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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Golf course planning issues and guidelines for the Lower Mainland

Watson, J. Stephen 05 1900 (has links)
Interest in golf and golf course developments has increased considerably in recent years. The reason for this growth is threefold: babyboomers are now making golf the game of choice; women, who in the past were only allowed to play at restricted times or even banned entirely, can now play at almost any time, and presently account for approximately 50 percent (once only 10 percent) of all new golfers; and young people are beginning to take a keen interest in the game. Today, about 200,000 golfers are playing on approximately 85 golfing facilities within the Lower Mainland. By 2011, it is estimated that 318,000 golfers will be playing on 119 golf courses. With a projected demand of an additional 34 golf courses over the next 15 years, locating suitable golf course development sites may be difficult, as local and provincial authorities are cautious about these 150 acre land uses that cause many land use and environmental conflicts. Golf course developers are commonly confronted with seven main concerns from the public and local government when a new development is proposed. The most heavily scrutinized of these concerns is the loss of agricultural land, the loss of wildlife habitat, and the amounts of chemicals used on golf courses. These are followed by increased water consumption levels, errant golf balls causing injury or damage, unwanted urban growth following these recreational developments, and lost recreational opportunities to non-golfers in the community. To varying degrees, these concerns can stall the golf course planning process, or even cause a municipality to reject an application. The golf course concerns were assessed in this thesis to discern how significant the issues are, and how planners and developers throughout North America are addressing them. The analysis is based on information gathered from public meetings, interviews, municipal planning reports, a general literature review and a case study. The result of the analysis is a set of planning guidelines designed to promote better golf courses. If the planning guidelines outlined in this thesis are followed, future and existing courses can become functional, environmentally sensitive and aesthetic land uses, characterized by: • sites that do not conflict with an Official Community Plan; • land fill sites reclaimed into a working recreational land use with native vegetation and wildlife; • chemical turf care management plans; • comprehensive construction plans to protect against erosion and plant damage; • protection zones for sensitive on-site habitats; • mixtures of native turf grass, plants, shrubs, and trees within the site; • nearby secondary sewage treatment plant to provide effluent for irrigation; • drainage systems that feed excess water into retention ponds for re-use; • designs that provide park and recreation space (where feasible) within the site; • proper setbacks or buffering spaces between the playing areas and nearby housing (where applicable); • multi-teed target-style golf course design layout for all skill levels.

Social sustainability of golf developments in Knysna: an analysis of community perceptions

Voigt, Inge January 2013 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / An aspiring golfing destination has emerged along South Africa‟s Garden Route in the Western Cape, the town of Knysna. Also known as the oyster of the Garden Route, Knysna has blossomed with development over the past years and attracted investors, developers and residents across international borders. Rapid urbanization and development have interrupted the social sustainability of the town‟s local community and as this trend continues so too does the fragmentation of its social sustainability. This research has placed its focus on Knysna‟s biggest local employers and one of the strongest tourist attractions, namely the golf developments. However this research investigates the perceptions of Knysna‟s community towards these elitist establishments, illustrating that Knysna‟s biggest contributors to employment and tourism revenue, may just be the greatest threat to its social sustainability.

Persoonlikheidsprofilering by gholfspelers op verskillende vaardigheidsvlakke

Scholtz, Jonathan Geoffrey 10 September 2012 (has links)
D.Litt.et Phil. / This study investigated the personality and mood characteristics of golf players at four different levels of competency. The role played by personality factors in sport and sport performance, was actively researched between 1950 and 1980, especially in the U.S.A. and Europe. Since then, research in the field of sport psychology has focused more on aspects like anxiety, motivation, attribution and arousal. A study of the available literature shows that the role of personality factors in sport has not been researched and identified satisfactorily, mostly as a result of methodological problems experienced in earlier studies. There has thus been a move away from this subject before the methodological problems could be solved properly, or the field of study be explored completely. Local research in this area is limited and available studies often display the same methodological inconsistencies as those incurred in the U.S.A. and Europe. Golf is seen as a sport in which psychological factors play a substantial role. Only a few studies that address these aspects in golf were found. However, in none of these the unique nature of golf was taken into account or integrated into the results in a satisfactory manner. Even though the literature confirms the existence of typical personality profiles for motor racers and soccer players, no such profile has been identified for golf players. The value of such a profile extends over a wide front, which includes counselling, career planning, enhanced performance and timely remedial interventions. One hundred and sixty nine golf players at four different levels of competency namely professional, provincial, club champions and ordinary club players were evaluated with the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF) and the Profile of Mood States (POMS). The data was analized statistically with the use of multivariate and univariate measures as well as intercorrelations. Various significant differences were identified between the four groups. A personality and mood profile was identified for each group. The profiles of the professional and the provincial groups differed meaningfully from those of the other two groups and the norms for the normal population. In terms of mood characteristics, both these groups displayed the "iceberg profile" which indicates below average scores on tension, depression, anger, fatigue and confusion and an above average score on vigour. Mood characteristics that feature prominently in top performance was identified from this. The most important personality characteristics identified were emotional stability, tough-mindedness, assertiveness, a practical orientation, self-sufficiency, self-control and a low level of resting tension. In conclusion, recommendations are made and a critique delivered of the study.

