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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Otpornost na niske temperature i dehidrataciju kukuruznog plamenca (Ostrinia nubilalis Hb)- ćelijski i molekularni odgovori / Cold hardiness and dehydration of European corn Borer (Ostrinia nubilalis): molecularand cellmechanisme

Kojić Danijela 23 December 2009 (has links)
<p>Kukuruzni plamenac,&nbsp;<em> Ostrinia nubilalis</em>Hb, je insekt umerenog klimatskog područja koji niske&nbsp; zimske temperature preživljava ulaskom u dijapauzu u stadijumu gusenice. Tokom dijapauze gusenice postaju otporne na hladnoću i sposobne&nbsp; da prežive vanćelijsko zamrzavanje telesne tečnosti.<br />Cilj ove teze je bio razumevanje mehanizama otpornosti na niske temperature gusenica&nbsp; <em>O. nubilalis </em>na ćelijskom i molekularnom nivou.<br />Istraživanja su rađena na letnjim, nedijapauzirajućim gusenicama kao i zimskim gusenicama koje su&nbsp; bile izlagane uticaju niskih temperatura u različitim periodima dijapauze. Određivan je režim telesne vode, sadržaj poliola i &scaron;ećera kao mogućih krioprotektora, kao i NMR metabolomički profili. Zbog pretpostavljene uloge atioksidativnog sistema za&scaron;tite (ADS) u procesima vezanim za otpornost na<br />hladnoću određivane su aktivnosti određenih antioksidativnih enzima kao i produkcija H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>i melanina.<br />Rezultati ukazuju da je izlaganje niskim temperaturama kod dijapauzirajućih gusenica praćeno preraspodelom osmotski aktivne (OA) vode na nivou hemolimfe i masnog tela, pri čemu nivo OA&nbsp; opada u hemolimfi, a raste u masnom telu. Nivo osmotski neaktivne vode (OI) ostaje nepromenjen. Nivo glicerola je značajno veći kod dijapazirajućih u odnosu na nedijapauzirajuće gusenice, a njegov nivo se vi&scaron;estruko povećava pri izlaganju niskim temperaturama na sredini dijapauze ukazujući na njegov značaj kao glavnog krioprotektora u ovoj fazi dijapauze. Krajem dijapauze sa<br />niskim temperaturama vi&scaron;estruko se povećava nivo trehaloze, glukoze i fruktoze, a tek neznatnoglicerola.<br />NMR metabolomički profili su potvrdili značaj glicerola u otpornosti na hladnoću, ali i<br />aminokiselina alanina i prolina. U nedijapuzirajućim i dijapauzirajućim gusenicama na 5<sup>o</sup>C registrovano je prisustvo putrescina, poznatog markera stresa, a&nbsp; njegova uloga, kao i moguća uloga njegovih daljih metabolita spermina i spermidina tek treba da se ispita. Odgovor ADS-a na niske temperature takođe je zavistan od perioda dijapauze. Na sredini dijapauze, na temperaturi od&nbsp; -3<sup>o</sup>C, a ne i na&nbsp; -16<sup>o</sup>C, dolazi do povećanja koncentracije H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>i signala melanin radikala, dok aktivnost katalaze i CuZnSOD, ali ne i MnSOD, opada. Kako je glavni izvor H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>mitohondrijalna MnSOD, ovaj enzim je verovatno uključen u regulaciju unutarćelijskog nivoa H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>.<br />Produkcija melanina verovatno je u funkciji odbrane organizma od oksidativnog stresa zbog uklanjanja intracelularnog H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2.</sub> Predpostavljamo da je temperatura od&nbsp; -3<sup>o</sup>C ključna temperatura za pokretanje adaptivnih&nbsp; mehanizama za otpornost na hladnoću gusenica<em> O.nubilalis</em>. Promene u ADS sa izlaganjem niskim temperaturama nisu primećene na kraju dijapauze.