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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A gestão da demanda em cadeias de suprimentos: um estudo no setor atacadista distribuidor de produtos de mercearia básica

Melo, Daniela de Castro 29 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:50:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3520.pdf: 2416853 bytes, checksum: 440e192e9b7986c17526e5ea7efd70e1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-29 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Demand management is an emerging topic in supply chain management. It is focused on a fast and adequate integration of supplier needs in order to balance and strategically align demand with operational capability in the supply chain. The lack of demand alignment deals with problems in supply chain, which leads to inefficient customer service, poor stock rotation, and high obsolescence rate aggravated by the wide diversity of products. The objective of this thesis was to develop a framework for demand management in the supply chain of grocery products considering the dyadic relationship between the supplier and the wholesale. The research revealed that the framework can be divided into 1) determining factors for the implementation of demand management between the wholesale and supplier and 2) the implementation process of the demand management between these firms. The determining factors involve strategic intent; internal alignment of the strategic policies; supplier segmentation; customer segmentation; reward, expertise, legitimate power and collaborative supply chain orientation. The implementation of this process can be divided into three phases: 1) joint alignment of strategic policies, 2) formulation of business plan and 3) implementation and monitoring of the business plan. Moreover, this process has four elements that permeate it: top management involvement, inter and intra-firm interactions, challenges and benefits of demand management. The benefits reflect on a reduction of the effect of the demand amplification, profitability by improving efficiency and effectiveness, as well as knowledge sharing and learning. / A gestão da demanda é um tema emergente no campo de conhecimento da gestão da cadeia de suprimentos. O que se busca com a gestão da demanda é a rápida e adequada integração das necessidades originadas do mercado na direção dos fornecedores, de modo a balancear e alinhar estrategicamente a demanda com a capacidade operacional ao longo da cadeia de suprimentos. Esse alinhamento da demanda na cadeia de suprimentos enfrenta dificuldades provocando ineficiência no atendimento a clientes, redução do giro de estoque e alto índice de obsolescência agravada pela grande diversidade de produtos. O objetivo desta tese foi desenvolver um modelo para a gestão da demanda na cadeia de suprimentos de produtos de mercearia básica considerando os elos fornecedor e atacadista distribuidor. Para tal, realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa por meio da revisão sistemática da literatura e de estudo de caso na empresa Martins e em nove fornecedores desta empresa. A pesquisa revelou que o modelo de gestão da demanda pode ser dividido em 1) fatores condicionantes para a implantação da gestão da demanda entre os elos atacadista distribuidor e fornecedor e 2) processo de implantação da gestão da demanda entre estes elos. Os fatores condicionantes envolvem intenção estratégica; alinhamento interno das diretrizes estratégicas; segmentação de fornecedores; segmentação de clientes; poder de recompensa, de especialização e legítimo; orientação para a colaboração na cadeia de suprimentos. O processo de implantação pode ser dividido em três fases: 1) alinhamento conjunto das diretrizes estratégicas das empresas; 2) formulação do plano de negócios e 3) execução e acompanhamento do plano de negócios. Além disso, este processo apresenta quatro elementos que o permeiam: envolvimento da alta gerência, interações inter e intraempresas, desafios e benefícios da gestão da demanda. Estes benefícios compreendem a diminuição do efeito da amplificação da demanda, o aumento da rentabilidade por meio da melhoria da eficiência e eficácia, como também o compartilhamento de conhecimento e aprendizado pelas empresas.

