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Anatomie et réparation des nerfs caverneux : étude expérimentale et immuno-histochimique tridimensionnelle / Anatomy and repair of the cavernous nerves : experimental and tridimensional immunohistochemical studyBessede, Thomas 13 September 2012 (has links)
Introduction : Les séquelles érectiles de la prostatectomie totale pour cancer concernent la majorité des patients. Des protocoles de remplacement nerveux, prometteurs sur des modèles animaux, n’ont pas amélioré la récupération chez l’homme dont l’anatomie nerveuse pelvienne est plus complexe.Matériel et méthodes : Trois études expérimentales chez le rat ont évalué différentes stratégies, seules ou combinées, de réparation de nerfs caverneux lésés par écrasement : l’engainement synthétique ou autologue et l’adjonction locale ou systémique de traitements pharmacologiques. Deux études anatomiques ont consisté à mettre au point et à appliquer une technique de dissection assistée par ordinateur permettant une analyse morphologique et fonctionnelle de l’innervation péri-prostatique chez 7 fœtus masculins et 4 sujets cadavériques.Résultats : L’engainement synthétique du nerf caverneux lésé a permis une récupération érectile partielle. En y associant une délivrance locale de Triiodothyronine ou systémique de sildénafil, la récupération était complète. Un traitement par sildénafil seul permettait également une récupération complète. L’engainement autologue était inefficace. Les fibres nerveuses de la bandelette neuro-vasculaire se distribuaient en fibres antérieures destinées au sphincter urétral, antéro-latérales (nerfs caverneux) destinées aux corps caverneux et postéro-latérales (nerfs spongieux) destinées aux corps spongieux.Conclusion : Les nerfs destinés aux corps érectiles ont une position plus antérieure que celle décrite dans les traités chirurgicaux de référence. Ce trajet doit être pris en compte avant d’envisager des études cliniques de réparation nerveuse. Les stratégies de réparation du nerf caverneux devraient être adaptées au plan d’éxérèse envisagé et à la qualité de la préservation nerveuse réalisée. / Introduction : Erectile dysfunction occurs in more than half of the patients after a radical prostatectomy despite nerve-preserving surgical techniques. Nerve replacement protocols have been successful in animal models but they failed in improving the erectile function recovery in men where the pelvic nervous anatomy is more complex.Methods : Three experimental studies in rats have evaluated three different strategies, alone or in combination, to repair cavernous nerves after a crush-injury : guiding the nerve with an autologous or a synthetic disposal and adding local or systemic pharmacological treatments. Two anatomical studies have developped and applied a computer-assisted anatomical dissection technique to perform a morphological and a functional analysis of the peri-prostatic innervation in 7 male fetuses and 4 cadaveric subjects.Results : The erectile function recovery was partial after implantation of artificial conduits and complete with an additional local delivery of Triiodothyronine or systemic delivery of sildenafil. Sildenafil treatment alone also allowed full recovery. Autologous conduits were ineffective. The neurovascular bundles had distal divisions : anterior fibers innervated the urethral sphincter, antero-lateral fibers (cavernous nerves) innervated the corpora cavernosa and postero-lateral fibers (spongious nerves) innervated the corpora spongiosa.Conclusion : The position of the erectile fibers of the neurovascular bundles is more anterior than classically described. This pathway has to be considerated before any clinical study for cavernous nerve repair. For each patient, the planned type of nerve-preservation should determine the strategy for the nerve repair.
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Simulation of helium flow through ion guide with COMSOL multiphysicsHedkvist, Adam, Ahrman, Henrik January 2016 (has links)
The program COMSOL Multiphysics was used to simulate a flow of helium gas transporting ionized fission products out of an ion guide. Two important parameters to study from the simulation was the evacuation time and velocity of the ions. The mean evacuation time was shown to be 0.1173s, and the velocity of a single particle peaked at 2500m/s, 1000-1500m/s being more common.
