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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le droit du travail américain : un droit plus favorable à l’investissement que le droit du travail québécois ? Une étude de la question...

Paré, Frédéric 09 1900 (has links)
L’auteur s’intéresse à la question de savoir si le droit du travail américain est plus favorable à l’investissement direct étranger (IDE) que le droit du travail québécois dans le contexte de l’ALENA. Pour ce faire, il fait une revue de littérature sur les déterminants de la localisation de l’IDE afin de clarifier l’importance du droit du travail national dans les décisions d’investissement des entreprises multinationales. Celle-ci révèle que la localisation de l’IDE est un processus complexe et multidimensionnel impliquant un grand nombre de facteurs, dont certains sont associés à la demande, d’autres aux coûts, d’autres aux caractéristiques des pays-hôtes, et d’autres, enfin, au risque. Le droit du travail national, bien que revêtant une certaine importance, n’est qu’un facteur parmi d’autres. Elle révèle également que l’importance relative des déterminants de la localisation de l’IDE, incluant le droit du travail national, varie elle-même en fonction d’autres facteurs, comme le secteur d’activité de l’entreprise, sa stratégie, sa taille et la motivation de l’IDE. Ensuite, il fait une étude de droit comparé entre le Québec et le Massachusetts afin d’identifier les principales différences qui existent entre les deux régimes de droit du travail. Cette étude a permis d’identifier des différences importantes entre les deux systèmes étudiés. Ainsi, dans l’ensemble, le droit du travail applicable au Massachusetts se fonde davantage sur les principes de la liberté contractuelle et du laisser-faire que le droit du travail québécois, qui est beaucoup plus interventionniste. Enfin, l’auteur analyse les différences observées dans le cadre de l’étude de droit comparé à la lumière des conclusions de sa revue de littérature sur les déterminants de la localisation de l’IDE. Il en vient à la conclusion que bien qu’à de nombreux égards le droits du travail québécois s’avère plus avantageux que le droit du travail applicable au Massachusetts aux fins de la localisation de l’IDE, c’est plutôt ce dernier qui, de façon générale, s’avère le plus avantageux à ce chapitre. En effet, dans l’ensemble, le droit du travail québécois est susceptible d’imposer des coûts de main-d’œuvre supérieurs et de réduire la flexibilité du marché du travail davantage que le droit du travail applicable au Massachusetts. Or, considérant que le droit du travail national n’est qu’un facteur parmi d’autres dans la décision de localisation de l’IDE, le Québec n’est pas sans moyens. En effet, il possède d’autres avantages comparatifs qu’il peut faire valoir auprès des entreprises qui œuvrent dans des secteurs d’activités où ces avantages concurrentiels sont valorisés et susceptibles d’être exploités. De plus, considérant que le droit du travail national a un importance relative qui varie elle-même en fonction d’autres facteurs, le droit du travail québécois n’a pas nécessairement le même effet sur tous les investisseurs. Enfin, considérant que le droit du travail remplit des fonctions sociales autant que des fonctions économiques, c’est un faux débat que de mettre l’accent uniquement sur les conséquences « négatives » du droit du travail national sur l’IDE. En effet, c’est faire complètement abstraction de la question des coûts sociaux que le droit du travail permet de prévenir au sein d’une société. / The question under study is whether or not United States Labor and Employment Law is more favorable to foreign direct investment (FDI) than Quebec Labor and Employment Law within the context of NAFTA. To answer that question, the author first makes a literature review of the FDI localization determinants to clarify the importance of national labor and employment law in multinational companies investment decisions. This review reveals that the localization of FDI is a complex and multidimensional process involving a large number of factors, among which some are associated with demand, costs, characteristics of host-countries and risk. The national labor and employment law, although taking on a certain importance, is therefore only one factor among others. The review also reveals that the relative importance of FDI localization determinants, including national labor and employment law, varies according to other factors, such as the business sector of the company, its strategy, its size and the purpose of the FDI. Then, the author makes a comparative law study between Quebec and Massachusetts to identify the main differences which exist between both Labor and Employment Law regimes. This study allowed to identify important differences between both systems. In general, it is to be noted that Massachusetts’ Labor and Employment Law bases itself more on the principles of contractual freedom and “laissez-faire” than Quebec Labor and Employment Law, which is much more interventionist. Finally, the author analyzes the differences identified in the comparative law study in the light of the conclusions of his literature review on FDI localization determinants. He concludes that although Quebec Labor and Employment Law is on many aspects more advantageous than Massachusetts Labor and Employment Law for the purposes of FDI localization, it is rather the latter which, in general, turns out to be the most advantageous in this matter. Indeed, Quebec Labor and Employment Law may impose superior costs of labor and reduce labor market flexibility more than Massachusetts Labor and Employment Law. Yet, considering that national labor and employment law is only one factor among others in the FDI localization decision, Quebec is not without means. Indeed, it possesses other comparative advantages that it can assert with the multinational companies that are doing business in sectors where these competitive advantages are valued and susceptible to be exploited. Furthermore, considering that national labor and employment law has a relative importance which varies according to other factors, Quebec Labor and Employment Law has inevitably no same effect on all the investors. Finally, considering that labor and employment law performs social functions as much as economic functions, it is a false debate to emphasize only the "negative" consequences of the national labor and employment law on FDI. Indeed, it is to completely disregard the question of the social costs which labor and employment law allows to prevent within a society.


