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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Hovatter, Thomas W. 01 January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate any relationship between an established group of senior military officers' leadership styles and their personal values as a predictor of future effective leadership. The study evaluated the relationship between Nelson's (1989) 80-item Personal Values Profile (PVP) and Bass and Avolio's (2004) full-range leadership model (MLQ 5X) as a means to predict effective leadership. The respondents to the surveys were a unique sample of convenience consisting of 1978 graduates of the United States Naval Academy who had spent 30 years as officers in either the U.S. Navy or U.S. Marine Corps. The results of the MLQ 5X indicated that the group of career military officers scored higher than Bass and Avolio's normative group in seven of the nine leadership styles and in all three of the leadership outcomes. The two leadership styles in which the career military officers scored lower than the normative group were in the passive-avoidant or non-leadership categories. This sample group scored higher than the normative group in every category of transactional leadership styles as well as in every category of transformational leadership styles. Linear regression analysis of the full-range leadership model against the Personal Values Profile identified a moderate predictor of effective leadership based on personal values when transactional leadership and transformational leadership were combined. A second predictor for effective leadership was found when only transformational leadership was evaluated.

Leadership effectiveness and cognitive style: A Malaysian government linked companies' (GLCs) perspectives

Busari, Abdul Halim January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore leadership effectiveness from the perspectives of the Full Range Leadership Model and Cognitive Style Theory within the framework of understanding both followers and leaders as individual¿s attitudes to leadership effectiveness. Leadership effectiveness was measured using newly developed self-report instrument, the Leadership Effectiveness Questionnaire (LEQ) with three scales of effectiveness as suggested by Yukl (2002), which were: 1) aims, 2) followers¿ attitude towards the leader and, 3) group processes. The Full Range leadership approaches were measured using Bass & Avolio¿s (1997) Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) Form 5X-Short, whilst cognitive style was gathered by using Allinson & Hayes¿s (1996) Cognitive Style Index (CSI). A two stage (questionnaire survey followed by semi structured interviews) mixed method study was undertaken. Questionnaire data was gathered from 331 followers and 172 leaders in Malaysian Government-Linked Companies, and 10 leaders involved in the interviews. Findings from the survey suggest that a transformational approach was correlated significantly and positively with effectiveness. Intuitive Cognitive Style also correlated significantly with leadership effectiveness. Findings from the semistructured interviews identified a few more characteristics of an effective leadership such as balance and appreciative, whilst new dimensions of cognitive style identified such as rational and holistic. / Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Malaysia; and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas).

Community College Faculty with Corporate Leadership Experience and Full Range Leadership Theory

Hardee, Gloria 01 January 2014 (has links)
Community colleges have developed into vital resources for affordable, easy access, high quality education. Community college instructors with previous leader experience possess the credentials needed to teach their curricula and to lead learning experiences in the classroom. Researchers have found that instructors who display transformational leadership qualities can influence student actions, awareness, and learning outcomes. This study was conducted to explore community college faculty who possess transformational leadership qualities in relation to student extra effort, student perception of instructor effectiveness, and overall satisfaction with the instructor. The conceptual framework is the full range leadership theory which is one of the most broadly used comprehensive leadership theories. The measurement tool used was Avolio and Bass's (2004) Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), which measures nine factors of leadership skills through a quantitative survey. These findings present support for the recognition of the value of transformational leadership in the community college environment. Consistent with the findings of this study, transformational leadership has been viewed as the most revered leadership model in the full range leadership theory. Instructors have the ability to integrate critical components of transformational leadership behaviors to impact the student experience in the classroom, resulting in higher levels of student outcomes of extra effort, effectiveness, and satisfaction. The findings add to the body of literature and provide insight into the leadership skills of community college instructors from previous business experience.

Leadership for safety-A questionnaire study on leadership styles and safety climate at a Swedish environment and energy company

