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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

När är föräldrar good enough? : Perspektiv på föräldraskap från personal på ett utredningshem

Ljus, Helen, Helene, Wahlberg January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur ett föräldraskap som är good enough beskrivs och definieras av personal på ett utredningshem för barn och föräldrar. Metoden som användes var en semistrukturerad fokusgruppsintervju med ett urval av personal från ett utredningshem. Resultatet analyserades utifrån socialkonstruktionism och ett genusperspektiv. Resultatet visade att utredningspersonalen hade en samstämmig definition och beskrivning av när ett föräldraskap är och inte är good enough. Fokusgruppen delade uppfattningen om att ett good enough föräldraskap innebär att föräldrar behöver visa personalen förändringsförmåga och förmåga till att mentalisera kring barnets behov utifrån ett åldersadekvat bemötande. Informanterna ansåg inte att de gör skillnad på mödrar och fäder gällande ansvarsfördelning. Utifrån socialkonstruktionistisk teori diskuterades huruvida det är möjligt för föräldrar att visa personalen efterfrågade föräldraegenskaper då utredningshemmets sociala konstruktioner av vad det innebär att vara good enough förälder kan kollidera med föräldrarnas. / The aim of this study was to investigate how a parenthood that is good enough is described and defined by personnel at an assessment home for children and parents. The method used was a semi-structured focus group interview with a selection of personnel from an assessment home. The result was analysed based on social constructionism and gender perspective. The results showed that the assessment personnel had a consistent definition and description of when a parenthood is and is not good enough. The focus group shared the notion that a good enough parenting means that parents need to show the personnel the ability to change and the ability to mentor about the child's needs based on age-sensitive treatment. The informants did not consider that they make a distinction between mothers and fathers regarding the division of responsibilities. Based on social construction theory, it was discussed whether parents can show the requested parenting skills when the social construction of the assessment home of what it means to be good enough parent may collide with the parents.

Är Good Enough tillräckligt? : En kvalitativ studie om hur föräldraskap framställs i podcasts / Is Good Enough Sufficiently? : A Qualitative Study About How Parenting is Portrayed in Podcasts

Larsson, Therese January 2021 (has links)
Att vara förälder i dagens moderna samhälle medför press från delvis samhället men kanske mestadels från sociala medier. Det ställs olika förväntningar på föräldrar och normer kring hur föräldrar ska agera och det finns dessutom olika lagar som styr, som bland annat barnkonventionen och föräldrabalken. Inom socialt arbete så förekommer mycket fokus kring det som inte fungerar hos föräldrar och de avvikande beteenden som finns. Det är likväl omtalat att man som förälder inte behöver vara en perfekt förälder, utan enbart vara tillräcklig. Men hur är man en tillräckligt god förälder som skapar förutsättningar för en god uppväxt och framtid för sitt barn? Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka hur föräldraskap framställs i podcasts och vilka uppfattningar i podcasts som finns gällande hur man är en god förälder som skapar goda förutsättningar för sitt barn, med kopplingar till anknytningsperspektivet och Winnicott’s begrepp Good enough. Resultatet påvisade att det främst handlar om att vilja spendera tid med sina barn, samt att de inte alltid behöver vara roliga saker utan att det är tillräckligt med att involvera barnet i de vardagliga sysslor som finns. Det påvisade även så länge man gör allt i sin makt för sina barn och vill deras bästa, så gör det ingenting om det inte blir helt bra ibland. Föräldrar kommer inte vara helt perfekta, de kommer bli arga på sina barn, men så länge föräldrarna för en dialog med barnet efteråt så går det att reparera. Det handlar med andra ord om att vilja sitt barns bästa, vilja umgås med dem samt finnas till för dem. / Being a parent in todays modern society brings pressure from partly society but perhaps mostly from social media. There are different expectations of parents and norms about how parents should act and there are also different laws that govern, such as the convention on the rights of the child and the code on parents and children. In social work there is a lot of focus around what does not work in parenting and the deviant behaviours that exist. Nevertheless, it is mentioned that as a parent you do not have to be a perfect parent, but only be good enough. But how are you a good enough parent that create good conditions for a good upbringning and future for their child? The purpose of this study was to investigate how parenting is portrayed in podcasts and what perceptions in podcasts that exist about how to be a good parent who create good conditions for their child, with links to attachment theory and Winnicott’s concept of good enough. The results showed that it is mainly about wanting to spend time with their children, and that they do not always have to be fun things but it is enough to involve the child in the everyday chores that exist. It was demonstrated even as long as you do everything in your power for your children and want their best, it does not do anything if it does not turn out completely well sometimes. Parents will not be completely perfect, they will be angry with their children, but as long as the parents have a dialogue with the child afterwards, it is possible to repair. In other words, it is about wanting the best interests of your child, wanting to socialize with them and be there for them.

