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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nonlocality and entanglement in Generalized Probabilistic Theories and beyond / Nicht-Lokalität und Verschränkung in verallgemeinerten Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorien

Janotta, Peter January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Quantum theory is considered to be the most fundamental and most accurate physical theory of today. Although quantum theory is conceptually difficult to understand, its mathematical structure is quite simple. What determines this particularly simple and elegant mathematical structure? In short: Why is quantum theory as it is? Addressing such questions is the aim of investigating the foundations of quantum theory. In the past this field of research was sometimes considered as an academic subject without much practical impact. However, with the emergence of quantum information theory this perception has changed significantly and both fields started to fruitfully influence each other. Today fundamental aspects of quantum theory attract increasing attention and the field belongs to the most exciting subjects of theoretical physics. This thesis is concerned with a particular branch in this field, namely, with so-called Generalized Probabilistic Theories (GPTs), which provide a unified theoretical framework in which classical and quantum theory emerge as special cases. This is used to examine nonlocal features that help to distinguish quantum theory from alternative toy theories. In order to extend the scope of theories that can be examined with the framework, we also introduce several generalizations to the framework itself. We start in Chapter 1 with introducing the standard GPT framework and summarize previous results, based on a review paper of the author [New J. Phys. 13, 063024 (2011)]. To keep the introduction accessible to a broad readership, we follow a constructive approach. Starting from few basic physically motivated assumptions we show how a given set of observations can be manifested in an operational theory. Furthermore, we characterize consistency conditions limiting the range of possible extensions. We point out that non-classical features of single systems can equivalently result from higher dimensional classical theories that have been restricted. Entanglement and non-locality, however, are shown to be genuine non-classical features. We review features that have been found to be specific for quantum theory separably or single and joint systems. Chapter 2 incorporates results published in [J. Phys. A 47(32), pp. 1-32 (2014)] and [Proc. QPL 2011 via EPTCS vol. 95, pp. 183–192 (2012)]. The GPT framework is applied to show how the structure of local state spaces indirectly affects possible nonlocal correlations, which are global properties of a theory. These correlations are stronger than those possible in a classical theory, but happen to show different restrictions that can be linked to the structure of subsystems. We first illustrate the phenomenon with toy theories with particular local state spaces. We than show that a particular class of joint states (inner product states), whose existence depends on geometrical properties of the local subsystems, can only have correlations for a known limited set called Q1. All bipartite correlations of both, quantum and classical correlations, can be mapped to measurement statistics from such joint states. Chapter 3 shows unpublished results on entanglement swapping in GPTs. This protocol, which is well known in quantum information theory, allows to nonlocally transfer entanglement to initially unentangled parties with the help of a third party that shares entanglement with each. We review our approach published in [Proc. QPL 2011 via EPTCS vol. 95, pp. 183–192 (2012)], which mimics the joint systems' structure of quantum theory by modifying a popular toy theory known as boxworld. However, it is illustrated that this approach fails for bigger multipartite systems due to inconsistencies evoked by entanglement swapping. It turns out that the GPT framework does not allow entanglement swapping for general subsystems with two-dimensional state spaces with transitive pure states. Altering the GPT framework to allow completely globally degrees of freedom, however, enables us to construct consistent entanglement swapping for these subsystems. This construction resembles the situation in quantum theory on a real Hilbert space. A questionable assumption usually taken in the standard GPT framework is the so-called no-restriction hypothesis. It states that the measurement that are possible in a theory can be derived from the state space. In fact, this assumption seems to exist for reasons of mathematical convenience, but it seems to lack physical motivation. We generalize the GPT framework to also account for systems that do not obey the no-restriction hypothesis in Chapter 4, which presents results published in [Phys. Rev. A 87, 052131 (2013)] and [Proc. QPL 2013, to be published in EPTCS]. The extended framework includes new classes of probabilistic theories. As an example, we show how to construct theories that include intrinsic noise. We also provide a "self-dualization" procedure that requires the violation of the no-restriction hypothesis. This procedure restricts the measurement of arbitrary theories such that the theories act as if they were self-dual. Self-duality has recently gathered lots of interest, since such theories share many features of quantum theory. For example Tsirelson’s bound holds for correlations on the maximally entangled state in these theories. Finally, we characterize the maximal set of joint states that can be consistently defined for given subsystems. This generalizes the maximal tensor product of the standard GPT framework. / Die Quantentheorie wird als eine der grundlegensten und präzisesten physikalischen Theorien unserer Zeit angesehen. Auch wenn die Theorie konzeptionell schwierig zu verstehen ist, so ist die eigentliche mathematische Struktur überraschend einfach. Auf welcher physikalischen Grundlage basiert diese besonders einfache und elegante mathematische Struktur? Oder anders ausgedrückt: Warum ist die Quantentheorie so wie sie ist? Das Gebiet der "Grundlagen der Quantentheorie" versucht, auf diese Fragen Antworten zu finden. In der Vergangenheit wurde dieses Forschungsgebiet als überwiegend akademisch mit wenig praktischen Nutzen angesehen. Mit dem Fortschritt der Quanteninformationstheorie hat sich diese Sicht aber grundsätzlich gewandelt, da beide Gebiete einander stetig fruchtbar beeinflussen . Dadurch stößt die Grundlagenforschung zur Quantentheorie derzeit auf wachsendes Interesse, so dass das Gebiet nun wohl zu den spannensten Themenbereichen der theoretischen Physik gezählt werden darf. