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Design and Characterization of RFIC Voltage Controlled Oscillators in Silicon Germanium HBT and Submicron MOS TechnologiesKlein, Adam Sherman 18 August 2005 (has links)
Advances in wireless technology have recently led to the potential for higher data rates and greater functionality. Wireless home and business networks and 3G and 4G cellular phone systems are promising technologies striving for market acceptance, requiring low-cost, low-power, and compact solutions. One approach to meet these demands is system-on-a-chip (SoC) integration, where RF/analog and digital circuitry reside on the same chip, creating a mixed-signal environment. Concurrently, there is tremendous incentive to utilize Si-based technologies to leverage existing fabrication and design infrastructure and the corresponding economies of scale. While the SoC approach is attractive, it presents major challenges for circuit designers, particularly in the design of monolithic voltage controlled oscillators (VCOs). VCOs are important components in the up or downconversion of RF signals in wireless transceivers. VCOs must have very low phase noise and spurious emissions, and be extremely power efficient to meet system requirements. To meet these specifications, VCOs require high-quality factor (Q) tank circuits and reduction of noise from active devices; however, the lack of high-quality monolithic inductors, along with low noise transistors in traditional Si technologies, has been a limiting factor.
This thesis presents the design, characterization, and comparison of three monolithic 3-4 GHz VCOs and an integrated 5-6 GHz VCO with tunable polyphase outputs. Each VCO is designed around a differential -G_{M} core with an LC tank circuit. The circuits exploit two Si-based device technologies: Silicon Germanium (SiGe) Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs) for a cross-coupled collectors circuit and Graded-Channel MOS (GC-MOS) transistors for a complementary (CMOS) implementation. The circuits were fabricated using the Motorola 0.4 μm CDR1 SiGe BiCMOS process, which consists of four interconnected metal layers and a thick copper (10 μm) metal bump layer for improved inductive components.
The VCO implementations are targeted to meet the stringent phase noise specifications for the GSM/EGSM 3G cellular standard. The specifications state that the VCO output cannot exceed -162 dBc/Hz sideband noise at 20 MHz offset from the carrier. Simultaneously, oscillators must be designed to address other system level effects, such as feed-through of the local oscillator (LO). LO feed-through directly results in self-mixing in direct conversion receivers, which gives rise to unwanted corrupting DC offsets. Therefore, a system-level strategy is employed to avoid such issues. For example, multiplying the oscillator frequency by two or four times can help avoid self-mixing during downconversion by moving the LO out of the bandwidth of the RF front-end.
Meanwhile, direct conversion or low-IF (intermediate frequency) receiver architectures utilize in-phase and quadrature (I/Q) downconversion signal recovery and image rejection. Any imbalance between the I and Q channels can result in an increase in bit-error-rate (BER) and/or decrease in the image rejection ratio (IRR). To compensate for such an imbalance, an integrated tunable polyphase filter is implemented with a VCO. Control voltages between the differential I and Q channels can be individually controlled to help compensate for I/Q mismatches.
