Spelling suggestions: "subject:"foi"" "subject:"fois""
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Analyse non-linéaire des paliers aérodynamiques à feuilles et applications à la dynamique des rotors / Non-linear analysis of aerodynamic foil bearing and application for rotor dynamicsBenchekroun, Omar 10 December 2018 (has links)
Les paliers à feuilles sont des organes de guidage en rotation adaptés pour des rotors légers fonctionnant à des grandes vitesses de rotation. Leur fonctionnement ne nécessite aucun apport d’huile ni de graisse. Ces paliers sont réalisés avec une structure compliante. La présence de frottements dans la structure apporte l’amortissement nécessaire au système rotor-palier.Après une présentation de la technologie, un tour d’horizon des modèles existants et des limitations de chacun d’eux est exposé. Par la suite, un modèle non-linéaire du coussinet compliant est introduit. Dans ce modèle les feuilles sont considérées comme des solides élastiques. Les forces de frottement et les jeux entre les feuilles sont pris en compte par l’utilisation de la condition de non-interférence de Moreau-Signorini. Les efforts normaux et les forces de frottement sont calculés respectivement par la méthode des multiplicateurs de Lagrange augmentés et la méthode des pénalités. Ensuite, cette structure compliante est couplée au film fluide, traité par la résolution de l’équation de Reynolds en conditions de lubrification mixte.L’intérêt est ensuite accordé au palier dans sa globalité : structure déformable, film fluide, rotor. En régime statique, cette étude passe par l’analyse des démarrages du rotor puis de son fonctionnement à des hautes vitesses de rotation et sous de très fortes charges statiques. L’effet des erreurs d’usinage est mis en évidence. En régime dynamique, l’étude se fait par l’analyse non-linéaire d’un rotor de Jeffcott supporté par des paliers à feuilles. Les résultats montrent les limites de stabilité du système rotor-paliers et l’influence du balourd. / The foil bearings are used for guiding and supporting small rotors with high rotational speeds. Their operating functioning does not require any oil or grease. These bearings have a compliant structure. The presence of friction in the compliant structure brings damping, which is necessary for the rotor-bearing system operating at high speeds.After a presentation of the technology, an overview of the existing models and the limitations of each of them is exposed. Subsequently, a nonlinear model of the compliant structure is introduced. In this model, foils are considered as elastic solids. The friction forces and the gaps between the foils are taken into account by using the Moreau-Signorini non-interference condition. Normal forces and friction forces are calculated by using the augmented Lagrange multiplier method and the penalty method. Then, the compliant structure is coupled to the fluid film, dealt with the Reynolds equation for mixed lubrication conditions.The study is then focused on the bearing as a whole : compliant structure, fluid film, rotor. The start-up torque, the lift-off speed as well as operating conditions at high speeds and important static loads are part of the steady regime analyses. The effect of machining errors is highlighted. For the dynamic regime, the study consists of the non-linear analysis of a Jeffcott rotor supported by foil bearings. The results show the stability limits of the rotor-bearing system and the influence of unbalance.
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Hydrodynamics Of An Oscillating Foil With A Long Flexible Trailing EdgeShinde, Sachin Yashavant 04 1900 (has links)
In nature, many swimming and flying creatures use the principle of oscillatory lift-based propulsion. Often the flapping element is flexible, totally or partially. The flow dynamics because of a flexible flap is thus of considerable interest. We are interested especially in lunate fish propulsion. The present work investigates the effect of trailing edge flexibility on the flow field created by an oscillating airfoil in an attempt to mimic the flow around the flexible tails often found in fish.
A flexible flap with negligible mass and stiffness is attached at the trailing edge of NACA0015 airfoil. The flap length is 75% of the rigid chord length. The airfoil oscillates about a hinge point at 30% chord from the leading edge and at the same time it moves in a circular path in stationary water. The parameters varied are frequency, amplitude of oscillation and forward speed. For a given combination of amplitude and frequency of oscillation, the forward speed is chosen such that the Strouhal number comes around 0.3, which falls in the gamut of Strouhal numbers for maximum propulsive efficiency. We visualize the flow with dye and particles and measure velocities using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). We use shadow technique and image processing to study the flap dynamics.