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit einer bestimmten Richtung in diesem Feld - den sogenannten "Verallgemeinerten Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorien" (GPTs). Diese bilden einen umfassenden theoretischen Rahmen zur Beschreibung physikalischer Theorien, wobei die klassische Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und die Quantentheorie als Spezialfälle enthalten sind. Wir nutzen diesen Ansatz in dieser Arbeit, um nicht-lokale Eigenschaften zu untersuchen, die helfen die Sonderrolle der Quantentheorie gegenüber nicht realisierter Alternativen zu verstehen. Um die Anwendungsbereich dieses Ansatzes zu vergrößern, führen wir verschiedene Verallgemeinerungen ein. Dadurch wird es möglich die Auswirkungen von Annahmen zu untersuchen, die typischerweise beim GPT-Ansatz gemacht werden. Basierend auf einem Übersichtsartikel des Autors [New J. Phys. 13, 063024 (2011)], beginnen wir in Kapitel 1 zunächst mit einer Einführung des üblichen GPT-Ansatzes und fassen bisherige Ergebnisse zusammen. Um die Einführung möglichst verständlich zu halten, verfolgen wir dabei einen konstruktiven Ansatz. Beginnend mit wenigen, physikalisch wohlmotivierten Annahmen, zeigen wir wie beliebige experimentelle Beobachtungen in einer operationalen Theorie festgehalten werden können. Desweiteren, charakterisieren wir die Konsistenzbedingungen, die bei darauf aufbauenden Erweiterungen der Theorie beachtet werden müssen. Wir zeigen auf, dass nicht-klassische Eigenschaften eines Einzelsystems in gleicher Weise auch in einem höherdimensionalen klassischen System auftreten können, wenn man die Menge möglicher Messungen beschränkt. Hingegen wird gezeigt, dass Verschränkung und Nicht-Lokalität echt nicht-klassische Eigenschaften darstellen. Besondere Eigenschaften, die spezifisch für die Quantentheorie sind, werden separat für Einzelsysteme und zusammengesetzte Systeme besprochen. Kapitel 2 enthält Ergebnisse, die wir in [J. Phys. A 47(32), pp. 1-32 (2014)] und [Proc. QPL 2011 via EPTCS vol. 95, pp. 183–192 (2012)] veröffentlicht haben. Der GPT-Ansatz wird dort dazu benutzt, um zu zeigen, wie die Struktur lokaler Zustandsräume indirekt die möglichen nicht-lokalen Korrelationen beeinflusst, die selbst eigentlich globale Eigenschaften darstellen. Solche Korrelationen sind stärker als jene, die in der klassischen Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie möglich sind, zeigen jedoch andere Beschränkungen, die wir auf die Struktur der Subsysteme zurück führen können. Zunächst illustrieren wir dieses Phänomen mit Spieltheorien mit bestimmten lokalen Zustandsräumen. Danach zeigen wir, dass für eine besondere Klasse von zusammengesetzten Zuständen (inner product states), deren Existenz von geometrischen Eigenschaften der lokalen Subsysteme abhängt, Korrelationen im Allgemeinen auf eine Menge beschränkt sind, die als Q1 bekannt ist. Alle bipartiten Korrelationen von Quantentheorie und klassischer Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie können auf die Messstatistiken dieser Zustände zurückgeführt werden. Kapitel 3 beinhaltet größtenteils unpublizierte Ergebnisse zu Verschränkungstausch (entanglement swapping) in GPTs. Diese Protokoll, das aus der Quanteninformationstheorie bekannt ist, erlaubt den nicht-lokalen Transfer von Verschränkung zu anfangs unverschränkten Parteien mit Hilfe eines Dritten, der verschränkte Zustände mit Beiden teilt. Wir stellen zunächst unseren in [Proc. QPL 2011 via EPTCS vol. 95, pp. 183–192 (2012)] eingeführten Ansatz vor, der die Struktur zusammengesetzter Systeme in der Quantentheorie nachahmt. Dafür modifizieren wir eine populäre Spieltheorie, die unter dem Namen boxworld bekannt ist. Es stellt sich jedoch heraus, dass dieser Ansatz für größere multipartite Systeme fehlschlägt, da die Anwendung des Verschränkungstausch-Protokolls zu Inkonsistenzen führt. Wir zeigen dann, dass der GPT-Ansatz generell konsistenten Verschränkungstausch für solche Systeme verbietet, die Subsysteme mit zwei-dimensionalen Zustandsräumen haben, wo die reinen Zustände reversibel in einander überführbar sind. Ändern wir den GPT-Ansatz jedoch insofern, dass rein globale Freiheitsgrade zugelassen sind, zeigt sich das Verschränkungstausch auch für diese Systeme möglich wird. Dabei kommt eine Konstruktion zum Einsatz, die die Situation nachahmt, wie sie in der Quantentheorie auf einem reellen Hilbertraum herrscht. Normalerweise geht der GPT-Ansatz von der sogenannten No-restriction-Hypothese aus, bei der der Zustandsraum einer physikalischen Theorie auch die Menge möglicher Messungen bestimmt. Allerdings scheint diese Annahme nicht physikalisch motiviert. Wir verallgemeinern daher in Kapitel 4 den Ansatz auf Systeme, die nicht der No-restriction-Hypothese gehorchen unter Verwendung von Resultaten aus [Phys. Rev. A 87, 052131 (2013)] und [Proc. QPL 2013, wird veröffentlicht in EPTCS]. Wir zeigen, wie unser so erweiterte Ansatz dazu genutzt werden kann, neue Klassen von Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorien zu beschreiben. Dadurch lässt sich beispielsweise in eine Theorie intrinsisches Rauschen fest einbauen. Das Aufheben der no-restriction-Hypothese erlaubt es uns außerdem eine Selbstualisierungsprozedur einzuführen. Dadurch lassen sich eine neue Klasse von Theorien definieren, die der Quantentheorie ähnelnde Eigenschaften aufweisen. Beispielsweise sind die Korrelationen durch Messungen auf den maximal verschränkten Zustands durch die Tsirelson-Schranke beschränkt. Schließlich charakterisieren wir die maximale Menge zusammengesetzter Zustände, die sich allgemein konsistent für gegebene Subsysteme definieren lassen. Dies verallgemeinert das aus dem normalen GPT-Ansatz bekannte, sogenannte maximale Tensorprodukt.

