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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relations entre Mesures Non Médicamenteuses et Pression Artérielle. Analyse des données de l’étude NutriNet-Santé / Relationship between nutrition and blood pressure. Data from the NutriNet-Santé study

Lelong, Hélène 15 December 2017 (has links)
L’hypertension est la maladie chronique la plus fréquente dans le monde. Aussi, des mesures non médicamenteuses, nommément l’adhérence à une alimentation équilibrée (riche en fruits et légumes et réduite en sel), le maintien d’un poids normal, la pratique d’une activité physique régulière et une consommation d’alcool limitée, sont largement recommandées dans les textes de recommandations des sociétés savantes afin de prévenir l’hypertension et/ou d’améliorer le contrôle tensionnel des individus hypertendus. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier les relations entre ces facteurs et le niveau de pression artérielle d’une part et le risque de survenue d’une hypertension à partir d’analyses transversales et prospectives des données de l’étude NutriNet-Santé, une e-cohorte française. Nos résultats rapportent que le niveau de pression artérielle est significativement associé à l’indice de masse corporel, à la consommation en fruits et légumes et plus largement à l’adhérence à une alimentation globale équilibrée, à la consommation d’alcool et au niveau d’activité physique ; confirment l’association entre le risque d’hypertension et les apports alimentaires de plusieurs facteurs nutritionnels et soulignent qu’une alimentation globalement saine et équilibrée pourrait fortement contribuer à prévenir l’hypertension. Enfin, nos résultats suggèrent que l’adhérence à l’ensemble des mesures non médicamenteuses pourrait diminuer de moitié le nombre de nouveau cas d’hypertension ou tout du moins retarder leur survenue. / Hypertension is the most prevalent chronic disease in the world and lifestyle behaviors, namely adherence to a healthy diet (rich in fruits and vegetables and with reduced consumption of salt), maintain of normal weight, regular physical activity and limitation of alcohol, for its prevention and control are recommended within worldwide guidelines. Our aim was to study the relationship between those recommended lifestyle behaviors and first blood pressure level and second risk of incident hypertension, through cross-sectional and prospective analyses using data from the NutriNet-Santé study, a French web-based cohort. Our results reported significant associations between body mass index, fruits and vegetables and alcohol consumption, and physical activity; confirmed the association of several nutritional factors and incident hypertension and highlighted that adopting a global healthy diet could strongly contribute to the prevention of hypertension. Moreover, adhere to all the recommended lifestyle behaviors could reduce the hypertension risk of half or at least delay the new onsets of hypertension.

Nutrition labelling

Freckleton, A. M. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.


Hongu, Nobuko, Farr, Kiah, J., Gallaway, Patrick, J. 01 1900 (has links)
6 pp. / Research has shown a correlation between a healthy diet and reduced risk of breast cancer. Additional research is also demonstrating a link between regular physical activity and the reduction of breast cancer risk. A healthy diet is beneficial for the prevention of numerous diseases, including breast cancer. Regular physical activity is preventative for many diseases and health concerns, including breast cancer. This article outlines basic information about breast cancer, risk factors related to diet and physical activity, and breast cancer prevention through healthy diet and physical activity.

Diet and physical activity in pregnancy: a study exploring women's beliefs and behaviours

Chana, R., Haith-Cooper, Melanie 02 May 2019 (has links)
Yes / Being obese or gaining excessive weight during pregnancy can increase health risks for mother and baby. Adopting a healthy diet and increasing physical activity reduces these risks and has long-term health benefits for women. Despite this, women do not always maintain a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. Aim To explore the factors that encouraged and prevented a diverse group of women to maintain a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. Methods A total of 12 women participated in semi-structured qualitative interviews, underpinned by the theory of planned behaviour. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim then subject to deductive thematic analysis. Findings Four themes emerged: women's knowledge of a healthy lifestyle, sociocultural influences, physical health and health professional support. These influenced women's intentions and actual behaviours during pregnancy. Conclusions Enhanced health professional advice may motivate women to adopt a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. This could be through new means such as health technology.

