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從富士康事件看中國大陸的勞工維權運動 / The appealing movement of the labor rights in China - the case of Foxconn suicides羅千惠, Lo,Chien Hui Unknown Date (has links)
從富士康事件可以看出,黨國基於己身鞏固政權的目的,維持對社會既有的控制力,不僅剝奪全體勞工的集體權利,也間接剝奪了勞工向資本家主張工資福利的個人權利。黨國對於勞資雙方不平衡的狀態,不願從根本上改革勞動制度,給予勞工自由結社、罷工等權利,而以提高法定最低工資及繼續加強勞工法律上個人權益等政治或法律的手段來影響勞資關係。國家不只是對企業主軟硬兼施,對工人一樣採取胡蘿蔔加鞭子的兩手策略,為了使工人能在國家劃定的範圍內維權,國家一方面加強實施有關勞工個人利益的政策,協助工人向資方爭取利益,另一方面對於超出劃定的範圍又影響國家統治權的活動,則以各種國家機器的控治手段壓制勞工的維權運動。 / Since the reformation and opening-up 30 years ago, the economics of China has been improving rapidly. The annual GDP growth rate has had almost no equal around the world. In the recent years, the role of China has transformed from the world’s factory to the world’s market. However, in 2010, several employees of the subsidiary of the Foxconn Technology Group in China had committed suicide by jumping off buildings. After those suicides, there had been a series of protests and strikes by labors regarding low wages, requesting for raises following the example of the Foxconn Technology Group. This study believes that the reasons behind the suicides of the farmers working for Foxconn were caused by the conflicts among the labor system, the distribution system, the household registration system, and the political system. Due to the lack of the right to form trade unions freely and the right to strike, labors with only individual strengths had no sufficient protections or rights to fight against being exploited by the management. Labors could only externalize the labor-management controversies and conflicts over and over again, looking for help from outside the system. Plus there was the social unfairness such as the disparity between the rich and the poor and the household registration system unfairness, finally leading to the Appealing Movement of Labor Rights.
It can be seen from the Foxconn event that, for the purposes of consolidating its own political power and maintaining existing control over the society, the party-state exploited not only all labors’ group rights, but also their individual rights of standing for their wages and welfare in front of capitalists. The party-state wasn’t willing to reform the labor system from the fundamentals to improve the unbalanced state between the labor and the management by offering labors the freedom of association and the right to strike. Instead, it tried to influence the labor-management relationship via political or legal means such as increasing the legal minimum wage and continuously improving labors’ individual legal rights and interests. The nation not only adopted both hard and soft tactics against proprietors, it also applied the two-hand strategy with labors. In order to ensure that labors would appeal within the pre-set limits, the nation on the one hand improved the implementation of policies regarding labors’ individual interests to help labors fight the management for their interests, on the other hand applied various controlling measures of state apparatus to suppress labors’ appealing movement for activities which went beyond the pre-defined scope and would influence the nation’s sovereign power.
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Koncept HR business partnerství v českém prostředí / The concept of HR business partnerships in the Czech RepublicCincibusová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the concept of HR business partnerships in Czech companies. The aim of this thesis is to describe, analyze and evaluate the level of implementation of HR business partnering in selected companies. Theoretical section defines concept of product placement followed by look into its historical development. Practical section of this study presents executed research in two selected companies that have already implemented this concept. The chosen method is qualitative analysis based on interviews with company managers followed by evaluation, comparison and suggestions for improvement of the whole concept of HR business partnerships. Key words HR business
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富士康墜樓事件中台灣報紙勞工新聞的框架研究 / Framing labor in news of the Foxconn jumps郭欣華, Mindy, Xin-hua Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
政治立場偏藍的報紙,如«聯合報»和«中國時報»,皆以廣大篇幅報導之;反之,政治立場偏綠的報紙,如«自由時報»,則企圖淡化該新聞;而市場導向的«蘋果日報»位於兩者中間。所有報紙的報導皆以雇主發言為大宗,勞工仍處於弱勢,至於新聞框架的使用,則無明顯政黨偏差。 / This thesis examines the frames used in the news coverage of the Foxconn suicide jumps in general and labor issue in particular, along with political affiliation as a factor in Taiwan’s dailies.
