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Implementation of a manycast protocol for intermittently connected mobile ad hoc networks in disaster areasVergara Alonso, Ekhiotz Jon January 2010 (has links)
Nowadays, the use of mobile phones and other wireless devices has become an indispensable part of daily life. However, the focus of wireless communication is on infrastructure-based networks, making them prone to service outage if for any reason the infrastructure is overloaded or there is no network coverage. This is the case in a disaster area, where the infrastructure that supports the communication may be destroyed or could become useless. Different approaches to complement the exchange of information in these scenarios are emerging as research results. This thesis concerns Random-Walk Gossip (RWG), which is a protocol to disseminate information in disaster areas. RWG is a many-cast protocol for intermittently connected mobile ad hoc networks. The more people can communicate, the more chances of success there are. Therefore, it is useful to investigate the possibility of implementing such protocols on commodity devices. Since Symbian is currently the most widespread mobile phone operating system, this master's thesis presents the implementation of the protocol in that platform. The protocol is also implemented in Linux and Mac OS X in order to provide heterogeneity. Finally, some aspects of the performance of the protocol in different devices are analyzed, studying the CPU load, memory consumption, radio range, energy consumption and response time of different devices using the protocol. The studies show that the use of the RWG protocol in both laptops and handheld devices is viable.
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Optimization of DEECo gossip-based communication / Optimization of DEECo gossip-based communicationKováč, Ondrej January 2015 (has links)
The spread of wireless devices inspired the creation of a DEECo component model suitable for designing applications with immanent mobility and dynamic composition where the system architecture emerges at runtime. A great challenge in implementation of such a system is the underlying communication mechanism based on gossip protocol in order to achieve resilience and suitability for MANET networks. In this thesis we propose an optimization of the protocol exploiting infrastructure networks, but still preserving the gossip-like communication without a centralized element. The improvement is based on forming communication groups introduced at the design level. The experiments show a substantial decrease in the number of sent messages and a decrease in time of data delivery. The timing aspect of data delivery is further elaborated for MANET networks by implementing a pulling mechanism with significant improvement of the latency. Part of this thesis is dedicated to a formal specification of the system semantic to provide a precise rationale about its properties and laying the ground for further extensions and research. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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On ISP Friendliness: Introducing an ISP-Friendly Peer-to-Peer Live Streaming SystemWahlén, Niklas January 2012 (has links)
The various capabilities provided by the Internet have attracted a large amount of Internet-based applications over the last decades. Many services that previously only used other means of communication are now also deployed on the Internet. As the content in the communication becomes richer, the bandwidth required to communicate it increases. In the case of delivering audiovisual content over the Internet, a significant amount of bandwidth is required to send the content to a single recipient, and increases rapidly for each additional recipient. To be able to provide scalable, Internet-based systems for video content delivery, researchers and companies have begun to focus on peer-to-peer-based approaches, meaning participants collaborating and contributing their bandwidth to assure content delivery to all others. This thesis proposes a design for a peer-to-peer system for delivery of live video, and provides simulation results for an implementation of the design. The design targets some of the current issues of peer-to-peer systems – mainly that of providing friendliness towards Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Peer-to-peer systems generate considerable amounts of traffic, which is often sent between peers located in different ISPs, even when data is available at a peer in the same ISP as the recipient. This creates problems for ISPs as they often have to pay other ISPs for data sent over cross-ISP connections, and because congestion can occur in the ISPs gateways to the rest of the Internet – the problems increasing with the number of ISPs that the traffic has to go through. This has forced some ISPs to limit or block peer-to-peer traffic completely. The system designed in this thesis uses a gossip-based peer-to-peer protocol for content dissemination, and to minimize cross-ISP traffic, the thesis proposes that peers should choose peers closer in the network topology to connect to. This can be achieved by creating a database composed of ISPs and the distance between them, which is consulted every time a new connection is