Fizinio aktyvumo bei sveikos mitybos ugdymas Kauno miesto vaikų dienos centruose / Physical activity and healthy diet education at child day care centers of Kaunas city

Ambraškaitė, Rūta 20 June 2014 (has links)
Šiais laikais vis daugiau kuriasi vaikų dienos centrų, kurie siekia ugdyti vaiką visapusiškai. Skatinti ir padidinti fizinį aktyvumą bei ugdyti sveikos mitybos įpročius galima ir juose. Judėjimo bei mitybos įpročiai formuojasi jau vaikystėje tačiau kiekvienais metais jie turi būti tinkamai pastiprinami. Jaunuoliai, kurie užsiima sportine veikla turi mažiau laiko įsitraukti į nusikalstamas grupuotes taip pat jie ugdo ir savo socialinius įgūdžius. Suderinus sveiką mitybą bei fizinį aktyvumą saugoma sveikata. Tyrimo objektas: Fizinio aktyvumo ir sveikos mitybos ugdymas vaikų dienos centre. Tyrimo tikslas – Nustatyti bei įvertinti ar Kauno miesto vaikų dienos centruose ugdomas fizinis aktyvumas bei sveikos mitybos įpročiai. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Aprašyti vaikų dienos centrų infrastruktūros ir žmogiškųjų išteklių galimybes fizinės veiklos plėtrai. 2. Ištirti bei įvertinti vaikų dienos centruose vykdomos fizinė veiklos ypatumus. 3. Ištirti bei įvertinti sveikos mitybos įpročių ugdymo ypatumus vaikų dienos centruose. Atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, kad vaikų dienos centrų patalpos nėra pritaikytos fizinės veiklos vystymui. Dažniausiai tai būna klasės dydžio patalpa, kuri apstatyta stalais, kėdėm ir kt. Taip pat pastebėta, kad centruose trūksta inventoriaus, kuris padėtų ar skatintų vaikus užsiimti fiziškai aktyvia veikla. Paaiškėjo, kad fizinė veikla vykdoma, tačiau retai. Savanorių pagrindinė veikla – pagalba vaikams ruošiant pamokas. Vaikai noriai dalyvauja sporto renginiuose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Presently, more child day care centers are being established, which aims to develop a child. Encourage and increase physical activity as well as develop a healthy diet habits. Movement and eating habits are being formed in childhood but every year they must be fortified correctly. Children must understand the benefits of physical activity and healthy diet. Young people who engage in sports activities have less time to engage in criminal groups, they also develop their social skills. Health is preserved by matching healthy diet and physical activity. The object of the research : Physical activity and healthy eating habits education in child day care centers. The purpose of the research : To identify and evaluate whether Kaunas city child day care centers fostered physical activity and healthy eating habits. Tasks to study : 1. Describe the day care center’s infrastructure and human resource capabilities for development of physical activity. 2. Investigate and asses the characteristics of physical activity at child day care centers. 3. Investigate and asses the peculiarities of educating children the habits of healthy eating iat child day care centers. The investigation revealed that the child day care centers are not suitable for physical activity development. Often it is the class room, which built a table, chairs and so on. It was also noted that a lack of inventory centers, which assist or encourage children to engage in physically active. It turns out that physical... [to full text]

Kauno miesto ir Kauno rajono mokinių sveikos mitybos įpročiai / Kaunas city and Kaunas district student healthy eating habits

