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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ANA CRISTINA BARTOLO 09 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] A tese tem como objeto os cursos ministrados por Roland Barthes no Collège de France (1977-1980) tomando como guia a enunciação barthesiana, explicitada no título desta pesquisa, de que estes cursos são por ele experimentados como um caminho associado à palavra chinesa Tao (cf. Barthes: protocolo da colheita). Esta concepção de caminho se oferece a Barthes como uma metodologia para a realização de uma nova prática de escritura que ele intitula como Romance. Na tese, a observação projetiva deste suposto método em operação é designada em termos de um mal-estar do método. Essa terminologia se justifica a partir de outra enunciação pessoal, esta proferida em Cerisy-la-Salle (1977), em que Barthes defende que a paixão do medo tenha o valor de método pois dela parte um caminho iniciático. Em outro eixo de desenvolvimento da pesquisa, há a simulação de uma poética do tempo que faz para corresponder a uma virada na naturalidade que Barthes designa como uma terceira volta do parafuso e que no curso A preparação do romance I está vinculada à prática do haicai. E, por fim, em um último eixo de abordagem, os cursos são trabalhados na perspectiva de um manual de escritura para destacar uma pedagogia suscitada pelo próprio texto barthesiano, ou ainda, pela singularidade de uma escrita que explicita seus procedimentos em um duplo registro: um dizer crítico-reflexivo associado a um mostrar poético-performativo. Nesse registro há uma reunião de considerações barthesianas relacionadas aos atos de abordar, anotar, apontar, burlar, captar, classificar, comentar, definir, descrever, escutar, fichar, flutuar, interpretar, observar etc. Barthes diz que um ponto de fuga do Curso seria a realização de um romance: passar da preparação para uma práxis de escritura. Mon Roland. Mon Roman. E, aqui, o retorno em espiral à problemática inicial do curso A preparação do romance I: como passar da anotação ao romance, do descontínuo ao fluxo, do fragmento ao não-fragmento. Ou ainda: como escrever um romance? / [en] This thesis analyzes the courses given by Roland Barthes at Collège de France (1977-1980), drawing on his utterance cited in the title of this work in which he claims to experience the courses as a way, alluding to the Chinese word Tao. Barthes draws on this conception of way as a methodology for undertaking a new practice of writing, which he calls the novel. In the thesis, the projective observation of this supposed method in operation is designated in terms of methodological malaise. This terminology is justified by another personal utterance, this one proffered in Cerisy-la-Salle (1977), in which Barthes argues that the passion of fear has methodological value, because it is from it that an initiating way begins. Elsewhere in this research there is the simulation of a poetic of time in the making to correspond to the natural turn that Barthes calls a third turn of the screw and which, in the course The preparation of the novel I, is associated with the haiku. And finally, in the last branch of the approach, the courses are observed from the perspective of a writing handbook to highlight a pedagogy brought about by Barthes text itself, or indeed by the singularity of a writing that explicates its procedures on two levels: reflexive and critical discourse alongside poetic and performative demonstration. In this register, Barthes considerations about the acts of approaching, noting, indicating, misleading, capturing, classifying, commenting, defining, describing, listening, listing, floating, interpreting, observing, etc. are combined. Barthes said that a vanishing point for the course was the writing of a novel: moving from the preparation to the praxis of writing. Mon Roland. Mon Roman. And here we spiral back to the initial inquiry of the course The Preparation of the Novel I: how to progress from notation to novel, from discontinuity to flow, from fragment to non-fragment. Or else: how to write a novel?

Building Laboratory : Improving social and environmental equity

Skyllberg, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
A problem with the city is that urban development, for the last decades, has neglected the human scale. Since capitalism and modernism the focus has shifted towards the modern man, a new rational being separated from nature rather than nature being an ever present part of life. Adopting an architecture where form follows function. Focus is on designing for the market and economy which has generated a culture of consumption and capitalist cities plagued by environmental issues and social inequality and cities are not fulfilling essential needs of a big portion of the people living there. Our culture and cities have ecological ramifications that extend beyond its borders disrupting the very basic needs of human life.  Architecture must be designed for the collective rather than the ego. Rather than the few designing for the many, people should be a part of the making and remaking of the city and society. Design and architecture should rediscover our place in ecosystems and learn from nature how to adapt and be transformable. It should be inclusive, participatory and comprehensive to improve resilience.  Building laboratory explores how design and architecture can become mutalistic by including, teaching and learning from the inhabitants. Constructing by using simple strategies and local material.

