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Empreendedorismo cooperativo e intercooperação na produção de energia elétrica e de alimentos : evidências do cooperativismo de eletrificação rural gaúchoZucatto, Luis Carlos January 2015 (has links)
A eletrificação rural é um desafio caracterizado pela população rarefeita, baixo consumo per capita, longas distâncias para atender aos consumidores e vias de difícil acesso para manutenção das redes. No Rio Grande do Sul, as primeiras iniciativas de eletrificação rural foram viabilizadas por meio de Cooperativas de Eletrificação Rural (CERs) que, com o passar do tempo, começaram a enfrentar problemas provocados pela privatização do setor elétrico brasileiro. Para sobreviverem, as CERs desenvolveram iniciativas de mútua cooperação, implementaram novos negócios, se articularam com e pelas estruturas de representação. Deste contexto emerge o questionamento: Como se desenvolvem a intercooperação e o empreendedorismo cooperativo no Cooperativismo de Eletrificação Rural Gaúcho e qual a contribuição destes para a produção de energia elétrica e de alimentos sob a lógica da sustentabilidade? Para se construir a resposta à questão, definiu-se como objetivo: Investigar se e como o empreendedorismo cooperativo e a intercooperação fomentam o Cooperativismo de Eletrificação Rural Gaúcho e a produção de energia elétrica e de alimentos sob a lógica da sustentabilidade. A teoria que embasa o estudo faz alusão ao displacement of concepts para se averiguar a apropriação do conceito de organização pela Teoria Organizacional e, também, como o conceito de cooperação é apropriado pelos Estudos Organizacionais. Trata-se a temática da cooperação sob as perspectivas da Biologia, da Sociologia e da Teoria Organizacional. Aborda-se o surgimento, as principais teorias e os princípios do cooperativismo. Discute-se o que é a organização cooperativa com ênfase naquelas abordagens que destacam o processo de os sujeitos, por meio deste tipo de organização, promoverem soluções a problemas comuns. A intercooperação é discutida enquanto um dos princípios do cooperativismo e também como lógica competitiva. É tratado, ainda, o fenômeno do empreendedorismo sob as abordagens de negócios, coletivo, social e cooperativo, com foco nesta última perspectiva. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas em profundidade com gestores de 13 das 15 CERs, sendo 17 gestores de CERs entrevistados, 11 experts do cooperativismo, 5 associados de CERs, 3 gestores de estruturas de representação de organizações cooperativas e 1 líder de classe de trabalhadores. Os resultados apontam que as CERs nasceram em um ambiente de intercooperação e que algumas têm conseguido desenvolver a capacidade de promover arranjos intercooperativos, inclusive em nível internacional. As iniciativas de intercooperação, entretanto, ainda não avançaram para ações como a de compras conjuntas. Sobre o empreendedorismo cooperativo, as iniciativas se dão no sentido da criação das CERs, geração de energia elétrica de forma individual e compartilhada, e o reforço de redes de distribuição. Já, no que tange à contribuição para a produção de energia elétrica e de alimentos sob a lógica da sustentabilidade, as CERs viabilizaram a permanência das famílias em suas propriedades ao disponibilizarem a energia elétrica, assim como favoreceram o uso de tecnologias para o aumento da produção e produtividade, aspectos que contemplam as dimensões social e econômica. Na geração de energia elétrica, são identificadas as dimensões social, ambiental e econômica. Emergem, ainda as dimensões territorial, política e tecnológica da sustentabilidade. / Rural electrification is a challenge characterized by sparse population, low per capita consumption, long distances to meet the consumer and the process of difficult access to network maintenance. In Rio Grande do Sul, the first initiatives of rural electrification were made possible through Rural Rlectrification Cooperatives (RECs) which, over time, began to face problems arising from the the privatization of the Brazilian electricity sector. To survive, the RECs have developed mutual cooperation initiatives, implemented new business, and were articulated with and by its representation structures. From this context arises the question: How to develop the inter-cooperation and cooperative entrepreneurship in the Cooperative Rural