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Varför kröker sig horisonten? En studie i användbarhet relaterat till biblioteksapplikationen Horizon / Stretching the horizon : Studying usability within the context of the library application HorizonWahl, Heidi January 2002 (has links)
<p>Användbarhet är en term som används för att bedöma kvaliteten hos ett gränssnitt. God användbarhet är viktig då den ger en ökad produktivitet och andra affärsfördelar i form av färre misstag och bättre kvalitet på slutprodukten. Användbarhet är en viktig designprincip men är en svår egenskap att uppfylla hos applikationer. </p><p>Studien behandlar användbarhet ur olika perspektiv, dels det teoretiska genom litteraturgenomgång, dels det praktiska genom intervjuer och observationer. Syftet var att förklara vad användbarhet är, hur det bedöms och vad man kan göra för att bygga in egenskapen i applikationer man utvecklar. För att exemplifiera och finna verklig förankring har jag valt att observera hur användare interagerar med ett existerande gränssnitt för bibliotek, Horizon. </p><p>Slutsatser kring studien är att Horizon inte används till allt den var tänkt att användas till, vilket i princip är ett dåligt betyg för en applikation. Samtidigt är detta inget större problem då den negativa verkan på verksamheten kan i det här fallet vara en definitionsfråga: är studenternas produktivitet när det gäller att söka och beställa litteratur kritisk? </p><p>När det gäller användbarhet i utvecklingsskedet kan man konstatera att även om intentionerna varit goda så har användbarhetsarbetet kring Horizon inte infriat förväntningarna. Vad som gått fel är varken sensationellt eller ovanligt; det har handlat om avsaknaden av slutanvändarens perspektiv, organisatoriska problem och möjligen också bristande kunskap om användbarhet i en eller annan form. En betydelsefull insikt som inte nämns i litteraturen men som togs upp är att beakta leverantörens marknadsställning när man ska köpa ett system. Trots bristerna, som ofta relaterar till brott mot designkonventioner, upplevs Horizon som ett bra och ändamålsenligt verktyg av sina användare. </p> / <p>Usability denotes the quality of a user interface. Even though usability is an important design principle, efforts to incorporate this quality in applications often fail. In this paper I study usability from a theoretical and a practical perspective. The goal is to explain usability and how to incorporate usability in applications. In order to exemplify, I study usability within the context of the library application Horizon. </p><p>This study shows that Horizon is only partially utilized by its users which in principle is a bad grade for an application. Partial use is however in this case, not a serious problem since the negative effects partial use imply could very well be a matter of definition: is the productivity of students, when it comes to searching and ordering library material, critical for the organization? </p><p>When it comes to usability in the development phases of a project, once again one can conclude that good intentions exist but efforts fail all the same and Horizon is no exception. This time we can attribute failure to the lack of the end users’ perspective, organizational problems and perhaps also unsufficient knowledge of usability in one form or another. An important conclusion, which has not been mentioned in the literature, is the importance of considering the market position of a presumptive vendor when buying a generic system. Despite the flaws (often related to violations of well established design principles) presented in this paper, Horizon is considered a good, effective and efficient application by its users.</p>
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Interning at Convergys Corporation technical editing in a technical documentation team /Parris, Tyler A. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.T.S.C.)--Miami University, Dept. of English, 2004. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 36).
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An annotated translation of Narayan's novel The GuideRohde, Larissa January 2011 (has links)
Esta tese consiste em uma tradução anotada do romance O Guia (1958), de R. K. Narayan. A tese apresenta uma discussão crítica de aspectos práticos e suposições teóricas subjacentes ao processo de tradução. Nas últimas décadas, a área de estudos da tradução expandiu-se e apropriou-se de vários significados, e atualmente vai muito além da dimensão textual. O conceito de tradução hoje engloba não só aspectos linguísticos como também questões culturais e históricas. As notas, portanto, dividem-se em duas categorias distintas: a) notas em português sobre expressões e palavras culturalmente específicas, que tem por objetivo fazer uma ponte entre barreiras culturais em relação ao leitor brasileiro, suplementando o texto traduzido; e b) notas