Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gold"" "subject:"gulf""
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Analysis of elite golfers' kinematic sequence in full and partial shotsTinmark, Fredrik January 2007 (has links)
Aim<br />The purposes of the present study were, to determine if partial and full-swing shots performed by skilled golfers were organized in a proximal-to-distal sequencing (PDS) pattern and to examine the speed-summation effect at pelvis, upper torso and hand segments. Method<br />Three-dimensional kinematic recordings of pelvis, upper torso, and hand were made while forty-seven skilled golfers stroke three different clubs a range of submaximal and maximal shot distances. Results<br />This study showed a clear proximal-to-distal temporal relationship of movement onset and peak angular speed at the pelvis, upper torso and hand segments in the golf swing. The same temporal structure was evident at all test conditions, among different gender and level of expertise. Further, results revealed a summation effect of angular velocity from proximal-to-distal, with each succeeding segment generating a larger rotational speed than the proximal segment. However, the increment in speed from proximal-to-distal was different among gender and level of expertise. Conclusions The temporal relation of segment kinematics suggests a common PDS organization in partial and full-swing shots for skilled golfers. A speed-summation effect of segmental angular speed indicates that participants did utilize interaction torques in a proximal-to-distal manner. The role of the observed PDS organization and speed-summation effect in partial shots might be to improve accuracy and, potentially, golfers should concentrate on speed initially in learning the golf swing.
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Motiv till sponsring : skillnader mellan produkt- och tjänsteföretagStenbäck, Erik, Strandberg, Johan January 2008 (has links)
Studien syftar att undersöka företags motiv till sponsring, samt se om de skiljer sig åt beroendes på om företagen säljer varor eller tjänster. Vi undersöker sponsring utifrån Grönkvists (2000) motiv till sponsring; associations- och imageöverföring, samhällsansvar, exponering, relationer, branschexlusivitet, lanseringar, försäljning och intern marknadsföring samt Grönroos teorier om tjänstemarknadsföringens natur. Vi har genomfört en fallstudie studie av golftävlingen SAS Masters och undersökt fyra av fem huvudsponsorer. Fördelningen mellan produkt- och tjänsteföretagen var två av var typ. Tjänsteföretagens främsta motiv till sponsring är möjligheten till relationsbyggande och produktföretagens är ökad försäljning samt associations och imageöverföring. Sammantaget var relationsmotivet det viktigaste för företagen. Vi uppfattar motivet till sponsring som ett fenomen med subnivåer där huvudmotivet är avkastning, dit analyserade motiv kan härledas.
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Barn, föräldrar och idrott : En intervjustudie om fostran inom fotboll och golf / Children, parents and sports : An interview studie of upbringing as affected by soccer and golfKarp, Staffan January 2000 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to describe and understand the significance of sports for children active in sports, their parents, and family. I am interested in how daily sports practice is understood by children active in sports and their parents and what sports mean for upbringing of children and young people. In the study eighteen children were interviewed, twelve boys and six girls in the ages of 10-12 years and their parents. Nine of the children play golf and nine play soccer. The perspective applied is pedagogic, which means that the connections between the social and individual are focused on. The results show that the patterns of childrearing for soccer and golf are distinguished from each other and thus what the children learn. In a comparison with research on concepts among parents from different social strata on the rearing of children, the pattern of childrearing with soccer agrees with patterns in the worker class, and those of golf with patterns in the upper middle class. In the results there are gender-related differences that do agree well with theories and research on the masculine hegemony in the sport. But the results also show that the sport can contribute to the rearing of males with both masculine and a part of traditionally feminine characteristics and of females with both feminine and a part of traditionally masculine characteristics. Another result is that sports at the same time correspond to needs of today's people and can be a counter against a development that is described by research as a split between body and soul, cultural isolation, dissolution of norms, and a fragmentation of existence. Soccer and golf become a kind of common project for families, not only for meetings between parents and children but also for meetings between adults and children of different ages. In a time when parents feel insecurity when facing the task of childrearing, sports stand for a distinct network of rules. In this way sports become a kind of complement to the childrearing that parents provide. Finally, the results show that there is both that which is common and that which is distinctive in both sports. Of the children who play golf, almost all of them devote themselves to some team sport, while the children who play soccer do not practice any other sport. In this way the children who play golf receive a double qualification that equips them for confrontation with the demands of modern society in a different way than with the case of the children who play soccer. And it is this that is the most distinctive factor. / digitalisering@umu
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The Effect of Culture on the Implementation of International Financial Reporting StandardsSkotarczyk, Mitchell A 01 January 2011 (has links)
As globalization increases at a blistering pace, more and more business entities continue to get involved in cross-border capital investments. A considerable cost can be applied to these types of transaction for the translation of financial statements prepared under dissimilar accounting guidelines into a comparable form. There exist a multiple number of accounting systems that create these dissimilarities, because accounting is a language of business that has been created by society to provide information as to the economic health of an entity. Similar to any other language, varying types of “accounting language” are used across different regions of the globe to convey this information.