We do a qualitative and quantitative comparison of the wake flow generated by two airfoil models, one with rigid trailing edge (model -B) and the other with flexible trailing edge (model -A) i.e. with a flexible flap fixed to the trailing edge. We study the flap dynamics, the flow around the flap, evolution of vortices, wake width, circulations around airfoil and vortices, momentum and energy in the wake (which is measure of propulsion efficiency), vortex geometry in the wake in terms of vortex spacing, etc. We also conduct a parametric study for both the models.
Flap dynamics plays a prominent role in defining the signature of the wake. The observed flap deflections are quite large and the flap exhibits more than one mode of deflection; this affects the vortex-shedding pattern. The flap tip also executes a near sinusoidal motion with a phase difference between the trailing edge and the flap tip. The dye visualization studies show that a flexible trailing edge induces multiple vortices while in case of a rigid trailing edge, large vortical structures are shed. In case of flexible trailing edge (model -A), the vortices are shed away from the mean path of motion and are arranged in a ‘reverse Karman vortex street’ pattern producing an undulating jet representing a thrust on the airfoil. For the same Strouhal number, in case of rigid trailing edge (model -B), the vortices are shed nearly along the mean path of motion indicating a momentumless wake. The wake structures, particularly in case of model -A, are nearly insensitive to variations in amplitude and frequency. The wake of model -B shows some variable flow patterns for different amplitudes of oscillation. Although the total chord of model -A is 1.75 times more than the chord of model -B, the wake width is nearly the same for the two models when the amplitude of oscillation is same. The addition of the flap to the airfoil keeps the wake flow two-dimensional or symmetric about the center plane for longer times and longer downstream distances in comparison with the wake flow generated by rigid trailing edge. For 15o and 20o amplitudes of oscillations, the flow separates over the airfoil itself; the interaction of the separated flow with the flexible flap is quite interesting, which needs further investigations. The wake generated by the airfoil with flexible flap at the trailing edge has some common features with the wakes generated by the flow over a flapping filament (which is the one-dimensional representation of a fluttering flag), an accelerating mullet fish (a carangiform swimmer) and a steadily swimming eel (an anguilliform swimmer).
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High density and high reliability thin film embedded capacitors on organic and silicon substratesKumar, Manish 20 November 2008 (has links)
With the digital systems moving towards higher frequencies, lower operating voltages and higher power, supplying the required current at the right voltage and at the right time to facilitate timely switching of the CMOS circuits becomes increasingly challenging. The board level power supply cannot meet these requirements directly due to the high inductance of the package interconnections. To overcome this problem, several thin film decoupling capacitors have to be placed on the IC or close to the IC in the package. Two approaches were pursued for high-k thin film decoupling capacitors.
1) Low cost sol-gel based thin film capacitors on organic board compatible Cu-foils
2) RF-sputtered thin film capacitors on silicon substrate for silicon compatible processes
While sol-gel provides cost effective technology, sputtered ferroelectric devices are more compatible from manufacturing stand point with the existing technology. Nano-crystalline barium titanate and barium strontium titanate film capacitor devices were fabricated and characterized for organic and silicon substrates respectively.
Sol-gel barium titanate films were fabricated first on a bare Cu-foil and then transferred to organic board through a standard lamination process. With process optimization and film doping, a capacitance density of 3 µF/cm2 was demonstrated with breakdown voltage greater than 12V. Leakage current characteristics, breakdown voltages, and electrical reliability of the devices were significantly improved through doping of the barium titanate films and modified film chemistry. Films and interfaces were characterized with high resolution electron microscopy, SEM, XRD, and DC leakage measurements.
RF sputtering was selected for ferroelectric thin film integration on silicon substrate. Barium strontium titanate (BST) films were deposited on various electrodes sputtered on silicon substrates. The main focus was to improve interface stabilities for high-k thin films on Si to yield large-area defect-free devices. Effect of bottom electrode selection and barrier layers on device yield and performance were investigated carefully. High yield and high device performance was observed for certain electrode and barrier layer combination. A capacitance density up to 1 µF/cm2 was demonstrated with a breakdown voltage above 15 V on large area, 7 mm2, devices.
These two techniques can potentially meet mid-high frequency future decoupling requirements.
