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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Gran Teatre del Liceu in Catalan culture : history, representation and myth

Allwood, Charlie January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the position of Barcelona’s Gran Teatre del Liceu within Barcelona’s cultural lanscapeas a means of exploring its modern-day role as one of Europe’s most important opera houses. Other studies of the Liceu have provided extensive historical narratives, but have rarely considered any kind of sociological or cultural theory when analysing the theatre’s role in the city. Chapter 1 explores the Liceu in Spanish and Catalan literature and dramaturgy and questions its role as a representative of upper-class Barcelona culture, and the changes this role has undergone over the course of Spain’s transition to democracy. The Liceu’s location in the adjacent Raval district is examined in Chapter 2: the area has undergone considerable physical and demographic changes over the last decades, and the opera house’s relationship to this area and the larger Barcelona context is discussed in some detail. The third chapter contextualises the Liceu within the wider Catalan cultural panorama and examines the impact of the recession in Spain, which has greatly affected cultural spending, and consequently the theatre’s programme. This problem has been aggravated by an awkward, opaque system of management; the thesis provides examples and analysis of the difficulties the theatre experienced between 2010 and 2013. The final chapter seeks to underline the efforts of the artistic direction to make the Liceu a referent of modern European operatic productions, with three case studies of stagings that represent modern interpretations of opera by contemporary Catalan directors. These works have been chosen as representative of the Liceu’s determined modernisation of the operatic spectacle and of its commitment to local artists. The thesis aims to present a more critical view of Barcelona’s opera house that goes beyond chronological narrative and anecdote in depicting the modern-day situation of the institution and its place in the Barcelona context.

De Ariane Mnouchkine a Andrés Pérez : un estudio comparado de sus poéticas directoriales.

Castañeda Cuatindioy, Carlos January 2017 (has links)
Magíster en artes con mención en dirección teatral

Jämförelse mellan viltbehandlade och obehandlade granplantor : Med inriktning på höjdtillväxt och betesfrekvens / Comparison of spruce seedlings treated with deer repellents and untreted spruce seedlings : Focusing on height growth and grazing rate

Edlund, Pia January 2012 (has links)
The report is a comparative study between spruce plantations where 4 plants are treated with deer repellents and 4 plantations are untreated. The study aims to provide a base for the Forest Society's future decisions regarding the use of wildlife-repellents.  The report indicates that wildlife-repellents work reasonably well for its purpose, the treated stocks were virtually untouched during the planting year and next year while the untreated stocks have been heavily grazed during these years.  Growth difference between grazed plants and ungrazed plants found to be virtually non-existent (0, 01 m) of the treated stocks and 0, 07 m in the untreated plants. Because of the growth differences are so small between grazed and no grazed plants, it seems like the treatment of deer-repellent are unnecessary. Unless you know in particularly that the area has a specific problem whit severe deer-grazing.

Plantering av barrplantor på hösten : överlevnad och tillväxt / Planting of coniferous seedlings in autumn : survival and growth

