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Fonctionnalisation électrochimique de matériaux carbonés : application à la détection de micropolluants métalliques : nickel et plomb / Electrochemical functionalization of carbon materials : dedicated to metallic micropollutants detection of Ni(II) and Pb(II)Pally, David 15 December 2016 (has links)
Les travaux de cette thèse portent sur l'élaboration de capteurs électrochimiques pour la détection de micropolluants mis sous surveillance par la Directive Cadre sur l'Eau (DCE/200/60/CE) tels que Ni(II) et Pb(II). Actuellement, le contrôle des eaux est effectué par prélèvements cependant les méthodes d'analyses sont longues et coûteuses et les seuils de concentration très faibles imposés par la loi, nécessitent d’avoir recourt à d’autres types d’équipements, tels que les capteurs électrochimiques. L'amélioration indispensable de leur sensibilité et de leur sélectivité peut être atteinte par le choix du matériau d'électrode et de sa fonctionnalisation de surface. Ces capteurs ont pour objectif, à terme, d’analyser la qualité des eaux sur site en continu ou semi-continu. Dans le cas de l'étude de la sélectivité, les sels de diazonium ont été choisis pour le greffage des fonctions benzamides oximes, complexantes du Ni(II). Cette molécule n'ayant jamais été étudiée électro-chimiquement, son domaine d'électro-activité et les mécanismes d'oxydation ont été étudiés. Les électrodes greffées ont permis la détection électrochimique et montrent une sélectivité pour le Ni(II), en présence d'interférents comme Pb(II) et Cu(II). Cette étude a prouvé que les amines aromatiques et aliphatiques peuvent être greffées par oxydation en milieux aqueux. Les électrodes ainsi fonctionnalisées ont montré que la mobilité des fonctions complexantes, via la structure et la longueur du squelette carboné, influence la limite de détection des capteurs, les chaînes aliphatiques complexant particulièrement bien les cations métalliques. Enfin, l’influence de différentes formes allotropiques du carbone, utilisées en tant que phases actives d’électrodes sérigraphiées, a été étudié. Des électrodes composées de différentes formes allotropiques de carbones ont été fonctionnalisées par des sels de diazonium et utilisées pour la détection du Pb(II). Les résultats montrent que certains matériaux carbonés, comme les nanotubes de carbone, améliorent les propriétés électro-catalytiques des capteurs. / This work is focused on the elaboration of electrochemical sensors for Ni(II) and Pb(II) micropollutants detection, targeted by the Water Framework Directive (WFD 2000/60/CE). Currently, water supervision is carried out by sampling and analytical equipments, however these methods are too long and too expensive, the very low concentration limits imposed by laws, needed to be reached using other kind of equipments such as electrochemical sensors. The sensitivity and selectivity of these sensors can be improved by the choice of the electrode materials and their surface functionalization. The aim of these sensors is to make possible the water quality analysis on site, continuously or semi-continuously. The selectivity was reached by grafting diazonium salts composed of benzamide oxime functions, complexing Ni(II). The electro-activity area and the oxidation mechanisms of this molecule were investigated. It is to be underlined that the electrochemical behavior of this molecule has never been studied in the litterature. The grafted electrodes were used for the electrochemical detection, and they turned out to be selective for Ni(II) detection in the presence of both Pb(II) and Cu(II). To improve the sensitivity of these sensors, the mobility of the complexing function is important. This study shows the possibility to graft aliphatic and aromatic amines via oxidation reactions in aqueous media. These electrodes revealed better analytical performances for the sensors grafted by aliphatic amines through the mobility of the carbon chains complexing metallic cations. Finally, the influence of the different allotropic kind of carbons, used as screen printing electrodes, were compared. These electrodes, functionalized with diazonium salts and used for the detection of the Pb (II) showed that some carbonaceous materials such as carbon nanotubes, improve the electro-catalytic properties of the sensors.