Vorevičiūtė, Inga 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas: mokinių sveikos mitybos įpročiai. Darbo tikslas: Išanalizuoti Kauno miesto ir Kauno rajono mokinių sveikos mitybos įpročius Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti Kauno miesto berniukų ir mergaičių sveikos mitybos įpročius. 2. Nustatyti Kauno rajono berniukų ir mergaičių sveikos mitybos įpročius. 3. Palyginti Kauno miesto ir Kauno rajono mokinių sveikos mitybos įpročius. Išvados: 1. Miesto mergaitės ir berniukai dažniausiai per dieną valgo du kartus, valgo pusryčius, laikosi valgymo režimo, jiems patinka mokykloje tiekiamas maistas, nes mokykloje neprekiaujama nesveiku maistu. Mergaitės dažniau nei berniukai kasdien valgo daržoves (p=0,012). Miesto berniukai ir mergaitės valgo šviežius vaisius bent 5 kartus per savaitę, kasdien valgo sriubą, domisi sveika mitybą, apie kurią informaciją gauna iš tėvų, taip pat nori gauti papildomos informacijos apie sveiką mitybą. Miesto mergaitės rečiau nei berniukai neturi jokių virškinimo problemų (p=0,000). 2. Rajono mergaitės ir berniukai dažniausiai per dieną jie valgo 4 kartus, valgo pusryčius, laikosi valgymo režimo. Moksleiviams patinka mokykloje tiekiamas sveikas maistas. Rajono mergaitės ir berniukai domisi sveika mityba, apie kurią informaciją gauna iš mokytojų, nori gauti informacijos daugiau, kasdien valgo daržoves ir vaisius, kartais sriubą, neturi problemų su virškinimo sistema. 3. Miesto ir rajono moksleiviai dažniausiai valgo pusryčius. Berniukai (nepriklausomai nuo gyvenamosios vietos) pusryčius visada valgo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object: The students habist of healthy eating. The aim of the paper: Analyze the Kaunas city and Kaunas district healthy eating habits. Objectives: 1. Set Kaunas city boys and girls healthy eating habits. 2. Set Kaunas district boys and girls healthy eating habits. 3. Compare Kaunas city and Kaunas district students healthy eating habits. Conclusion: 1. City girls and boys usually eat during the day twice, eats breakfast, takes eating regime, their love of food in schools, because the school are not traded on unhealthy food. Girls more often than boys eat vegetables daily (p = 0.012). City boys and girls eat fresh fruit at least 5 times a week, eat soup every day, is interested in a healthy diet, based on information received from the parents also want to get more information about a healthy diet. City girls less than boys do not have any digestive problems (p = 0.000). 2. District girls and boys are usually a day they eat four times, eats breakfast, takes the eating regimen. Pupils enjoy school supplied healthy foods. District boys and girls interested in a healthy diet, based on information received from the teachers, want to get more information on a daily basis eat vegetables and fruit, sometimes soup, has no problems with the digestive system. 3. The city and the district , students usually eat breakfast. The boys (regardless of residence ) always eat breakfast more often than girls. City students usually eat per day 2 times, and district - 4 times. All... [to full text]

Desenvolvimento e validação de uma escala autoaplicável para avaliação da alimentação segundo as recomendações do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira / Development and validation of a self-administered scale to evaluate diet according to the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population

