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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Potential Role of Critical Literacy Pedagogy as a Methodology When Teaching Literature in Upper Secondary School in Sweden : A Quantitative Study of English Teachers’ Literature Choices

Killgren de Klonia, Kim January 2017 (has links)
Literature’s role in the foreign language classroom has been extensively researched, and the benefits of enjoyable reading firmly established. But could teachers benefit from a new perspective in the form of Critical Literacy Pedagogy when choosing and teaching literary works? Critical Literacy Pedagogy, CLP, is a method of critically examining literature to detect possible power structures e.g. concerning ethnicity and gender. This study examines how teachers and students value a number of criteria and aspects in connection to what literature is used in the class. Two empirical web-based questionnaire surveys were conducted on a total of 23 teachers and 42 students in upper secondary school in Sweden. The results are primarily presented quantitatively with the complement of excerpts from the written answers to the open-ended questions, and has then analyzed with the help of CLP, to see if the method has a possible role in EFL-teaching in upper secondary school in Sweden.   In the present study, the participating teachers valued practical characteristics, such as level of difficulty, higher than conceptual characteristics, such as the sexual orientation of an author or character, when choosing what literary works to teach. These ratings were seen as problematic when compared to the teachers’ concrete exemplifications of taught works. Moreover, both teachers and students rated the possibility of critical and ethical discussion very highly in regard to the chosen works. A comparison between the ratings and the exemplified works indicate that CLP could be a valuable method when choosing what literature to teach.

Enseignement de l'italien langue étrangère et cinéma : approche linguistique, Culturelle, historique, Nouvelles pistes didactiques / Teaching of the Italian foreign language and cinema : approach linguistic, cultural, historical, new didactic tracks / Insegnamento dell'Italianolingua straniera e cinema : approccio linguistico, culturale, storico, nuove prospettive didattiche

Pepe, Francesco 18 December 2013 (has links)
Nos réflexions s’inscrivent dans le sillage des travaux sur l’utilisation des supports filmiques en classe de langue et essaient de proposer de nouvelles pistes en menant une réflexion sur l’équilibre entre les objectifs d’apprentissage de la langue et des études filmiques. Nous allons pour cela utiliser principalement les apports des recherches sur l’approche par tâches et, dans une moindre mesure, sur « l’enseignement à contenu intégré », afin d’explorer les points de convergence entre les objectifs propres aux deux disciplines. Il s’agit ici d’exposer une démarche renouvelée pour l’apprentissage de la langue permettant aux étudiants d’acquérir des connaissances d’analyse filmique et d’histoire du cinéma. Les études filmiques impliquent en effet d’apprendre à analyser, c’est-à-dire à décomposer un tout en ses éléments constituants : identifier et sélectionner les éléments significatifs grâce à des savoirs préalables, hiérarchiser des informations collectées, et mettre en relation des indices formels et contextuels pour aboutir à la genèse de la construction du sens. Le même type d’opérations mentales régit le processus de compréhension en langue : établir des liens entre forme et sens et mettre des savoirs au service des analyses. Les étapes de l’analyse filmique se rapprochent ainsi des stratégies de réception en langue. Enfin, l’analyse de séquence, exercice privilégié des études filmiques, peut donner lieu à une grande variété de tâches de production. / Our reflections fit in the wake of work on the use of the filmic supports in class of language and try to propose new tracks by carrying out a reflection on balance between the objectives of training of the language and the filmic studies. We will use mainly the contributions for that of research on the approach by tasks and, to a lesser extent, on “teaching with integrated contents”, in order to explore the convergence points between the objectives specific to the two disciplines. It is a question here of exposing a approach renewed for the training of the language making it possible to the students to acquire knowledge of filmic analysis and history of the cinema. The filmic studies indeed imply to learn how to analyze, i.e. to break up a whole into its constituent elements: to identify and select the significant elements thanks to preliminary knowledge, to treat on a hierarchical basis collected information, and to connect formal and contextual indices to lead to the genesis of the construction of the direction. The same type of mental operations governs the process of comprehension in language: to establish links between form and direction and to put knowledge at the service of the analyses. The stages of the filmic analysis thus approach the strategies of reception in language. Lastly, the analysis of sequence, privileged exercise of the filmic studies, can cause a large variety of tasks of production.

