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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electroding Methods for in situ Reverse Osmosis Sensors

Detrich, Kahlil 19 March 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to develop and evaluate electroding methods for a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane that results in an in situ sensor able to detect RO membrane protein fouling. Four electroding techniques were explored: i) gold exchange-reduction, ii) encapsulated carbon grease, iii) "direct assembly process" (DAP), and iv) platinized polymer graft. The novel platinized polymer graft method involves chemically modifying the RO membrane surface to facilitate platinization based on the hypothesis that deposition of foulant on the platinized surface will affect platinum/foulant/solution interfacial regions, thus sensor impedance. Platinized polymer graft sensors were shown to be sensitive to protein fouling. Electrodes were characterized by their electrical properties, SEM and XPS. Assembled sensors were evaluated for sensitivity to electrolyte concentration and protein fouling. Micrographs showed coating layers and pre-soak solution influence gold exchange-reduction electrode formation. High surface resistance makes gold exchange-reduction an unsuitable method. Concentration sensitivity experiments showed carbon grease and DAP electroding methods produce unusable sensors. Carbon grease sensors have time-dependent impedance response due to electrolyte diffusion within the micro-porous polysulfone support. DAP electroded sensors proved quite fragile upon hydration; their impedance response is transient and lacks predictable trends with changes in concentration. A parametric study of the platinized polymer graft method shows amount of grafted monomer correlates to grafting time, and deposited platinum is a function of exchange-reduction repetitions and amount of grafted monomer. Platinized polymer graft sensors were fouled in both dead-end and cross-flow RO systems, and their impedance trends, while varying between sensors, indicate protein-fouling sensitivity. / Master of Science