This thesis includes an introduction to design flow and layout strategies for oscillator implementations. A detailed comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the SiGe HBTs and GC-MOS device in 3-4 GHz VCOs is presented. In addition, an overview of full-wave electromagnetic characterization of differential dual inductors is given. The oscillators are characterized for tuning range, output power, and phase noise. Finally, new measurement techniques for the 5-6 GHz VCO with a tunable polyphase filter are explored. A comparison between the time and frequency approaches is also offered. / Master of Science Read more
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Metodología para la extracción lineal y no-lineal de modelos circuitales para dispositivos MESFET y HEMT de media-alta potencia.Zamanillo Sáinz de la Maza, José María 05 July 1996 (has links)
En la presente tesis se muestra una nueva metodología de extracción "inteligente" de modelos circuitales lineales y no lineales para dispositivos MESFET y HEMT, además de efectuar numerosas aportaciones en el campo de las medidas radioeléctricas de dichos dispositivos mediante diseño del hardware y del software necesario para la automatización de las mismas. Por otro lado se presenta un novedoso modelo de Gran Señal para dispositivos HEMT de potencia que da cuenta del fenómeno de la compresión de la transconductancia y es fácilmente implementable en simuladores no lineales comerciales del tipo de MDS, LIBRA, HARMONICA, etc. Además se ha aumentado el rango de validez frecuencial de los modelos de pequeña señal mediante la obtención de las expresiones "exactas" de los modelos usuales de pequeña señal Vendelin-Dambrine, Vickes, Berroth & Bosch, etc. Otra novedad aportada por este trabajo de tesis ha sido aplicar estos modelos lineales a los transistores HEMT, evitando la obtención valores carentes de significado físico como ocurría hasta ahora. Como validación del modelo no lineal de HEMT se han llevado a cabo numerosas simulaciones del mismo en MDS que han sido comparadas con las medidas experimentales realizadas en nuestro laboratorio (Scattering, DC, Pulsadas y Pin/Pout) poniendo de manifiesto la exactitud del modelo. Para validar los modelos de pequeña señal se han efectuado simulaciones con el simulador lineal MMICAD utilizando transistores de diferentes tamaños procedentes de distintas foundries con objeto de visualizar el comportamiento del dispositivo independientemente del origen del mismo. / In this thesis a new methodology for the "intelligent" parameter extraction of linear and non-linear model for GaAs MESFET and HEMT devices is shown, besides numerous contributions in the field of Scattering and DC measurements of this kind of devices by means of hardware design and necessary software for the automation of the same have been done. On the other hand a novel Great Signal model for HEMT devices is presented. This model is capable to model the transconductance compression phenomenon and it is easily to built in commercial non-linear simulators like MDS, LIBRA, Microwave HARMONICA, etc. This work has also increased the frequency range for the usual small-signal models by means of calculate "exact" expressions of them. Another novelty contribution of this thesis is to apply for first time these linear models to HEMT transistors, avoiding the lacking of physical meaning values like it occurred up to now. To make possible the validation of non-linear HEMT model, simulations with MDS software and comparisons with experimental measurements made in our laboratory (Scattering, DC, Pulsed and Pin/ Pout) have been carried out and there was very good agreement between measured and simulated data. To validate small-signal models referred before, simulations with MMICAD software and comparisons between simulated and experimental scattering measurements using transistors of different sizes from several foundries and technological processes have been made. Read more
