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The Behaviour of Plank (Tongue and Groove) Wood Decking Under the Effects of Uniformly Distributed and Concentrated LoadsRocchi, Kevin January 2013 (has links)
Plank (tongue and groove) wood decking is a product that is commonly used in post and beam timber construction to transfer gravity loads on roofs and floors. In 2010, The National Building Code of Canada changed the application area of the specified concentrated roof live loads from 750 mm x 750 mm to 200 mm x 200 mm. The change was made to better reflect the area which a construction worker with equipment occupies. Preliminary analysis showed that the change in the application area of concentrated loads may have a significant impact on the design of decking systems. Little research or development has been done on plank decking since the 1950’s and 1960’s.
An experimental program was undertaken at the University of Ottawa’s structural laboratory to better understand the behaviour of plank decking under uniformly distributed and concentrated loads. Non-destructive and destructive tests were conducted on plank decking systems to investigate their stiffness and failure mode characteristics under uniformly distributed as well as concentrated loads. The experimental test program was complimented with a detailed finite element model in order to predict the behaviour of a plank decking system, especially the force transfer between decks through the tongue and groove joint.
The study showed that the published deflection coefficients for uniformly distributed loads can accurately predict the three types of decking layup patterns specified in the Canadian Design Standard (CSA O86, 2009). For unbalanced uniformly distributed loads on two-span continuous layup, it was found that the deflection coefficient of 0.42 was non-conservative.
It was also found that under concentrated loads, the stiffness of the decking system increased significantly as more boards were added. A deflection coefficient of 0.40 is appropriate to calculate the deflection for the three types of decking layup patterns specified in the Canadian Design Standard (CSA O86, 2009) under concentrated load on an area of 200 mm by 200 mm. Significant load sharing was observed for plank decking under concentrated loads. An increase in capacity of about 1.5 to 2.5 times the capacity of the loaded boards was found.
Furthermore, it was found that placing sheathing on top of a decking system had a significant effect in the case of concentrated load with an increase of over 50% in stiffness and over 100% in ultimate capacity.
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An osteo-radiographic study of the mandibular canalerman, Neill Julian S January 1982 (has links)
Magister Chirurgiae Dentium (MChD) / Even though the mandibular nerve is of great importance
to the dentist, very little research on the course of
the nerve and the relationship of the mandibular canal
to the adjacent anatomical structures has been carried
From the. literature, it appears that the lateral ramus
prominence (L.R.P.),or antilingula, is found to be present
in from 50% to 100% of cases and is situated anterior and
superior to the mandibular foramen. Most authors are in
agreement on the situation of the mandibular foramen.
Only one mandibular foramen is described in each ramus.
The mandibular canal is described as lying inferior to
the teeth. There is no agreement on the possibility of
the existence of a second mandibular canal per hemimandible.
Concerning the mental foramen, it is accepted that one is
found on each side, but a second foramen,as well as accessory
foramina, namely, the major and the minor variety, are
described. In the horizontal plane, the mental foramen is
found at the apex of the second premolar tooth or between
the premolar teeth. In the vertical plane, the mental
foramen is situated from inferior to the apex of the premolar
teeth to halfway between the apex and the crown of
the premolar teeth. The mylohyoid groove is converted into
a canal in 16% of cases but never commences from within
the mandibular canal, according to available literature.