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Nanopartículas magnéticas de ferritas recobertas com sílica e funcionalizadas com vinil silano / Magnetic nanoparticles of ferrites coated with silica and functionalized with vinyl silaneQueiroz, Daniely Ferreira de 31 March 2017 (has links)
Com o desenvolvimento da nanociência e da nanotecnologia, as nanopartículas magnéticas vêm sendo cada vez mais gerado interesse devido as inúmeras possíveis aplicações na área de catálise, diagnóstico, pigmentos, sensores, etc. Atualmente, as nanopartículas com potencialidade de aplicação em biomedicina que pode se destacar os as ferritas magnéticas os quais apresentam comportamento superparamagnético a temperatura ambiente. Além dos ligantes funcionais, as nanopartículas magnéticas são geralmente recobertas com polímeros orgânicos ou inorgânicos, destacando-se a sílica, nessa última classe. O sistemas as nanopartículas magnéticas recobertas com sílica formando um sistema casca-caroço, possibilita que o núcleo magnético se mantenha protegido por uma camada polimérica que pode conter grupos funcionais ativos, formando hidridos orgânicos-inorgânicos que devido a sua propriedade hidrofóbica ou hidrofílica dependendo da natureza do ligante de modificação de superfície. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com intuito de obter nanopartículas magnéticas de ferrita MFe2O4, com (M= Fe, Co, Ni e Cu) com controle de tamanho, forma, composição química e estrutural, dos quais foram sintetizados pelo método de decomposição térmica utilizando diferente precursores metálicos para adequação das melhores condições de síntese. As ferritas magnéticas foram recobrimento com sílica, modificando da superfície da partícula e possibilitando caráter hidrofílico ao sistema casca-caroço, apresentando uma melhor estabilidade coloidal em dispersão aquosa devido a presença de grupos silanois na superfície, bem como uma recobrimento uniforma com apenas um núcleo magnético sem formação de aglomerados. A funcionalização com o grupo o trietoxivinilsilano, através de reações de condensação via catálise básica ou ácida, formou uma rede polimérica Si-O-Si, sendo que a presença do grupo vinil (-CH=CH2) livre na a superfície do sistema casca-caroço foi evidenciado através da técnica de FTIR. Portanto foi possível a obtenção de um sistema hibrido orgânico-inorgânico com a superfície contendo grupo que podem ser reativos, abrindo a possibilidade da utilização deste material para futuros testes de aplicações como sensor multifuncional. / In recent decades the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology, magnetic nanoparticles have been increasingly generated interest due to the numerous possible applications in the field of catalysis, diagnosis, pigments, sensors, etc. Currently, the nanoparticles with potential of application in biomedicine that can stand out the magnetic ferrites which have superparamagnetic behavior at room temperature. In addition to the functional binders, magnetic nanoparticles are generally coated with organic or inorganic polymers, especially silica in the latter class. The magnetic nanoparticle systems covered with silica forming a shell-core system allow the magnetic core to remain protected by a polymeric layer that may contain active functional groups, forming organic-inorganic hydrides that due to its hydrophobic or hydrophilic property depending on the nature of the surface modifying binder. This work was developed to obtain magnetic nanoparticles of MFe2O4 ferrite, with (M = Fe, Co, Ni and Cu) control of size, shape, chemical and structural composition, of which were synthesized by the thermal decomposition method using different precursors to suit the best conditions of synthesis. The magnetic ferrites were coated with silica, modifying the surface of the particle and allowing a hydrophilic character to the shell-core system, presenting a better colloidal stability in aqueous dispersion due to the presence of silane groups on the surface, as well as a uniform coating with only one magnetic core without formation of agglomerates. The functionalization with the triethoxyvinylsilane group, through condensation reactions via basic or acid catalysis, formed a Si-O-Si polymer network, and the presence of the free vinyl group (-CH=CH2) on the shell surface was observed by FTIR technique. Therefore, it was possible to obtain an organic-inorganic hybrid system with the surface containing the reactive group, opening the possibility of using this material for tests of future applications as multifunctional sensor.