Johansson, Ingvor January 2011 (has links)
Detta arbeta har utförts för att undersöka hur höstplantering av täckrotsodlad gran (Picea abies) och tall (Pinus sylvestris) överlever och utvecklas jämfört med vårplanterad. Detta i ett led för att se om man kan utöka planteringssäsongen för att få en jämnare arbetsbelastning över säsongen både i plantskolorna och ute i fält. Man har undersökt hur en planteringstidpunkt på sensommaren och hösten påverkar granplantors överlevnad jämfört med plantering på våren. Studien är utförd som en survey studie i södra Sverige på täckrotsplantor av gran som planterats på medelboniteter 2007-2009 och inventerats 2010. Höst och vårplanterade granplantor är jämförda parvis med samma planttyp, ålder, proveniens och geografiskt område. Följande saker har jämförts; plantor per hektar, höjdtillväxt, toppskottstillväxt, rothalsdiametern, frostskador, viltskador samt snytbaggeskador. Höstplantering av täckrotsodlad gran (Picea abies) ger ett lika bra resultat som vårplantering vad gäller överlevnad hos plantor. Höjdtillväxt och diametertillväxt blev något bättre på de höstplanterade plantorna jämfört med vårplanterade efterföljande vår. Höstplanterade plantor skadades något mer av frost än de vårplanterade gjorde, speciellt första säsongen. Vårplanterade plantor fick något mer viltskador än höstplanterade vilket kan bero på färre frostskador. Vårplanterade plantor skadades något mer av snytbagge än de höstplanterade. Snytbaggeskadorna var störst på de torra jordarna i östra området. Höstplantering av täckrotsodlad tall (Pinus sylvestris) gav ett lika bra resultat när det gäller överlevande plantor som gran. / This work has been performed in order to investigate if Norway spruce (Picea abies) and pine (Pinus sylvestris) container-grown seedlings planted in autumn gives the same quality as planting in spring in terms of surviving plants. This is in part to see if one can extend the planting season to get a more even workload over the season, both in nurseries and in the field. The study is designed as a survey study in Southern Sweden on container-grown seedlings of Norway spruce and pine planted 2007-2009 and inventoried 2010. The following things have been compared; plants per hectare, height growth, leading shoot growth, stem diameter, frost damage, damage by wild animals and pine weevil damage. Planting of Norway spruce (Picea abies) container-grown seedlings in autumn gives the same quality as planting in spring in terms of surviving plants. Height growth and diameter growth were slightly better the following season for seedlings planted in autumn compared to seedlings planted in spring. Seedlings planted in autumn were damaged by frost more than seedlings planted the spring, especially the first season. Seedlings planted in spring were slightly more damaged by wild animals than seedlings planted in autumn which may be because of less frost damage. Seedlings planted in spring were slightly a little more damaged by pine weevil than seedlings planted in autumn. Pine weevil damage was greatest in the arid soils in the eastern area. Container-grown seedlings of pine (Pinus sylvestris) planted in autumn gave equally good results as seedlings planted of Norway spruce.

Effekter av superabsorbent på granplantors överlevnad och tillväxt / Effects of superabsorbent on survival and growth of spruce seedlings

Holm, Boris January 2014 (has links)
Denna studie beskriver effekterna beträffande överlevnad och tillväxt hos gran (Picea abeis L. Karst) vid tillsats av superabsorbent Luquasorb 1280R i samband med plantering under olika betingelser. Plantor i form av täckrot och barrot studerades. Tillsats av superabsorbent visade sig ha en positiv inverkan på de studerade parametrarna i jämförelse med referensmaterial utan tillsats av superabsorbent. Detta visade sig särskilt vid extremförsök under tak utan tillgång till vattentillförsel under försöksperioden, förutom vattentillsats i samband med plantering. / This study describes the effects concerning survival and growth of Norway spruce seedelings (Picea abeis L. Karst) by addition of superabsorbent Luquasorb 1280R in connection with planting under differnt conditions. Container seedlings and bare-root seedlings were studied. The addition of superabsorbent showed a positive influence regarding the studied parameters in comparision with reference material without the addition of superabsorbent. This was most obvious at the the extreme test under roof without access to additional water during the test period, except water added in connection with planting.

La celebració mediàtica de la Victòria a la Rússia post-soviètica. Anàlisi transversal dels observables de l'hegemonia en la commemoració televisiva de la Victòria sobre l'Alemanya nazi

