specimens were stored in water solutions with different pHs (3,5; 7,0 e 10,0) for 10 days and after that the fatigue parameters were obtained by means of the dynamic fatigue test. Hardness and fracture toughness were determined by means of the indentation fracture technique. Microstructural analysis of the materials was also carried out. The effect of the pH in the fatigue parameters was different for the two materials tested. The results showed that, for VM7, the n value did not vary as a function of the pH. For porcelain UD, the n value was lower when the specimens where stored in pH 3,5. The parameter ? f0 was also affected by the pH. For both materials, the storage in basic pH resulted in a decrease in the ? f0 value. The hardness of both materials decreased with the increase in the pH of the storage media, and fracture toughness was not affect by the pH. Based on the results, it was possible to conclude that the effect of the pH (of the storage media) on the fatigue parameters of the dental porcelains studied varied according to the porcelain’s microstructure.

Durabilidade de compositos cimenticios com materiais lignocelulosicos

Mesa Valenciano, Martha del Carmen 07 February 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Wesley Jorge Freire / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T23:55:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MesaValenciano_MarthadelCarmen_D.pdf: 5926517 bytes, checksum: c5fdeb8ea15fe2ab078f58e162b8797d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 / Doutorado / Construções Rurais e Ambiencia / Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola

Impact resistance of high strength fiber reinforced concrete

Zhang, Lihe 05 1900 (has links)
Concrete structures may be subjected to dynamic loading during their service life. Understanding the dynamic properties of concrete structures is becoming critical because of the increased concern about the dynamic loading of both civilian and military structures, and especially, the recent increase in terrorist attacks on structures. Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) is known to exhibit superior performance in its post-peak energy absorption capacity, (i.e., toughness) under flexural and tensile loading. However, the behavior of fiber reinforced concrete under compressive impact has not previously been investigated. In the present research, the response of fiber reinforced concrete was investigated over the full strain rate regime, from static loading to high strain rate loading, and finally to impact loading. The compressive toughness of FRC under static loading was studied using an existing Japanese standard (JSCE SF-5). Then, a test method for FRC under compressive impact loading was developed, involving the use of a high speed video camera system to measure the deformation of FRC cylinders under compressive impact. The strain rate sensitivity of FRC in both flexure and compression was also fully investigated. FRC was found to have higher strengths under impact loading (both flexural and compressive) than under static loading. The compressive toughness under impact loading increased due to the high peak load and the high strain capacity. FRC under flexural impact loading showed a greater strength improvement than under static flexure. FRC displays a much higher Dynamic Improvement Factor (DIF) under flexural impact than under compressive impact. It gave an overall higher performance under impact than under static loading. It also exhibited a higher strain rate sensitivity than plain concrete in both compression and flexure. Damage analysis, in terms of loss of strain energy, was carried out based on damage mechanics principles. Damage was found to increase with increasing strain rate. A new constitutive model was proposed to account for the relationship between DIF (Comp) and strain rate and the data derived from the model were found to be consistent with the experimental results. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Civil Engineering, Department of / Graduate

Élaboration et caractérisation mécanique d'une structure composite sandwiche à base de constituants naturels / Manufacturing and mechanical characterization of a bio-based composite sandwich structure

Monti, Arthur 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les éco-composites s'imposent progressivement comme une alternative à certains matériaux classiques. L'utilisation de fibres végétales en guise de renfort permet en effet d'améliorer les performances environnementales de ces matériaux ainsi que leurs propriétés spécifiques élevées. Dans ce contexte, cette étude propose d'élaborer un éco-composite sandwich dont les peaux sont constituées d'une résine thermoplastique innovante associée à des fibres de lin et à une âme en balsa. Tout d'abord, les comportements statiques de la résine et de l'âme sont analysés. Par la suite, le composite renforcé de fibres de lin constituant les peaux du sandwich est étudié. Les caractéristiques élastiques principales du pli UD en contraintes planes sont déterminées. De plus, une analyse des mécanismes d'endommagement est effectuée au moyen de la technique d'émission acoustique. Le comportement des poutres sandwiches sollicitées en flexion est ensuite étudié. Une attention particulière est portée à la compréhension des modes de rupture et à l'influence des variations locales des propriétés mécaniques de l'âme. Par ailleurs, certaines propriétés dynamiques de cette structure sont explorées, notamment son comportement en fatigue et sa réponse à l'impact afin de discuter de sa durabilité. Enfin, une étude expérimentale du comportement vibratoire des poutres composites et sandwiches est réalisée. Le rôle des différents constituants dans l'amortissement global des vibrations est discuté au moyen d'une modélisation par élément finis. L'ensemble des propriétés déterminées sont comparées à celles des matériaux non bio-sourcés, afin de situer ses performances. / Bio-based composites appear to be very promising alternatives to traditional composites. The use of natural fibres as reinforcement reduces the environmental impact of these materials and their specific properties are significantly increased. In this context, this work focuses on the manufacturing and the mechanical characterization of a bio-based sandwich structure. The skins are made of an innovative thermoplastic resin associated with flax fibres. The core is made of balsa wood. First, quasi-static analyses are performed on the different components. Then, the tensile properties of the composite skins are studied. Moreover, the main damage mechanisms are identified and described by means of the acoustic emission technique. Next, the flexural behavior of the whole sandwich structure is studied. Particular attention is paid to the detection and prediction of the main fracture modes. Moreover, the statistical spreads of the material properties of the balsa core are taken into account. In addition, cyclic fatigue and impact tests are performed to investigate the behavior of this structure under dynamic loads, and to discuss whether or not this material could be suitable for potential semi-structural applications. Finally, experimental analyses of the vibration behavior of composite and sandwich beams are performed. The contributions of the different components to the global damping properties of the sandwich structure are analyzed by means of a finite elements model. This work also compares the properties of this bio-based sandwich to those of traditional materials, in order to benchmark its mechanical performances with a view to further industrial usage.