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Towards bottom-up silicon nanowire-based biosensing:Gang, Andreas 01 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The term "Lab-on-a-Chip" (LoC) describes highly miniaturized systems in which the functionalities of entire laboratories are scaled down to the size of transportable microchips. Particularly in the field of chemical and bio-analysis, such platforms are desired for a fast and highly sensitive sample analysis at the point of care.
This work focuses on silicon nanowire (SiNW) based sensors. Innovative device fabrication concepts are developed from various directions, for a facile and reliable assembly of LoC analysis systems.
Firstly, a multifunctional microfluidic set-up is developed which allows for a facile reversible sealing of channel structures on virtually any kind of substrate while maintaining the possibility of a rapid prototyping of versatile channel designs and the applicability of high working pressures of up to 600 kPa. Secondly, a 3-(triethoxysilyl)propylsuccinic anhydride (TESPSA) based surface modification strategy for the attachment of specific receptor molecules without additional binding site passivation is explored. Thirdly, bottom-up grown SiNWs are utilized for producing parallel arrays of Schottky barrier field-effect transistors (FETs) via contact printing.
Using the initially developed microfluidic set-up, the concept of the TESPSA-based receptor immobilization is proved via fluorescence microscopy and by applying the SiNW FETs as biosensors. Using a receptor-analyte system based on a set of antibodies and a peptide from human influenza hemagglutinin, it is shown that antibodies immobilized with the developed method maintain the specificity for their antigens.
The fourth major research field in this work is the microfluidics-based alignment of one-dimensional nanostructures and their deposition at predetermined trapping sites for reliably fabricating single NW-based FETs. Such devices are expected to provide superior sensitivity over sensors based on parallel arrays of FETs.
Consequently, within this work, innovative LoC devices fabrication approaches over a broad range of length scales, from micrometer scale down to the molecular level, are investigated. The presented methods are considered a highly versatile and beneficial tool set not only for SiNW-based biosensors, but also for any other LoC application. / Unter dem Begriff „Lab-on-a-Chip“ (LoC) fasst man stark miniaturisierte Systeme zusammen, die die Fähigkeiten eines ganzen Labors auf einen transportablem Mikrochip übertragen. Insbesondere im Bereich der Analyse chemischer und biologischer Proben werden solche Plattformen bevorzugt eingesetzt, da sie direkt am Ort der Probenentnahme schnelle, hoch sensible Messungen ermöglichen.
Im Mittelpunkt dieser Doktorarbeit stehen Sensoren auf Basis von Siliziumnanodrähten (SiNWs). Auf verschiedenen Gebieten werden innovative Konzepte zur einfachen und zuverlässigen Herstellung von LoC Systemen entwickelt.
Zu Beginn wird ein multifunktionaler Mikrofluidik-Aufbau vorgestellt, der ein einfaches reversibles Verschließen von Mikrofluidik-Kanälen auf nahezu allen möglichen Substraten erlaubt. Der Aufbau ermöglicht das schnelle Anfertigen und Testen verschiedener Kanalstrukturen sowie das Betreiben von Fluidik-Experimenten mit hohen Arbeitsdrücken von bis zu 600 kPa. Der zweite Schwerpunkt der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer Methode zur Funktionalisierung von Sensor-Oberflächen mittels 3-(Triethoxysilyl) Propyl Bernsteinsäure Anhydrid (TESPSA) für die Immobilisierung spezifischer Rezeptormoleküle. Bei dieser Methode entfällt die Notwendigkeit einer zusätzlichen Passivierung ungenutzter Anbindungsstellen. Des Weiteren erfolgt die Herstellung von Parallelschaltungen von Schottky-Barrieren-Feld-Effekt-Transistoren (SB-FETs) aus „bottom-up“ gewachsenen SiNWs durch mechanisches Abreiben der SiNWs vom Wachstumssubstrat auf ein Empfängersubstrat.