How to bell the cat named Social Impact Measurements : Challenges and Limitations in setting up Social Impact Measurement

Singhal, Rajat, Berlinger, Nicolas January 2018 (has links)
Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprises are an emerging trend. An increasing number of individuals are finding ways to address a social issue through their entrepreneurial skills. As well as increasing number of corporations and investing organizations are looking for ventures that address a social issue to fulfil their social responsibility. Thus, it is increasingly becoming important for the social entrepreneurs to measure and report their impacts to society in an accurate way. This research seeks to find out the challenges faced by social entrepreneurs while setting up social impact measurements in their ventures and the solutions adopted by them. Through a series of semi‐structured interviews with successful social entrepreneurs, this research collects qualitative data that increases the knowledge in this area and contributes in a better understanding of the challenges faced by social entrepreneurs. This research found that Theory Of Change is the most commonly used method and is preferred by practitioners as it is easy to implement. The research summarises the efforts it takes to implement the measurements, recommends best practices or advice to make impact measurement easier and useful. Also, a framework is developed that can be used in setting up measurements in a social venture.

Följsamhet gentemot riktlinjer vid kateterspolning : en observationsstudie

Bengtsson Akkad, Linn, Ringström, Anna January 2007 (has links)
Efterföljs handbokens riktlinjer vid kateterspolning? En observationsstudie om följsamheten kring Handbokens riktlinjer och hygienrutiner vid kateterspolning.Patienter med urinkatetrar är frekvent förekommande inom stora delar av vården och är därför något som vårdpersonalen kommer i kontakt med. Momentet då katetern spolas är förenat med komplikationer och därför har en jämförande kvalitativ studie här genomförts utifrån Handbokens riktlinjer för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal gällande hygien, material och tillvägagångssätt för att säkerställa en god och säker omvårdnad. Föreliggande studie syftar till att beskriva överensstämmelsen mellan hur kateterspolningar genomförs i praktiken och de riktlinjer som ges i Handboken avseende kateterspolning. Observationerna genomfördes på en vårdavdelning och deltagarna i studien bestod av undersköterskor samt patienter som bar kvarliggande katetrar. Resultatet av studien visar att materialkategorin hade bäst överensstämmelse med Handboken, medan hygienrutiner och tillvägagångssättet skiljde sig på flest punkter. / Are the guidelines of the Handbook being met regarding catheter irrigation? An observation study about the guidelines adherence and hygiene routines during catheter irrigation according to the Handbook. Patients with urethral catheters are frequently occurring in the healthcare, and are therefore something that the nursing staff often gets in contact with. Irrigation of catheters is associated with complications, which is why a comparative qualitative study has been made from the point of the Handbook for health and care staff and it’s guidelines regarding hygiene material and way of execution to ensure a good and safe care. The study is intended to describe the agreement between how the irrigation of catheters is executed in reality with the guidelines given in the Handbook. The observations were carried out at a ward and the participations were assistant nurses and patients who had indwelling catheters. The result of the study shows that the material category had the best agreement with the Handbook, whereas the hygiene routines and way of execution differed on most points.

Handbook for sustainable development: Integrated Water Resources Management in Hanoi, Vietnam: Short communication

Stefan, Catalin, Fuchs, Lothar, Röstel, Gunda, Werner, Peter 09 November 2012 (has links)
The handbook presented in this paper summarises the results of the research initiative “International Water Research Alliance Saxony” (IWAS). The subproject “IWAS Vietnam” (Phase I, October 2008 – December 2010) focuses on the model region “South-East Asia” with emphasis on Vietnam. The project started as a joint research initiative between German and Vietnamese organisations and included contributions from academic, private and public sector in both countries. The handbook was compiled by the Technische Universität Dresden (project coordination), the Institute for Technical and Scientific Hydrology and Dresden Drainage and Sewerage Company, with substantial contributions from Vietnamese partners. / Sổ tay hướng dẫn trong bài viết này tóm lược các kết quả của sáng kiến nghiên cứu từ “Liên minh Nghiên cứu ngành nước quốc tế bang Saxony” (IWAS). Dự án nhánh “IWAS Việt Nam” (giai đoạn 1, 10/2008 - 12/2010) tập trung vào khu vực Đông Nam Á với trọng tâm là Việt Nam. Dự án khởi động như một sáng kiến liên kết nghiên cứu giữa các tổ chức của CHLB Đức và Việt Nam với sự đóng góp từ các đơn vị tư nhân, nhà nước và trường đại học của cả hai quốc gia. Quyển sổ tay này được biên soạn bởi Đại học Kỹ thuật Dresden (cơ quan điều phối dự án), Viện Công nghệ và Khoa học Thủy văn, và Công ty Thoát nước Dresden, cùng với sự đóng góp quan trọng của các đối tác Việt Nam.

