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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nästan nakna!  : en studie om kroppsuppfattning och attityder till kroppsform bland unga tävlingssimmare

Nilsson, Jeanette, Jansson, Sofie January 2017 (has links)
Inledning: En individ vars kropp motsvarar de rådande idealen värderas högt i samhället då det anses spegla individens personlighet. Kvinnor visar ofta ett större kroppsmissnöje än män vilket kan bero på att idealen för kvinnor är svårare att nå upp till. Idrottare har dock generellt bättre kroppsuppfattning än icke-idrottare, oberoende av kön, då de i större utsträckning värderar kroppen utifrån funktion snarare är utseende. Syfte: Att undersöka kroppsuppfattning avseende funktion och utseende bland manliga och kvinnliga tävlingssimmare i åldern 15-25 år, samt den rådande kroppskulturen i simhallen under träning. Metod: I enkätundersökningen deltog 116 tävlingssimmare, 62 kvinnor och 54 män i åldern 15-25 år. I observationsundersökningen deltog de tävlingssimmare som var närvarade under enkätinsamlingarna. Resultat: Kvinnorna och männen uppgav att de hade samma ideal i simhallen. Männens ideal i vardagen utanför simhallen var detsamma som i simhallen medan kvinnornas ideal skilde sig. Majoriteten av simmarna hade KASAM (känsla av sammanhang) över medianen men kvinnorna visade på lägre medelvärde av KASAM än männen. Båda könen skattade att deras kroppsuppfattning påverkades av sociala medier, dock i större utsträckning bland kvinnorna. Männen och kvinnornas kroppsdisposition var till synes likadan, smal midja, smala höfter och bredare överkropp. Konklusion: Kroppsidealen skiljde sig för tävlingssimmande kvinnor men inte för tävlingssimmande män.

Human agency, hardiness, and proactive personality : potential resources for emerging adults in the college-to-career transition

Greenleaf, Arie Todd 01 July 2011 (has links)
Using Krumboltz's (2009) Happenstance Learning Theory as a theoretical framework, the three constructs of human agency, hardiness, and proactive personality were identified for their effectiveness in facilitating proaction and resilience during transitional and stressful circumstances. The purpose of this study was to explore whether human agency, hardiness, and proactive personality predict a successful college-to-career transition, measured by the confidence and readiness factors on the Career Transition Inventory (Heppner, 1991; Heppner, Multon, & Johnston, 1994). Linear regression analyses found that each of the study's independent variables predicted both the confidence and readiness factors. In addition, a stepwise regression analysis selected proactive personality as the strongest predictor of readiness. With proactive personality in the model, the stepwise analysis chose hardiness as the next strongest predictor of readiness. Proactive personality and hardiness together explained 38.2% of the variance for readiness. When a stepwise analysis was run with the three independent variables and confidence as the dependent variable, hardiness was selected as the strongest predictor of confidence. With hardiness in the model, the stepwise analysis chose general self-efficacy as the next strongest predictor of readiness. Hardiness and general self-efficacy together explained 28.1% of the variance for confidence.

Psichosocialinių stresorių darbe ir psichologinio atsparumo ryšys su darbuotojų sveikatai palankiu elgesiu / Relationship of psychosocial stressors at work with employees‘ hardiness and health-promoting behaviour