Föräldrar som trampar i rabatten - är det så farligt? : Föräldrar med ADHD om föräldraskap och samhällets familjebilder.

Norling, Karin, Olsson, Niklas January 2011 (has links)
This study examined parenting in relation to ADHD. The key point of the study was to let parents who experience an ADHD diagnosis share their view on parenting. The research required a comprehensive literature search, partly to examine earlier research in the particular field but also to gather information on parenting. One focus group interview and three semi structured interviews were used to gather relevant information. Informants were recruited from a project for individuals with neuropsychiatric disabilities. Aspects that were not taken in consideration in this study were gender differences in the view on parenting. Neither was the aim of the study to examine the children’s point of view. The study revealed that the informants’ view of parenting of today is all about status and reaching results. From their own experience of parenting, focus was on confirming their children and respect them as individuals. They considered themselves different than other parents, in areas as taking part of their children’s life and not to fit in according to clothing or appearance. Partly, they also felt that they did not get any understanding for their differences from the academic part of society.

Den tillräckligt bra föräldern, professionellas bedömningar av föräldraförmågan

Johansson, Izabella, Kristensson, Malin January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine what professional social workers within the field of children and families experience the concept “good enough parent”, and how they make assessments on parental ability based on this. The term good enough is often used among social workers within the field of child protection as a form of scale in the assessment of the parental ability. The term functions as a reference to the fact that a parent does not have to achieve perfection in his or hers parenting, but being good enough is just enough to take care of a child in a favourable way. The professional social worker then must determine if the parent manage to live up to the measurement of good enough or not. The empirical material of this study is based on six qualitative, semi-structured interviews with professional social workers. Through our collected empirical material, it appears that a good enough parent should have the ability to mentalize and to enable the child to develop a secure attachment. Other than that, good enough parenting skills cannot be described based on a completed template or a checklist that the parent must fulfill in order to be considered good enough, but the meaning of a good enough parent must rather be set in relation to what the specific child needs, and how the parent is able to meet these needs. It is thus the child's need that places the bar for good enough.

Tillräckligt bra förälder? : En litteraturstudie om att vara förälder med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning / Good enough parent? : A literature review about being a parent with intellectual disability

Berg, Hannah, Nyström, Mathilda January 2024 (has links)
Persons with intellectual disabilities (ID) have the right to decide freely when and if they have children. However parental ID is often regarded as a risk for their children’s wellbeing and parents with ID often meet negative attitudes towards their parenthood from both professionals and their social networks. The aim of this study is to examine the conditions for parents with ID and their possibilities to be good enough parents. Both published research and personal depictions found in media were used in this literature study. Three themes were identified and analysed using good enough parenting and empowerment as a theoretical framework. The first theme to prove oneself as a good parent includesexperiencers of having one’s parenthood questioned based on stereotypes about ID as a diagnosis. Parents with ID feel they are being surveilled and judged by the people around them. There is an underlying feeling among parents with ID that they need to prove themselves as able parents. The second theme good relationships encourage good parenting contains stories of how the relationship with the social network and professionals affect parents with ID. Support from others can be perceived in both positive and negative ways depending on the quality of the relationship in which the support is offered. The last theme one diagnosis, a spectrum of conditions describes the variety of needs and experiences which affect people with ID and their ability to be good enough parents. Social context and experiences of for instance poverty, trauma or abuse affect the ability to parent regardless of an ID or not. In conclusion, professionals have an opportunity to work empowering with parents with ID, but this opportunity is often missed. A variability in living conditions and social context affect the ability to perform as a good enough parent. This is true for all parents, but for parents with ID in particular.