När normkritik blir normerande : En queerteologisk kritik av feministiskteologisk förståelse av betydelsen av kön i talet om Gud

Hilariusson, Alma Ottilia Tilly January 2024 (has links)
A major motivation for this thesis is the creation of an exchange between the resources of the queer theology of the 2020s and the feminist liturgical movement in the 1990s, specifically regarding the theological consequences of the intersection of theologies of gender/sex with talk to and about God in the context of inclusive liturgical reform work.   This thesis conducts an analysis of the discourse regarding inclusive language in the motivational volume accompanying the never accepted handbook proposal for the Swedish church from year 2000. First by applying a reconfigured version of a method borrowed from analytical philosophy, excavates the views of gender/sex underlying the argumentation regarding inclusive language reform and gender-based discrimination. From these results a systematic reconstruction of the motivational volumes theology of gender/sex carried out. Finaly this reconstructed theology is critically evaluated by subjecting it to both the queer theology of Linn Tonstad and the feminist theology of Anne-Louise Eriksson  regarding the construction and meaning of gender/sex as well as of liturgical language and its oppressive and liberating functions.    This thesis concludes that the theology of gender/sex that follows from the motivational volume’s argumentation, is theologically problematic for the following reasons: The strict gender essentialism and dichotomic understanding om men and women are counterproductive to its emancipatory goal. By situating its argumentation in the patriarchal symbolic imaginary, its efforts to counteract patriarchal dominance becomes entangled in what Tonstad calls “the affective lives of binaries”. This suggests that every theology with an intention of inclusion and the combating of discrimination needs to commit itself to rigorous systematic examination of its theological premises’.       Finaly, not only does the lack of such a theology counteract any emancipatory attempt, it also risks when applied in liturgy to severely limit the God that the liturgy speaks to and of.

Vzdělávání rodičů v problematice drogové závislosti dětí - projekt kvantitativního průzkumu / Educating Parents in Children's Drug Addiction Problems - A Quantitative Survey Project

Hojerová, Eva January 2011 (has links)
The focus of the thesis is on drug addiction prevention in families. Education in the family is seen here as one of the key factors preventing substance addiction. In my work, I emphasize the need to inform and educate parents in this area and put forward solutions in the form of the project "Educating Parents in Children's Drug Addiction Problems". The purpose of the project is to publish a handbook for parents titled "Do You Know About Drugs What Your Child Does?" The publication will provide parents with basic information about drug addiction. In addition to theoretical knowledge about drugs, parents will also be offered practical advice and guidance on how to prevent potential problems with drugs in their children, on how to react when they learn about the child's experimentation with drugs and, last, but not least, how to act in the situation when they find out that their child is already drug-addicted. Prior to writing the handbook, quantitative survey of parents has been undertaken to map the situation in the area of drug addiction prevention in families. The aim is to include the results of the survey in the handbook in such a way that, e.g., its text, in some parts, will give details to the explanation of the problematic phenomena exposed by the survey. The survey is one part of an entire...

Desenvolvimento de Caderno Sobre Avaliação do Eletrocardiograma: Contribuição para a Prática de Enfermeiros da Atenção Primária de Saúde / Development of a Notebook on the Evaluation of the Electrocardiogram: Contribution to the Nursing Practice of Primary Health Care

