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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Mina kontakter är min största rikedom” Nätverkets betydelse för inträdet på den svenska arbetsmarknaden av invandrarna från forna Jugoslavien

Memić, Safeta January 2020 (has links)
Människor från forna Jugoslavien har invandrat till Sverige sedan 1960-talet och de gör det även idag. Under dessa 60 år har dessa invandrare byggt upp sina liv i Sverige och skapat olika föreningar, caféer, frisörsalonger, radio med mera för att kunna behålla en del av sina gamla liv och umgås med sina landsmän. Men hur har invandrare från forna Jugoslavien lyckats med allt detta? Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur invandrarna från forna Jugoslavien, som har invandrat till Sverige i vuxen ålder, har fått sina första arbeten i Sverige och hur de har använt sina nätverk för att få inträde på arbetsmarknaden. Studiens frågeställningar är: 1) Hur fick invandrare från forna Jugoslavien sina första arbeten i Sverige? 2) Har socialt kapital haft betydelse för deras etablering på arbetsmarknaden? 3) Vilken typ av socialt kapital har haft betydelse?Teoretiska begrepp som studien använder är socialt kapital samt anknytande och överbryggande socialt kapital. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av en egocentrisk nätverksanalys där det utfördes sex kvalitativa intervjuer. Studiens resultat visar att migranterna som har invandrat till Sverige under 90-talet har varit till hjälp för de som har flyttat till Sverige under de senaste 20 åren.Resultatet visar även att migranterna använder sina nätverk för att få information eller tillträde till den svenska arbetsmarknaden, samtidigt som invandrarna använder sina modersmål vid de första arbeten i Sverige. Vidare så kom det fram att de flesta invandrarna i denna studie använde det anknytande sociala kapitalet för att få information om arbete, där det ingick familj och nära bekanta. / People from former Yugoslavia have immigrated to Sweden since the 1960s and they still do so today. During these 60 years, these immigrants have built up their lives in Sweden and created various associations, cafes, hairdressers, radio-stations, etc. so that they can retain some of their old lives and socialize with their compatriots. But how did immigrants from former Yugoslavia succeed with all of this? The purpose of this study is to investigate how immigrants from former Yugoslavia, that have immigrated as adults, have got their first jobs in Sweden and how they have used their networks to enter the labor market. The study's questions are: 1) How did immigrants from former Yugoslavia got their first jobs in Sweden? 2) Did social capital have an impact on their establishment in the labor market? 3) What type of social capital has been important?Theoretical concepts used in the study are social capital, bonding and bridging social capital. The study was conducted with the help of an egocentric network analysis where six qualitative interviews were conducted. The study results show that the migrants who immigrated to Sweden in the 1990s have been helpful to those who have moved to Sweden for the last 20 years.The result also shows that migrants use their networks to obtain information or access to the Swedish labor market, simultaneously immigrants used their mother language at their first jobs in Sweden. It is stated that most of the immigrants in this study used the bonding social capital to get information about work, which included family and close acquaintances.

"De arbetsamma" : En litteraturstudie om arbetskraftsinvandringen av forna jugoslaver

Dunic, Sanita January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att bidra med ökad förståelse för arbetskraftsinvandringen av forna jugoslaver i Sverige under åren 1960–1970. Detta har undersökts genom en litteraturstudie med hjälp av en kvalitativ ansats och hermeneutik som metod. Resultatet har sedan analyserats med hjälp av socialkonstruktivismen. De frågeställningar uppsatsen ämnades besvara var: Hur gick rekryteringen av arbetskraft till?Vad bidrog till att de arbetskrafts invandrade integrerades i det svenska samhället?Undersökningen visade hur rekryteringen av arbetskraft gick till, från rekrytering till anställning, samt vilka faktorer som bidrog till att de arbetskrafts invandrade jugoslaverna kunde integreras i det svenska samhället. Slutsatsen blev att myndigheterna, tillsammans med personliga omständigheter som bakgrund och utbildning, hade en inverkan på förutsättningarna för att integreras i det svenska samhället.

