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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Igniting the fire between leaders and followers: the impact of having the right fit

Guay, Russell P. 01 May 2011 (has links)
Transformational leaders inspire followers to perform beyond expectations and to become transformational leaders themselves. Research evidence shows that transformational leadership has positive effects on people, teams, organizations, and nations. In addition to producing higher levels of follower performance, transformational leadership results in increased follower satisfaction and commitment. However, there is still much to be learned about the complex set of antecedents that predict perceptions of transformational leader behaviors, and research is scarce regarding moderators that impact the relationship between leader behavior and follower outcomes. Most research regarding antecedents of transformational leadership has focused on leader personality and other individual differences, but there are other potential predictors not addressed in the literature, such as how the match between a leader and the situation influences transformational leadership. This study expanded upon previous research by examining the constructs of person-organization fit, person-job fit (demands-abilities and needs-supplies), and motivation to lead as predictors of transformational leader behavior. Because followers' fit with the situation may influence their receptiveness to transformational leadership, I also examined follower perceptions of person-supervisor fit and person-organization fit as moderators of the relationship between transformational leadership and follower outcomes. I hypothesized that these relationships would be stronger for those with higher levels of fit perceptions and recruited participants from multiple organizations to test the hypotheses. A sample of 215 leaders across 10 organizations provided self-report data regarding the proposed antecedents, as well as their personality characteristics, the need for change in their work unit, and the performance of their followers. Their supervisors provided ratings of leader effectiveness and assessed the need for change in the leader's work unit. A sample of 1,284 followers assessed the leaders' transformational leader behaviors and provided self-report data regarding the proposed fit moderators and their own work attitudes, which included job satisfaction and intentions to quit. Analytic strategies used to test the hypotheses were correlational analysis, multiple regression, hierarchical linear modeling, and moderated mediation. Initial regression results showed that both needs-supplies fit and demands-abilities fit were significantly related to transformational leadership. After control variables were taken into account, only demands-abilities fit remained significantly related to transformational leadership. Consistent with previous research, transformational leadership was related to boss ratings of leader effectiveness as well as to follower job satisfaction, intentions to quit (negative), and organizational citizenship behaviors (but not to task performance). Of the proposed moderators, support was found for the interaction of transformational leadership and person-supervisor fit influencing intentions to quit (intentions to quit was positively related to transformational leadership; the relationship was stronger for those with higher levels of person-supervisor fit), the interaction of transformational leadership and person-organization fit influencing intentions to quit (intentions to quit was negatively related to transformational leadership; the relationship was stronger for those with higher levels of person-organization fit), and also for the interaction of transformational leadership and person-organization fit influencing task performance (task performance was positively related to transformational leadership; the relationship was stronger for those with higher levels of person-organization fit). Theoretical and managerial implications are also discussed, along with limitations of the study and suggestions for future research.

Målstyrning som motiverar : En studie om hur chefer motiverar medarbetarna i målstyrningsprocessen / Goal management that motivates : A study of how managers motivate employees in the goal orientation process