Gentil, Selma Rossi 27 October 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A realização do eletrocardiograma (ECG), através do Sistema de Tele- ECG, é ferramenta fundamental para aprimorar a assistência às Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT) na Atenção Primária de Saúde (APS). Aprimorar o conhecimento dos enfermeiros que atuam nesse âmbito da assistência na realização e avaliação do ECG adequadamente deve contribuir diretamente na prevenção das Doenças Cardíacas. Objetivo: Desenvolver um Caderno Didático para apoio do Enfermeiro na Realização e Avaliação do Eletrocardiograma na APS. Método: Tratase de uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso. Os dados foram coletados em diferentes fontes, tais como o banco de dados do Sistema Tele-ECG do Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia relativos à população atendida no Ambulatório da Várzea do Carmo de São Paulo, prontuários disponíveis nesse ambulatório e revisão de literatura. Resultados: Os dados apontaram que no período de 2010 a 2015, o perfil dos pacientes atendidos no Ambulatório Várzea do Carmo era 58% feminina e 42% masculina; a maior faixa etária era de 51 a 60 anos em ambos os sexos; uso de medicamentos ocorre em 41% dessa população. O diagnóstico de ECG normal foi em média 44% para ambos os sexos. Na faixa etária de 51 a 60 anos foi de 41%, e foram decrescentes em todas as faixas etárias acima desta e na faixa etária de 0 a 11 meses. A alteração eletrocardiográfica ocorreu em 30% dos diagnósticos totais e as principais arritmias foram: bradicardia sinusal, extrassístole, fibrilação atrial, ritmo ectópico, flutter atrial, bloqueios de ramo, sobrecarga e infartos cicatrizados. O defeito técnico na execução da técnica foi de 7,29% dos exames realizados no total de 62.850. A revisão de literatura sistematizada realizada nas bases de dados SibiUSP, IEEEXplore, Proquest, Pubmed, BVS, Cinahal, não localizou evidências de manuais de educação permanente para enfermeiros da APS sobre a temática, além de referências em plataformas correlacionadas ao Ministério da Saúde do Brasil, Diretrizes e Normas Técnicas sobre ECG e Arritmias. Face ao perfil da população usuária e as evidências encontrada na literatura construiu-se um caderno de recomendações práticas para os enfermeiros que atuam na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF). Esse caderno foi elaborado com os seguintes itens: conceito de ECG, técnicas para realização e avaliação do traçado eletrocardiográfico, avaliação de risco das arritmias e outros achados do ECG, breve apresentação das urgências cardiológicas. Conclusão: Pretende-se que o Caderno Didático produzido possa apoiar a educação permanente sobre o ECG, a assistência, controle e prevenção das DCNT no âmbito da APS e colaborar na expansão com qualidade do acesso a este procedimento nas unidades especializadas. / Introduction: Electrocardiogram (ECG), through the Tele-ECG System, is a fundamental tool to improve the assistance to Chronic Non-communicable Diseases (CNCD) in Primary Health Care (PHC). Improving the knowledge of nurses working in this area of care in the performance and evaluation of ECG should contribute directly to the prevention of heart disease. Objective: Develop a Didactic Booklet for Nurse Support in the Performance and Evaluation of the Electrocardiogram in APS. Method: This is a qualitative case-study research. The data were collected in different sources, such as the database of the Tele-ECG System of the Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology related to the population attended in the Várzea do Carmo Outpatient Clinic of São Paulo, charts available in this outpatient clinic and literature review. Results: The data showed that in the period from 2010 to 2015, the profile of the patients attended at the Várzea do Carmo Outpatient Clinic was 58% female and 42% male; the largest age group was 51 to 60 years old in both genders; drug use occurs in 41% of this population. The diagnosis of normal ECG was on average 44% for both genders. In the age group of 51 to 60 years was 41%, and were decreasing in all age groups above this and in the age group of 0 to 11 months. The electrocardiographic alteration occurred in 30% of the total diagnoses and the main arrhythmias were: sinus bradycardia, extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, ectopic rhythm, atrial flutter, branch block, overload and healed infarction. The technical defect in the execution of the technique was 7.29% of the examinations carried out in the total of 62,850. The systematized literature review carried out in the databases SibiUSP, IEEEXplore, Proquest, Pubmed, BVS, Cinahal, found no evidence of permanent education manuals for APS nurses on the subject, in addition to references on platforms correlated to the Brazilian Ministry of Health, Guidelines and Technical Norms on ECG and Arrhythmias. Considering the profile of the user population and the evidence found in the literature, a book of practical recommendations was developed for nurses working at the Family Health Strategy (FHS). This book was elaborated with the following items: ECG concept, techniques for conducting and evaluating the electrocardiographic tracing, risk assessment of arrhythmias and other ECG findings, brief presentation of cardiac urgencies. Conclusion: It is intended that the Didactic Book produced can support the permanent education on the ECG, the assistance, control and prevention of NCDs within the framework of the PHC and collaborate in the expansion with quality of access to this procedure in the specialized units.

