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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sexualitet och idealbilder : Unga tjejers syn på attityder och normer kring kvinnlig sexualitet

Brännström, Aurora January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to find out how young girls reason about norms and attitudes towards female sexuality. Through a qualitative research approach ten girls in grade 9 has discussed in two focus-groups on what is typically female, the ideal images of the ultimate woman as well as what is considered to be characteristic of female sexuality. The results were analyzed using Tina Mattson's theory of intersectionality, Beverly Skeggs theory of respectability and Göran Burenhults thoughts about biology and sexuality. Some of the main findings are that the girls in the study associate femininity primarily with external attributes and beauty and the ideal image of the woman is beautiful, yet independent. Further they describe different conditions for boys and girls to explore their own sexuality, and also that for girls the risk of being branded a "whore" is ever present. Moreover, the results reflect an overall heteronormativity and that ethnicity and culture play a role in how girls relate to the topic.

Let's Make a Deal: Consumers, Negotiation and Telecommunications Pricing in Canada

Lauer, David 11 April 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study is to re-contextualize prior negotiation theory emanating from the field of communications in a unique contemporary setting. The research focuses on the Canadian residential telecommunications sector, where the dominant business model involves the use of a rather peculiar variable pricing strategy, which has compelled a proportion of consumers to adopt competitive negotiation strategies. Through a series of three focus groups, the project gleans insight into the participants’ experiences and perceptions of the telecommunications procurement process. Based on prior theoretical assumptions and on this original research, the study tests the appropriateness of descriptive phase models of negotiation in the Canadian telecommunications industry, providing a new dimension to the nascent body of academic research in this area.

Gender equality and health experiences : workplace patterns in Northern Sweden / Jämställdhet och hälsoupplevelser : arbetsplatsmönster i norra Sverige

