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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genotype x environment interaction for sunflower hybrids in South Africa

Leeuwner, Danie Verster 10 March 2006 (has links)
When testing nine different sunflower cultivars in 32 South African environments (location x year), an Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction analysis (AMMI) identified sizeable genotype by environment (GxE) interaction. The first two Interaction Principal Components Axes (IPCA1 and IPCA2) were highly significant (p<0.001), but all the factors responsible for the GxE interaction could not be identified, as the causes of interaction seems to be of complex nature. IPCA1 captured 34% of the interaction SS with only 15.3% of the degrees of freedom, while IPCA2 captured 22.5% of the interaction SS with 14.5% of the degrees of freedom. This indicates that the AMMI2 model fits the data well and is parsimonious. Both cultivars and environments grouped together in quadrants according to their length of season when their respective IPCA1 and IPCA2 scores were plotted against each other. Environments from the warmer dry Western and Northern regions, including the Dry Highveld Grassland, Northern Arid and Central Bushveld, grouped in opposite quadrants, 1 and 3, while environments from the cooler moist Eastern regions, including the Moist Highveld Grassland grouped in opposite quadrants, 2 and 4. The factors responsible for the division between quadrants 1 and 3, as well as those responsible for the division between quadrants 2 and 4 could not be identified. The long-season cultivars were better adapted to the Northern and Western environments, while the medium-season cultivars were better adapted to the Eastern environments. Each quadrant was dominated by a different cultivar. Because the environments and cultivars could not be sufficiently described according to the factors responsible for the observed GxE interaction, cultivars can not be advised for specific environments. It is therefore presently recommended that cultivars which are more widely adapted to South African conditions, be selected. / Dissertation (MSc (Genetics))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Genetics / unrestricted

Biología polínica, fecundación y rendimiento en dos genotipos híbridos de girasol (Helianthus annus L.) alto oleico

