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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Minska risk för vindskador i granbestånd – hur fungerar ett verktyg för riskanalys i praktiken / Reducing the risk of wind damage in spruce forest stands – evaluating a practical tool

Wimarson, Anders January 2021 (has links)
Starka vindar orsakar stora skador för det svenska skogsbruket och samhället. Därför är det viktigt att kunna hitta de bestånd som har hög sannolikhet att drabbas av dessa skador. För att lyckas med detta krävs ett enkelt verktyg där bestånden kan bedömas med denutrustning och den kunskap som finns ute på de svenska skogsgårdarna.Den här studien utvärderar och testar ett verktyg som är framtagen av Olofsson & Blennow (2005). Resultatet visar att verktyget fungerar och att det är användarvänligt. Av 90 undersökta bedömningarresulterade 23 % i hög sannolikhet för stormskador på den undersökta gården i norra Halland. Studien visar också på vikten av att använda aktuella data och arbeta med hög noggrannhet i framtagandet avbeståndsdata. De viktigaste parametrarna för att bedömasannolikheten var beståndskantshöjd och HD-kvot.

Assessment of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition: Possible Effects on Alpine Ecosystems Above 9000 Feet In Grand Teton National Park

Hansen, Jennifer 01 May 2012 (has links)
Atmospheric N deposition is becoming a stressor on ecosystems in the western U.S. There are few National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) monitoring sites and little is known about N deposition impacts on terrestrial ecosystems in the Intermountain West. Alpine ecosystems may be particularly sensitive to changes in N inputs because of the shallow soils, short growing seasons, and sparse plant cover. This study focused on N deposition effects on an alpine ecosystem in Grand Teton National Park located along a modeled N deposition gradient (Moose Basin high, Paint Brush Medium, Rendezvous Mtn. low) and across contrasting edaphic conditions using a two-factorial design. At each location, we estimated N deposition and measured soil moisture and temperature across edaphic conditions, soil parameters (total and extractable N, available N, net mineralization, and nitrification potential), and plant community characteristics (species richness, species composition, percent cover, plant and root biomass, N content, and above and belowground plant components). These response variables were used to test whether there is a north to south N deposition gradient, if N deposition and N status are affected by soil moisture content, and whether soil and/or plant properties were affected by N deposition and edaphic conditions and if the response variables can serve as indicators as early warning signs of N saturation. The Tetons receive 1.42 kg N ha-1 yr-1 with more in winter (0.85-1.17 kg N ha-1 yr-1) than during the summer (0.25 kg N ha-1 yr-1). Soil moisture content was related to snowpack accumulations and melt but did not affect N status. Moose Basin (i.e., high N deposition) showed characteristics of an N-rich site shown by higher soil N content and extractable soil NH4+, higher nitrification potential, low C:N ratios, more aboveground biomass, and higher foliar N content compared to the RDV location. Rendezvous Mountain (i.e., low N deposition) showed characteristics of an N-poor site having lower soil extractable N, high C:N ratios in soil and roots, and low N mineralization potential. Paint Brush was highly variable in soil and plant characteristics and most clearly showed differences between wet and dry sites. In terms of N status, it was intermediate and shared similarities with both N-poor and N-rich sites. This study shows that it is important to consider both soil and plant indicators (i.e., total and extractable N in soils, soil nitrification potential, above and belowground biomass, and N content) together to assess N status. The C:N ratio of plants and soils was less informative than anticipated. Species richness and composition was a less sensitive indicator of N-induced change and should be considered for long-term assessments only.

Kontinuität, Verdichtung, Synchronizität: Zu den großformalen Funktionen des gepressten Bogenstrichs in Helmut Lachenmanns Streichquartetten