Björk, Anna January 2024 (has links)
Worsened working conditions seems to be one of the main reasons for ill health in Sweden. Within the energy industry there are serious work environment risks that can lead to fatal accidents, several fatal accidents have occurred in the industry during the last year. A leadership that promotes a high level of safety climate can prevent accidents. At the same time, there is a lack of studies on different leadership styles and how they can affect the safety climate within the energy industry in Sweden.The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship between leadership and safety climate, among workers at an environmental and energy company. The study was based on a quantitative approach. Correlations were analyzed between leadership styles and safety climate in bivariate- and multiple logistic regressions. The analyzed leadership styles were transformational, transactional, and Laissez-Faire leadership. In addition, safety-specific leadership was analyzed. The result showed that the safety climate at the environmental and energy company was at a high level. The analysis showed that transformational and transactional leadership styles, including safety-specific leadership, were correlated to safety climate. At the same time, the result showed that the correlation between Laissez-Faire leadership style and safety climate was most important for the safety climate outcome. When leadership was characterized by Laissez-Faire, the odds increased that the safety climate would be at a lower level. The conclusions were that the most important leadership style to focus on and avoid was Laissez-Faire leadership. Since the environmental and energy company had a high level of safety climate it is probably a good starting point for future continued development for safety and proactive work environment management.Recommendations to educate leaders about how leadership behavior can affect the safety climate, based on this study's result, were suggested since it could be a cost-effective and efficient method to improve the safety climate. / Dåliga arbetsförhållanden tycks vara en av de främsta orsakerna till ohälsa och att människor dör på arbetet i Sverige. Inom energibranschen finns allvarliga arbetsmiljörisker som kan leda till dödsolyckor, flera dödsolyckor har inträffat i branschen under det senaste året. Ett ledarskap som främjar ett högt säkerhetsklimat kan förebygga olyckor. Samtidigt saknas det studier om olika ledarskapsstilar och hur det kan påverka säkerhetsklimatet inom energibranschen i Sverige. Syftet med studien var att analysera sambandet mellan ledarskap och säkerhetsklimat, bland arbetare på ett miljö- och energiföretag. Studien baserades på en kvantitativ ansats. Samband analyserades mellan olika ledarskapsstilar och säkerhetsklimat genom binära och multipla logistiska regressioner. De ledarskapsstilar som analyserades var transformativt-, transaktionellt- och Laissez- Faire ledarskap. Dessutom analyserades säkerhetsspecifikt ledarskap. Resultatet visade att säkerhetsklimatet på miljö- och energibolaget var på en hög nivå. Analysen visade att transformella och transaktionella ledarskapsstilar, inklusive säkerhetsspecifikt ledarskap, korrelerade till säkerhetsklimatet. Samtidigt visade resultatet att sambandet mellan Laissez-Faire ledarskapsstil och säkerhetsklimat hade störst betydelse för säkerhetsklimatet. När ledarskapet präglades av Laissez-Faire ökade oddsen att säkerhetsklimatet skulle vara på en lägre nivå. Slutsatserna var att den viktigaste ledarstilen att fokusera på, och att undvika, var Laissez-Faire ledarskap. Eftersom miljö- och energibolaget hade ett högt säkerhetsklimat är det sannolikt en bra utgångspunkt för framtida fortsatt utveckling för säkerhet och för proaktivt arbetsmiljöarbete. Rekommendationer om att utbilda ledare om hur ledarskapsbeteenden kan påverka säkerhetsklimatet, baserat på den här studiens resultat, föreslogs eftersom det kan vara en kostnadseffektiv och framgångsrik metod för att förbättra säkerhetsklimatet.

Self-Perceived Coordinated School Health Coordinator Leadership Styles and Practices

Ledbetter, Heather R 01 December 2016 (has links)
School-aged children’s health needs have changed over the last several decades to the present day population of many overweight and obese children with health complications (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, 2015). Tennessee has implemented the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) model for Coordinated School Health (CSH) in all public schools. Leading each school district’s program is a CSH Coordinator. The role of CSH Coordinators is to provide leadership to district and school administrators while effectively and efficiently implementing the CSH program (Wechsler, 2012). The purpose of this quantitative study was to explore the self-perceived leadership styles and practices of Tennessee CSH Coordinators. The focus of many public health initiatives in America is childhood health. Research conducted by the CDC has shown that school health interventions have been effective in improving physical activity, comprehensive health education, and nutrition. Good health is essential for academic success (McKenzie & Richmond, 1998). CSH Coordinators are the leaders of health for school systems (Wechsler, 2012). How these individuals implement the CDC model for CSH varies based on leadership style and practices. Many studies exist on the topic of CSH but few consider the people leading the program (Strickland, 2012). By obtaining information regarding the leadership style of current CSH Coordinators, this research provides insight into best practices and continuing education for current and future leaders. The study population consisted of all 137 Tennessee CSH Coordinators. Seventy (51.1%) CSH Coordinators participated in the demographic, best practices, and Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (Appendix A). Findings indicated that all of the CSH Coordinators self-reported leadership style was transformational. There were no significant differences reported between the degree to which CSH Coordinator identified as transformational leaders compared by years of experience, gender, school district size, education level, and number of best practices implemented.