Motivation et enseignement/apprentissage du Français langue étrangère. Etude de cas : élèves angolais de la région sud (collégiens et lycéens). / Motivation and teaching / learning of the French as s foreign language. Case of study : Angolan pupils of the south region (schoolchildren and high school students)

Paulo, Amadeu Antonio 05 June 2014 (has links)
En contexte scolaire, l’état motivationnel de l’apprenant en classe de français langue étrangère conditionne à la fois l’enseignement et l’apprentissage. Pour apprendre, l’élève a besoin de participer activement, d’autant plus qu’en langue étrangère, l’apprentissage comporte très souvent des implications psychologiques plus importantes qu’en d’autres matières scolaires. Cela réclame, de la part de l’apprenant, une disponibilité et un engagement total dans les activités d’apprentissage, ce qui est loin d’être toujours le cas : dans la région Sud de l’Angola qui nous intéresse, les collégiens et lycéens se montrent très passifs en classe de français langue étrangère. Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes surtout interrogé sur la raison principale de cette attitude récurrente de passivité et d’adoption de comportements d’évitement d’effort, voire de comportements perturbateurs, spécifiquement en classe de français langue étrangère. S’agit-il d’une question de manque de motivation ? Si oui, quelles en seraient alors les causes profondes, la motivation n’étant qu’une simple résultante d’autres facteurs ?Pour obtenir des réponses à ces interrogations, nous nous sommes appuyé sur un ensemble de questionnaires adressés aux élèves, aux enseignants et aux parents d’élèves, et sur l’observation des comportements des élèves et des pratiques enseignantes en classe de français langue étrangère. Ainsi, les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de répondre aux questions préalablement posées. Pour contribuer à l’amélioration de l’enseignement/apprentissage du FLE, nous avons élaboré des propositions de remédiation pédagogique, en fonction des difficultés rencontrées sur le terrain / In a school context, teaching and learning are both determined by the learner’s motivation status in lessons of French as a foreign language. An active participation is required from the pupil for learning especially since, as far as a foreign language is concerned, learning very often entails a more important psychological commitment than in other school subjects. The learner should prove a complete availability and involvement in learning activities, which is far from being the case: in the Southern region of Angola in our scope of interest, the secondary school children prove very passive in lessons of French as a foreign language.In this work we have been above all wondering why a recurring passive attitude and a behaviour of evasive efforts, even a troublemaking one, mainly occur specifically in lessons of French as a foreign language. Is it due to a lack of motivation? If yes, what would then be the deep causes of it, as motivation simply results from other factors? The answers to these interrogations are based on a set of questionnaires sent to pupils, teachers and to pupils’ parents and on observing pupils’ behaviour and teachers’ practice in lessons of French as a foreign language. Thus the results obtained enabled us to answer to questions asked beforehand. For helping improve teaching/learning French as a foreign language we built up proposals of teaching remediation in accordance to difficulties met in the field

Problematika překladu tzv. "kulturních reálií" v češtině a ve španělštině (kontrastivní analýza) / Translation Problems of "Cultural Realias" in Czech and Spanish (contrastive analysis)

FALOUTOVÁ, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is the translation of the food-related cultural references. The theoretical part is primarily focused on translation techniques and strategies which are usually used for the translation of cultural elements. Furthermore, the other objective of this part is to introduce this topic in the context of the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language. Specifically, it deals with the incorporation of a sociocultural component in the Spanish courses and the translation as a pedagogical tool. The theoretical foundations are put into practice in a translation techniques analysis and there is also a didactic proposal designed for Czech students of Translation and Interpreting.