Egger, Elisabeth 10 July 2023 (has links)
Helmut Lachenmann’s three string quartets Gran Torso. Musik für Streichquartett (1970/71 with later revisions), »Reigen seliger Geister« (1989) and »Grido« (2000/2001, rev. 2002) introduce a huge variety of extended playing techniques that are first listed systematically allowing for a comparison between the three works on a purely technical level. It becomes obvious that most of the extended techniques are introduced in the first quartet and that the subsequent quartets show increasingly smaller selections of these techniques. This especially applies to the most prominent of these techniques: the pressed bow, described by the composer as »rattling«, which symbolizes Lachenmann’s sound world like no other technique. Although the statistics again show the highest degree of timbral differentiation in the first quartet, the pressed bow indeed takes a crucial formal function in all three works. Each quartet includes a relatively long section or field in which this technique dominates. Although the transformation processes by which these fields are integrated show some degree of similarity, a separate predominant function can be discerned for each field. In Gran Torso, the pressed bow section is part of a complex continuous transformation from »tenuto« sounds to single impulses, not least due to its »perforated« sound quality. Whereas this transformation integrates a huge variety of different timbres, »Reigen seliger Geister« condenses the music to two main sound qualities, »flautato« sounds and pizzicato-impulses. The pressed bow field here forms part of a much more concentrated large-scale development and most prominently figures in the retransition from pizzicato-chords to »toneless« impulses towards the end of the piece. In »Grido«, the pressed bow fields integrate other playing techniques as well as pitched sounds, and can be characterized by a tendency towards rhythmic and pitch-related synchronicity that also describes a large-scale formal tendency in this work. Except for the pressed bow sections, the musical flow in this work cannot be characterised by playing techniques anymore, but might be divided into »calm« and »agitated« fields that are interconnected by the »rattling fields«. The analysis provides evidence for the argument that the pressed bow technique, which often was misunderstood as a simple »negation« of beautiful sound, fulfills an essential structural function in Lachenmann’s music.

Una mujer en la revolución conservadora : el caso de Margaret Thatcher, imagen y pensamiento en el Perú de los ochenta

Gálvez Carcelén, Mauricio Rafael 21 August 2017 (has links)
El propósito de esta investigación será el análisis de la imagen que tanto Margaret Thatcher, así como su pensamiento, el thatcherismo, reflejó en el Perú de la década de 1980. La Dama de Hierro, adalid de la Revolución Conservadora, es un personaje que encarnó las dimensiones tanto política como de género, así como también rompió esquemas en la política mundial al resaltar sus cualidades en ambos campos. Si bien es un personaje ajeno a nuestra realidad nacional, no se puede negar su gravitación en el escenario internacional: un referente obligatorio del liberalismo durante el contexto de la Revolución Conservadora y más allá, Thatcher despertó admiración así como críticas en latitudes tan alejadas como puede serlo el Perú del Reino Unido. Prueba de ello son las constantes menciones durante la Guerra de las Malvinas, así como también sus reuniones con políticos de nuestro país tales como Manuel Ulloa y Alberto Fujimori, y su inspiración para la plataforma política de Mario Vargas Llosa en las elecciones de 1990. Para esta investigación, fueron de consulta fundamental fuentes como los diarios El Comercio y La República, así como también revistas tales cual Quehacer, Monos y Monadas, y Caretas.

El crédito en los procesos de crecimiento y desarrollo económico. La experiencia española en las situaciones de crisis financieras. El papel de las instituciones y de los reguladores del sistema financiero. ¿Han tenido efectos la desaparición de las cajas de ahorros?

Torres García de las Bayonas, Sonia María 14 July 2022 (has links)
El crédito en los ciclos económicos, su vinculación con las sociedades no financieras y la retroalimentación de los efectos; de qué manera las crisis lesionan el crédito y su posterior traslado a la economía real, hogares y empresas y, mientras todo se desencadena, cómo actúan los que tienen el cometido de salvaguardar el sistema.

Isoconversional analysis for the prediction of mass-loss rates during pyrolysis of biomass