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Structural and Functional Studies of the Hydrophilic Groove of <i>Escherichia coli</i> YidCChen, Yuanyuan 04 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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”Vi har väldigt mycket grejer här, men det är alla olika känslor” : En undersökning om bakgrundsmusik i bildsalen / “We have very many things here, but it`s like all the different emotions.” : A study about background music in the art classroomAperia, Emilie January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker fenomenet bakgrundsmusik i bildklassrum och hur elever upplever att detta inverkar för möjligheterna att arbeta med sitt skapande. Detta görs då fenomenet är vanligt förekommande. Min studie utgick från en fenomenologisk ansats för att få syn på hur elever upplever ett fenomen. Teoretiskt är studien inspirerad av Biestas syn på eleversmöjligheter att handla och vara subjekt. Studiens syfte är undersöka och få syn på hur elever upplever att musik i bildsalen inverkar för deras möjlighet att arbeta med sitt skapande samtbidra med nyanseringar av hur vi kan förhålla oss till fenomenet. Frågor som ställs i studien ärföljande:På vilka sätt inverkar musik i bildsalen för elevers möjligheter att arbeta med sitt skapande?Utifrån denna fråga utvecklades följande frågor:På vilka sätt uttrycker elever att olika musikgenrer som spelas inverkar?Har sättet musik blir tillgänglig för elever inverkan för upplevd delaktighet på bildlektionen och varför? Undersökningen gjordes i en årskurs 9 och metoder för empiriinsamling var deltagande observation, bildelicitering och fältanteckningar. Empirin analyseras med följande teorier och begrepp: subjekt, att stå i dialog, grit och groove. I studiens resultatdel besvaras frågeställningarna. I slutdiskussionen lyfter jag frågor att undersöka vidare. Mitt gestaltande arbete bestod av en workshop på Konstfacks vårutställning. Deltagarna fick utföra enfärgblandningsuppgift samtidigt som olika musik spelade. Vi diskuterade deltagarnas reflektioner om hur de upplevde att olika musik inverkade när de skapade.
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Measured Spectral, Directional Radiative Behavior of Corrugated SurfacesMeaker, Kyle S. 14 July 2022 (has links)
Spacecraft thermal control is entirely reliant upon radiative heat transfer for temperature regulation. Current methods are often static in nature and do not provide dynamic control of radiative heat transfer. As a result, modern spacecraft thermal control systems are typically 'cold-biased' with radiators that are larger than necessary for many operating conditions. Deploying a variable radiator as a thermal control technique in which the projected surface area can be adjusted to provide the appropriate heat loss for a given condition can reduce unnecessary heat rejection and reduce power requirements. However, the radiative behavior of the apparent surface representing the expanding/collapsing radiator changes in addition to the projected surface area size. This work experimentally quantifies the spectral, directional emissivity of an apparent surface comprised of a series of V-grooves (e.g. corrugated surface), as a function of angle and highlights its emission characteristics that trend toward black behavior. The experimental setup for quantifying this apparent radiative surface behavior is described and utilized to show the influence of surface geometry, direction and wavelength. The experimental design is validated and demonstrated using fully oxidized, nearly diffuse, copper, corrugated test samples. The results presented in this work demonstrate, for the corrugated oxidized copper surfaces tested, that (1) higher emissivity values correspond to higher wavelengths in the spectral range of 2.5 to 15.4 μm (2) apparent emissivity values increase with decreasing V-groove angle resulting in less spectral variation in emissivity and greater blackbody like behavior, (3) azimuth dependence can be relatively small despite the obvious pattern associated with a corrugated surface, (4) as the V-groove angle decreases, higher emissivity values are associated with θ→0° and ϕ→90°. Results provide a foundation for future radiator design, improved spacecraft thermal control methods, and improved emissivity testing methods for patterned or angular surfaces.
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Entwicklung von Auslegungsrichtlinien für das Kaliberwalzen einer calciumhaltigen MagnesiumlegierungMantel, Jennifer, Stirl, Max, Ullmann, Madlen, Prahl, Ulrich 28 November 2023 (has links)
Das Thema Klimaschutz und daraus folgend auch beispielsweise eine Einsparung fossiler Brennstoffe ist ein großer Forschungsschwerpunkt, wobei vor allem im Automobil und Transportbereich die Substitution der klassischen Materialien wie Stahl durch Leichtbauwerkstoffe, wie Aluminium- und Magnesiumlegierungen, von Interesse ist.
