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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Das Ende der Bücherregale

Feger, Claudia 04 February 2006 (has links)
No description available.

數位閱讀浪潮之探究---以iPad為例 / A study of the wave of digital reading -iPad

黃友玲, Huang, Yu Lin Unknown Date (has links)
iPad自2010年推出以來,佳績不斷,成為史上銷售最快的電子產品,蘋果公司又於2011年乘勝推出iPad2,再次贏得全球矚目,消費者不但是引頸期盼,iPad所到之處更是門庭若市、大排長龍,這不但成為電子產品銷售奇蹟,更為人類閱讀歷史帶來了革命性的改變,為現代人的數位閱讀生活掀起浪潮,iPad影響之大,由此可見一斑。本研究聚焦於iPad進行深入研究,嘗試找到iPad之於此波數位閱讀浪潮,之所以能脫穎而出之原因,以及iPad之於此波數位閱讀浪潮,其所扮演的角色為何?iPad之於數位閱讀浪潮,未來發展趨勢為何? 本研究採用質化研究法,包括文獻分析法、線上資料整理法,以及深度訪談法,研究整理之後,得到以下結論: iPad之所以能掀起數位閱讀浪潮,究其原因,可分內在與外在因素來看: 一、內在因素:iPad能提供使用者難忘的經驗,以體驗經濟理論來看,這的確符合了Pine & Gilmore的理論:體驗就是創造難忘的經驗,成為消費者美好的回憶,讓其體會到娛樂性、教育性、逃避現實以及一種美學的感受。 二、外在因素:長久以來電子書閱讀器或平板電腦市場已經累積了許多失敗的教訓,這些都成為iPad推出前可供參考的重要資訊,最後是環境的成熟,網際網路的普及、資訊環境的便利、雲端技術的進步等等,正像Malcolm Gladwell所觀察到的,許多變化來得又快又急,就在於觀念、行為、訊息及產品等,像傳染病一般突然間發作蔓延,一旦達到「引爆點」,就會忽然間將時代潮流一口氣往前邁進。 以上內外因素使得iPad具備了天時地利人和的關鍵因素,因此,當iPad一出,立刻造成全球搶購風潮,進而帶來數位閱讀之新氣象。 本研究發現如下: 一、iPad擴大了閱讀的族群,發揮其引導功能 過去不看書,或是過去不碰電子書的人,很可能因為對iPad的好奇,而開始接觸數位閱讀,可以說,iPad擴大了閱讀的人口,許多人隨時隨地瀏覽新聞、雜誌、網頁、書籍,無形之中鼓勵了閱讀風氣,增加了讀書的人口。 二、iPad豐富了閱讀內容:影音加文字、動態與互動 iPad使得閱讀這件事變得廣義而豐富,閱讀不再限於靜態的、文字的、黑白的,而是彩色的、動態的影音內容,甚至有互動的設計,使得閱讀內容多彩多姿。 三、iPad串起了閱讀行為,完成數位閱讀新載體架構 iPad能夠在體積小、行動力強的手機與功能強大的電腦之間,串起讀者的閱讀行為,提供所謂的無縫式閱讀,這都歸因於iPad能提供隨時隨地、隨開隨用的閱讀優勢,讓讀者可以在不同情境下取用資訊,串起現代人的數位閱讀行為,完成了數位閱讀的新載體架構。 iPad使得繁忙的現代人得以運用更簡便、更有效率的方式管理個人的閱讀生活。以數位閱讀的角度來看,iPad可以刺激學習者的動機,提高閱讀者的興趣,單一紙本閱讀的時代已經過去了,現在的人們可以用iPad體驗更豐富更精采的閱讀生活。 本研究建議如下: 一、iPad對閱讀的影響:iPad之於數位閱讀,由於其畫面亮麗、功能豐富,使用者可能會傾向於淺層理解、容易分心,收收E-mail、玩一下遊戲、看一段新聞等,閱讀可能會淪為片段式的所謂的「輕閱讀」,若要深入做學術研究,或是專題報告等,效果如何,不得而知。總之,iPad的確引起了使用者的閱讀興趣,但效果究竟如何,值得後續觀察。 二、iPad對人際關係的影響:iPad之問世,許多人愛不釋手,尤其是App Store,天天都有新玩意兒,人與機器互動的時間增加許多,如此以往,會不會造成人與人之間的疏離感,而且iPad2還有Facetime功能,人對機器講話的機會也增加了,這會不會使人與人相處的臨場感逐漸消失,至終引起社會問題,值得注意。 / iPad, since its launch in 2010, becomes the fastest-selling electronic product in history. Followed by iPad2 in 2011, iPad once again won the global attentions. Wherever iPad goes, numerous consumers wait in long lines. Sales of this electronic product, not only become a miracle, but also brought a revolutionary change into the reading history of mankind. The influence of iPad, is evident. This thesis focused on iPad, trying to find the reason why iPad is so outstanding among all the e-readers? What role is iPad palying in the wave of digital reading? And how iPad will lead the trends in the future of digital reading life of modern people? This study used qualitative research methods, including document analysis, online data compilation method, and depth interviews The important research results are as follows: Why iPad is able to set off a wave of digital reading? The answer can be divided into internal and external factors: (A) Internal factors: iPad offers users a memorable experience. From the experience economic theory point of view, it is indeed in line with the Pine & Gilmore’s theory: to create a memorable experience is the key to satisfy consumers. Let consumers feel entertainment, education, escapism, and an aesthetic experience. (B) external factors: For a long time, e-book readers or tablet PC have ended in failures. All these failures become important informations for iPad’s design. Meanwhile, the maturity of the environment, including the popularity of the Internet, information environment to facilitate the clouds and technological progress, etc., just like Malcolm Gladwell observed that, many changes came too fast and urgent, such as concept, behavior, messages and products. all of a sudden, everything reach the “tipping point”, and it will suddenly move forward the trend of the times in one breath. With internal and external factors, iPad causes a global phenomenon, brings the new digital reading era. What iPad brought into the reading history of mankind?: (A) iPad expanded reading population People who do not read books in the past, or people do not touch e-books before, probably because of the curiosity about iPad, they will start to read books with iPad.In another word, iPad has expanded reading population. More and more people start to read news, magazines, books with iPad, because it is so convenient. (B) iPad enriches the reading content: including audio, video and interactive design iPad makes reading broad and rich. Reading is no longer limited to static, text, black and white, but colorful, filled with video and even interactive. iPad enriches the content-of reading. (C) iPad brought the completion of digital reading behavior of modern people iPad, between the small, mobile cellphones and strong and powerful computers, plays the key role of the readers’ reading behavior, providing the so-called seamless reading, which offer the iPad users to read anytime, anywhere, so that the readers can access informations in different situations. iPad brought the completion of digital reading behavior of people. iPad offers modern people to build a efficient management of individual reading life. iPad can stimulate the readers’ motivation, improve their interest. With iPad, people can experience richer and more exciting reading life. The recommendations are as follows: (A) iPad and Reading: iPad, because of its bright screen, feature-rich, the users might be inclined to shallow understanding. They are easily distracted by collecting E-mail, playing games, and watching a piece of news. This kind of reading become so-called “light reading”. If people want to do further academic research or special reports, iPad is useful or not still remain unknown. It is worth follow-up observation. (B) iPad and interpersonal relationships: iPad is so amazing that many people enjoy using the device, especially the App new stuffs coming up every day. In the future, iPad will cause alienation between people or even cause social problems, we still need to observe it.