Electrification Gaucho and what their contribution to the electricity and food production under the sustainability logic? To build the answer to this question, it was defined as objective: To investigate whether and how the cooperative entrepreneurship and inter-cooperation hold up Rural Electrification Cooperativism gaucho and the production of food and electricity, under the logic of sustainability. The theory that underlies the study alludes to the displacement of concepts to determine the appropriation of organization concept by the Organizational Theory and also how the cooperation concept ois appropriated by Organizational Studies. Discusses the cooperation issues from the Biology, Sociology and Organizational Theory perspectives. It is argued what is the cooperative organization with an emphasis on those approaches that highlight the process of the subject, through this type of organization, promote solutions to common problems. The inter-cooperation is discussed as one of the principles of the cooperative as well as competitive logic. It is treated also the entrepreneurship phenomenon in business, collective, social and cooperative approaches, focusing on the latter perspective. In conducting the survey, data was collected by in-depth interviews with managers of 13 of the 15 RECs, totaling 17 RECs managers interviewed, 11 cooperativism experts, 5 families of members of RECs, three structures representation of cooperative organizations managers and one working class leadership.The results demonstrate that RECs are born in a intercooperation environment and that, throughout its history, some have been able to develop the ability to promote intercooperatives arrangements, including at the international level. The inter-cooperation initiatives, however, have not come forward to actions such as joint purchasing. Regarding the co-operative entrepreneurship, the main initiatives are given towards the creation of RECs, the RECs capitalization for creating enterprises, individual and shared electric power generation, and strengthening distribution networks. Already, regarding the contribution to food and electricity production under the logic of sustainability, RECs possible the permanence of families in their ownership by delivering electrical energy, as well as promoted the use of technology to increase production and productivity, all of which include the social and economic dimensions of sustainability. In power generation, the social, environmental and economic dimensions are identified. Emerge, although the territorial, political and technological sustainability dimensions.
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Motivações e restrições de naturezas tecnológica e organizacional para o desenvolvimento de agroindústrias de alimentos orgânicos no RSPaiva, Ana Raisa Nunes January 2016 (has links)
No Rio Grande do Sul, grande parte da produção de alimentos orgânicos é realizada por famílias de agricultores ecologistas. Para estes produtores, a agroindustrialização familiar baseada em princípios agroecológicos, além de gerar renda promove a melhoria da qualidade de vida e a recuperação e preservação dos hábitos culturais e do meio ambiente, tendo forte papel no panorama produtivo gaúcho. Apesar da tendência de crescimento do setor ser evidenciada em vários estudos nestes últimos anos, alguns fatores limitantes ao seu desenvolvimento se apresentam, com poucos dados literários contemplando as restrições de natureza tecnológica e de gestão desses sistemas produtivos no RS. Diversas publicações focam em apenas um produto ou cadeia, mas produtores orgânicos geralmente apostam em diversificação de culturas. Por isso, uma abordagem que considerasse diferentes cadeias produtivas, como a aqui proposta, é necessária. Este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar restrições de natureza tecnológica e gerencial das agroindústrias familiares processadoras de alimentos orgânicos no RS em quatro cadeias de alimentos de interesse: Mandioca, Uva, Laticínios, Uva e Cana-de-Açúcar. Também buscou-se identificar fatores motivantes para adoção de sistemas agroecológicos de produção de alimentos. O método utilizado foi estudo de caso e o instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário semiestruturado aplicado a produtores agroecológicos da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre e da Serra Gaúcha Os resultados