O ensino de Língua Portuguesa nas apostilas didáticas do Ensino Médio

Rodrigues, Ivelaine de Jesus 19 February 2019 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2019-03-15T12:26:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Ivelaine de Jesus Rodrigues.pdf: 4791345 bytes, checksum: f5afeee386841156b61255d55b28b266 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-03-15T12:26:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ivelaine de Jesus Rodrigues.pdf: 4791345 bytes, checksum: f5afeee386841156b61255d55b28b266 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019-02-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Based on the assumption that there is a growth in adhesion on the part of private schools to adopt, as didactic material, teaching handbooks, the major publishers have invested more and more in the commercialization of this type of material, considered by them, innovative. Based on the theoretical-methodological foundations of the History of Language Ideas (AUROUX, [1992] 2009; FÁVERO & MOLINA, 2006; COLOMBAT, FOURNIER E PUECH, 2017), the aim of this work to describe and analyze how the grammatical contents are structured in Anglo teaching system didactic workbooks and which are the linguistic ideas that support them, in order to identify the practices adopted by these systems that legitimize the idea that they are materials linked to the criteria of Portuguese Language teaching proposed by the Ministry of Education and to investigate the function of the teaching handbooks. With this analysis, we intend to affirm that, in spite of the concern to approach the different linguistic studies that raised in each analyzed period, the ideas do not, in fact, present a link with the grammatical contents, that follow, mainly, the model of the traditional normative grammar and have, as objective, the approval for the examinations for the entrance in the higher education / A partir do pressuposto de que há uma adesão crescente por parte das escolas particulares em adotar, como material didático, apostilas de ensino, as grandes editoras têm investido cada vez mais na comercialização desse tipo de material, considerado, por elas, inovador. Embasado nos fundamentos teórico-metodológicos da História das Ideias linguísticas (AUROUX, [1992] 2009; FÁVERO e MOLINA, 2006; COLOMBAT, FOURNIER e PUECH, 2017), este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e analisar como são estruturados os conteúdos gramaticais nas apostilas didáticas do sistema de ensino Anglo e quais são as ideias linguísticas que os fundamentam, com a finalidade de identificar quais são as práticas adotadas por esses sistemas que legitimam a ideia de que são materiais ligados aos critérios de ensino de Língua Portuguesa propostos pelo Ministério da Educação e de investigar qual é a função das apostilas didáticas de ensino. Com essa análise, pretendemos afirmar que, apesar da preocupação em abordar os diversos estudos linguísticos que efervesciam em cada período analisado, as ideias, efetivamente, não apresentam um elo com os conteúdos gramaticais, que seguem, majoritariamente, o modelo da gramática normativa tradicional e têm, como objetivo, a aprovação nos exames para o ingresso no ensino superior

Developing A Teachers' Handbook for Content-based Instruction at Brigham Young University's English Language Center

Hardman, Melinda Clement 22 April 2009 (has links)
In Winter semester of 2005 the English Language Center (ELC) began plans to implement a content-based program for students at its highest proficiency level in order to provide them with more effective preparation for academic studies in English. Since that time, the program has undergone various changes to provide a more stable, cohesive, and responsive curriculum. There is a need, however, for greater teacher support and training. This paper outlines the process I underwent to create a handbook that would provide needed guidance and training for teachers in this program. This project involved an in-depth needs analysis of teachers and students in the program. Results from this analysis led to the selection of three basic principles that were used in the design and development of this project: (1) practicality, (2) instructiveness, and (3) sustainability. The resulting project is a binder organized into four tabs: (1) Program Overview, (2) The Basics of Content-based Instruction at the ELC, (3) Challenges and Strategies in CBI, and (4) Additional Resources. This resource was developed using Microsoft Word 2007 and includes a variety of graphics, text boxes and layouts to provide a professional and user-friendly product. An evaluation of the project based on the responses of three teachers who used the handbook during Winter semester 2009 revealed that it was a useful and needed resource for teaching content-based classes at the ELC. Further piloting is needed to verify these findings. It is recommended that in the future this resource be maintained by the ELC Coordinator assigned to oversee the content courses. As the ELC continues to refine the content curriculum, evaluation and revisions of this handbook should be carried out at regular intervals to ensure its continued relevance and accuracy over time.

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