Astiz, Valentina 26 October 2012 (has links)
Las plantas de girasol (Helianthus annuus L.), aún crecidas en condiciones óptimas de cultivo, siempre presentan frutos de desarrollo incompleto (FDI), principalmente en las regiones centrales del capítulo, lo cual produce importantes mermas en el rendimiento del cultivo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar cualitativa y cuantitativamente, en plantas de girasol crecidas en condiciones de campo, la oferta polínica intraplanta y su relación con la generación de FDI. Los experi-mentos fueron realizados en dos años consecutivos, 2009 y 2010. Se utilizaron dos híbridos de girasol alto oleico comer-ciales Dekasol Oilplus 3845 y Dekasol Oilplus 3945. El primer año se trabajó con tres fechas de siembra y el segundo año con dos fechas de siembra. En ambos casos este procedi-miento apuntó a tener diferentes condiciones de temperatura del aire y radiación solar durante el desarrollo reproductivo del cultivo. Las plantas se cultivaron bajo riego y fertilización en el Departamento de Agronomía-UNS (Bahía Blanca 38 45 Lat. S; 62 11 Long. O). En el último ensayo, se agregaron al estu-dio dos líneas endocriadas (HA-R2 y HA-89) y dos variedades de polinización abierta de girasol (Hopi y Havasupai). En los dos años se registró, durante el crecimiento del cultivo, la temperatura del aire, la radiación solar y la lluvia. En ambos ensayos, la calidad y cantidad de polen se evaluó sectorizan-do el capítulo en tres regiones, externa, media e interna, cuyo espesor fue considerado como 1/3 de su radio total. En el primer año, para estimar calidad de polen, se evaluó el porcen-taje de viabilidad postantesis del mismo mediante la tinción de Alexander. Asimismo se ajustó un medio de cultivo para germi-nación de polen in vitro. Para estimar cantidad de polen produ-cido por las flores, se contaron los granos de polen por flor (GPF) en un momento cercano a la floración. Para determinar el grado de autocompatibilidad de los híbridos utilizados, se realizaron dos procedimientos: polinización cerrada (PC), donde los capítulos se cubrieron con cofias de malla antiáfido desde primera antesis hasta última antesis, evitando la acción de polinizadores y polinización abierta (plantas control). Una vez cosechadas las plantas se cuantíficó el número frutos llenos, el número de FDI, el P1000 y la proporción de cuaje (PCuaj). En el segundo año, se analizó la calidad del polen evaluando su viabilidad a lo que se sumó el estudio de la germinación del polen in vitro, utilizando el medio de cultivo ajustado el primer año y la germinación in vivo, observando el crecimiento del tubo polínco en el estilo. También se estudió la cantidad de polen por flor midiendo, además, las dimensio-nes (largo y ancho) de las anteras. En los dos años de estu-dio, en los dos híbridos utilizados y en todas las fechas de siembra, se observó una variación semejante en la cantidad de granos de polen producidos por flor según el sector del capítulo muestreado. Así entonces, la producción de polen de las flores fue mayor en el sector interno, luego en las del me-dio y por último, la cantidad más baja la produjeron las del sector externo. En el caso del segundo año de ensayo, además, las líneas endocriadas y las variedades de poliniza-ción abierta mostraron una respuesta similar. Cuando se analizaron las dimensiones (largo y ancho) de las anteras, se observó que el sector interno fue el que mayores dimensiones de las anteras mostró, seguido por el sector medio y por últ-imo el sector externo. Esto se observó en los híbridos, líneas endocriadas y variedades de polinización abierta. En el análisis de la viabilidad del polen en los dos años de ensayo, si bien se observaron algunas diferencias entre sectores del capítulo y fechas de siembra, los porcentajes fueron, en todos los casos muy altos, mayores al 97%. La prueba de germinación del polen in vitro durante el segundo año, mostró un mayor por-centaje en el sector interno del capítulo y en la segunda fe-cha de siembra. Con la estimación de la germinación del polen in vivo se observó que a las 48 horas de iniciada la floración, la mayoría de los tubos polínicos habían llegado al final del estilo. Los tratamientos de cobertura permitieron demostrar que los dos híbridos utilizados presentaron baja autoincompa-tibilidad, no presentándose diferencias significativas en el número de FDI entre los tratamientos. Asimismo se observó que, aún cuando la mayor cantidad de granos de polen por flor y los más altos porcentajes de viabilidad y germinación in vitro e in vivo se detectaron en el sector interno del capítulo, este sector fue el que presentó la mayor cantidad de FDI. Un hallazgo importante que surge de los resultados de este trabajo, es haber identificado un gradiente creciente centrípe-to en el número de granos de polen por flor dentro de los capítulos de los híbridos estudiados. El hecho de que en los genoti-pos primitivos de Helianthus annuus L. (Hopi y Havasu-pai), utilizados en este trabajo, se haya observado el mismo patrón cuantitativo intracapítulos indica que esta caracterís-tica sería propia del girasol y que podría expresarse bajo ciertas condiciones de crecimiento de las plantas.Se concluye que, bajo las condiciones en las cuales se desarrollaron los experimentos, ni la autoincompatibilidad ni la cantidad y calidad del polen producido por las flores limitarían el rendimiento del girasol, y que las diferencias en el potencial de rendimiento se basan en el efecto de otros caracteres fisiológicos, no estudiados en este trabajo. / Sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L.), even grown under optimal culture conditions, always present seedless or in-complete developed fruits (IDF), mainly in the central regions of the capitulum, which produce significant reductions in crop yield. The aim of the present work was to determine the intraplant pollen offer, qualitatively and quantitatively, and its relationship with the generation of IDF in plants grown under field conditions. Two commercial high-oleic sunflower hybrids Dekasol 3845 and Dekasol 3945 were sown under irrigation and fertilization in the Agronomy Department -UNSur (Bahia Blanca 38 45 Lat. S; 62 11 Long. O) Experiments were conducted during two consecutive growing seasons 2009 (three planting dates) and 2010 (two planting dates) to have different weather conditions during the reproductive stage. Two inbreed lines (HA-R2 and HA-89) and two open-pollinated varieties of sunflower (Hopi and Havasupai) were added in the last experiment. Air temperature, solar radiation and rain were recorded throughout the whole period of study. Pollen quality and quantity was determined taking into account three capi-tulum sectors, each one equal to 1/3 of the capitulum radius (external [ES], middle [MS] and internal [IS]). In the first year, postanthesis pollen viability was assessed using Alexan-ders stain. Also, a culture medium for in vitro pollen germina-tion was adjusted. Pollen produced per floret (GPF) was counted. To determine whether hybrids had high or low levels of self-incompatibility, they were submitted to two pollination regimes: close pollination (CP) where capitula were covered with mesh bags from the first anthesis (FA) to the last anthe-sis (LA) avoiding the action of pollinators and open pollination (control plants). At harvest, the variables measured were: fully developed fruits, IDF, 1000 grains weight and fruit set proportion. In the second year , the pollen quality was estima-ted by pollen viability, and pollen germination was evaluated in vitro, using the culture medium adjusted in the first year, and in vivo evaluating the pollen tube growth in style. Also, To determine the amount of pollen per flower anther size (length and width) were measured. In all the cases throu-ghout the present work, pollen grains per flower showed a similar variation in the production according to the capitulum sector sampled. Thus, the internal sector showed the highest pollen production followed by the middle sector and the exter-nal one. Also, inbreed lines and open pollinated varieties showed a similar response in the second study year. Anther length and width in hybrids, inbreed lines and open pollinated varieties showed differences among sectors, with the largest sizes in the internal sector followed by the middle sector and the external one. Although some differences between capitulum sectors and planting dates were observed when analyzing pollen viability in both experimental years, percentages were, in all cases very high, greater than 97%. Testing in vitro pollen germination during the second year showed a higher percentage in the internal capitulum sector and in the second planting date. Estimation of in vivo pollen germination showed that most pollen tubes reached the end of the style after 48 hours of the initiation of flowering.Cove-ring treatments allowed demonstration of low self-incompati-bility between the two hybrids used, with no significant differences in the number of IDF among treatments Also, the largest number of IDF was produced in the internal sector of the capitulum in spite of having the largest number of pollen grains per flower and the highest percentages of viability and in vitro and in vivo germination. A remarkable finding in this work was to define the existence of a positive centripetal quantitative gradient of pollen grains per flower in the capitula of the hybrids here studied.The fact that the early genotypes of Helianthus annuus L. (Hopi y Havasupai), used in the pre-sent work showed the same intracapitula quantitative pattern indicates that this feature would be characteristic of the sunflower plant and that it would express, under certain plant growth conditions. Results of the present work suggest that at least under the conditions in which the experiments were conducted, neither the self-incompatibility, nor pollen quan-tity and quality would limit the sunflower yield. Differences in the yield potential are based on the effect of other physiological variables which have not been studied here.