Unter Verwendung des eingangs entwickelten Mikrofluidik-Aufbaus wird die prinzipielle Anwendbarkeit der TESPSA-basierten Rezeptor-Immobilisierung nachgewiesen, sowohl anhand von Fluoreszenzmikroskopie-Untersuchungen als auch mit Hilfe der SiNW FETs als Biosensoren. Mittels eines Rezeptor-Analyt-Systems, bestehend aus verschiedenen Antikörpern und einem Peptid des Influenzavirus A, wird gezeigt, dass Antikörper, die über TESPSA an Oberflächen gebunden werden, ihre Spezifizität für ihre Antigene beibehalten.
Der vierte große Forschungsabschnitt dieser Arbeit widmet sich der mikrofluidischen Ausrichtung eindimensionaler Nanomaterialien und deren Ablage an vorgegebenen Fangstellen, wodurch eine zuverlässige Herstellung von FETs aus Einzelnanodrähten erreicht wird. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass Einzelnanodraht-FETs gegenüber Parallelschaltungen von Nanodraht-FETs verbesserte Sensoreigenschaften aufweisen.
Folglich beinhaltet diese Arbeit viele zukunftsweisende Ansätze für die Herstellung von LoC Systemen. Untersuchungen über eine Bandbreite von Längenskalen, von Mikrometer großen Strukturen bis hinab zur molekularen Ebene, werden präsentiert. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass die vorgestellten Methoden als eine vielfältige Sammlung von Werkzeugen nicht nur bei der Herstellung von Biosensoren auf SiNW-Basis Einsatz finden, sondern ganz allgemein den Aufbau verschiedenster LoC Systeme vorantreiben.
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Structural and Photoelectrochemical Characterization of Gallium Phosphide Semiconductors Modified with Molecular Cobalt CatalystsJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: The molecular modification of semiconductors has applications in energy
conversion and storage, including artificial photosynthesis. In nature, the active sites of
enzymes are typically earth-abundant metal centers and the protein provides a unique
three-dimensional environment for effecting catalytic transformations. Inspired by this
biological architecture, a synthetic methodology using surface-grafted polymers with
discrete chemical recognition sites for assembling human-engineered catalysts in three-dimensional
environments is presented. The use of polymeric coatings to interface cobalt-containing
catalysts with semiconductors for solar fuel production is introduced in
Chapter 1. The following three chapters demonstrate the versatility of this modular
approach to interface cobalt-containing catalysts with semiconductors for solar fuel
production. The catalyst-containing coatings are characterized through a suite of
spectroscopic techniques, including ellipsometry, grazing angle attenuated total reflection
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (GATR-FTIR) and x-ray photoelectron (XP)
spectroscopy. It is demonstrated that the polymeric interface can be varied to control the
surface chemistry and photoelectrochemical response of gallium phosphide (GaP) (100)
electrodes by using thin-film coatings comprising surface-immobilized pyridyl or
imidazole ligands to coordinate cobaloximes, known catalysts for hydrogen evolution.
The polymer grafting chemistry and subsequent cobaloxime attachment is applicable to
both the (111)A and (111)B crystal face of the gallium phosphide (GaP) semiconductor,
providing insights into the surface connectivity of the hard/soft matter interface and
demonstrating the applicability of the UV-induced immobilization of vinyl monomers to
a range of GaP crystal indices. Finally, thin-film polypyridine surface coatings provide a
molecular interface to assemble cobalt porphyrin catalysts for hydrogen evolution onto
GaP. In all constructs, photoelectrochemical measurements confirm the hybrid
photocathode uses solar energy to power reductive fuel-forming transformations in
aqueous solutions without the use of organic acids, sacrificial chemical reductants, or
electrochemical forward biasing. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Biochemistry 2018
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Funcionalização de GDF-5 em superfície nanoestruturada de titânio: estudos in vitro e in vivo / Nanoscale titanium surface functionalization with GDF-5: in vitro and in vivo studiesBueno, Renan de Barros e Lima 27 March 2015 (has links)