[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa é investigar a vivência do erro e da correção na produção oral em sala de aula de língua estrangeira. Neste estudo, o erro é considerado como parte fundamental do processo de ensino e aprendizagem (Allwright & Bailey, 1991). A sala de aula é entendida a partir de suas dimensões social, afetiva e cognitiva (Allwright, 1988; Prabhu, 1992; Arnold & Brown, 1999), e o aprendizado é visto em uma perspectiva sócio- interacional e sócioconstrutivista (Bakhtin, 1981; Mercer, 1994, 2000; Vygotsky, 1998). A investigação se realizou através da seleção de trechos gravados de aulas de inglês em dois contextos diferentes, assim como pelas respostas dos alunos a dois questionários. A análise da vivência do erro e da correção na produção oral demonstra a importância desses instrumentos para o aprendizado de inglês como língua estrangeira. Os resultados indicam que a vivência dos erros orais pode acontecer de forma harmônica ou não, dependendo das relações pessoais e dos tipos de interação estabelecidos em sala de aula. Esses resultados também mostram que o professor ainda é reconhecido como o principal responsável por todos os movimentos corretivos. / [en] The purpose of this study is to investigate how students deal with errors and their correction in spoken discourse in a foreign language class. In this study, the error is considered an essential part of the learning and teaching process (Allwright & Bailey, 1991). The classroom is studied with respect to its social, affective and cognitive dimensions (Allwright, 1988; Prabhu, 1992; Arnold & Brown, 1999), and learning is examined according to a socio-interactional and socio-constructivist perspective (Bakhtin, 1981; Mercer, 1994, 2000; Vygotsky, 1998). The investigation used selected, videotaped parts of English classes in two different contexts and the students´ answers to two questionnaires distributed before and after a viewing of the videotape. The analysis of how students deal with errors in spoken discourse and their correction shows that errors are important for the learning of English as a foreign language. The results of this analysis indicate that students may or may not perceive and deal with spoken errors and their correction in a harmonious manner, depending on their personal relations and the kinds of interaction established in the classroom. These results also point out the perception of the teacher´s central role in corrections of all types.

The language introduction program in Sweden : How is translanguaging used in English education?

Bourada, Rim January 2019 (has links)
This degree project focuses on the English classroom in the Swedish language introduction program, more specifically on the use of translanguaging as a teaching tool for newly arrived students. This thesis is an attempt to better understand the classroom dynamics in the program during English lessons by answering the following questions: What are the challenges of teaching English in the language introduction program in Sweden? What do teachers think about translanguaging as a teaching tool in the language introduction classes? Is using it taking advantage of pre-existing knowledge? The research was conducted with three teachers from one school in central Stockholm, all coming from different socio-cultural backgrounds and having varying degrees of experience as teachers. The data was gathered through classroom observations and interviews, which allowed for triangulation, thus offering a better understanding and a deeper view of their teaching practices. Three lessons were observed, one with each teacher. These observations were conducted prior to the interviews, to facilitate the comparison between the teaching styles of each teacher. Doing so allowed for more exhaustive and informative interviews. Although the qualitative nature of the data does not allow for the results to be generalizable, triangulation does give the results legitimacy and transferability. The results of this research will be beneficial in understanding how to tackle a multilingual environment, given that that is the direction in which Sweden is heading.

As TICs no processo de formação de professores de língua estrangeira : crenças de uma professora e de seus alunos de graduação /