Forna Jugoslavien – en bortglömd historia?

Jakobsson, Michaela, Nilsson, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsen handlar om undervisning om kriget i forna Jugoslavien 1991-1995. Vår avsikt var att ta reda på i vilken omfattning det undervisas om kriget, i vilka årskurser det undervisas om det, vilka läromedel som lärare använder sig av, samt om det uppkommer konflikter i samband med undervisningen då det finns elever med ursprung i forna Jugoslavien i klassrummet. I vår undersökning använder vi oss av ett sociokulturellt perspektiv för att se om lärare tar hänsyn till och anpassar undervisningen till elevernas skilda bakgrunder, vi har även valt att analysera resultaten med hjälp av ett interkulturellt förhållningssätt.

Inblick i hur jugoslavisk kultur påverkar media i tiden : Två fallstudier som visar hur emtionella, kulturella och kunskapsmässiga perpektiv på mångfald, med bakgrund från forna Jugolsavien, präglar media i Sverige.

Smajlovic, Dzejna January 2009 (has links)
<p>As we all know Sweden as a country, appears to be homogenus. At the middle of 1960’s the emigrants from ancient Jugslavia came to Sweden as an workforce. At that time it was the majority of the emigrants from ancient Jugoslavia that established their lifes in Sweden. The second period for the emigrants from ancient Jugolsavia was at the biginning of 1990’s because of the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The figure of population from ancient Jugoslavia then were about 100 000 people. Today this makes the people with Jugoslavian ethnical  background two different kind of genereation in Sweden. The main purpose is to emphasize different case-studies that define how chosen individuals has manage to succeed on the media-sector in Sweden, one from both of the generation. The uniqe with this thesis is that the focus is on two different indviduals from Jugoslavia or with Jugoslavian background. Meanwhile these chosen individuals are well-known in the media-sector.</p><p> </p><p>From a educational, cultural and also emotinal ponit of view this thesis will illustrate two different understandings about the purpose of this thesis. The purpose is; to explain the situation through qualitative interviews with Sladjan Osmanagic from the commercial channel VIASAT Sport and Emir Osmanbegovic from the Swedish Public Service, TV4. Another interesting aspect is to declare how the benefit of different cultures are treated and recieved today, at the media-market in Sweden.</p>

Inblick i hur jugoslavisk kultur påverkar media i tiden : Två fallstudier som visar hur emtionella, kulturella och kunskapsmässiga perpektiv på mångfald, med bakgrund från forna Jugolsavien, präglar media i Sverige.

Smajlovic, Dzejna January 2009 (has links)
As we all know Sweden as a country, appears to be homogenus. At the middle of 1960’s the emigrants from ancient Jugslavia came to Sweden as an workforce. At that time it was the majority of the emigrants from ancient Jugoslavia that established their lifes in Sweden. The second period for the emigrants from ancient Jugolsavia was at the biginning of 1990’s because of the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The figure of population from ancient Jugoslavia then were about 100 000 people. Today this makes the people with Jugoslavian ethnical  background two different kind of genereation in Sweden. The main purpose is to emphasize different case-studies that define how chosen individuals has manage to succeed on the media-sector in Sweden, one from both of the generation. The uniqe with this thesis is that the focus is on two different indviduals from Jugoslavia or with Jugoslavian background. Meanwhile these chosen individuals are well-known in the media-sector.   From a educational, cultural and also emotinal ponit of view this thesis will illustrate two different understandings about the purpose of this thesis. The purpose is; to explain the situation through qualitative interviews with Sladjan Osmanagic from the commercial channel VIASAT Sport and Emir Osmanbegovic from the Swedish Public Service, TV4. Another interesting aspect is to declare how the benefit of different cultures are treated and recieved today, at the media-market in Sweden.