Meseguer Hernández, Eloy 25 July 2017 (has links)
The present Doctoral Thesis makes the first study on the growth of epibionts in the nets of marine farms of the Western Mediterranean. Also, this Doctoral Thesis is a novel contribution in the field of marine biofouling by collecting information not only taxonomically but also the ecology of the actors and factors involved. The objective of this study is to know the most common epibionts in Mediterranean marine aquaculture nets and their relationship with depth, season, situation on the farm and the response of the epibionts to the presence of a commercial antifouling paint with Based on cuprous oxide, performing for this purpose an exhaustive statistical analysis. To this end, 192 polyethylene sheets of 400 cm2 were placed on a Spanish southeast sea farm, specifically in the municipality of Villajoyosa (Alicante), at two different depths, with different orientations and antifouling paint and without it. The plates were collected in four periods of the year: in early spring, early summer, early autumn and the last, after 1 year submerged. Macroscopic species were studied at the taxonomic level and the data were treated with the Stathgraphics Centurion XVI.II and Promov software 15,02 to perform the relevant statistical studies. Nothing has been written before this work on the impact of these paintings on the colonies of the epibionts studied in this thesis, although it has been verified with this thesis that antifouling painting is an effective technique for the fight against marine epibiontes, And that works in addition to any depth and with any orientation. Also, it has been corroborated that the plates were covered more of organisms ,according to the time of exposure in the sea, It had or not antifouling painting,The chronological order of invasion of the plates by the epibionts has also been verified. In addition, the sheets that were located in the discharge area of the fish facility and under the current, were plates populated with a greater number of epibionts, regardless of the depth, orientation or presence of the antifouling paint. / La presente Tesis Doctoral realiza el primer estudio acerca de los crecimientos de epibiontes en las redes de granjas marinas del Mediterráneo Occidental. Asimismo, esta Tesis Doctoral supone una aportación novedosa en el campo del biofouling marino al recoger información no sólo de manera taxonómica sino también de ecología de los actores y factores participantes. Es objeto de este estudio el conocer los epibiontes más comunes en las redes de acuicultura marina mediterránea y su relación con la profundidad, la estación del año, la situación en la granja y la respuesta de los epibiontes ante la presencia de una pintura antifouling comercial con base en óxido cuproso, realizando para ello un exhaustivo análisis estadístico. Con dicho objetivo, se dispusieron 192 placas de polietileno de 400 cm2 en una granja marina del sudeste español, en concreto en el municipio de Villajoyosa (Alicante), a dos diferentes profundidades, con diferentes orientaciones y con pintura antifouling y sin ella. Las placas se recogieron en cuatro periodos del año: a principios de primavera, a principios de verano, a principios de otoño y las últimas, después de 1 año sumergidas. Se estudiaron a nivel taxonómico las especies macroscópicas y se trataron los datos con el software Stathgraphics Centurion XVI.II y ProMV 15.02 para realizar los estudios estadísticos pertinentes. No se ha escrito nada antes de este trabajo sobre el impacto de éstas pinturas en las colonizaciones de los epibiontes estudiados, si bien se ha comprobado con esta Tesis que la pintura antifouling es un técnica efectiva para la lucha contra los epibiontes marinos, y que funciona además a cualquier profundidad y con cualquier orientación. Asimismo, se ha corroborado que las placas se cubrían más con organismos conforme transcurría el tiempo de exposición en el mar, tuvieran o no pintura antifouling y sin que ninguna especie llegara a colonizar y desplazar a las especies previas. Se ha podido constatar también el orden cronológico de invasión de las placas por los epibiontes. Además, las placas que se localizaban en la zona de descarga del vertido de la instalación piscícola y estaban a sotacorriente fueron placas pobladas con mayor número de epibiontes, independientemente de la profundidad, orientación o presencia o no de la pintura antifouling. / La present tesi doctoral realitza el primer estudi sobre els creixements de epibionts a les xarxes de granges marines de la Mediterrània Occidental. Així mateix, aquesta tesi doctoral suposa una aportació innovadora en el camp del biofouling marí en recollir informació no només de manera taxonòmica sinó també d'ecologia dels actors i factors participants. És objecte d'aquest estudi el conèixer els epibionts més comuns en les xarxes d'aqüicultura marina mediterrània i la seva relació amb la profunditat, l'estació de l'any, la situació a la granja i la resposta dels epibionts davant la presència d'una pintura antifouling comercial amb base en òxid cuprós, realitzant per a això una exhaustiva anàlisi estadística. Amb aquest objectiu, es van disposar 192 plaques de polietilè de 400 cm2 en una granja marina del sud-est espanyol, en concret al municipi de la Vila Joiosa (Alacant), a dues diferents profunditats, amb diferents orientacions, i amb I sense pintura antifouling . Les plaques es van recollir en quatre períodes de l'any: a principis de primavera, a principis d'estiu, a principis de tardor i les últimes, després d'1 any submergides. Es van estudiar a nivell taxonòmic les espècies macroscòpiques i es van tractar les dades amb els programes Stathgraphics Centurion XVI.II i ProMV 15.02 per realitzar els estudis estadístics pertinents. No s'ha escrit res abans d'aquest treball sobre l'impacte d'aquestes pintures en les colonitzacions dels epibionts estudiats , si bé s'ha comprovat en aquesta Tesi que la pintura antifouling és un tècnica efectiva per la lluita contra els epibionts marins, i que funciona a més a qualsevol profunditat i amb qualsevol orientació. Així mateix, s'ha corroborat que les plaques es cobrien amb més organismes a mesura que transcorria el temps d'exposició al mar, tinguessin o no pintura antifouling, i sense que cap espècie arribés a colonitzar i desplaçar a les espècies prèvies. S'ha pogut constatar també l'ordre cronològic d'invasió de les plaques pels epibionts. A més, les plaques que es localitzaven a la zona de descàrrega de l'abocament de la instal·lació piscícola i estaven a sotacorrent van ser plaques poblades amb major nombre d¿epibionts, independentment de la profunditat, orientació o presència o no de la pintura antifouling. / Meseguer Hernández, E. (2017). ESTUDIO DEL BIOFOULING ASOCIADO A CULTIVOS MARINOS "OFFSHORE" EN EL MEDITERRÁNEO ESPAÑOL [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/85679

Influencia de las características físicas y químicas del licor de mezcla en Bioreactores de Membrana y su correlación con los parámetros de operación en aguas residuales urbanas e industriales