sobre o processo de tradução como tal, discutidas em relação ao processo de análise e tomada de decisões do tradutor. Obras traduzidas desempenham um papel fundamental na propagação de tendências literárias no mundo todo, como demonstra o recente influxo de obras dos chamados escritores da diáspora a partir de regiões antigamente sob domínio colonial europeu. R. K. Narayan foi o primeiro escritor de língua inglesa profissional bem sucedido na Índia moderna, e abriu caminho para a literatura Indiana de língua inglesa contemporânea. O objetivo da tese se desdobra em dois eixos. Em um nível pragmático, o propósito principal é oferecer uma tradução informativa de O Guia para o meio acadêmico brasileiro. As notas explicam as escolhas feitas pelo tradutor e esclarecem as diversas questões culturais envolvidas na tradução. Em um nível analítico, o objetivo é pesquisar a dinâmica do processo tradutório, bem como os elementos que interagem nas tomadas de decisão e subsequente re-estruturação do texto na língua de chegada. bloco tem dois capítulos: A Cena Literária, um estudo introdutório sobre a vida do autor e contexto de sua obra, e A Cena nos Estudos de Tradução, que aborda alguns pressupostos teóricos, privilegiando a tradução orientada para o texto de partida. O segundo bloco, O Processo, apresenta a análise da tradução e o conjunto de estratégias empregadas. Este bloco tem dois capítulos: Notas sobre Aspectos Culturais, que traz a análise dos dois tipos de notas e Notas sobre o Processo de Tradução, o qual se compõe das seguintes seções: O Nivel Textual apresenta uma leitura crítica do romance, com ênfase na análise literária do processo de tradução, e também discute a presença da ironia e o papel do narrador. As seções O Nivel Sintático e O Nível Lexical complementam a discussão. O resultado final da pesquisa, a tradução anotada para fins acadêmicos, compõe o terceiro bloco. A tese é uma contribuição aos estudos de tradução no meio acadêmico brasileiro. / This dissertation consists of an informative annotated translation of R. K. Narayan’s novel The Guide (1958). The dissertation provides a critical discussion of practical aspects and underlying theoretical assumptions to the translating process. The field of translation studies has in the last decades taken on many meanings and now encompasses realms beyond the textual dimension. Translation today is as much about the translation of cultural and historical contexts and concepts as it is about language itself. The notes therefore fall into two distinct categories: a) notes in Portuguese about culturally specific phrases and words, which aim at bridging cross cultural barriers to the Brazilian reader and supplement the text translated; b) notes about the translation process itself discussed in the light of the process of analysis and decision making. Translations have played a critical role in spurring literary trends all over the world, as the recent influx of the so called "diaspora writers" from European colonial backgrounds attest. R. K. Narayan was modern India's first successful professional writer in English and cleared the path for contemporary Indian fiction in English. The objective of the dissertation is twofold. On a pragmatic level, the main objective is to provide the Brazilian academy with an informative translation of The Guide. The annotations are used to explain the choices made by the translator, and to clarify the manifold cultural issues involved in the translation. On an analytical level, the objective is to research the dynamics of the translation process, observing the nature of the elements that interact in the moment of the translator's decision and in the subsequent restructuring of the translated text. The dissertation is divided into three major blocks, The Premises, the Process and the Product. The first block contains two chapters: The Literary Scene, an introductory study of Narayan’s life and context of writing and The Translation Studies Scene, which deals with selected theoretical points and states the preference for a source text oriented approach. The second block, The Process, is the analysis of the translation of the novel itself and the set of strategies employed. This block has two chapters: Notes on Cultural Aspects presents an analysis of the two kinds of notes and Notes on the Translation Process, which is divided into the following sections. The Textual Level presents a close reading of the novel, points out to the importance of the literary analysis to the translation process, as well as discusses instances of irony and the role of the narrator. The sections Syntactic Level and Lexical Level complement the discussion. The final result of the work, the annotated translation itself, which is intended for academic research purposes only, is presented in the third block. The dissertation aims at contributing to the ongoing Brazilian studies of translation.
