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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of religion and faith in individual peace-building : A case study of Ukrainian immigrants in Sweden

Pasichniuk, Nadiia January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of religion for Ukrainian immigrants in Sweden and its connection to their subjective well-being. The aim of the study is to explore the experience of Ukrainian immigrants by collecting their stories. The data of the study is based on eight semi-structured interviews with Ukrainian immigrants who belong to the Eastern Orthodox Church. This qualitativestudy is guided by the grounded theory approach drawing upon cultural identity theory and theory of third place. The theories are applied in order to understand the meaning of religion, faith, and church-attending in the Ukrainian immigrants’ lives in Sweden. Guided by the grounded theory methodology, the results of the study reveal that for those Ukrainian immigrants, who consider themselves religious, religion and faith play a significant role in life, affecting their choices, decisions, shaping their world-view. It is found that religious beliefs and rituals, and attending church affect their subjective well-being positively. However, for those participants, who do not consider themselves as religious, some religious rituals still take place, serving them as a connectionwith their cultural background, which is also positively impacting their subjective well-being. Furthermore, this study analyses the role and functions of cultural identity and its connection with immigrants’ subjective well-being and provides recommendations for future researchers.

Role učitele v německé celodenní škole / Rolle of the teacher in German all-day school

Čapková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
PAVLÍKOVÁ, J. The Rolle of the teachen in German all-day school. Praha: Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, 2011. 198 pp. Doctoral Thesis. The doctoral thesis examines the role of the teacher in German all-day school, as a specific educational institution with many representative features. The theoretical part describes the context of the role of the teacher in the German all-day school. It is defined all-day school in Germany and described its characteristics. The doctoral thesis briefly outlines the history of all-day school in Germany as well as current history in each of the German lands. The theoretical part further defines social role, role of teachers and summarizes current knowledge on the profession of teacher in the German all-day school. The empirical part tackles the qusetion of the role of the teacher in the German all-day school, its characteristics and the context in which it takes place. The research is carried out qualitative strategies, using grounded theory. A concrete result of the research is grounded substantive theory of the role of teachers in the German all-day school. It is also compared with existing theories of the role of teachers. Keywords: role of teachers, German all-day school, grounded theory.

"Toxíci": Pionýři světa drog ve světě reálsocialismu. Symbolická re-konstrukce počátků drogové subkultury v Československu / "Toxíci": The Pioneers of the World Drug in the Real Socialism Era. Symbolic Re-construction of the Initial Drug Subculture in Communist Czechoslovakia

Černá, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to find answers to questions connected to the symbolic construction of collective identity of the initial drug community in communist Czechoslovakia. This discourse creation of collective identity is analyzed on the basis of biographical interviews with outliving members of the then drug subculture. In the course of the terrain investigation there has been recorded a total of 34 narratives of the representatives of the two successive generations of this drug community by using the unstructured and semi-structured interview technique. For the purposes of this research, there has been analyzed 7 interviews closely connected to the beginning and the initial process of formation of drug community. By means of analysis and interpretation of the content of these biographical materials there are primarily captured the collectively shared interpretative frames of values and important identification attributes by which protagonists of the oldest generation of this community form their former collective identity. In this way is clarified how the narrators themselves re-construct and re-interpret their subjectively experienced "we" and at the same time using the symbolic resources to define borders against the non-members of this collectivity. The biographies of the...

Ecological Perspectives on Study Abroad for Language Learning

Bird, Matthew Thomas 07 April 2021 (has links)
The field of study abroad for language learning has drawn extensively on related fields such as applied linguistics and psychology to conceptualize learners' experiences, which then informs how practitioners go about designing programs for those learners. Research has encouraged practitioners to increase learners' access to the target language (e.g., through speaking partners, content courses), but it has also become clear that while access might be necessary, it does not guarantee learner engagement and growth. This dissertation explores two unique conceptual frameworks for understanding language learners and presents empirical research that demonstrates the kinds of findings that these frameworks can produce. The common subject of analysis involved the experiences of participants who struggled to engage in speaking during an Arabic study abroad program. The first framework emerged from a grounded theory analysis and characterizes participants' struggles as a clash of expectations that required negotiation. The findings fit well with a recent "ecological turn" in language learning, and a review of study abroad research from an ecological perspective suggested avenues of research that would further develop the field's understanding of access, engagement, and the learners themselves. The second framework built on interdisciplinary insights to present a hermeneutic moral realist account of the same participants who struggled to engage in speaking activities. This approach revealed a moral ecology of unstructured speaking with unique moral goods, reference points, and tensions that the participants had to navigate as they tried to find good speaking opportunities for themselves. This dissertation positions these findings within current second language study abroad experiences, offering an ecological perspective and recommendations for students and faculty alike.