Helianthus annus L. naturalizados en Argentina con atributos de interés para la mejora del girasol

Fernández Moroni, Ivana 20 December 2016 (has links)
El resultado económico del girasol, Helianthus annuus L., depende tanto del rendimiento como de la calidad de su aceite. En Argentina, el rendimiento medio es bajo debido a limitantes productivas bióticas y abióticas. El déficit hídrico es la principal causa de disminución del rendimiento. La temperatura subóptima en siembra temprana bajo labranza cero implica una emergencia lenta, que aumenta el riesgo de pérdida de plantas. La raza común del Virus del moteado clorótico del girasol (SuCMoV-C) causa la virosis más difundida en el país, cuya infección puede disminuir significativamente el rendimiento. El perfil acídico del aceite determina su aptitud para cada destino final. Las poblaciones ruderales H. annuus ssp. annuus (RUD) de nuestro país presentan alta variabilidad fenotípica y genotípica, y podrían utilizarse para la mejora genética del girasol. Los objetivos de esta tesis fueron: 1) conformar un conjunto de stocks genéticos (SG) de girasol con mejor performance bajo temperatura subóptima en la etapa de implantación del girasol, a partir de RUD tolerantes; 2) explorar la performance de las RUD en condiciones de déficit hídrico durante iniciación reproductiva-R9; 3) conformar un stock genético con alta frecuencia de individuos con resistencia a SuCMoV-C, a partir de RUD resistentes; 3) evaluar el valor como recurso genético para mejorar la calidad de aceite de girasol de una RUD con un perfil acídico peculiar; 5) caracterizar fenotípicamente los SG generados. Los SG 8TF y 10TF más promisorios, fueron generados mediante selección por mayor crecimiento y desarrollo a temperatura subóptima durante la etapa de implantación del cultivo. 10TF tuvo mayor germinación acumulada a 5°C, y mayor tasa de desarrollo y crecimiento de planta joven a temperatura subóptima; 8TF tuvo menor tiempo medio de germinación a 10°C; ambos SG presentaron menor temperatura basal de germinación que los híbridos. La RUD RIV tuvo mayor resistencia a déficit hídrico durante la etapa reproductiva. Se destacó por la capacidad de controlar el estado hídrico y moderada reducción de la estructura reproductiva bajo estrés. Un SG, RIV-FS, se generó aplicando fertilización selectiva in vivo mediada por estrés osmótico sobre RIV. Se conformaron cuatro SG completamente resistentes a SuCMoV-C mediante selección por resistencia a SuCMoV-C de plantas con alto grado de autofecundación. Los cruzamientos con DIA tuvieron mayor variabilidad en la composición acidica. En los SG BC1F2 y BC2F1 se identificaron individuos con perfiles acídicos de interés; con alta concentración de ácido palmítico (87,6 g/kg), esteárico (73,4 g/kg), oleico (533,8 g/kg) y linoleico (784 g/kg). Los SG 8TF, 10TF y resistentes a SuCMoV-C tuvieron una altura de planta menor a dos metros, capítulo principal de mayor tamaño, ramificaciones en el vástago, la biomasa de mil cipselas fue mayor a 12 g, la duración del período siembra-R9 fue menor a 160 días y más de 50 cipselas/capítulo fueron generadas mediante autofecundación. A diferencia, RIV-FS presentó mayor altura, menor biomasa seminal y mayor longitud del ciclo ontogénico. Los SG descriptos se depositaron en el Banco Activo de Germoplasma del INTA Manfredi, bajo denominación CGGI1351, CGGI1352, CGGI1353, CGGI1354, CGGI1355, CGGI1356, CGGI1357, CGGI1358 y CGGI13519. / The economic outcome of sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., depends on the yield and on the quality of its oil. In Argentina, the average yield is low because crop production faces biotic and abiotic constraints. Water deficit is the main cause of decreased yield. Sub-optimal temperature at the early no-tillage seedlings stage involves slow emergence, which increases the risk of plant loss. The common race of Sunflower chlorotic mottle virus (SuCMoV-C) causes the most widespread viral disease in the country and this infection can significantly decrease performance. The fatty acidic profile of sunflower oil determines its aptitude for each application. In Argentina, the H. annuus ssp. annuus ruderal populations (RUD) present high phenotypic and genotypic variability, and could be used for the genetic improvement of sunflower. The aims of this thesis were to: 1) generate a set of genetic stocks (SG) of sunflower with better performance under suboptimal temperature at sunflower seedling establishment, from tolerant RUD; 2) explore the performance of RUD under water deficit conditions from capitulum initiation to R9; 3) develop a genetic stock with high frequency of SuCMoV-C resistant individuals, from resistant RUD; 4) appraise the value of a RUD with a peculiar acidic profile as a genetic resource for improving the quality of sunflower oil; 5) characterize the SG generated phenotypically. The SG 8TF and 10TF strains, which were the most promising, were generated by means of selection for further growth and development under sub-optimal temperature during crop establishment. 10TF showed higher germination at 5°C and a higher rate of growth and development under suboptimal temperature; 8TF showed lower mean germination time at 10°C; both SG had a lower basal temperature of germination than the hybrids. The RUD RIV showed major resistance to water deficit during the reproductive stage. Its capacity to control the water status was notable and it only showed a moderate reduction in the reproductive structure under stress. An SG, RIV-FS was generated by applying in vivo pollen selection by osmotic stress on RIV. Four SG resistant to SuCMoV-C were generated. They were formed by means of selection of SuCMoV-C resistant plants with a high degree of self-fertilization. Crossbreeding with DIA resulted in greater variability in fatty acid composition. In the SG BC1F2 and BC2F1, individuals with an acid profile of interest were identified; with a high concentration of palmitic (87.6 g/kg), stearic (73.4 g/kg), oleic (533.8 g/ g) and linoleic (784 g/kg) acid. The SG 8TF, 10TF resistant to SuCMoV-C was less than two meters in height, the main capitulum was larger, it had branches on the stem, the thousand cypsela weight was higher than 12 g, the duration of the phase from sowing-R9 was lower than 160 days, and more than 50 cypsela/capítulum were generated by self fertilization. In contrast, RIV-FS was taller, with less seminal biomass and greater length of ontogenetic cycle. The SG described were deposited in the Active Germplasm Bank of INTA Manfredi, under the designations CGGI1351, CGGI1352, CGGI1353, CGGI1354, CGGI1355, CGGI1356, CGGI1357, CGGI1358 and CGGI13519.