Upplevelser av karriäravslut: En kvalitativ studie på före detta professionella golfspelare / Experiences of career termination: A qualitative study of formerprofessional golf players.

Anderson, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera före detta professionella golfspelares upplevelser av sitt karriäravslut. Följande frågeställningar ställdes: Följande frågeställningar ställdes: 1) Vilka barriärer upplever golfspelare i samband med karriäravslutet? (2) Vilka resurser upplever golfspelare i samband med karriäravslutet? (3) Vilka strategier identifierar golfspelare som användbara i samband med ett karriäravslut? Halvstrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fyra kvinnliga och en manlig före detta professionella golfspelare på internationell nivå. Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys (Hassmén & Hassmén, 2008) framkom 18 överliggande teman fördelade på barriärer (6), resurser (7) och strategier (5). Framträdande teman som framkom både som barriär och resurs var identitet, frivillighet vid avslut, förberedelser och socialt stöd. Strategierna förberedelser, hitta nya sysselsättningar, socialt stöd, dra nytta av golfkarriären och att ha ett optimistiskt synsätt identifierades som användbara. Temana diskuteras utifrån det teoretiska ramverket samt tidigare forskning. Förslag på framtida forskning samt implikationer ges. / The purpose of this study was to examine former golf players’ experiences of their career termination. The following questions were asked: (1) What barriers does golf players experience during the career termination? (2) What resources does golf players experience during the career termination? (3) What strategies does the golf players identify as useful during a career termination. Semi structured interviews were conducted with four female and one male golf players on international level. Through a qualitative content analysis (Hassmén & Hassmén, 2008) 18 high order themes emerged distrubuted on barriers (6), resources (7) and strategies (5). Prominent themes that emerged as both barriers and resources were identity, volontariness of retriment, preparations and social support. The strategies preparations, find new pursuits, social support, take advantage of the golf career and have an optimistic approach were identified as useful. The themes are discussed based on the theoretical framework and previous research. Suggestions for future research and implications are given.

Samband mellan höftrörlighet och bålrotation hos professionella golfspelare : Proas majors inverkan på bålrotationen / Correlation between hip mobility and trunk rotation among professional golf players : The effect of m. Psoas Major on trunk rotation