The use of impressionistic tools in a structural vaccum: a grounded theory study on corporate philanthropy

Eriksson, Karin January 2013 (has links)
This classic grounded theory study reflects companies work with corporate philanthropy (CP), and has a specific focus on companies with Swedish roots who are operating in South Africa. The theory illustrates how the companies perceive themselves to be forced to engage in CP, and their main solution to this problem is trying to optimise their CP work so it benefits both themselves and their beneficiaries. The companies are operating in a structural vacuum with regards to their CP work, and consequently, they make use of impressionistic tools in their attempt to optimise the work. There is arguably a need for companies to adopt a more strategic approach. The empirical data is collected from semi structured interviews with companies during 2012.

Growing on (Un)common Ground: Motivations and Locational Choice of Urban Agriculture Entrepreneurs

Schreiber, Kerstin January 2018 (has links)
Urban agriculture in post-industrial countries is commonly represented in form of shared community gardens or individual gardening lots. However, within the last years, an increasing number of commercial urban farming enterprises around the globe have started their operations. While recreational projects have received much attention, the commercial and entrepreneurial remained mainly uninvestigated. Using a grounded theory approach, this explorative dissertation aims to contribute to an understanding of farming as a new urban profession and the motivation of commercial urban farmers (CUFs) to grow in the city, rather than the countryside. Based on ten semi-standardized in-depth interviews, this study reveals first, that CUFs merge the commonly rural occupation of farming and their desire for autonomic labor with the urban lifestyle as self-made growers, without significant relevant personal or educational background in farming, using alternative growing techniques. Second, the study finds two CUF categories: urbanists, who perceive themselves as actors in sustainable urban development and pursue urban growing activities to contribute to this target; and bargainers, who regard urban growing as a means to an end to progress to small-scale rural agriculture. This suggests that CUFs must engage in inner negotiations between their economic capabilities, the geographic location, and the more society oriented visions they commit themselves to. This research conceptualizes urban farming as tool to fulfill not only food and sustainability goals, but that could also function as basis for sustainable small-scale growing in the countryside.

Das Phallic Girl in der Sackgasse? Eine qualitative Studie zum Gewalthandeln marginalisierter weiblicher Jugendlicher

Baumann, Michaela Petra 20 February 2017 (has links)
Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit umfasst eine qualitative Untersuchung, orientiert am Forschungsprogramm der Grounded Theory im Themenfeld physisch gewalttätiger weiblicher Jugendlicher auf der Basis von acht problemzentrierten Interviews. Alle in dieser Arbeit ausgewerteten Daten wurden innerhalb des vom Schweizer Nationalfonds geförderten Forschungsprojektes „Soziale und personale Determinanten physischer Gewalttätigkeit weiblicher Jugendlicher“ (2008-2011) erhoben. Die Anwendung zentraler Prinzipien der Grounded Theory wird durch die von Strauss und Corbin beschriebenen Kodierprozesse sowie anhand der von Kelle und Kluge ausgearbeiteten Prinzipien von Fallvergleich und Fallkontrastierung konkretisiert. Das im Rahmen dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Kodierparadigma und darauf aufbauend die gegenstandsbezogene Theorie zum Phänomen physisch gewalttätiger Mädchen sind somit Ausdruck und Ergebnis einer interaktiven Bewegung zwischen theoretischen Bezügen und empirischem Material. Im Fokus dieser Arbeit steht die Frage nach den Geschlechterkonstruktionen der interviewten Mädchen, da im Kontext dichotomer gesellschaftlicher Setzungen von Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit die Gewaltausübung jugendlicher Mädchen einen Bruch mit den traditionellen Geschlechtskonzepten von Weiblichkeit darstellt. Es wird untersucht, wie das Gewalthandeln von Mädchen vor dem Hintergrund dieser Abweichung von klassisch weiblicher (im Sinne nicht gewalttätiger) Rollensozialisation zu verstehen ist, inwieweit also in das Gewalthandeln hinein der Wirkungsmechanismus der Kategorie Gender greift. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Lesart des Phänomens Mädchengewalt entwickelt, in welcher physische Gewaltausübung als Handlungsstrategie zur Überwindung eines Mangels an Agency (Gestaltungsmacht) verstanden wird. Werden Folgen und Begleiterscheinungen der Gewaltanwendung analysiert, zeigt sich, dass durch sie in der Biographie der Mädchen viele Konsequenzen eintreten, welche der Agency der Mädchen langfristig entgegen wirken. Die Gewaltausübung wird von den Mädchen nicht als Strategie innerhalb eines Emanzipationsprozesses genutzt, sie kann stattdessen in vielerlei Hinsicht als Akt der Anerkennung eines patriarchal gefärbten Weiblichkeitsbildes gedeutet werden. Aus den vorgeschlagenen qualitativen Rekonstruktionen ergeben sich Einblicke, welche Anregungen für die pädagogische Praxis und für die Jugend- und Gewaltforschung geben können.