Estudio de las relaciones genómicas de especies poliploides y diploides del género Helianthus

Miranda Zanetti, Julieta 18 July 2014 (has links)
El género Helianthus consiste de 51 especies, nativas de América del Norte, clasificadas en cinco secciones y seis series. Comprende especies diploides, tetraploides y hexaploides, e incluye a las formas silvestres del girasol cultivado H. annuus L. var. macrocarpus. Diferentes trabajos han abordado el estudio de las relaciones filogenéticas entre las especies del género, aunque varios puntos continúan sin resolverse, particularmente el origen de las especies poliploides que son en su totalidad perennes. El objetivo general de esta tesis es contribuir al conocimiento de la historia evolutiva del género, examinando las afinidades existentes entre las especies hexaploides, H. resinosus y H. tuberosus, especies diploides anuales, y especies diploides y tetraploides perennes. Se llevaron a cabo estudios citogenéticos, clásicos y moleculares, como así también análisis con marcadores moleculares nucleares y organelares y secuencias de regiones intergénicas de cloroplasto. Las configuraciones meióticas en la progenie de la cruza H. annuus × H. resinosus incluyeron univalentes, bivalentes, trivalentes y cuadrivalentes. La ocurrencia de husos con disposición anormal en meiosis II, condujo a la formación de productos meióticos en forma de díadas y tríadas además de las tétradas normales. Como consecuencia, los granos de polen de los híbridos presentaron heterogeneidad en el tamaño, con una distribución que pone en evidencia la formación de gametos 2n no reducidos. En el caso de la cruza H. resinosus × H. neglectus, los productos meióticos se caracterizaron por la presencia de micronúcleos, adicionados a las tétradas de tamaño normal. La hibridización de cromosomas de la progenie de H. resinosus × H. annuus con sondas de ADN genómico de H. annuus (GISH) confirmó el nivel tetraploide de los individuos F1 y puso en evidencia la marca de 17 cromosomas provenientes del parental H. annuus. En cuanto a las configuraciones meióticas, los bivalentes estaban compuestos principalmente por apareamiento autosindético de cromosomas de H. resinosus, aunque también se observaron apareamientos alosindéticos entre cromosomas de ambas especies parentales. Esto sugiere cierta homología parcial, que permite el apareamiento homeólogo y probablemente la recombinación. Los univalentes correspondieron a una u otra especie parental. El GISH utilizando ADN genómico de H. annuus, y otras especies diploides, aplicados a células mitóticas de H. resinosus y H. tuberosus mostró una señal de hibridación débil y uniformemente distribuida sobre los cromosomas de las especies hexaploides. De este modo, no fue posible detectar subgenomas en el complemento cromosómico 6x, lo que puede ser atribuido a la presencia de secuencias repetitivas comunes a las especies del género. Estos resultados rechazan la hipótesis de H. annuus como una de las especies diploides parentales. La única posibilidad que permite retener a H. annuus como candidato implica la ocurrencia de un mecanismo de homogeneización de los subgenomas a nivel de ADN repetitivo luego del evento de hibridización, lo que volvería inefectiva la técnica de GISH para detectar complementos cromosómicos originales. Las técnicas de RAPD e ISSR generaron marcadores consistentes y polimórficos. Fue posible diferenciar a las especies hexaploides, H. resinosus y H. tuberosus, de 9 diploides anuales y de 8 diploides y tetraploides perennes, y se detectaron grupos taxonómicos previamente descriptos dentro de cada sección. En nuestro conocimiento, este es el primer estudio que emplea loci microsatélites de cloroplasto (SSRcp) para el estudio de las relaciones filogenéticas entre especies de Helianthus. El nivel de polimorfismo de siete loci SSRcp fue alto. Las relaciones obtenidas entre especies con estos marcadores mostraron grandes discrepancias con clasificaciones previas, probablemente adjudicados a procesos como homoplasia en tamaño o transferencia diferencial de los genomas nuclear y de cloroplasto. El empleo de secuencias de una región intergénica de cloroplasto permitió la separación de las especies perennes de las anuales y esto la coloca como una técnica comparativamente más informativa. Se continúa con la secuenciación de otras regiones intergénicas a fin de incrementar la resolución de las relaciones entre las especies del género Helianthus. / The genus Helianthus consists of 51 species, native to North America, classified into five sections and six series. It contains diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid species, and includes wild forms of cultivated sunflower H. annuus L. var. macrocarpus. Several studies have addressed the study of the phylogenetic relationships among species of the genus, but a number of points remain unresolved, particularly the origin of polyploid species which are completely perennial. The general objective of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge of the evolutionary history of the genus, examining the affinities between the hexaploid species, H. resinosus and H. tuberosus, annual diploid species, and diploid and tetraploid perennial species. Cytogenetic studies (both classical and molecular) were carried out, along with nuclear and organellar molecular marker analyses and chloroplast intergenic-regions sequencing. The meiotic configurations in the progeny of the crosses H. annuus × H. resinosus included univalents, bivalents, trivalents and quadrivalents. The occurrence of anormal spindles in meiosis II generated the formation of meiotic products like dyads and triads besides the normal tetrads. Consequently, pollen grains of the hybrids showed heterogeneity in size, with a distribution that exposes the formation of unreduced 2n gametes. In the case of cross H. resinosus × H. neglectus, the meiotic products were characterized by the presence of micronuclei, added to normal size tetrads. The hybridization of chromosomes of the progeny of H. resinosus × H. annuus with probes of genomic DNA of H. annuus (GISH) confirmed the tetraploid level of the F1 and showed the mark of 17 chromosomes coming from the parental H. annuus. Regarding meiotic configurations, bivalents were composed mainly of autosyndetic pairing of H. resinosus chromosomes, although allosyndetic pairings between chromosomes of both parental species were observed. This suggests some parcial homology that allows homeologous paring and probably recombination. Univalents corresponded to one or other parental species. GISH using genomic DNA of H. annuus and others diploids species, applied to mitotic cells of H. resinosus and H. tuberosus rendered a weak signal of hybridization, and uniformly distributed over chromosomes of hexaploide species. Therefore, subgenomes of the 6x chromosomic complement could not be identified, which can be attributed to the presence of repetitive sequences common to the species of the genus. These results reject the hypothesis of H. annuus as one diploid parental species. The only possibility that allows keeping H. annuus as a candidate involves the occurrence of a mechanism of subgenomes homogenization at repetitive DNA level following hybridization, which would make GISH technique ineffective for detecting original chromosome complements. RAPD and ISSR techniques generated polymorphic and consistent markers. It was possible to differentiate the hexaploid species, H. resinosus and H. tuberosus, from 9 diploid annual and 10 diploid and tetraploid perennial species, and taxonomic groups previously described were detected within each section. To our knowledge, this is the first study using chloroplast microsatellite loci (SSRcp) to study the phylogenetic relationships among species of Helianthus. The polymorphism level of seven loci SSRcp was high. The relationships between species obtained with these markers showed large discrepancies with previous classifications, probably awarded to processes such as homoplasy in size or selective transfer of nuclear and chloroplast genomes. The use of a sequence of an intergenic region of chloroplast allowed the separation of perennial species from the annual species, and this characterizes this technique as comparatively more informative. The sequencing of other intergenic regions follows, in order to increase the resolution of relationships among species of the genus Helianthus.