Elwér, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
Gendered practices of working life create gender inequalities through horizontal and vertical gender segregation in work, which may lead to gender inequalities in health experiences. The workplace is an important part of the social circumstances under which health opportunities and constraints are shaped. The workplace has also been identified as an important arena for gender constructions. Still, there is a lack of research about the relations between workplace gender equality and health experiences. The aim of this thesis was to explore gender equality and health experiences in a workplace setting. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used. In the qualitative studies all caregiving staff at two establishments providing care for elderly was invited to participate in focus groups (Papers I & II). A moderator led 14 focusgroup discussions. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the transcribed discussions. For the quantitative studies questionnaire data from the Northern Swedish Cohort (n=836) were analysed and supplemented with register data about the participants’ workplaces. The register data were used to stratify the workplaces according to gender composition (paper IV) and to create gender equality indicators of the number of women and men at the workplace, education, salary and parental leave (Paper III). Cluster analysis was used to identify patterns of gender equality at the workplaces. Logistic regression analysis, adjusting for individual socio-demographics and previous psychological distress, were used to analyse psychological distress in relation to both clusters and gender compositions. This thesis identifies various workplace patterns of gender equality and how they are related to health experiences. The results from the focus group study showed that workplace stressors had a structural character, often originating from societal processes outside the own organization, whereas health resources had a relational character and were constructed within the organization (paper I). Gender equality was seen as a structural issue not connected to the individual health experiences and gender inequalities were justified through focusing on personalities and interests in work division (paper II). The cluster analysis resulted in six distinctive clusters with different workplace patterns of gender equality (paper III). The most gender-equal cluster was characterized by gender equality in salary and parental leave and was associated with the lowest prevalence of psychological distress, with no significant differences between women and men. The clusters were associated with psychological distress among women only. The highest odds for psychological distress among women were found in a traditional unequal cluster. Analyses of the gender composition at the workplace showed that the highest prevalence of psychological distress was found at workplaces with a mixed gender composition (paper IV). The psychosocial work environment was rather similar independent of the workplace gender composition.The factors most strongly associated with psychological distress were high demands and low control at workplaces with more men, being looked down upon at workplaces with a mixed gender composition, and social support at workplaces with more women. Gender perspectives highlight the importance of gender relations in research on work-related health. Gender inequalities at workplaces can be part of the explanation to women’s worse self-rated health. A multidimensional view of gender equality is necessary to understand health consequences of specific workplace situations. Workplaces are important arenas for health promotion activities and gender equality aspects needs to be taken into account to reach both women and men. Adequate health promotion needs to shift focus from individual health strategies to structural solutions that can challenge the root of the problem. / Ojämställdhet i arbetslivet kan innebära olika hälsokonsekvenser för kvinnor och män. Arbetsplatsen är en viktig del av de sociala omständigheter under vilka hälsomöjligheter och -begränsningar skapas. Arbetsplatsen har också identifierats som en viktig arena för genuskonstruktioner. Trots detta saknas forskning om relationerna mellan jämställdhet på arbetsplatser och hälsoupplevelser. Den här avhandlingen syftar till att studera sambanden mellan jämställdhet på arbetsplatser och de anställdas hälsoupplevelser. Avhandlingen använder både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. I de kvalitativa studierna erbjöds all vårdpersonal på två äldreboenden att delta i fokusgruppsdiskussioner (Artikel I & II). Sammanlagt genomfördes 14 fokusgrupper. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att analysera de transkriberade fokusgrupperna. I de kvantitativa studierna användes enkätdata från Luleåkohorten(n= 836) som kompletterats med registerdata om deltagarnas arbetsplatser. Registerdata användes för att stratifiera deltagarna utifrån könssammansättningen på deras arbetsplatser (artikel IV) och för att skapa jämställdhetsindikatorer för arbetsplatserna vad gäller andel män och kvinnor, utbildningsnivå, lön och föräldraledighet (artikel III). Klusteranalys användes för att identifiera mönster av jämställhet på arbetsplatserna. Skillnader i psykiska besvär mellan klustren respektive de olika könssammansättningarna analyserades med logistisk regressionsanalys som justerats för sociodemografiska variabler och tidigare psykiska besvär. Avhandlingen identifierar olika jämställdhetsmönster på arbetsplatsenoch hur de är relaterade till hälsoupplevelser. Resultaten från fokusgruppstudierna visade att de hälsorelaterade stressorerna hade en strukturell karaktär som ofta hade sitt ursprung i sociala processer utanför den egna organisationen. Hälsoresurserna var i hög utsträckning av relationell karaktär och skapades inom organisationen. Ojämställdhet sågs som ett strukturellt problem som inte kopplades till individuell hälsa. Ojämställdhet i arbetsfördelningen försvarades genom att fokusera på personligheter och individuella intressen. Kvantitativa analyser resulterade i sex kluster med olika jämställdhetsmönster på arbetsplatserna. Det mest jämställda klustret kännetecknades av arbetsplatser med jämställda löner och föräldraledighet och var relaterat till den lägsta förekomsten av psykiska besvär. I detta kluster hade också män och kvinnor samma förekomst av psykiska besvär. Bland kvinnorna fanns det skillnader mellan klusterna vad gäller psykiska besvär, men inte bland männen. Den högsta förekomsten av psykiska besvär bland kvinnor fanns i det traditionellt mest ojämställda klustret (artikel III) samt på arbetsplatser med en blandad könssammansättning (artikel IV). Variationen i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön var liten mellan arbetsplatser med olika könssammansättning men det fanns skillnader i sambanden mellan den psykosociala arbetsmiljön och psykiska besvär. De faktorer som hade starkast samband med psykiska besvär var höga krav och låg kontroll på arbetsplatser med en majoritet män, att bli ”sedd ner på” på könsblandade arbetsplatser, och socialt stöd på arbetsplatser med en majoritet kvinnor. Genusperspektiv är viktiga för att lyfta fram betydelsen av genusrelationer i forskning om arbetsrelaterad hälsa. Ojämställdhet på arbetsplatser kan vara en del av förklaringen till kvinnors sämre självskattade hälsa. En mångdimensionell syn på jämställdhet är nödvändig för att förstå hälsokonsekvenser av specifika arbetsplatssituationer. Arbetsplatser utgör också viktiga arenor för hälsofrämjande åtgärder och jämställdhetsaspekter måste beaktas för att dessa åtgärder ska nå både kvinnor och män på arbetsplatserna. Hälsofrämjande arbete måste skifta fokus från individuella, beteendeinriktade hälsostrategier till strukturella lösningar som kan utmana grunden till problemen.

Trygghet och Hälsa : Uppfattningar om trygghet bland ungdomar och lokala aktörer på ett bostadsområde i en större stad i mellersta Sverige.