Estudo anterior de nosso grupo demonstrou que superfície de titânio (Ti) com nanotopografia obtida por condicionamento com H2SO4/H2O2 e funcionalizada com GDF-5 por simples adsorção promove o aumento da mineralização de culturas primárias de células osteogênicas. O presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar: 1) os efeitos da pós-adsorção de proteínas principais do plasma- albumina, fibrinogênio e fibronectina, em superfícies de Ti controle e com nanotopografia, funcionalizadas com GDF-5 a 200 ng/mL por simples adsorção, sobre a formação de matriz mineralizada in vitro; 2) parâmetros moleculares e fenotípicos característicos da aquisição do fenótipo osteogênico in vitro sobre superfícies de Ti funcionalizadas com GDF-5 por simples adsorção ou por filmes LbL; 3) parâmetros de formação óssea adjacente a implantes de Ti com nanotopografia funcionalizada com GDF-5 pelos dois métodos, em modelo de tíbia de coelhos. Os resultados mostraram que a pós-adsorção de proteínas plasmáticas não afetou o potencial osteogênico in vitro, com exceção para o efeito inibidor da albumina, quando pós-adsorvida isoladamente. Tanto a superfície de Ti como o método de funcionalização de GDF-5 afetaram, quantitativamente, as formações de matriz mineralizada, com a maior diferenciação osteogênica para Ti com nanotopografia funcionalizada com GDF-5 por simples adsorção e a menor, para os filmes LbL, independentemente das superfícies sobre as quais eles eram montados. A atividade de ALP foi maior em culturas sobre nanotopografia de Ti, incluindo aquelas funcionalizadas com GDF-5, cujos valores, no entanto, não corresponderam, necessariamente, à maior atividade osteogênica. Apesar disso, todos os grupos exibiram expressão de marcadores de diferenciação osteoblástica, com sobre-expressão de osteopontina e osteocalcina para culturas sobre LbL. As análises microtomográfica, histológica e histomorfométrica não revelaram diferenças qualitativas e quantitativas in vivo entre nanotopografias de Ti funcionalizadas ou não com GDF-5, ainda que uma tendência à maior formação óssea tenha sido observada para as superfícies funcionalizadas e, entre essas, para os filmes LbL. Considerados conjuntamente, os resultados do presente estudo contribuem para o melhor entendimento das respostas de osteoblastos e do tecido ósseo quando se propõe a estratégia de funcionalização de superfícies de Ti com GDF-5 visando à otimização da osseointegração. / It has been demonstrated that a nanostructured titanium (Ti) surface obtained by treatment with H2SO4/H2O2 and functionalized with GDF-5 by simple adsorption promotes the enhancement of mineralized matrix formation in osteogenic cell cultures. This study aimed to evaluate: 1) the effects of post-adsorption of major plasma proteins, i.e. albumin, fibrinogen and fibronectin, on control and nanostructured Ti surfaces, functionalized with 200 ng/mL GDF-5 by simple adsorption, on mineralized matrix formation by calvarial osteogenic cell cultures; 2) molecular and phenotypic parameters characteristics of the acquisition of the osteogenic phenotype in vitro on Ti surfaces functionalized with GDF-5 by either simple adsorption or layer by layer (LbL) films; 3) parameters of bone formation adjacent to Ti implants with a nanostructured surface functionalized with GDF-5 by the two methods described in item 2, in a rabbit tibia model. The results showed that the post-adsorption of plasma proteins did not affect the osteogenic potential of cultures, except for the inhibitory effect of albumin when post-adsorbed alone. Either the Ti surface topography or the method for GDF-5 functionalization quantitatively affected mineralized matrix formation, with the higher osteogenic differentiation for nanostructured Ti functionalized with GDF-5 by simple adsorption and the lower one for LbL films, irrespective of the Ti surface topography on which they were mounted. ALP activity was higher for cultures grown on nanostructured Ti, including those functionalized with GDF-5, whose values, however, did not necessarily correspond to the higher osteogenic activity. Despite that, all groups expressed osteoblast differentiation markers, with a remarkable increase in osteopontin and osteocalcin mRNA levels for cultures grown on LbL films. The microtomographic, histologic and histomorphometric analyses revealed no qualitative or quantitative differences in vivo among the nanostructured Ti implants, yet a tendency for enhanced bone formation was observed for the functionalized surfaces and, between them, for the LbL films. Taken together, the results of the present in vitro and in vivo studies contribute to a better understanding of osteoblast and bone tissue responses to the functionalization of Ti surfaces with GDF-5 aiming to optimize osseointegration.