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Race Appropriate Sports: Is Golf Considered More Appropriate for Whites Compared to Racial Minorities?Rosselli, Anthony C. 2011 August 1900 (has links)
For various reasons, certain races tend to play particular sports. Sports with low costs of participation (e.g., basketball and football) have higher percentages of minority participants relative to sports with high costs of participation (e.g., golf). In addition to the cost of participation being a deterrent, stereotypes can also play a role into who plays various sports. Certain races tend to feel most competent in a particular sport (e.g., African Americans in basketball). This study focuses on the degree to which stereotypes contribute to the under representative rates of minorities in golf, compared to their overrepresented White counterparts. Data were collected from 217 students at a large US public university. A pilot test was used to develop a scale depicting the "general golfer." In the primary study, participants used a 7-point scale to rate the degree to which the "general golfer," Whites, Asians, Hispanics, and African Americans exhibited these characteristics. Examples of these characteristics include "refined", "etiquette", and "skillfulness."
The scale items were all reliable. The correlation between the general golfer and Whites was the strongest (r = .50), followed by Asians (r = .36), Hispanics (r = .29), and African Americans (r = .23). The correlation between the general golfer and Whites was significantly stronger than correlations between the general golfer and African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians, t's > 2.3, p's < .05. In addition, Whites were viewed as more appropriate for golf relative to racial minorities.
Stereotypes can influence which races people view as appropriate and not appropriate for golf. These stereotypes can in turn impact participation, or lack thereof, of certain races in golf. If certain racial groups are not considered appropriate for a sport in which mental strength, etiquette, and persistence are valued, this could also impact access to jobs in which these characteristics are also valued. In addition, these stereotypes can potentially lead to self-limiting behavior by the negatively affected races.
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The objectives of this study were to examine: (1) the effects of instructional and motivational self-talk verbalized overtly or covertly on self-efficacy and performance in elite golf players; and (2) the preference of motivational and instructional self-talk and how this relates to performance in elite golf players. Participants were 30 elite golf-players, with a mean age of 17.38 (± 0.94) years. A mixed model repeated measures design was implemented. The self-talk overtness manipulation failed in the overt self-talk group, and baseline differences between the groups were detected. Consequently, the original design could not be implemented. With regards to performance, preference, and self-efficacy in the covert self-talk group no significant results were revealed, although there were potentially interesting patterns within the data. Content analysis of after performance debriefing interviews provided insights into participants‟ self-talk use and experimental experiences. The results are discussed in relation to theory, previous research, and methodological issues. Future research and applications are suggested. / Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka: (1) effekterna av instruerande och motiverande self-talk yttrat overt eller kovert på self-efficacy och prestation hos elit golfspelare; samt (2) preferensen av motiverande eller instruerande self-talk och hur detta är relaterat till prestationen hos elit golfspelare. Deltog gjorde 30 elit golfspelare med en medelålder på 17.38 (± 0.94) år. En mixad design med upprepade mätningar implementerades. Manipuleringen av self-talk overtness i den overta self-talk gruppen misslyckades och skillnader mellan grupperna fanns i baslinjemätningen. Därav kunde inte den ursprungliga designen besvaras. Vad gäller prestation, preferens, och self-efficacy i den koverta self-talk gruppen fanns inga signifikanta resultat, men potentiellt intressanta trender fanns i datan. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys av prestations debriefings intervjuerna gav inblick i deltagarnas self-talk användning och upplevelser av experimentet. Resultaten diskuteras i relation till teoretiska ramverk, tidigare forskning, och metodiken i studien. Förslag på framtida forskning och praktiska implikationer ges.