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Modelling tools for quieter vehicles : Waves in poro-and visco-elastic continua / Outils de modélisation pour les véhicules silencieux : ondes dans les milieux continus poro- et viscoélastiquesÖstberg, Martin 07 June 2012 (has links)
De nouveaux outils de modélisation permettant de contribuer au développement de véhicules silencieux sont développés. Ils sont fondes sur des modèles continus de propagation d'ondes en milieux poro- et viscoélastiques. Par l'exploitation des spécificités géométriques des éléments étudiés, les temps de calculs associes peuvent être grandement améliorés par rapport a l'utilisation de modélisations plus traditionnelles. Ainsi, l'utilisation de fonctions analytiques pré-déterminées pour une ou deux directions permet de réduire la dimension spatiale du problème numérique restant a résoudre. Cette réduction de dimension spatiale est introduite pour deux configurations privilégiées. Premièrement, elle est appliquée a la propagation d'ondes au sein de cylindres creux, infiniment longs, et homogènes, ou guides d'onde, en matériau viscoélastique. Les solutions obtenues en termes d'ondes sont ensuite utilisées afin de modéliser des amortisseurs de vibration en caoutchouc, de longueur finie, en faisant correspondre les modes aux conditions limites radiales du problème. Dans un deuxième temps, une méthode de réduction de la dimension spatiale du problème est appliquée a la modélisation des tructures multicouches avec symétrie de révolution, composées de domaines poro-élastiques, élastiques et fluides. En utilisant une décomposition en série harmonique de la dépendance spatiale azimutale,le problème d'origine, en trois dimensions, est décomposé en plusieurs petits problèmes de deux dimensions, réduisant radicalement le coût en temps de calcul. De plus, par une méthode mixte alliant mesures et méthodes numériques, les caractéristiques d'un amortisseur visqueux de poids lourd sont déterminées, dans le domaine fréquentiel audible, illustrant l'influence des coussinets en caoutchouc au niveau des attaches avec les pièces voisines. Les approches de modélisation présentées dans cette thèse ont pour but de contribuer aux outils de conception de véhicules nouveaux, intégrant de nouvelles technologies permettant de s'inscrire dans l'objectif de produire des véhicules durables. Tout particulièrement, ces outils ont pour objectif l'amélioration de la modélisation des vibrations et nuisances sonores, qui sont souvent pénalisés lors de la conception de nouveaux concepts de véhicules durables. / New modelling tools intended to contribute to the development of components for quieter vehicles are developed. The tools are based on continuum models for wave propagation in poro– and visco–elastic media. By using geometric attributes of the studied components, the computational cost may be radically decreased compared to traditional methods. By assigning known analytical functions for one or two of the spatial directions, the spatial dimension of the remaining numerical problem is reduced. This reduction of spatial dimensions is performed in two di↵erent ways. The first one treats wave propagation in infinitely extended homogeneous and hollowed cylindrical rods, or wave guides, consisting of visco–elastic media. The wave solutions obtained are then used to model rubber vibration isolators of finite length by mode–matching the fields to the radial boundary conditions of interest. The second one is a method for modelling rotationally symmetric multilayered structures consisting of poro–elastic, elastic and fluid domains. By using a harmonic expansion for the azimuthal spatial dependence, the original three–dimensional problem is split up into several, much smaller, two– dimensional ones, radically decreasing the computational load.Moreover, using a mixed measurement/modelling approach, the audible frequency range characteristics of a viscous damper from a truck is studied, illustrating the influence of the rubber bushings by which it is attached to surrounding structures.The modelling approaches presented in this thesis are intended as tools aiding the design process of new vehicles, enabling new technology striving for more sustainable vehicle concepts. More specifically, the tools aim to improve the modelling of sound and vibration properties which are often penalised when seeking new, more sustainable vehicle designs.
