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Exploring the Experiences of Hispanic ESL Students in ESL ProgramsCalderon, Raynelda A. 01 December 2016 (has links)
<p>Instructors of English as Second Language (ESL) at a private community college had raised concerns regarding Hispanic ESL students not developing sufficient English proficiency. The purpose of this single exploratory case study was to explore the phenomenon brought forward by ESL instructors and share the results with the ESL program and the college. The conceptual framework for this qualitative study was based on the classroom learning motivation theory suggesting that the environment in which a student is learning a new language also plays a major role in second language learning. Data collection was conducted through 3 ESL classroom observations and interviews with 15 community college students. A focus group with 7 different students was used to understand Hispanic ESL students? perspectives about their experience in the college-wide ESL program and issues students face in the ESL program. Data analysis consisted of thematic content analysis, constant comparison, and concurrent data collection and analysis until concept saturation occurred. The findings were that Hispanic ESL students were satisfied with the ESL program. Data triangulation formed 4 themes: students would like to use technology in the classroom, more instances for in-class conversation, to be corrected when they mispronounce a word, and have instructors who spoke Spanish. The recommendations include the creation of a policy to institutionalize professional development to help ESL teachers become aware of the issues that Hispanic ESL students face in the classroom in order to help students achieve English proficiency. This case study served as an example for other institutions to take the initiative learn how Hispanic ESL students perceive ESL instruction and filled the gap in research regarding Hispanic ESL students? perception of ESL programs.
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Frazeologie a její využitelnost při osvojování cizích jazyků / Phraseology and its Applicability in Foreign Languages Teaching and LearningŘíhová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with phraseology and its intertwining with didactics of foreign languages. The practical part consists of the analysis of a contemporary situation in didactics of foreign languages, particularly the utilization of idioms. Further, the frequency of using proverbs and other set phrases in modern textbooks for teaching foreign languages (namely German and Russian) is analysed. The aim of this thesis is to suggest an effective way of including and handling idioms in modern education. KEYWORDS: phraseology, phrase, foreign language teaching, proverbs
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L'appropriation de la parole en langue étrangère. / Appropriation of the spoken word in foreign languageOyugi, Caroline 10 January 2013 (has links)
La langue étant un système formel par rapport à l’interaction verbale, cette étude s’intéresse à illustrer comment le sujet se construit dans le langage par la parole. L’être humain n’a d’accès à lui-même que dans l’ordre symbolique qui le reçoit sous la forme du langage. En dépit de la médiation de l’institution symbolique qui fournit des repères aidant le sujet à reconnaître non seulement des enchaînements opératoires à exécuter mais aussi des postures à adopter favorisant sa réalisation, le contact avec autrui et l’interaction avec la langue fait valoir le sujet comme divisé par son propre discours. L’expression orale, quant à elle, est comprise non seulement comme moyen de communication mais aussi comme intermédiaire à l’apprentissage. L’étude explicite davantage la place accordée non seulement à la production de nature orale mais aussi à sa pratique dans le contexte éducatif spécifique au Kenya / Having conceptualised language as a formal system with respect to verbal interaction, this study focuses on illustrating how the subject develops in language through the spoken word. Human beings have no access to themselves but through the symbolic which grants him an audience in the form of language. In as much as the mediation of the symbolic institution provides indications that help the subject recognise not only the series of operations to perform but also the attitudes favourable to achievement, contact and interaction with language results in a subject divided by his own speech. As concerns oral expression, the study takes it as being not only as a means of communication but also an intermediary to learning. This study has gone to lengths to explain the status accorded to oral production and practise in the educational context specific to Kenya
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Výuka cizích jazyků na základní škole ve Francii a výuka francouzštiny u nás / Primary education of foreign languages in France and primary education of french in the Czech RepublicVokůrková, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
anglicky: Title of the thesis: Primary education of foreign languages in France and primary education of french in the Czech Republic Keywords: foreign language, french, primary school, education, class-books Abstract: The drift of my thesis is to appreciate how to educate foreign languges in France and the education of french in the Czech Republic at primary school. The informations for the first part of my thesis I have found in France or with the help of French institut of Prague or with internet. I had some problems with the second part, the education of french in our country, there are not so much informations of this dilemma. I wanted to summarise the informations of the education of french, because there is no document about this question, so it was my another butt of my thesis. I have also targot the practically respect, for example the book reviews or questionaries for children. My thesis gave me the enriching of the sphere, whitch is very important for me. There are two parts of my work- the first about the french education of foreign languages at primary school and the second about the czech education of french at primary school. Chapters and sub-chapters go into the profundity od the problem.