Mikaelsson, Emma January 2013 (has links)
Socialt arbete i Sverige bedrivs inom offentlig samt privat regi och är underordnad politisk styrning. Inom de offentliga förvaltningarna finansierar politikerna förvaltningarna som bed-rivs utan vinstintresse och arbetar för att implementera politiska idéer och visioner i arbetet. Alla verksamheter under politisk styrning arbetar efter olika samhällsuppdrag där olika mål ska implementeras för att vidareutveckla verksamheterna och anpassas efter de förändringar som sker i samhället.Studiens syfte var att ta reda på hur enhetschefer inom Socialtjänsten motiverar sina medarbe-tare att arbeta med de politiska verksamhetsmålen. Studiens empiriska material samlades in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra enhetschefer inom Socialtjänsten i Halmstad. Därefter tolkades empirin genom en hermeneutisk ansats för att få en förståelse för materialet. Slutsat-serna drogs sedan från empiri till teorier genom induktion.De viktigaste faktorerna som motiverar medarbetarna i målstyrningsarbetet utifrån ett chefs-perspektiv är att målen är tydliga så medarbetarna förstår syftet med målen. Att medarbetarna får vara delaktiga när målen planeras och utarbetas. Dels genom att de får vara med och be-sluta hur arbetet ska gå till samt att medarbetarna är delaktiga och involverade i ekonomin. Det individuella ansvaret hos varje medarbetare var också av vikt, det gör att medarbetaren får anta uppgifter som de är kunniga i och som de känner sig bekväma med. Lönen var däremot inte en avgörande faktor för att motiveras, ur chefens perspektiv. Utan istället verkar det vara betydande att medarbetarna får bekräftelse och beröm från chefen när denne utfört ett bra och betydande arbete. Att följa upp målen är också en motiverande faktor, då ser gruppen om de nått målen, för vid framgång motiveras medarbetarna. / Social Work in Sweden is conducted in public and private management and is subject to polit-ical control. Within the public administration finance politician’s administrations pursued a non-profit, working to implement policy ideas and visions in the work. All activities under political control works for different social function where different goals implement in order to further develop the business and adapt to the changes that taking place in society.The study's purpose was to find out how the unit managers in social services motivate their employees to fulfill the business goals coming from politicians. The study's empirical material gathered through interviews with four unit managers within social services in Halmstad. After that, empirical data has been interpreted through a hermeneutic approach to gain an under-standing of the material. The conclusions have been drawn from empirical work to theories through induction.The main factors that motivate employees in the goal orientation process from a manager's perspective are that the goals are clear so the employees understand the purpose of the targets. It is important that employees involved when the goals is planned. Partly by allowing them to participate and decide how the work will proceed and those employees are empowered and involved in the economy. The individual responsibility of each employee was also important, it means that the employee adopt task that they are knowledgeable in and that they feel com-fortable with. Salary, however, was not a critical factor to be motivated from manager´s per-spective. But instead it seems important that employees receive acknowledgment and praise from the manager when they performed a good and important work. To follow up the goals is also a motivating factor. Then, the group sees if they achieved the goals, because the employ-ee is motivated by success.

Asså jag bryr mig inte, men ändå bryr jag mig. : En kvalitativ studie om ungas uppfattning och erfarenheter av Instagram. / I kinda don't care, but I do care.

Nehls, Agnes, Leding, Linn January 2015 (has links)
Social media has come to play an increasingly important role in today's society. It’s hard in today’s world not to talk about youth culture without mentioning social media. Large amounts of research show that this type of media adversely affects young people, but at the same time, much of this research is written from an adult perspective. Our purpose in this bachelor thesis is to examine and highlight a young persons own perspective on this type of media. We have chosen to focus on younger people that use Instagram between the ages of thirteen through sixteen. The teens are most active on Instagram and it's their main social media platform. We have been studying Instagram accounts and have had interviews with focus groups to explore the culture that prevails on Instagram today. The study shows that young people today use Instagram in order to take advantage of the sharing of their everyday lives. All of the respondents believe that girls and boys use Instagram in different ways. The main difference is that girls seem to care more about their social media lives than boys do. Something that is demonstrated by all the girls is that they use two different accounts for two different audiences. In the discussion, we review why the culture looks like it does and how young people today jointly build rules about how to behave in this social medium. Then we finally arrive to the point that young people today have a better eye on social media than previous researchhas shown. We believe that the concerns many parents have about their children on social media in many cases is excessive. / Sociala medier har kommit att spela en allt större roll i dagens samhälle. Det går idag inte att prata om ungdomskulturen utan att nämna de sociala medierna. Mycket forskning visar att ungdomar påverkas negativt av denna typ av media men samtidigt är mycket av denna forskning skriven ur ett vuxenperspektiv. Vårt syfte med denna studie är därför att undersöka och belysa de ungas egna perspektiv på denna typ av medier. Vi har valt att inrikta oss på ungdomar och Instagram då det är unga mellan 13-16 som är mest aktiva på sociala medier och Instagram är deras största plattform. Vi har genom att studera Instagram-konton och intervjuer i fokusgrupper undersökt kulturen som råder på Instagram idag. Studien visar att ungdomar idag använder Instagram i syfte att ta del av samt själva dela med sig av sin vardag. Samtliga respondenter menar att Instagram används på olika sätt av tjejer och killar. Främsta skillnaden är att tjejer verkar bry sig mer än vad killar gör. Något som styrks av att samtliga tjejer använder sig av två olika konton för två olika målgrupper. I diskussionen går vi igenom varför kulturen ser ut som den gör idag och hur de unga idag tillsammans bygger regelverk kring hur man ska bete sig på detta sociala medium. Det vi till sist kommer fram till är att unga idag har bättre koll på sociala medier än vad tidigare forskning visat. Vi anser att den oro många föräldrar känner över sina barn på sociala medier i många fall är överdriven.