Wallin, Joachim January 2011 (has links)
Trygghet är en mänsklig rättighet för alla individer. Det finns dock sociala, ekonomiska och miljömässiga faktorer i samhället som kan påverka den upplevda tryggheten. Denna uppsats har avgränsats till att undersöka vad som upplevs påverka tryggheten på ett bostadsområde i en större stad i mellersta Sverige. Bostadsområdets invånare har sämre socioekonomisk status än generellt i staden. Boende på bostadsområdet har även visat på otrygghet och oro att gå ut efter det blivit mörkt. Detta beror främst på rädsla att utsättas för brott. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att öka förståelsen kring vad ungdomar och lokala aktörer upplever kan påverka den upplevda tryggheten på bostadsområdet. Metoden var kvalitativ med induktiv utgångspunkt. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med hjälp av två fokusgrupper, en med ungdomar och en med aktörer som arbetar med trygghet på bostadsområdet. Analys skedde därefter med innehållsanalys. Med hjälp av meningskategorisering utkristalliserades fem teman på trygghet. Resultatet och slutsatserna visar att det upplevs vara flertalet faktorer som påverkar tryggheten på bostadsområdet. Det fanns även olika åsikter vad som upplevdes som viktigast för tryggheten på bostadsområdet. Det kan således vara viktigt att lyfta fram boendes åsikter i arbetet med trygghet på bostadsområdet. / Security is a human right for all individuals. However, there are social, economic and environmental factors in the community that may affect the perceived security. This paper has been limited to examining what is affecting the security of a local neighborhood area in a major city in central Sweden. People living in the area have lower socioeconomic status than most other areas in the city. People in the neighborhood have also shown the insecurity and anxiety to go out after it got dark. This is mainly due to fear of being exposed to crime. The purpose of this paper is to improve understanding of what adolescents and adults’ thinks can affect the perceived security in the neighborhood area. A qualitative method with an inductive focus where conducted. The data was collected using two focus groups. The analysis was done with a content analysis. With the help of meaningful categorization, five themes emerged. The results show that there are many factors that affect the security of the residential area. There were different opinions what was perceived as most important for security protection factor. It may therefore be important to highlight the residents' views in the work of security in the residential area.

Sjuksköterskors uppfattning om omvårdnadshandledning / Nurses view of preceptor ship in health care

Swahn, Inger, Forsum, Anneli January 2008 (has links)
Handledaren är en nyckelperson i studenternas utveckling till professionella sjuksköterskor. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka och beskriva sjuksköterskors uppfattning om  omvårdnadshandledning av sjuksköterskestudenter. Fokusgruppsintervjuer valdes som metod. Nitton sjuksköterskor deltog i intervjuerna. Materialet bearbetades. Två huvudkategorier formulerades: Egenskaper och Kompetens med ett övergripande tema: Handledningens kvalitet. I resultatet av intervjuerna framkom faktorer som har betydelse för en god handledning och utveckling av handledarrollen: handledarens- studentens och organisationens egenskaper samt pedagogisk- yrkes och social kompetens. Det framkom att viktiga kvaliteter både hos handledare och student är intresse och motivation samt ett gemensamt ansvar för studenternas lärande. Det efterfrågas faktorer som tid och acceptans för handledning från organisationen. En professionell sjuksköterska som är en bra förebild för studenten och har en god pedagogisk kompetens är bra handledare. För att kunna utvecklas i sin handledarroll efterlyser sjuksköterskorna feedback från sina studenter. Uppfattningen var att det är roligt att vara handledare och att det är en tillfredsställelse att lyckas föra en människa framåt i sitt lärande. / The preceptor is a key person in the students development to professional nurses. The purpose with this study was to examine and describe how nurses thinking of the preceptor ship for nurse students. Focus group interviews were chosen as method. Nineteen nurses participated in the interviews. The interviews were analysed. Two main categories were developed: Characteristics and Competence with a comprehensive theme regarding the nurses understanding of the quality of preceptor ship. The result of interviews showed factors of significance for the quality and development of the preceptor ship role: the preceptor, students and the organisations characteristics as well as pedagogical, professional and social competence. It was made clear that the interest and motivation as well as a mutual responsibility for the students learning is important qualities for both the preceptor and the student. Preceptors requested factors such as time and acceptance for preceptor ship from the organisation. A good preceptor is a professional nurse that is a good model for students and has a well developed pedagogical competence. To be able to develop one’s role as a preceptor, nurses are making inquiries about feedback from their students. The opinion of the preceptors was that it is amusing to be a preceptor and that it is satisfactory to succeed in leading a human forward in her development.