Do Generalist-Pollinated Plants Exhibit Pollination Syndromes? Examination of Floral Size, Shape, Color, and Scent on Pollinator Services to Wild Sunflowers (Helianthus)

Pitsenberger, Charles A, II 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Traditional pollination syndromes group angiosperms into categories based on how floral traits impact the functional group of pollinator most associated with those traits. The concept, while well supported for specialist-pollinated plants, is a poor predictor of pollinator identity in generalist systems, such as those common to the family Asteraceae. One potential avenue for future refinement of the concept is the combination of large floral trait datasets, quantitative pollinator data, and phylogenetic comparative methods. Helianthus is a well-studied genus of North American aster whose species include the agriculturally significant H. annuus, which represents the third largest oilseed crop globally. The genus is primarily bee pollinated and, while much is known about traits that are correlated with bee attraction at short ranges common to agricultural and horticultural settings, there has been little research on long range visual and chemical attraction traits within the genus. Using data on display size and shape, ray color, floral volatile composition, and floret depth collected from Helianthus species grown in a common garden, mixed models were constructed to predict pollinator visitation as a function of floral traits. For four of seven pollinator response variables, there was at least one model that outperformed null models, and three of the four best models were multivariate. This work will inform future research of pollination syndromes within generalist systems such as those common to Asteraceae.

Comparative Analysis of Volatile Terpenoid Profiles in Agrobacterium Rhizogenes-Transformed Hairy Roots of Helianthus Annuus

Beard, Roberta 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Hairy roots are a syndrome of the plant pathogen Agrobacterium rhizogenes, which induces the aggressive growth of roots in the plants it infects. Hairy roots are shown to have increased production of secondary metabolites when compared to roots that are not transformed, especially when they are exposed to plant signaling hormones called elicitors. Two popular elicitors are Methyl Jasmonate (MeJA) and Salicylic Acid (SA), which are also potent plant signaling compounds involved in plant defense and immunity. Many studies have reported on the secondary metabolites of hairy roots and their production of metabolites after exposure to elicitors. However, there is a gap in current knowledge of how hairy roots and non-transformed roots of Helianthus annuus (the common sunflower) compare in their secondary metabolite profiles, which include the volatile terpenoids they produce. This experiment used solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SPME GC-MS) to compare the volatile terpenoid profiles of hairy roots and non-transformed roots of H. annuus after their exposure to 0.2 mM MeJA and MeSA, the methyl ester of SA. The experiment identified several differences in the production of volatile compounds across elicitor treatments and time points yet hairy roots largely maintained the properties of their native counterparts. This project provides information on the secondary metabolism and volatile terpenoid profiles of hairy roots and explores the biotechnological applications of such insights.