Amortissement vibratoire de poutre par effet Trou Noir Acoustique / Vibration damping in beams using the Acoustic Black Hole effect

Denis, Vivien 22 October 2014 (has links)
L'amortissement des vibrations de structure joue un rôle important dans de nombreuses applications industrielles. Les méthodes classiques de réduction de vibration par ajout de revêtement viscoélastique donnent généralement lieu à une augmentation de masse importante, ce qui peut être rédhibitoire dans l'industrie des transports pour des raisons écologiques ou économiques. L'effet Trou Noir Acoustique (TN) est une méthode passive permettant d'obtenir un amortissement de la structure sans augmenter sa masse: les ondes de flexion se propageant dans une extrémité de plaque profilée avec une loi de puissance sont efficacement dissipées si l'on place un film amortissant dans la zone terminale.Une étude préliminaire de nature expérimentale confirme le potentiel du TN comme stratégie d'amortissement: une analyse modale montre que le TN augmente significativement le facteur de recouvrement modal (MOF) de la poutre, et réduit donc son caractère résonant. Une analyse basée sur une approche ondulatoire montre que le coefficient de réflexion de l'extrémité TN présente de faibles valeurs. Un modèle numérique 2D d'une poutre, développé pour analyser le comportement de la terminaison, montre que l'augmentation du MOF peut-être expliquée par une augmentation de la densité modale et par un fort amortissement des modes de la structure, causé par une localisation de l'énergie dans la région profilée. La poutre TN possède des modes locaux bi-dimensionnels, et un modèle de guide de la terminaison TN incluant des imperfections, qui ne peuvent être évitées en pratique, montre que l'énergie incidente est diffusée sur de nombreux modes locaux. Les imperfections du TN améliorent ses performances. / Vibration damping of mechanical structures plays an important role in the design of many industrial systems. Classical methods for reducing vibrations using viscoelastic layers glued to the structure usually result in added mass on the treated structure, which may be prohibitive in the transportation industry for ecological and economical reasons. The "Acoustic Black Hole" (ABH) effect is a lightweight passive vibration technique: the flexural waves propagating in a beam extremity tapered with a power law profile are efficiently dissipated if an absorbing layer is placed where the thickness is minimum.A preliminary study experimentally confirms the potential of ABH as an efficient strategy for vibration damping: a modal analysis shows that the ABH significantly increases the Modal Overlap Factor (MOF) of the beam, thus reducing the resonant behaviour of the structure. An analysis based on a wave approach clearly shows that the reflection coefficient of an ABH termination has small values. Further investigations, including a two dimensional numerical model of the structure developed in order to understand its behaviour, show that the increase of MOF can be explained partly by an increase of the modal density and mostly by a high damping of a number of modes of the structure due to energy localisation in the tapered region. It is shown that the ABH beam possesses two-dimensional local modes. A waveguide model of an ABH termination with tip imperfection, which cannot be avoided in practice, shows that incident energy is scattered on local modes and that imperfections enhance the damping effect.

Latexy modifikované cementové materiály / Latexes modified cementitious materials

Vinter, Václav January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, the development of mechanical properties and structure of latex modified cementious materials during hydration was studied. Latex modified materials are composites of inorganic cement (portland cement) and organic polymer latex. Preparation, processing and fabrication of the polymer cement material based on portland cement was optimized with aim to reach the most compact structure of the product with the finest mechanical characters. The experimental part was pointed to observe influence of the type and amount of polymer latex with focus on mechanical characters and hydration kinetics with given filling as well as without it. In presented work, the possibility of compaction of the material by high-shear mixing within twin-roll mixer (the prototype for production of MDF composite) was verified. The second part of the labor was aimed to analysis of prepared polymer-cementitious material. For determination of influence of batching of added polymer latex on hydration of cement paste the thermal analysis (DTA/TGA) and infrared spectroscopy of composite was done. At last the microscopic observation by optical microscope was carried.