Guerrero Solé, Frederic 04 October 2011 (has links)
La present tesi doctoral té com a objectiu l’anàlisi de la commemoració televisiva de la Victòria sobre l’Alemanya nazi a la Rússia post-soviètica. En particular, l’anàlisi es centra en la retransmissió de la desfilada militar del 9 de maig a la Plaça Roja de Moscou, el gran media event de la Rússia de Putin i Medvédev, i segueix el cami encetat per Dayan i Katz en l’estudi dels grans esdeveniments mediàtics. Tal i com indica el subtítol de la tesi, aquesta anàlisi és transversal; a part de la retransmissió de l’acte central de la commemoració, també s’ocupa d’analitzar els discursos presidencials dels darrers onze anys (2000-2010), utilitzant la metodologia de la semiòtica narrativa, així com l’anàlisi de les programacions del dia 9 de maig entre 1964 i 2010 del principal canal de televisió rus, i de l’agenda temàtica dels noticiaris de les principals televisions del país del 19 d’abril al 16 de maig de 2010. L’objectiu final de la tesi és posar de manifest les diferents estratègies que fan de la commemoració de la Victòria un esdeveniment mediàtic hegemònic a la Rússia actual i com a través d’aquest esdeveniment es constitueixen les bases de la identitat de la Rússia post-soviètica que converteix els seus ciutadans en soldats de la memòria històrica de la Victòria. / This thesis aims to analyze the TV celebration of the Victory over Nazi Germany in post-Soviet Russia. In particular, the analysis focuses on the broadcast of the military parade of 9 May in Moscow’s Red Square, the great media event in Putin’s and Medvedev’s Russia, and follows the path begun by Dayan and Katz in the study of media events. As indicated in the subtitle of the thesis, this analysis is cross-sectional; in addition to the broadcast of the main event of the commemoration, it also analyzes the presidential speeches from 2000 to 2010 —using narrative semiotics methods—, the programming on 9 May of Russia’s main television channel from 1964 to 2010 and the agenda of the main television news programmes in the country from April 19 to May 16 in 2010. The goal of this thesis is to highlight the different strategies that turn the commemoration of Victory into a hegemonic media event in present Russia, and how through this event the basis of post-Soviet Russian identity is constructed, turning the Russian citizen into a soldier of the historical memory of Victory.

Petrologia do pl?ton granitico serra verde, por??o lestre do dom?nio serid?