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Circuits de protection et de linéarisation à très basse consommation pour amplificateurs de puissance RF monolithiques à fort rendement et haute linéaritéKaraoui, Walid 25 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux développés ici traitent de la mise en Suvre de techniques de protection et de linéarisation permettant aux modules d'amplification de puissance de répondre à toutes les contraintes de la téléphonie mobile que sont la robustesse, la linéarité, une très faible consommation, la miniaturisation et le coût. Dans une première partie, nous traitons de l'amélioration de la robustesse des amplificateurs de puissance RF vis-à-vis des désadaptations d'impédance induites par les variations d'environnement de l'antenne du téléphone portable. L'analyse des mécanismes de défaillance, des transistors HBT GaAs et HBT SiGe, nous mène à conclure à la nécessaire limitation du courant de l'étage final. Nous avons alors conçu un circuit de protection original, basé sur la détection précise du courant collecteur des transistors de puissance. De très faibles dimensions et monolithiquement intégrable, ce circuit n'altère ni la puissance de sortie, ni le rendement en puissance ajoutée lorsque l'amplificateur est nominalement chargé sur 50 Ohms. Un amplificateur de puissance RF intégrant ce dispositif a supporté tous les tests de robustesse jusqu'à des valeurs de VSWR supérieures à dix et pour des tensions de batterie supérieures à cinq volts. La simplicité et l'efficacité du circuit de détection de courant nous a conduit, dans un second temps, à envisager la conception d'un circuit de linéarisation monolithiquement intégrable sur un amplificateur de puissance RF, pour les standards EDGE et WCDMA. Le principe de linéarisation par injection d'enveloppe a alors été mis en Suvre grâce à une nouvelle topologie pour la détection de l'enveloppe du signal modulé. En raison de la très faible consommation en courant du dispositif innovant de linéarisation, il devient possible de s'affranchir du compromis linéarité/rendement en puissance ajoutée, intervenant généralement. Ce dispositif a été implémenté sur un amplificateur de puissance en technologie HBT SiGe. La Linéarité de l'amplificate ur a ainsi été améliorée de 12 dB à la puissance de sortie nominale, tout en maintenant constant le rendement en puissance ajoutée de l'amplificateur, même pour les faibles puissances de sortie (low power mode). Read more
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Fluctuations quantiques de courant dans les nanotubes de carboneDelattre, Thomas 25 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour objet l'étude du transport électronique dans les nanotubes de carbone monoparois par l'intermédiaire des fluctuations du courant. L'étude se place dans le cadre de la physique mésoscopique dans des conducteurs balistiques. Dans ce type de conducteur, plusieurs régimes diff´erents peuvent apparaître : blocage de Coulomb, transport modulé par les interférences quantiques, effet Kondo. Nous avons étudié les fluctuations du courant dans un régime d'interféromètre de type Fabry-Pérot électronique qui se présente comme une situation id´eale afin de sonder le régime où l'effet des interactions est faible. Les fluctuations du courant ont été analysées dans le formalisme de Landauer-Büttiker et nous obtenons une bonne correspondance entre la théorie et l'expérience. Nous avons ainsi observé la suppression du bruit dans les régimes de transmission unitaire et, par le biais des données combinées de la conductance et du bruit, nous avons pu déterminer les transmissions pour des canaux de conduction non dégénérés. Par ailleurs, le régime de l'effet Kondo a fait l'objet d'une étude dans laquelle nous avons observé des comportements universels dans la conductance et le bruit. Nous avons ajusté ces différentes grandeurs avec une théorie de bosons esclaves de champ moyen. Finalement, nous avons étudié une configuration de type Hanbury Brown et Twiss : un nanotube monoparoi sur lequel nous avons déposé un multiparoi qui nous sert de sonde afin d'injecter des électrons sur le conducteur. Read more
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Device design and process integration for SiGeC and Si/SOI bipolar transistorsHaralson, Erik January 2004 (has links)
SiGe is a significant enabling technology for therealization of integrated circuits used in high performanceoptical networks and radio frequency applications. In order tocontinue to fulfill the demands for these applications, newmaterials and device structures are needed. This thesis focuseson new materials and their integration into heterojunctionbipolar transistor (HBT) structures as well as using devicesimulations to optimize and better understand the deviceoperation. Specifically, a SiGeC HBT platform was designed,fabricated, and electrically characterized. The platformfeatures a non-selectively grown epitaxial SiGeC base,in situdoped polysilicon emitter, nickel silicide,LOCOS isolation, and a minimum emitter width of 0.4 μm.Alternately, a selective epitaxy growth in an oxide window wasused to form the collector