Strengthening of two-way reinforced concrete slabs with Textile Reinforced Mortars (TRM)

Papanicolaou, Catherine, Triantafillou, Thanasis, Papantoniou, Ioannis, Balioukos, Christos 03 June 2009 (has links)
An innovative strengthening technique is applied for the first time in this study to provide flexural strengthening in two-way reinforced concrete (RC) slabs supported on edge beams. The technique comprises external bonding of textiles on the tension face of RC slabs through the use of polymer-modified cement- based mortars. The textiles used in the experimental campaign comprised fabric meshes made of long stitch-bonded fibre rovings in two orthogonal directions. The specimens measured 2 x 2 m in plan and were supported on hinges at the corners. Three RC slabs strengthened by textile reinforced mortar (TRM) overlays and one control specimen were tested to failure. One specimen received one layer of carbon fibre textile, another one received two, whereas the third specimen was strengthened with three layers of glass fibre textile having the same axial rigidity (in both directions) with the single-layered carbon fibre textile. All specimens failed due to flexural punching. The load-carrying capacity of the strengthened slabs was increased by 26%, 53%, and 20% over that of the control specimen for slabs with one (carbon), two (carbon) and three (glass) textile layers, respectively. The strengthened slabs showed an increase in stiffness and energy absorption. The experimental results are compared with theoretical predictions based on existing models specifically developed for two-way slabs and the performance of the latter is evaluated. Based on the findings of this work the authors conclude that TRM overlays comprise a very promising solution for the strengthening of two-way RC slabs.

Effect of microfibrillar cellulose on concrete equivalent mortar  fresh and hardened properties / Inverkan av mikrofibrillär cellulosa på egenskaperna hos betongekvivelent bruk i dess färska och hårdnade tillstånd

Nilsson, Jonas, Sargenius, Peter January 2011 (has links)
A pilot project in 2010, conducted at CBI, showed the capacity for pulp, micro fibrilars from the forest industry to act as Viscosity Modifying Agent (VMA) in concrete. This project was, however, too limited to find answers for optimal use of this kind of material. The forest industry company Stora Enso wants to find out if their pulp can be used in concrete in order to somehow improve its properties. Two micro fibrilar suspensions have been tested. The tested fibrils are in two sizes, the finer material named MFC1 has undergone more homogenization than the course material named MFC2. The fibrils have been evaluated in regard to how the fibrils react with mortars in both its fresh and hardened state. Tests have been conducted on the use of concrete equivalent mortars with a maximum aggregates size of 4 mm. Two water-cement-ratios have been used in the tests, 0.45 and 0.60. Three different fibril dosages have been tested, 1, 2 and 3 kg/m³. The results of these trials of cellulose fibrils has been evaluated in respect of rheology, compressive strength, flexural strength, cracking, shrinkage, water capillary porosity, anti-wash out resistance (underwater concrete) and as a possible surface coverage. The results from the trials, conducted in this report, show that an increased dosage of fibrils leads to an increased plastic viscosity. The fibrils appear to have no effect on the flexural- and compressive strength, and no effect on the shrinkage of the test specimens. According to our results it is not advisable to use the fibrils for the purpose of acting as an agent for anti-washout resistance, or as a surface coverage.   The work have been performed at Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute, CBI, in Stockholm in the spring of 2011. CBI is an institution whose mission is to create, apply and disseminate knowledge in the concrete and rock area. / Ett tidigare pilotprojekt har under 2010 utförts på CBI, och där undersöktes möjligheten för cellulosafibrer från skogsindustrin att fungera som Viscosity Modifying Agent (VMA) i betong. Utrymmet i detta projekt var dock för begränsat för att finna svar för optimal användning av denna typ av material. Nu vill skogsindustriföretaget Stora Enso ta reda på om massa från deras träprodukter kan användas i betong, för att på något sätt förbättra dess egenskaper. Vi har därför provat suspensioner innehållande två olika fraktioner av cellulosafibriller. De testade fibrerna finns i två storlekar, det finare materialet heter MFC1 och har genomgått med homogenisering än det grövre materialer som heter MFC2. Dessa två typer har tillsats i bruk och utvärderats i hur de reagerar i både brukets färska och dess hårdnade tillstånd. Testerna har genomförts på bruk med en maximal ballaststorlek på 4 mm. Två vct-nivåer har använts i försöken, 0,45 och 0,60. Tre olika fibrilldoser har prövats, nämligen 1, 2 och 3 kg/m³ fibriller. Resultaten från dessa försök av cellulosafibriller har utvärderats med avseende på reologi, tryckhållfasthet, böjhållfasthet, sprickbildning, kapillaritet, krympning, anti-urvaskning och som möjlig ytbetäckning.   De tester som har genomförts visar att med ökad dos fibriller ökar den plastiska viskositeten. Fibrillerna visade sig inte ha någon effekt på böj- eller tryckhållfasheten, samt ingen effekt på krympning av provkropparna. Testerna visar att fibrillerna inte heller agerar med någon possitiv effekt som anti-urvaskningsmedel, eller som ett täckande ytskikt.   Försöken har genomförts vid CBI Betonginstitutet i Stockholm mellan 21 mars och 8 juli år 2011.CBI är en institution vars uppdrag är att skapa, tillämpa och sprida kunskap inom betong och bergområdet.

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