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CTRP3 Prevents ETOH- Induced Hepatocyte ApoptosisDunlay, Samantha, Peterson, Jonathan M. 01 April 2016 (has links)
Abstract available through The FASEB Journal.
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Régulation des fonctions des myofibroblastes portaux par le stress du réticulum endoplasmique / Regulation of portal myofibroblast functions by endoplasmic reticulum stressLoeuillard, Emilien 16 February 2017 (has links)
La fibrose hépatique est la conséquence de toutes les maladies chroniques du foie et se caractérise par un dépôt excessif de matrice extracellulaire synthétisée par les myofibroblastes. Les myofibroblastes portaux (MFP), l'une des sous populations de myofibroblastes, jouent un rôle majeur dans la progression de la fibrose et sont pro-angiogéniques. Des études ont montré un rôle important du stress du réticulum endoplasmique (RE) dans la fibrose du foie. Nos objectifs étaient de déterminer si un stress du RE survient dans les MFP lors de la fibrose et affecte les fonctions de ces cellules, et d'étudier l'effet du TUDCA, une molécule chaperonne utilisée en clinique dans les maladies biliaires, sur le stress du RE. Le phénotype de MFP activés in vivo, isolés à partir de foie de rats fibreux après cholestase, a été comparé à celui de MFP contrôles que nous avons préalablement bien caractérisés. Nos résultats montrent que les MFP activés in vivo subissent un stress du RE se traduisant par l'activation de la voie PERK. Ce stress du RE n'a pas d'effet sur la différenciation myofibroblastique, diminue les capacités de prolifération et de migration des MFP mais augmente leur pouvoir angiogénique. En revanche, le TUDCA n'a aucun effet sur les paramètres étudiés. Les MFP subissent donc un stress du RE lors de leur activation myofibroblastique qui stimule leur propriété pro-angiogénique et pourrait ainsi favoriser la progression de la fibrose. Cependant le stress du RE inhibe également leurs fonctions de prolifération et de migration ce qui pourrait induire une boucle de contrôle négative limitant leur expansion. / Hepatic fibrosis is the consequence of all chronic liver diseases and is characterized by an abnormal extra cellular matrix deposition by myofibroblasts. Portal myofibroblasts (PMF), a subpopulation of hepatic myofibroblasts, play a major role in fibrosis progression and angiogenesis. Accumulating evidences indicate an important role of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in hepatic fibrosis. The aims of this study were to determine whether an ER stress occured in PMF during fibrosis and affected the functions of these cells, and to study the effect of the molecular chaperone TUDCA used in biliary diseases, on ER stress. The phenotype of in vivo activated-PMF obtained from rat fibrotic liver after cholestasis was compared with the phenotype of control PMF that we previously characterized. Our results showed that in vivo activated-PMF underwent ER stress with PERK pathway activation. This ER stress had no effect on myofibroblastic differentiation but reduced PMF proliferation and migration and increased PMF angiogenesis capacity. TUDCA had no effect on these parameters. In conclusion, PMF display ER stress during their activation. ER stress stimulates their pro-angiogenic proprieties and thereby may promote fibrosis progression. However, ER stress also inhibits their proliferation and migration functions, and thereby could provide a negative control loop to restrict their expansion.