Den strategiska rektorn. : En kvalitativ studie om rektorers ledarskap i grundskolan.

Sahlberg, Alexander, Wilhelmsson, Josefin January 2020 (has links)
Den här studien handlar om rektorers ledarskap och hur det kanske kan påverka personalen i skolan.Utifrån adekvat litteratur och aktuella artiklar inom ämnet har vi studerat transformativt ledarskap ochi förlängningen ledarskap i allmänhet inom skolan. Vi tog avstamp i hur skolsituationen ser ut idag, därvi fann att det fanns tydliga utmaningar med lärartätheten på svenska grundskolor. Till en börjanförstod vi att det genom tiderna funnits olika sätt att definiera ledarskap. För att underlätta för oss självavalde vi att utgå från en ledarskapsteori som nu under de senare åren kommit att dominera forskningkring ledarskap, det transformativa ledarskapet. För att undersöka detta valde vi att intervjua femstycken rektorer och fördjupa oss i vilka strategier de använder sig av i sitt ledarskap. Efter att ha lästpå inom ämnet ansåg vi att den bästa metoden för att få fram de svar vi sökte var genom att användaoss av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Svaret vi ämnade söka var att förstå vilka ledarskapsstrategierrektorer använder sig av och om vi kan koppla dessa till den transformativa ledarskapsteorin. I dessaintervjuer gavs rektorerna stort utrymme att utveckla sina egna svar och den intervjuguide som vikonstruerat på förhand användes endast som en grund eller som stödord. Intervjuerna genererade enhel del information som vi kunde koppla till det analysverktyg, den transformativa ledarskapsteorin,som vi valt att grunda detta arbete i. Vi gick därför vidare med analysen och argumenterade vidare idiskussionen för varför vi anser att de strategier som våra rektorer utgett sig för att använda går attkoppla till den transformativa ledarskapsteorin och hur det i förlängningen kan påverka personalensom jobbar inom verksamheten. Efter analysen gick vi vidare med en diskussion om hur vi tolkar detresultat vi fått fram och hur vi tänker att det kan användas för att dra slutsatser om vår undersökning.Vidare betyder det att rektorns sätt att agera som ledare har ett samband med om en lärare vill jobbakvar eller inte. Vi tar förvisso i beaktande att det kan finnas fler variabler som avgör huruvida en läraretrivs på sin arbetsplats eller ej, men har valt att fokusera på rektorns ledarskap i detta arbete. Slutligenrundar arbetet av med en slutsats som ämnar besvara de frågor vi presenterade under syftet, kan detvara så att rektorerna inte alls jobbar med strategier och kanske det inte alls påverkar personalen? Hängmed! / <p>2020-06-08</p>

Transformational Leadership Behaviors of Public Sector Leaders in Barbados

Munro-Knight, Shantal Maxine 01 January 2018 (has links)
Senior officials in the public service in Barbados, who are charged with the responsibility of leading and managing government ministries and departments, play a critical role in fostering reform initiatives. Few empirical studies have examined specific leadership behaviors in the context of managing change in Barbados. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to identify the specific leadership behaviors of senior officials in public service and to explore the use of transformative leadership by public sector administrators to effect reform initiatives. With Bass and Avolio's full-range leadership theory (FRLT) as the theoretical framework, the research question for this study was used to examine how public sector leaders in Barbados applied transformational leadership to transform the public sector. Fourteen permanent secretaries were initially sampled using the multifactor leadership questionnaire; criterion sampling was then used to identify 7 of these leaders for interviews. The data were analyzed by the researcher for the identification of themes. The results revealed 4 main findings that highlighted the importance of leadership in the reform process and in the specific leadership behaviors used by transformational public servants. Mentorship, team building, and the use of individualized approaches were being used by these leaders to manage change and reduce resistance. In conclusion, while the leaders used the full-range of leadership behaviors in the FRLT, transformational leadership practices were highly effective in managing change. The findings may help public leaders design processes to encourage change in the Barbados public sector.