En studie om förutsättningar för ledarskap i kunskapsintensiva verksamheter / A study about conditions for leadership in knowledge-intensive firms

Ekström, Cecilia, Sandberg, Niklas January 2013 (has links)
Title: A study about conditions for leadership in knowledge-intensive firms. Authors: Cecilia Ekström and Niklas Sandberg Keywords: Leadership, knowledge-intensive firm, hierarchies, followers. Background: Leadership is becoming one of our greatest social myths and is considered a total solution for many problems that occur in an organization. The view of leadership is usually from a top-down perspective, which contributes to an often underestimated view of the follower. Just as it is important to understand the leader's view of leadership, it is important to understand how employees view the structure from which the leader derives its legitimacy. The existing conditions in knowledge-intensive firms, such as autonomy, place special demands on the formal leadership. Purpose: The purpose of this study takes an employee perspective, to understand what the conditions are for formal leadership in knowledge-intensive firms. Method: A qualitative research method was used and empirical material was collected through interviews with employees in knowledge-intensive firms. The empirical material was analyzed by the respondents’ mental images which were set against the theoretical framework of the thesis. Conclusions: The conditions for formal leadership in knowledge-intensive firms make it advantageous to have a leader with a withdrawn role. It is about taking advantage of the employees’ cutting edge knowledge of the work and to support and develop the employees. The leader needs to be aware that it is important for employees to be heard and that questioning is a way to develop the organization. The leader also needs to be aware that even employees in knowledge-intensive firms, which seemingly are very independent, need frameworks to relate to that distributes roles and responsibilities. / Titel: En studie om förutsättningar för ledarskap i kunskapsintensiva verksamheter. Författare: Cecilia Ekström och Niklas Sandberg Nyckelord: Ledarskap, kunskapsintensiva verksamheter, hierarkier, följare. Bakgrund: Ledarskap håller på att växa till en av vår tids största sociala myter och anses som en helhetslösning för många problem som uppstår i en organisation. Synen på ledarskap utgår oftast ifrån ett uppifrån-och-ner perspektiv vilket bidrar till att följarnas roll ofta undervärderas. På samma sätt som det är viktigt att förstå ledarens syn på ledarskap är det viktigt att förstå hur medarbetarna ser på den struktur varifrån ledaren hämtar sin legitimitet. De förutsättningar som finns i kunskapsintensiva verksamheter, till exempel autonomi, ställer särskilda krav på det formella ledarskapet. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom ett medarbetarperspektiv skapa förståelse för vilka förutsättningar som finns för formellt ledarskap i kunskapsintensiva verksamheter. Metod: En kvalitativ forskningsmetod har använts och empirimaterialet samlades in genom intervjuer med anställda i kunskapsintensiva verksamheter. Empirimaterialet har analyserats genom att respondenternas mentala bilder har ställts mot uppsatsens teoretiska referensram. Slutsatser: Förutsättningarna för formellt ledarskap i kunskapsintensiva verksamheter gör det fördelaktigt att ledaren har en tillbakadragen roll. Det handlar om att ta vara på medarbetarnas spetskunskaper i arbetet samt stötta och utveckla medarbetarna. Ledaren behöver vara medveten om att det är viktigt för medarbetarna att få komma till tals och att ifrågasättande är ett sätt att utveckla organisationen. Ledaren behöver dessutom vara medveten om att även medarbetare i kunskapsintensiva verksamheter, som till synes är väldigt självständiga behöver ramar att förhålla sig till som är till för att fördela roller och ansvar.