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Učební úlohy v učebnicích anglického jazyka / Learning Exercises in English TextbooksDřímal, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issues connected to learning exercises in educational English students' textbooks. The main focus is based on the occurrence of the educational exercises analysis in these textbooks. In general, learning exercises develop two main branches - the language itself (specifically grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation) and language skills (speaking, listening comprehension, reading comprehension and writing). The attention is paid to what types of learning exercises usually appear and what exactly they develop in students' cognition and their language skills. The educational enrichment coming from these activities is very important for the students' cognitive development. At first, the theoretical part of each sub-branch is discussed. Afterwards, the emphasis is placed on the learning exercises themselves as these are essential components of the students' textbooks. The theoretical part is relatively extensive. It takes the fundamental proportion of the thesis and contains detailed descriptions. The explorative section is based on analysis of several English textbooks intended for students of the English language. It focuses on the proportion of language itself and the proportion of language skills. The thesis outcomes may contribute to the English learning exercises issues. In...
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Exils, langues et générations : psychopathologie des inventions subjectives, pour une clinique du lien social contemporain / Exiles, languages and generations : a psychopathology of subjective inventions, standing for a clinical approach of the social linkEl-Khattabi, Saloua 07 January 2012 (has links)
Les perspectives dites des « cliniques de l’exil » se présentent souvent, dans la littérature psychopathologique et clinique, comme une clinique de ce qui a été perdu, dont le sujet se voit séparé de force. Une clinique de l’objet perdu donc, perçu comme manque ; cette perte est le plus souvent posée comme douloureuse et pensée comme détermination d’un état mélancolique. Or la clinique freudienne de l’objet perdu insiste sur sa construction, son avènement comme toujours déjà perdu et invite à saisir l’exil comme modalité de la séparation d’avec le Wohl primordial. C’est une séparation nécessaire pour advenir comme sujet de l’énonciation. Lacan pointe pour sa part une logique des exils au pluriel. Nos patients d’origine « étrangère » indiquent comment l’exil et le recours à une langue étrangère sont élevés au rang de symptôme et donc à accueillir et soutenir en clinique. Cette clinique « de la vie quotidienne » enseigne que l’exil implique la question de la filiation. Se pose ainsi la question du père. De la tuchè du père, quel automaton ou quelles inventions subjectives pour trouver une place dans le monde ? Cette clinique nous ouvre à des considérations qui nous font relire la littérature de manière renouvelée et repenser la « clinique de l’exil » en « clinique de l’exilé ». / « Exile » is presented in literature as an awful experience where the subject cries desperately after the lost object. Freudian psycho-analysis shows how important it is for the infant to get exiled from the primordial Wohl. The Lacanian definition of « exile » suggests to talk about « exiles », a plural, i.e as a structural disharmony. We have, therefore, wanted to examine the relationship between « exile », foreign langage » and their function for a foreign patient. The other side of our work is to examine the effects of exile upon the next generations. Actually, the main question is in what way both exile and foreign langage are symptoms when the father’s function is inefficient. We have based our everyday work with foreign patients upon a clinical approach which respects the psychic structure, the symptom and the various solutions or subjective inventions looking for a place in this world among men.Key words
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Appropriation du français par des étudiants libyens arabophonesBetalmal, Atedal 28 November 2011 (has links)
Notre communication vise à mettre en lumière les erreurs des apprenants universitaires libyens de français à l’écrit. A cette fin nous nous proposons d’analyser les erreurs relevées de leurs productions écrites. Nous avons conçu notre méthode de collecte des données dans la perspective d’étudier d’abord les erreurs produites par les apprenants libyens -ce qui devrait permettre de mettre en lumière leurs points faibles- et de tenter ensuite de proposer des remédiations. Notre corpus est constitué de 127 textes écrits par des étudiants libyens qui traitent trois sujets différents. Notre contribution vise à analyser les erreurs quantitativement et qualitativement, à caractériser les non-erreurs également et à expliquer ces deux types de phénomènes. Finalement, nous nous efforcerons de proposer des moyens de remédier à leurs erreurs et de suggérer des solutions pour que les apprenants et les enseignants les évitent. / Our paper aims to highlight the errors in writing of Libyan learners of French at the Libyan university. To this end we propose an analysis of their errors in the written productions. We designed our method of data collection so as to be able to study first the errors produced by learners Libyan-which will highlight their weaknesses, and then try to offer remediation.Our corpus consists of 127 texts written by Libyan students dealing with three different subjects.Our contribution is to analyze the errors qualitatively and quantitatively, characterize the non-errors and also explain these two types of phenomena.Finally, we will try to suggest ways to correct the mistakes and suggest solutions for learners and teachers.