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Shunt portosystémique par échoendoscopie sur modèle animal / Portsystemic Shunt by Endoscopic Ultrasonography on an Animal ModelPoincloux, Laurent 04 April 2016 (has links)
L’échoendoscopie thérapeutique occupe une place croissante et incontournable de l’activité médico-chirurgicale en pathologie digestive depuis le développement des sondes sectorielles. Les domaines d’application de cette technique interventionnelle mini-invasive sont de plus en plus nombreux, d’une part en pathologie biliopancréatique et entérale permettant la réalisation d’anastomoses évitant un recours à la chirurgie traditionnelle, et d’autre part en cancérologie digestive car elle permet de délivrer un agent thérapeutique, une source de rayonnement ou des cellules liées au système immunitaire dans une lésion ciblée. L’abord vasculaire est une voie récente et prometteuse de l’échoendoscopie interventionnelle offrant des perspectives thérapeutiques en hépatologie notamment dans le domaine de l’hypertension portale. Ce travail se décompose en trois parties décrivant successivement l’état de l'art des applications de l’échoendoscopie interventionnelle, puis deux travaux originaux expérimentaux : dans un premier temps, le transfert de la technique d’anastomose biliodigestive (réalisée régulièrement dans notre centre) à l’abord vasculaire portosystémique sur animal sain, puis dans un deuxième temps la validité de la technique sur modèle animal de fibrose hépatique. La première série d’expérimentations a permis de mettre au point la technique de création d’un shunt intrahépatique portosystémique par échoendoscopie chez 23 cochons sains, en collaboration avec l’équipe de radiologie vasculaire. Ces procédures ont été réalisées dans une salle de cathétérisme vasculaire expérimentale (laboratoire Caviti) dans le cadre du laboratoire d’accueil ISIT (Image Science for Interventional Techniques, Pr. L. Boyer, Pr. J.-Y. Boire, UMR CNRS/UDA 6284). Les résultats ont été concluants puisque le shunt est apparu faisable dans 91% des cas, fonctionnel dans 81% des cas avec une morbidité de 14,2%. La deuxième série d’expérimentations a permis de valider cette technique d’échoendoscopie chez un modèle porcin de fibrose hépatique par embolisation radiologique, en collaboration avec l’Institut National de Recherche Agroalimentaire de Theix pour la stabulation des animaux. Ce travail multidisciplinaire a permis une collaboration étroite entre endoscopistes, radiologues, chirurgiens viscéraux et anatomopathologistes, s’inscrivant dans une démarche de recherche transversale. Les résultats sont encourageants puisqu’un shunt intrahépatique porto-systémique par échoendoscopie s’est révélé techniquement faisable et fonctionnel sur modèle de fibrose hépatique avec une survie à 7 jours des animaux dans deux tiers des cas. Avant d’envisager une étude princeps chez l’homme, des études complémentaires sont néanmoins nécessaires sur des modèles porcins présentant une fibrose hépatique associée à une hypertension portale en augmentant la durée de stabulation, en homogénéisant la procédure de squelettisation de l’artère hépatique et en adaptant la dose de solution injectée. Cette technique pourrait constituer à terme une alternative en cas d’échec de la technique standard pour complications de l’hypertension portale (shunt intrahépatique portosystémique par voie transjugulaire) chez des patients alors en situation d’impasse thérapeutique. / Therapeutic endoscopic ultrasonography is a growing and essential part of the medical and surgical activity in digestive pathology since the development of sectoral probes. The fields of application of this minimally invasive interventional technique are more and more numerous, on the one hand in biliopancreatic and enteral pathology, allowing the realization of anastomoses without traditional surgery, and on the other hand in digestive oncology, because it makes it possible to deliver a therapeutic agent, a source of radiation or cells linked to the immune system in a targeted lesion. The vascular approach is a recent and promising way of interventional endoscopic ultrasound offering therapeutic perspectives in hepatology, especially in the field of portal hypertension.This work is divided into three parts successively describing the state of the art of the applications of interventional ultrasonoscopy, then two original experimental works: initially, the transfer of the technique of biliodigestive anastomosis (performed regularly in our center ) at the portosystemic vascular approach on healthy animal, then in a second time the validity of the animal model technique of liver fibrosis.The first series of experiments led to the development of the technique for the creation of an intrahepatic shunt portosystemic by echoendoscopy in 23 healthy pigs, in collaboration with the vascular radiology team. These procedures were performed in an experimental vascular catheterization room (Caviti laboratory) as part of the ISIT host laboratory (Image Science for Interventional Techniques, Prof. L. Boyer, Pr. J.-Y.Boire, UMR CNRS / UDA 6284). The results were conclusive since the shunt appeared feasible in 91% of cases, functional in 81% of cases with a morbidity of 14.2%. The second series of experiments validated this endoscopic ultrasound technique in a porcine model of liver fibrosis by X-ray embolization, in collaboration with Theix National Institute for Food Research for Animal Stabling. This multidisciplinary work has allowed close collaboration between endoscopists, radiologists, visceral surgeons and anatomopathologists, as part of a transversal research approach. The results are encouraging since a porto-systemic intrahepatic shunt by endoscopic ultrasonography proved to be technically feasible and functional on a hepatic fibrosis model with a 7-day survival of the animals in two-thirds of the cases. Before considering a primary study in humans, additional studies are nevertheless necessary on porcine models presenting hepatic fibrosis associated with portal hypertension by increasing the duration of stabulation, by homogenizing the procedure of skeletonization of the hepatic artery and by adjusting the dose of injected solution. This technique could eventually be an alternative in case of failure of the standard technique for complications of portal hypertension (intrahepatic portosystemic shunt transjugular) in patients then in a situation of therapeutic impasse.