MARICONDA, CLAUDIA GABRIELLA 06 April 2016 (has links)
Lo studio si inserisce nel dibattito sul potere delle multinazionali e il rispetto dei diritti umani fondamentali e approfondisce i concetti di responsabilità sociale delle imprese (CSR) e della loro "accountability", inquadrando l'analisi nel contesto più ampio degli investimenti esteri diretti (FDI), con i relativi aspetti economici, tecnologici e sociali, nonché ambientali e politici. Si analizzano le norme internazionali in tema di rispetto dei diritti umani da parte delle aziende, ed i meccanismi legali per rendere le società "accountable", soprattutto in caso di complicità aziendali negli abusi perpetrati dagli Stati, anche attraverso la giurisprudenza dei tribunali penali internazionali e dei tribunali statunitensi. Viene data attenzione al settore della sicurezza, i.e. "Private Military and Security Companies" (PMSCs, interessato da notevole crescita negli ultimi decenni. Le PMSCs, impiegate da parte dei governi che esternalizzano una funzione tipicamente dello stato e da imprese e ONG attive in contesti difficili, hanno operato senza adeguato controllo. Le loro attività sollevano questioni su potenziali abusi dei diritti umani commessi dai propri dipendenti oltre che su violazioni dei diritti del lavoro subite dagli stessi. Le azioni ONU per portare le PMSCs fuori dalla 'zona legale grigia' in cui hanno operato vengono trattate insieme alle iniziative di autoregolamentazione. / The study, given the debate about the increasing power of corporations and the attempts to ensure their respect of fundamental human rights, deepens the concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate accountability, framing the analysis within the broader discourse of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), with its economic, technological and social aspects as well as environmental and political issues. International standards in the area of corporations’ human rights obligations are analyzed in addition to legal mechanisms to hold corporations accountable, particularly for corporate complicity in human rights abuses by States, through the jurisprudence of international criminal tribunals and U.S. Courts. Special attention is given to the security sector, i.e. Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs), interested in the last decades by a steady growth. PMSCs, increasingly contracted by governments willing to outsource a typical state function and by companies and NGOs active in difficult contexts, have been operating without proper supervision and accountability. PMSCs activities raise issues concerning potential human rights violations committed by their employees and labour rights abuses their employees might suffer themselves. UN actions aimed at bringing PMSCs out of the legal ‘grey zone’ where they have been operating are tackled alongside with self-regulatory initiatives.

Stratégie d’internationalisation d’une Petite Economie Mature Ouverte (PEMO) : le cas du Luxembourg : déterminants, défis et leviers / Strategy for the internationalisation of a small open mature economy (SOME) : the case of Luxembourg : key elements, challenges and levers

Hostert, Marc 18 October 2013 (has links)
L’attractivité des territoires vis-à-vis des investissements directs étrangers constitue, avec l’ouverture accrue des espaces économiques et politiques, un élément clé de l’intensification des flux d’échanges et d’investissements.Pour tous les pays et, plus particulièrement, pour ceux ne disposant pas d’un marché national important, l’établissement d’un diagnostic d’attractivité et la détermination d’axes prioritaires de développement constituent une démarche fondamentale applicable particulièrement à l’exemple du Luxembourg, une économie considérée comme une petite économie mature ouverte (PEMO).A travers cette recherche, on s’attachera à appliquer et à adapter un modèle d’analyse des fondements de l’attractivité, puis un modèle de détermination des orientations économiques et institutionnelles à privilégier.Cette recherche conduit à définir une démarche prospective structurée, appliquée à la PEMO considérée :- en partant de l’établissement d’une liste de déterminants de compétitivité et d’attractivité ayant potentiellement trait à une PEMO en général, validée ensuite pour le cas concret du Luxembourg par un panel de décideurs ;- en permettant l’établissement d’un diagnostic d’attractivité portant sur la situation actuelle de la PEMO considérée ;- pour déboucher sur la détermination d’activités prioritaires et de profilsd’investisseurs directs étrangers à privilégier, dans un « espace de référence » géo - sectoriel reconsidéré.Cette recherche devrait permettre d’identifier les secteurs d’investissement les plus attractifs pour les entreprises étrangères dans une PEMO comme le Luxembourg. / Together with increased economic and political openness, a location’s or territory’s attractiveness and competitiveness for foreign direct investment (FDI) are key elements for intensifying investment and trade flows.For countries, especially those without a national market of significant scale, establishing a way to identify and analyse priorities for economic development is fundamental.This research defines a general analytical framework applicable to the concepts of attractiveness and competitiveness, and, building on this framework, develops a specific model that could assist key institutions as to identify their preferred orientations in the specific context of an economy considered as a small open mature economy (SOME), in particular, Luxembourg.This research will lead to the definition of a prospective structured approach by:- providing a list of factors which potentially influence the competitiveness and attractiveness of SOMEs; this list having been validated with respect to Luxembourgby national decision makers;- establishing a method for analysing the current situation regarding attractiveness and competitiveness in Luxembourg; and- identifying priority sectors for FDI that could be targeted in a specific location/territory of reference such as Luxembourg.