Gabe, Kamila Tiemann 23 October 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Em 2014, o Ministério da Saúde brasileiro publicou a segunda edição do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira, um documento pautado em um paradigma ampliado, que leva em conta além dos aspectos biológicos, os sociais, culturais e ambientais relacionados à alimentação. Este Guia tem como objetivo promover autonomia para a adoção de práticas alimentares saudáveis de indivíduos e comunidades. Por conta disso, contém linguagem compreensível à população em geral e traz recomendações simples, expressas por meio de termos como \"na maioria das vezes\", \"prefira\" ou \"evite\". Embora inovadora, esta abordagem diferenciada implica em um desafio para a avaliação da adesão da população às suas recomendações. Objetivos: Desenvolver e validar uma escala autoaplicável para avaliação da alimentação segundo as recomendações do Guia. Metodologia: Estudo metodológico. O Guia destaca a importância da escolha dos alimentos (capítulo 2), da combinação dos alimentos na forma de refeições (capítulo 3) e dos modos de comer (capítulo 4). As recomendações desses três capítulos representaram o domínio da escala e serviram como base para o desenvolvimento de itens do tipo Likert e 4 pontos. A validade de conteúdo foi testada por meio de um painel de especialistas (n = 10) e a aparente por meio de pré-teste com a população alvo (n = 20). Análises fatoriais exploratória (n = 352, coleta de dados realizada em um serviço de Atenção Básica) e confirmatória (n = 900, coleta de dados realizada por meio de um painel online) foram realizadas para determinação da validade de constructo. Foram utilizados coeficientes ômega para análise de consistência interna, e teste-reteste com plotagem de Bland-Altman para análise de reprodutibilidade. Resultados: Dos 96 itens iniciais, 24 foram excluídos e 55 foram reescritos após as validações aparente e de conteúdo. Na análise fatorial exploratória foram identificadas quatro dimensões, que foram nomeadas como: escolha dos alimentos; modos de comer; organização doméstica; e planejamento. Essa solução explicou 41% da variância dos dados e nela foram mantidos 34 itens. Na análise fatorial confirmatória, alguns ajustes levaram a um modelo com 24 itens, o qual obteve bons índices de adequação e boa confiabilidade (?-t = 0.83), apresentando propriedades psicométricas satisfatórias mesmo quando aplicada por meio de um painel online. No teste-reteste, a diferença média entre os dois momentos foi próxima de zero, indicando boa reprodutibilidade. Conclusões: A escala desenvolvida é válida e confiável e pode ser utilizada tanto em papel quanto por meios eletrônicos. Esse estudo é inovador no contexto da avaliação de Guias Alimentares e pode contribuir não só para a avaliação do impacto do guia brasileiro, mas também para inspirar outros países a também desenvolverem e validarem instrumentos específicos ao seu contexto local. Movimentos nesse sentido são importantes para futuras investigações sobre o real potencial dos Guias na promoção da alimentação adequada e saudável em contexto global. / Introduction: In 2014 Brazilian Ministry of Health published the second edition of the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population, which is based on an expanded paradigm of healthy diet, taking in account social, cultural and environmental dimensions beyond the biological aspects related to food and nutrition. This Guide aims promoting autonomy of healthy eating practices by individuals and communities. Because of this, its language is comprehensible to the general population and the recommendations are not presented in terms of the frequency or number of food portions but instead use terms such as \"prefer\", \"avoid\" and \"always when possible\". Although innovative, the approach to healthy eating proposed by the Guide presents a challenge for the evaluation of its impact on the Brazilian population. Objective: To develop and validate a selfadministered scale that measures how closely food behaviour is aligned with the recommendations of the 2014 Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population. Methods: This is a methodological study. The Guide highlights the importance of choosing foods (chapter 2), combining foods to create meals (chapter 3) and modes of eating (chapter 4). These recommendations formed the main domains of the scale and served as a basis for the development a pool of items, each with a 4-point Likert response option. The content validity was tested through a panel of experts (n = 10) and face validity was tested through pre-test whit target population (n = 20). Exploratory (n = 352, data collected by interviewers in a primary health care service) and confirmatory (n = 900, data collected through an online panel) factor analyses were performed to determine the construct validity. The internal consistency reliability was determined using omega coefficients, and the reproducibility reliability was tested using test-retest whit Bland-Altman plot. Results: Of the 96 initial items, 24 were excluded and 55 were re-worded following the content and face validations. The exploratory factorial analysis detected a four-domain structure (\"food choices\", \"modes of eating\", \"planning\" and \"domestic organization\"). A 34-item model explained 41% of the variance. The confirmatory factorial analysis led to a final 24-item model with acceptable goodness-of-fit indices and good reliability measures (?-t = 0.83), showing satisfactory psychometrical proprieties even when applied through an online panel. The mean difference between the two time points was almost zero, suggesting good reproducibility. Conclusions: The developed scale is valid, reliable and could be administered either on paper or electronically. This study is innovative in the context of the impact evaluation of dietary guidelines and contributes not only to assessment of the impact of the Brazilian Dietary Guidelines but can also inspire other countries to develop and validate instruments specific to their local context. Movements in this regard are important for future research on the actual potential of the dietary guidelines to promote healthy diets patterns in a global context.