Risberg, Pär January 2018 (has links)
Golf är en komplex sport som ställer höga krav på utövarens rörlighet i framförallt höfter, rygg och axlar. Begränsad rörlighet i dessa delar leder inte sällan till skada. I denna studie undersöktes om det finns något samband mellan höftrörlighet och bålrotation hos 27 professionella golfspelare. Studien innehöll även en interventionsdel där 16 idrottsaktiva män fick sina höfter behandlade med stretching för att se om detta påverkar bålrotationsförmågan. Hypotesen var att det finns ett samband och att stretchning av psoas major ökar bålrotationen. Golfspelarnas medelålder var 29 år (SD ±4 år), de hade olika nationaliteter och spelade aktivt på någon av de ledande golftourerna i världen. Deltagarna i interventionsstudiens medelålder var 30 år (SD ±2 år) och de var bosatta i Stockholm. Höftrörlighet mättes med hjälp av modifierat Thomas test och bålrotation i sittande på brits. Mätverktyget var digital goniometer. Stretchbehandlingen utfördes av testledaren med försökspersonen liggande på brits i samma position som vid modifierat Thomas test. Signifikant korrelation(-0,40) ses mellan bålrotation vänster och höftextension vänster höft hos golfspelarna. Interventionsgruppen ökar sin bålrotation från 68 grader (SD ±9 grader) till 70 grader (SD ±9 grader) till vänster och från 70 grader (SD ±12 grader) till 73 grader (SD ±11 grader) till höger. Båda ökningarna är signifikanta. Vald signifikansnivå α=0,05. Resultatet av denna studie är att bålrotationen kan förbättras genom stretchning av höftens flexorer och att det kan finnas ett samband mellan höftens rörlighet och rotationsförmågan i bålen. Denna kunskap kan vara en hjälp för fysioterapeuter som är verksamma inom idrotter som kräver både god höftrörlighet och bålrotation. / Golf is a complex sport that require great mobility in hips, back and shoulders. Limited mobility in these parts of the body can cause injury. This study is investigating the possible correlation between hip mobility and trunk rotation among 27 professional golf players. The study also includes an intervention group of 16 sport active males that got their hips treated with stretching, to examine possible effects on the trunk rotation. The hypothesis was that there is a correlation and that stretching of psoas major increases the trunk rotation. The average age of the golf players was 29 years (SD±4 years), they were of different nationalities but were all professionally active within one of the leading international golf tours. The participants of the intervention study had an average age of 30 years (SD ±2 years), and were all Stockholm residents. The hip rotation was measured through a modified Thomas test, and the trunk rotation were performed in sitting position on a regular treatment table. The measuring instrument was a digital goniometer. The stretching treatment was done by the test leader with the subjects lying on the treatment table in the same position as when performing the modified Thomas test. Significant correlation (-0.40) is seen between left trunk rotation and left hip extension among the golf players. The intervention group increases their left trunk rotation from 68 degrees (SD ±9 degrees) to 70 degrees (SD ±9 degrees) and from 70 degrees (SD ±12 degrees) to 73 degrees (SD ± 11 degrees) on their right trunk rotation. Both increases are to be considered as significant. Chosen significance level is α=0.05. The result of this study is that the trunk rotation can be improved by stretching of the hip muscles and that there is a plausible correlation between the mobility of the hip and the trunk rotation. This knowledge can be used by physiotherapists that are specialised on sports that requires both good hip mobility and trunk rotation.

Minding your own game : self-regulation and psychological momentum among golfers

Kingma, Graham January 2015 (has links)
Psychological momentum (PM) is often regarded as an important phenomenon that influences athlete performance. Nevertheless, conceptualisations of PM are criticised for being speculative, vague and impractical for scientific inquiry. In contrast, self-regulation is a long-standing, well researched concept used to explain performance outcomes, yet not clearly integrated in current PM conceptualisations. Hence, this thesis explores self-regulation relative to PM. Golf was considered to be an appropriate context for the empirical inquiries on the basis that it serves as a metaphor for managing life’s challenges. Three studies were conducted. The first study entailed a systematic conceptual analysis of PM based on previous conceptualisations and studies in relevant scientific literature. Self-regulatory processes were identified among the key psychological mechanisms and moderators related to PM. The second study aimed to identify key self-regulation strategies in PM experiences among 16 golfers. A mixed method approach including novel “walk-along” and “think aloud” data collection techniques was used. An inductive thematic analysis yielded a comprehensive typology golfing strategies. Nevertheless, the study did not find consistent strategy patterns in positive or negative PM phases. The third study explored the self-regulation of identity (ego-regulation) in relation to PM phases. A staggered multiple-baseline single-case research methodology was used with five golfers (three professionals and two amateurs). Ego-regulation was manipulated through a mindfulness-based schema mode program tailored to golf (Mindfulness for Golf; MFG). Pre-, mid- and post-intervention data showed positive changes among the participants on two dimensions of PM as well as performance outcomes. Overall the results suggest that golfers use idiosyncratic self-regulation processes to facilitate performance, but these are not directly linked to PM phases. Nonetheless, there are promising indications that enhancing ego-regulation through the MFG program facilitates positive momentum among golfers. Based on the results of the studies in this thesis, and for the sake of scientific parsimony and pragmatism, it is recommended that self-regulation models incorporating motivation are used to explain momentum in athletic activity. In this view, PM has the function of describing, not influencing, goal-driven performance