Aufgrund der hexagonalen Kristallstruktur des Magnesiums, bringt die Verarbeitung nahezu einzigartigen Herausforderungen mit sich. Dabei wird durch das Hinzulegieren
von Calcium, beispielsweise in ZAX-Legierungen – mit Zink, Aluminium und Calcium – die Umformbarkeit bei Raumtemperatur durch eine schwächer ausprägte Textur mit
einem Basalpolsplit verbessert. [2] Um die ersetzten Bauteile in den Fahrzeugen zu verbinden, wird beispielsweise das Schweißen verwendet. Dieses Verfahren profitiert
allerdings von einer artgleichen Schweißung, wo Grundwerkstoff und Schweißdraht ähnliche Zusammensetzungen besitzen. Zum Schweißen, und auch für eine drahtbasierte
additive Fertigung, sind Drähte mit ca. 1 - 1,6 mm Durchmesser nötig, die ausschließlich über einen Ziehprozess erreicht werden können. Für die Herstellung der Vorprodukte von Drähten für das Ziehen rücken die Verfahren Strangpressen und Kaliberwalzen in den Fokus. Für letzteres fehlen allerdings grundsätzliche Erfahrungswerte und Forschungsergebnisse, die aber für eine Anwendung und Einführung in die Wirtschaft unabdingbar sind.
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Development of Guidelines for the Groove Rolling of Magnesium Alloys Which Contain CalciumMantel, Jennifer, Stirl, Max, Ullmann, Madlen, Prahl, Ulrich 28 November 2023 (has links)
The topic of climate protection and, for example, the resulting need for a reduction in the use of fossil fuels, is a major focus of research. Particular interest is taken in the
substitution of traditional metals such as steel with lightweight materials like aluminium and magnesium alloys in the automotive and generally in the transportation sector. Due to the hexagonal crystal structure of magnesium, the processing of its alloys contains some almost unique challenges. By alloying calcium, for example in ZAX-alloys
– containing zinc, aluminium and calcium – the formability at room temperature is improved through a less pronounced texture with a basal pole split. [2] To join the replaced
components in the cars, welding can be used. This process profits from procedure where base and weld material are of similar compositions. For welding, and for
wire-based additive manufacturing too, wires with a diameter of approximately 1 – 1.6 mm are required, which can only be produced through drawing. The production for the
preliminary products can be achieved through either extrusion or groove rolling. For the latter there is a lack of fundamental empirical experience and research results that
are required for a successful application and implementation in the industry. The extrusion process is more established but groove rolling has the potential to produce larger quantities in the same time and has the added advantage of a greater grain refinement.
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Keyboardistens roll i en ensemble : En undersökning om olika keyboardinstrument i relation till grooveoch timingÅberg, Isak January 2023 (has links)
This thesis is an examination about different keyboard instruments and how the pianist can use them in a groove context. All keyboard instruments have different attack, decay, release, overtones, and dynamics, as well as different opportunities to affect these parameters. Every instrument also involves various opportunities and challenges in an ensemble, in the way they affect and are affected by the playing of the fellow musicians. The examination involved that I played, recorded, and transcribed different keyboard patterns from different recordings. I played every pattern with four different instruments and explored how the groove changed based on the instruments I played and how I could use the parameters of every instrument to get variation. First, I did this playing to drum loops and later with real musicians. My conclusions are that getting an overview of the overtones and how distinct the instruments can be is the key to improve your ability to play different keyboard instruments. To get to know instruments and their ways to express intensity is the essence of finding your way into the groove.
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No description available.
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Řešení technologie pro součást "hřídel parní turbíny" s optimalizací tvarově složité plochy / Solution technology of production "hřídel parní turbíny"-part with effective usage of contoured surfaceVacenovský, Igor January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this work is to suggest the solution for the new technology of rotor grooves machining for vanes of the steam turbine. It contains the technology of rotor grooves machining. Various criteria are taken into account and the final solution is adapted to the conditions of EKOL, spol. s r.o. company. Technical and economical evaluation.
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