Kiliotaitienė, Rasa 28 August 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslai - įvertinti psichosocialinių stresorių išreikštumą darbuotojų grupėse atsižvelgiant į sociademografinius rodiklius ir nustatyti psichosocialinių stresorių darbe ir psichologinio atsparumo ryšį su darbuotojų sveikatai palankiu elgesiu. Tyrimo metodas - anketinė apklausa. Darbuotojų psichosocialiniams stresoriams nustatyti naudotas ilgasis COPSOQ II (2004-2005) klausimynas. Nustatant darbuotojų psichologinį atsparumą, panaudota dispozicinio psichologinio atsparumo skalė (angl. Dispositional Resilience Scale, DRS15-R, Bartone, 2007). Tyrime dalyvavo 151 biuro darbuotojai, kurių amžius yra nuo 23 iki 55 metų. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, jog darbuotojų psichosocialinių stresorių vertinimas skiriasi skirtingose socialinėse demografinėse grupėse: darbuotojai vyrai labiau nei moterys linkę teigti, kad darbe turi dirbti dideliu tempu; vyresni darbuotojai labiau nei jaunesni patiria nesaugumo jausmą dėl darbo vietos, jaučia didesnį darbo-šeimos disbalansą ir konfliktą. Kuo labiau darbuotojai subjektyviai vertina, kad darbo vietoje patiria didelį darbo krūvį, jų darbas reikalauja daug kognityvinių resursų, kuo labiau jie linkę manyti, kad turi slėpti savo emocijas darbo vietoje ir patiria didesni darbo-šeimos vaidmenų pusiausvyros konfliktą, mažiau jaučia savo įtaką darbo vietoje, mažesnes vystymosi galimybes, turi mažesnį darbo prasmės pojūtį, mažiau jaučiasi patenkinti savo atlygiu už darbą, mažiau aiškiai suvokia savo vaidmenį organizacijoje, prasčiau vertina... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aims of the study were to assess the severity of psychosocial stressors employee groups according to sociodemographic indicators and to assess the relationship of psychosocial stressors at work employees‘ hardiness and health-promoting behaviour. Methodological instrument – questionnaire. It was used The Copenhagen Psychosocial questionnaire COPSOQ II (2004-2005) to determine psychosocial stressors of employees. It was used Dispositional Resilience Scale, DRS15-R, Bartone, 2007 to determine psychological resistance of employees. The subjects of the study were 151 of different gender, educational level, age (from 23 to 55), length. The research results have shown that psychosocial stressors of employees is differ in different social demographic groups: man employees are more as women employees tend to suggest an opinion that the rate of work is high: older employees more as young suffer insecurity about working place, feel bigger work-family imbalance and conflict. The more subjective the employees that work at a significant workload, they require a great deal of cognitive resources, the more they tend to believe that they have to hide their emotions in the workplace and are more work-family conflict, less feel their influence in the workplace, lower development opportunities, have lower sense of the meaning of work, the less feel satisfied with their rewards for the work, less understand their role clarity in the organization, value worse the quality of leadership, feel... [to full text]

Cold hardiness and carotenoid variation in western redcedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex. D. Don.): Implications for assisted migration for future climates

Van Der Merwe, Elizabeth 07 January 2021 (has links)
Western redcedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don; redcedar), an indeterminate conifer in the Cupressaceae family, is vulnerable to maladaptation in the face of climate change. Assisted gene flow is one mitigation strategy and involves human-mediated migration of populations, where the projected climate of the area of deployment matches the source climate of the population. Despite the overall projections of warmer temperatures globally, in British Columbia (B.C.), the risk of seasonal frost events will remain and therefore the potential for cold damage and mortality of redcedar exists if the newly migrated populations cannot withstand these freezing events. Knowledge of redcedar's ability to withstand freezing temperatures (cold hardiness) is therefore crucial. Redcedar, like many Cupressaceae species, produces and accumulates the purple-coloured carotenoid rhodoxanthin during the winter. This was hypothesized to be correlated with cold hardiness. Assessment of variation in overall, fall and spring cold hardiness and associated rhodoxanthin concentrations were done through repeated, seasonal freeze testing of clonal grafts originating from across the range of redcedar, and seedling progeny from a subset of these clones. Cold damage was quantified using electrolyte leakage and rhodoxanthin concentrations were quantified using high performance liquid chromatography. Cold hardiness and rhodoxanthin were individually modelled using univariate and bivariate mixed effect models with clone/family as a random effect. Model outputs were compared to climatic variables associated with clonal origin to test for climatic relationships. This study found genetic variation in cold hardiness of redcedar with weak climatic clines. This indicates that assisted gene flow of redcedar should be done on a case-by-case basis, with no need for a climatic threshold. Overall heritability of cold hardiness was 0.17 ± 0.03. Novel findings included the positive genetic correlation between fall and spring cold hardiness (0.55 ± 0.33); lack of reciprocal or parental effect for overall cold hardiness; and weak climatic relationships between cold hardiness and predominantly temperature, with the strongest correlation between number of frost-free days in January (0.38, p < 0.01) in the location of origin and cold hardiness. All findings related to rhodoxanthin were novel. Rhodoxanthin varied with family/provenance and season with heritabilities of 0.30 ± 0.09 in fall, 0.42 ± 0.09 in winter and 0.28 ± 0.09 in spring. Winter and spring rhodoxanthin concentrations were phenotypically correlated (0.50, p < 0.01) and genetically correlated (0.76 ± 0.14). Surprisingly, rhodoxanthin was not detected in clonal grafts of redcedar in any season. Results also indicate that rhodoxanthin cannot be used to estimate cold hardiness. The absence of rhodoxanthin in the clonal grafts compared to the seedlings suggests that plant age impacts rhodoxanthin accumulation. / Graduate / 2021-12-14

Kan utbildningstyp och personlighetshärdighet predicera gymnasieelevers akademsika self-efficacy?