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En uppsats om hur golfklubbar kan anpassa sig till den individuella golfarenCreime, Matilda, Ekman, Anders January 2011 (has links)
Since 2005, the number of golf members in Swedish golf clubs has declined. This is a major problem for many golf clubs since it can lead to over establishment of golf courses. This essay is about how golf clubs in North West Skåne, the second golf densest area in the world, work to maintain their members. The sample consists of eight golf clubs which have been geographic delimited by a 30 km radius out of Helsingborg. The research is based on qualitative interviews with the manager of each golf club. The responds of each manager is underlying for the empiricism and analysis of the essay. The result of the research shows that golf clubs in the North West Skåne work in different ways to keep their members. A common feature is that there are no clear strategies or action plans. Every manager agrees that the needs of their existing members have not been prioritized the past years. However, they are convinced that they have to start taking care of their members needs more seriously. The essay finish up with a 10-stepmodel of how golf clubs should work to maintain their members, a model that also could be applied on other golf clubs, but only if the golf clubs individual condition is considered. / Sedan år 2005 har antalet medlemmar minskat på golfklubbar i Sverige. Den negativa medlemsutvecklingen är ett problem för många golfklubbar eftersom det kan uppstå finansieringsproblem samt leda till en överetablering av golfklubbar. Uppsatsen handlar om hur golfklubbar i Nordvästra Skåne, som är världens näst golftätaste område, arbetar för att behålla sina medlemmar. Urvalet består av åtta golfklubbar som har avgränsats geografiskt genom en tremilsradie utifrån utgångspunkten Helsingborg. Undersökningen bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med respektive golfklubbs klubbchef. De svar som respondenterna uppger ligger till grund för empiri och analys. Undersökningens resultat visar att golfklubbarna i Nordvästra Skåne arbetar på skilda sätt för att behålla sina medlemmar. Ett gemensamt drag är att det inte finns några tydliga strategier eller åtgärdsplaner. Samtliga klubbchefer är eniga om att de befintliga medlemmarnas behov inte prioriterats de senaste åren men är övertygade om att de måste börja ta hand om behoven på allvar. Uppsatsen avslutas med en 10-stegsmodell för hur golfklubbarna bör arbeta för att behålla sina medlemmar, en modell som även kan appliceras på andra golfklubbar under förutsättning att golfklubbarnas individuella förutsättningar beaktas.
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Wie lebendig ist die Popliteratur um die Jahrtausendwende? Judith Hermanns "Nichts als Gespenster" in Gegenüberstellung zu Christian Krachts "Faserland".Klopprogge, Vera January 2005 (has links)
The focus of this master?s thesis is on determining whether Judith Hermann?s book of collected short stories, <em>Nichts als Gespenster</em> (2003) can be assigned to the so-called category <em>Popliteratur</em> which had its climax in the 1990?s, or whether it advances this genre by focusing on new perspectives. To show this, Hermann?s short stories are compared with Christian Kracht?s <em>Faserland</em> (1995), which is a prime example of a pop-novel at the end of the last century. Thomas Jung?s criteria for <em>Popliteratur</em> serve as a methodology for the textual analysis. <br /><br /> In the first part of this thesis <em>Popliteratur</em> as literary phenomenon is introduced. In addition to a definition and its history from the 1960?s till nowadays, the focus is on <em>Popliteratur</em> of the 1990?s and its authors who do not just write but stage themselves in the media and in public. Furthermore from this, the existence of <em>Popliteratur</em> in the 21st century is discussed and categories of how it appears in new literary forms, e. g. ?Generation Golf? and ?Zweite Generation Pop?. This is followed by a consideration of how Popliteratur is assessed in literary studies and literary criticism. <br ><br /> In the second part of this thesis, Christian Kracht and Judith Hermann are introduced, followed by a comparison of <em>Faserland</em> and <em>Nichts als Gespenster</em> from the point of view of Jung?s criteria for <em>Popliteratur</em>, namely its topics, its language, narrative technique, construction of identity and its target group of readers. After the textual analysis, the question whether Judith Hermann?s work can be assigned to <em>Popliteratur</em> or whether she transforms this genre will be answered. <br ><br /> My conclusions are that Hermann advances <em>Popliteratur</em> in the 21st century by focusing on melancholia and self-reflexion more than on the provocation that was more typical of earlier <em>Popliteratur</em>.