As capacitações e os recursos logísticos para a prática do Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Marchesini, Márcia Maria Penteado 29 November 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:51:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 797.pdf: 2013266 bytes, checksum: ae9809b936ba1bd6944fd325215174fd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-11-29 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Within the current context of competition, we can perceive the emergence of a new paradigm of business management based on the fact that companies no longer compete isolatedly or individually among themselves, but through the various supply chains they belong to. This new paradigm or concept of management refers to Supply Chain Management (SCM). Particularly, logistics has a significant impact on the SCM concept and represents the fundamental process for this concept as it propitiates the operational arrangement of the supply chain. Thus, this dissertation searched to identify the effects of the adoption of the concept of SCM and its initiatives in the logistic function of the distribution channel companies of grocery products, generating, through the Resource Based View (RBV) as classification approach, the identification of logistic capabilities and resources. For in such way, there was an ample discussion about the concept of SCM and its different views and definitions. In this context, the needed logistic capabilities and resources to adopt SCM concepts and initiatives were identified in the bibliographical revision of this research. This dissertation, through this ample discussion, will contribute to the more development of SCM theory and of unification of the logistic theory. There were various logistic capabilities, like the adoption of logistics function as a strategic activity, the adoption of concept of integrated logistics, the adoption of Lean and Agile Paradigm or Re-supplying. Additionally, there were various logistic resources, like IT (Information Technology) and its tools, the software related to logistics and Logistics Information System, crossdocking. To complement the theory discussion about SCM and logistic capabilities and resources, this research realized three case studies, whose object was to evaluate the adoption and the degree of development of these logistic elements, through the contrast between encountered theory and practice, and identify the main benefits to each company, the expected results but not reached and the main logistic problems faced for each company. With the results from these three cases, there was good adoption in the practice of logistic capabilities and resources, the literature emphasized, independently the degree of development in each company. However, it was evident the discrepancy among the researched companies as for the adoption and use of the logistic change points existent in the literature, and their development degree, that allowed suggest a hierarchy of companies in terms of the implantation of logistic capabilities and resources. Specifically, this dissertation holds a qualitative research approach, as investigative method the multiple case studies, as the instrument of data collection the interview which was carried out by semi-structured questionnaire. / Dentro do atual contexto competitivo, começa a emergir um novo paradigma de gestão empresarial baseado no fato de as empresas não mais competirem apenas entre si de forma isolada ou individual, mas sim através das diversas cadeias de suprimentos nas quais estão inseridas. Esse novo paradigma ou conceito de gestão refere-se à Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos (Supply Chain Management, SCM). Destaca-se que a função logística possui impacto significativo sobre o conceito de SCM e representa o processo fundamental para este conceito, na medida em que ela propicia o arranjo operacional da cadeia de suprimentos. Sendo assim, esta dissertação buscou a identificação das implicações da adoção do SCM e de suas iniciativas sobre a função logística de empresas do canal de distribuição de produtos de mercearia básica, gerando, através da Visão Baseada em Recursos (VBR) como abordagem de classificação, o levantamento de capacitações e recursos logísticos. Para isso, houve a necessidade de realização de uma ampla discussão sobre o conceito de SCM e de suas diferentes visões e definições. Ainda nesse contexto, realizou-se o levantamento, a partir da revisão bibliográfica, de capacitações e recursos logísticos necessários à adoção desse conceito. Acredita-se que esta dissertação, através desta ampla discussão, contribuirá para o maior desenvolvimento da teoria sobre o SCM e da unificação da teoria logística. Foram identificadas, no presente trabalho, diversas capacitações logísticas, dentre as quais citam-se a adoção da função logística como atividade estratégica, a adoção do conceito de Integração da logística, a adoção do Paradigma ou Ressuprimento Ágil e Enxuto, dentre outras. Adicionalmente, foram identificados vários recursos logísticos, dentre os quais mencionam-se a TI (Tecnologia da Informação) e suas ferramentas, os softwares relacionados à logística e de Sistema de Informação (SI) logística, o cross-docking, dentre outros. Como forma de complementar a discussão teórica sobre o SCM e as capacitações e recursos logísticos, esta pesquisa realizou três estudos de casos, cujo objetivo foi de avaliar a adoção e o grau de desenvolvimento desses elementos logísticos, por meio do contraponto entre teoria e prática, bem como levantar os principais benefícios trazidos para a logística de cada empresa, os resultados esperados mas não alcançados e os principais problemas logísticos enfrentados por cada empresa. A partir dos resultados destes três casos, verificou-se uma boa adoção, na prática, das capacitações e recursos logísticos destacados na literatura, independentemente do grau de desenvolvimento em cada empresa. No entanto, ficou evidente a defasagem entre as empresas pesquisadas quanto à adoção e utilização dos pontos de mudança na logística existentes na literatura, e seu grau de desenvolvimento, o que permitiu sugerir uma hierarquia de empresas em termos da implantação de capacitações e recursos logísticos. Especificamente, esta dissertação tem como abordagem de pesquisa a qualitativa, como método de procedimento de pesquisa o estudo multicasos e como mecanismo ou instrumento de coleta de dados a entrevista realizada por meio de um questionário semiestruturado.

Miljövänliga inköp i dagligvaruhandel : En jämförande studie av publika hållbarhetsredovisningar / Green procurement in grocery trade : A comparative study of public sustainability reports in grocery industry