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Pathogenesis of the Metabolic Syndrome: influence of lipid depots and effect of physical activityLisa-Marie Atkin Unknown Date (has links)
Abstract Metabolic Syndrome (MetSyn) is a medical condition prevalent in Australia. MetSyn is diagnosed with a varying combination of visceral obesity, insulin resistance/ impaired glucose tolerance/ Type 2 diabetes, dyslipidaemia and hypertension. Obesity is a central feature of this syndrome that is characterised by abnormalities in glucose and lipid metabolism. An understanding of the cause of the metabolic derangement that occurs in obesity, and that contributes to MetSyn, would allow effective treatment and prevention strategies to be formulated. This is a priority in the current environment of highly prevalent overweight and obesity in Australian children and adults. Lipotoxicity of insulin-dependent tissues and ectopic fat depots are emerging as fundamental processes in the pathogenesis of MetSyn. Lifestyle intervention, such as increased physical activity, show great promise as agents for disrupting the disease progression and may act via direct or indirect mechanisms on the underlying pathology of MetSyn. This study aimed to determine if diagnostic markers of MetSyn exist in obese, prepubertal, Australian children and to assess the contribution of lifestyle factors on components of MetSyn. Further, this study sought to investigate the relationship between body fat patterning (total body fat, abdominal adipose depots, skeletal intramyocellular lipids, intrahepatocellular lipids) and markers of MetSyn. An experimental intervention was then employed to examine the effect of physical activity on body fat distribution, insulin sensitivity, and haemodynamic and biochemical markers of MetSyn, and additionally to determine if the effect of exercise on parameters of MetSyn was mediated by a change in body fat patterning. Data were collected in a group of 15 obese (mean BMI Z-score 2.51 ± 0.49), prepubertal children (6 male, 9 female) aged 5.1 – 11.4 years (mean age 7.82 yrs ± 1.83). Measures included insulin sensitivity, blood biochemistry (lipid, haemostatic and adipocyte activity markers), blood pressure, two-compartment body composition by hydrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance scanning for abdominal adipose depots, intrahepatic lipids and skeletal intramyocellular lipids. Each child’s habitual nutrition and physical activity were also ascertained using multiple-pass 24-hr diet recalls and accelerometry respectively. Data collection was conducted pre and post a 12-week physical activity intervention which consisted of cardiorespiratory activity during instructor led sessions (60 mins, twice weekly) and family led sessions (>10 mins, 4 days/wk). There is no universally accepted definition of MetSyn in childhood. The International Diabetes Federation suggests that MetSyn should not be diagnosed in children aged 6 to < 10 years. Children can be identified to be at risk of MetSyn, however, based on waist circumference ≥90th percentile and family history1,2; all subjects in this study were at risk according to these criteria. Four definitions of paediatric MetSyn previously applied to a group of young, overweight Australian children3 were used to calculate the prevalence of MetSyn in the current sample and it was found to be 27-89% at baseline and 13-80% after the experimental intervention depending upon the definition used. Acanthosis nigricans and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) were present in one female child. Post-intervention, IGT had resolved and the child was glucose tolerant. Habitual dietary intake (energy intake and macronutrients) measured over a 3-day period pre-intervention displayed a significant positive association between fasting glucose and energy intake, as well as a significant negative association between fasting glucose and the protein component of the diet. Following the physical activity programme, energy intake was significantly positively correlated with body fat percentage (% BF). There was no difference found in dietary intake assessed prior to and following cessation of the physical activity intervention, in terms of energy or % energy from macronutrients. Habitual physical activity was not related to MetSyn diagnostic indicators. A higher level of physical fitness, estimated by predicted O2max (ml•kg-1•min-1), was significantly correlated with a lower level of diastolic blood pressure at baseline. A greater fitness level ( O2max) was moderately correlated with a lower BMI Z-score following the 12-week intervention. There was no difference between pre- and post-intervention habitual physical activity. A trend towards less sedentary time and increased light intensity