Zuriaga Agustí, Elena 06 November 2017 (has links)
In this Doctoral Thesis the study of the influence of the operating parameters of the activated sludge process on the physical and chemical characteristics of the mixed liquor, from different membrane bioreactors (MBR), has been carried out. In addition, an optical characterization of the mixing liquor has been performed. In order to achieve the above mentioned aim, samples of the mixed liquor from an MBR treating municipal wastewater were first analysed and then, the characteristics of two MBR mixed liquors treating the leachates from two treatment plants of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) were evaluated. It is noteworthy that the difference between the two industrial MBR lies on the feeding (inlet) to the MBR, which is determined by the treatment performed to the OFMSW, since one of them consists of a wet anaerobic digestion (MBR-LS) and the other of a dry anaerobic digestion (MBR-HS), so that the latter leachate contains higher concentration of suspended solids in its composition. For the chemical characterization of the mixture liquor, the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) have been analysed. EPS are formed by the sum of extracted extracellular polymeric substances (eEPS) and soluble microbial products (SMP). These substances are considered the main cause of membranes fouling in MBRs and are basically formed by proteins and polysaccharides, which can be both attached to the cell wall and outside the cell, in form of eEPS or SMP. Regarding the physical characterization, in particular it has been analysed and studied the effect on the membrane fouling of the total and volatile suspended solids, the viscosity, the capillary suction time and the particle size, measured through the resistance to filtration. Finally, in the municipal MBR, cell viability with epifluorescence microscopy has been studied, as well as the main components of EPS have been stained by two different methods. In addition, a statistical study has evaluated the effect of the main operating parameters of the MBR on the characterization parameters of the mixed liquor. By means of least squares regression, the operational parameters that influence SMP production in industrial MBR have been studied. The study was completed by evaluating the fouling of an ultrafiltration membrane with proteins extracted from EPS and subsequently purified with ammonium sulphate at different pH values. To this end, different synthetic proteins (bovine serum albumin, casein, haemoglobin and lysozyme) were first analysed and then compared with the proteins extracted from the mixed liquor. Membrane fouling with purified eEPS proteins has also been studied along with sodium alginate added in the same concentration as the proteins. The results obtained demonstrate, firstly, that SMP play an important role in the membrane fouling. The concentration of proteins has been considerably higher than that of carbohydrates both in SMP and in eEPS, although SMP influenced to a greater extent on the filtration of the activated sludge. In addition, it is shown that bacteria under stress conditions, caused for example by increase in conductivity, increase the production of SMP, and therefore, membrane fouling increases. On the other hand, it is concluded that a low hydraulic retention time favours a high carbohydrates concentration and consequently drives to an increase in the viscosity and capillary suction time, also increasing the membrane fouling. / En la presente Tesis Doctoral se ha llevado a cabo el estudio de la influencia de los parámetros de operación del proceso de fangos activos en las características físicas y químicas de los licores de mezcla, procedentes de diferentes biorreactores de membrana (MBR). Además, se ha realizado una caracterización óptica del licor de mezcla. Para ello, en primer lugar se tomaron muestras del licor de mezcla de un MBR que trata aguas residuales urbanas y, a continuación, se evaluaron las características de los licores de mezcla de dos MBR que tratan los lixiviados procedentes de dos plantas de tratamiento de la fracción orgánica de los residuos sólidos urbanos (FORSU). Cabe destacar que la diferencia entre los dos MBR industriales radica en la alimentación (afluentes) al MBR, que viene determinada por el tratamiento que se realiza a la FORSU, ya que uno de ellos consiste en una digestión anaerobia en vía húmeda (MBR-LS) y, el otro, en una digestión anaerobia en vía seca (MBR-HS), por lo que este último lixiviado contiene mayor concentración de sólidos en suspensión en su composición. Para la caracterización química del licor de mezcla, se han analizado las sustancias poliméricas extracelulares (EPS), formadas por la suma de las sustancias poliméricas extracelulares extraídas (eEPS) y los productos solubles microbianos (SMP). Estas sustancias se consideran las principales causantes del ensuciamiento de las membranas del MBR y están formadas básicamente por proteínas y polisacáridos, los cuales pueden estar tanto adheridos a la pared celular como fuera de la célula, en forma de eEPS o SMP. En cuanto a la caracterización física, en concreto se ha analizado y estudiado el efecto en el ensuciamiento de las membranas de los sólidos en suspensión totales y volátiles, la viscosidad, el tiempo de succión capilar y el tamaño de partícula, medido a través de las resistencias a la filtración. Finalmente, en el MBR urbano se ha estudiado la viabilidad celular con microscopía de epifluorescencia, así como se han teñido para su caracterización óptica los principales componentes de las EPS por dos métodos distintos. Además, mediante un estudio estadístico se ha evaluado el efecto de los principales parámetros de operación de los MBR sobre los parámetros de caracterización del licor de mezcla. Mediante regresión por mínimos cuadrados se han estudiado los parámetros operacionales que influyen en la producción de SMP en los MBR industriales. El estudio se ha completado evaluando el ensuciamiento de una membrana de ultrafiltración con proteínas extraídas de las EPS y posteriormente purificadas con sulfato amónico, a diferentes valores de pH. Para ello, en primer lugar se han caracterizado diferentes proteínas sintéticas (albúmina de suero bovino, caseína, hemoglobina y lisozima) para compararlas con las proteínas extraídas del licor de mezcla. También se ha estudiado el ensuciamiento de la membrana con las proteínas purificadas de las eEPS junto con alginato de sodio en la misma proporción. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran en primer lugar que los SMP juegan un papel importante en el ensuciamiento de las membranas. Tanto en su composición como en la de las eEPS, la concentración de proteínas determinada ha sido considerablemente mayor que la de carbohidratos, si bien éstos influyen incluso en mayor medida en la filtrabilidad del fango activo. Además, se demuestra que las bacterias bajo condiciones de estrés, causado por ejemplo por aumento de conductividad, aumentan la producción de SMP, y por tanto, se incrementa el ensuciamiento de las membranas. Por otro lado, se concluye que un tiempo de retención hidráulico bajo favorece una concentración elevada de carbohidratos y consecuentemente provoca un aumento de la viscosidad y el tiempo de succión capilar, aumentando también el ensuciamiento de la membrana. / En la present Tesi Doctoral s'ha dut a terme l'estudi de la influència dels paràmetres d'operació del procés de fangs actius en les característiques físiques i químiques de licors de mescla, procedents de diferents biorreactors de membrana (MBR). A més, s'ha realitzat una caracterització òptica del licor de mescla. Per a això, en primer lloc es van prendre mostres del licor de mescla d'un MBR que tracta aigües residuals urbanes i, a continuació, es van avaluar les característiques dels licors de mescla de dos MBR que tracten els lixiviats procedents de dues plantes de tractament de la fracció orgànica dels residus sòlids urbans (FORSU). Cal destacar que la diferència entre els dos MBR industrials radica en l'alimentació (afluents) al MBR, que ve determinada pel tractament que es realitza a la FORSU, ja que un d'ells consisteix en una digestió anaeròbia en via humida (MBR-LS) i, l'altre, en una digestió anaeròbia en via seca (MBR-HS), per la qual cosa este últim lixiviat conté major concentració de sòlids en suspensió en la seua composició. Per a la caracterització química del licor de mescla, s'han analitzat les substàncies polimèriques extracel¿lulars (EPS), formades per la suma de les substàncies polimèriques extracel¿lulars extretes (eEPS) i els productes solubles microbians (SMP). Estes substàncies es consideren les principals causants de l'embrutiment de les membranes del MBR i estan formades bàsicament per proteïnes i polisacàrids, els quals poden estar tant adherits a la paret cel¿lular com fora de la cèl¿lula, en forma d'eEPS o SMP. Quant a la caracterització física, en concret s'ha analitzat i estudiat l'efecte en l'embrutiment de les membranes dels sòlids en suspensió totals i volàtils, la viscositat, el temps de succió capil¿lar i la grandària de partícula, mesurat a través de les resistències a la filtració. Finalment, en el MBR urbà s'ha estudiat la viabilitat cel¿lular amb microscòpia d'epifluorescència, així com s'han tenyit per a la seua caracterització òptica els principals components de les EPS per dos mètodes distints. A més, per mitjà d'un estudi estadístic s'ha avaluat l'efecte dels principals paràmetres d'operació dels MBR sobre els paràmetres de caracterització del licor de mescla. Per mitjà de regressió per mínims quadrats s'han estudiat els paràmetres operacionals que influeixen en la producció de SMP en els MBR industrials. L'estudi s'ha completat avaluant l'embrutiment d'una membrana d'ultrafiltració amb proteïnes extretes de les EPS i posteriorment purificades amb sulfat amònic, a diferents valors de pH. Per a això, en primer lloc s'han caracteritzat diferents proteïnes sintètiques (albúmina de sèrum boví, caseïna, hemoglobina i lisozima) per a comparar-les amb les proteïnes extretes del licor de mescla. També s'ha estudiat l'embrutiment de la membrana amb les proteïnes purificades de les eEPS junt amb alginat de sodi en la mateixa proporció. Els resultats obtinguts demostren en primer lloc que els SMP juguen un paper important en l'embrutiment de les membranes. Tant en la seua composició com en la de les eEPS, la concentració de proteïnes determinada ha sigut considerablement major que la de carbohidrats, si bé estos influeixen inclús en major grau en la filtrabilidad del fang actiu. A més, es demostra que els bacteris baix condicions d'estrès, causat per exemple per augment de conductivitat, augmenten la producció de SMP, i per tant, s'incrementa l'embrutiment de les membranes. D'altra banda, es conclou que un temps de retenció hidràulic baix afavoreix una concentració elevada de carbohidrats i conseqüentment provoca un augment de la viscositat i el temps de succió capil¿lar, augmentant també l'embrutiment de la membrana. / Zuriaga Agustí, E. (2017). Influencia de las características físicas y químicas del licor de mezcla en Bioreactores de Membrana y su correlación con los parámetros de operación en aguas residuales urbanas e industriales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90512