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Functionalization of Silica Surface Using Chan-Lam CouplingAppiah Kubi, George 01 May 2014 (has links)
The reaction of base-free Chan-Lam coupling was successfully used for functionalization of surface of mesoporous silica gel. Various aromatic, aliphatic, and heterocyclic compounds were immobilized by a copper-catalyzed reaction of corresponding boronic acids with surface amino groups at mild conditions. Obtained functionalized materials were mesoporous although their surface area decreased after immobilization. The reactivity of some surface functional groups was tested in their characteristic reactions.
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Etude et développement de structures fibreuses non-tissées résistantes à la pénétration bactérienne / Development of non-woven fibrous structures resistant to bacterial and/or viral penetrationDessauw, Etienne 16 April 2019 (has links)
Ces travaux ont pour objet l’élaboration de nouvelles structures poreuses non tissées antibactériennes. Différentes stratégies ont été développées : l’une a consisté à élaborer des mats poreux par electrospinning en utilisant un polymère biosourcé et biocompatible et l’autre voie consistait à modifier un support fibreux provenant d’un masque de protection respiratoire commercial. La méthode des assemblages par interactions ioniques en superposant de façon alternative les couches de polymères cationiques et les polymères anioniques à la surface du filtre médian en polypropylène (PP) a permis d’élaborer de nouvelles structures ayant de bonnes propriétés antioxydantes et antibactériennes. Le polymère anionique, dérivé du polymère de cyclodextrine présente l’avantage de pouvoir encapsuler un agent antimicrobien biosourcé, le carvacrol. Une autre approche a consisté à modifier des supports en PP avec de l'acide tannique, un polyphénol d'origine naturelle. Dans cette étude, deux stratégies ont été mises en place afin de fonctionnaliser le PP avec de l’acide tannique (AT). La première est l’extrusion réactive du PP avec l’AT en présence (ou non) de peroxyde de dicumyle (DCP) pour greffer directement l’acide tannique sur le PP. La deuxième stratégie consiste à polymériser l’AT au travers d’une couche poreuse de PP extraite d’un masque de protection commercial, afin de permettre l’immobilisation physique de l’AT à la surface du mat fibreux en PP. Le greffage en surface via un procédé “grafting from” a également été étudié. Ces matériaux ont montré de bonnes propriétés antiradicalaires. / The purpose of this work is to develop new antibacterial non-woven porous structures. Different strategies were developed: one was to develop porous structures by electrospinning using a biosourced and biocompatible polymer, the other was to modify a fibrous support from a commercial respiratory protection mask. Assembling materials using ionic interactions by alternatively superposing cationic polymer layers and anionic polymers on the surface of the polypropylene (PP) median filter allowed to develop new structures with good antioxidant and antibacterial properties. The anionic polymer, derived from the cyclodextrin polymer, has the advantage of being able to encapsulate a bio-based antimicrobial agent, carvacrol. Another approach was to modify PP filters with tannic acid, a naturally occurring polyphenol. In this study, two strategies were implemented to functionalize PP with tannic acid (TA). The first is the reactive extrusion of PP with TA in the presence (or not) of dicumyl peroxide (DCP) to directly graft tannic acid onto PP. The second strategy consists in polymerizing the TA through a porous layer of PP extracted from a commercial mask, in order to allow the physical immobilization of the TA on the surface of the PP fibrous mat. Surface grafting using a "grafting from" process was also studied. These materials have shown good anti-free radical properties.