activity was found, but these did not reach significance. Physical fitness level showed a trend for improvement following the intervention (P = 0.060). Anthropometrically determined body composition and body fat distribution did not change following the intervention. Radiologically determined abdominal adipose tissue depots were not significantly different post-intervention. % BF was not different when assessed with bioelectrical impedance analysis. However, % BF did reduce significantly over the 12-week intervention period when quantified by hydrometry (42.3% ± 5.0 vs 36.9% ± 8.6, P = 0.022). Adipokines, the secretory products of adipocytes displaying pleiotropic metabolic action, were investigated for their relation to lipid depots and additionally for change post-intervention. Cardiovascular (CV) disease risk was investigated by proatherogenic and protective blood lipids. When examined at baseline, fasting blood triacylglycerols (TAG) were inversely associated with basal and stimulated insulin sensitivity. Post-intervention, a higher level of HDL-C was found to be associated with greater insulin sensitivity, although this was not apparent at baseline. The relation between TAG and insulin sensitivity discovered pre-intervention was no longer evident. All other biomarkers of CV risk were not associated with body composition, glucose homeostasis, and lifestyle factors pre- and post-intervention. The effect of the physical activity intervention on indicators of haemostasis, physical fitness, blood lipids and lipoproteins, systemic inflammation, and fibrinolytic activity were analysed for change. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure were significantly reduced following the physical activity programme. There was no significant difference found in any other measured parameter of CV risk. Log[HOMA], a surrogate index of insulin resistance, was significantly decreased post-intervention indicating reduced insulin resistance. QUICKI, a surrogate index of insulin sensitivity, was significantly improved post-intervention. The remaining indicators of insulin resistance, insulin sensitivity and β-cell function based on fasting surrogates did not significantly change over the 12-week experimental period. Dynamic insulin sensitivity and β-cell function were investigated pre- and post-intervention using paired samples t-tests. Glucose and insulin area under the curve of the OGTT were significantly reduced and whole-body insulin sensitivity index (WBISI) was significantly increased hence showing an improvement in stimulated insulin sensitivity. AUCCP/AUCglu significantly declined also indicating an improved response to oral glucose stimulation. IGI and ΔCP30/ΔG30, as markers of β-cell insulin secretion, did not change. Disposition index, the interrelationship of insulin secretion (IGI) and insulin sensitivity (WBISI), was not changed pre- and post-intervention. Hepatic insulin extraction was increased post-intervention (4.3 ± 1.2 vs 4.8 ± 1.1, P = 0.022) possibly due to greater hepatic and/or peripheral insulin sensitivity. General linear modeling (GLM) showed the improvement in whole-body insulin sensitivity discovered following the intervention was independent of % BF, abdominal adipose tissue depots, and ectopic lipid depots. Intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL) significantly decreased after the 12-week intervention (6.99% ± 9.41 vs 5.83% ± 8.54) whilst there was no significant change in the serum markers of liver inflammation. IHCL was positively and strongly associated with total abdominal adipose tissue, intra-abdominal adipose tissue and subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue both before and after the intervention. IHCL was positively associated with %BF measured post-intervention; this relationship almost reached significance when measured pre-intervention (P = 0.060). IHCL was not associated with insulin sensitivity either pre- or post-intervention nor with circulating lipids at either timepoint. The change in IHCL was independent of % BF and abdominal adipose tissue tested by GLM. However, there was no significant difference found in IHCL post-intervention after adjustment for insulin sensitivity (WBISI) by GLM. Prior to intervention, 10 of 15 subjects had hepatic steatosis diagnostic of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Eight of the 10 subjects with clinically significant hepatic steatosis had reduction of fatty infiltrate following the exercise intervention. In the whole group it was demonstrated that physical activity attenuates lipid infiltration of the liver independent of body fat. To further investigate the pathophysiology of ectopic lipid depots, biomarkers of oxidative stress and anti-oxidant status were examined in relation to IHCL. Pre-intervention, there