From Passivity to Toxicity : Susceptible followers in a conducive environment

Baronce, Esther January 2015 (has links)
The romance of leadership is over. So is the romance of followership. Indeed, followers are notpassive as they used to be considered. The majority of the scholars underline their active rolein the creation of the relationship with the leader. This is why when it comes to toxic leadership;the leader is not the only one to blame. Actually, followers are equally responsible for themaintenance and even the creation of toxicity in an organization context. Padilla et al. (2007)argue that toxic leadership comes from the interaction of a toxic leader, susceptible followersand a conducive environment.This research paper focuses on the interaction of two of these components: susceptiblefollowers and the conducive environment. The aim is to understand the role of the influence ofthe environment on decision making in a first time. Then, how individuals, under pressure whenit comes to decision making are more likely to maintain or foster toxicity.After a deep digging into the psychological and sociological mechanisms which are at the basisof the following process, this paper ends by a reflection on human being’s relation withfreedom.

Hälsopedagogers ledarskap : En studie om individers syn på hälsopedagogers ledarskap och deras möjliga påverkan på följares livsstilsförändringar

Hydén, Tommy January 2014 (has links)
I dagens samhälle söker sig många människor till olika hälsoprofessioner för att få hjälp med att göra livsstilsförändringar. Dessa människor betalar ofta mycket pengar för denna expertis samtidigt som de bygger upp stora förväntningar och lägger ned mycket energi på livsstilsförändringen. För att undvika missnöje hos individen och bortkastade pengar krävs det att den hälsopedagog individen möter vet vad som förväntas av den för att på bästa sätt tillfredsställa individens behov. Syftet men den här studien är just att undersöka vad individer förväntar sig av hälsopedagogers ledarskap och bemötande. Huruvida hälsopedagoger kan påverka individers livsstilsförändringar har också undersökts. För att svara på studiens syfte har fyra personer intervjuats som alla har tagit hjälp för att göra en livsstilsförändring. Intervjuerna har sedan transkriberats och analyserats. I resultatet framkommer det att individerna förväntar sig att hälsopedagoger har kunskap och kompetens inom sitt område. En god kommunikation från hälsopedagogen anses också vara viktigt visar resultatet, liksom att denne visar hängivenhet, bekräftar, uppmärksammar och kan få individen att känna tillit. Hälsopedagogens förmåga att vara positiv samt motivera och stötta har betydelse och även hur många hälsopedagoger som hjälper individen kan spela roll. Hälsopedagoger har enligt resultatet framförallt positiv påverkan på individers livsstilsförändringar. Trots hälsopedagogers påverkan ligger ett stort ansvar på individen själv hur livsstilsförändringen går.

Hashtags and Followers : An experimental study of the online social network Twitter

Martin, Eva Garcia January 2013 (has links)
Context. Social media marketing is constantly gaining interest as a powerful tool, for advertisement campaigns, in order to maximize their audience to reach potential new customers. To efficiently target customers, the knowledge of social network structure and user behavior is of crucial importance. Among these online social networks, Twitter’s popularity is rapidly increasing. Its key feature is to link different topics and posts by using the hashtag symbol. This particular characteristic is one of the principal causes that direct users to specific topics, and lead them to expand their network. Objectives. In this study we investigate a correlation between hashtags and increase of followers motivated by a specific research question. The question is whether the addition of hashtags to tweets produces new followers. Methods. We designed a controlled experiment in which we gather tweets from two types of users: users tweeting with hashtags and users tweeting without hashtags. Users tweeting with hashtags will belong to the experimental group and users tweeting without hashtags will form part of the control group. Their statistical behavior is analyzed by conducting the non-parametrical Mann-Whitney U-test. Results. The results of the Mann-Whitney U-Test show that the null hypothesis is rejected at confidence level 0.05. Based on that, a correlation is shown between hashtags and followers, therefore tweets that contain hashtags are more likely to lead to a higher increase in the number of followers than tweets without hashtags. Conclusions. This thesis contributes to describe the functionality of hahstags in the online social network Twitter. It provides an original correlational study on the use of hashtags and increase of followers. We discover that users tweeting with hashtags are more likely to increase their number of followers than users that tweet without hashtags. This discovery opens a new research direction regarding hashtags and followers, specifically to discover which hashtags increase the number of followers and which do not.