Atayde, Rodrigo Florêncio de. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Mariangela Braga Norte / Banca: Cleide Antonia Rapucci / Banca: Dagoberto Buim Arena / Resumo: A presente pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, teve por objetivo observar nas relações que graduandos e professores estabelecem com as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs), suas crenças em relação ao uso das TICs durante o processo de formação de professores de língua estrangeira. Para tanto, buscamos no curso de Letras a disciplina Laboratório de Línguas como ambiente para levantamento das crenças dos graduandos e da professora em relação ao discurso e ao uso das TICs. Buscou-se, também, propiciar à professora e aos alunos participantes atividades práticas com propósito de observar possíveis mudanças das crenças dos envolvidos em relação ao discurso e ao uso das TICs. Assim, adotamos uma abordagem contextual (Barcelos, 2001) para o estudo das crenças e, para tal, o contexto histórico, político, ideológico, cultural e social dos envolvidos. A coleta de dados ocorreu durante a disciplina Laboratório de Línguas ministradas no curso de Letras durante dois semestres de trinta e seis horas aulas cada. Os participantes desta pesquisa foram 16 alunos da disciplina e a professora que ministrou as aulas. Como instrumento para coleta de dados recorrermos à aplicação de questionários, autobiografias, entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizada com os alunos e com a professora todas gravadas em áudio, observação de aulas, sessão de visionamento, diário do pesquisador, gravação de aulas em vídeo e áudio. Os dados revelam que os graduandos e a professora possuem crenças em comum relação à disciplina Laboratório de Línguas, pois ora reconhecem a importância das TICs numa sociedade altamente tecnológica, ora apresentam contradições entre discurso e prática em relação e ao uso das TICs. No entanto, é possível notar mudanças positivas nos discurso que apontam mudanças nas relações dos graduandos e da professora frente às TICs / Abstract: The present research by qualitative nature had the aim to observe the relations of the pupils and professors establish with the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), their beliefs regarding to the use of ICTs during the graduation process as a Foreign Language Teachers. Therefore, we searched in the Language Degree course the Language Laboratory discipline as environment to raising the pupils and professor beliefs in relation to the speech and use of ICTs. We searched as well, provide to the professor and pupils practice activities with the purpose to observe possible changes in the students‟ beliefs regarding to the speech and use of ICTs. Thus, we adopted a contextual approach (Barcelos, 2001) to the study of beliefs and the historical, political, ideological, cultural and social context of the students. The data were collected during the Language Laboratory disciplines taught in the Language Degree course during two semesters of thirty six hours each. The participants of this research were sixteen students of this discipline and the teacher that taught them. The data were collected through questionnaires, autobiography, semi-structured interviews realized with the pupils and professor all recorded in audio, observation in class, viewing sessions, researcher diary, and audiovisual classes recordings. Data reveals that the pupils and professor have their own beliefs in common relation to the Language Laboratory discipline; therefore they know the importance of ICTs in a highly technological society, and however they present contradictions between speech and practice in relation and use of ICTs. Nevertheless, it is possible to notice positive changes in the speech that points to changes in the student and professor‟s relation front ICTs / Mestre

Precisão e complexidade gramatical na avaliação de proficiência oral em inglês do formando em Letras : implicações para a validação de um teste /

Almeida, Vanessa Borges de. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Douglas Altamiro Consolo / Banca: Ana Mariza Benedetti / Banca: Maria Helena Vieira-Abrahão / Banca: Deise Prina Dutra / Banca: Hélcio de Pádua Lanzoni / Resumo: Este trabalho, de natureza híbrida, insere-se na linha de investigações sobre avaliação de proficiência e estuda a validade dos descritores de gramática na escala do Teste de Proficiência Oral em Língua Inglesa (TEPOLI), especificamente elaborado para professores de inglês como língua estrangeira no Brasil. Justifica-se socialmente pelo resultado de diversas pesquisas em Linguística Aplicada que atestam o baixo nível de proficiência (principalmente oral) de formandos em Letras e professores em serviço no ensino regular, o que tem sido apontado na literatura como uma das razões para o insucesso no ensinoaprendizagem nesses contextos. São revisados na literatura pressupostos teóricos sobre avaliação de proficiência oral e sobre investigação da gramática em produções orais. As perguntas que norteiam esta pesquisa são: (1) como se caracteriza a gramática ao longo das faixas de proficiência no desempenho dos participantes em relação a (a) características da língua falada, (b) precisão e (c) complexidade?; e (2) que relações podem ser estabelecidas entre o desempenho gramatical dos participantes no teste oral e no seminário?. Participam da pesquisa oito alunas formandas de um curso de Letras de uma universidade pública paulista, cujas notas no TEPOLI se distribuem ao longo da escala. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionários, entrevistas semiestruturadas e gravações de seminários realizados durante o último semestre da graduação e de aplicações do TEPOLI. O foco das análises é dado para a precisão e a complexidade gramatical das estruturas morfossintáticas empregadas na produção oral das participantes durante os eventos de avaliação. Os resultados apontam que há diferenças quantitativas e qualitativas entre as faixas de proficiência para precisão e para complexidade, e que o teste... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This research study, of a hybrid nature, is included in the language testing body of research. It aims at investigating the validity of the grammar descriptors of the Test of Oral Language Proficiency in English (TEPOLI), specifically designed for teachers of English as a foreign language in Brazil. The work is socially justified by the results of several studies in Applied Linguistics which attest the low proficiency level (particularly in oral skills) attained by students graduating from teacher education undergraduating courses and in-service teachers working in regular schools, something that has been accounted as one of the reasons for unsuccessful teaching and learning in such settings. It reviews the theoretical principles of oral language testing and grammar in oral production. The research questions that guide this study are: (1) how is grammar characterized along the proficiency bands in the participants' performance in terms of (a) the characteristics of spoken language, (b) accuracy and (c) complexity?; and (2) what interrelations can be established between the participants' grammatical performance in the oral test and in a seminar? Eight students graduating from a teacher education course in a public university in the state of Sao Paulo take part in this study. Data were collected by means of questionnaires, semistructured interviews, recordings of the seminars given in the last term of the students at university, and recordings of the administration of the TEPOLI. The focus of analysis is on grammatical accuracy and complexity of the morphosyntactic structures employed in the participants' oral production at the assessment events. Results point to quantitative and qualitative differences between the proficiency bands for accuracy and complexity, and also indicate that the test has predictive power over... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