<br />Rezultati ove teze ukazuju da je dijapauza dinamično stanje podeljeno na faze, a sama otpornost na hladnoću dobroregulisana i usklađena sa ukupnim metaboličkim potrebama tokom dijapauze.</p> / <p>&nbsp;European corn borer, <em>Ostrinia nubilalisHb</em>, is insect species of the temperate zone that survives low winter temperatures as a diapausing larva. Diapausing larvae are cold hardy and tolerate the formation of extracellular ice crystals.</p><p>The aim of this thesis was to investigate the cellular and molecular basis of&nbsp; <em>O. nubilalis </em>cold&nbsp;hardiness.</p><p>Thus, our research was focused on the non-diapausing (ND) as well as the diapausing (D) larvae that&nbsp;were exposed to low temperatures during different &nbsp;diapausal phases. Body water management,&nbsp;content of polyols and sugars as well as &nbsp;metabolomic NMR profiles, were assessed. Because of the&nbsp;possible role of the antioxidant defence system (ADS) in insects&rsquo; cold hardiness, antioxidant&nbsp;enzymes activity as well as the content of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>and melanin was measured.</p><p>Results showed that the exposure of diapausing larvae to low temperatures provokes exchanges of&nbsp;osmotically active (OA) body water between hemolymph and fat body. With low temperatures, OA&nbsp;water was decreased in hemolymph, increased in fat body while the content of osmotically inactive&nbsp;(OI) water was constant.</p><p>The level of glycerol was higher in diapausing compared to non-diapausing larvae, and showed 2-fold increase with the exposure to low temperatures in mid-diapause. This confirmed that glycerol is&nbsp;O.nubilalismajor cryoprotectant in mid-diapause cold hardiness. On the other hand, at the end of&nbsp;the diapause, the content of trehalose, glucose and fructose, except the glycerol, was substantially&nbsp;increased.</p><p><br />NMR metabolic profiling confirmed the importance of glycerol in diapausal cold hardiness as well&nbsp;as implied the importance of alanine and proline. In addition to this, putrescine, a well-know stress&nbsp;marker, were detected in ND and D larvae at 5<sup>o</sup>C suggesting that its metabolites, namely sperimine&nbsp;and spermidine, can have potential role in diapause.</p><p>The ADS response to low temperatures differs during diapause timescale. In mid-diapause,&nbsp;exposure of larvae to&nbsp; -3<sup>o</sup>C,&nbsp; but not&nbsp; -16<sup>o</sup>C, resulted in the elevation of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>concentration and&nbsp;melanin radical signal. On the other hand, the activity of catalase and CuZnSOD, but not of&nbsp;MnSOD, was decreased. Since the mitochondrial MnSOD is the main source of H<sub>2</sub>O2, this enzyme&nbsp;probably regulates the intracellular level hydrogen peroxide. Melanin probably serves as a defence&nbsp;mechanism against oxidative stress while it reduces the level of intracellular H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>. Temperature of -3<sup>o</sup>C is probably the &lsquo;trigger temperature&rsquo; for mechanism in adaptation of larvae&nbsp; <em>O.nubilalisto </em>&nbsp;cold.&nbsp;There were no changes detected in ADS during exposure to cold in the end of diapausing period.</p><p>The results of this thesis suggested that the <em>O. nubilalis</em> diapause is rather dynamic state divided into&nbsp;different phases and that the cold hardiness is highly regulated and in accordance with the current&nbsp;metabolic demands of each diapausal phase.</p>