MSF process modelling, simulation and optimisation : impact of non-condensable gases and fouling factor on design and operation. Optimal design and operation of MSF desalination process with non-condensable gases and calcium carbonate fouling, flexible design operation and scheduling under variable demand and seawater temperature using gPROMS.

Said, Said Alforjani R. January 2012 (has links)
Desalination is a technique of producing fresh water from the saline water. Industrial desalination of sea water is becoming an essential part in providing sustainable source of fresh water for a large number of countries around the world. Thermal process being the oldest and most dominating for large scale production of freshwater in today¿s world. Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) distillation process has been used for many years and is now the largest sector in the desalination industry. In this work, a steady state mathematical model of Multistage Flash (MSF) desalination process is developed and validated against the results reported in the literature using gPROMS software. The model is then used for further investigation. First, a steady state calcium carbonate fouling resistance model has been developed and implemented in the full MSF mathematical model developed above using gPROMS modeling tool. This model takes into consideration the effect of stage temperature on the calcium carbonate fouling resistance in the flashing chambers in the heat recovery section, heat rejection section, and brine heaters of MSF desalination plants. The effect of seasonal variation of seawater temperature and top brine temperature on the calcium carbonate fouling resistance has been studied throughout the flashing stage. In addition, the total annual operating cost of the MSF process is selected to minimise, while optimising the operating parameters such as seawater rejected flow rate, brine recycle flow rate and steam temperature at different seawater temperature and fouling resistance. Secondly, an intermediate storage between the plant and the client is considered to provide additional flexibility in design and operation of the MSF process throughout the day. A simple polynomial based dynamic seawater temperature and different freshwater demand correlations are developed based on actual data. For different number of flash stages, operating parameters such as seawater rejected flow rate and brine recycle flow rate are optimised, while the total annual operating cost of the MSF process is selected to minimise.The results clearly show that the advantage of using the intermediate storage tank adds flexible scheduling in the MSF plant design and operation parameters to meet the variation in freshwater demand with varying seawater temperatures without interrupting or fully shutting down the plant at any time during the day by adjusting the number of stages. Furthermore, the effect of non-condensable gases (NCG) on the steady state mathematical model of MSF process is developed and implemented in the MSF model developed earlier. Then the model is used to study effect of NCG on the overall heat transfer coefficient. The simulation results showed a decrease in the overall heat transfer coefficient values as NCG concentrations increased. The model is then used to study the effect of NCG on the design and operation parameters of MSF process for fixed water demand. For a given plant configuration (fixed design) and at different seawater and steam temperatures, a 0.015 wt. % of NCG results in significantly different plant operations when compared with those obtained without the presence of NCG. Finally, for fixed water demand and in the presence of 0.015 wt. % NCGs, the performance is evaluated for different plant configurations and seawater temperature and compared with those obtained without the presence of NCG.

Neural network based correlation for estimating water permeability constant in RO desalination process under fouling

Barello, M., Manca, D., Patel, Rajnikant, Mujtaba, Iqbal 12 April 2014 (has links)
Yes / The water permeability constant, (Kw) is one of many important parameters that affect optimal design and operation of RO processes. In model based studies, e.g.within the RO process model, estimation of Kw is therefore important. There are only two available literature correlations for calculating the dynamic Kw values. However, each of them are only applicable for a given membrane type, given feed salinity over a certain operating pressure range. In this work, we develop a time dependent neural network (NN) based correlation to predict Kw in RO desalination processes under fouling conditions. It is found that the NN based correlation can predict the Kw values very closely to those obtained by the existing correlations for the same membrane type, operating pressure range and feed salinity. However, the novel feature of this correlation is that it is able to predict Kw values for any of the two membrane types and for any operating pressure and any feed salinity within a wide range. In addition, for the first time the effect of feed salinity on Kw values at low pressure operation is reported. While developing the correlation, the effect of numbers of hidden layers and neurons in each layer and the transfer functions is also investigated.