Gis Based Geothermal Potential Assessment For Western Anatolia

Tufekci, Nesrin 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to predict the probable undiscovered geothermal systems through investigation of spatial relation between geothermal occurrences and its surrounding geological phenomenon in Western Anatolia. In this context, four different public data, which are epicenter map, lineament map, Bouger gravity anomaly and magnetic anomaly maps, are utilized. In order to extract the necessary information for each map layer the raw public data is converted to a synthetic data which are directly used in the analysis. Synthetic data employed during the investigation process include Gutenberg-Richter b-value map, distance to lineaments map and distance to major grabens present in the area. Thus, these three layers including directly used magnetic anomaly maps are combined by means of Boolean logic model and Weights of Evidence method (WofE), which are multicriteria decision methods, in a Geographical Information System (GIS) environment. Boolean logic model is based on the simple logic of Boolean operators, while the WofE model depends on the Bayesian probability. Both of the methods use binary maps for their analysis. Thus, the binary map classification is the key point of the analysis. In this study three different binary map classification techniques are applied and thus three output maps were obtained for each of the method. The all resultant maps are evaluated within and among the methods by means of success indices. The findings reveal that the WofE method is better predictor than the Boolean logic model and that the third binarization approach, which is named as optimization procedure in this study, is the best estimator of binary classes due to obtained success indices. Finally, three output maps of each method are combined and the favorable areas in terms of geothermal potential are produced. According to the final maps the potential sites appear to be Aydin, Denizli and Manisa, of which first two have been greatly explored and exploited since today and thus not surprisingly found as potential in the output maps, while Manisa when compared to first two is nearly virgin.

Aufklärung und Revolutionsbegeisterung : die katholischen Universitäten in Mainz, Heidelberg und Würzburg im Zeitalter der Französischen Revolution (1789-1792/93-1803) /

Schweigard, Jörg, January 1900 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Diss.--Fakultät 8--Universität Stuttgart, 2000. / Bibliogr. p. 510-549. Index.

Is the New Paragraph More Readable than the Traditional Paragraph?

Singh, Ravi Inder Unknown Date
No description available.

Is the New Paragraph More Readable than the Traditional Paragraph?