Associations of Lifestyle Factors (Smoking, Alcohol Consumption, Diet and Physical Activity) With Type 2 Diabetes among American Adults from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2005–2014

Liu, Ying, Wang, Kesheng, Maisonet, Mildred, Wang, Liang, Zheng, Shimin 01 November 2016 (has links)
Background Over the long term, unhealthy lifestyles can lead to many health problems, especially type 2 diabetes (T2D). The aim of the present study was to determine associations between lifestyle factors (smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, and diet) and T2D in American adults (aged ≥20 years) in a nationally representative sample. Methods Data for 12 987 American adults participating in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2005–2014 were evaluated. Weighted multiple logistic regression models were used to examine associations between the four lifestyle factors and T2D after adjusting for demographics and socioeconomic status (SES). Prevalence trends for T2D were examined using Cochran–Armitage tests. Results There was a significant increasing prevalence trend for T2D among American adults. Smokers and individuals consuming >12 alcoholic drinks in the past year were less likely to report having T2D than non-smokers (odds ratio [OR] 0.41; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.35–0.48) and those consuming Conclusion All four lifestyle factors were significantly associated with T2D among American adults. The findings of the present study provide useful information for healthcare providers that may help them promote specific lifestyle modifications.

Mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų su padidintu svoriu mitybos įpročiai ir fizinis aktyvumas / Dietary habits and physical activity of school age children with increased weight

Šidlauskas, Donatas 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: išanalizuoti mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų su padidintu svoriu mitybos įpročius ir fizinį aktyvumą. Darbo uždaviniai: Įvertinti vaikų ir paauglių su padidintu svoriu sociodemografines charakteristikas ir antropometrinius duomenis; Išsiaiškinti vaikų ir paauglių su padidintu svoriu mitybos įpročius; Įvertinti vaikų ir paauglių su padidintu svoriu sveikatą ir išvaizdą, jų pačių požiūriu; Išsiaiškinti vaikų ir paauglių su padidintu svoriu fizinį aktyvumą. Tyrimo objektas: mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų su padidintu svoriu mitybos įpročiai ir fizinis aktyvumas. Tyrimo metodika: Kiekybinis momentinis tyrimas, tikslinė imtis – respondentai su padidintu svoriu. Analizuojamosios imties dydis n = 148. Atsako dažnis 94 proc. Tyrimas vykdytas VŠĮ Respublikinės Kauno ligoninės vaikų reabilitacijos padalinyje, sanatorijos “Žibutė”. Gautiems duomenims apdoroti naudotos SPSS 22.0, Microsoft Excel of Windows programos. Rezultatai: Tyrime dalyvavo 47 berniukai ir 92 mergaitės. 12- 13 m., 14-15 m., 16 -17 m. tiriamųjų amžiaus grupėse KMI didesnis nei 30 kg/m2 (IOTF standartai tokį KMI leidžia traktuoti nutukimu). Mergaičių KMI didesnis nei berniukų visuose amžiaus tarpsniuose. 12 – 18 m. respondentai linkę nevalgyti pusryčių darbo dienomis ir tai sudarė 57,8 proc. 12 – 18 metų respondentų. 44,1 proc. respondentų, kurių amžius 12 – 18 metų savaitgaliais nurodė niekada nevalgantys pusryčių. 12–18 m. amžiaus berniukų ir mergaičių grupėse pastebimos labai panašios pusryčių nevalgymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the work: rate the dietary habits and physical activity of school-age children within creased weight. Objectives: to evaluate sociodemographic characteristics and anthropometric measures of children and adolescents with increased weight; to evaluate daily eating habits of children and adolescents with increased weight; to analyze health and appearance of their own point of view of children and adolescents with increased weight; to evaluate physical activity of children and adolescents with increased weight. Material and Methods: quantitative cross sectional research; random sampling of the research participants: overweight children and adolescents from rehab. center. The size of the sample n = 148 school children. Response rate – 94 %. The following programs: SPSS 17.0, Microsoft Excel of Windows were used to process the received data. Results: Analyze the data provided by 139 respondents - 47 boys and 92 girls. The analysis of the data anonymous questionnaires noted that most of the study, 12 - 13 y , 14-15 y and 11 y of the respondents. At least the respondents, only 2.2 % was 18 y old. Many subjects ages 12-13 y, 14-15 y, 16 -17 y old have had a BMI greater than 30 kg/m2 (in terms of set IOTF standards, the BMI of these children in the age groups evaluated as obesity). 10-11 y age group, mostly overweight subjects by IOTF , their BMI from 25 to 29.9 kg/m2. The data show that girls' BMI higher than boys in all age groups, it could affect the larger number of... [to full text]