John Raes werk, seine philosophischen und methodologischen grundlagen ...

Lehmann, Helmut, January 1937 (has links)
Inaug.-diss.--Leipzig. / Lebenslauf. "Literatur-verzeichnis": p. 103-106.

Penser avec et contre. La méthode de réfutation de Fichte dans la Doctrine de la science de 1794

Clouet-Langelier, Marin 30 August 2022 (has links)
Déjà en son temps, les contemporains de Fichte ne s’entendaient pas sur l’esprit de sa philosophie et encore aujourd’hui la plupart de ses interprètes ont produit à son sujet des explications éloignées les unes des autres. Dans ce mémoire, notre recherche se donnera pour point de départ cette diversité des interprétations de la philosophie de Fichte dans la Doctrine de la science de 1794 (Grundlage). Nous proposerons de montrer que les divergences d’interprétations de cette doctrine sont dues en partie au fait que le mode de réfutation de Fichte n’a pas été suffisamment pris en compte. Si ses écrits paraissent sans cesse adopter différents camps, ce n’est pas parce qu’il les adopte, mais bien parce qu’il les problématise et les évalue à l’aune de sa propre méthode. Le chapitre 1 aura pour but d’identifier les notions les plus essentielles de la Grundlage. Pour ce faire, nous contextualiserons le développement de la pensée de Fichte depuis le début de l’Aufklärung jusqu’au post-kantisme, car nous pensons qu’en cette période se profile une méthode d’héritage sceptique, qui permet non seulement d’expliquer la nature du transcendantal, mais aussi les sources de la spécificité méthodologique de Fichte. La généalogie de ces notions nous permettra de comprendre dans le chapitre 2 comment Fichte les unifie dans un système et, dans le chapitre 3, comment il les intègre sous la méthode de réfutation que nous nommerons rétorsion apagogique, et qui consiste à s’approprier le discours de ses adversaires tout en prouvant leur contradiction. Enfin, le chapitre 4 illustrera cette méthode par le dépassement du criticisme où il s’agit pour Fichte de penser avec et contre Kant. / Already in his time, Fichte’s contemporaries disagreed about the spirit of his philosophy, and even today most of his interpreters have produced explanations of it that are far from each other. In this thesis, my research will take as its starting point this large range of interpretations of Fichte’s philosophy in the Science of Knowledge of 1794 (Grundlage). I will propose to demonstrate that the divergent interpretations of this doctrine are partly due to the fact that Fichte’s mode of refutation shows lack of sufficient consideration. If his writings seem to adopt different sides, it is not because he embraces them, but because he calls them into question and evaluates them according to his own method. Chapter 1 will identify the most essential notions of the Grundlage. To do so, I will contextualize the development of Fichte’s thought from the beginning of the Aufklärung to PostKantianism, for I believe that in these times a method of skeptical inheritance emerges, which allows to explain not only the nature of the transcendental, but also the sources of Fichte’s methodological specificity. The genealogy of these notions will allow understanding in Chapter 2 how Fichte unifies them in a system and, in Chapter 3, how he integrates them under the method of refutation that we will call apagogic retorsion, which consists in appropriating the discourse of his opponents while proving their contradiction. Finally, Chapter 4 will illustrate this method through the overcoming of criticalism where Fichte has to think with and against Kant.

Penser avec et contre. La méthode de réfutation de Fichte dans la Doctrine de la science de 1794

Clouet-Langelier, Marin 13 December 2023 (has links)
Déjà en son temps, les contemporains de Fichte ne s'entendaient pas sur l'esprit de sa philosophie et encore aujourd'hui la plupart de ses interprètes ont produit à son sujet des explications éloignées les unes des autres. Dans ce mémoire, notre recherche se donnera pour point de départ cette diversité des interprétations de la philosophie de Fichte dans la Doctrine de la science de 1794 (Grundlage). Nous proposerons de montrer que les divergences d'interprétations de cette doctrine sont dues en partie au fait que le mode de réfutation de Fichte n'a pas été suffisamment pris en compte. Si ses écrits paraissent sans cesse adopter différents camps, ce n'est pas parce qu'il les adopte, mais bien parce qu'il les problématise et les évalue à l'aune de sa propre méthode. Le chapitre 1 aura pour but d'identifier les notions les plus essentielles de la Grundlage. Pour ce faire, nous contextualiserons le développement de la pensée de Fichte depuis le début de l'Aufklärung jusqu'au post-kantisme, car nous pensons qu'en cette période se profile une méthode d'héritage sceptique, qui permet non seulement d'expliquer la nature du transcendantal, mais aussi les sources de la spécificité méthodologique de Fichte. La généalogie de ces notions nous permettra de comprendre dans le chapitre 2 comment Fichte les unifie dans un système et, dans le chapitre 3, comment il les intègre sous la méthode de réfutation que nous nommerons rétorsion apagogique, et qui consiste à s'approprier le discours de ses adversaires tout en prouvant leur contradiction. Enfin, le chapitre 4 illustrera cette méthode par le dépassement du criticisme où il s'agit pour Fichte de penser avec et contre Kant. / Already in his time, Fichte's contemporaries disagreed about the spirit of his philosophy, and even today most of his interpreters have produced explanations of it that are far from each other. In this thesis, my research will take as its starting point this large range of interpretations of Fichte's philosophy in the Science of Knowledge of 1794 (Grundlage). I will propose to demonstrate that the divergent interpretations of this doctrine are partly due to the fact that Fichte's mode of refutation shows lack of sufficient consideration. If his writings seem to adopt different sides, it is not because he embraces them, but because he calls them into question and evaluates them according to his own method. Chapter 1 will identify the most essential notions of the Grundlage. To do so, I will contextualize the development of Fichte's thought from the beginning of the Aufklärung to Post-Kantianism, for I believe that in these times a method of skeptical inheritance emerges, which allows to explain not only the nature of the transcendental, but also the sources of Fichte's methodological specificity. The genealogy of these notions will allow understanding in Chapter 2 how Fichte unifies them in a system and, in Chapter 3, how he integrates them under the method of refutation that we will call apagogic retorsion, which consists in appropriating the discourse of his opponents while proving their contradiction. Finally, Chapter 4 will illustrate this method through the overcoming of criticalism where Fichte has to think with and against Kant.