Seeing diversity through the followers’ perspectives : An exploratory study of diversity on the individual level

Lundqvist, Nina, Zavahir, Hanah January 2020 (has links)
The increase in globalisation has triggered the interest towards diversity in the workplace. Although diversity is widely studied, conventional diversity studies tend to view diversity in relation to organisational benefits and focus on demographic traits. The focus of this thesis is to explore how followers in the workplace understand diversity within a Swedish context. This exploratory study takes on a qualitative approach to develop deeper insight towards the way in which diversity is understood on an individual level. The study was supported by ten cases, each sharing their experiences and perceptions of diversity in their workplaces. The study identified several sources of diversity, including those which are not generally associated with the term “diversity”. Additionally, the findings show that diversity is understood in a range of ways. This highlighted the complexity of the phenomenon and shows that diversity goes beyond demographic characteristics.

Trust Issues? : An explorative study about millennials understanding of trust at work

Amoako-Atta, Christopher, Le Persson, Timmy January 2020 (has links)
Through demographic change, millennials now make up the most substantial part of the workforce. This is relevant as they are also a generation faced with prejudice. This thesis aims to explore how millennial followers are looking at trust in work relationships and how they perceive to establish trust in work relationships to increase understanding. The focus of this study is on millennial followers, as leadership literature is plentiful, and most millennials are and will always be followers.  We examine the millennials’ understanding of trust and explore what issues they bring up when reflecting on trust at work. This thesis argues that millennials think of trust as relying on others when thinking of healthy relationships. They prefer knowledge-based relationships over calculus- and identity-based relationships. To build trust, millennials perceive that they use both task- and relationship-based trust-building together with interactions as based to earn and evolve trust. In relationships where there are trust issues, they change their understanding of trust and stick to task-based or calculus-based relationships. This study follows an interpretivist approach with an abductive structure. For data collection, indepth interviews with 7 millennials from Sweden and Switzerland were conducted. To analyze a thematic approach to coding was employed. The emerging patterns are introduced in a thematic narrative to increase comprehensibility. The study provides insights into the millennial followers’ understanding of trust.

An insight into young leaders way to success : With connections to emotional labor and emotional intelligence

Ebrahimi, Edwin, Talåsen, Elin, Issa, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Leadership is developed by experience and grows with time (Ohnstad, et al, 2019). However, being a young leader many times relates to having less experience. This can add to the already existing obstacles that a leader encounters, making it more challenging for a young leader to fulfill their position. Therefore, the following study investigates what perceptions young leaders experience, and what strategies they adopt to gain legitimacy and respect in their position, and thereby influence their employees. The study's findings provide a greater understanding of the underlying reasons why young people may experience difficulties in being leaders, and what strategies they therefore use to be perceived as more suited for their position A qualitative research approach was chosen to conduct the study. The collected data consists of semi-structured interviews with 14 respondents. The findings in the study indicate that prejudices among young leaders can vary. This depends on how long one has been involved in an organization or if the leader is the creator of the company. Also engaging in emotional labor can be a way of fitting into the norm to be perceived as more suitable for a certain position, which is a way to avoid prejudices. The findings of the study resulted in four strategies that the young leaders use to be considered serious leaders: 1) being present, 2) tailor-made workplace, 3) personalized leadership and 4) non-hierarchical environment. Finally, in terms of leading efficiently, emotional intelligence is exercised as a part of a young leader's strategy to gain trust, influence and meet the needs of the employees. Keywords: young leaders, leadership, emotional labor, emotional intelligence, strategies, leaders, subordinates, followers.

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