Proposição de modelo de sistema de recomendação para uma alimentação saudável baseado na medicina Ayurvédica / Proposition of a recommendation system model for a healthy diet based on ayurvedic medicine

Morais, Renata Tânia Brito 14 April 2014 (has links)
The main objective of this work was to develop a Recommender System for healthy eating using contextual information of Ayurvedic Medicine. Searching to organize a frame of reference for a diet based on the flavors of food, it had as common axis integrating health and education, within a specific area of knowledge, food education. According to this educational proposal, the system subsidizes the users with appropriate information from previously identified doshas. With the use of filtering techniques based on content, strategies for promoting healthy eating practices are suggested to users. In this context, learning occurs when it helps make the information meaningful to choose the truly important and to understand them in an ever broader and deeper way. Seeking to develop their knowledge and understanding as part of this practice, it was taken as a methodological principle in this applied nature research, the support and guidance of action research. We chose the qualitative method approach to analyze the actual interactions between people and the system, using to this end, the questionnaire for data collection. Three therapists participated in the investigation and twenty-two people evaluated the proposed Recommendation System. The results showed that the Recommendation System, as presented here, constitutes a form of learning facilitator that assists in the habit of healthy eating. / O principal objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em desenvolver um Sistema de Recomendação para uma alimentação saudável utilizando informações contextuais da Medicina Ayurvédica. Buscando organizar um quadro referencial para uma dieta fundamentada nos sabores dos alimentos, teve-se como eixo comum integrar ensino e saúde, dentro de uma área específica do conhecimento, a educação alimentar. De acordo com essa proposta educativa, o Sistema subsidia os usuários com informações adequadas, a partir dos doshas identificados previamente. Com a utilização de técnicas de filtragem baseada em conteúdo, são sugeridas, aos usuários, estratégias para a promoção das práticas alimentares saudáveis. Nesse contexto, a aprendizagem ocorre quando se ajuda a tornar a informação significativa, a escolher as verdadeiramente importantes e a compreendê-las de forma cada vez mais abrangente e profunda. Procurando desenvolver o conhecimento e a compreensão como parte dessa prática, tomou-se como princípio metodológico desta pesquisa de natureza aplicada, o suporte e a diretriz da pesquisa-ação. Optou-se pelo método qualitativo de abordagem para se analisar as interações reais entre as pessoas e o Sistema, utilizando-se, para tanto, o questionário para a coleta de dados. Participaram da investigação, três terapeutas e vinte e duas pessoas que avaliaram o Sistema de Recomendação proposto. Os resultados evidenciaram que o Sistema de Recomendação, tal como aqui apresentado, constitui-se uma forma facilitadora de aprendizagem que auxilia no hábito de uma alimentação saudável.

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