A Literary and Socio-historical Comparison between the Prayers of Esther (LXX) and Judith

Van der Walt, Clarke Phillip 12 December 2006 (has links)
This study aims to point out the literary and socio-historical relationship between the prayers of Esther (Est.4.17.11-26 (Addition C) (14)) and Judith (Jdt.9). By making use of a literary analysis in terms of syntax, discourse structure, language, style, rhetorical figures, form and tradition, a comparison is made between the prayers to point out the literary agreements and differences. Subsequently an attempt is made to interpret the prayers against the social background(s) within which they originated. The events in the prayers are especially brought into relation with the Maccabaean era (168 BCE – 37 CE) with the purpose of determining how the authors of each prayer associated their own historical situation with the events of the Maccabaean crisis (168 BCE – 162/161 BCE). The characters that each of the authors introduces to the readers have a definite influence in the interpretation of Esther and Judith’s prayers. It is for this reason that the author, or at least what is learned about him through the text, and his interpretation of the events within his social situation, is investigated. A further investigation concentrates on the strategy that the authors used in terms of ‘genre’, contents and organization with the purpose of conveying their message to their readers. Further, an attempt is made to combine the results of this study with the intention of identifying the possible Grundlage, which may be the basic form of the prayers as they were accepted into the LXX. A hypothesis is also stated at the end of this study about how the Grundlage may have developed and which possible events throughout history could have played a role in the final form of Esther and Judith’s prayers, as accepted into the LXX. The theory of Moore (1982: 594) that the close relation of Esther and Judith with Daniel can best be explained by a possible common biblical heritage, is discussed and measured at the hand of the hypothesis of a common Grundlage for the prayers. Zeitlin’s argument (1972: 14, 15-21) that the prayers existed on polemical grounds, is also measured against the proposal of a common Grundlage. The eventual purpose of this study is then to point out what details can be derived from texts that are compared with each other by means of a literary and socio-historical comparison. / Dissertation (Magister Artium (Ancient Languages and Culture))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Ancient Languages / unrestricted

Construction of Knowledge in Open Educational Practices: A virtual learning community of basic mathematics for students entering Colombian higher education.