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Spanish modals of obligaton: different uses of TENER QUE and NECESITARCharland, Bailey January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Modern Languages / Earl K. Brown / Considerable research exists on the various uses of modals of obligation in English, while
the number of studies on Spanish modals is limited. The research of Fairclough (2000) looks at
the variation and changes of the Spanish modals DEBER 'should' and TENER QUE ‘to have to’
spoken in Houston. Another study was conducted on modals and their variation in San Juan,
Puerto Rico by Jose Santos (1994). However, most of the research does not include the verb
NECESITAR 'to need'.
This study examines and compares the uses of the modal verbs TENER QUE and
NECESITAR. First, this paper presents previous research on modality, the changes and usage of
modals in English, and the limited research on Spanish modals. Then the researcher examines the
results of data collected using Twitter in order to determine for what main verbs TENER QUE
and NECESITAR act as modal verbs, the frequency with which the Twitter users in the Spanishspeaking
capitals in Central and South America use these verbs, and in what tense do these two
modals occur most often. After discussing the results of the data collection, the study includes a
brief discussion on the implications for teaching modals of obligation in Spanish to second
language learners. This study finds overall that TENER QUE is preferred over NECESITAR.
However, some verbs collocate with NECESITAR more than the average suggesting that patterns
of collocations play a key role in determining the use of NECESITAR.
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Exploring the Nature of Language Anxiety: Experiences of NonNative EnglishSpeaking College Students in the United StatesIto, Noriko 07 August 2008 (has links)
The thought of learning another language makes some people cringe, while others display neutral to positive reactions. To understand the complex experiences of students learning a new language, this study investigated the affective psychological development encompassing language anxiety (LA) among nonnative Englishspeaking college students in the United States (US). The purpose of this study was to identify LA, while keeping in mind that some of the LA experiences may be moderate to none, and to explore the nature of this phenomenon. Ten university students from nine different countries were interviewed concerning their experiences learning and functioning in English in the US. While only a few studies have reviewed the nature of LA encompassing the possible existence of facilitating LA, this study investigated both the positive and negative effects of anxiety on second language learning. The answer to the research question, "How do college students in the US whose native languages are not English experience LA" was pursued by using qualitative analyses. The results indicated a new construct of LA, identity frustration, and its relationships to the other LA constructs already specified in the literature. The study also suggested the timing when students cease to translate between the two languages to be the point where they experience a lower level of LA. In addition, four other themes emerged. They are culturerelated LA; the recursive nature of LA; relationships among selfexpectation, selfconfidence, and LA; and facilitating LA, termed euphoric language tension.
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Home AbroadMadary, Sheila 17 December 2011 (has links)
Comprised of four essays, this collection of creative nonfiction focuses on facets of daily life and culture in Germany. The author recounts her experiences as she and her family assimilate into a foreign culture and adapt to using its language. The first essay tells of the family’s unexpected but rewarding sojourn in Germany after losing everything to Hurricane Katrina. The subsequent essays display a broader range of experiences and cultural observations upon the family’s return to Germany four years later. These include a narrative of the family’s move to a small town in central Germany, an interview with a local asparagus farmer and an account of the author’s children’s efforts to learn German.
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