Framing analysis of 222 articles in the four major newspapers in Taiwan showed that “attribution of responsibility” and “economic consequence” were identified to be the two most used frames in coverage. These frames shifted to one another on June 1, the day when the company announced the wage increase policy. After the time divide, stories published before that mainly talked about attribution of responsibility and soon shifted to economic consequence afterwards. As for tone, coverage of workers generally stayed neutral with a subtle change from positive to negative, while stories of employers showed a shift from negative in the beginning to positive in the later stage. In terms of political affiliation, findings showed that difference could be obviously observed in the quantity of coverage, where the pro-Green Liberty Times contributed much less than the pro-Blue United Daily and China Times. While showing no obvious difference in the use of frame and by tone in the four newspapers when describing workers and employers, the pro-independence Liberty Times demonstrated apparent negative attitude toward the Chinese government and other China-related affairs in its editorials.
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供應鏈金融對核心企業供應商之財務影響-以鴻海富金通為例 / Financial Impact of Supply Chain Finance on Core Enterprise Suppliers: A case study of FnConn Financial (Hon Hai / Foxconn Technology Group)胡碩勻, Hu, Shuo Yun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技進步,金融已突破傳統金融模式框架,各個產業都能透過新的金融模式,提供相關服務,提升產業內的財務效率。晚近發展的供應鏈金融(Supply Chain Finance, SCF)就是以銀行、放款機構針對特定核心企業及其上下游企業提供金融產品、服務的一種融資模式,讓資金可以靈活的在供應鏈中流動,讓一些規模較小的企業,不會受到資金不足的限制。供應鏈金融與傳統信貸業務最大的差別在於,透過核心企業的信用能力評估,來分擔對中小型企業訊息不對稱所產生的風險,讓中小企業獲得的充裕資金,以利供應鏈的發展。
透過供應鏈金融為基礎,整合資金需求者、資金供應者及增值服務者三大業者。近年電子商務、互聯網、區塊鏈、大數據等技術的成熟,讓金流、物流相繼與網路平台連結,供應鏈金融因此也有新的發展。2017年3月鴻海集團旗下金融服務平台子公司「富金通」攜手中國網貸(P2P)平台「點融網」共同宣布,推出「鏈結金融」(Chained Finance)平台,率先搶進此市場,透過區塊鏈、互聯網整合而成供應鏈金融平台,初期將業務鎖定於電子製造業、汽車業和服裝業等三大產業的中小企業。由此,便可看出各界對此服務發展潛能的重視。
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中國的空間發展和產業遷移以富士康為例 / China’s spatial development and inland industrial relocation: A case study of Honhai-Foxconn林璽謙, Gori, Michele Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示,依據區域經濟的發展階段差異,投資往往發生在相對優勢的地區,然而, 透過政策影響國家之動態優勢,以及投資趨動力……等,並不符合日本學者赤松要提出之雁形理論。一份關於富士康的直接與間接投資的分析指出,富士康的發展方向反映了中國的整體經濟發展,並且有兩個同時進行的發展方向:其一,地理上來說,富士康將投資從中國沿岸地區轉移至內陸地區,甚至進一步移往東南亞及歐美地區。其二,富士康將其產品種類擴大並提升到更多元及優質的方向。 / Over the last few years, Foxconn has started to gain massive international attention, however influenced by the high rate of suicides that afflicted plants in Mainland China, scholars focused the most on the labor condition of Foxconn workers, pushing the company’s very interesting business expansion, diversion and relocation into the background. This paper will focus on these processes in the context of China’s economic development of the past forty years.
A growing literature about the latest developments of the Chinese economy adopts the flying geese model to describe the phenomenon of factory relocation that is taking place within the Chinese national borders. Foxconn is also part of the process. For this reason this work will also join in the scholar debate about the flying geese, making clear that the model falls short in explaining some aspects of this phenomenon. A detailed description of China spatial development, that is the gradual development of different regions brought about the launch of national and local policies, will make up for the shortcomings.
Results show that investments were often taken according to the relative comparative advantage of regions in their respective stage of development, however in some cases China’s governmental policies changed the country’s comparative advantage dynamics, and investments’ driving forces were therefore in contrast with Akamatsu’s precepts. An analysis of Foxconn direct and indirect investments shows that the company has mirrored the growth of China, and evolved simultaneously in two different ways: geographically speaking they have moved investments from the Chinese coast to the central regions, and further to South East Asia, US and Europe; while at the same time expanding production into a more diverse and advanced set of products.
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