and isolation regions. Thetransistors exhibited cutoff frequency (fT) and maximum frequency of oscillation (fMAX) of 40-80 GHz and 15-45 GHz, respectively.Lateral design rules allowed the investigation of behavior suchas transient enhanced diffusion, leakage current, and theinfluence of parasitics such as base resistance and CBC. The formation of nickel silicide on polysiliconSiGe and SiGeC films was also investigated. The formation ofthe low resistivity monosilicide phase was shown to occur athigher temperatures on SiGeC than on SiGe. The stability of themonosilicide was also shown to improve for SiGeC. Nickelsilicide was then integrated into a SiGeC HBT featuring aselectively grown collector. A novel, fully silicided extrinsicbase contact was demonstrated along with the simultaneousformation of NiSi on thein situdoped polysilicon emitter. High-resolution x-ray diffraction (HRXRD) was used toinvestigate the growth and stability of SiGeC base layers forHBT integration. HRXRD proved to be an effective, fast,non-destructive tool for monitoring carbon out-diffusion due tothe dopant activation anneal for different temperatures as wellas for inline process monitoring of epitaxial growth of SiGeClayers. The stability of the SiGe layer with 0.2-0.4 at% carbonwhen subjected to dopant activation anneals ranging from1020-1100&#176C was analyzed by reciprocal lattice mapping.It was found that as the substitutional carbon increases theformation of boron clusters due to diffusion is suppressed, buta higher density of carbon clusters is formed. Device simulations were performed to optimize the DC and HFperformance of an advanced SiGeC HBT structure with low baseresistance and small dimension emitter widths. The selectivelyimplanted collector (SIC) was studied using a design ofexperiments (DOE) method. For small dimensions the lateralimplantation straggle has a significant influence on the SICprofile (width). A significant influence of the SIC width onthe DC gain was observed. The optimized structure showedbalanced fT/fMAXvalues of 200+ GHz. Finally, SOI BJT transistorswith deep trench isolation were fabricated in a 0.25μmBiCMOS process and self-heating effects were characterized andcompared to transistors on bulk silicon featuring deep trenchand shallow trench isolation. Device simulations based on SEMcross-sections and SIMS data were performed and the resultscompared to the fabricated transistors. Key words:Silicon-Germanium(SiGe), SiGeC,heterojunction bipolar transistor(HBT), nickel silicide,selectively implanted collector(SIC), device simulation, SiGeClayer stability, high resolution x-ray diffraction(HRXRD),silicon-on-insulator(SOI), self-heating. Read more
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High Frequency Characterization and Modeling of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar TransistorsMalm, B. Gunnar January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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High Frequency Characterization and Modeling of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar TransistorsMalm, B. Gunnar January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Device design and process integration for SiGeC and Si/SOI bipolar transistorsHaralson, Erik January 2004 (has links)
<p>SiGe is a significant enabling technology for therealization of integrated circuits used in high performanceoptical networks and radio frequency applications. In order tocontinue to fulfill the demands for these applications, newmaterials and device structures are needed. This thesis focuseson new materials and their integration into heterojunctionbipolar transistor (HBT) structures as well as using devicesimulations to optimize and better understand the deviceoperation. Specifically, a SiGeC HBT platform was designed,fabricated, and electrically characterized. The platformfeatures a non-selectively grown epitaxial SiGeC base,<i>in situ</i>doped polysilicon emitter, nickel silicide,LOCOS isolation, and a minimum emitter width of 0.4 μm.Alternately, a selective epitaxy growth in an oxide window wasused to form the collector and isolation regions. Thetransistors exhibited cutoff frequency (f<sub>T</sub>) and maximum frequency of oscillation (f<sub>MAX</sub>) of 40-80 GHz and 15-45 GHz, respectively.Lateral design rules allowed the investigation of behavior suchas transient enhanced diffusion, leakage current, and theinfluence of parasitics such as base resistance and C<sub>BC</sub>. The formation of nickel silicide on polysiliconSiGe and SiGeC films was also investigated. The formation ofthe low resistivity monosilicide phase was shown to occur athigher temperatures on SiGeC than on SiGe. The stability of themonosilicide was also shown to improve for SiGeC. Nickelsilicide was then integrated into a SiGeC HBT featuring aselectively grown collector. A novel, fully silicided extrinsicbase contact was demonstrated along with the simultaneousformation of NiSi on the<i>in situ</i>doped polysilicon emitter.