to be created. The database is small enough to be stored locally at each peer. As long as a peer is able to deliver a clear stream it will only connect to close peers, however should the close peers not be able to provide data at a sufficient rate, the peer will request random peers in the system to also provide it with data. Evaluation of the system in various simulation scenarios shows that it operates well in a constrained environment as well as during peer failures. The evaluation also shows that it is possible to have high clustering of peers and still deliver a clear stream to all of them, as long as a few random connections are allowed to be created when close neighbors can’t provide a suffi cient download rate. Comparing the use of biased neighbor selection to random selection, traffic between ISPs is efficiently reduced in the overall system, the portion of traffic exchanged between peers in the same ISP experience a ten times increase or more in most scenarios, and in larger ISPs that contain many peers, 75% of all traffic is exchanged between peers within the ISP. Thus the design presented in this thesis can be recommended to developers and content providers that are looking to increase ISP friendliness in their existing or future peer-to-peer applications. / De många möjligheter som Internet medför har gett upphov till ett stort antal Internet-baserade tjänster de senaste decennierna. Flertalet tjänster som tidigare endast fanns tillgängliga via andra kommunikationskanaler är numera också möjliga att nå via Internet. I och med att informationen som skall skickas via olika tjänster ökar så ökar också kraven på bandbredd, och för att kunna leverera video krävs en ansenlig bandbredd. Bandbredden som krävs av den som levererar videon ökar dessutom snabbt i takt med antalet mottagare av den. För att kunna skapa Internet-baserade tjänster för video som tillåter ett större antal användare har forskare och företag börjat använda peer- to-peer-baserade lösningar, där användarna av tjänsten samarbetar och bidrar med deras egen bandbredd för att göra det möjligt för samtliga användare att ta emot videon. Detta arbete beskriver hur ett peer-to-peer-system för live-video kan utformas, och tillhandahåller resultat från simulationer med en implementation av systemet. Det huvudsakliga målet med systemets design är att minska bördan som peer-to-peer-system vanligen utgör för internetleverantörer. Denna typ av system genererar ofta stora mängder data, som i de flesta fall skickas mellan användare som befinner sig i nätverk tillhörande olika internetleverantörer, trots att samma data ofta finns tillgänglig på närmare håll – det vill säga hos användare som tillhör samma internetleverantör som mottagaren. Detta är ett problem för internetleverantörerna eftersom de ofta behöver betala för trafik som lämnar eller går till deras nätverk. Utöver detta så kan de anslutningar som existerar mellan dessa nätverk inte alltid klara sådana mängder trafik, vilket gör att alla användare av de anslutningarna blir lidande. Detta har lett till att vissa internetleverantörer begränsar eller inte tillåter peer-to-peer-trafik överhuvudtaget. Systemet som utformats i detta arbete bygger på gossiping (ryktesspridning) för att förse användare med videoströmmen. För att minimera mängden trafik som skickas mellan användare hos olika internetleverantörer så jämför användarna avståndet i nätverkstopologin till andra användare och skapar bara anslutningar till de som befinner sig närmast. Avståndet mellan två internetleverantörer utgörs av antalet anslutningar mellan två internetleverantörers nätverk som måste passeras på vägen. Dessa avstånd är lagrade i en databas som finns lokalt hos varje användare. Så länge en användare kan se en videoström utan störningar så laddas den endast ner från närbelägna användare, men skulle dessa inte kunna tillgodose användaren med tillräcklig datahastighet så kommer andra, slumpmässigt utvalda, också att kontaktas för att bidra med delar av videoströmmen till denna användare. I den utvärdering av systemet som gjorts så har det visat sig fungera väl när tillgängliga resurser som bandbredd och tillförlitligheten i det fysiska nätverket är begränsade, samt under svåra förhållanden som när en stor del av användarna lämnar systemet samtidigt. Utvärderingen visar också att användarupplevelsen inte påverkas av förändringen som det innebär att föredra kommunikation med närbelägna användare, så länge några få slumpmässiga anslutningar är tillåtna i de fall då användare i närheten inte kan tillhandahålla tillräcklig datahastighet. Jämfört med att välja alla kommunikationspartners slumpmässigt så minskar tillvägagångssättet i detta arbete effektivt trafiken mellan olika internetleverantörer både sett till hela systemet och i enskilda nätverk—andelen trafik som utbyts mellan användare tillhörande samma internetleverantör blir i de flesta fall tio gånger större—och i stora nätverk som innehåller många användare så utgör trafik mellan dess användare 75 % av all systemets trafik i detta nätverk. Den design som utformats i detta arbete kan därför rekommenderas till utvecklare och tillhandahållare av både existerande och framtida tjänster som använder peer-to-peer-teknik, och som är intresserade av att minska belastningen som deras system utgör för internetleverantörer.
