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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maximale Kantengewichte zusammenhängender Graphen

Petzold, Maria 13 June 2012 (has links)
Das Gewicht einer Kante e = xy eines Graphen G = (V, E) ist definiert als Summe der Grade seiner Endpunkte und das Gewicht des Graphen als MInimum über alle Kantengewichte. Wir suchen für positive ganze Zahlen n,m und eine Grapheneigenschaft P den Wert: w(n,m, P) := max{w(G) : |V(G)| = n, |E(G)| = m,G in P}. Der ungarische Mathematiker Erdös formulierte 1990 auf dem Czecheslovak Symposium on Combinatorics, Graphs and Complexity die Problemstellung w(n,m, I) zu bestimmen, für die allgemeinste aller Graphenklassen I. Dieses Problem wurde zuerst teilweise von Invančo and Jendrol’ und dann endgültig von Jendrol’ and Schiermeyer gelöst. Sei G in der Graphenklasse C genau dann wenn G zusammenhängend ist. In dieser Arbeit werden Ansätze zur Bestimmung von w(n,m,C) vorgestellt. Im Speziellen betrachten wir Graphen mit bis zu 3n − 6 Kanten, sowie sehr dichte Graphen. Außerdem diskutieren wir einige verallgemeinerte Fragestellungen.

On Graph Embeddings and a new Minor Monotone Graph Parameter associated with the Algebraic Connectivity of a Graph

Wappler, Markus 07 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
We consider the problem of maximizing the second smallest eigenvalue of the weighted Laplacian of a (simple) graph over all nonnegative edge weightings with bounded total weight. We generalize this problem by introducing node significances and edge lengths. We give a formulation of this generalized problem as a semidefinite program. The dual program can be equivalently written as embedding problem. This is fifinding an embedding of the n nodes of the graph in n-space so that their barycenter is at the origin, the distance between adjacent nodes is bounded by the respective edge length, and the embedded nodes are spread as much as possible. (The sum of the squared norms is maximized.) We proof the following necessary condition for optimal embeddings. For any separator of the graph at least one of the components fulfills the following property: Each straight-line segment between the origin and an embedded node of the component intersects the convex hull of the embedded nodes of the separator. There exists always an optimal embedding of the graph whose dimension is bounded by the tree-width of the graph plus one. We defifine the rotational dimension of a graph. This is the minimal dimension k such that for all choices of the node significances and edge lengths an optimal embedding of the graph can be found in k-space. The rotational dimension of a graph is a minor monotone graph parameter. We characterize the graphs with rotational dimension up to two.

Combinatorial and graph theoretical aspects of two-edge connected reliability

Reinwardt, Manja 30 October 2015 (has links)
Die Untersuchung von Zuverlässigkeitsnetzwerken geht bis zum frühen 20. Jahrhundert zurück. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich hauptsächlich mit der Zweifach-Kantenzusammenhangswahrscheinlichkeit. Zuerst werden einfache Algorithmen, die aber für allgemeine Graphen nicht effizient sind, gezeigt, zusammen mit Reduktionen. Weiterhin werden Charakterisierungen von Kanten bezogen auf Wegemengen gezeigt. Neue strukturelle Bedingungen für diese werden vorgestellt. Neue Ergebnisse liegen ebenfalls für Graphen hoher Dichte und Symmetrie vor, genauer für vollständige und vollständig bipartite Graphen. Naturgemäß sind Graphen von geringer Dichte hier einfacher in der Untersuchung. Die Arbeit zeigt Ergebnisse für Kreise, Räder und Leiterstrukturen. Graphen mit beschränkter Weg- beziehungsweise Baumweite haben polynomiale Algorithmen und in Spezialfällen einfache Formeln, die ebenfalls vorgestellt werden. Der abschließende Teil beschäftigt sich mit Schranken und Approximationen.

Spectral threshold dominance, Brouwer's conjecture and maximality of Laplacian energy

Helmberg, Christoph, Trevisan, Vilmar 11 June 2015 (has links)
The Laplacian energy of a graph is the sum of the distances of the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix of the graph to the graph's average degree. The maximum Laplacian energy over all graphs on n nodes and m edges is conjectured to be attained for threshold graphs. We prove the conjecture to hold for graphs with the property that for each k there is a threshold graph on the same number of nodes and edges whose sum of the k largest Laplacian eigenvalues exceeds that of the k largest Laplacian eigenvalues of the graph. We call such graphs spectrally threshold dominated. These graphs include split graphs and cographs and spectral threshold dominance is preserved by disjoint unions and taking complements. We conjecture that all graphs are spectrally threshold dominated. This conjecture turns out to be equivalent to Brouwer's conjecture concerning a bound on the sum of the k largest Laplacian eigenvalues.