Potencial de biodegradação de resíduos por Pleurotus spp. / Potential of wastes biodegradation by Pleurotus spp.

Santos, Joyce Ribeiro de Paula 07 October 2014 (has links)
O lodo gerado nas estações de tratamento de água (ETA) possui muitos elementos químicos provenientes dos sólidos em suspensão e dos produtos adicionados durante o processo de tratamento da água. A vinhaça é um resíduo originado da destilação do álcool etílico que apresenta alta BDO, BQO, turbidez, condutividade, alta concentração de sólidos, açúcares e compostos fenólicos. Fungos do gênero Pleurotus são organismos decompositores que por meio de vários mecanismos são capazes de crescer e degradar compostos de composição complexa, presentes nos poluentes ambientais. O presente estudo objetiva avaliar os efeitos proporcionados pelo tratamento por fungos do gênero Pleurotus em uma mistura de lodo de ETA, vinhaça e bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e posteriormente aplicada como aditivo agrícola no plantio de milho e girassol. Foram realizadas análises físicas e químicas do lodo e da vinhaça assim como testes toxicológicos, com organismos padronizados, dos resíduos separadamente e da mistura antes e depois do tratamento fúngico. As plantas foram analisadas quanto às biomassas frescas e secas, o comprimento radicular e da parte aérea e quantificados os elementos químicos por ICP OES. Os resultados caracterizaram o lodo como argiloso, com alta concentração de Fe e Mn e a vinhaça com alta BDO, BQO, turbidez, condutividade, alta concentração de sólidos, açúcares, sulfato, fosfato, K, Ca e Mg. O desenvolvimento de Pleurotus na mistura de resíduos incorporada ao bagaço proporcionou um aumento nas variáveis: taxa germinativa dos cultivares, biomassa fresca e desenvolvimento radicular e aéreo significativo e maiores que o controle, em plântulas avaliadas aos de 30 dias de crescimento. Os elementos se concentraram nas raízes de ambas as culturas com 30 dias de desenvolvimento em misturas tratadas com P. ostreatus, sendo Al, Fe, Ca, K e SO4- os mais concentrados e na parte aérea foram K, Ca e SO4-. Os testes de toxicidade mostram que a toxicidade da vinhaça e do lodo foi maior do que a toxicidade da mistura. A toxicidade da mistura após o crescimento de Pleurotus foi menor do que a toxicidade da mistura sem o crescimento fúngico. / The sludge generated in the water treatment plant (WTP) has many chemicals from the suspended solids and from the products added during the water treatment process. The vinasse is a waste originated from the distillation of ethyl alcohol characterized by high values of BOD, COD, turbidity, conductivity, solids, sugars and phenolic compounds. Fungi of the genus Pleurotus are decomposers organisms that through various mechanisms are able to grow and degrade compounds of complex composition, present in environmental pollutants. This study aims to evaluate the effects given by the treatment by fungi of the genus Pleurotus to a mixture of water treatment plant sludge, vinasse and bagasse from sugar cane and later applied as an agriculture additive for corn and sunflower crops. Physical and chemical analysis of the sludge and vinasse as well as standard toxicological tests concerning the waste itself and of the mixed before and after fungal treatment were performed. Plants were analyzed for fresh and dry biomass, root and shoot and chemical elements were quantified by ICP OES. Results showed that the sludge is silty clayey with high concentrations of Fe and Mn; vinasse, on the other way, was found to present high levels of BOD, COD, turbidity, conductivity, solids, sugars, sulfate, phosphate, K, Ca and Mg. Evaluating seedling at 30 days of growth, the development of Pleurotus incorporated in the mixture of the crushed waste caused an increase on the following parameters: cultivars germination rate, fresh biomass and the mean root and shoot development larger than the control. On both cultures 30 days old and treated by P. ostreatus, elements were shown to be concentrated on the roots being Al, Fe, Ca, K and SO4- the most concentrated. On the shoots, the most common elements were K, Ca and SO4-. The toxicity tests showed that the toxicity of the vinasse and of the sludge, singly, was greater than the toxicity of the mixture. The toxicity of the mixture after the growth of Pleurotus was lower than the toxicity of the mixture without fungal growth.

Avaliação do potencial fisiológico de sementes de girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) / Evaluate of physiological potential of seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