Vihlborg, Julia, Andersson, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Akademisk self-efficacy innebär att ha tilltro till ens förmågor relaterat till skolkontexten. Tidigare studier visade att tilltron är en tillgång att ha som elev. Denna tilltro är positivt relaterad till personegenskapen personlighets-härdighet som består av dimensionerna engagemang, kontroll och utmaning. Studien syftade till att se om utbildningstyp och kön kan förklara variation i akademisk self-efficacy samt se om personlighetshärdighet kan förklara ytterligare variation. Data insamlades genom att 107 gymnasieelever besvarade en enkät bestående av skalorna Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C) och Academic Hardiness Scale (AHS). Analys utfördes genom korrelation, t-test och regressionsanalys. Resultatet visade och gav kunskaper om att elever med högskoleförberedande utbildning hade genomsnittligt högre nivå av akademisk self-efficacy än elever med en yrkesförberedande utbildning, samt en relation mellan personlighetshärdighet och akademisk self-efficacy. Resultatet visade inga signifikanta skillnader i akademisk self-efficacy mellan kön. De nämnda resultaten antyder vad som kan behöva åtgärdas gällande akademisk self-efficacy och personlighets-härdighets tre dimensioner.

Developing a Nomological Network to Incorporate Learned Helplessness into Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Kovacs, Nicholas Carroll 10 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Nacházení smyslu v práci investigativního novináře / Finding the sense in the occupation of an investigative journalist

Gruberová, Nicole January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to examine the work experience of investigative journalists. Regarding the specificity and a demanding character of this job, the attention was aimed to perceieved risks and coping strategies of selected journalists. The theoretical part was divided into two sections. The first stemming from the theoretical background of the media studies. In the second, the themes emerging from the analysis, relating to the field of psychology, were described. The empirical part of the research is based on qualitative design, more specifically on the method The Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Within the research two in-depth interviews with two investigative journalists were made. Each of the respondents is dedicated to different type of investigative journalism and focuses primarily on different geographical area. Within the characteristics of IPA I concentrated on their subjective experience while the working process. Both of the respondents were asked to talk freely about what they considered important relating to my questions. In the analytical part I tried to intepret the answers regarding possible personality sources. Based on the findings I formed a proposal of the categories of these sources which within the living experience of the respondents seemed crucial for...

A Programmatic Geographic Information Systems Analysis of Plant Hardiness Zones

Bowen, Andrew 01 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The Plant Hardiness Zone Map consists of thirteen geographical zones that describe whether a plant can survive based on average annual minimal temperatures. As climate change progresses, minimum temperatures in all regions are expected to change. This work programmatically evaluates predicted future climate projection data and converts it to United States Department of Agriculture-defined hardiness zones. Through the next 80 years, hardiness zones are projected to move poleward; in effect, colder zones will lose area and warmer zones will gain area globally. Some implications include changes in crop growing degree days, which could alter crop productivity, migration and settlement of invasive species over native species in shifted zones, and the interruption of plant vernalization, which is an important factor in establishing dormancy. The programmatic evaluation and analysis of hardiness zone change is a strategic lens for viewing the effects and rate of climate change using an easy-to-grasp metric.

Gender differences in salutogenic functioning in military deployment

Ganyane, Evans Mpho 30 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to examine gender differences in salutogenic functioning in military deployment. Salutogenisis focuses on the origin of health and wellness, and the salutogenic constructs sense of coherence (SOC), hardiness (PVS) and self-efficacy (SES) which were conceptualised focus on how individuals handle stressors positively and still remain healthy. Gender differences in military deployment were discussed, focusing on different stressors that impact on individuals' functioning when deployed. Empirically the salutogenic constructs: SOC, PVS and SES were measured. The population consisted of males and females working at 7 SAI Phalaborwa who were deployed in Kwa-Zulu Natal. Statistical techniques were applied to determine differences between males and females. The data was analysed statistically using the SPSS programme. Statistical significance was found in the SOC sub-scale "meaningfulness" and the PVS sub-scales "commitment" and "challenge". / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Admin (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Bepalende persoonlikheidskenmerke in die salutogeniese paradigma / Determining personality characteristics in the salotogenic paradigm