A vivência lúdico-improvisacional compartilhada: uma experiência em nível inicial de aprendizagem do francês - língua estrangeira (FLE) / The experience playful - improvisational: an experience in the initial level of learning French - Foreign Language (FLE)

Valentim, Amarílis Aurora Aparecida 13 March 2009 (has links)
A presente pesquisa objetivou refletir sobre o uso e os benefícios de atividades lúdicas e de improvisação teatral em fase inicial de aprendizado da língua estrangeira (LE) em contexto institucional. Almejou também demonstrar que a associação Teatro, Jogo e Aprendizagem de línguas realizada de modo sistemático, constante e em função de objetivos precisos estimula e auxilia na apropriação e no desenvolvimento da língua alvo. Para essa reflexão, propomos no primeiro capítulo um panorama histórico da relação teatro, jogo, educação. No segundo, as questões didáticas que deram abertura a uma prática lúdico - teatral no ensino de LE no século XX e aquelas que norteiam o ensino atual de línguas. No terceiro capítulo, apresentamos algumas características do Lúdico e de práticas teatrais adaptáveis ao contexto de ensino de LE (jogo teatral, de papéis e simulação global). O quarto capítulo é dedicado ao relato da experiência lúdico-teatral realizada em janeiro e fevereiro de 2007 com duas turmas de nível 01 do Curso Extracurricular de Francês oferecido pelo departamento de Letras Modernas da Faculdade de Filosofia Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo. Os resultados demonstraram que o uso de atividades lúdicas e de improvisação teatral no ensino do Francês contribuiu significativamente no aprendizado da LE e na criação de um ambiente de descontração e de interação favoráveis à expressão na língua-alvo, onde a desinibição e o medo do erro deram pouco a pouco lugar ao prazer de se comunicar-se na LE. Assim, foram contemplados aspectos referentes à aprendizagem, à relação sujeito-LE, à relação e interação aluno-aluno/ professor, tendo sido de extrema significação para a aquisição da língua-alvo e para as relações interpessoais. / This research aims at reflecting about the use and the benefits of playful activities and of theatrical improvisation for a communicative and interactive teaching of a foreign language, and to demonstrate that the association Theater, Play and Apprenticeship of methodical way brings contributions to the apprentices and the benefits go beyond the apprenticeship of a foreign language. In the first chapter a historic overview of the relation theater, play, education is proposed. In the second chapter, we present the educational questions that arose with the use of games and theatrical activities in the teaching of a foreign language in the century XX and the questions about the current teaching of languages. In the third chapter, some characteristics of the Playful one and of theatrical adaptable practices to the context of teaching (theatrical play, role-play-games and global simulation) what contributed to the construction of our improvised practice, besides the benefits of this transposition found in the literature. The chapter four is dedicated to the theatrical-playful report of the experience carried out in the level 01 of the extracurricular course of intensive French (FLE) of the FFLCH-USP between January and February of 2007. In this application, we notice that the playful use of a methodology - improvised in the teaching of FLE allowed a better apprenticeship, an environment of favorable casualness to the expression in the target-language and of integration between the participants, which contemplates aspects referring to the apprenticeship, to the relation Subject-LE, to the relation and interaction of student-student. We could also conclude that the plays and the improvisations create a favorable environment to the experimentation in the LE and that shyness and the fear of making a mistake are replaced slowly by the pleasure of learning the targetlanguage, of communicating with other people.