indicam que as motivações para produção neste sistema variam, mas são todas voltadas para sustentabilidade no campo, seja no sentido ambiental, financeiro ou salutar. As motivações não mudam entre cadeias diferentes e não foi identificada correlação com o porte do empreendimento. Em todas as cadeias estudadas produtores apontam como restrição organizacional falta de tempo para se dedicar às tarefas da atividade e dificuldades na certificação. Há convergência de restrições tecnológicas apontadas, como inadequação de maquinário, pouca oferta de insumos e matérias-primas. Apenas produtores de laticínios apontaram dificuldades quanto à padronização da produção. As diferenças entre produtores cooperativados e aqueles em processo de organização de rede de produtores, sindicatos e associações foram salientes. A possibilidade de compartilhar os custos e riscos inerentes à agroindustrialização de alimentos orgânicos influi positivamente no desenvolvimento de todas as cadeias entrevistadas. Em conclusão, este trabalho deixa evidente que existem convergências quanto a motivações e restrições dentro das cadeias agroindustriais e as melhorias das condições das agroindústrias beneficiadoras de alimentos orgânicos apenas serão realidade mediante esforço conjunto entre os diversos atores das cadeias estudadas. / In Rio Grande do Sul, a considerable portion of the oganic food production is done by families dedicated to ecological agriculture. For these producers, family based agro-industrialization hinged on agroecological principles, not only generates income; it also promotes an improvement in life quality and the recuperation and preservtion of cultural habits, as well as the environment, thus its strong role in the gaucho production scenery. Despite the sector’s growth tendency demonstrated by several studies performed in recent years, some limiting factors to its development are noted, with few literary data contemplating restrictions of technological or managerial natures from those production systems in Rio Grande do Sul. Several works published in the last few years focus on only one product or chain on products. However, organic food producers genereally rely on crops diversification. Therefore, an approach considering different production chains, as the one proposed here, is necessary. This work had as its goal to identify technological and managerial restrictions faced by Rio Grande do Sul’s family based agro-industries in four concerning organic food chains: Cassava, Dairy, Grape, and Sugar Cane products. It also sought to identify motivating factors in the adoption of agroecological food production systems. The method used was case study and the instrument for data collection was a semistructured questionnaire administered to agroecological producers from Porto Alegre’s Metropolitan Region and Serra Gaucha Results indicate that motivations for producing in this system vary, but they all turned to sustainability in rural areas, may it be in the environmental, financial, or health sense. Motivations do not change amongst different chains and no correlation was identified regarding the scale of the enterprise. In all studied chains, producers point as a managerial restriction the lack of time to dedicate to their activities’ choirs and difficulties regarding certification. There is a convergence regarding technological restrictions, such as inadequate machinery, lack of suppliers for inputs and raw materials. Only dairy producers claimed to have difficulties regarding standardization of their production. Differences between cooperativated producers and those in the process of organizing producers’ networks, syndicates and associations stood out. The possibility to share costs and risks inherent to the agroindustrialization of organic food has a positive influence in the development of all chains which were interviewed. In conclusion, this work evidences that the improvement of the conditions faced by enterprises which beneficiate organic food will only be a reality by means of conjoint efforts from the parties involved in the studied chains. In conclusion, this work evidentiates that there are convergences regarding motivations and restrictions within agrindustrial chains and improvements on the current conditions for agrindustries which process organic food will be a reality only by the joint efforts of all parts in the studied chains.