Dervishaj, Arbnora, Lingegård, Erik, Lindén Persson, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Titel: Miljövänliga inköp i dagligvaruhandel - En jämförande studie av publika hållbarhetsredovisningar i dagligvaruhandel Kurs: Ämnesfördjupande arbete i logistik, 2FE25E, VT-17 Författare: Arbnora Dervishaj, Anton Lindén Persson, Erik Lingegård Handledare: Åsa Gustavsson Bakgrund: Hållbarhet beskrivs utifrån tre dimensioner; miljö, social och ekonomi. De utvecklade kraven på de miljömässiga dimensionerna sätter press på verksamheter att ta ett större miljöansvar. Med implementering av miljövänliga produkter har de stora aktörerna inom dagligvaruhandeln stor påverkan på marknaden och branschen har blivit ledande för miljövänlig produktion och konsumtion. Genom dess förmåga att kunna påverka hela produktkedjan betraktas inköpsfunktionen som en nyckelfaktor för att driva verksamheten mot en hållbar utveckling. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att identifiera och jämföra vad aktörer inom dagligvaruhandeln i Sverige förmedlar inom miljö vid inköpsfunktionen genom publika hållbarhetsredovisningar. Vidare är syftet att presentera ett förslag till ett ramverk för att öka jämförbarheten av hållbarhetsredovisningar. Metod: Denna studie utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med ett deduktivt angreppssätt. Vidare har studien tillämpat ett positivistiskt synsätt samt komparativ undersökningsdesign. Studiens teoretiska referensram är sammanställd från vetenskapliga studier, litteratur samt hemsidor. Datainsamling av empiriskt material har utförts genom publika hållbarhetsredovisningar från fyra aktörer inom dagligvaruhandeln; Axfood AB, Coop Sverige AB, ICA Sverige AB och Lidl Sverige KB. Studiens teoretiska referensram och empiriska material analyseras genom mönsterjämförelser mellan urvalet. Slutsats: Studien har identifierat skillnader och likheter i vad som förmedlas angående inköpsprocessen genom publika hållbarhetsrapporter. Genom de genomförda mönsterjämförelserna har ett ramverk operationaliserats utifrån den teoretiska referensramen. Detta ramverk kan användas som en förlängning till de befintliga ramverken för att öka jämförbarheten av prestationer i inköpsfunktionen. Nyckelord: Hållbarhetsredovisning, Dagligvaruhandel, Logistik, Inköp, Miljö, Ramverk, Sortiment, Transport, Leverantörer / Title: Green procurement in grocery trade - A comparative study of public sustainability reports in grocery industry Authors: Arbnora Dervishaj, Anton Lindén Persson, Erik Lingegård Tutor: Åsa Gustavsson Context: Sustainability is described based on three dimensions; environment, social and economics. The developed requirements on the environmental dimension put pressure on businesses to take environmental responsibilities. With implementations of environmentally friendly products, the major companies in the grocery trade have a great impact on the market and the industry has become a leader in environmentally friendly production and consumption. Through its ability to affect the entire product chain, the purchasing function is considered a key factor in driving the business towards sustainable development. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify and compare what companies in the grocery trade in Sweden present about environment in the purchasing function through their public sustainability reports. Furthermore, the purpose is to present a proposed framework to increase the comparability of sustainability reports. Method: This study applies a qualitative research with a deductive approach. Furthermore, the study has applied a positivistic view and comparative research design. The theoretical framework consists of scientific studies, literature and websites. The data collection of empirical materials has been conducted through public sustainability reports from four actors in the grocery trade; Axfood AB, Coop Sverige AB, ICA Sverige AB and Lidl Sverige KB. The theoretical framework and empirical material has been analyzed through pattern comparisons between the selected actors. Results: The authors have identified similarities and differences of the presented material in public sustainability reports regarding purchasing function. A framework has been developed to work as a module to prolong the existing framework and strengthen the comparability. Keywords: Sustainability reports, Grocery trade, Logistics, Purchase, Environment, Framework, Assortment, Transport, Suppliers

A software solution for measuring customer experience in-store of a grocery retailer / En applikation för att mäta kundupplevelsen i en matbutik

Norsbo, My January 2021 (has links)
The technology of today enables several alternatives to obtaining food in physical stores, such as home deliveries of groceries or take away deliveries. Traditionally grocery retailers have focused primarily on products, but as time changes and customer values shift, grocery retailers must focus on customer experience to establish a relationship between the company and customers to stay competitive on the market. The aim of this study was to investigate what data are required, and where in-store these data should be collected, to draw conclusions about customer experience in a grocery store. Furthermore, to investigate how the graphical user interface of an application collecting that data in-store in grocery stores should be designed and evaluate the usability of the produced proof of concept-application in terms of subjective satisfaction. The implementation was done iteratively, where the first set of requirements were based on a literature study and contextual inquiry, and the other prototypes were evaluated through user testing and interviews. The final high-fidelity prototype was evaluated by the System Usability Scale. The study defined customer experience as the cognitive experience, the affective experience, the social experience, and the physical experience. Data on each of these aspects should be collected to measure customer experience and will give an indication about the  customer experience in the store. Measurement should be done on one of the touchpoints identified in the study. The application created was a usable system according to the SUS evaluation but may not be extensive enough to replace all other measurements, and a mix of techniques should be considered.