The Research of Human Resource Executives¡¦ Influence Strategy & Tactics

Lee, Kun 09 June 2001 (has links)
This thesis is an exploring study. It is exploded which source and base of human resource (HR) executives¡¦ influence power come from. It is studied what factors of outside and insides impact the influence power. In the process of study, it is used the method of the focus group interview. From the experience practices of human resource executive it could be analysis and understood how human resource executives to influence their boss, colleague, subordinate and so on. It could be referred for human resource workers or specials. At last this study generalize the sources, base, and strategy and tactics of human resource executives¡¦ influence power, and propose some propositions as fellows: Proposition 1: The highly position or title of HR executives, the effectively they could introduce HR function. Proposition 2: The influent sources of HR executives mainly include business knowledge, capabilities, experience background, interpersonal relationship, performance of work, and personal characteristic. Those could push effectively the influent power. Proposition 3: HR executives of new companies could easily develop their job than old companies. Proposition 4: HR executives of foreign companies could easily develop their job than local companies. Proposition 5: HR executives of affiliate companies could easily develop their job than central companies. Proposition 6: HR executives of high tech companies could easily develop their job than heredity manufacture companies. Proposition 7: the concept of boss could impact the function and job of HR executives. Maybe the bosses of heredity manufacture companies could be conservatism, so the HR executives of heredity manufacture companies must use special method or strategy of influence. Proposition 8: the different strategies of influence for the object have interactive and reinforcing effect. Proposition 9: The roles of HR executives¡¦ of different industries (e.g. high tech vs. heredity manufacture) are different. Accordingly strategies of influence for the subject or issues object are different. Proposition 10: HR executives expect different influence effect, so they choose different strategies of influence. Proposition 11: HR executives choose different strategies of influence because their personalities and preferences. Proposition 12: HR executives choose different strategies of influence because their different levels (e.g. position or title)

Possibilities of Late Opening at Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

Liu, Ling-chun 05 May 2009 (has links)
Collection, research, exhibition and education are traditional functions of a museum. With the taking off of the economy and change of social pattern, people have more time to do leisure activities which brings about the focus on museum as a potential destination. The museum opening hours, as a result, has to adjust accordingly, and late opening becomes a worldwide trend. The goal of the present study is to find out the conditions and essential factors regarding late opening of museums, and to assess the possibility of a late opening for Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, and the related industries. The research has adopted different approaches including literature review, case study and in-depth interview in the project. Four categories were included in the research: 1. The original policy and reasons of museum late opening; 2. The implement of late opening; 3. Cooperation in hardware facilities, public transportation, restaurants and museum stores; 4. Assessment of the outcomes. We found that: 1. Late opening is usually a policy from higher authority; 2. A clear and definite objective and targeted visitors is the key to a successful late opening; 3.Choose a better time for the highest cost benefit; 4. Using various activities to attract visitors during late opening; 5. Wisely make use of available budget and active fund-raising; 6. Utilizing special events to strengthen the marketing forces; 7. Well established public transportation, lightning, and catering facilities. According to the results of the study, some suggestions are provided for the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts: 1. Staff of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts should be leisure-oriented in managing the museum. 2. Strengthen the symbolization of the museum as the art exhibition center in Kaohsiung. 3. Co-Marketing with other municipal activities and establishing an effective marketing strategy for the residents. 5. Seeking corporate sponsorship for late opening and recruiting volunteers to support the late opening 6. Making circumspect assessments regarding the late opening.

Sjuksköterskors uppfattning om omvårdnadshandledning / Nurses view of preceptor ship in helth care