Norberg Samuelsson, Lina January 2016 (has links)
Biomass is the only renewable carbon source that can compete with fossil energy sources in terms of production of materials, chemicals and fuels. Biomass can be transformed into charcoal, liquid and gas through pyrolysis, i.e. pure thermal decomposition. By changing the pyrolysis conditions either solid, liquid or gaseous fractions can become the main product and pyrolysis is thus a very versatile process. Pyrolysis is also the first step in combustion and gasification, two important thermal processes in our society. The importance of biomass pyrolysis has led to extensive research in this area but due to the complexity of the process there is still no general understanding of how to describe biomass pyrolysis, which is essential in order to optimize thermal processes. The research presented in this thesis thus aims at finding a simple yet accurate way to model the decomposition rate of biomass during pyrolysis. Thermogravimetric analysis, a well known method that is simple to use, was chosen to collect the experimental data used for kinetic evaluation. The reaction kinetics were derived using two different model-free, isoconversional methods, i.e. the non-linear form of the Friedman method and the incremental, integral method ofVyazovkin. By using these two methods and experimental data, complete reactionrate expressions could be derived for commercial cellulose, Norway spruce and seven different samples originating from kraft cooking, the most common process to produce pulp for the paper industry. The derivation of model-free rate expressions have never been performed before for these materials and since the rate expressions are model-free, no assumptions or knowledge about the pyrolysis reactions were required. This is a great advantage compared to the commonly used model-fitting methods that rely on information about these aspects. All therate expressions were successful in predicting mass-loss rates at extrapolated pyrolysis conditions. This is a clear indication of the soundness of the methodologypresented in this thesis. / Biomassa är den enda förnybara kolkällan som kan konkurrera med fossila energikällor när det gäller produktion av material, kemikalier och bränslen. Biomassakan omvandlas till biokol, bioolja och gas med hjälp av pyrolys, dvs termisk nedbrytning. Genom att variera de processförhållanden som råder under pyrolysen kan man få antingen fast, flytande eller gasfasiga ämnen som huvudprodukt, något som gör pyrolys väldigt flexibelt. Utöver detta är pyrolys även betydelsefull vid förbränning och förgasning, två viktiga processer i dagens samhälle. Vikten av biomassapyrolys har resulterat i omfattande forskning inom området men pga biomassas komplexa natur råder det ännu ingen enighet gällande hur biomassapyrolys bör modelleras. Detta försvårar utveckling och optimering av termiska processer matade med biomassa. Forskningen som presenteras i denna avhandling fokuserar således på att finna en enkel men noggrann metod för att beskriva hastigheten med vilken biomassa bryts ned under pyrolys. Termogravimetrisk analys, en vanligt förekommande metod som är enkel att använda, valdes för att samla in experimentell data som kan användas för att undersöka hastigheten för termisk nedbrytning, dvs kinetiken. Två olika metoder som på engelska går under benämningen “model-free” och “isoconversional” har använts, nämligen den icke-linjära formen av Friedmans metod och den stegvisa, integrala metoden som utvecklats av Vyazovkin. Genom att använda dessa två metoder och experimentell data kunde kompletta reaktionshastighetsuttryck tas fram för kommersiell cellulosa, gran och sju olika material framställda genom sulfatprocessen, den idag vanligast förekommande pappersmassaprocessen. Pyrolyskinetiken för dessa material har aldrig tidigare analyserats med dessa två metoder och fördelarna med metoderna gjorde det möjligt att bestämma hastighetsuttryck utan någon kunskap om de pågående reaktionerna. Detta är en viktig fördel jämfört med andra metoder som är beroende av sådan information. Alla framtagna reaktionshatighetsuttryck kunde användas för att framgångsrikt förutsäga minskningen av massa vid extrapolerade pyrolysförhållanden. Detta är en tydlig indikation på att metoden använd i denna avhandling fungerar väl. / <p>QC 20160524</p>

Stråkröjning och skogsbränsleuttag i unga granbestånd jämfört med konventionella metoder : Två fältstudier vid Asa försökspark / Pre-commercial line thinning and wood fuel extraction in young spruce stands compared to conventional methods : Two field studies at the Asa Experimental Forest