was no association found between pro-oxidative or anti-oxidative activity and IHCL. Post-intervention, an inverse association of plasma carotenoid:cholesterol ratio with IHCL was found. Skeletal intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) measured in the right soleus were significantly increased post-intervention (2.4 ± 1.1 vs 2.6 ± 1.2, P = 0.035). There was no association between IMCL and % BF when measured pre- or post-intervention. Abdominal adipose depots were associated with IMCL at baseline and following the intervention. IMCL was not related to IHCL at either timepoint. Pre-intervention, there was a trend for a relationship between IMCL and insulin. Post-intervention, IMCL was tightly and inversely correlated with insulin sensitivity (r = -0.85 P = 0.000). Linear regression between IMCL and WBISI run pre-intervention and post-intervention found the slopes were not significantly different whereas the intercepts were highly significantly different (P = 0.001), thus, as IMCL increased there was a corresponding decrease in insulin sensitivity. GLM found the increase in IMCL was independent of % BF and abdominal adipose tissue, but was not independent of WBISI. These data indicate the greater IMCL level found post-intervention was a non-pathologic training adaptation. To further investigate the pathophysiology of ectopic lipid depots, biomarkers of oxidative stress and anti-oxidant status were examined in relation to IMCL. Pre-intervention, there was a positive association between malondialdehyde and IMCL. Post-intervention, an inverse association was found between IMCL and both plasma total carotenoids and total carotenoid:free cholesterol ratio. In summation, this study found improved metabolic health in obese, prepubertal children following a 12-week physical activity intervention without dietary intervention or intentional weight loss. Body fat and fat distribution were not prime mediators for the effect of the intervention on parameters of the Metabolic Syndrome; whereas insulin sensitivity was discovered to be a mediator of the change shown in ectopic fat depots. Causality and directionality of these fascinating relationships cannot be determined from the present study, and further research is encouraged. This thesis offers an insight into the pathogenesis of MetSyn and the use of physical activity to improve MetSyn in the setting of paediatric obesity.
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Presinusoidal and proximal intrasinusoidal confluence of hepatic artery and portal vein in rat liver : functional evidence by orthograde and retrograde bivascular perfusionWatanabe, Yuji, Püschel, Gerhard P., Gardemann, Andreas, Jungermann, Kurt January 1994 (has links)
The site of confluence of the artery and the portal vein in the liver still appears to be controversial. Anatomical studies suggested a presinusoidal or an intrasinusoidal confluence in the first, second or even final third of the sinusoids. The objective of this investigation was to study the problem with functional biochemical techniques. Rat livers were perfused through the hepatic artery and simultaneously either in the orthograde direction from the portal vein to the hepatic vein or in the retrograde direction from the hepatic vein to the portal vein. Arterial how was linearly dependent on arterial pressure between 70 cm H2O and 120 cm H2O at a constant portal or hepatovenous pressure of 18 cm H2O. An arterial pressure of 100 cm H2O was required for the maintenance of a homogeneous orthograde perfusion of the whole parenchyma and of a physiologic ratio of arterial to portal how of about 1:3. Glucagon was infused either through the artery or the portal vein and hepatic vein, respectively, to a submaximally effective ''calculated'' sinusoidal concentration after mixing of 0.1 nmol/L. During orthograde perfusions, arterial and portal glucagon caused the same increases in glucose output. Yet during retrograde perfusions, hepatovenous glucagon elicited metabolic alterations equal to those in orthograde perfusions, whereas arterial glucagon effected changes strongly reduced to between 10% and 50%. Arterially infused trypan blue was distributed homogeneously in the parenchyma during orthograde perfusions, whereas it reached clearly smaller areas of parenchyma during retrograde perfusions. Finally, arterially applied acridine orange was taken up by all periportal hepatocytes in the proximal half of the acinus during orthograde perfusions but only by a much smaller portion of periportal cells in the proximal third of the acinus during retrograde perfusions. These findings suggest that in rat liver, the hepatic artery and the portal vein mix before and within the first third of the sinusoids, rather than in the middle or even last third.