Costa, Lindaray Sousa da 19 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:08:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LindaraySC.pdf: 4257838 bytes, checksum: 9412fe333ae2e7c2ddef65c89e08a35e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-19 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The study area is located at the eastern-central portion of the Serid? Belt, on the interface between the Serid? Group Metasediments and the crystalline basement rocks of the Caic? Complex (RN). Petrographic and geochemical data allow us to define aspects related to the genesis and evolution of the Serra Verde Pluton magmas, which composes the goal of this dissertation The Serra Verde Pluton is a stock with outcropping area of about 25 km?, which is intrusive into metasedimentary sequence and the basement gneisses. The pluton intrusion is sintectonic to the Brasiliano event, elongated along the NE direction, developing a cornue geometry. The rock is a monzogranite mainly composed by K-feldspar, plagioclase and quartz, which usually compose more than 85% of the modal analisys. The main mafic mineral is the biotite, while amphibole, sphene, epidote, opaque minerals, allanite, zircon and apatite occur as accessory minerals. It features still a latemagmatic paragenesis composed by chlorite, granular epidote, carbonates and muscovite, developed through the percolation of late CO2 and H2O rich fluids. Chemically, the Serra Verde Pluton rocks may be classified as metaluminous, of calc-alkaline affiliation, sometimes showing trondhjem?tic characteristics, with high Na2O (>4,5%), Sr (>400ppm) and Ba (>800ppm) and low K2O (&#8804;3,0%), MgO (<1,0%), TiO2 (<0,5%), Rb (<90ppm), Y (&#8804;16ppm) and Zr (&#8804;13ppm). Micropetrographic evidences (mineral assembly and microtextures) indicate that the magma evolution occurred in moderated to high fO2 conditions, above the FMQ buffer. Thermo-barometric data obtained by minor elements geochemistry and the CIPW data, suggest a final/minimal pressure crystallization for the Serra Verde Pluton samples of about 3 to 5 kbar, liquidus temperature around 800o C, solidus temperature between 680o and 660o C. This data is compatible with those observed by many authors for the Neoproterozoic granites of the Serid? Belt. The group of analyzed data (Petrographic, microtextural and geochemical), suggests that the dominant process of the generation and evolution of the Serra Verde Granite magma was the fractional crystallization, probably from basement quartz-dioritic and tonalitic orthogneisses source / A ?rea estudada situa-se na por??o centro-leste da Faixa Serid?, na interface dos metassedimentos do Grupo Serid? e as rochas do embasamento cristalino do Complexo Caic? (RN). Dados petrogr?ficos e qeoqu?micos permitem definir os aspectos relativos ? g?nese e evolu??o do(s) magma(s) do Pl?ton Serra Verde, que constitui o alvo desta Disserta??o de Mestrado. O Pl?ton Serra Verde constitui um stock com ?rea aflorante de aproximadamente 25 Km2, intrusivo na seq??ncia metassedimentar e nos gnaisses do embasamento. Este pl?ton corresponde a uma intrus?o sintect?nica ao evento brasiliano, alongada na dire??o NE, com geometria en cornue. Trata-se de um monzogranito cuja assembl?ia mineral ominante ? composta por K-feldspato, plagiocl?sio e quartzo, que usualmente somam mais de 85% modal. Tem como m?fico principal a biotita, enquanto que anfib?lio itanita, ep?doto, opacos, allanita, zirc?o e apatita s?o os acess?rios. Apresenta ainda uma parag?nese tardi-magm?tica constiut?da de clorita, ep?doto granular, carbonato e muscovita, desenvolvida a partir da atua??o de flu?dos tardios ricos em CO2 e H2O. Quimicamente, as rochas do Pl?ton Serra Verde podem ser classificadas como metaluminosas, de filia??o c?lcio-alcalina, por vezes com caracter?sticas de associa??es trondhjem?ticas, com altos teores de Na2O (>4,5%), Sr (>400ppm) e Ba (>800ppm), e baixos teores de K2O (&#8804;3,0%), MgO (<1,0%), TiO2 (<0,5%), Rb (<90ppm), Y (&#8804;16ppm) e Zr (&#8804;13ppm). Evid?ncias micropetrogr?ficas (assembl?ias minerais e microtexturais) indicam que a evolu??o do magma ocorreu em condi??es de fO2 moderadas a elevadas, acima do tamp?o FMQ. Dados termobarom?tricos obtidos atrav?s da geoqu?mica de elementos menores, tra?os e dados normativos CIPW sugerem uma press?o final/m?nima de cristaliza??o para as amostras do Pl?ton Serra Verde em torno de 3 a 5 kbar, temperatura do l?quidus em torno de 800?C, e temperatura do solidus em torno 680 a 660?C. Estes dados s?o compat?veis com os observados por diversos autores em granit?ides neoproteroz?icos do Dom?nio Serid?. O conjunto de dados analisados (petrogr?ficos microtexturais e geoqu?micos), sugerem ainda que o processo dominante na gera??o e evolu??o do magma do granito Serra Verde se deu por cristaliza??o fracionada, sendo ortognaisses quartzo dior?ticos a tonal?ticos do complexo do embasamento, prov?veis candidatos para sua fonte

Características de las reacciones adversas medicamentosas en pacientes con VIH/SIDA con tratamiento antirretroviral en el Hospital María Auxiliadora periodo 2018

Rojas Evangelista, Yésica January 2019 (has links)
Determina las características de las reacciones adversas medicamentosas en pacientes con VIH/SIDA con tratamiento antirretroviral en el Hospital María Auxiliadora, periodo 2018. Describe las características de las reacciones adversas medicamentosas según edad y género, según fármacos antirretrovirales, según signos y síntomas, según la relación de causalidad y según la gravedad. Realiza un estudio descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo cuya población es de 130 pacientes y la muestra es de 103 fichas de reporte de sospecha de reacciones adversas a medicamentos antirretrovirales, de los pacientes con VIH/SIDA con tratamiento antirretroviral en el Hospital María Auxiliadora durante el año 2018. El grupo etario de mayor frecuencia fue de <25 – 36años> y preponderancia del sexo masculino los que presentaron la mayor cantidad de reacciones adversas en pacientes con virus inmunodeficiencia / Síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida en el Hospital María Auxiliadora. Los fármacos que causaron mayor frecuencia de reacción adversa en pacientes con VIH/SIDA con tratamiento antirretroviral en el HAMA fueron la zidovudina 300mg, con un 19,40%, seguida del efavirenz 600mg con un 14,60%. Las características de las reacciones adversas medicamentosas de los medicamentos antirretrovirales acorde a los signos y síntomas fueron las manifestaciones de la anemia con 32%, seguido de rash cutáneo con 30,10% y otros representa un 5,80%. Las reacciones adversas medicamentosas de medicamentos antirretrovirales conforme a la causalidad, es de mayor frecuencia el probable con 69,90%, seguido del posible con 17,50% y el de menor frecuencia es de definida con 12,60%; y según la gravedad el de mayor frecuencia fue el serio con 52,40%, seguido del no serio con 35,00% y el de menor frecuencia es de grave con 12,60% / Trabajo académico