Crystallization of calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide in the heat exchangers of once-through multistage flash (MSF-OT) desalination process

Alsadaie, S., Mujtaba, Iqbal 25 August 2018 (has links)
Yes / In this paper, a dynamic model of fouling is presented to predict the crystallization of calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide inside the condenser tubes of Once-Through Multistage Flash (MSF-OT) desalination process. The model considers the combination of kinetic and mass diffusion rates taking into account the effect of temperature, velocity and salinity of the seawater. The equations for seawater carbonate system are used to calculate the concentration of the seawater species. The effects of salinity and temperature on the solubility of calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide are also considered. The results reveal an increase in the fouling inside the tubes caused by crystallization of CaCO3 and Mg(OH)2 with increase in the stage temperature. The intake seawater temperature and the Top Brine Temperature (TBT) are varied to investigate their impact on the fouling process. The results show that the (TBT) has greater impact than the seawater temperature on increasing the fouling.

Bacterial attachment to polymeric materials correlates with molecular flexibility and hydrophilicity

Sanni, O., Chang, Chien-Yi, Anderson, D.G., Langer, R., Davies, M.C., Williams, P.M., Williams, P., Alexander, M.R., Hook, A.L. 09 December 2014 (has links)
Yes / A new class of material resistant to bacterial attachment has been discovered that is formed from polyacrylates with hydrocarbon pendant groups. In this study, the relationship between the nature of the hydrocarbon moiety and resistance to bacteria is explored, comparing cyclic, aromatic, and linear chemical groups. A correlation is shown between bacterial attachment and a parameter derived from the partition coefficient and the number of rotatable bonds of the materials' pendant groups. This correlation is applicable to 86% of the hydrocarbon pendant moieties surveyed, quantitatively supporting the previous qualitative observation that bacteria are repelled from poly(meth)acrylates containing a hydrophilic ester group when the pendant group is both rigid and hydrophobic. This insight will help inform and predict the further development of polymers resistant to bacterial attachment. / Wellcome Trust (grant number 085245) and EMRP (IND56)

Diffuser Fouling Mitigation, Wastewater Characteristics And Treatment Technology impact on Aeration Efficiency