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Papel del factor de transcripción Kruppel-like factor 2 en la disfunción endotelial hepática asociada a la hipertensión portal y al daño por isquemia y reperfusiónRusso, Lucia 19 December 2011 (has links)
El endotelio disfuncional presenta, entre otras caracteristicas, alteración en los mecanismos de vasodilatación, complicaciones trombóticas, disminución de la resistencia al estrés oxidativo, aumento de la expresión de moléculas de adhesión y de la secreción de moléculas proinflamatorias. El factor de transcripción endotelial KLF2 juega un importante papel en la regulación del fenotipo protector endotelial y su expresión depende de las fuerza hemodinámicas generadas por el flujo sanguíneo y de la administración exógena de estatinas.
La hipertensión portal y el daño hepático por I/R son dos condiciones patológicas asociadas a disfunción endotelial. Los trastornos estructurales característicos de la cirrosis hepática, la mayor causa prevalente de hipertensión portal en nuestro entorno, se acompañan de variaciones en las fuerzas hemodinámicas que pueden modificar la expresión de KLF2 y su programa transcripcional vasoprotector. Asímismo, durante la isquemia asociada a la preservación de injertos hepáticos para transplante, la interrupción de las fuerzas hemodinámicas generadas por el flujo sanguíneo podría resultar en la reducción de los programas endoteliales vasoprotectores, que se debería en parte a la pérdida de expresión de KLF2.
Los trabajos de investigación de la presente tesis doctoral amplian el conocimiento de los mecanismos moleculares responsables de la disfunción endotelial hepática, demostrando:
1. Que KLF2 está muy expresado en los hígados cirróticos y que su expresión se induce en las fases tempranas de la progresión de la enfermedad, representando un mecanismo compensador para mejorar los desórdenes vasculares característicos de los hígados cirróticos.
2. Que los hígados preservados en condiciones de transplante muestran un descenso tiempo-dependiente de KLF2, acompañado de daño hepático y aumentada resistencia vascular.
Además, demostran que la modulación farmacologica de la expresión de KLF2 puede ser beneficiosa tanto en el tratamiento de la hipertensión portal como en la preservación de los injertos hepáticos para transplante.
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Análisis de los resultados y factores pronósticos en el retrasplante hepáticoMarti i Sánchez, Josep 17 January 2013 (has links)
La presente Tesis Doctoral analiza los criterios de selección del retrasplante hepático (ReTH), los resultados del ReTH y los factores pronósticos de supervivencia del injerto basándose en 2 estudios llevados a cabo por el Doctorando:
Estudio 1:
Martí J, Charco R, Ferrer J, Calatayud D, Rimola A, Navasa M, Fondevila C, Fuster J, Garcia-Valdecasas JC. “Optimization of liver grafts in liver retransplantation: a European singlecenter experience”. Surgery 2008; 144: 762-9.
En este estudio se observó que a lo largo del tiempo algunas indicaciones como el rechazo crónico del injerto habían disminuido y que la calidad de los donantes (reflejada en el Donor Risk Index (DRI)) había empeorado especialmente por el aumento de su edad y la incidencia de accidente cerebrovascular como causa de muerte del donante. Sin embargo, en los últimos años se observó una mejoría de resultados del ReTH con una mayor supervivencia del injerto, un menor consumo de hemoderivados intraoperatorios y una tendencia a una menor tasa de infección, mortalidad y estancia postoperatoria. Además, los pacientes con una puntuación alta del modelo UNOS de Rosen presentaron una supervivencia de injerto a los 5 años superior al 50%, por lo que actualmente no debería ser considerada como una contraindicación para el ReTH y que la nueva situación en el ReTH debe emplazar a investigar sobre nuevos sistemas de selección en ReTH.
Estudio 2:
Martí J, Fuster J, Navasa M, Ferrer J, Rimola A, Pelegrina A, Fondevila C,
Garcia-Valdecasas JC. “Effects of Graft Quality on Non-Urgent Liver Retransplantation Survival: Should We Avoid High-Risk Donors?” World Journal of Surgery 2012; 36(12):2914-22.