</p><p>High-resolution x-ray diffraction (HRXRD) was used toinvestigate the growth and stability of SiGeC base layers forHBT integration. HRXRD proved to be an effective, fast,non-destructive tool for monitoring carbon out-diffusion due tothe dopant activation anneal for different temperatures as wellas for inline process monitoring of epitaxial growth of SiGeClayers. The stability of the SiGe layer with 0.2-0.4 at% carbonwhen subjected to dopant activation anneals ranging from1020-1100°C was analyzed by reciprocal lattice mapping.It was found that as the substitutional carbon increases theformation of boron clusters due to diffusion is suppressed, buta higher density of carbon clusters is formed.</p><p>Device simulations were performed to optimize the DC and HFperformance of an advanced SiGeC HBT structure with low baseresistance and small dimension emitter widths. The selectivelyimplanted collector (SIC) was studied using a design ofexperiments (DOE) method. For small dimensions the lateralimplantation straggle has a significant influence on the SICprofile (width). A significant influence of the SIC width onthe DC gain was observed. The optimized structure showedbalanced f<sub>T</sub>/f<sub>MAX</sub>values of 200+ GHz. Finally, SOI BJT transistorswith deep trench isolation were fabricated in a 0.25μmBiCMOS process and self-heating effects were characterized andcompared to transistors on bulk silicon featuring deep trenchand shallow trench isolation. Device simulations based on SEMcross-sections and SIMS data were performed and the resultscompared to the fabricated transistors.</p><p><b>Key words:</b>Silicon-Germanium(SiGe), SiGeC,heterojunction bipolar transistor(HBT), nickel silicide,selectively implanted collector(SIC), device simulation, SiGeClayer stability, high resolution x-ray diffraction(HRXRD),silicon-on-insulator(SOI), self-heating.</p> Read more
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Seksuel orienteringsdiskrimination i Danmark : et studie af seks homoseksuelle mænds oplevelser og erfaringer i det danske forsvar / Sexual Orientation Discrimination in Denmark : a study of the experiences and perceptions of six homosexual men in the Danish Armed ForcesHansen, Hans Henrik Erland January 2009 (has links)
Formål: Formålet med denne undersøgelse er at få viden om, og belyse fænomenet seksuel orienterings diskrimination (SOD), og få indsigt i hvordan homoseksuelle mænd, på en mandsdomineret arbejdsplads som det danske Forsvar, oplever SOD og hvilken betydning det har for dem. Desuden er hensigten at få viden om og indsigt i hvordan problematikker vedrørende SOD på en mandsdomineret arbejdsplads, som Forsvaret i Danmark kan imødegås og håndteres. Metode: Transskriberede semi-strukturede dybde interviews er anvendt som undersøgelsesredskab. Teoretisk udvælgelse, kodning, komparation og konceptualisering som beskrevet i ”Grounded Theory” er anvendt som analyseinstrument. Resultater: Ud fra analysen af data voksede en kernekategori og fire hovedkategorier frem, som tilsammen udgør kerneprocessen. Minoritetsstyrkeblev studiets kernekategori, som har sit udspring fra de fire hovedkategorier: Stressorer, Identifikation, Mestring og Miljø. Ud fra resultaterne voksede en Minoritesstyrkemodelfrem. Konklussion: Homoseksuelle mænd håndterer et komplekst udvalg af mestringsstrategier, som anvendes i forskellige situationer hvor diskriminering på baggrund af seksuel orientering finder sted. På trods af de negative minoritetsstressorer, som homoseksuelle mænd i den danske Forsvar erfarer, så udviser informanterne en unik Oplevelse af sammenhæng; Meningsfuldhed; Begribelighedog Håndterbarhed, hvilket leder til Minoritetsstyrke. For at forskningen skal være til gavn for hele befolkningen, så gøres i denne undersøgelse opmærksom på nødvendigheden af at inkludere spørgsmål om seksuel orientering i folkesundhedsvidenskabelig forskning. En inkluderende personale politik, undervisning vedrørende HBT personers vilkår og rekrutteringskampagner specielt rettet mod homoseksuelle, medføre større kompetence blandt alle på arbejdspladsen. Studiet har vist at arbejdet, med at forebygge