Oliveira, Fabrícia Nascimento de 07 January 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-12T19:15:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FabriciaNO_DISSERT.pdf: 566961 bytes, checksum: 5201cedd41d42893af51274ea721ad71 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-01-07 / The evaluation of the physiological potential of seeds is an essential element of programs control for seed quality. The germination test, conducted under laboratory conditions, usually, overestimates the physiological potential of seed lots, therefore, increasing the need for improvement tests towards the evaluation of seed vigour. Thus, this study pursues to evaluate the physiological quality of sunflower seeds, Multissol and Catissol cultivars, each one represented by five lots. Firstly, the quality of seed lots was determined by germination test, first count, seedling emergency under greenhouse conditions and emergence rate index, besides the determination of water content of seeds. The evaluation of the physiological potential was carried out through accelerated aging tests, traditional methods and saturated NaCl solution (for 24, 48 and 72 hours at 42°C), controlled deterioration (seed moisture content of 20%, 22% and 24% at 42°C, for 72 hours) and electrical conductivity (25 or 50 seeds, imbibed in 50mL and 75mL at 25°C and 30°C, of 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours). The delineating used in this stage was completely randomized in a factorial arrangement with four replications for each cultivar and test conducted separatedly. From the obtained results, it was concluded that the accelerated aging tests with saline solution at 42°C/24h and electrical conductivity using the combination (25°C/75mL/50 seeds) were clear enough for the evaluation of the physiological potential of sunflower seeds. The tests of controlled deterioration and accelerated aging traditional procedure did not result to be an efficient choice for detecting the differences among lots of sunflower seeds, however, additional studies are necessary to determine more appropriate procedures for their performance. / A avaliação do potencial fisiológico de sementes é elemento essencial de programas de controle de qualidade de sementes. O teste de germinação, conduzido em laboratório sob condições favoráveis, geralmente, superestima o potencial fisiológico de lotes de sementes. Sendo assim, cada vez maior a necessidade de aperfeiçoamento dos testes destinados à avaliação do vigor de sementes. Des sa forma, esta pesquisa buscou avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de girassol, cultivares Catissol e Multissol, cada um representado por cinco lotes. Inicialmente, determinou-se a qualidade dos lotes de sementes mediante os testes de germinação, primeira contagem, emergência de plântulas em casa de vegetação e índice de velocidade de emergência, além da determinação do grau de umidade das sementes. A avaliação do potencial fisiológico foi realizada através dos testes de envelhecimento acelerado, métodos tradicional e com solução saturada de NaCl (períodos 24, 48 e 72 horas, a 42°C), deterioração controlada (graus de umidade de 20%, 22% e 24%, a 42°C, durante 72 horas) e condutividade elétrica (temperaturas de 25°C e 30°C, volumes de 50 e 75mL de água, 25 e 50 sementes e períodos de 6, 12, 18 e 24 horas). O delineamento utilizado nesta etapa foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial e com quatro repetições, separadamente para cada cultivar e teste conduzido. Diante dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que os testes de envelhecimento acelerado com solução salina a 42°C/24h e condutividade elétrica utilizando a combinação (25°C/75mL/50 sementes) foram suficientemente sensível para avaliar o potencial fisiológico das sementes de girassol. Os testes de deterioração controlada e de envelhecimento acelerado, procedimento tradicional, não se constituíram em opção eficiente para detectar diferenças entre lotes de sementes de girassol, contudo, há necessidade de estudos adicionais para determinação dos procedimentos mais adequados para sua condução.

Avaliação do potencial fisiológico de sementes de girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) / Evaluate of physiological potential of seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

Oliveira, Fabrícia Nascimento de 07 January 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-12T19:18:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FabriciaNO_DISSERT.pdf: 566961 bytes, checksum: 5201cedd41d42893af51274ea721ad71 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-01-07 / The evaluation of the physiological potential of seeds is an essential element of programs control for seed quality. The germination test, conducted under laboratory conditions, usually, overestimates the physiological potential of seed lots, therefore, increasing the need for improvement tests towards the evaluation of seed vigour. Thus, this study pursues to evaluate the physiological quality of sunflower seeds, Multissol and Catissol cultivars, each one represented by five lots. Firstly, the quality of seed lots was determined by germination test, first count, seedling emergency under greenhouse conditions and emergence rate index, besides the determination of water content of seeds. The evaluation of the physiological potential was carried out through accelerated aging tests, traditional methods and saturated NaCl solution (for 24, 48 and 72 hours at 42°C), controlled deterioration (seed moisture content of 20%, 22% and 24% at 42°C, for 72 hours) and electrical conductivity (25 or 50 seeds, imbibed in 50mL and 75mL at 25°C and 30°C, of 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours). The delineating used in this stage was completely randomized in a factorial arrangement with four replications for each cultivar and test conducted separatedly. From the obtained results, it was concluded that the accelerated aging tests with saline solution at 42°C/24h and electrical conductivity using the combination (25°C/75mL/50 seeds) were clear enough for the evaluation of the physiological potential of sunflower seeds. The tests of controlled deterioration and accelerated aging traditional procedure did not result to be an efficient choice for detecting the differences among lots of sunflower seeds, however, additional studies are necessary to determine more appropriate procedures for their performance. / A avaliação do potencial fisiológico de sementes é elemento essencial de programas de controle de qualidade de sementes. O teste de germinação, conduzido em laboratório sob condições favoráveis, geralmente, superestima o potencial fisiológico de lotes de sementes. Sendo assim, cada vez maior a necessidade de aperfeiçoamento dos testes destinados à avaliação do vigor de sementes. Des sa forma, esta pesquisa buscou avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de girassol, cultivares Catissol e Multissol, cada um representado por cinco lotes. Inicialmente, determinou-se a qualidade dos lotes de sementes mediante os testes de germinação, primeira contagem, emergência de plântulas em casa de vegetação e índice de velocidade de emergência, além da determinação do grau de umidade das sementes. A avaliação do potencial fisiológico foi realizada através dos testes de envelhecimento acelerado, métodos tradicional e com solução saturada de NaCl (períodos 24, 48 e 72 horas, a 42°C), deterioração controlada (graus de umidade de 20%, 22% e 24%, a 42°C, durante 72 horas) e condutividade elétrica (temperaturas de 25°C e 30°C, volumes de 50 e 75mL de água, 25 e 50 sementes e períodos de 6, 12, 18 e 24 horas). O delineamento utilizado nesta etapa foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial e com quatro repetições, separadamente para cada cultivar e teste conduzido. Diante dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que os testes de envelhecimento acelerado com solução salina a 42°C/24h e condutividade elétrica utilizando a combinação (25°C/75mL/50 sementes) foram suficientemente sensível para avaliar o potencial fisiológico das sementes de girassol. Os testes de deterioração controlada e de envelhecimento acelerado, procedimento tradicional, não se constituíram em opção eficiente para detectar diferenças entre lotes de sementes de girassol, contudo, há necessidade de estudos adicionais para determinação dos procedimentos mais adequados para sua condução.