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Pushing the Limits of Gossip-Based Decentralised Machine LearningGiaretta, Lodovico January 2019 (has links)
Recent years have seen a sharp increase in the ubiquity and power of connected devices, such as smartphones, smart appliances and smart sensors. These de- vices produce large amounts of data that can be extremely precious for training larger, more advanced machine learning models. Unfortunately, it is some- times not possible to collect and process these datasets on a central system, due either to their size or to the growing privacy requirements of digital data handling.To overcome this limit, researchers developed protocols to train global models in a decentralised fashion, exploiting the computational power of these edge devices. These protocols do not require any of the data on the device to be shared, relying instead on communicating partially-trained models.Unfortunately, real-world systems are notoriously hard to control, and may present a wide range of challenges that are easily overlooked in academic stud- ies and simulations. This research analyses the gossip learning protocol, one of the main results in the area of decentralised machine learning, to assess its applicability to real-world scenarios.Specifically, this work identifies the main assumptions built into the pro- tocol, and performs carefully-crafted simulations in order to test its behaviour when these assumptions are lifted. The results show that the protocol can al- ready be applied to certain environments, but that it fails when exposed to certain conditions that appear in some real-world scenarios. In particular, the models trained by the protocol may be biased towards the data stored in nodes with faster communication speeds or a higher number of neighbours. Further- more, certain communication topologies can have a strong negative impact on the convergence speed of the models.While this study also suggests effective mitigations for some of these is- sues, it appears that the gossip learning protocol requires further research ef- forts, in order to ensure a wider industrial applicability. / Under de senaste åren har vi sett en kraftig ökning av närvaron och kraften hos anslutna enheter, såsom smartphones, smarta hushållsmaskiner, och smarta sensorer. Dessa enheter producerar stora mängder data som kan vara extremt värdefulla för att träna stora och avancerade maskininlärningsmodeller. Dessvärre är det ibland inte möjligt att samla in och bearbeta dessa dataset på ett centralt system, detta på grund av deras storlek eller de växande sekretesskraven för digital datahantering.För att lösa problemet har forskare utvecklar protokoller för att träna globala modeller på ett decentraliserat sätt och utnyttja beräkningsförmågan hos dessa enheter. Dessa protokoll kräver inte datan på enheter delas utan förlitar sig istället på att kommunicera delvis tränade modeller.Dessvärre så är verkliga system svåra att kontrollera och kan presentera ett brett spektrum av utmaningar som lätt överskådas i akademiska studier och simuleringar. Denna forskning analyserar gossip inlärning protokollet vilket är av de viktigaste resultaten inom decentraliserad maskininlärning, för att bedöma dess tillämplighet på verkliga scenarier.Detta arbete identifierar de huvudsakliga antagandena om protokollet och utför noggrant utformade simuleringar för att testa protokollets beteende när dessa antaganden tas bort. Resultaten visar att protokollet redan kan tillämpas i vissa miljöer, men att det misslyckas när det utsätts för vissa förhållanden som i verklighetsbaserade scenarier. Mer specifikt så kan modellerna som utbildas av protokollet vara partiska och fördelaktiga mot data lagrade i noder med snabbare kommunikationshastigheter eller ett högre antal grannar. Vidare kan vissa kommunikationstopologier få en stark negativ inverkan på modellernas konvergenshastighet.Även om denna studie kom fram till en förmildrande effekt för vissa av dessa problem så verkar det som om gossip inlärning protokollet kräver ytterligare forskningsinsatser för att säkerställa en bredare industriell tillämplighet.
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Gossip Talk and Online Community: Celebrity Gossip Blogs and Their AudiencesMeyers, Erin Ann 01 September 2010 (has links)
Celebrity gossip blogs have quickly established themselves as a new media phenomenon that is transforming celebrity culture. This dissertation is an examination of the impact of the technological and textual shifts engendered by new media on the use of gossip as a form of everyday cultural production. Broadly, I investigate the historical role of gossip media texts in celebrity culture and explore how celebrity gossip blogs have reconfigured audience engagements with celebrity culture. Following Gamson’s (1994) approach to celebrity as a cultural phenomenon, I separate celebrity gossip blogs into three elements—texts, producers, and audiences—and examine the interplay between them using ethnographic methods adapted to the new media setting. I begin with an investigation of what is being said about celebrity on gossip blogs, supported by my five–week online fieldwork observation of six heavily–trafficked, commercially–supported celebrity gossip blogs. I focus on visual images and blogger commentary as the key elements of gossip blogs as media texts. I supplement these observations with oral interviews of the producers of these texts, the gossip bloggers. I argue that the blogger, as the primary author of the site, retains authority as a cultural producer of these texts. The final component of this study focuses on the reading and cultural production practices of celebrity gossip blog audiences using data gathered online and through a qualitative survey. I examine the various ways these practices support the emergence of community within these virtual spaces. While I claim that gossip is an active engagement with celebrity culture well suited to new media's emphasis on immediacy and interactivity, I conclude that an active audience is necessarily a resistant one. Blogs can be seen as a space for intervention into celebrity culture that allows bloggers and readers to challenge the power of the media industry to define celebrity culture. However, gossip blogs often uphold oppressive norms, particularly around questions of gender, race, and sexuality. Gossip is an important area of inquiry because it reveals the way women, the predominant audience for and participants on gossip blogs, may be implicated in the normative ideologies forwarded by the celebrity media.