diskriminering på baggrund af seksuel orientering, kræver en multistrategisk indsats på tværfagligt, intersektorielt niveau og et salutogent perspektiv uden at placere alt ansvar på det enkelte individ / Aim: This study aimed to improve knowledge about and illuminate the phenomenon of sexual orientation discrimination (SOD), particularly as perceived by homosexual men in a male-dominated workplace such as the Danish Armed Forces. We also sought to increase understanding of how such discrimination affects those individuals. Moreover, wesought to increase knowledge about and highlight the challenges and problems regarding SOD in the context of coping strategies. Method: We used transcribed semi-structured in-depth interviews as our survey tool. To analyze our results, we used open, axial, and selective coding, as described in grounded theory. Results: Data analysis allowed us to identify minority power (MP) as a core variable. Further, MP is sourced in the four main categories: stressors, coping, environment, and identity, which are elements of the core process. The MP model that emerged from our results illustrates the core process. Conclusion: The study shows that homosexual men use a complex range of coping strategies in different situations where SOD occurs. Despite the negative minority stressors experienced by homosexual men in the Danish Armed Forces, the subjects showed a unique sense of coherence—meaningfulness, comprehension, and manageability—that leads to MP. To benefit the entire population, this study emphasized the need to include questions about sexual orientation in public health research. The study shows that training about the special social conditions for the LGBT population, a diversity policy, and recruitment campaigns aimed at homosexuals result in greater competence among all individuals in the workplace. Preventing discrimination based on sexual orientation requires a salutogen perspective and multifactorial strategy on an intersectorial and interdisciplinary level without placing all responsibility on the individual / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-72-6</p> Read more
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Etude, Conception et Caractérisation de circuits pour la Conversion Analogique Numérique à très hautes performances en technologie TBH InP 0.7µm / Study, Design and Characterization of high performances ADC integrated circuits in 0.7 µm-InP-HBT technologyDeza, Julien 13 June 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse concerne les circuits ultra-rapides pour la conversion analogique numérique performante en technologie bipolaire à hétérojonctions sur substrat Indium Phosphore (TBDH/InP). L'étude s'intéresse à la fonction principale qui est l'échantillonnage blocage. Elle a été menée par simulation de l'ensemble des blocs composant cette fonction. En particulier une étude extensive des cœurs des circuits Echantillonneurs/Bloqueurs a été effectuée pour différents paramètres électriques pour aboutir à des valeurs optimales réalisant un compromis entre la bande passante la résolution et la linéarité.Des architectures de circuits Echantillonneurs/Bloqueurs (E/B) avec ou sans l'étage d'amplification à gain variable ont été conçues, optimisées, réalisées et caractérisées et des performances à l'état de l'art ont été obtenues : des circuits E/B de bande passante supérieure à 50 GHz et cadencées à 70 Gs/s ont été réalisés pour les applications de communications optiques et des circuits de bande passante supérieure à 16 GHz cadencés à (2-8) Gs/s ont été réalisés pour la transposition de fréquence. / This thesis concerns the design of high speed circuits in Indium phosphide heterojunction Bipolar technology for High performance analog to digital conversion (ADC).The study focuses on the Track and Hold block (THA) which is the main function of the ADC. The study was conducted by simulating all blocks of the THA circuit. In particular, an extensive study of the THA main block was performed for various electrical parameters to achieve optimal conditions in order to obtain a good tradeoff between resolution bandwidth and linearity. THA architectures circuits with or without Voltage Gain Amplifier stage were designed, optimized and characterized. High THA performances were achieved: THA circuit with a bandwidth greater than 50 GHz at 70 Gs/s were achieved for optical communications and circuits of bandwidth more than16 GHz at (2-8 GS /s) have been realized for down conversion operation. Read more
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