Odize, Victory Oghenerabome 18 April 2018 (has links)
Achieving energy neutrality has shifted focus towards aeration systems optimization, due to the high energy consumption of aeration processes in modern advanced wastewater treatment plants. The activated sludge wastewater treatment process is dependent on aeration efficiency which supplies the oxygen needed in the treatment process. The process is a complex heterogeneous mixture of microorganisms, bacteria, particles, colloids, natural organic matter, polymers and cations with varying densities, shapes and sizes. These activated sludge parameters have different impacts on aeration efficiency defined by the OTE, % and alpha. Oxygen transfer efficiency (OTE) is the mass of oxygen transferred into the liquid from the mass of air or oxygen supplied, and is expressed as a percentage (%). OTE is the actual operating efficiency of an aeration system. The alpha Factor (α) is the ratio of standard oxygen transfer efficiency at process conditions (αSOTE) to standard oxygen transfer efficiency of clean water (SOTE). It is also referred to as the ratio of process water volumetric mass transfer coefficient to clean water volumetric mass transfer coefficient. The alpha factor accounts for wastewater contaminants (i.e. soap and detergent) which have an adverse effect on oxygen transfer efficiency. Understanding their different impacts and how different treatment technologies affect aeration efficiency will help to optimize and improve aeration efficiency so as to reduce plant operating costs. A pilot scale study of fine pore diffuser fouling and mitigation, quantified by dynamic wet pressure (DWP), oxygen transfer efficiency and alpha measurement were performed at Blue Plains, Washington DC. In the study a mechanical cleaning method, reverse flexing (RF), was used to treat two diffusers (RF1, RF2) to mitigate fouling, while two diffusers were kept as a control with no reverse flexing. A 45 % increase in DWP of the control diffuser after 17 month of operation was observed, an indication of fouling. RF treated diffusers (RF1 and RF2) did not show any significant increase in DWP, and in comparison to the control diffuser prevented a 35 % increase in DWP. Hence, the RF fouling mitigation technique potentially saved blower energy consumption by reducing the pressure burden on the air blower and the blower energy requirement. However, no significant impact of the RF fouling mitigation treatment technique in preventing a decrease in alpha-fouling (𝝰F) of the fine pore diffusers over time of operation was observed. This was because either the RF treatment method maintained wide pore openings after cleaning over time, or a dominant effect of other wastewater characteristics such as the surfactant concentration or particulate COD could have interfered with OTE. Further studies on the impact of wastewater characteristics (i.e., surfactants and particulate COD) and operating conditions on OTE and alpha were carried out in another series of pilot and batch scale tests. In this study, the influence of different wastewater matrices (treatment phases) on oxygen transfer efficiency (OTE) and alpha using full-scale studies at the Blue Plains Treatment Plant was investigated. A strong relationship between the wastewater matrices with oxygen transfer characteristics was established, and as expected increased alphas were observed for the cleanest wastewater matrices (i.e., with highest effluent quality). There was a 46 % increase in alpha as the total COD and surfactant concentrations decreased from 303 to 24 mgCOD/L and 12 to 0.3 mg/L measured as sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) in the nitrification/denitrification effluent with respect to the raw influent. The alpha improvement with respect to the decrease in COD and surfactant concentration suggested the impact of one or more of the wastewater characteristics on OTE and alpha. Batch testing conducted to characterize the mechanistic impact of the wastewater contaminants present in the different wastewater matrices found that the major contaminants influencing OTE and alpha were surfactants and particulate/colloidal material. The volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa) measurements from the test also identified surfactant and colloidal COD as the major wastewater contaminants present in the influent and chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) effluent wastewaters impacting OTE and alpha. Soluble COD was observed to potentially improve OTE and alpha due to its contribution in enhancing the oxygen uptake rate (OUR). Although the indirect positive impact of OUR on alpha observed in this study contradicts some other studies, it shows the need for further investigation of OUR impacts on oxygen transfer. Importantly, the mechanistic characterization and quantitative correlation between wastewater contaminants and aeration efficiency found in this study will help to minimize overdesign with respect to aeration system specification, energy wastage, and hence the cost of operation. This study therefore shows new tools as well as the identification of critical factors impacting OTE and alpha in addition to diffuser fouling. Gas transfer depression caused by surfactants when they accumulate at the gas-liquid interface during the activated sludge wastewater treatment process reduces oxygen mass transfer rates, OTE and alpha which increases energy cost. In order to address the adverse effect of surfactants on OTE and alpha, another study was designed to evaluate 4 different wastewater secondary treatment strategies/technologies that enhances surfactant removal through enhanced biosorption and biodegradation, and to also determine their effect on oxygen transfer and alpha. A series of pilot and batch scale tests were conducted to compare and correlate surfactant removal efficiency and alpha for a) conventional high-rate activated sludge (HRAS), b) optimized HRAS with contactor-stabilization technology (HRAS-CS), c) optimized HRAS bioaugmented (Bioaug) with nitrification sludge (Nit S) and d) optimized bioaugmented HRAS with an anaerobic selector phase technology (An-S) reactor system configuration. The treatment technologies showed surfactant percentage removals of 37, 45, 61 and 87 %, and alphas of 0.37 ±0.01, 0.42 ±0.02, 0.44 ±0.01 and 0.60 ±0.02 for conventional HRAS, HRAS-CS, Bioaug and the An-S reactor system configuration, respectively. The optimized bioaugmented anaerobic selector phase technology showed the highest increased surfactant removal (135 %) through enhanced surfactant biosorption and biodegradation under anaerobic conditions, which also complemented the highest increased alpha (62 %) achieved when compared to the conventional HRAS. This study showed that the optimized bioaugmented anaerobic selector phase reactor system configuration is a promising technology or strategy to minimize the surfactant effects on alpha during the secondary aeration treatment stage / Ph. D. / In the activated sludge process, the energy requirement for aeration which also includes nitrogen removal is a major operating expense for utilities, and it has limited the ability of most water and wastewater reclamation facilities to achieve energy neutrality. Aeration has therefore become one of the most energy and capital intensive aspects of wastewater treatment. There are still knowledge gaps and mechanistic understanding of the impact of wastewater characteristics and treatment processes on aeration efficiency, which past and current studies are yet to provide. Aeration efficiency is defined by oxygen transfer efficiency and alpha (an indicator of wastewater contaminant effect on aeration efficiency). This study provided an insight into important wastewater characteristics, treatment processes and operational parameters contributing to aeration cost. An understanding of the impacts of wastewater characteristics and how different treatment technologies affect aeration efficiency as discussed in this study will help design engineers and operators to optimize and improve aeration efficiency, so as to reduce plant operating costs. The first study objective on fine bubble diffuser fouling dynamics and physical treatment method quantified by dynamic wet pressure (DWP), oxygen transfer efficiency and alpha measurement was carried out in a pilot reactor. DWP quantified the fouling dynamics of fine pore diffusers. A diffuser fouling physical treatment (reverse flexing, RF) method was able to mitigate fouling of the fine pore diffusers by preventing an increase in DWP normally observed in fouled fine pore diffusers. The RF treatment method reduced fouling by 35 % as compared to the control diffuser (without reverse flexing). This will reduce the pressure burden and air blower energy requirement. The second study objective evaluated the impact of different wastewater characteristics and removal in different stages on aeration efficiency. Test results in this study showed that surfactant and particulate COD fractions were the major characteristics constituents contained in wastewater that depressed aeration efficiency defined by OTE and alpha. Soluble COD did not show any inhibiting effect on OTE and alpha. The third study objective evaluated three different optimized wastewater treatment technologies of surfactant removal during aeration treatment process; 1) High rate activated sludge (HRAS) with contactor-stabilization technology (The contactor stabilization process) (HRAS-CS); 2) HRAS bioaugmented (BioAug) with nitrification sludge (Nit S); and 3) Bioaugmented HRAS with an anaerobic selector phase (An-S) configuration. All three technologies increased surfactant removal through enhanced biosorption and biodegradation to various degrees when compared the conventional high rate activated sludge treatment, but the An-S treatment technology achieved the highest surfactant removal and alpha improvement. The study also established the optimum performance process conditions for each optimized treatment technology.