''Om det bara fanns mer tid...'' : Gymnasielärares förhållningssätt till historieundervisning om krigen i forna Jugoslavien, med hänsyn till elever med koppling till forna Jugoslavien. / ''If there were more time...'' : Upper secondary teachers' approach towards the war in former Yugoslavia in history teaching, with regard to students with connections to the former Yugoslavia.

Smajli, Trendelina January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate history teachers’ various approaches towards the wars in former Yugoslavia during the 90s, in their history teaching in upper secondary school. Furthermore, another aspect to the study is to investigate how the history teachers approach potential students that might have roots from the former Yugoslavia. Since the Swedish society is multicultural with immigrants from former Yugoslavia, the topic could be viewed as sensitive. However, previous studies show that students with a multicultural background such as former Yugoslavia want to take part of their history in the history classroom. This leads to the next question, whether teachers fulfill their students’ needs when it comes to history. Furthermore, another aim of the study is to also investigate what possibilities and difficulties the teachers might experience with teaching about the wars in former Yugoslavia.  Five history teachers with experience from history teaching in upper secondary school were interviewed. The result is thenceforth analyzed with the following theoretical framework: Kitson’s and McCully’s (2005) model of sensitive topics in the history classroom, multicultural classroom, and historical empathy. The findings of the study are that only two out of five history teachers included the wars in former Yugoslavia continuously in their history teaching. The third teacher included the topic if the students were interested, and the fourth teacher taught the students about some events occasionally in relation to other topics, such as use of history. The last teacher did not include the wars in former Yugoslavia at all. Four out of five teachers wanted the students to contribute with their own history culture and family history. The possibilities and the difficulties were intertwined, according to the teachers. The students could contribute and thusly offer perspective on the topic. However, it could also mean that the teachers had to be careful with their words since they could not fully know what experiences the students have. The teachers’ answers were analyzed in accordance with Kitsons and McCullys model, together with the concepts ‘multicultural classroom’ and historical empathy. The conclusion of the research is that the majority of the history teachers used historical empathy in connection with the wars in former Yugoslavia. The teachers tried doing so by bringing the teaching to life with the help from, for instance, life stories and interviews. The teachers’ attitudes towards a multicultural classroom, which is enriched by students with different history cultures, were mostly positive.

”Här kommer våra svenskar!” : En kvalitativ studie om diasporaturismens påverkan på identitetsupplevelsen hos svenska andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien

Glogovac, Tamara, Mujakovic, Hanna, Näsström, Denise January 2020 (has links)
“Här kommer våra svenskar!” är en turismvetenskaplig studie som undersöker hur andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien beskriver sina motiv till diasporaresor samt hur diasporaresorna påverkar andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien identitetsupplevelser. Studien har hållit en kvalitativ ansats där nio informanter intervjuades om deras erfarenheter av diasporaturism. Den tidigare forskning om diasporaturism har legat till grund för vår studie. Majoriteten av den tidigare forskningen om diasporaturism fokuserar på första generationens invandrare. Forskning om andra generationens invandrare i allmänhet och andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien i synnerhet är bristfällig. Denna studie påvisar att det finns indikationer på att diasporaturism har en påverkan på identitetsupplevelsen hos andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien. Utöver att studiens informanter bekräftar den tidigare forskningens resonemang om diasporaturisters resemotiv kan studien även presentera ett outforskat bakomliggande resemotiv hos informanterna vilka är intressanta implikationer för den framtida forskningen. / “Här kommer våra svenskar!” is an tourism study that studies how second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia describe their motives for diaspora tourism as well as how diaspora tourism effects the individuals perception of identity. This study has used a qualitative methodological approach where the empirical data was collected through nine interviews with second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia concerning their experiences of diaspora tourism. This study shows that there is some indication that diaspora tourism has an effect on second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavias perception of identity. In addition to confirming previous diaspora tourism studies travel motives, this study also puts forward a previously unexplored underlying travel motive which has interesting implication for future tourism studies.

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