Lugo Ariza, Ingrid 08 November 2021 (has links)
One of the difficulties that Colombian students face in order to access higher education lies in their low performance in primary and secondary education levels, in areas like writing and mathematics. This is demonstrated, for example, in the results reported from their exams on international (Report PISA ), national (Saber 11, ICFES ), and local (UN admissions exam) scales. The admissions exam for UN allows incoming students to be identified who need to strengthen their performance in areas of which UN offers leveling tests. In this context, I was invited by the DNIA , the DNPPr , and the Academic Vice-Rector of the UN, in order to design of a pedagogical proposal mediated by the use of ICT to support these leveling courses. The pedagogical proposal revolved around the implementation of an open educational practice, a type of “open teaching” (Chiappe, 2012), in order to promote the “empowerment of learners as co-producers on the road towards lifelong learning,” in other words, self-regulated or autonomous (Ehlers & Conole, 2010; Ehlers, 2011). In this document I describe the theoretical underpinnings and criteria that guided the design of each one of the components of this type of educational practice, namely: (a) a virtual site for the interaction between students, professors, and content in order to achieve the construction of a “Virtual Learning Community”; (b) the norms and rules of behavior to regulate the social relations of that community; (c) the instruments utilized in the interactive activities; and (d) the rules that establish the division of tasks in the same activity (Engeström, 1996; Cole & Engeström, 2001; Diaz Barriga, 2003; Onrubia, 2005; Coll, et al., 2008). The central axis of these components refers to the construction of a virtual learning community; therefore, the main objective of the project was to promote this construction. Faced with the potential offered by virtual learning communities, I wondered what and how does people, who decide to participate in them, learn. Some constructivist conceptions of human learning suggest that in VLC people participate to learn, learn by interacting with others, learn to understand and manifest understanding by performing cognitive performances such as: explaining, arguing, generalizing, applying, representing in a novel way, build, model, etc. Based on these conceptions, I set out to identify the potential of the VLC that I designed to strengthen the mathematical learning competencies of its participants. Thus, I analyzed the messages added by the participants in the virtual forums to characterize the processes of: a) participation, following the elements proposed by Hrastinski, (2008; 2009); b) interaction, from the community of inquiry approach (Garrison et al., 2010); c) mathematical learning, based on the basic standards of mathematical competences (MEN, 2006) and the ontosemiotic approach (Godino, 2017). I developed this research project using a mixed approach: the technique of content analysis and a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The proposed research design constitutes a significant contribution to the analysis of the mathematical learning achieved by the VLC participants, given its approach from different perspectives. Upon application, the following was revealed: On the one hand, the majority managed to: meet the criteria that characterize a participation in high quality virtual forums; weave an optimal network structure for interaction; show, in an authentic way, the skills and difficulties they have in communicating their ideas and learning with others; demonstrate good performance to correctly deal with mathematical concepts and to apply algorithms. Within the framework of this research, the importance of having expert moderators in guiding the discussions, from the side, was stressed in order to get VLC participants to develop high-level thoughts. Computing tools are also required to monitor and evaluate the discussion process in real time. In addition, it is essential to achieve the design of situations-generating problems of discussion and the implementation of an evaluation process that incorporates various sources and perspectives, to identify in a concrete and effective way the types of learning achieved. According to the above, it can be affirmed that the VLCs offer a high potential to strengthen the mathematical learning process of their participants, since in the debate zones you can easily observe the types of thoughts that they activate and put into operation when trying to find a solution to mathematical situations. This highlights the mathematical competences that each participant dominates and those that are difficult to understand, which makes it possible to develop targeted support strategies by teachers and moderators. The analysis of the mathematical learning of participants in virtual communities has not been sufficiently explored; In some cases, it has been limited to quantitatively reviewing the aggregate contributions in the discussion spaces, but a qualitative investigation of the discursive processes that demonstrate the concrete learning achievements has not been proposed, the combination of these two forms of analysis is one of the greatest contributions of this thesis.:Contents I. Introduction 13 a) How did I learn to learn? 