Rosander, Konrad January 2006 (has links)
<p>Den här uppsatsen grundar sig på två fältstudier i nyutlagda demonstrationsförsök på Asa försökspark som ska användas i utbildningssyfte. Studie 1 bestod av försöksytor i ett 13 år gammalt bestånd som röjts till samma röjningsförband men med tre skilda metoder; motormanuell selektiv röjning, maskinell stråkröjning och som en kombination av bägge metoderna. Syftet var att beskriva det nuvarande tillståndet, simulera fram prognoser för beståndsutvecklingen och beräkna dess ekonomiska konsekvenser fram till och med första gallring och jämföra de olika metoderna med varandra. Studie 2 bestod av försöksytor i ett 23 år gammalt eftersatt bestånd där fyra olika åtgärder testades; ingen röjning innan gallring, underröjning i samband med gallring, sen röjning och skogsbränsleuttag. Syftet var även här att jämföra de olika metoderna med varandra genom beskrivning av det nuvarande tillståndet, göra prognoser för beståndsutvecklingen och beräkna dess ekonomiska konsekvenser vid första gallring och i den här studien även fram till och med den andra gallringen. De två nya metoderna, stråkröjningsmetoderna i studie 1 och skogsbränsleuttag i studie 2, hade stor potential gentemot de konventionella metoderna.</p> / <p>This thesis is based on two field studies in a recently started demonstration experiment by the Asa Experimental Forest, where it will be used for educational purposes. Study 1 consisted of experimental plots in a 13 years old stand which have been pre-commercial thinned to the same number of tree stems but with three different methods: motor-manual selective pre-commercial thinning by brush saw, mechanical pre-commercial line thinning and as a combination of the both methods. The purpose was to describe the present status, run simulations and produce forecasts for the development of the stand and calculate the economical aspects up to and including the first thinning and then compare the different methods with each other. Study 2 consists of experimental plots in a 23 years old stand with a pre-commercial thinning backlog, where four different treatments were tested; no pre-commercial thinning at all before the first thinning, low pre-commercial thinning in connection with the first thinning, late pre-commercial thinning and extraction of wood fuel. The purpose was also here to compare the different methods with each other through describing the present status, run simulations and produce forecasts for the development of the stand and calculate the economical aspects at the first thinning and in this study also up to and including the second thinning. The two new methods, mechanical pre-commercial line thinning in study 1 and wood fuel extraction in study 2, showed a great potential in comparison with the conventional methods.</p>

Extraction of logging residues for bioenergy : effects of operational methods on fuel quality and biomass losses in the forest / Uttag av skogsbränsle : hanteringens och lagringens inverkan på grotens bränslekvalitet samt biomassaförluster i skogen