Simulation and optimization of MSF desalination process for fixed freshwater demand: Impact of brine heater fouling

Hawaidi, Ebrahim A.M., Mujtaba, Iqbal January 2010 (has links)

Recycling Of Winery Wastewater Using An Ultrafiltration Membrane: Impact Of Operating Parameters On Membrane Performance

Lira Campaigniac, Marcus 01 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This study began the process of evaluating hollow-fiber ultrafiltration for treatment of winery wastewater pond effluent in preparation for drip irrigation. In areas subject to drought, wastewater recycling is becoming an increasingly popular practice. In California’s central coast region, winery wastewater recycling for irrigation can be hindered by clogging of the drip irrigation systems with suspended solids. To address this issue, this study investigated the feasibility of using hollow fiber ultrafiltration membranes as a polishing step for winery wastewater treated in an aerated lagoon-facultative pond series. A bench-scale, hollow-fiber ultrafiltration membrane system was assembled, and experimental testing was performed to determine the operational parameters of the membrane including flux, transmembrane pressure (TMP), and recovery over a range of flowrates and concentrate valve configurations using off-season (from outside of the Harvest season) pond-treated winery wastewater. Based on these characterization trials an initial effluent-to-permeate (Pond 2, an algae-rich pond following an aerated lagoon, effluent used as influent for the membrane system) flux of 258 L/m2·hr and a concentrate valve configuration of 60°-closed (TMP ranging between 5 – 32 PSI) were selected for performing ultrafiltration tests on winery wastewater collected from the effluent pond at a central coast winery. Through testing a range of times, optimal wastewater filtration and backwash times of 1.5 minutes and 30 seconds, respectively, were determined for the membrane system. DI water was used for backwashing, as a baseline. For a clean-in-place (CIP) system, the effective chemical types and concentrations were determined to be 0.4-M NaOH and 0.9-M acetic acid. Both chemicals were recirculated through the membrane for 1 hour, starting with the 0.4-M NaOH followed by the 0.9-M acetic acid. This CIP procedure was not able to remove fouling sufficiently for practical operation. For this reason, two forms of wastewater pretreatment were tested: using a 177 µm screen prior to the ultrafilter and filling the screen with sand. For the conditions tested, both forms of pretreatment proved to be ineffective. Only when the wastewater was given sufficient time to naturally flocculate was the screen system effective on its own. This residual fouling also prevented adequate testing to calculate the following membrane fouling characteristics: reversible fouling ratio, irreversible fouling ratio, flux recovery ratio, and total fouling ratio. In the annual cycle of winery operations, different winery processes have different effects on the quality of the wastewater. Therefore, wastewater quality analyses were conducted throughout the duration of the study (October 2023 – May 2024) to understand the concentration ranges and trends of several wastewater quality indicators. Specifically, total suspended solids (TSS), volatile suspended solids (VSS), pH, Alkalinity, and turbidity were measured throughout the study. The levels of TSS, VSS, and turbidity were expectedly highest during the harvest season. The VSS constituted the majority of the measured TSS, averaging about 85% of the TSS. The pH was consistent throughout the study, while alkalinity increased in the off-season period of the study. The measured levels of TSS and pH were within the ranges reported in literature for winery wastewater. No prior reports were found for VSS, alkalinity, and turbidity levels for winery wastewater, so this study may provide new information in this regard.

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