Breed, Marita 06 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / In hierdie navorsing is die waarde van salutogenese as paradigma in gesondheid­ sielkunde krities beskou en salutogenese as konstruk ondersoek. Antonvosky (1979) se aanspraak dat salutogenese 'n nuwe paradigma verteenwoordig, is krities teen die agtergrond van Kuhn se wetenskapsbeskouing en die metaforiese gebruik van die paradigmabegrip in die geesteswetenskappe geevalueer. Met die navorsing is bevind dat salutogenese wei as paradigma in gesondheidsielkunde funksioneer. Die verskille tussen salutogenese en patogenese in terme van aannames. metodologie, teoretiese onderbou en gedeelde waardes is om voldoende tot die slotsom te kom dat salutogenese in die vorm van 'n mini-revolusie akkumulatief tot navorsingsprestasie bydra. Daar word aanbeveel dat die paradigma eksplisiet gestel word ten einde navorsing volgens die salutogeniese beginsels te rig. Ten einde die konstruk 'salutogenese' te belig en bepalende persoonlikheidskenmerke in die salutogeniese paradigma te identifiseer, is 'n steekproef van 1983 voorgraadse studente aan UNISA geselekteer, in twee groepe verdeel, naamlik Blankes en Ander, en vraelyste wat koherensiebelewing, persoonlikheidsgehardheid, potensie, aangeleerde vindingrykheid, lokus van kontrole en selfdoeltreffendheid meet, is afgeneem. Die onderliggende dimensies van die konstrukte is deur faktorontleding blootgele. Produkmomentkorrelasies is bereken en tweede- ordefaktorontledings en bevestigende faktoranalises is uitgevoer. Die empiriese resultate dui daarop dat vir die Blankes aldie persoonlikheidskenmerke tot die konstruk bygedra het, terwyl aangeleerde vindingrykheid nie by die Ander tot salutogenese bygedra het nie. In terme van bepalende persoonlikheidskenmerke is by die Blankes bevind dat salutogenese uit twee tot drie dimensies bestaan. 'n Optimistiese lewensuitkyk, aktiewe betrokkenheid by die omgewing, spesifieke gedragsvaardighede wat streshantering vergemaklik en 'n persepsie van hulpbron­ beskikbaarheid is die ge'ldentifiseerde bepalende salutogeniese kenmerke. Vir die Ander het resultate aangetoon dat salutogenese 'n eendimensionele konstruk is wat verteenwoordigend is van 'n individu wat oor 'n optimistiese lewensuitkyk beskik, stimuli as verstaanbaar en betekenisvol waarneem en op grond daarvan aktief by die leefwereld betrokke is. Salutogenese manifesteer dus verskillend by die onderskeie kultuurgroepe en die onderliggende meganismes en dinamika wat tot salutogenese lei, toon oak kulturele verskille. Bevestigende faktorontledingsresultate toon aan dat al die dimensies van salutogenese nog nie gei"dentifiseer is nie en daar word aanbeveel dat salutogenese verder binne 'n oorkoepelende persoonlikheidsteorie ondersoek meet word. In bedryfsielkundige praktyk kan salutogenese gebruik word om stres­ weerbaarheid te verhoog. / In this research salutogenesis as new paradigm in health psychology was critically evaluated and salutogenesis as construct was clarified. Antonovsky's claim that salutogenesis is a new paradigm was evaluated against the background of Kuhn's view of science and the metaphorical use of the term 'paradigm' in the social sciences. This research concludes that salutogenesis is indeed a new paradigm in health psychology. Salutogenesis and pathogenesis differ sufficiently in terms of assumptions, methodology, specific theories and shared values that salutogenesis, as a mini revolution, contributes to accumulative scientific performance. The paradigm should however be stated explicitly in order to govern research according to salutogenic values. In order to clarify salutogenesis as construct and to identify determining personality characteristics in the salutogenic paradigm, a sample of 1983 undergraduate students from Unisa was selected, divided into two groups, namely Whites and Other, and questionnaires measuring sense of coherence, hardiness, potency, learned resourcefulness, locus of control and self-efficacy were administered. Factor analysis clarified the constructs' underlying dimensions. Product moment correlations were calculated, second-order and confirmatory factor analysis performed in order to clarify the structure of salutogenesis. The results identified that for the Whites all the personality characteristics contributed while learned resourcefulness did not contribute to salutogenesis for the other group. In terms of determining personality characteristics it was found for the White group that salutogenesis is a two or three dimensional construct consisting of an optimistic outlook and active participation in life's demands, specific behavioral skills that aid stress management and a perception of resource availability. For the other group, results indicated that salutogenesis is a unidimensional construct which is respresentative of an individual that has an optimistic outlook on life, evaluates stimuli as comprehensible and is actively involved in his/her own life. Salutogenesis thus manifest differently in different cultures and the underlying mechanisms and dynamics, leading to a salutogenic orientation, show cultural differences. Confirmatory factor analysis indicate that all dimensions of salutogenesis have not been identified and it is recommended that salutogenesis be studied within a broad personality theory. Salutogenesis can be used in industrial psychology to enhance individual stress resistance. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Bedryfsielkunde)

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