Shared Leadership in Family Firms : Overcoming the Challenges & Implications for the Enterprise

Järvelä, Alisa, Gunnarsson, Ian, Stulen, Martin January 2020 (has links)
Background: Traditionally, family firms are thought of as centralized institutions where power is concentrated around a single leader, yet this construct is losing ground as increasing numbers of family firms employ or have considered employing multiple leaders at top level. However, implementing shared leadership in a family firm setting provides a myriad of benefits and challenges as the two very distinct mindsets of family and business intertwine. Overcoming the challenges of shared leadership holds a promise for a thriving organization, but little is known about the controlling mechanisms family firms use to overcome the challenges of shared leadership.   Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the topic of shared leadership in family firms in order to gain a better understanding what kind of implications shared leadership has for the organization and how can the family firm overcome challenges associated with shared leadership.   Method: In this qualitative research we draw upon abductive single case study to explore a family firm with three brothers sharing the leadership at the top of the organization. Primary data was gathered through eight semi-structured and unstructured interviews and with the help of open, axial and selective coding we created a final model of the mechanisms that family firms use to overcome the challenges of shared leadership.   Findings: The empirical findings proclaim that the success of the co-leadership structure lies on three types of controlling and support mechanisms: internal integrating mechanisms, external support mechanisms and appropriate structures and processes. Together these mechanisms allow the family firms to reap the benefits of shared leadership while also providing grounds for a more decentralized organization

Emotional reactions to climate change and associated coping strategies: a grounded theory study on graduate students of sustainability-related programmes

Zubkevich, Uladzislau January 2020 (has links)
Climate change is happening. Yet this phenomenon does not only concern the environment, but also has various notable and important psychological implications for individuals in particular and society in general. Understanding such psychological impacts is crucial for an effective process of mitigation of climate change consequences, however there is limited research about vicarious emotional responses to the threat of climate change. On the other hand, engaging with sustainable development and climate change education is sensibly being widely accepted and embraced as a crucial step towards solving anthropo-generated environmental issues and learning to live within planetary boundaries. Hence, I focused on investigating the most common emotional reactions to climate change and relevant preferred coping strategies among graduate students of sustainability-related programmes to provide some more profound insights in emotional resilience and psychological well-being of the students. In order to do so, I provide an overview of relevant notions of emotion and coping as well as Smith and Lazarus’ structural model of appraisal. Then, I show how I used constructivist grounded theory. Through the process of meticulous coding and development of categories, I identified and constructed a visual representation of students’ emotional reactions to climate change and associated coping strategies. Throughout their education students experienced a variety of emotions, most prominent of which were worry, guilt, anger, frustration, powerlessness, confusion, and hope; yet typical solitary patterns of experiencing distinct emotions were absent and different students experienced different emotions. Moreover, students did not necessarily experience just one exclusive emotion, but a combination or alternation of several emotions. Students utilised a range of emotion-, problem-, and meaning-focused coping strategies, which are described in detail. The most effective coping strategies for students were further active engagement and contribution, decomposing climate change and addressing smaller challenges, turning negative emotions into one’s advantage (positive reappraisal/reframing) and acceptance as they provided relief of negative emotions and elicitation of positive ones. Furthermore, even though several negative emotions and avoidance strategies might have disadvantageous effects on the overall subjective well-being of the students as well as their motivation to be engaged in climate change mitigation, the same emotions can be beneficial in this regard too. This thesis is of special interests for teachers, educators, and researchers in the domain of sustainability education (education for sustainable development).

SIX: fluid leadership and aural arranging within the context of contemporary a cappella

Stewart, Jonathan David 17 February 2016 (has links)
Despite increasing popularity and interest in contemporary a cappella, little research exists involving this genre of music making. In this study, I investigated how SIX, a professional contemporary a cappella group, utilizes a primary practice of aural arranging to create original, a cappella cover arrangements entirely by ear. From one initial question and use of classic grounded theory analysis, three questions emerged: what did SIX do, how did SIX carry out what they do, and what characterizes how SIX carries out what they do? The substantive theory of aural arranging and the substantive and formal theories of fluid leadership emerged from the data. The theory of aural arranging posits that SIX creates original cover arrangements by ear through the use of interactive activities initiated by application of task and social-emotional leadership. This substantive theory addresses the questions: what does SIX do and how does SIX carry out what they do? The theory of fluid leadership posits that SIX uses a form of horizontal leadership governed by five principles; 1) no single, primary leader, 2) leading in areas of strength, 3) accurate awareness of strengths, 4) a practice of unassuming leadership, and 5) the maintenance of a healthy relational climate. These substantive and formal theories address the question, what characterizes how SIX carries out what they do? Aural arranging and fluid leadership emerged from an environment of complex challenges wherein SIX established environments of safety and empowerment, promoting the sharing and utilization of musical and leadership thinking and knowing toward creation of an aural arrangement. Although the findings from this research are not generalizable given the single case study methodology, the theory of aural arranging presents a viable structure for creation of aural arrangements in other contemporary a cappella groups, and fluid leadership illustrates potential as a leadership model within small musical ensembles both within and beyond the formal music education classroom. The principles of fluid leadership may potentially be useful in dissimilar small groups traversing many disciplines. This study expands and enhances the current knowledge base related to contemporary a cappella, aural arranging, and leadership within small ensembles and groups.

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