Analýza postojů českých uživatelů k obchodním řetězcům na základě dat ze sociálních sítí a webových diskusí / Sentiment Analysis of Czech Social Networks and Web Discussions on Retail Chains

Bolješik, Michal January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a system that analyses data from the web mentioning Czech grocery chain stores. Implemented system is able to download such data automatically, perform sentiment analysis of the data, extract locations and chain stores' names from the data and index the data. The system also includes a user interface showing results of the analyses. The first part of the thesis surveys the state of the art in collecting data from web, sentiment analysis and indexing documents. A description of the discussed system's design and its implementation follows. The last part of the thesis evaluates implemented system

Tepelná vodivost u nestandardních materiálů pro TZB / The thermal conductivity of non-standard materials for HVAC

Běťák, Karel January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the determination of the thermal conductivity coefficient on the group of thermoplastics used for 3D printing (PLA, ABS, PETG). The thesis describes the materials used for 3D printing and the design of air conditioning for the grocery store. A stationary method was used for the solution. The heat flux passing through the sample was measured and the thermal conductivity coefficient was calculated. By the chosen method, we determined the coefficient is = 0,11-0,13 W/(m·K). Comparison with the available results of other methods and authors has shown that the resulting coefficient is lower. Based on the data, it is possible to compare the thermal properties of 3D printing materials.

Has CSR started to sell? Based on the Covid-19 pandemic : An insight from consumers’ perspective

Wålinder, Isabelle, Begovic, Orhan January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore if consumers evaluate CSR more into their purchase criterion compared to before the Covid-19 pandemic. CSR activities, consumer buying behavior, and CSR as a purchase criterion were combined in a conceptual framework. The consumer decision-making model was used as a framework in consumer buying behavior. In CSR as a purchase criterion, three factors were used to conclude if consumers started to evaluate CSR more as a purchase criterion. The empirical data was collected through two semi-structured focus groups. Group A was ensembled through a convenience sampling method but evolved to a snowball effect. Group B was ensembled through a purposive sampling method. The findings indicated that consumers did not start to evaluate CSR more as a purchase criterion. The main reason was the financial situation. However, consumers have started to buy more sustainable food, especially locally produced during the pandemic which indicated an increased awareness towards CSR as a purchase criterion. The findings also showed that the Covid-19 pandemic influenced consumers' awareness of CSR but the implemented safety precautions in grocery stores had a limited effect on consumers. The research field of consumer buying behavior in the context of CSR can be complemented with the findings in this study. This study contributed to a deeper understanding of consumer buying behavior and if they value CSR in their purchases during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Model funkční optimalizace elektronického obchodu / Model Performance Optimization of E-commerce

Antoš, Milan January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis consists of specification of e-commerce as a tool serving for grocery presentation and distribution. Specifies conditions of foundation, operation and service relevant to used solution. It contains new framework suggestions contributing increases in effectivity and productivity in online grocery shopping.

Využití Paretova pravidla při zefektivnění prodeje / The Use of Pareto Analysis in Streamlining Sales

Pinkava, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the employment of the Pareto principle in increasing the efficiency of the product range in a selected grocery outlet of the Brněnka chain. A methodology for the evalution of the offered product range has been created based on general knowledge and practical usage of the Pareto principle in scientific work. The methodology is applied on sale records of a selected store. The work includes suggestions of product range alteration based on application of the formed methodology.

The rise of store personnel : an exploratory study on how to utilize the grocery retail store personnel in the marketing of sustainable products toward consumers

Borgström, Bendik, Knese, Felix January 2020 (has links)
Globalization has influenced the grocery retail industry and the most impactful changes are the preferences and habits of consumers. The increased consumption of consumers is one of the habits that have created a demand for sustainable products. The sustainable products can be marketed towards consumers by the frontline employees. Therefore, this study aims to investigate how grocery retail store personnel can be used as ambassadors toward consumers that will result in sustainable purchase behaviour. To answer the research question, several interviews have been conducted. The interview with the grocery retail expert aided us in the formulation of interview questions. The four interviews with two ICA stores’ personnel provided us with the empirical data needed for reaching the conclusions. Findings reveal that the involvement of personnel in communication with the consumers has positive a positive outcome. In this way, they can be seen as CSR ambassadors and, therefore, efficiently market the organization. To achieve CSR ambassadorship, employees and consumers must enhance organizational identification. One conclusion is that consumers may reach sustainable purchase behaviour when CSR ambassadorship is developed in coherence with a grocery retail store.

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