Bristande Föräldraskap : en studie om föräldrabedömning och förutsättningar för samverkan mellan två instanser kring föräldraskapet

Grip, Cajza, Nåhdin, Kristin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Den här uppsatsen är en studie om föräldrar och föräldraskap. Vårt syfte med studien är att se hur företrädare för två instanser gör bedömningar av föräldrar som anses brista i sin omsorgsförmåga. De valda instanserna är en myndighetsinstans och en utförarinstans. Våra frågor i studien är: hur beskriver de nämnda organisationerna ett gott föräldraskap/ föräldraförmåga? Vilka faktorer vägs in i bedömningen av föräldraförmågan? Vilka riktlinjer/ arbetsmodeller utgår organisationerna ifrån? I vilken utsträckning samverkar organisationerna kring stöd och bedömning? Det här är en empirisk studie, där vi har intervjuat företrädare för två instanser, totalt fyra grup-per. Vi har använt hermeneutisk tolkning för att se på det empiriska materialet. Vår analys är grundad utifrån systemteori, intersektionalitet och samverkansteori. Begreppen vi undersökt är gott föräldraskap och tillräckligt bra. Synen på begreppet tillräckligt bra/ good enough varierade beroende på om de var på svenska eller engelska. Överlag är gott föräldraskap när den känslo-mässiga och fysiska omsorgen står i relation till barnets behov. Resultatet som vi kommit fram till är att dessa två instanser har samsyn kring de begrepp som vi undersökt. Vidare beskriver denna studie förutsättningarna för samverkan samt betydelsen av att sträva mot ett gemensamt språk. Vår slutsats är att dessa begrepp, framförallt tillräckligt bra, är väldigt subjektiva och att det är svårt att skriva ner kriterier. Detta beror på att det handlar om människor. Vidare visar denna studie även att instanserna samverkar med varandra kring männi-skor. I diskussionsdelen beskrivs det socialpedagogiska förhållningssättet som inkluderar det salutoge-na perspektivet, intersektionalitet och empowerment.</p> / <p>This paper is a study about parents and parenting. Our purpose with this study is to see how rep-resentatives from two authorities make valuation of parents that lack parenting skills. The chosen authorities are an authority and one performer of task. Our questions are: defined by the authori-ties – what do good parenting mean? Which factors are considered in an assessment of parents? What kind of guidelines/ work models do the organisations have? To what extent do these two authorities collaborate around support and assessment? This is an empirical study, were we have interviewed representatives from two authorities, in total four groups. We have used hermeneutic interpretation to look at the empirical material. Our analy-sis is built on the system theory, intersectional analysis and collaboration theory. The terms we examined were good parenting and good enough. The view of the term good enough depended on if the term was in Swedish or in English. Overall, good parenting is when the emotional and physical care is in relation to the needs of the child. The result we found was that these two authorities share the same view on the terms that we ex-amine. Further on we describe the condition for collaboration and the meaning of reaching for the same “language”. Our conclusion is that these terms, especially good enough, is very subjective and that it´s hard to write down criteria’s. This because it´s all about people. This study also shows that the authorities work together around people. In the discussion describes the social pedagogues’ approach that includes a salutogen perspective, intersectional analysis and empowerment.</p>