Swahn, Inger, Forsum, Anneli January 2008 (has links)
<p>Handledaren är en nyckelperson i studenternas utveckling till professionella sjuksköterskor. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka och beskriva sjuksköterskors uppfattning om  omvårdnadshandledning av sjuksköterskestudenter. Fokusgruppsintervjuer valdes som metod. Nitton sjuksköterskor deltog i intervjuerna. Materialet bearbetades. Två huvudkategorier formulerades: Egenskaper och Kompetens med ett övergripande tema: Handledningens kvalitet. I resultatet av intervjuerna framkom faktorer som har betydelse för en god handledning och utveckling av handledarrollen: handledarens- studentens och organisationens egenskaper samt pedagogisk- yrkes och social kompetens. Det framkom att viktiga kvaliteter både hos handledare och student är intresse och motivation samt ett gemensamt ansvar för studenternas lärande. Det efterfrågas faktorer som tid och acceptans för handledning från organisationen. En professionell sjuksköterska som är en bra förebild för studenten och har en god pedagogisk kompetens är bra handledare. För att kunna utvecklas i sin handledarroll efterlyser sjuksköterskorna feedback från sina studenter. Uppfattningen var att det är roligt att vara handledare och att det är en tillfredsställelse att lyckas föra en människa framåt i sitt lärande.</p> / <p>The preceptor is a key person in the students development to professional nurses. The purpose with this study was to examine and describe how nurses thinking of the preceptor ship for nurse students. Focus group interviews were chosen as method. Nineteen nurses participated in the interviews. The interviews were analysed. Two main categories were developed: Characteristics and Competence with a comprehensive theme regarding the nurses understanding of the quality of preceptor ship. The result of interviews showed factors of significance for the quality and development of the preceptor ship role: the preceptor, students and the organisations characteristics as well as pedagogical, professional and social competence. It was made clear that the interest and motivation as well as a mutual responsibility for the students learning is important qualities for both the preceptor and the student. Preceptors requested factors such as time and acceptance for preceptor ship from the organisation. A good preceptor is a professional nurse that is a good model for students and has a well developed pedagogical competence. To be able to develop one’s role as a preceptor, nurses are making inquiries about feedback from their students. The opinion of the preceptors was that it is amusing to be a preceptor and that it is satisfactory to succeed in leading a human forward in her development.</p>

Arbetsterapeuten som coach respektive behandlare

Almberg , Therse, Johansson, Lena January 2009 (has links)
<p>SammanfattningArbetsterapeuten arbetar holistiskt med individen i centrum, utifrån individens egna förmågor i relation till aktivitet. Arbetsterapi som profession står med sin breda kompetens och breda förståelseperspektiv inför nya utmaningar. Syftet med studien var att beskriva arbetsterapeu-ters uppfattningar om att arbeta som coach respektive behandlare. Kvalitativ metod med ett målinriktat urval kombinerat med nätverksurval användes. Två fokusgruppsdiskussioner genomfördes. Deltagarantalet var nio kvinnliga yrkesverksamma arbetsterapeuter från varie-rande verksamhetsområden. Dataanalysen genomfördes genom att olika kategorier definiera-des utifrån syftet. Arbetsterapeuterna anser sig kombinera rollerna som behandlare respektive coach i sitt arbete med olika individer. Vilka uppdragsgivare arbetsterapeuten har och vilken verksamhet han/hon arbetar i är avgörande för tillvägagångssätt. Ekonomi, politiska faktorer och fokus för verksamheten styr. Beroende på verksamhet och fokus har individen varierande ansvar för sin behandling/rehabilitering. Arbetsterapeututbildningen genererar en gemensam terminologi och ett aktivitetsperspektiv som skapar en gemensam grund. Den traditionella yrkesrollen har blivit omarbetad, frågan blir om coach är ett modeord och behandlare mer traditionellt? Det är av vikt att yrket har en klar profilering och idag söker arbetsterapeuter samma tjänster som andra yrkesprofessioner. Slutsatsen blir att arbetsterapeutyrket är mång-facetterat med en gemensam grund. Verksamhet och den enskilde individen styr arbetstera-peutens tillvägagångssätt och angreppssätt i rehabiliteringen/behandlingen</p> / <p>SummaryTitle: Occupational therapists as a coach or paramedicOccupational therapists have a holistic view and works with each individual in focus, based on individuals abilities in relation to activity. The occupational therapy profession with its broad expertise and broad perspective of understanding is facing new challenges. The purpose of this study was to describe occupational therapists perception of working as a coach or as a paramedic. A qualitative method with a purposive sampling combined with a net-work sam-pling were used. Two focus group discussions were conducted. The number of participants were nine female working occupational therapists from a various scope of practice. The data-analysis was conducted through individual and group analysis and different categories were defined in accordance with the purpose. The occupational therapists combine the two roles as coach and paramedic in their work with different individuals. What employer and work area the occupational therapists work in, is essential for what approach they have. Economics, po-litical factors and the focus of the work influences. Depending on work area and focus, the individual has varying responsibility in their rehabilitation/treatment. The occupational thera-py education generates a joint terminology and an activity perspective that forms a common basis. The traditional professional roles has been revised, the question is whether coach is a buzz-word and paramedic more traditional? It’s essential that the profession has a clear profile and today occupational therapists apply for the same posts as other professions. In conclusion the occupational therapy profession is multifaceted with a common ground. Work area and the individual are essential for the occupational therapists approach in the rehabilita-tion/treatment.</p>

Developing a vision for ministry for the local church

Wood, J. Arthur. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Covenant Theological Seminary, 2000. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 259-263).

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