Nilsson, Bengt January 2016 (has links)
Wood products play a key role in the transformation to a more sustainable society based on renewable bio-based resources, together with the positive effects on climate mitigation by replacing fossil fuels. However, to increase the use of forest fuel in practice it is important to understand the effects of handling and storage on its quality and removal of nutrients from the forest. This thesis addresses these effects with special focus on a comparative evaluation of the traditional dried-stacked with “new” and to some extent more controversial fresh-stacked methods for extraction of logging residues from Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst). The results indicate that a normal extraction of logging residues will leave at least 20% of logging residues at the clear-felled area, in accordance with Swedish Forest Agency recommendations. However, the results also indicate that the ambition of the dried-stacked method to leave the majority of the needles well spread over the clear-felled area does not meet these recommendations. In fact, the harvesting operation is more important than the extraction method, with respect to how much logging residues (nutrients) being left in the forest. The results also show that the quality of fuel yielded by the two handling methods differs only to minor extent, indicating that other factors have stronger effects, where “dried-stacked” and “fresh-stacked” logging residues from different clear-felling areas is often similar. Generally, logging residues stored over summer (regardless method), seem to provide sufficiently dry forest fuel, with a needle content of about 5–10%. There is a clear correlation between drying and effective loss of needles from twigs, but the loss does not necessarily mean that the needles will remain in the forest.  However, needle color (green or brown) is not a strong indicator for a reduction in needle content. Acceptance of the fresh-stacked method would provide opportunities for the development of new technologies, more efficient use of machinery throughout the whole year, reduced costs, shorter lead times and increased amounts of logging residues extracted from each clear-felled area. This is mainly because it would enable extraction at optimal times from a logistical, financial and/or forestry perspectives. Written in English with summary and conclusion in Swedish. / Skogen och dess produkter har en nyckelroll i omställningen till ett framtida hållbart samhälle eftersom användande av träråvara har en positiv effekt på klimatet, t.ex. genom träbyggande eller att fossila bränslen ersätts med bioenergi. Men för att kunna ta tillvara mer skogsbränsle i form av grenar och toppar (grot) från bestånd dominerade av gran (Picea abies (L.) Karst) är det viktigt att förstå hur hanteringen påverkar såväl bränslekvalitet som bortförsel av näringsämnen från skogen. Denna avhandling belyser hanteringens effekter på bränslekvalitet och näringsförluster genom att jämföra den traditionella metoden (skotning av torkad grot, ”brunrisskotning”), med den ”nya” och till viss del ifrågasatta skotningen av färsk grot (”grönrisskotning”). Resultatet visar att ett normalt grot-uttag kommer att lämna minst 20 % av groten kvar på hygget, helt i linje med Skogsstyrelsens rekommendationer. Däremot uppfylls inte rekommendationerna med avseende på att lämna merparten av barren väl spridda på hygget, detta trots att det är ambitionen med den traditionella hyggestorkningen av grot. Hur mycket grot (och således näringsämne) som lämnas kvar på hygget påverkas i själva verket mer av hur avverkningen utförs, än när groten skotas ihop. Resultatet visar också en skillnad i bränslekvalitet mellan de båda beskrivna hanteringsmetoderna. Denna skillnad är dock så liten att andra faktorer sannolikt påverkar mer än hanteringsmetoden. Hyggestorkad grot från ett enskilt hygge i södra Sverige, kan i verkligheten ofta vara ganska likt färskskotad grot från ett annat hygge. Grot som har lagrats över sommaren kan alltså förväntas ha torkat tillräckligt, samt ha en barrandel på ca 5–10 % oavsett hanteringsmetod. Det verkar också finnas ett klart samband mellan torkning och att barren släpper från kvisten, men det betyder inte nödvändigtvis att barren blir kvar i skogen. Hur som helst, barrens färg (gröna eller bruna) är inte en rättvisande indikator på avbarrning. Om skotning av färsk grot accepteras ger det möjligheter för utveckling av ny teknik, effektivare användning av maskinresurser över hela året, minskade kostnader, kortare ledtider, samt möjligt ökat grot-uttag från enskilda hyggen. Detta beror främst på att det skulle vara möjligt att utföra grot-uttaget när det passar bäst ur ett logistiskt, ekonomiskt och/eller skogligt perspektiv. Skriven på engelska, men med sammanfattning och slutsatser på svenska / <p><strong>Tidigare handledare har också varit:</strong></p><p>Thomas Thörnqvist, Professor, Linnéuniversitetet</p><p>Dick Dandberg, Professor, Linnéuniversitetet</p><p>Åsa Blom, Docent, Linnéuniversitetet</p><p><strong>Sammanläggningsavhandlingen består av totalt fyra Paper:</strong></p><p>Paper I</p><p>Nilsson, B., Blom, Å., Thörnqvist, T. 2013. The influence of two different handling methods on the moisture content and composition of logging residues. <em>Biomass and Bioenergy</em>, 52, 34–42.</p><p>Paper II</p><p>Nilsson, B., Nilsson, D., Thörnqvist, T. 2015. Distributions and losses of logging residues at clear-felled areas during extraction for bioenergy: Comparing dried- and fresh-stacked method. <em>Forests</em>, 6, 4212–4227.</p><p>Paper III</p><p>Nilsson, D., Nilsson, B., Thörnqvist, T., Bergh, J. 2016. Amount of nutrients extracted and left behind at the clear-felled area using the fresh- and dried-stacked method of logging residue extraction. Submitted to <em>Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research </em>(2016-11-01).</p><p>Paper IV</p><p>Nilsson, B., Lerman, P. 2016. Experimental study of relations between defoliation, moisture content and color change in logging residues. Department of Forestry and Wood Technology, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden. <em>Manuscript</em>.</p>

Simbolismo y Tema de la Personalidad en el Gran Dios Brown de Eugene O’Neill. Investigación Teórica y Reflexión Sobre una Experiencia de Montaje