A fala em inglês - LE em aula: opiniões de alunos e professores / Speaking English in EFL classes - teachers\' and students\' opinions

Menezes Junior, Arnaldo 07 April 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a problemática da fala do aluno em aula de Inglês como Língua Estrangeira, por meio das opiniões de alunos e professores. O principal aspecto analisado foi o processo motivacional dos alunos para falar inglês em aula. As respostas foram divididas em oito categorias: o professor, as atividades, os outros alunos, o material didático, a própria personalidade do aluno, a avaliação, o ambiente de aula, a falta de conhecimento da língua estrangeira e outros fatores. No entanto, as razões por que o aluno estuda inglês, as opiniões sobre a distribuição da fala em aula entre alunos e professores e as possibilidades de intervenções que estes utilizam de maneira consciente para estimular os alunos a falar em inglês durante a aula também foram analisadas. Para tanto, foram desenvolvidos e aplicados questionários em 125 alunos, jovens e adultos, que estudavam em Cursos Livres em um Centro de Idiomas da cidade de São Paulo. Ao mesmo tempo, 4 professores da mesma instituição também responderam questionários similares, desenvolvidos de maneira específica para esta pesquisa. Os resultados principais foram a grande diversidade de possibilidades para o processo motivacional do aluno e a importância atribuída ao professor como um estímulo para eles falarem em aula. Conseqüentemente, é necessário que o professor conheça seus alunos (interesses, objetivos, gostos, experiências) por meio de uma comunicação significativa em sala de aula, de modo a compreender o seu processo motivacional. Além de conhecer os alunos, os professores de Inglês devem utilizar estratégias específicas com o objetivo de incentivá-los a falar em aula. A maioria dos professores estudados afirmou utilizar o estímulo direto por meio de questões e debates e a conscientização do aluno sobre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem como estratégias de estímulo à fala. Quanto aos obstáculos para falar em aula, a personalidade do aluno foi o fator mais citado, devido à timidez e ao medo de errar. Além disso, todos concordaram com a idéia de que os alunos devem falar uma quantidade de tempo ligeiramente superior à dos professores durante a aula. Por fim, foi observada na população pesquisada uma clara predominância da motivação instrumental. / This dissertation analyses the students speech in English as a Foreign Language classes, according to the opinions of students and teachers. The main analyzed aspect was the students motivational process to speak English during the class. The answers were divided in eight categories: the teacher, the class activities, the other students, the course material, the students own personality, the assessment, the class environment, the lack of knowledge about the foreign language and other factors. However, the English students learning goals, the opinions about class speech distribution among teachers and students and the strategies intentionally used by teachers to encourage their pupils to speak English during the class were also studied. For that, self-report questionnaires were developed and applied to 125 young adult and adult students in eligible EFL programs in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Also, 4 teachers from the same institution answered similar questionnaires, specifically developed for this study. The main results were the huge diversity in the students motivational process and the importance attributed to the teacher as an encouragement for them to speak during the class. Consequently, it is necessary for teachers to know their students (interests, goals, likes and dislikes, experiences) through meaningful interaction in the classroom in order to understand their motivational process. Besides knowing their students, the teachers used specific strategies to encourage them to speak during the class. Most teachers surveyed said they used direct stimulation through questions and class discussions and tried to make students aware of their learning process as strategies for speech encouragement. The students shyness and fear of making mistakes were regarded as the most frequent obstacles to speak during the EFL class. Besides that, everybody agreed that the students should speak a little more than the teachers in the class. Finally, the instrumental motivation was predominant among the studied population.

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