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An annotated translation of Narayan's novel The GuideRohde, Larissa January 2011 (has links)
Esta tese consiste em uma tradução anotada do romance O Guia (1958), de R. K. Narayan. A tese apresenta uma discussão crítica de aspectos práticos e suposições teóricas subjacentes ao processo de tradução. Nas últimas décadas, a área de estudos da tradução expandiu-se e apropriou-se de vários significados, e atualmente vai muito além da dimensão textual. O conceito de tradução hoje engloba não só aspectos linguísticos como também questões culturais e históricas. As notas, portanto, dividem-se em duas categorias distintas: a) notas em português sobre expressões e palavras culturalmente específicas, que tem por objetivo fazer uma ponte entre barreiras culturais em relação ao leitor brasileiro, suplementando o texto traduzido; e b) notas sobre o processo de tradução como tal, discutidas em relação ao processo de análise e tomada de decisões do tradutor. Obras traduzidas desempenham um papel fundamental na propagação de tendências literárias no mundo todo, como demonstra o recente influxo de obras dos chamados escritores da diáspora a partir de regiões antigamente sob domínio colonial europeu. R. K. Narayan foi o primeiro escritor de língua inglesa profissional bem sucedido na Índia moderna, e abriu caminho para a literatura Indiana de língua inglesa contemporânea. O objetivo da tese se desdobra em dois eixos. Em um nível pragmático, o propósito principal é oferecer uma tradução informativa de O Guia para o meio acadêmico brasileiro. As notas explicam as escolhas feitas pelo tradutor e esclarecem as diversas questões culturais envolvidas na tradução. Em um nível analítico, o objetivo é pesquisar a dinâmica do processo tradutório, bem como os elementos que interagem nas tomadas de decisão e subsequente re-estruturação do texto na língua de chegada. bloco tem dois capítulos: A Cena Literária, um estudo introdutório sobre a vida do autor e contexto de sua obra, e A Cena nos Estudos de Tradução, que aborda alguns pressupostos teóricos, privilegiando a tradução orientada para o texto de partida. O segundo bloco, O Processo, apresenta a análise da tradução e o conjunto de estratégias empregadas. Este bloco tem dois capítulos: Notas sobre Aspectos Culturais, que traz a análise dos dois tipos de notas e Notas sobre o Processo de Tradução, o qual se compõe das seguintes seções: O Nivel Textual apresenta uma leitura crítica do romance, com ênfase na análise literária do processo de tradução, e também discute a presença da ironia e o papel do narrador. As seções O Nivel Sintático e O Nível Lexical complementam a discussão. O resultado final da pesquisa, a tradução anotada para fins acadêmicos, compõe o terceiro bloco. A tese é uma contribuição aos estudos de tradução no meio acadêmico brasileiro. / This dissertation consists of an informative annotated translation of R. K. Narayan’s novel The Guide (1958). The dissertation provides a critical discussion of practical aspects and underlying theoretical assumptions to the translating process. The field of translation studies has in the last decades taken on many meanings and now encompasses realms beyond the textual dimension. Translation today is as much about the translation of cultural and historical contexts and concepts as it is about language itself. The notes therefore fall into two distinct categories: a) notes in Portuguese about culturally specific phrases and words, which aim at bridging cross cultural barriers to the Brazilian reader and supplement the text translated; b) notes about the translation process itself discussed in the light of the process of analysis and decision making. Translations have played a critical role in spurring literary trends all over the world, as the recent influx of the so called "diaspora writers" from European colonial backgrounds attest. R. K. Narayan was modern India's first successful professional writer in English and cleared the path for contemporary Indian fiction in English. The objective of the dissertation is twofold. On a pragmatic level, the main objective is to provide the Brazilian academy with an informative translation of The Guide. The annotations are used to explain the choices made by the translator, and to clarify the manifold cultural issues involved in the translation. On an analytical level, the objective is to research the dynamics of the translation process, observing the nature of the elements that interact in the moment of the translator's decision and in the subsequent restructuring of the translated text. The dissertation is divided into three major blocks, The Premises, the Process and the Product. The first block contains two chapters: The Literary Scene, an introductory study of Narayan’s life and context of writing and The Translation Studies Scene, which deals with selected theoretical points and states the preference for a source text oriented approach. The second block, The Process, is the analysis of the translation of the novel itself and the set of strategies employed. This block has two chapters: Notes on Cultural Aspects presents an analysis of the two kinds of notes and Notes on the Translation Process, which is divided into the following sections. The Textual Level presents a close reading of the novel, points out to the importance of the literary analysis to the translation process, as well as discusses instances of irony and the role of the narrator. The sections Syntactic Level and Lexical Level complement the discussion. The final result of the work, the annotated translation itself, which is intended for academic research purposes only, is presented in the third block. The dissertation aims at contributing to the ongoing Brazilian studies of translation.