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Motivações e restrições de naturezas tecnológica e organizacional para o desenvolvimento de agroindústrias de alimentos orgânicos no RSPaiva, Ana Raisa Nunes January 2016 (has links)
No Rio Grande do Sul, grande parte da produção de alimentos orgânicos é realizada por famílias de agricultores ecologistas. Para estes produtores, a agroindustrialização familiar baseada em princípios agroecológicos, além de gerar renda promove a melhoria da qualidade de vida e a recuperação e preservação dos hábitos culturais e do meio ambiente, tendo forte papel no panorama produtivo gaúcho. Apesar da tendência de crescimento do setor ser evidenciada em vários estudos nestes últimos anos, alguns fatores limitantes ao seu desenvolvimento se apresentam, com poucos dados literários contemplando as restrições de natureza tecnológica e de gestão desses sistemas produtivos no RS. Diversas publicações focam em apenas um produto ou cadeia, mas produtores orgânicos geralmente apostam em diversificação de culturas. Por isso, uma abordagem que considerasse diferentes cadeias produtivas, como a aqui proposta, é necessária. Este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar restrições de natureza tecnológica e gerencial das agroindústrias familiares processadoras de alimentos orgânicos no RS em quatro cadeias de alimentos de interesse: Mandioca, Uva, Laticínios, Uva e Cana-de-Açúcar. Também buscou-se identificar fatores motivantes para adoção de sistemas agroecológicos de produção de alimentos. O método utilizado foi estudo de caso e o instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário semiestruturado aplicado a produtores agroecológicos da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre e da Serra Gaúcha Os resultados indicam que as motivações para produção neste sistema variam, mas são todas voltadas para sustentabilidade no campo, seja no sentido ambiental, financeiro ou salutar. As motivações não mudam entre cadeias diferentes e não foi identificada correlação com o porte do empreendimento. Em todas as cadeias estudadas produtores apontam como restrição organizacional falta de tempo para se dedicar às tarefas da atividade e dificuldades na certificação. Há convergência de restrições tecnológicas apontadas, como inadequação de maquinário, pouca oferta de insumos e matérias-primas. Apenas produtores de laticínios apontaram dificuldades quanto à padronização da produção. As diferenças entre produtores cooperativados e aqueles em processo de organização de rede de produtores, sindicatos e associações foram salientes. A possibilidade de compartilhar os custos e riscos inerentes à agroindustrialização de alimentos orgânicos influi positivamente no desenvolvimento de todas as cadeias entrevistadas. Em conclusão, este trabalho deixa evidente que existem convergências quanto a motivações e restrições dentro das cadeias agroindustriais e as melhorias das condições das agroindústrias beneficiadoras de alimentos orgânicos apenas serão realidade mediante esforço conjunto entre os diversos atores das cadeias estudadas. / In Rio Grande do Sul, a considerable portion of the oganic food production is done by families dedicated to ecological agriculture. For these producers, family based agro-industrialization hinged on agroecological principles, not only generates income; it also promotes an improvement in life quality and the recuperation and preservtion of cultural habits, as well as the environment, thus its strong role in the gaucho production scenery. Despite the sector’s growth tendency demonstrated by several studies performed in recent years, some limiting factors to its development are noted, with few literary data contemplating restrictions of technological or managerial natures from those production systems in Rio Grande do Sul. Several works published in the last few years focus on only one product or chain on products. However, organic food producers genereally rely on crops diversification. Therefore, an approach considering different production chains, as the one proposed here, is necessary. This work had as its goal to identify technological and managerial restrictions faced by Rio Grande do Sul’s family based agro-industries in four concerning organic food chains: Cassava, Dairy, Grape, and Sugar Cane products. It also sought to identify motivating factors in the adoption of agroecological food production systems. The method used was case study and the instrument for data collection was a semistructured questionnaire administered to agroecological producers from Porto Alegre’s Metropolitan Region and Serra Gaucha Results indicate that motivations for producing in this system vary, but they all turned to sustainability in rural areas, may it be in the environmental, financial, or health sense. Motivations do not change amongst different chains and no correlation was identified regarding the scale of the enterprise. In all studied chains, producers point as a managerial restriction the lack of time to dedicate to their activities’ choirs and difficulties regarding certification. There is a convergence regarding technological restrictions, such as inadequate machinery, lack of suppliers for inputs and raw materials. Only dairy producers claimed to have difficulties regarding standardization of their production. Differences between cooperativated producers and those in the process of organizing producers’ networks, syndicates and associations stood out. The possibility to share costs and risks inherent to the agroindustrialization of organic food has a positive influence in the development of all chains which were interviewed. In conclusion, this work evidences that the improvement of the conditions faced by enterprises which beneficiate organic food will only be a reality by means of conjoint efforts from the parties involved in the studied chains. In conclusion, this work evidentiates that there are convergences regarding motivations and restrictions within agrindustrial chains and improvements on the current conditions for agrindustries which process organic food will be a reality only by the joint efforts of all parts in the studied chains.