Singh, Ravi Inder 06 1900 (has links)
The definition of the traditional paragraph has remained unchanged for generations of readers. Yet today the predominant form of the paragraph on the Web is so new that it can only be called the new paragraph. So the question is which is the more readable of the two paragraph formats? More specifically, how can the new paragraph be defined and how can its readability be measured against the traditional paragraph? A literature review reveals that no attempt has ever been made to define the new paragraph. A novel approach is taken: collect the headline stories from the top 43 English language online daily newspapers and use them to define the new paragraph. They exclusively use the new paragraph format and 1200 stories were collected from them over a period of four months. The results indicate a drastic difference between the old and new paragraph with the new paragraph being on average less than half the size of the old paragraph. White space between paragraphs occupies almost exactly half a given story. Words of less than two syllables are the norm in a new paragraph. To determine the readability of the new paragraph, a test of readability was performed using human subjects. A passage of text was selected and formatted according to the rules for the traditional paragraph and according to the metrics of the new paragraph. The cloze procedure is then used to decide readability. The reading test‟s data is analyzed and the results and future directions of the study are discussed in the conclusion. / Software Engineering and Intelligent Systems

The effect of observation errors on parameter estimates applied to seismic hazard and insurance risk modelling

Pretorius, Samantha 30 April 2014 (has links)
The research attempts to resolve which method of estimation is the most consistent for the parameters of the earthquake model, and how these different methods of estimation, as well as other changes, in the earthquake model parameters affect the damage estimates for a specific area. The research also investigates different methods of parameter estimation in the context of the log-linear relationship characterised by the Gutenberg-Richter relation. Traditional methods are compared to those methods that take uncertainty in the underlying data into account. Alternative methods based on Bayesian statistics are investigated briefly. The efficiency of the feasible methods is investigated by comparing the results for a large number of synthetic earthquake catalogues for which the parameters are known and errors have been incorporated into each observation. In the second part of the study, the effects of changes in key parameters of the earthquake model on damage estimates are investigated. This includes an investigation of the different methods of estimation and their effect on the damage estimates. It is found that parameter estimates are affected by observation errors. If errors are not included in the method of estimation, the estimate is subject to bias. The nature of the errors determines the level of bias. It is concluded that uncertainty in the data used in earthquake parameter estimates is largely a function of the quality of the data that is available. The inaccuracy of parameter estimates depends on the nature of the errors that are present in the data. In turn, the nature of the errors in an earthquake catalogue depends on the method of compilation of the catalogue and can vary from being negligible, for single source catalogues for an area with a sophisticated seismograph network, to fairly impactful, for historical earthquake catalogues that predate seismograph networks. Probabilistic seismic risk assessment is used as a catastrophe modelling tool to circumvent the problem of scarce loss data in areas of low seismicity and is applied in this study for the greater Cape Town region in South Africa. The results of the risk assessment demonstrate that seemingly small changes in underlying earthquake parameters as a result of the incorporation of errors can lead to significant changes in loss estimates for buildings in an area of low seismicity. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / Insurance and Actuarial Science / MSc / Unrestricted


Vrba, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Presented work tries to reflect the structure of human world, which is able to create an overman as an artificial intelligence through its self-destructive tendency. It investigates the possibilities of our imagination and if we are able to think about artificial intelligence as a sui generis continuation of human species. Hand in hand it tries to create a tension between particular ethico-political decisions and subsequent binding structure, which they implies.


Reiter, April Ann 25 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Die implikasies van Pierre Babin se boek The new era in religious communication vir 'n kontemporêre jeugbedieningsmodel

Roux, Anton 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die Jeugbediening binne die Nederduitse Gereforrneerde Kerk verkeer tans in 'n stroomversnelling, en roep om vemuwing en verandering. Onderliggend aan bierdie krisis wat ontstaan het, le die tydsgees van die postmodemisme. Laasgenoemde het 'n beslissende invloed op die wyse waarop die jongmense vandag die evangelie hoor en leer. Dit het ook 'n deurslaggewende invloed op geloofskommunikasie. Pierre Babin beredeneer in sy boek The New Era in Religious Communication vyf konsepte wat lig werp op die nuwe era wat aangebreek het in geloofskommunikasie en spreek daarrnee die krisis in hierdie nuwe era bevredigend aan. Hy benadruk die volgende hoofkonsepte, naamlik: • Die verskuiwing van die Gutenberg-era na die Oudiovisuele era • Die impak van die elektroniese media op geloof • Die weg van skoonheid • Die simboliese weg • Stereo-kategese. Die skrywer is van mening dat die hoofkonsepte, soos uitgewerk deur Babin, die basis le vir 'n effektiewe, kontemporere jeugbedieningsmodel vir die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. / The ministering of the gospel to the youth within the Dutch Reformed Church finds itself in a rapid at present and is calling for rejuvenation and change. Underlying to this crisis, is the spirit of the times known as Post Modernism. The latter has a decisive influence on the way the youth of today hear and learn the gospel. It also has a conclusive impact on communicating religion. Pierre Babin argued in his book The New Era in Religious Communication five concepts which cast light on the new era which has arrived in the communication of religion. These address the crisis of the new era effectively. He emphasizes the following main concepts: • The shift from the Gutenberg era to the audiovisual era • The impact of the electronic era on faith • The way of beauty • The symbolic way • Stereo catechesis. The author is of the opinion that these concepts, as formulated by Babin, pave the way for an effective, contemporary model for ministering the gospel to the youth within the South African context. / Practical Theology / M. Diac. (Youth work)

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