What Personality Factors Influence Performance in a Multi-line Insurance Agency?

Greer, Timothy R. 19 November 2018 (has links)
The focus of this dissertation is exploring personality factors that impact performance within a small insurance agency. The primary research question is, what is (or are) the best personality factor(s), sub-facets, or constructs, that contribute to increased performance within an insurance agency. Three of the Five-Factor Model dimensions, extroversion, conscientiousness, and openness to experience along with grit and hardiness were examined, as well as their sub-facets. Grit and hardiness were not found to add additional explanation of the variance while five of the sub-facets were found to better explain the variance over the composite dimensions.

Coping in die Suid-Afrikaanse geheime diens : 'n fortigene-benadering / Bernard Raubenheimer

Raubenheimer, Bernard January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--PU for CHE, 1999.

Variables de personalidad y síndrome de estrés crónico asistencial: estudio exploratorio en personal de enfermería

Ríos Risquez, Maria Isabel 25 September 2009 (has links)
El síndrome de estrés crónico asistencial se desarrolla como consecuencia de la exposición crónica a diversos estresores laborales. Además de la importancia de las variables organizacionales en el desarrollo de este síndrome, resulta necesario investigar la influencia de las variables personales. Los resultados de esta investigación ponen de manifiesto que determinadas variables de personalidad se encuentran asociadas de forma significativa a este síndrome. Concretamente, se evidencia una asociación inversa entre la personalidad negativista y el factor de compromiso del constructo de personalidad resistente. Este factor, a su vez, se muestra como importante predictor de los síntomas del síndrome (cansancio emocional, despersonalización y falta de realización personal en el trabajo). Con estos resultados podemos concluir que las variables de personalidad constituyen un importante factor a tener en cuenta en el diseño de programas de prevención/intervención del síndrome de estr és crónico asistencial, asumiendo un enfoque más integral que no se centre exclusivamente en la influencia de las variables de tipo organizacional. / The burnout syndrome develops as a result of chronic exposure to various job stressors. Besides the importance of organizational variables in the development of this syndrome, it is necessary to investigate the influence of personal variables. The results of this research show that certain personality traits are significantly associated with this syndrome. Specifically, there is evidence of inverse association between negativistic personality and commitment factor construct of Hardiness. This factor is an important predictor of symptoms of the burnout syndrome (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of personal accomplishment). These results suggest that personality variables are an important factor to consider in designing programs of prevention / intervention of Burnout syndrome, taking a more holistic approach that focuses not only on the influence of organizational variables.

Apatinių galūnių amputaciją patyrusių asmenų potrauminio streso sutrikimo simptomų, jų įveikos strategijų ir psichologinio atsparumo sąsajos / Associations between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, coping strategies and hardiness among people with lower limb amputations

Vildžiūnaitė, Kristina 11 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti žmonių, patyrusių apatinių galūnių amputaciją, potrauminio streso sutrikimo simptomų, jų įveikos strategijų ir psichologinio atsparumo sąsajas. Buvo ištirti 120 tiriamųjų (92 vyrai ir 28 moterys), kurie patyrė apatinių galūnių amputaciją. Tyrime buvo naudojami trys klausimynai: 1. DRS-15 (Dispositional Resilience Scale) skirtas matuoti psichologinį atsparumą, kaip asmenybės savybę. 2. Streso įveikos klausimynas, kuris naudojamas matuoti įveikos strategijoms. 3. Įvykio poveikio skalė - revizuota (IES-R) skirsta potrauminio streso sutrikimo simptomams nustatyti. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, jog psichologinis atsparumas nėra susijęs su potrauminio streso sutrikimo simptomais tiesiogiai. Bet nustatyta, jog jaunesnių su žemesniu nei aukštuoju išsilavinimu vyrų didesnis bendras psichologinis atsparumas ir psichologinio atsparumo įsipareigojimas susijęs su dažniau naudojama problemų sprendimo įveikos strategija, o dažnesnis šios strategijos naudojimas susijęs su mažesniu potrauminio streso sutrikimo vengimo simptomo kiekiu. Jaunesnių su žemesniu nei aukštuoju išsilavinimu asmenų bendras psichologinis atsparumas ir jo bruožai (kontrolė, įsipareigojimas) teigiamai susiję su problemų sprendimo įveikos strategijos naudojimu. Vyresnių su žemesniu nei aukštuoju išsilavinimu žmonių grupėje rastas toks pat ryšys tarp bendro psichologinio atsparumo bei jo kontrolės bruožo ir problemų sprendimo įveikos strategijos. Vyresnių asmenų didesnė psichologinio atsparumo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to examine associations between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, coping strategies and hardiness among people with lower limb amputations. There were examined 120 patients (92 men and 28 women) who suffered a lower limb amputation. In the study were used three questionnaires: 1. DRS-15 (Dispositional Resilience Scale) which is designed to measure hardiness as a characteristic of personality. 2. Coping with stress questionnaire, which is used to measure coping strategies. 3. The Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) is used to measure PTSD symptoms. Results showed that hardiness was not directly associated with PTSD symptoms. But there were found that higher overall hardiness and commitment characteristic were associated with a more frequent usage of problem solving coping strategy and more frequent usage of this coping strategy was associated with less PTSD avoidance symptom amount among men who were younger and had lower than higher education. Among people who were younger and had lower than higher education there were found that higher overall hardiness and its characteristics (control, commitment) were associated with a more frequent usage of problem solving coping strategy. In the older age group of people with lower than higher education overall hardiness and its control characteristic were positively associated with problem solving coping strategy. In older age group there were found that hardiness control characteristic was... [to full text]