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Επαγωγικός λογικός προγραμματισμός : μια διδακτική προσέγγισηΚαραμουτζογιάννη, Ζωή 31 May 2012 (has links)
Ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός (Inductive Logic Programming ή, σε συντομογραφία ILP) είναι ο ερευνητικός τομέας της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης (Artificial Intelligence) που δραστηριοποιείται στη τομή των γνωστικών περιοχών της Μάθησης Μηχανής (Machine Learning) και του Λογικού Προγραμματισμού (Logic Programming).Ο όρος επαγωγικός εκφράζει την ιδέα του συλλογισμού από το επί μέρους στο γενικό. Μέσω της επαγωγικής μάθησης μηχανής ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός επιτυγχάνει το στόχο του που είναι η δημιουργία εργαλείων και η ανάπτυξη τεχνικών για την εξαγωγή υποθέσεων από παρατηρήσεις (παραδείγματα) και η σύνθεση-απόκτηση νέας γνώσης από εμπειρικές παρατηρήσεις. Σε αντίθεση με της περισσότερες άλλες προσεγγίσεις της επαγωγικής μάθησης ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός ενδιαφέρεται για της ιδιότητες του συμπερασμού με κανόνες για την σύγκλιση αλγορίθμων και για την υπολογιστική πολυπλοκότητα των διαδικασιών. Ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός ασχολείται με την ανάπτυξη τεχνικών και εργαλείων για την σχεσιακή ανάλυση δεδομένων. Εφαρμόζεται απευθείας σε δεδομένα πολλαπλών συσχετισμών για την ανακάλυψη προτύπων. Τα πρότυπα που ανακαλύπτονται από τα συστήματα στον Επαγωγικό Λογικό Προγραμματισμό προκύπτουν από κάποιο γνωστό θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο και θετικά και αρνητικά παραδείγματα και εκφράζονται ως λογικά προγράμματα. Ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί εκτεταμένα σε προβλήματα που αφορούν τη μοριακή βιολογία, την βιοχημεία και την χημεία. Ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός διαφοροποιείται από τις άλλες μορφές Μάθησης Μηχανής, αφ’ ενός μεν λόγω της χρήσης μιας εκφραστικής γλώσσας αναπαράστασης και αφ’ ετέρου από τη δυνατότητά του να χρησιμοποιεί τη γνώση υποβάθρου. Έχουν αναπτυχθεί διάφορες μηχανισμούς υλοποίησης του ILP, εκ των οποίων η πιο πρόσφατη είναι η Progol, που βασίζεται σε ένα διερμηνέα της Prolog ο οποίος συνοδεύεται από έναν αλγόριθμο Αντίστροφης Συνεπαγωγής (Inverse Entailment). Η Progol κατασκευάζει νέες προτάσεις με τη γενίκευση των παραδειγμάτων που περιέχονται στη βάση δεδομένων που της δίνεται. Η θεωρία του Επαγωγικού Λογικού Προγραμματισμού εγγυάται ότι η Progol θα διεξάγει μια αποδεκτή αναζήτηση στο διάστημα των γενικεύσεων, βρίσκοντας το ελάχιστο σύνολο προτάσεων, από το οποίο όλα τα παραδείγματα μπορούν να προκύψουν.
Σε αυτή την εργασία θα αναπτυχθούν αναλυτικά η θεωρία και οι κανόνες του Επαγωγικού Λογικού Προγραμματισμού, τα είδη των προβλημάτων που επιλύονται μέσω του Επαγωγικού Λογικού Προγραμματισμού, οι μέθοδοι που ακολουθούνται καθώς και ο τρόπος με τον οποίο αναπτύσσονται οι εφαρμογές του Επαγωγικού Λογικού Προγραμματισμού. Θα δοθούν επίσης παραδείγματα κατάλληλα για την κατανόηση των γνώσεων αυτών από ένα ακροατήριο που διαθέτει βασικές γνώσεις Λογικής και Λογικού Προγραμματισμού. / Inductive Logic Programming is a research area of Artificial Intelligence that operates in the intersection of cognitive areas of Machine Learning and Logic Programming. Through inductive machine learning, Inductive Logic Programming‟s objective is creating tools and developing techniques to extract new knowledge composing a background one and empirical observations (examples). Some methods are employed, the best known of which is the reverse implication, the reverse resolution and the inverse implication. Based on Inductive Logic Programming, some systems have been developed for knowledge production. The most widely used system is Progol, which uses an input of examples and background knowledge, whichε is stated in a kind of grammar compatible to that the programming language Prolog, and generates procedures in the same language that illustrate these examples. Other systems are FOIL, MOBAL, GOLEM and LINUS. There is also Cigol which is a programming language based on the theory of Inductive Logic Programming. These systems are used in many applications. The most important is the area of pharmacology, such as predictive toxicology, the provision of rheumatic disease and the design of drugs for Alzheimer's. Applications can also be found in programming, linguistics and games like chess.