Minskad årsringsbredd hos gran (Picea abies) : - en vitalitetsförlust efterföljande en torkperiod / Reduced annual ring width of spruce (Picea abies) : – a loss of vitality subsequent a drought period

Blomquist, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Effekten av torka på gran kan var stor. Sommaren 2018 var en av de torraste och varmaste somrarna på länge. En sådan period påverkar ofta granars vitalitet negativt och kan leda till en ökad risk för angrepp av granbarkborre. Denna studie har undersökt hur årsringsbredden på gran har förändrats till följd av torka genom att jämföra årsringsbredder före torkperioden med de efter. Mätningar genomfördes med en resistograf som genererade datafiler som sedan sammanställdes och analyserades, främst med hjälp av Excel. Vidare noterades markfuktighet, bonitet och angrepp av granbarkborre. Dessa faktorer jämfördes med varandra med syfte att finna eventuella samband. Studiens resultat visar att torkperioden 2018 haft en stor inverkan på granars vitalitet. Dessutom har samband mellan torrare bestånd och antal granar angripna av granbarkborre kunnat påvisas. Samband mellan minskad årsringsbredd och angrepp av granbarkborre har ej kunnat fastställas.

Grön infrastruktur och naturvärden i tätortsnära skog : Analys och åtgärdsförslag för Hallaholm i Åtvidaberg

Kraft, Veronica January 2021 (has links)
Trenden för biologisk mångfald i världen är negativ och skogslevande arter är inget undantag. I denna studie undersöks den tätortsnära, kommunägda skogen Hallaholm i Åtvidaberg, Östergötland. Studien fastställer vilka naturtyper som finns i skogens olika delar och delområdena bedöms utifrån förekomst av de rödlistade arterna ekticka och tallticka samt av fasta strukturer som död ved, lavbeväxta träd, vedsvampar och hålträd. Därtill görs en bedömning av vilken betydelse områdets olika naturtyper har för regionens gröna infrastruktur. Naturtyperna är huvudsakligen ädellöv, triviallöv, tall, gran och gräsmark och studien visar att de högsta naturvärdena och även största betydelsen för grön infrastruktur finns bland ädellöv, triviallöv och gräsmark, till viss del även bland tall och de lägsta värdena finns bland gran. Fem förekomster av tallticka och tre fynd av ekticka är funna. Grundat på resultaten och den inhämtade kunskapen om Hallaholm föreslås åtgärder för att främja den biologiska mångfalden och områdets betydelse för närboendes rekreation. / The global trend for biological diversity is negative and that goes also for species living in the forest. This study is investigating the urban forest Hallaholm in Åtvidaberg, Östergötland, which is owned by the municipality. The study concludes the different habitat types which are present in different parts of the forest. The parts are assessed based on the presence of Fomitiporia robusta, Porodaedalea pini and of structures such as dead trees, lichen on trees, poroid fungi and hollow trees. There is also an assessment of the importance of the different habitat types for the green infrastructure in the region. The habitat types are mainly deciduous and broad-leaved deciduous forest, pine, spruce and grassland. This study shows that the highest ecological values and the greatest importance for green infrastructure is found among deciduous forest, broad-leaved deciduous forest and grassland, also partly among pine and the lowest values are found among spruce. New records of Fomitiporia robusta and Porodaedalea pini were noted. Measures on how to increase the biological diversity and the importance of the forest for recreational activities are suggested based on the results and on the collected knowledge of the forest.

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