“Accumulation by Dispossession” by the Global Extractive Industry: The Case of Canada

Kinuthia, Wanyee 13 November 2013 (has links)
This thesis draws on David Harvey’s concept of “accumulation by dispossession” and an international political economy (IPE) approach centred on the institutional arrangements and power structures that privilege certain actors and values, in order to critique current capitalist practices of primitive accumulation by the global corporate extractive industry. The thesis examines how accumulation by dispossession by the global extractive industry is facilitated by the “free entry” or “free mining” principle. It does so by focusing on Canada as a leader in the global extractive industry and the spread of this country’s mining laws to other countries – in other words, the transnationalisation of norms in the global extractive industry – so as to maintain a consistent and familiar operating environment for Canadian extractive companies. The transnationalisation of norms is further promoted by key international institutions such as the World Bank, which is also the world’s largest development lender and also plays a key role in shaping the regulations that govern natural resource extraction. The thesis briefly investigates some Canadian examples of resource extraction projects, in order to demonstrate the weaknesses of Canadian mining laws, particularly the lack of protection of landowners’ rights under the free entry system and the subsequent need for “free, prior and informed consent” (FPIC). The thesis also considers some of the challenges to the adoption and implementation of the right to FPIC. These challenges include embedded institutional structures like the free entry mining system, international political economy (IPE) as shaped by international institutions and powerful corporations, as well as concerns regarding ‘local’ power structures or the legitimacy of representatives of communities affected by extractive projects. The thesis concludes that in order for Canada to be truly recognized as a leader in the global extractive industry, it must establish legal norms domestically to ensure that Canadian mining companies and residents can be held accountable when there is evidence of environmental and/or human rights violations associated with the activities of Canadian mining companies abroad. The thesis also concludes that Canada needs to address underlying structural issues such as the free entry mining system and implement FPIC, in order to curb “accumulation by dispossession” by the extractive industry, both domestically and abroad.

“Accumulation by Dispossession” by the Global Extractive Industry: The Case of Canada

Kinuthia, Wanyee January 2013 (has links)
This thesis draws on David Harvey’s concept of “accumulation by dispossession” and an international political economy (IPE) approach centred on the institutional arrangements and power structures that privilege certain actors and values, in order to critique current capitalist practices of primitive accumulation by the global corporate extractive industry. The thesis examines how accumulation by dispossession by the global extractive industry is facilitated by the “free entry” or “free mining” principle. It does so by focusing on Canada as a leader in the global extractive industry and the spread of this country’s mining laws to other countries – in other words, the transnationalisation of norms in the global extractive industry – so as to maintain a consistent and familiar operating environment for Canadian extractive companies. The transnationalisation of norms is further promoted by key international institutions such as the World Bank, which is also the world’s largest development lender and also plays a key role in shaping the regulations that govern natural resource extraction. The thesis briefly investigates some Canadian examples of resource extraction projects, in order to demonstrate the weaknesses of Canadian mining laws, particularly the lack of protection of landowners’ rights under the free entry system and the subsequent need for “free, prior and informed consent” (FPIC). The thesis also considers some of the challenges to the adoption and implementation of the right to FPIC. These challenges include embedded institutional structures like the free entry mining system, international political economy (IPE) as shaped by international institutions and powerful corporations, as well as concerns regarding ‘local’ power structures or the legitimacy of representatives of communities affected by extractive projects. The thesis concludes that in order for Canada to be truly recognized as a leader in the global extractive industry, it must establish legal norms domestically to ensure that Canadian mining companies and residents can be held accountable when there is evidence of environmental and/or human rights violations associated with the activities of Canadian mining companies abroad. The thesis also concludes that Canada needs to address underlying structural issues such as the free entry mining system and implement FPIC, in order to curb “accumulation by dispossession” by the extractive industry, both domestically and abroad.

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