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Feedbacks, Critical Transitions and Social Change in Forager-Resource Systems: An integrated modeling and ethnoarchaeological analysisJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: My dissertation contributes to a body of knowledge useful for understanding the evolution of subsistence economies based on agriculture from those based on hunting and gathering, as well as the development of formal rules and norms of territorial ownership in hunter-gatherer societies. My research specifically combines simple formal and conceptual models with the empirical analysis of large ethnographic and environmental data sets to study feedback processes in coupled forager-resource systems. I use the formal and conceptual models of forager-resource systems as tools that aid in the development of two alternative arguments that may explain the adoption of food production and formal territorial ownership among hunter-gatherers. I call these arguments the Uncertainty Reduction Hypothesis and the Social Opportunity Hypothesis. Based on the logic of these arguments, I develop expectations for patterns of food production and formal territorial ownership documented in the ethnographic record of hunter-gatherer societies and evaluate these expectations with large ethnographic and environmental data sets. My analysis suggests that the Uncertainty Reduction Hypothesis is more consistent with the data than the Social Opportunity Hypothesis. Overall, my approach combines the intellectual frameworks of evolutionary ecology and resilience thinking. The result is a theory of subsistence change that integrates elements of three classic models of economic development with deep intellectual roots in human ecology: The Malthusian, Boserupian and Weberian models. A final take home message of my study is that evolutionary ecology and resilience thinking are complementary frameworks for archaeologists who study the transition from hunting and gathering to farming. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Anthropology 2014
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Empreendedorismo cooperativo e intercooperação na produção de energia elétrica e de alimentos : evidências do cooperativismo de eletrificação rural gaúchoZucatto, Luis Carlos January 2015 (has links)
A eletrificação rural é um desafio caracterizado pela população rarefeita, baixo consumo per capita, longas distâncias para atender aos consumidores e vias de difícil acesso para manutenção das redes. No Rio Grande do Sul, as primeiras iniciativas de eletrificação rural foram viabilizadas por meio de Cooperativas de Eletrificação Rural (CERs) que, com o passar do tempo, começaram a enfrentar problemas provocados pela privatização do setor elétrico brasileiro. Para sobreviverem, as CERs desenvolveram iniciativas de mútua cooperação, implementaram novos negócios, se articularam com e pelas estruturas de representação. Deste contexto emerge o questionamento: Como se desenvolvem a intercooperação e o empreendedorismo cooperativo no Cooperativismo de Eletrificação Rural Gaúcho e qual a contribuição destes para a produção de energia elétrica e de alimentos sob a lógica da sustentabilidade? Para se construir a resposta à questão, definiu-se como objetivo: Investigar se e como o empreendedorismo cooperativo e a intercooperação fomentam o Cooperativismo de Eletrificação Rural Gaúcho e a produção de energia elétrica e de alimentos sob a lógica da sustentabilidade. A teoria que embasa o estudo faz alusão ao displacement of concepts para se averiguar a apropriação do conceito de organização pela Teoria Organizacional e, também, como o conceito de cooperação é apropriado pelos Estudos Organizacionais. Trata-se a temática da cooperação sob as perspectivas da Biologia, da Sociologia e da Teoria Organizacional. Aborda-se o surgimento, as principais teorias e os princípios do cooperativismo. Discute-se o que é a organização cooperativa com ênfase naquelas abordagens que destacam o processo de os sujeitos, por meio deste tipo de organização, promoverem soluções a problemas comuns. A intercooperação é discutida enquanto um dos princípios do cooperativismo e também como lógica competitiva. É tratado, ainda, o fenômeno do empreendedorismo sob as abordagens de negócios, coletivo, social e cooperativo, com foco nesta última perspectiva. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas em profundidade com gestores de 13 das 15 CERs, sendo 17 gestores de CERs entrevistados, 11 experts do cooperativismo, 5 associados de CERs, 3 gestores de estruturas de representação de organizações cooperativas e 1 líder de classe de trabalhadores. Os resultados apontam que as CERs nasceram em um ambiente de intercooperação e que algumas têm conseguido desenvolver a capacidade de promover arranjos intercooperativos, inclusive em nível internacional. As iniciativas de intercooperação, entretanto, ainda não avançaram para ações como a de compras conjuntas. Sobre o empreendedorismo cooperativo, as iniciativas se dão no sentido da criação das CERs, geração de energia elétrica de forma individual e compartilhada, e o reforço de redes de distribuição. Já, no que tange à contribuição para a produção de energia elétrica e de alimentos sob a lógica da sustentabilidade, as CERs viabilizaram a permanência das famílias em suas propriedades ao disponibilizarem a energia elétrica, assim como favoreceram o uso de tecnologias para o aumento da produção e produtividade, aspectos que contemplam as dimensões social e econômica. Na geração de energia elétrica, são identificadas as dimensões social, ambiental e econômica. Emergem, ainda as dimensões territorial, política e tecnológica da sustentabilidade. / Rural electrification is a challenge characterized by sparse population, low per capita consumption, long distances to meet the consumer and the process of difficult access to network maintenance. In Rio Grande do Sul, the first initiatives of rural electrification were made possible through Rural Rlectrification Cooperatives (RECs) which, over time, began to face problems arising from the the privatization of the Brazilian electricity sector. To survive, the RECs have developed mutual cooperation initiatives, implemented new business, and were articulated with and by its representation structures. From this context arises the question: How to develop the inter-cooperation and cooperative entrepreneurship in the Cooperative Rural Electrification Gaucho and what their contribution to the electricity and food production under the sustainability logic? To build the answer to this question, it was defined as objective: To investigate whether and how the cooperative entrepreneurship and inter-cooperation hold up Rural Electrification Cooperativism gaucho and the production of food and electricity, under the logic of sustainability. The theory that underlies the study alludes to the displacement of concepts to determine the appropriation of organization concept by the Organizational Theory and also how the cooperation concept ois appropriated by Organizational Studies. Discusses the cooperation issues from the Biology, Sociology and Organizational Theory perspectives. It is argued what is the cooperative organization with an emphasis on those approaches that highlight the process of the subject, through this type of organization, promote solutions to common problems. The inter-cooperation is discussed as one of the principles of the cooperative as well as competitive logic. It is treated also the entrepreneurship phenomenon in business, collective, social and cooperative approaches, focusing on the latter perspective. In conducting the survey, data was collected by in-depth interviews with managers of 13 of the 15 RECs, totaling 17 RECs managers interviewed, 11 cooperativism experts, 5 families of members of RECs, three structures representation of cooperative organizations managers and one working class leadership.The results demonstrate that RECs are born in a intercooperation environment and that, throughout its history, some have been able to develop the ability to promote intercooperatives arrangements, including at the international level. The inter-cooperation initiatives, however, have not come forward to actions such as joint purchasing. Regarding the co-operative entrepreneurship, the main initiatives are given towards the creation of RECs, the RECs capitalization for creating enterprises, individual and shared electric power generation, and strengthening distribution networks. Already, regarding the contribution to food and electricity production under the logic of sustainability, RECs possible the permanence of families in their ownership by delivering electrical energy, as well as promoted the use of technology to increase production and productivity, all of which include the social and economic dimensions of sustainability. In power generation, the social, environmental and economic dimensions are identified. Emerge, although the territorial, political and technological sustainability dimensions.