13 b) How was my doctoral research project born? 17 c) Characteristics and purposes of the project 21 Theoretical Considerations 25 1 Chapter I: Human learning in community 25 1.1 Human learning from the constructivist perspective 25 1.2 The scope of learning 27 1.3 School learning from constructivism 29 1.4 Mathematical learning 31 1.5 Educational practices based on constructivism 39 1.6 How to define the notion of community? Contexts and debates 40 1.7 A definition of virtual learning community 45 1.8 Theoretical references for the design of virtual learning environments 53 Practical design considerations 61 2 Chapter II: Design Process of the Virtual Learning Community of Basic Mathematics 61 2.1 Academic activities carried out in the pre-project execution stage 61 2.2 First pilot test of the basic math virtual learning community design 64 2.2.1 Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) 65 2.2.2 Content Knowledge (CK) 65 2.2.3 Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) 65 2.2.4 Technological knowledge (TK) 68 2.2.5 Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) and Typology of uses of ICT 68 2.2.6 Rules for participation and feedback 73 2.2.7 Results obtained in the first pilot test offered by the basic math virtual learning community 76 2.3 Second pilot test of basic math virtual learning community design 76 2.3.1 Content Knowledge (CK) 77 2.3.2 Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) 77 2.3.3 Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) 78 2.3.4 Technological knowledge (TK) 78 2.3.5 Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) and Typology of uses of ICT 79 2.3.6 Norms or rules for participation and feedback 86 2.3.7 Results obtained in the second pilot test of the basic math virtual learning community 86 Methodological considerations 88 3 Chapter III: Final version of the virtual learning community offered 88 3.1 Characteristics of the website that hosted the virtual learning community 88 3.2 Human team that participated in the design process of the VLC, in its final version. 94 3.3 Activities that characterized the implementation of the Virtual Learning Community 95 3.3.1 Who was invited to participate and in what context was this invitation made? 95 3.3.2 What evaluation agreements were generated? 96 3.3.3 What academic units were offered? 96 3.3.4 What activities were carried out to promote the effective participation of students in the virtual learning community? 96 3.4 Global map of the Virtual Learning Community offered. Final version. 98 3.4.1 Pedagogical conceptions that support open educational practices, of the 'open teaching' type 99 3.4.2 Connections between technological, pedagogical and content knowledge. 104 3.4.3 Key elements for the design of Virtual Learning Communities (VLC). 111 3.4.4 Dynamics that characterized the VLC offered, in its final version. 113 4 Chapter IV: Research Design 116 4.1 Mixed approach on educational research 116 4.2 Research questions 120 4.3 Analysis of online participation 120 4.4 Analysis of online interaction 127 4.5 Analysis of mathematical learning 132 Empirical Findings and Discussion 148 5 Chapter V: Research data and process of analysis 148 5.1 Collection and selection of data 148 5.2 Structural Analysis 149 5.2.1 First research question about the online participation 149 5.3 Content Analysis 154 5.3.1 Second research question about the online interaction 154 5.3.2 Third research question about the mathematical learning 165 5.3.3 Analysis based on the basic standards of mathematical competences 166 5.3.4 Analysis based on the ontosemiotic approach 169 6 Chapter VI: Results of data analysis and discussion of results 176 6.1 Structural analysis results 176 6.1.1 Online participation 176 6.2 Results of content analysis 194 6.2.1 Online interaction 194 6.2.2 Mathematical Learning 221 6.3 Review of results and conclusions 285 6.3.1 Results and discussion 285 6.3.2 Conclusions 301 7 References 307 8 Annexes 325