Kauno ir Punsko gimnazijų mokytojų, patiriančių skirtingą streso lygį, emocinio išsekimo, socialinės frustracijos bei emocinio atsparumo palyginimas / Comparison of Kaunas and Punskas gymnasium teachers, affected by different kinds of stress, emotional exhaustion, social frustration and emotional hardiness

Bludzis, Arunas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo objektas: stresas, socialinė frustracija, emocinis išsekimas, emocinis atsparumas mokytojų darbe. Tyrimo problema. Daugelis mokslinių tyrinėjimų patikimai identifikuoja specifinius mokymo proceso stresorius ir jų neigiamą poveikį mokytojų sveikatai bei gerovei. Mokytojo darbe svarbu tai, kad dėl socialinės frustracijos keičiasi psichinį stresą išgyvenančio žmogaus elgesys, atsiranda nesąmoningos reakcijos į stresorių (nesąmoningi psichologinės gynybos mechanizmai, dirbtini autoriteto palaikymo būdai ar streso „kaukės“). Mokslinių tyrimų apžvalga leid��ia teigti, kad sąmoningi streso įveikimo būdai turi būti siejami su patiriamo streso atpažinimu – tai leidžia kontroliuoti stresinių įvykių poveikį ir ugdyti atsparumą stresui. Atsparumą stresui darbe didina žmogaus pasitenkinimas darbu, taip pat pakankamas savigarbos lygis. Mokslinėje literatūroje nėra pateikiama kompleksinių tyrimų, susijusių su stresu mokytojų darbe. Šio tyrimo pagalba buvo siekiama mokytojų patiriamo streso lygį analizuoti sąryšyje su socialine frustracija, emociniu išsekimu, taip pat įvertinti tiriamųjų emocinio atsparumo lygį. Tyrimo tikslas - ištirti ir įvertinti Kauno ir Punsko gimnazijose dirbančių mokytojų patiriama stresą, socialinę frustraciją, emocinį išsekimą bei emocinį atsparumą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti Kauno ir Punsko gimnazijose dirbančių mokytojų patiriamo streso lygį, socialinę frustraciją, emocinį išsekimą bei emocinį atsparumą. 2. Palyginti Kauno ir Punsko mokytojų patiriamo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work’s subject: stress, social frustration, emotional exhaustion, emotional hardiness in teachers’ work. So far there is no nonfiction literature which would present complex research concerning stress at teachers work. Numerous researches helped to explore only the level of stress but not stress itself. While doing this research I was trying to explain what are the reasons of experienced stress levels and what kind of consequences cause it. A lot of scientific researches credibly identify specific teaching process of stressor and there’s negative affection on teachers health and welfare. Psychical process of stress develops syndrome of emotional exhaustion theory. In teachers’ work important is that emotional frustration changes psychical stress at affected person and unmeant reaction to stressor. Deliberate options of overcoming stress concerns with identification of it, which let us to control stressful events effect and training hardiness of stress. On the way of changing people’s behavior reaction to stress in interpersonal relations it is important to form their self-respect. Hardiness of stress at work higher person’s pleasure of his/her job. Purpose of the research – to examine and evaluate teachers of Kaunas and Punskas gymnasiums affected by stress, emotional exhaustion, social frustration and emotional hardiness. 1. Evaluation of teachers working in Kaunas and Punskas gymnasiums affected by different levels of stress, emotional exhaustion, social frustration and... [to full text]

Tėvų psichologinio atsparumo ir susitaikymo su ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaiko negalia ryšys / Links between parents resilience and coping with disability of their pre-school aged child