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Transport de spin dans des Moirés unidimensionnels / Spin transport in one dimensional MoirésBonnet, Roméo 29 November 2017 (has links)
L’électronique de spin tient une place primordiale dans les technologies de l’information. Un exemple flagrant est le disque dur magnétique à haute densité de stockage intégré aujourd’hui dans la plupart des ordinateurs personnels. D’un point de vue fondamental, les opérations de base comme l’injection, la propagation et la détection de l’information de spin restent néanmoins complexes à réaliser. Des plateformes adaptées à la réalisation de ces tâches élémentaires sont très recherchées. Dans ce contexte, les nanomatériaux carbonés sont très prometteurs. Au cours de ma thèse, je me suis intéressé au transport de spin dans des nanotubes de carbone multi-parois présentant des effets de super-réseaux (Moiré 1D). J’ai également étudié la croissance de barrières moléculaires conformationnelles afin d’optimiser l’injection et la détection de l’information de spin. Je présenterai tout d’abord les caractérisations électriques des dispositifs mettant en évidence des effets de Moirés, identifiés grâce aux simulations effectuées par l’équipe de Jean-Christophe Charlier. Je montrerai ensuite comment la croissance de la couche moléculaire influence le transport en formant une barrière d’injection. Finalement, je présenterai les expériences de magnéto-transport dans ces dispositifs hybrides. La magnétorésistance observée semble indiquer un transport de spin efficace sur des distances au moins de l’ordre du micromètre. Je discuterai particulièrement de l’amplitude, du signe et de la dépendance en tension de la magnétorésistance dans le cadre de modèles standards de transport de spin / Spin electronics holds a key role in information technology. A glaring example is the high-density magnetic hard disk storage built into most personal computers. From a fundamental point of view, basic operations such as injection, propagation and detection of spin information remain nevertheless complex. Platforms adapted to the realization of these basic tasks are highly sought after. In this context, carbon nanomaterials are very promising. During my thesis, I was interested in the transport of spin in multi-wall carbon nanotubes presenting super-lattice effects (Moiré 1D). I have also studied the growth of conformational molecular barriers in order to optimize injection and detection of spin information. I will present first the electrical characterizations of the devices highlighting the effects of Moirés, identified thanks to the simulations carried out by the team of Jean-Christophe Charlier. I will then show how the growth of the molecular layer influences transport by forming an injection barrier. Finally, I will present the experiments of magneto-transport in these hybrid devices. The observed magnetoresistance seems to indicate efficient spin transport over distances of at least a micrometer. I will discuss in particular the amplitude, the sign and the voltage dependence of the magnetoresistance in the framework of standard models of spin transport
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Dendritic surface modification of photocatalytic nanoparticles for tumour therapy / Modification dendritique de surface des nanoparticules photocatalytiques pour le traitement des tumeursKoch, Susanne Julia 12 October 2017 (has links)
L'apparition d’un développement cancérigène est souvent caractéristique des tumeurs de la région de la tête et du cou. En raison des altérations prémalignes et malignes fréquentes, il n'est souvent pas possible de supprimer complètement la tumeur par chirurgie.Il en résulte un risque élevé de récidive tumorale. Par conséquent, cette recherche de doctorat vise à développer des nanoparticules photocatalytiques (NPs) qui seront utilisées localement en complément de la thérapie tumorale traditionnelle. Ces NPs, une fois absorbées par les cellules tumorales induiront la mort des cellules photocatalytiques par activation de lumière UV. Des NPs de TiO2 ayant des propriétés photocatalytiques et une taille moyenne inférieure à 20 nm étaient donc synthétisées. La biocompatibilité des NPs, leur absorption dans les cellules et un ciblage tumoral efficace devraient être garantis par une modification de surface des particules avec des molécules organiques dendritiques permettant un contrôle précis de la charge de surface des particules ainsi que la possibilité de couplage avec des anticorps. Un autre objectif était la combinaison de propriétés thérapeutiques et diagnostiques dans le système de NPs par exemple réalisé par incorporation d'agent luminescent. Cette recherche était menée à l'Université de Bordeaux (synthèse des molécules organiques pour la fonctionnalisation des particules) en coopération avec l'Institut Fraunhofer de recherche en silicate ISC à Würzburg, Allemagne (synthèse des nanoparticules). / The occurrence of field cancerization is characteristic for tumours of the head and neck region. Due to these widespread premalignant and malignant alterations, it is frequently not possible to entirely remove the tumour by surgery. This results in a high risk of tumour recurrence. Therefore, this PhD research aimed to develop photocatalytic nanoparticles (NPs) as completion of the traditional tumour therapy. These NPs are supposed to be incorporated by tumour cells and to induce photocatalytic cell death by UV light activation. TiO2 with convincing photocatalytic properties and an average size smaller than 20 nm should therefore be synthesized. NP biocompatibility, their uptake into cells and an efficient tumour targeting should be guaranteed by surface modification of the particles with dendritic organic molecules that allow a precise control of the surface charge of the particles as well as antibody coupling.A further objective was the combination of therapeutic and diagnostic properties within the NPsystem realized for example via introduction of a luminescent dye. This research was carried out at the University of Bordeaux (synthesis of organic molecules for particle functionalization) in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC in Würzburg, Germany (nanoparticle synthesis).