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Soldagem em laminas finas de hastelloy c-276 por laser pulsado Nd:YAGMunekata, Ricardo Mitsuo [UNESP] January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
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munekata_rm_me_ilha.pdf: 4705141 bytes, checksum: 56254cadfa4c90cb796f3b90671140ee (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O presente trabalho estudou a influência da energia do pulso de soldagem, no caso processo laser de Nd:YAG operando no modo pulsado, na soldagem de duas lâminas finas com 100 μm de Hastelloy C-276, utilizado no revestimento de sensores que trabalham em ambiente corrosivo da indústria sucroalcooleira, química petroquímica e alimentícia. Utilizou-se energia de pulso de 1,0 Joule a 2,25 Joules, com incremento de 0,25 Joules com a velocidade de soldagem de (ν) taxa de repetição (Rr) fixas de 525mm/min e 39Hz respectivamente e largura temporal de 4 ms. As soldas foram realizadas com proteção gasosa de argônio. Foram realizadas análises macrográficas e micrográficas das juntas soldadas, através de secções transversais das mesmas e ensaios de microdureza Vickers e ensaio de tração. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o controle da energia do pulso, em processo de soldagem por laser de lâminas finas é de fundamental importância para a geração de juntas soldadas livres de descontinuidades. Os parâmetros geométricos da junta soldada, tais como largura do cordão, largura de união e profundidade do cordão, aumentaram em função do aumento da energia do pulso. O processo mostrou-se muito sensível à formação de porosidade e à presença de gap entre as lâminas / This work measured experimental investigations were carried out using a pulsed neodymium: yttrium aluminum garnet laser welding to examine the influence of the pulse energy in two thin foil welding with 100 μm thickness, employed to cover sensors that work in corrosive environment of the sugar and alcohol industry,chemical petrochemistry and nourishing. The pulse energy was varied from 1,0 to 2,25 J at an increment of 0.25 J and an increment of 0.25 Joules with a welding speed and(ν) repetition rate (Rr) fixed 525mm/min and 39Hz respectively and 4 ms pulse duration. The specimens were laser-welded in an argon atmosphere. The welds were analyzed by macroscopic and microscopic observations using optical microscopy and micro hardness and tensile test. The results indicated that pulse energy control, in laser welding of thin foils, is of considerable importance for weld quality since it can generate discontinuities free weld joints. The geometric parameters of the welded joints like bead width, connection width and bead depth increased with the pulse energy increasing. The process showed very sensitive to porosity formation and gap between couple
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Refrigerant-lubricated gas foil bearings : A thermo-hydrodynamic study (application to rigid bearings) / Lubrification par gaz réfrigérant des paliers à feuilles : Une étude thermo-hydrodynamique (application aux paliers à feuilles rigides)Garcia, Mathieu 11 December 2012 (has links)
Des études internes à Liebherr-Aerospace France, concernant la conception de nouveaux compresseurs lubrifiés par gaz réfrigérant, ont montré que dans des conditions de fonctionnement spécifiques, un mélange de vapeur et de liquide apparaît au sein du compresseur, au lieu d'une phase vapeur seule. De ce fait, le comportement des paliers à feuilles lubrifiés au gaz réfrigérant est étudié, y compris la possibilité d'un écoulement diphasique du lubrifiant. L'étude porte sur le comportement du lubrifiant uniquement, dans des conditions de fonctionnement qui sont celles des paliers à feuilles. L'approche Thermo-Hydrodynamique décrit les caractéristiques du lubrifiant telles que la pression, la densité, la viscosité et la température. Dans ce modèle, une équation de Reynolds généralisée pour écoulement turbulent, une équation d'état non-linéaire pour écoulement diphasique et une équation de l'énergie tridimensionnelle pour film-mince et écoulement turbulent sont utilisées. Les paramètres globaux du palier sont calculés en régime permanent. / Internal experiments at Liebherr-Aerospace FRANCE on new refrigerant-lubricated compressor designs have shown that under specific operating conditions, a mixture of vapor and liquid appears in the compressor, instead of a single-phase vapor flow. Therefore, refrigerant-lubricated foil bearings behavior is studied, including the likelihood of two-phase flow in the lubricant. We focus on the lubricant behavior only, in the operating conditions of foil bearings. The Thermo-Hydrodynamic approach describes lubricant characteristics such as pressure, density, viscosity, and temperature. It involves the use of a generalized Reynolds equation for turbulent flow, a nonlinear cubic equation of state for two-phase flow and a 3D turbulent thin-film energy equation. Journal bearing global parameters are calculated for steady-state conditions.