Sanhueza Tohá, Jaime January 2006 (has links)
El presente trabajo es el resultado de una investigación teórica y de una experiencia de montaje en torno a El gran Dios Brown de Eugene O’Neill. Esta obra, una de las favoritas del autor, fue escrita en 1925, y suele ser considerada como una de las más interesantes y polémicas de su producción. Esquemáticamente la pieza trata del conflicto que sostienen por más de treinta años el convencional y materialista Billy Brown, con el idealista, sufrido y creativo Dion Anthony. Ambos compiten a nivel profesional y luchan por el amor de Margarita (que se transformaría en esposa de Dion) y por la posesión de Sibila (una prostituta amante de Dion que simboliza a la Tierra Madre). La tragedia se agudiza cuando al morir Dion, Billy hereda la personalidad de su rival (simbolizada en la obra original por una máscara) y se transforma en una suerte de esquizofrénico, que alternativamente vivencia las identidades de ambos protagonistas. Gracias a su nueva personalidad, Brown logra usurpar el talento creativo y los amores de Dion, pero sufre la desintegración de su antigua identidad. Finalmente, Billy muere en brazos de Sibila, tras recibir un balazo de la policía. En ese momento se acaba de comprender que los protagonistas simbolizan dos aspectos en pugna dentro del hombre actual, que según el autor está escindido, y que en la obra, metafóricamente, se reintegra y se encuentra a sí mismo en la agonía

La tutela penale della religione in Italia e Gran Bretagna: profili storici e di diritto comparato / The Criminal Protection of Religion in Italy and Great Britain: Historical and Comparative Aspects

GIANFREDA, ANNA 15 February 2008 (has links)
La tesi affronta la problematica dell'intervento penale a tutela della religione in Italia e Gran Bretagna, concentrandosi in particolare sulle fattispecie “tradizionali” di vilipendio, bestemmia e blasphemy. La sezione prima prende in esame essenzialmente il profilo storico della disciplina penalistica e confessionale a tutela della religione mettendo in luce la nascita, l'evoluzione e la conformazione dei delitti di religione nei due ordinamenti sino alle soglie del XIX secolo. La seconda sezione, invece, analizza il diritto moderno e l'attuale configurazione del vilipendio, della bestemmia e delle religious offences, in una prospettiva di diritto comparato, nel contesto contemporaneo del pluralismo, della secolarizzazione e della dimensione “europea” del fenomeno religioso e delle libertà ad esso connesse. La peculiare posizione giuridica della canon law della established Church of England nell'ordinamento britannico ha reso necessario inoltre uno sguardo sullo status della blasphemy nell'ambito delle doctrinal offences, con lo scopo di studiare le reciproche influenze tra le religious offences nella common law e quelle previste nell'ordinamento “interno” alla Church of England. Le chiavi di lettura concettuali che emergono dalla ricerca sono: il rapporto tra “sistemi di diritto ecclesiastico” (relazioni tra Stato e Chiesa) e scelte politico-criminali a tutela del fenomeno religioso, l'evoluzione del bene protetto e del fondamento della tutela penale nella giurisprudenza dei due Paesi, i modelli di tutela penale (alternativa tutela speciale/tutela comune), i recenti sviluppi del “diritto penale di religione” ed infine il problema della laicità in rapporto alla tutela penale del fenomeno religioso. / This work aims to study the criminal law providing for the defence of religion in Italy and Great Britain, focusing upon such traditional criminal conducts as “vilipendio”, bestemmia and blasphemy. The first section deals with the historical reconstruction of criminal and religious law protecting religion, in order to give an account of the origin and the evolution of the legal provisions concerning the religious offences within both Italian and British legal systems until the beginning of the nineteenth century. The second section examines the legal provisions, stipulated in the modern and contemporary ages, of the offences of “vilipendio”, “bestemmia” as well as British religious offences, in a comparative law perspective, within the framework of pluralism, secularisation and the European dimension of religious freedom. It has been necessary to study the legal provisions concerning blasphemy also as to doctrinal offences, in order to explain the peculiar legal status of the Canon Law of the Church of England, as well as to understand the mutual influences between the religious common law offences and the doctrinal offences in the domestic law of the Church of England. The main conclusions of this research work concern the connection between “the Ecclesiastical Law systems” (that is, the systems of State-Church relations) ad the choices of the legislator to protect the religious dimension; the evolution of the legal content as well as of the rationes of the criminal law within the Italian and British jurisprudence; the patterns of criminal law (seen as an alternative between special and general protection); the recent developments of the concept of “religious offence” and the problem of the relations between secularisation and the criminal protection of religion.

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