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The potato and the nail: reading the Fort Langley Post journals and Europeanization on the banks of the Fraser River 1827-1830Gow, Ezekiel Hart 22 August 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines through a micro-historical lens the establishment of the Hudson’s Bay Company’s Fort Langley and its early period (1827-1830) covered by the surviving post journals. Through a close reading and analysis of the journal entries, I will argue that the establishment of Fort Langley was part of a process of Europeanization, which was in turn expressed through the physical construction, the labour of the Langley contingent, and the ways that the H.B.C. servants interacted with new and existing foodways. I will argue that, although the journal entries provide only a limited window into the historical reality of Fort Langley’s early years, they are a useful source for understanding complex social, class, and racial relationships that permeated life and labour at Fort Langley. I demonstrate that even the crafting of a nail is a critical part of contextualizing the complex processes which would eventually form a distinctly European system of control on the banks of the Fraser River. / Graduate
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Economic Issues of Current Development of British Food Production / Ekonomické aspekty současného vývoje britské potravinářské produkceKubátová, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
The thesis describes the current situation and trends influencing food production in the UK. It focuses on the position of agriculture, notably food production, in the national economy as well as in the context of international trade. The thesis also contains a case study describing the presence of British foods on the Czech Market. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate and analyse the current position of small producers and farms on the UK food market and their future potential, primarily with regard to organic and local production. All the main features are summarized in the SWOT analysis.
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Rösterna bakom den blågröna vågen och jordbruksrevolutionen - Alternativ livsmedelsproduktion i prat och praktikJern Isacsson, Gretha, Elfsberg, Robin Emilie January 2020 (has links)
Sveriges livsmedelssystem står inför stora utmaningar såsom negativ miljöpåverkan och beroendet av att importera både livsmedel och insatsvaror. Livsmedelsproduktionen, som idag domineras av det konventionella jordbruket, har bland annat inneburit utarmade jordar och exploaterade resurser samt utsläpp av gifter. Studien syftar till att sammanställa och jämföra den vetenskapliga forskningen och samhällsdebatten angående alternativ livsmedels-produktion. Studien är avgränsad till att redogöra för produktionssystemen regenerativa jordbruk och akvaponiska system. Den vetenskapliga forskningen angående regenerativa jordbruk och akvaponiska system sammanställdes i ett kunskapsläge. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys utfördes för att identifiera och sammanställa samhällsdebatten kring systemen. Samhällsdebatten rörande de två alternativa livsmedelsproduktionssystemen bildade följande teman: den samordnande rösten, den offentliga rösten, forskarens röst, den operativa rösten, samt den övriga rösten. Inom dessa teman identifierades följande sex kodord: livsmedelsförsörjning, miljömässiga aspekter, ekonomiska aspekter, sociala aspekter, utmaningar samt möjligheter. I vår undersökning har vi inte formulerat några nya begrepp, däremot har vi funnit samband såväl som avvikelser och glapp mellan samhällsdebatten och den vetenskapliga forskningen. / Sweden's food system faces major challenges such as negative environmental impact and is dependent on importing both food and intermediate goods. Food production, which today is dominated by conventional agriculture, has meant, among other things, depleted soils and exploited resources as well as emissions of toxins. This study aims to compile and compare the scientific research and the public debate regarding alternative food production systems. The study is limited to account for the production systems regenerative agriculture and aquaponic systems. The scientific research regarding regenerative agriculture and aquaponic systems was compiled in a state of knowledge. A qualitative content analysis was performed to identify and compile the public debate about the systems. The public debate concerning alternative food production systems formed the following themes: the coordinating voice, the public voice, the researcher's voice, the operational voice, and the miscellaneous voice. Within these themes, the following six code words were identified: food supply, environmental aspects, economic aspects, social aspects, challenges and opportunities. In our study, we have not formulated any new concepts, however, we have found connections as well as discrepancies and gaps between the public debate and the scientific research.