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Nobody Does It Better: How Cecily Von Ziegesar’s Controversial Novel Series “Gossip Girl” Spawned The Popular Genre of Teen Chick LitNaugle, Briel Nichole 23 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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"Several Unhandsome Words": The Politics of Gossip in Early VirginiaEisel, Christine 26 March 2012 (has links)
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"Allegedly...": A Test of the Theory of Motivated Information Management in the Context of Targets' Experiences with GossipRosenberg, Jenny 22 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Going Viral in Ancient Rome: Spreading and Controlling Information in the Roman RepublicMcCarthy, Brendan James 02 August 2018 (has links)
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Écoutez voir : revisiter le genre par les voix des femmes dans les séries télévisées américaines contemporaines / Watch and Listen : Reconsidering Gender through women's voices in contemporary American TV seriesLe Fèvre-Berthelot, Anaïs 05 December 2015 (has links)
Certaines séries télévisées américaines proposent un traitement riche et problématique des voix féminines. Ainsi, Ally McBeal (Fox, 1997-2002), Sex and the City (HBO, 1998-2004), Desperate Housewives (ABC, 2004-2012) et Gossip Girl (The CW, 2007-2012) utilisent une voix-off féminine, mettent en scène des discussions entre femmes et ont pour personnages principaux des femmes qui prennent la parole dans la sphère publique. L’analyse de ces voix multiples démontre comment les dispositifs centrés sur la voix et le discours participent de la représentation des femmes, de la féminité et des rapports de genre à la télévision américaine. Cette recherche s’inscrit dans les études télévisuelles féministes en proposant une synthèse des courants qui constituent cette approche. L’analyse des contenus est associée à une prise en compte du contexte de production tout en ébauchant une étude des processus de réception. Ces trois dimensions permettent d’envisager les séries comme des « actes-en-société ». Les études filmiques et télévisuelles, l’histoire et les sciences de l’information et de la communication notamment sont convoquées pour étudier les représentations du genre dans un corpus d’épisodes de séries, d’entretiens avec des professionnels et de réactions de téléspectatrices et téléspectateurs.Si les voix des femmes n’ont pas toujours eu droit de cité dans les médias américains, elles émergent massivement dans les séries depuis les années 1990 notamment grâce à l’héritage du soap opera, genre audiovisuel féminin mettant au premier plan des relations interpersonnelles et des dilemmes moraux. La pratique du commérage apparaît comme un modèle pour de nombreux récits sériels mettant en scène l’intimité. Les séries inscrivent ainsi les voix des femmes dans une économie médiatique en réseaux proposant une réactualisation des représentations du genre. / Several recent American TV series offer an original treatment of women’s voices. Ally McBeal (Fox, 1997-2002), Sex and the City (HBO, 1998-2004), Desperate Housewives (ABC, 2004-2012) and Gossip Girl (The CW, 2007-2012) use female voiceovers, emphasize women’s talk and center on female characters who have a public voice. Analyzing these voices shows how audiovisual apparatuses centered on voice and speech convey specific representations of women, femininity and gender on American television.This research mobilizes feminist televisual studies in focusing not only on contents, but also on production and reception. Thus TV series can be understood as « social acts », that have a direct impact on society. Borrowing tools from film and television studies, history and media studies is necessary to analyze the series’ episodes, several interviews conducted with TV writers and online reactions from viewers.American media contained women’s voices for a long time. They started to appear in TV series in the 1990s, in part through the influence of the soap opera genre, which focuses on interpersonal relations and moral dilemmas. Gossip is a gendered practice linked to the soap opera, it is a model for many contemporary serial narratives that foreground intimacy. The series set women’s voices in a networked economy and thus re-actualize gendered representations.
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