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Conception et réalisation de caméras plénoptiques pour l'apport d'une vision 3D à un imageur infrarouge mono plan focal / Design and implementation of cooled infrared cameras with single focal plane array depth estimation capabilityCossu, Kevin 23 November 2018 (has links)
Les systèmes d’imagerie infrarouge suivent depuis plusieurs années la même tendance de miniaturisation que les systèmes d’imagerie visible. Aujourd’hui cette miniaturisation se rapproche d’une limite physique qui amène la communauté à se tourner vers une nouvelle approche : la fonctionnalisation, c’est-à-dire l’apport de fonctions d’imagerie avancées aux systèmes telles que l’imagerie 3D.En infrarouge, la fonction d’imagerie 3D est très recherchée car elle pourrait apporter à un fantassin un outil de télémétrie passive fonctionnant de nuit comme de jour, ou encore permettre l’autonomie en environnements complexes à des systèmes tels que les drones. Cependant, le cout d’une caméra infrarouge hautes-performances est élevé. Multiplier le nombre de cameras n’est donc pas une solution acceptable pour répondre à ce besoin.C’est dans ce contexte que se situe ce travail qui consiste à apporter une fonction de vision 3D à des caméras infrarouges possédant un unique plan focal.Au cours de cette thèse, j’ai identifié la technologie d’imagerie 3D la plus adaptée à ce besoin : la camera plénoptique. J’ai montré que cette dernière permet de proposer, en intégrant une matrice de microlentilles dans le cryostat, un bloc de détection infrarouge avec une fonction d’imagerie 3D. L’environnement scellé du bloc de détection m’a amené à développer un modèle de dimensionnement rigoureux que j’ai appliqué pour concevoir et réaliser une camera plénoptique infrarouge refroidie. J’ai ensuite mis au point une méthode de caractérisation originale et intégré les mesures dans une série d’algorithmes de traitement d’image afin de remonter à la distance des objets observés. / For a few years now, infrared cameras have been following the same miniaturization trend introduced with visible cameras. Today, this miniaturization is nearing a physical limit, leading the community to take a different approach called functionalization: that is bringing an advanced imaging capability to the system.For infrared cameras, one of the most desired functions is 3D vision. This could be used to bring soldiers a passive telemetry tool or to help UAVs navigate a complex environment, even at night. However, high performance infrared cameras are expensive. Multiplying the number of cameras would thus not be an acceptable solution to bring 3D vision to these systems.That is why this work focuses on bringing 3D vision to cooled infrared cameras using only a single focal plane array.During this PhD, I have first identified the plenoptic technology as the most suitable for our need of 3D vision with a single cooled infrared sensor. I have shown that integrating a microlens array inside the dewar could bring this function to the infrared region. I have then developed a complete design model for such a camera and used it to design and build a cooled infrared plenoptic camera. I have created a method to characterize our camera and integrated this method into the image processing algorithms necessary to generate refocused images and derive the distance of objects in the scene.
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