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SANDBUNKERSEGMENTERING FÖR SMARTPHONES : Automatisk positionsuppskattning av sandbunkrar för smartphone som golfcaddie / SEGMENTATION OF SANDBUNKERS FOR SMARTPHONES : Automatic position estimate of sandbunkers for smartphone as golfcaddieAndersson, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Ett av många nya användningsområden för smartphones är att använda dem som caddie på golfbanan. Golfaren kan få hjälp med avståndsuppskattning till intressanta punkter på banan genom att dessa punkter programmeras in och jämförs med smartphonens inbyggda positioneringssystem. Den här rapporten visar hur det med en bildsegmenteringsalgoritm går att slippa det manuella arbetet med att lägga in positioner för sandbunkrar på golfbanan. Algoritmen som tagits fram arbetar på satellitbilder som smartphonen kan ladda ned via dess Internetanslutning. Golfaren kan i ett tänkt scenario ge sig ut på en godtycklig golfbana och få hjälp med avståndsbedömning enbart med hjälp av satellitbilder och smartphonens gps. I snitt hittar den framtagna segmenteringsalgoritmen cirka 70 % av sandbunkrarna på en satellitbild, en siffra som i en verklig applikation skulle behöva ökas och förslag på hur detta kan göras ges i slutet av rapporten. Tre olika upplösningar på satellitbilderna har utvärderats och testkörts i en nyare smartphone. Även om den högsta upplösningen används tar en hel golfbana endast cirka 15 sekunder att segmentera vilket bör hinnas med under loppet av en vanlig golfrunda som i regel tar 3 till 5 timmar. I ett vidare perspektiv går det att tänka sig helt andra tillämpningar där det finns behov av positionsuppskattning av objekt i en satellitbild i sin smartphone. Det bör på ett förhållandevis enkelt sätt gå att utvidga slutsatserna som dragits i rapporten till att gälla annat än enbart sandbunkrar, t.ex. sjöar, fält, åkrar och givetvis andra delar av golfbanan som vattenhinder och greener.
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An examination of the impact of introducing greater contextual interference during practice on learning to golf puttHwang, Gyu-Young 17 February 2005 (has links)
The skill of putting in golf contributes approximately 40 percent to ones total score making it an important skill to master in golf. One of the critical means of improving putting skill is through practice. The purpose of this study was to: (a) investigate if different practice schedules with different degrees of contextual interference (CI) influenced the participants immediate and long-term putting performance, (b) examine if performance changes were associated with concomitant changes in specific kinematic parameters, and (c) assess the cognitions of the participants during various stages of the practice of the putting skill.
Twenty-four undergraduate students were randomly assigned to either a blocked or random practice schedule. On Day One each participant practiced putting to three targets (4 ft, 8 ft, and 12 ft distance) for a total of 108 trials (36 trials to each target). On Day Two 30 trials of retention (10 trials to each target) and 10 transfer trials (10 ft distance) were performed. To obtain a kinematic description of the putting action, an OPTOTRAKTM 3020 camera system recorded the 3D movement of the putter. Participants cognitions were analyzed from stimulated recall interview data. Random practice participants exhibited poorer putting performance during acquisition compared to their blocked practice counterparts but showed superior performance in retention and transfer tests. While the blocked practice participants had significantly lower variability in the amplitude in the x-dimension for backswing, impact velocity, and putter position at impact (z-dimension) during practice, the random practice participants showed significantly lower variability in the amplitude of the x-dimension for the backswing and downswing, impact velocity, and putter position at impact during the retention and transfer phases.
Content analysis of interview data yielded three emergent categories: participant focus, self-evaluation of performance, and benefits of practice. The participants provided evidence of active thought processes during the putting task while receiving little instruction. The blocked group focused more on accuracy while the random group was more focused on judging distance. The lack of recognition about the z-dimension has potential implications for how instruction and feedback might be employed during the learning process.
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