Golf course planning issues and guidelines for the Lower Mainland

Watson, J. Stephen 05 1900 (has links)
Interest in golf and golf course developments has increased considerably in recent years. The reason for this growth is threefold: babyboomers are now making golf the game of choice; women, who in the past were only allowed to play at restricted times or even banned entirely, can now play at almost any time, and presently account for approximately 50 percent (once only 10 percent) of all new golfers; and young people are beginning to take a keen interest in the game. Today, about 200,000 golfers are playing on approximately 85 golfing facilities within the Lower Mainland. By 2011, it is estimated that 318,000 golfers will be playing on 119 golf courses. With a projected demand of an additional 34 golf courses over the next 15 years, locating suitable golf course development sites may be difficult, as local and provincial authorities are cautious about these 150 acre land uses that cause many land use and environmental conflicts. Golf course developers are commonly confronted with seven main concerns from the public and local government when a new development is proposed. The most heavily scrutinized of these concerns is the loss of agricultural land, the loss of wildlife habitat, and the amounts of chemicals used on golf courses. These are followed by increased water consumption levels, errant golf balls causing injury or damage, unwanted urban growth following these recreational developments, and lost recreational opportunities to non-golfers in the community. To varying degrees, these concerns can stall the golf course planning process, or even cause a municipality to reject an application. The golf course concerns were assessed in this thesis to discern how significant the issues are, and how planners and developers throughout North America are addressing them. The analysis is based on information gathered from public meetings, interviews, municipal planning reports, a general literature review and a case study. The result of the analysis is a set of planning guidelines designed to promote better golf courses. If the planning guidelines outlined in this thesis are followed, future and existing courses can become functional, environmentally sensitive and aesthetic land uses, characterized by: • sites that do not conflict with an Official Community Plan; • land fill sites reclaimed into a working recreational land use with native vegetation and wildlife; • chemical turf care management plans; • comprehensive construction plans to protect against erosion and plant damage; • protection zones for sensitive on-site habitats; • mixtures of native turf grass, plants, shrubs, and trees within the site; • nearby secondary sewage treatment plant to provide effluent for irrigation; • drainage systems that feed excess water into retention ponds for re-use; • designs that provide park and recreation space (where feasible) within the site; • proper setbacks or buffering spaces between the playing areas and nearby housing (where applicable); • multi-teed target-style golf course design layout for all skill levels. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Community and Regional Planning (SCARP), School of / Graduate

The Development and Validation of a New Pre-Shot Routine Model for Golf

Christianson, Paul Arthur January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the past research that has been conducted to date on pre-shot routines in golf via a thorough review of the literature. A historical review is presented in a chronological order of research studies that have been conducted pertaining to pre-shot routines in golf over the last 40 years. From this review, the STOP S.L.O.W. GO Pre-Shot Routine Model for Golf was developed and assessed amongst college golf coaches in the United States. A total of 36 college golf coaches working at the NCAA Division I level participated in a two-round Delphi study to validate the usefulness and future utility of the STOP S.L.O.W. GO Pre-Shot Routine Model for Golf. The usefulness of the STOP S.L.O.W. GO Pre-Shot Routine Model for Golf was validated by achieving a 72.73% consensus agreement level amongst study participants. The researchers were unable to reach adequate levels of expert consensus amongst college golf coaches working at the NCAA Division I level pertaining to the future utility of the STOP S.L.O.W. GO Pre-Shot Routine Model for Golf in their golf instruction. However, it was found that future utilization rates of the model may increase if the designer of the model were to provide educational sessions to college golf coaches and members of their college golf team. Practitioners and researchers are encouraged to further examine the efficacy and future adoption rates of the STOP S.L.O.W. GO Pre-Shot Routine Model for Golf amongst golfers of all ability levels. In addition, a study examining the real adoption and utilization rates of college golf coaches working at the Division I level is encouraged upon the completion of face-to-face educational sessions by a researcher who has expertise in the area of pre-shot routines in golf.

Design golfového vozíku / Design of golf cart

Wenglorz, Marek January 2008 (has links)
In this diploma project I´m designing golf cart for transportation two persons . At the side of design I wanted to achieve an innovate feature and diferentiate from today´s production. Through my conception I want to offer a wider possibility of usage and increase use value of golf cart. Herewith I mean for example an integration to the traffic after urgent modification. I dont want to design the golf cart like a vision to the future, but I endeavour for complying with current trends at the producing.

Design golfového vozíku / Design of Golf Cart

Drápalová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The main contribution of this work is a new perspective on design of a golf cart for 2 players. The aim is to create a cart which will be innovative in the design but retaining necessary technical, ergonomic, aesthetic and ecological requirements. The final draft should be able to compete to existing products in this market.

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