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Effekten av en stjärna : En undersökning om branschutmärkelsers effekter ur ett kundperspektiv / The effect of a star : A study of the effect of industry awards through a customer perspectiveKarsheimer, Emma, Svensson, Madelene January 2018 (has links)
Syfte och forskningsfrågor Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera eventuella effekter som branschutmärkelser kan ha på kundens medvetenhet, attityd, lojalitet respektive kundens självbild gentemot ett varumärke. Frågorna som studien svarar på är: Vilken effekt har branschutmärkelser på varumärkesmedvetenhet, varumärkes- attityd och varumärkeslojalitet? Vilken effekt har branschutmärkelser på kundens självbild? Metod Denna studie har till stor del en deduktiv ansats med utformade hypoteser. En enkätundersökning genomfördes med frågor som grundades i teorin. Den insamlade datan analyserades genom både ett kvantitativt och kvalitativt perspektiv. I den kvantitativa analysen identifierades ett medelvärde på enkätsvaren som sedan ställdes mot ett tröskelvärde. I den kvalitativa analysen tolkades och förklarades svarens betydelse vidare. Slutsats Enligt denna studie leder inte branschutmärkelser till ökad varumärkesmedvetenhet, positiva varumärkesattityder eller en ökad varumärkeslojalitet. Enskilda komponenter inom undersökningsområdena har visat på ett svagt ökande. Enligt resultatet har dock branschutmärkelser generellt en neutral effekt, det vill säga att samtidigt som inte markanta ökningar har identifierats har inte heller några markanta minskningar noterats. Resultaten som visade på svagast effekt utav branschutmärkelser tillhörde kundens självbild. / Purpose and research questions The purpose of this study is to identify possible effects that industry awards might have on consumer awareness, attitude, loyalty and on consumer’s self-image towards a brand. The following research questions are answered through the study: Which effect do industry awards have on brand awareness, brand attitude and brand loyalty? Which effect do industry awards have on the consumer’s self-image? Method This study largely takes on a deductive approach by formulating hypotheses. A survey was conducted with questions based on the theory. The collected data was analyzed through a quantitative as well as a qualitative perspective. The quantitative analysis identified a survey mean which was evaluated against a threshold value. In the qualitative analysis, the significance of the answers was further interpreted and explained. Conclusion According to the results of this study, industry awards do not lead to an increase of brand awareness, positive brand attitudes or an increased brand loyalty. A few of the separate components within the scopes of survey has shown a vague increase. However, according to the result industry awards have a neutral effect. This means that at the same time as no significant increases have been identified, neither have any significant decreases. Furthermore, the results showed that the consumer’s self-image had the lowest effect of industry awards.
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An annotated translation of Narayan's novel The GuideRohde, Larissa January 2011 (has links)
Esta tese consiste em uma tradução anotada do romance O Guia (1958), de R. K. Narayan. A tese apresenta uma discussão crítica de aspectos práticos e suposições teóricas subjacentes ao processo de tradução. Nas últimas décadas, a área de estudos da tradução expandiu-se e apropriou-se de vários significados, e atualmente vai muito além da dimensão textual. O conceito de tradução hoje engloba não só aspectos linguísticos como também questões culturais e históricas. As notas, portanto, dividem-se em duas categorias distintas: a) notas em português sobre expressões e palavras culturalmente específicas, que tem por objetivo fazer uma ponte entre barreiras culturais em relação ao leitor brasileiro, suplementando o texto traduzido; e b) notas sobre o processo de tradução como tal, discutidas em relação ao processo de análise e tomada de decisões do tradutor. Obras traduzidas desempenham um papel fundamental na propagação de tendências literárias no mundo todo, como demonstra o recente influxo de obras dos chamados escritores da diáspora a partir de regiões antigamente sob domínio colonial europeu. R. K. Narayan foi o primeiro escritor de língua inglesa profissional bem sucedido na Índia moderna, e abriu caminho para a literatura Indiana de língua inglesa contemporânea. O objetivo da tese se desdobra em dois eixos. Em um nível pragmático, o propósito principal é oferecer uma tradução informativa de O Guia para o meio acadêmico brasileiro. As notas explicam as escolhas feitas pelo tradutor e esclarecem as diversas questões culturais envolvidas na tradução. Em um nível analítico, o objetivo é pesquisar a dinâmica do processo tradutório, bem como os elementos que interagem nas tomadas de decisão e subsequente re-estruturação do texto na língua de chegada. bloco tem dois capítulos: A Cena Literária, um estudo introdutório sobre a vida do autor e contexto de sua obra, e A Cena nos Estudos de Tradução, que aborda alguns pressupostos teóricos, privilegiando a tradução orientada para o texto de partida. O segundo bloco, O Processo, apresenta a análise da tradução e o conjunto de estratégias empregadas. Este bloco tem dois capítulos: Notas sobre Aspectos Culturais, que traz a análise dos dois tipos