Markevičiūtė, Ligita 11 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - išanalizuoti tėvų psichologinio atsparumo ir susitaikymo su ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaiko negalia ryšį. Tyrime dalyvavo 134 tėvai, kurių vaikai lanko ar lankė Kauno lopšelį darželį „Spindulėlis“. Tyrimo imtį sudarė 62,7 % (84 tėvai) tėvų, turinčių neįgalų vaiką ir 37,3 % (50 tėvų) tėvų, turinčių sveiką vaiką. Didžioji dalis apklaustųjų buvo moterys – jos sudarė 76,1 % tiriamųjų, o vyrai – 23,9 %. Psichologinis atsparumas buvo vertinimas apskaičiavus bendrą balą iš socialinio palaikymo ir ištvermingumų skalių. Socialinis palaikymas buvo vertinamas pagal Socialinio palaikymo skalę (Dahlem ir kiti, 1988), ištvermingumas - pagal Amsel ir kitų (2003) ištvermingumo skalę. Remiantis Ulrich ir Bauer susitaikymo su netektimi modeliu, buvo sudaryta susitaikymo su vaiko negalia skalė. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad mažesnis atsparumas susijęs su sunkesniu susitaikymu su vaiko negalia. Susitaikymą su vaiko negalia geriausiai prognozuoti galima remiantis patiriamu socialiniu palaikymu, gaunamu iš šeimos, ir iššūkio pojūčio stiprumu. Kuo didesni šie kintamieji, tuo susitaikymas su vaiko negalia lengvesnis. Tėčių (vyrų) grupėje rezultatai nebuvo statistiškai reikšmingi. Lyginant tėvus, auginančius sveikus vaikus ir tėvus, auginančius neįgalius vaikus, paaiškėjo, kad moterų grupėje suvokiamas socialinis palaikymas skiriasi priklausomai nuo to, ar motinos turėjo neįgalius, ar sveikus vaikus. Motinos, auginančios neįgalius vaikus, patiria mažiau suvokiamo socialinio palaikymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this study was to explore links between parents resilience and coping with disability of their pre-school aged child. Subjects of study was 134 parents who’s child is (or was) attending Kaunas kindergarten “Spindulėlis”. There were 84 (62,7%) parents who have disabled child and 50 (37,3%) parents with healthy children. Most participants were females (76,1 %), others (23,9 %) - men. Resilience was measured by combining two questionnaires: social support scale and hardiness scale. Social support was measured by Social support scale (Dahlem and others 1988) and hardiness was measured by Amsel and others (2003) hardiness scale. Scale of coping with child’s disability was made on the basis of Ulrich and Bauer death acceptance model. Results shows, that lower resilience is linked to worse acceptance of child’s disability. To prognosticate mothers acceptance to child’s disability is best to use view of coping and social support form family members. Links of acceptance and resilience are viewed only in mothers (women) results, there is no significant links in fathers (men) results. Also by comparing parents with disabled children and parents with healthy children, research showed, that has mothers with disabled children has observed social support, then mothers with healthy children. However in fathers results there were no significant difference in social support, despite child was disabled or not. Hardiness did not differ between parents who have disabled children and... [to full text]

Secondary chlorophyll a luminescence decay kinetics from green algae and higher plants : mechanisms and application

Sundblad, Lars-Göran January 1988 (has links)
Barley protoplasts were shown to be a suitable experimental system for studies on the relative maximum during the decay of luminescence observed in most photosynthetic systems after excitation with far red light and in the presence of O2. The far red induced relative luminescence maximum was shown to be a result of three coinciding events: *Randomization of the S-states of the water splitting system during illumination with far red light. *Extreme oxidation of the PSII acceptor side after excitation with far red light and in the presence of O2. *Reverse coupling, causing partial re-reduction of the PSII acceptor side in the dark after far red illumination. When the CO2 concentration in the air above an intact barley leaf was lowered in the dark, the primary PSII acceptor QA was partially reduced. The effect was obtained by changes in CO2 over a wide concentration range including that of saturated photosynthesis. It was thus concluded that the effect was not related to the role of CO2 as the terminal electron acceptor in photosynthesis. White light induced relative maxima during the decay of luminescence frqm low CO2 adapted green algae were shown to be the result of either one or two interacting mechanisms: *Relaxation of qE quenching. *Dark reduction of QA occuring as a result of lowered internal Cj concentration in the dark. Far red induced luminescence decay kinetics and fluorescence induction kinetics, when analyzed with multivariat data analysis, were shown to contain information allowing prediction of the state of frost hardiness in artificially hardened seedlings of Scots pine. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 1988, härtill 8 uppsatser.</p> / digitalisering@umu

Coping in die Suid-Afrikaanse geheime diens : 'n fortigene-benadering / Bernard Raubenheimer