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Electrochemical etching and anodizing as key stages of surface treatment of aluminium foil for electrolytic capacitor industry : Application of Electro Chemical Impedance Spectroscopy as non-destructive characterization of etched anode foil with an anodized dielectric oxide layerAppusamy Boopathy, Harish, Bonthala, Pavan Kumar January 2017 (has links)
In the initial stage, the sample preparation was done by using the techniques of Anodic etching and anodic forming processes where a repeated trial and error method of sample preparation headed towards making out a suitable sample set for characterization. After this step, the set of 2 different industrial samples were introduced and anodic oxide forming process was carried out in different electrolytes. In the sample preparations, 4 different electrolytes were used 15% wt. Ammonium Adiphate, 1.5% wt. Ammonium Phosphate, 7% wt. Boric acid and 15% Penta Borate at different stages for performing the anodic oxide forming process. Minimum forming voltages of 20V to a maximum of 100V was employed in the sample preparation and to overcome the waiting time in forming the etched samples a higher current of 0.5A was used. After the samples preparation, Electrochemical Impedance spectroscopy was used as a tool for characterising the various groups of samples and for observing the micro structures of various samples, they were fractured and the observed on the cross section by SEM. After the analysis of the etched samples was made, an attempt to compare the results of the data of these samples to that of the 2 set of industrial samples was made and found that the resultant data wasn’t stable enough to characterize since huge scattering were occurring and whereby the simulation of the CPE circuit for the chosen circuit in the analysis was not possible. Under the analysis, a randomly chosen industrial sample was also used and the resultant data was utilised in understanding the response of the system to different electrolytes. / Sammanfattning Avhandlingsarbetet har genomförts på KEMET AB i samarbete med yttekniklaboratoriet vid JTH i syfte att karakterisera den etsade anodiska aluminiumfolien som grundprov med anodisering och etsning för ytbehandling. I inledningsskedet gjordes provberedningen med användning av teknikerna för anodisk etsning och anodbildande processer där en upprepad provnings- och felmetod för provberedning ledde ut mot att utarbeta en lämplig provuppsättning med avseende på karakterisering. Efter detta steg infördes uppsättningen av 2 olika industriella prover och anodoxidbildande process utfördes i olika elektrolyter. I provpreparaten användes 4 olika elektrolyter 15 % vikt Ammoniumadiphat, 1,5 vikt% Ammoniumfosfat, 7 vikt% Borsyra och 15 % Penta-borat vid olika steg för utförande av anodoxidbildningsförfarandet. Minimala formningsspänningar på 20V till ett maximum av 100V användes i provframställningen och för att övervinna väntetiden vid bildning av de etsade proven användes en högre ström av 0,5A. Efter provberedningen användes elektrokemisk impedansspektroskopi som ett verktyg för att karakterisera de olika grupperna av prover och för att observera mikrostrukturerna i olika prover, de bröts och de observerades i tvärsnittet av SEM. Efter att analysen av de etsade proverna gjordes ett försök att jämföra resultaten av data från dessa prover till den för de två uppsättningarna av industriella prover. Det är konstaterat att de resulterande data inte var stabila nog att karakterisera eftersom stor spridning inträffade och varigenom simuleringen av CPE-kretsen för den valda kretsen i analysen inte var möjlig. Under analysen användes också ett slumpmässigt valt industriellt prov och de resulterande data användes för att förstå systemets respons till olika elektrolyter.