On Pairwise Graph Connectivity

Hofmann, Tobias 08 August 2023 (has links)
A graph on at least k+1 vertices is said to have global connectivity k if any two of its vertices are connected by k independent paths. The local connectivity of two vertices is the number of independent paths between those specific vertices. This dissertation is concerned with pairwise connectivity notions, meaning that the focus is on local connectivity relations that are required for a number of or all pairs of vertices. We give a detailed overview about how uniformly k-connected and uniformly k-edge-connected graphs are related and provide a complete constructive characterization of uniformly 3-connected graphs, complementing classical characterizations by Tutte. Besides a tight bound on the number of vertices of degree three in uniformly 3-connected graphs, we give results on how the crossing number and treewidth behaves under the constructions at hand. The second central concern is to introduce and study cut sequences of graphs. Such a sequence is the multiset of edge weights of a corresponding Gomory-Hu tree. The main result in that context is a constructive scheme that allows to generate graphs with prescribed cut sequence if that sequence satisfies a shifted variant of the classical Erdős-Gallai inequalities. A complete characterization of realizable cut sequences remains open. The third central goal is to investigate the spectral properties of matrices whose entries represent a graph's local connectivities. We explore how the spectral parameters of these matrices are related to the structure of the corresponding graphs, prove bounds on eigenvalues and related energies, which are sums of absolute values of all eigenvalues, and determine the attaining graphs. Furthermore, we show how these results translate to ultrametric distance matrices and touch on a Laplace analogue for connectivity matrices and a related isoperimetric inequality.

Introduction to the Minimum Rainbow Subgraph problem / Einführung in das Minimum Rainbow Subgraph Problem

Matos Camacho, Stephan 27 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Arisen from the Pure Parsimony Haplotyping problem in the bioinformatics, we developed the Minimum Rainbow Subgraph problem (MRS problem): Given a graph $G$, whose edges are coloured with $p$ colours. Find a subgraph $F\\\\subseteq G$ of $G$ of minimum order and with $p$ edges such that each colour occurs exactly once. We proved that this problem is NP-hard, and even APX-hard. Furthermore, we stated upper and lower bounds on the order of such minimum rainbow subgraphs. Several polynomial-time approximation algorithms concerning their approximation ratio and complexity were discussed. Therefore, we used Greedy approaches, or introduced the local colour density $\\\\lcd(T,S)$, giving a ratio on the number of colours and the number of vertices between two subgraphs $S,T\\\\subseteq G$ of $G$. Also, we took a closer look at graphs corresponding to the original haplotyping problem and discussed their special structure.

Graph polynomials and their representations

Trinks, Martin 19 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Graph polynomials are polynomials associated to graphs that encode the number of subgraphs with given properties. We list different frameworks used to define graph polynomials in the literature. We present the edge elimination polynomial and introduce several graph polynomials equivalent to it. Thereby, we connect a recursive definition to the counting of colorings and to the counting of (spanning) subgraphs. Furthermore, we define a graph polynomial that not only generalizes the mentioned, but also many of the well-known graph polynomials, including the Potts model, the matching polynomial, the trivariate chromatic polynomial and the subgraph component polynomial. We proof a recurrence relation for this graph polynomial using edge and vertex operation. The definitions and statements are given in such a way that most of them are also valid in the case of hypergraphs.

[r,s,t]-Färbung von Wegen, Kreisen und Sternen

Salvador Villà, Marta 14 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Im Jahre 2002 führten A. Hackmann, A. Kemnitz und M. Marangio das Konzept der [r, s, t]-Färbungen als eine Verallgemeinerung der Knoten-, Kanten- und Totalfärbungen von Graphen ein. Für gegebene nicht negative Zahlen r, s und t ist eine [r, s, t]-Färbung von einem Graphen G eine Abbildung c, von V(G) und E(G) auf die Menge {1, 2,…, k}, wobei c(v) und c(w) sich um mindestens r unterscheiden, für je zwei adjazente Konten v, w ; c(e) und c(f) unterscheiden sich um mindestens s für je zwei adjazente Kanten e, f ; und c(v) und c(e) unterscheiden sich um mindestens t für je zwei inzidente Knoten v und Kanten e . Die [r, s, t]-chromatische Zahl von G ist die kleinste Zahl k, für die eine solche Färbung für G existiert. In dieser Dissertation wird die [r, s, t]-chromatische Zahl für Wege, Kreise und Sterne mit drei Blättern vollständig bestimmt. Darüber hinaus werden Schranken für Sterne mit mehr als drei Blättern und weitere Ergebnisse für bipartite und vollständige Graphen vorgestellt.

Effiziente Färbungsalgorithmen für k-färbbare Graphen / Efficient coloring algorithms for k-colorable graphs

Baumann, Tobias 24 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
It is known to be an NP-complete problem to color a graph with a given number of colors. We present some approximation algorithms which come close to the desired number of colors. We also develop an algorithm that colors k-colorable graphs with ~O(n^a(k)) colors, where a(2)=0, a(3)=3/14 and a(k)=1 - 6/(k+4+3(1-2/k)/(1-a(k-2))) for k >= 4, as presented in [20]. This formula has been generalized for new possible base algorithms. / Das Problem, einen Graphen mit einer gegebenen Anzahl Farben zu färben, ist als NP-vollständig bekannt. Hier werden einige Algorithmen vorgestellt, die für dieses Problem eine gute Approximation liefern. Des Weiteren wird ein allgemeines Färbungsverfahren hergeleitet, das für k-färbbare Graphen den bisher besten existierenden Algorithmus darstellt. Es können k-färbbare Graphen mit ~O(n^a(k)) Farben gefärbt werden, wobei a(2)=0, a(3)=3/14 und a(k) = 1 - 6/(k+4+3(1-2/k)/(1-a(k-2))) für k >= 4 gilt [20]. Diese Formel wurde für neue Basisalgorithmen verallgemeinert.

Graph partitioning - a survey

Elsner, Ulrich 09 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Many problems appearing in scientific computing and other areas can be formulated as a graph partitioning problems. Examples include data distribution for parallel computers, decomposition of sparse matrices and VLSI-design. In this survey we present the graph partitioning problem, describe some applications and introduce many of the algorithms used to solve the problem.

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