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Informal Production Networksvan der Merwe, Jan Gabriel Jr. January 2017 (has links)
The relationship between industry and the city is a damaged
one. However, with its existing mix of residents, industry
and commerce (albeit segregated from one-another)
Pretoria West holds the potential for a unique relationship
between industry and the citizens of Pretoria. Only by understanding
the role that these industries play within the
greater context of the city can the rich character and culture
of a place be ampli ed and solidi ed in a development
plan. Catalyzed by its heritage, development becomes
a manifestation of the character of place that will attract
further growth and simultaneously embrace the existing
e existing industrial built-environment is often misshapen
and illegible and whilst it is di cult to organize
(and navigate) the seemingly disorganized site, it is possible
to resolve; through understanding historic boundaries and
development patterns that can be utilized as organizational
grids. In this case historic erf divisions and consolidations
can be utilized as an organizational tool at a large scale and
should serve as a guide to where future structures should be
erected in order to maintain a legible built environment.
When designing future additions, understanding the historic
expansion of these industrial buildings holds the key
to a harmonious relationship between old and new. With
minimal architectural intent these buildings supply little
for the architect to grapple onto, but with material spans
and structural repetition forming the underlying ordering
principle; it is possible to create a logical and ordered extension
of the past. / Die verhouding tussen industrie en die stad is beskadig
en as gevolg word industrië stelselmatig verwyder van die
stad. Die mengsel tussen inwoners, industrie en handel in
Pretoria Wes (albeit geissoleer van mekaar) gun egter die
potensiaal tot ‘n unieke verbandskap tussen industrie en
die inwoners van Pretoria. Slegs deur die rol te erken wat
die industrië speel ten opsigte van die stad se groter konteks,
kan die karakter en kultuur van so ‘n omgewing versterk en
vasgevang word in ‘n ontwikkelings plan. Erfenis dien as
katalisator vir ontwikkeling van die karakter van plek wat
in beurt verdere nansiële groei sal aanhits.
Die bestaande industriële bou-omgewing is misvorm en onvoorspelbaar.
Alhoewel so ‘n omgewing nie aan die individie
toeleen om weg te vind of organiseer nie, is dit moontlik
deur die ontginning van historiese grense en ontwikkelings
patrone wat kan dien as organiseerings mates. Historiese erf
indelings en konsolodasies kan gebruik word om te dien as
‘n gids vir toekomstige toevoegings, om sodoende die nuwe
argitektuur uit die bestaande te laat vloei. Die resultaat is
‘n leesbare en geordende bou-omgewing.
Die ontwerp van die nuwe verbeelding steun op die
morfologie van die bestaande omgewing om ‘n harmoniese
verhouding tussen oud en nuut te skep. Materiale se span
afstande neem die rol van die onderliggende orde stelsels
aan as gevolg van die gebrek aan aansienlike argitektoniese
bedoelings in die bestaande omgewing. Sodoende is
‘n leesbare en logiese uitbreiding van die verlede en na die
toekoms moontlik in ‘n omgewing wat ontstaan het sonder
ontwerp vir ervaring van mense. / Mini Dissertation MArch(Prof)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Architecture / MArch(Prof) / Unrestricted
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případová studie dosahování potravinové soběstačnosti permakulturně orientovaných rodin a jednotlivců v České republice / Individual food self-sufficiency in Czech Republic: case study of permaculture oriented families and individualsSoukup Tůmová, Terézia January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is a descriptive case study of permaculture oriented families and individuals in the Czech Republic, who are aiming for food self-sufficiency. The goal is to describe the lifestyle of self-supplying food producers, their strive for permacultural principles of sustainable development and the making of agricultural systems. The main focus is on describing the economical and material background of households, their strategies and practices for achieving food self-sufficiency, and motivation and difficulties related to this matter. Data were collected by observing and interviewing 8 permaculture households.
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