de notas e Notas sobre o Processo de Tradução, o qual se compõe das seguintes seções: O Nivel Textual apresenta uma leitura crítica do romance, com ênfase na análise literária do processo de tradução, e também discute a presença da ironia e o papel do narrador. As seções O Nivel Sintático e O Nível Lexical complementam a discussão. O resultado final da pesquisa, a tradução anotada para fins acadêmicos, compõe o terceiro bloco. A tese é uma contribuição aos estudos de tradução no meio acadêmico brasileiro. / This dissertation consists of an informative annotated translation of R. K. Narayan’s novel The Guide (1958). The dissertation provides a critical discussion of practical aspects and underlying theoretical assumptions to the translating process. The field of translation studies has in the last decades taken on many meanings and now encompasses realms beyond the textual dimension. Translation today is as much about the translation of cultural and historical contexts and concepts as it is about language itself. The notes therefore fall into two distinct categories: a) notes in Portuguese about culturally specific phrases and words, which aim at bridging cross cultural barriers to the Brazilian reader and supplement the text translated; b) notes about the translation process itself discussed in the light of the process of analysis and decision making. Translations have played a critical role in spurring literary trends all over the world, as the recent influx of the so called "diaspora writers" from European colonial backgrounds attest. R. K. Narayan was modern India's first successful professional writer in English and cleared the path for contemporary Indian fiction in English. The objective of the dissertation is twofold. On a pragmatic level, the main objective is to provide the Brazilian academy with an informative translation of The Guide. The annotations are used to explain the choices made by the translator, and to clarify the manifold cultural issues involved in the translation. On an analytical level, the objective is to research the dynamics of the translation process, observing the nature of the elements that interact in the moment of the translator's decision and in the subsequent restructuring of the translated text. The dissertation is divided into three major blocks, The Premises, the Process and the Product. The first block contains two chapters: The Literary Scene, an introductory study of Narayan’s life and context of writing and The Translation Studies Scene, which deals with selected theoretical points and states the preference for a source text oriented approach. The second block, The Process, is the analysis of the translation of the novel itself and the set of strategies employed. This block has two chapters: Notes on Cultural Aspects presents an analysis of the two kinds of notes and Notes on the Translation Process, which is divided into the following sections. The Textual Level presents a close reading of the novel, points out to the importance of the literary analysis to the translation process, as well as discusses instances of irony and the role of the narrator. The sections Syntactic Level and Lexical Level complement the discussion. The final result of the work, the annotated translation itself, which is intended for academic research purposes only, is presented in the third block. The dissertation aims at contributing to the ongoing Brazilian studies of translation.
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Se hit! : En studie om hur man genom informationsarkitektur och grafiskt gränssnitt når ut med ett budskap på webben / Check this out! : A study on how to reach out with your message through informational architechture and graphical interface on the webStolpe Margenberg, Martin, Hamberg, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
Vårt arbete har gått ut på att skapa två separata webbplatser. Vi har varit delaktiga i hela processerna från idéstadie till färdiga produkter. Webbplatserna vi tagit fram är Jag är fri - en kampanjhemsida åt RFSL, samt Laszlo & Tear - en presentationshemsida åt en musikduo. De två webbplatserna skiljer sig åt då vi klassar Jag är fri som samhällsnytta medan vi klassar Laszlo & Tear som underhållning. Vi såg dock en gemensam nämnare - att de skulle verka marknadsförande och att webbplatsbesökaren enkelt och tydligt skulle uppfatta syftet. Vi ville därför med vår studie undersöka hur man genom informationsarkitektur och grafisk form på ett tydligt och enkelt sätt når ut med rätt budskap och känsla. Studien resulterade i en guide som bidrar med kunskap för att utveckla enklare och mer användarvänliga webbplatser. / Our mission was to create two different web sites. We have been involved in the entire process from idéa to finished product. We have developed web sites for RFSL’s campaign called Jag är fri (eng. I am free) and the music duo Laszlo & Tear. The web sites differ from each other – Jag är fri has a social benefit and Laszlo & Tear is classified as entertainment. We saw, however, a common denominator – both sites should operate in promotional porposes and the recipient should clearly understand the purpose. We wanted to examine the best way to reach out with the right message through information architecture and graphical interface. This paper resulted in a guide that contributes knowledge of how to develop simpler more user friendly web sites.
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