Bristande Föräldraskap : en studie om föräldrabedömning och förutsättningar för samverkan mellan två instanser kring föräldraskapet

Grip, Cajza, Nåhdin, Kristin January 2009 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen är en studie om föräldrar och föräldraskap. Vårt syfte med studien är att se hur företrädare för två instanser gör bedömningar av föräldrar som anses brista i sin omsorgsförmåga. De valda instanserna är en myndighetsinstans och en utförarinstans. Våra frågor i studien är: hur beskriver de nämnda organisationerna ett gott föräldraskap/ föräldraförmåga? Vilka faktorer vägs in i bedömningen av föräldraförmågan? Vilka riktlinjer/ arbetsmodeller utgår organisationerna ifrån? I vilken utsträckning samverkar organisationerna kring stöd och bedömning? Det här är en empirisk studie, där vi har intervjuat företrädare för två instanser, totalt fyra grup-per. Vi har använt hermeneutisk tolkning för att se på det empiriska materialet. Vår analys är grundad utifrån systemteori, intersektionalitet och samverkansteori. Begreppen vi undersökt är gott föräldraskap och tillräckligt bra. Synen på begreppet tillräckligt bra/ good enough varierade beroende på om de var på svenska eller engelska. Överlag är gott föräldraskap när den känslo-mässiga och fysiska omsorgen står i relation till barnets behov. Resultatet som vi kommit fram till är att dessa två instanser har samsyn kring de begrepp som vi undersökt. Vidare beskriver denna studie förutsättningarna för samverkan samt betydelsen av att sträva mot ett gemensamt språk. Vår slutsats är att dessa begrepp, framförallt tillräckligt bra, är väldigt subjektiva och att det är svårt att skriva ner kriterier. Detta beror på att det handlar om människor. Vidare visar denna studie även att instanserna samverkar med varandra kring männi-skor. I diskussionsdelen beskrivs det socialpedagogiska förhållningssättet som inkluderar det salutoge-na perspektivet, intersektionalitet och empowerment. / This paper is a study about parents and parenting. Our purpose with this study is to see how rep-resentatives from two authorities make valuation of parents that lack parenting skills. The chosen authorities are an authority and one performer of task. Our questions are: defined by the authori-ties – what do good parenting mean? Which factors are considered in an assessment of parents? What kind of guidelines/ work models do the organisations have? To what extent do these two authorities collaborate around support and assessment? This is an empirical study, were we have interviewed representatives from two authorities, in total four groups. We have used hermeneutic interpretation to look at the empirical material. Our analy-sis is built on the system theory, intersectional analysis and collaboration theory. The terms we examined were good parenting and good enough. The view of the term good enough depended on if the term was in Swedish or in English. Overall, good parenting is when the emotional and physical care is in relation to the needs of the child. The result we found was that these two authorities share the same view on the terms that we ex-amine. Further on we describe the condition for collaboration and the meaning of reaching for the same “language”. Our conclusion is that these terms, especially good enough, is very subjective and that it´s hard to write down criteria’s. This because it´s all about people. This study also shows that the authorities work together around people. In the discussion describes the social pedagogues’ approach that includes a salutogen perspective, intersectional analysis and empowerment.