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Microstructural investigation of alloys used for power generation industriesKrishna, Ram January 2010 (has links)
Nickel based superalloys are currently being investigated for high temperature applications in advanced steam power plant operating at temperatures of 700˚C and above. Three nickel-based superalloys Inconel 617, Inconel 625 and Nimonic 263 alloys, which are of primary interest for boiler technology components such as furnace walls, superheater tubes, header and steam pipes, etc and for steam turbine technology components such as HP &IP cylinders, rotor forgings, casing and valve chest, blading, etc., have been evaluated for long and short term creep performance. Creep deformation processes occurring at high temperatures and stresses lead to the evolution of microstructures in the form of precipitation, precipitate coarsening and recovery effects. The deterioration in mechanical properties as a result of this microstructural change has been evaluated by hardness testing. This work discusses the microstructural evolution occurring in alloys in samples that have been creep exposed at a series of temperatures from 650°C to 775°C and for durations from 1000 to 45,000 hours using advanced FEGSEM, TEM, XRD and phase extraction techniques. The fractions and morphology of different phases, their locations during exposure to higher temperatures and probable creep fracture mechanism in these alloys are illustrated and discussed.
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Fluid-Elastic Interactions in Flutter And Flapping Wing PropulsionMysa, Ravi Chaithanya January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study seeks to understand the interplay of vorticity and elasto-dynamics that forms the basis for a fluttering flag and flapping wing propulsion, and factors that distinguish one from the other. The fluid dynamics is assumed two dimensional and incompressible, and comprises potential and viscous flow simulations. The elastic solid is one dimensional and governed by the Bernoulli-Euler flexure model. The fluid and elastic solid models are coupled using a predictor-corrector algorithm. Flutter of a flag or foil is associated with drag and we show that the pressure on the foil is predominantly circulatory in origin. The circulatory pressure generated on the foil depends primarily on the slope and curvature. The wake vorticity exhibits a wide range of behavior starting from a Kelvin-Helmholtz type instability to a von Kármán wake. Potential flow simulations do not capture the wake accurately both at high and low mass ratios. This is reflected in the flutter boundary and pressure over the foil when compared with viscous flow simulations. Thrust due to heaving of a flexible foil shows maxima at a set of discrete frequencies that coincide with the frequencies at which the flapping velocity of the foil tip is a maximum. The propulsive efficiency shows maxima at a set of discrete frequencies that are close but distinct from the thrust maxima set of frequencies. These discrete frequencies are close to the natural frequencies of vibration of a cantilevered foil vibrating in vacuum. At low frequencies thrust is a consequence of a strong leading edge vortex developed over the foil and it remains attached to the foil as it is convected due to the favorable pressure gradient presented by the time and spatially varying shape of the foil. At moderate and high frequencies of oscillation the pressure, and consequently the thrust, generated by the foil is non-circulatory in origin and they are high where the accelerations of the foil are high. At high frequencies the leading edge vortex is weak. Except in the low frequency range, potential flow simulations qualitatively compares well with viscous flow predictions. We show that thrust and drag on a flexible foil oscillating in a flow is caused by the phase difference between the slope of the foil and the fluid pressure on it. Propulsive efficiency though is governed by the phase difference between foil velocity and fluid pressure and inertia forces. Thus, the interplay of vorticity and elasto-dynamics determine the behavior of a flutter and propulsion of a flexible foil in a fluid flow.
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Analýza životnosti střešních PVC fólií / Analysis of the life service of PVC roofing foilsRosecký, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
Roofing foils are known for several years as building material for roof hydro insulation but their life service is not yet fully known. This thesis is focused on problematics of life service of roofing foils. In theoretical part there is discribed structure of foils and impacts which assist degradation processes. Practical part modifies the methodology artificial aging which is simulated in QUV tester and Q-SUN XE3 tester lumber-rooms. The thesis is trying reach with the results to natural aging as close as possible. The testing captures attributes which are more prone to degradation.
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