Andreas Nachama/Walter Homolka/Hartmut Bomhoff: Basiswissen Judentum

Randi G., Randi 30 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Kindertagesbetreuung im Landkreis Zwickau - Handlungsleitfaden: Integrative Förderung in Kindertageseinrichtungen

Landkreis Zwickau 19 September 2019 (has links)
Der Handlungsleitfaden dient als Arbeitsgrundlage für die Leitungskräfte und pädagogischen Fachkräfte der Kindertageseinrichtungen in unserem Landkreis und soll kontinuierlich auf die Entwicklungen angepasst, aktualisiert und ergänzt werden. Der Handlungsleitfaden wird auf die Homepage des Landkreises gestellt. Für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit des Inhalts kann keine Gewähr übernommen werden, Haftungsansprüche sind ausgeschlossen.

Sozialplanung im Landkreis Zwickau 2019-2021: Jugendhilfeplanung - Bedarfsplan für Kindertageseinrichtungen

23 September 2019 (has links)
Gemäß §§ 79 und 80 des Achten Buches Sozialgesetzbuch – Kinder- und Jugendhilfe (SGB VIII) i. V. m. §§ 20 und 21 Landesjugendhilfegesetz (LJHG) obliegt dem Landkreis Zwickau als örtlichem Träger der öffentlichen Jugendhilfe die Gesamtverantwortung einschließlich der Planungsverantwortung für die Erfüllung der Aufgaben nach SGB VIII.

Cognitive science theory-driven pharmacology elucidates the neurobiological basis of perception-motor integration

Eggert, Elena, Prochnow, Astrid, Roessner, Veit, Frings, Christian, Münchau, Alexander, Mückschel, Moritz, Beste, Christian 20 March 2024 (has links)
An efficient integration of sensory and motor processes is crucial to goal-directed behavior. Despite this high relevance, and although cognitive theories provide clear conceptual frameworks, the neurobiological basis of these processes remains insufficiently understood. In a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled pharmacological study, we examine the relevance of catecholamines for perception-motor integration processes. Using EEG data, we perform an in-depth analysis of the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms, focusing on sensorimotor integration processes during response inhibition. We show that the catecholaminergic system affects sensorimotor integration during response inhibition by modulating the stability of the representational content. Importantly, catecholamine levels do not affect the stability of all aspects of information processing during sensorimotor integration, but rather—as suggested by cognitive theory—of specific codes in the neurophysiological signal. Particularly fronto-parietal cortical regions are associated with the identified mechanisms. The study shows how cognitive science theory-driven pharmacology can shed light on the neurobiological basis of perception-motor integration and how catecholamines affect specific information codes relevant to cognitive control.

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