LARISSA RANGEL FERRARI 31 July 2017 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação se insere na área da Psicolinguística, em articulação com a Neuropsicologia. A pesquisa se voltou para a investigação, em idosos hígidos, do processamento sintático de sentenças envolvendo ambiguidade temporária (ex.: Enquanto o homem cozinhava a batata era comprada no mercado), as quais induzem ao efeito labirinto (garden-path effect). O objetivo deste trabalho foi compreender em que medida um declínio de funções executivas com o avanço da idade poderia afetar o processamento desse tipo de estrutura sintática, a qual apresenta alta demanda para a memória de trabalho e parece requerer inibição de uma representação mental inicialmente possível. A pesquisa consistiu na aplicação de um experimento psicolinguístico de compreensão por leitura e testes de avaliação neuropsicológica (Span de Digítos, Stroop e Miniexame do Estado Mental, este último aplicado apenas aos idosos). No experimento psicolinguístico, foram tomadas como variáveis intrassujeitos plausibilidade e extensão da região ambígua entre o sintagma nominal crítico (a batata) e o ponto de desambiguização da sentença (era comprada). Foram testados 40 participantes (20 idosos e 20 jovens). Houve um efeito principal de plausibilidade e extensão da região ambígua e um efeito de interação entre grupo e plausibilidade, tendo os idosos apresentado maior dificuldade, nas condições plausíveis, para inibir a estrutura sintática equivocada construída inicialmente. Também observamos uma correlação entre plausibilidade e o teste Stroop. Os resultados são discutidos em termos da abordagem Good-Enough da compreensão da linguagem e de questões pertinentes às relações entre linguagem e outros domínios da cognição, em especial o papel de funções executivas no processamento sintático. / [en] This master s thesis is situated within the area of psycholinguistics, in conjunction with neuropsychology, and investigates syntactic processing of temporarily ambiguous sentences in the elderly (While the man cooked the potatoes were bought at the supermarket.). These structures induce the garden-path effect. The purpose of the work was to analyze to what extent a decline in executive functions with advancing age could affect syntactic processing of syntactic ambiguity, which presents a high demand for working memory and seems to require inhibition of an initially possible mental representation. The research consisted in the application of a psycholinguistic experiment (a reading comprehension task) and neuropsychological evaluation tests (Digit Span, Stroop and Mini-Mental State Examination; the latter was only applied to the group of older participants). In the psycholinguistic experiment, plausibility and the distance between the critical noun phrase (the potato) and the point of disambiguation of the sentence (was bought) were taken as within-subjects variables. Forty participants (20 older adults and 20 young adults) were tested. A main effect of plausibility and distance and an interaction effect between group and plausibility were observed. The elderly showed more difficulty in inhibiting the initial misinterpretation when the sentence was plausible. There was also a correlation between plausibility and the Stroop test. The results are discussed in terms of the Good-Enough Approach to language comprehension and the relationship between language and other domains of cognition, especially the role of executive functions in syntactic processing.

Rate of change in psychotherapy: A matter of patients : A study contrasting the dose-effect model and the good-enough level model using the CORE-OM in primary care and psychiatric care

Josefsson, Albin, Berggren, Tore January 2013 (has links)
Studies on relations between number of sessions and effect of psychotherapy have usually assumed a constant rate of change across different lengths of therapy, explained by a model called the dose-effect model. This assumption has been challenged by the good-enough level (GEL) model, which makes the prediction that the rate of change will vary as a function of total number of sessions. This study aimed to compare these models. We also assessed the relationship between reliable and clinically significant change (RCSI) and total dose of therapy. Participants were drawn from two datasets in the Swedish primary care (n = 640) and adult psychiatric care (n = 249). The participants made session-wise ratings on the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure (CORE-OM). Multilevel analyses indicated a better fit using the GEL-model, with some reservations concerning RCSI and patterns of change. The results may indicate a general lawful relationship that may have implications for future research, as well as psychotherapy practice and policy making.

Zpracování vět s věrohodnými a nevěrohodnými aktanty v češtině / Processing of sentences containing plausible and implausible actants in Czech

Bažantová, Olga January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is a part of a good enough sentence processing research. In the theoretical part, I describe the origin of this approach and main research areas - garden- path sentences and noncanonical sentences. The practical part of the thesis introduces three experiments which partially replicate experiments of F. Ferreira (2003), results of these experiments, interpretation and comparation to the results of experiments in English. The Czech results show that Czech speakers unlike English speakers tend to use only heuristic of plausibility and do not use the NVN strategy.

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