Influences of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Ethical Financial Operations in Nonprofit Organizations

Works, Stephanie Powell 01 January 2018 (has links)
In the United States, approximately 7% of nonprofits' annual revenue is lost as a result of a lack of ethical financial operations among nonprofit executive directors (EDs). This represents $85 billion in estimated annual losses in available operating funds. This study addressed the problem of ineffective leadership in nonprofit organizations from the perspective of EDs responsible for ethical financial operations. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to understand the lived experiences of nonprofit EDs who self-reported the use of 1 of Burn's and Bass' 3 leadership styles and whether leadership style influenced the use of the Sarbanes Oxley Act to manage the ethical financial operations of their human service nonprofit organization. Qualitative data were collected from 12 EDs through semi structured interviews and then coded and analyzed using a modified van Kaam procedure. The results of the study indicated that EDs who self-reported using transformational leadership style were more inclined to adhere to the Sarbanes Oxley Act. In addition, participants acknowledged the need for organizational support to improve leadership qualities in EDs, efficiency, and effective ethical financial operations in nonprofit organizations. The study provides a baseline for nonprofit organizations to increase positive social change by adding knowledge on implementing strategies that will result in the enhancement of quality leadership in EDs that may ultimately result in more efficient and effective ethical financial operations in nonprofit organizations.

Leadership, Organizational Turnarounds, and Gil Hodges's 1969 New York Mets

Rebecchi, John 01 January 2018 (has links)
The impact of the 2008 global financial crisis, shifting market demands, and prolonged underperformance has forced organizations to devise and implement turnaround strategies or risk business failure. Researchers have pointed to the importance of leadership in the turnaround process, yet there are a limited number of research studies identifying characteristics of successful turnaround leaders. Using the full range leadership model, the purpose of this nonexperimental, ex post facto study was to examine the leadership style of Gil Hodges, manager during the 1969 New York Mets successful turnaround season and explore the organization's culture and climate. Data were collected using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Denison Organizational Culture Survey, and Organizational Climate Measure. A small response rate of 7 yielded low statistical power which led to treating the findings as exploratory. The findings suggest that Hodges's leadership showed strong transformational and transactional characteristics, and that the players perceived an agile organizational culture and a climate in which leaders stressed high levels of performance. Results from multiple linear regression analysis and Spearman correlations showed a strong positive relationship between transactional leadership and the consistency culture trait, yet no association between leadership and organizational climate. Findings also showed the adaptability culture trait had a strong positive influence on the pressure-to-produce climate dimension and a significant negative correlation with the effort dimension. The findings from this study may affect positive social change by providing insights into successful turnaround leadership styles and organizational strategies to support such efforts.

The Full-Range Leadership : Enacted by Swedish audit team managers

Pantaléon, Song January 2015 (has links)
Title: The Full-Range Leadership enacted by Swedish Audit team managers Background: The background of this study mainly relies on Leadership theories, more precisely theories about the Full-Range leadership model (FRL) and its features. However, key facts about the audit are also displayed in this part of the report to present it to readers. Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to add to existing theory on the universalistic feature of the Full-Range Leadership model through the case of Swedish audit team managers. Such purpose entails the definition and the explanation on how the model of Full-Range Leadership is enacted by Swedish audit team managers in their day-to-day practice of leadership. Originality/Value: This research paper is one of the few researches at puzzling out existing researches to contribute clearly to the Full-Range Leadership model -as developed by Bass and Avolio- in the audit context. Furthermore, this is the first study aiming at defining and explaining Swedish audit team managers’ leadership practice and emphasizing the non-managing audit staff for so. Practical implication: After the destruction of a great amount of money resulting from corporate financial scandals and the discovery of high level of dysfunctional behaviors occurring in the audit/accounting profession worldwide, growing number of studies investigated further financial systems and particularly audit professionals since they are supposed to be the ‘public watchdog’/‘public guardian of trust’ of worldwide markets and Economies and so, display strong values and rigor. In parallel, considerable number of studies demonstrated that leadership was the key to those issues. This study while putting the light on leadership practice in Swedish audit firms, wide opens the door for further reflections and improvement of the existing systems. Method: The featured piece of research is based on a field survey of the non-managing audit staff working in Swedish audit firms, which were asked to assess their managers through the use of the Multi-factor questionnaire X5 (short version). Findings: The study unveiled that even if the transformational leadership was the most enacted leadership by Swedish audit team managers and that so before transactional and passive/avoidant leadership, a great misalignment existed between the found-out empirical FRL model and the FRL model as defined theoretically. Accordingly, this study unveiled that the FRL model was not as universal as claimed when investigated in the Swedish audit firm context.

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