Raubenheimer, Bernard January 1998 (has links)
Since the change in the political dispensation in South Africa in 1994, South Africans are under increasing pressure to accept the new, changing order as a given. The institution where the research was carried out, the South African Secret Service (SASS), has also not escaped these changes and there have been various developments which indicate that some employees are not adjusting to these changes. The purpose of this research has been to determine to what extent a relationship exists between the presence or absence of certain psychological forces in individuals and the coping strategies which they use. The psychological forces were researched and analysed from the fortigenic paradigm, which is aimed at focusing on the origin of certain forces/strengths within man that are of cardinal importance for effective functioning. In the literature study the main focus was on aspects such as coping with change, after which the coping p cess and the various coping types and strategies were addressed. An important element of the literature study consisted of the profiles of copers and non-copers, which focused on the cognitive, emotional and conative fields/areas. Three different psychological approaches, namely pathogenesis, salutogenesis and fortigenesis were addressed, with emphasis on the latter. The fortigenic approach was analysed from the perspective of a number of forces, as identified by Strümpfer. A combination of a quantitative survey design and a qualitative research design (the phenomenological method) was used, with a sample population of 50 persons from the research environment within the SASS. In the research five qualitative measuring instruments (the Locus of Control Questionnaire of Scheepers, the Life Orientation Questionnaire of Antonovsky, the Personal Views Survey of Kobasa, the Self-Efficacy Questionnaire of Sherer & Maddux and the Self-Control Scale of Rosenbaum) and a qualitative instrument (the phenomenological interview) were used to determine the presence or absence of the fortigenic forces in the respondents. The measuring instruments were applied to the whole population, after which a stanine scale was used to identify persons with low and high scores according to the fortigenic construct. An interview based on the phenomenological approach was done with five persons with low and five with high scores. According to the results of the empirical study a statistically significant difference exists between the stanine scores of the five respondents with the highest scores and the five with the lowest scores and it is possible to subject these respondents to the qualitative measuring instrument. According to the qualitative measuring instrument (interview) there is a moderate to strong relationship between the strength of the employees' fortigenic forces and their ability to cope with organisational change. Three of the five employees with low stanine scores showed a strong resemblance to the profile of a non-coper, while two of the respondents showed a moderate resemblance. All five the respondents who achieved high stanine scores showed a strong resemblance to the profile of a coper. Recommendations are made for future study. / Thesis (MCom)--PU for CHE, 1999.

Coping in die Suid-Afrikaanse geheime diens : 'n fortigene-benadering / Bernard Raubenheimer

Raubenheimer, Bernard January 1998 (has links)
Since the change in the political dispensation in South Africa in 1994, South Africans are under increasing pressure to accept the new, changing order as a given. The institution where the research was carried out, the South African Secret Service (SASS), has also not escaped these changes and there have been various developments which indicate that some employees are not adjusting to these changes. The purpose of this research has been to determine to what extent a relationship exists between the presence or absence of certain psychological forces in individuals and the coping strategies which they use. The psychological forces were researched and analysed from the fortigenic paradigm, which is aimed at focusing on the origin of certain forces/strengths within man that are of cardinal importance for effective functioning. In the literature study the main focus was on aspects such as coping with change, after which the coping p cess and the various coping types and strategies were addressed. An important element of the literature study consisted of the profiles of copers and non-copers, which focused on the cognitive, emotional and conative fields/areas. Three different psychological approaches, namely pathogenesis, salutogenesis and fortigenesis were addressed, with emphasis on the latter. The fortigenic approach was analysed from the perspective of a number of forces, as identified by Strümpfer. A combination of a quantitative survey design and a qualitative research design (the phenomenological method) was used, with a sample population of 50 persons from the research environment within the SASS. In the research five qualitative measuring instruments (the Locus of Control Questionnaire of Scheepers, the Life Orientation Questionnaire of Antonovsky, the Personal Views Survey of Kobasa, the Self-Efficacy Questionnaire of Sherer & Maddux and the Self-Control Scale of Rosenbaum) and a qualitative instrument (the phenomenological interview) were used to determine the presence or absence of the fortigenic forces in the respondents. The measuring instruments were applied to the whole population, after which a stanine scale was used to identify persons with low and high scores according to the fortigenic construct. An interview based on the phenomenological approach was done with five persons with low and five with high scores. According to the results of the empirical study a statistically significant difference exists between the stanine scores of the five respondents with the highest scores and the five with the lowest scores and it is possible to subject these respondents to the qualitative measuring instrument. According to the qualitative measuring instrument (interview) there is a moderate to strong relationship between the strength of the employees' fortigenic forces and their ability to cope with organisational change. Three of the five employees with low stanine scores showed a strong resemblance to the profile of a non-coper, while two of the respondents showed a moderate resemblance. All five the respondents who achieved high stanine scores showed a strong resemblance to the profile of a coper. Recommendations are made for future study. / Thesis (MCom)--PU for CHE, 1999.

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