Rendimento produtivo e econômico de frangos isa label alimentos com rações contendo farelo de girassol / Productive and economic performance of chickens isa label foods diets containing sunflower meal

Silva, Ligiane Nadja Souza 28 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-15T20:31:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LigianeNSS_DISSERT.pdf: 333802 bytes, checksum: b08155ff5daceeb3eea9fe36814efbd0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Considering the prevalence of soybean s bran in chickens ration and its valorization, other agroindustrial subproducts with protein characteristic, for instance, sunflower s bran, has been purposed in feeding programs. Therefore, aiming to evaluate protein s source s replacement in balanced rations over productive and economic yield of Isa Label s chickens in semi-intensive system, 320 birds were selected between 28 and 35 days-old and monitored until 121 days-old, being destined to conventional slaughter subsequently. The dietary treatments were constituted in a reference ration with soybean meal (RFS) and three other rations with gradual levels of replacement of soybean meal by sunflower meal with basis in the protein of these ingredients, in levels of 15% (FG15), 30% (FG30) and 45% (FG45), properly supplied with lysine and methionine. Such rations has suffered nutritional adjusts according to the growing phase, namely, period 1 (35 to 63 days), period 2 (64 to 92 days) and period 3 (93 to 121 days). There weren t observed any significant differences of the birds performance during the growing phase in function of dietary treatments, determining the following general averages to the periods 1, 2 and 3: feed intake in 108,08 ; 139,25 and 165,80 grams/day; weight gain in 44,32 ; 43,15 and 28,43 grams/day; and food conversion 2,50; 3,56 and 6,21 kg/kg, respectively. The protein replacement of soybean by sunflower in Isa label chickens ration didn t influence significantly either the yield carcass, the cuts and eatable visceral. These parameters presented general averages of 74,29% to carcass yield, of 19,33% to breast, of 12,55% to thigh, of 11,56% drumstick, of 0,47% to heart, of 1,24% to liver and of 1,68% to gizzard. The economic analysis demonstrated the reduction in financial value per kilogram of ration in proportion to the replacement in 15, 30 and 45% of the soybean meal by sunflower meal with basis in protein content and supplemented with lysine and methionine (R$1,77, 1,75, 1,70 and 1,67, respectively) and elevation of profitability index in function of sale s price of the chicken carcasses (R$ 2,44, 2,40, 2,57 and 2,58, respectively). Thus, the additional profit and the balance price were favored by the inclusion of sunflower meal in balanced rations to Isa Label chickens in semi-intensive production system / Considerando a prevalência do farelo de soja nas rações avícolas e sua valorização mercantil, outros subprodutos agroindustriais com característica protéica, por exemplo, o farelo de girassol, têm sido propostos nos programas de alimentação. Portanto, com objetivo de avaliar a substituição da fonte protéica em rações balanceadas sobre o rendimento produtivo e econômico de aves Isa Label em sistema semi-intensivo, 320 aves foram selecionadas entre 28 e 35 dias de idade e monitoradas até 121 dias de idade, sendo posteriormente destinadas ao abate convencional. Os tratamentos dietéticos constituíram-se em uma ração referência com farelo de soja (RFS) e outras três rações com níveis graduais de substituição do farelo de soja pelo farelo de girassol com base no teor de proteína destes ingredientes, em níveis de 15% (FG15), 30% (FG30) e 45% (FG45), devidamente suplementadas com lisina e metionina. Tais rações sofreram ajustes nutricionais de acordo com a fase de crescimento das aves, a saber, período 1 (35 a 63 dias), período 2 (64 a 92 dias) e período 3 (93 a 121 dias). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas de desempenho das aves durante a fase de crescimento em função dos tratamentos dietéticos, determinando-se as seguintes médias gerais para os períodos 1, 2 e 3: consumo de ração em 108,08; 139,25 e 165,80 gramas/ave/dia; ganho de peso vivo em 44,32 ; 43,15 e 28,43 gramas/ave/dia; e conversão alimentar 2,50 ; 3,56 e 6,21 kg/kg; respectivamente. A substituição da proteína do farelo de soja pelo farelo de girassol nas rações das aves também não influenciou significativamente o rendimento de carcaça, dos cortes e vísceras comestíveis. Estes parâmetros apresentaram médias gerais de 74,29% para rendimento de carcaça, de 19,33% para peito, de 12,55% para coxa, de 11,56% para sobrecoxa, de 0,47% para coração, de 1,24% para fígado e de 1,68% para moela. A análise econômica demonstrou a redução no valor financeiro por quilograma de ração à medida que se substituiu em 15, 30 e 45 % o farelo de soja pelo farelo de girassol com base no teor de proteína e suplementado com lisina e metionina (R$ 1,77 , 1,75, 1,70 e 1,67 reais, respectivamente) e elevação do índice de rentabilidade em função do preço de comercialização das carcaças das aves ao abate (R$ 2,44, 2,40, 2,57 e 2,58 reais, respectivamente). Assim, o lucro adicional e o preço de equilíbrio foram favorecidos pela inclusão do farelo de girassol em rações balanceadas para as aves Isa Label em sistema de produção semi-intensivo

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