En este estudio se focalizó la atención en el efecto de la calidad del donante en la supervivencia del injerto tras el ReTH no urgente (con intervalo superior entre trasplante primario y ReTH superior a 90 días) dividiendo los injertos en injertos de alto (DRI superior a 1.8) y de bajo riesgo (DRI inferior a 1.8), realizando estudio de la evolución de los resultados a lo largo del tiempo y estudio multivariado de la supervivencia del injerto que incluyó factores relacionados con el receptor y el donante. Se observó de nuevo el cambio de indicaciones de ReTH con el tiempo y el empeoramiento de la calidad de los donantes pero sólo se observó una tendencia a la mejoría de resultados del ReTH no urgente con el transcurso del tiempo. Al analizar el efecto de la calidad de los injertos se observó que el efecto deletéreo de los injertos de alto riesgo sobre la supervivencia desaparecía en el segundo período, por lo que actualmente se justificaría su uso en ReTH no urgente. Sin embargo, una edad del donante superior a 60 años se asociaba a una peor supervivencia del injerto.
Dados los resultados de los estudios se concluye que:
- Las mejoras en el proceso de TH han producido una mejoría de los resultados y un cambio en las indicaciones del ReTH a lo largo del tiempo, lo que tendrá efecto en los procesos de selección de ReTH en el futuro ya que los criterios actuales de selección de indicaciones de ReTH son de utilidad limitada.
- En el momento actual el uso de injertos de alto riesgo es una opción válida porque las mejoras peroperatorias antagonizan el efecto negativo del uso de injertos procedentes de ECD.
- Para mejorar los resultados debe tenerse en cuenta no sólo las condiciones del receptor sino también la calidad del donante, y en este sentido el uso de la edad como parámetro representativo de la calidad del donante puede ser una opción válida. / The present PhD thesis analyzes the selection criteria, results and prognostic factors in liver retransplantation (ReLT) based in 2 studies performed by the PhD candidate:
Study 1:
Martí J, Charco R, Ferrer J, Calatayud D, Rimola A, Navasa M, Fondevila C,
Fuster J, Garcia-Valdecasas JC. “Optimization of liver grafts in liver retransplantation: a European singlecenter experience”. Surgery 2008; 144: 762-9.
Study 2:
Martí J, Fuster J, Navasa M, Ferrer J, Rimola A, Pelegrina A, Fondevila C, Garcia-Valdecasas JC. “Effects of Graft Quality on Non-Urgent Liver Retransplantation Survival: Should We Avoid High-Risk Donors?”. World Journal of Surgery 2012; 36(12):2914-22.
From the results of both studies, the present PhD thesis conclusions are:
1) Improvements in liver transplantation processes have led to an improvement in ReLT results and a change in indications for ReLT along the time, a fact that suggests that the utility of current selection criteria for ReLT is limited and that in the future new selection criteria taking into account these changes are needed.
2) Currently, the use of grafts from high risk donors is a valid option because the perioperative improvements in liver transplantation and ReLT oppose to the deleterious effects of extended criteria donors on graft survival.
3) In order to improve the non-urgent ReLT results, donor quality should be taken into account moreover of recipient conditions. Regarding this issue, the use of age as a single representative parameter of donor quality is a valid option that can simplify the donor selection process in non-urgent ReLT.
4) Changes in indications, donor quality and perioperative care in ReLT along the time show that ReLT process is dynamic and for this reason recipient and donor selection criteria for ReLT should be continuously evaluated through its results to enable the introduction of changes and improve the ReLT results.
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Estudis sobre la insuficiència renal en la cirrosi hepàtica: Anàlisi del pronòstic i investigació en el tractament farmacològic de la síndrome hepatorenalMartín Llahí, Marta 11 April 2013 (has links)
Des que es va definir la síndrome hepatorenal (SHR), als anys 60 del segle passat, s’han fet grans progressos en el coneixement d’aquesta entitat. La SHR és una insuficiència renal característica dels pacients amb cirrosi hepàtica (CH) amb molt mal pronòstic a curt plaç. El tractament curatiu és el trasplantament hepàtic perquè elimina la CH que és l’origen del problema. Però no sempre està indicat el trasplantament o no s’arriba a temps de realitzar-lo. Els estudis basats en la fisiopatologia de la SHR han estat la base per investigar sobre tractaments que puguin revertir la insuficiència renal i serveixin de pont cap al trasplantament. Fins al moment de la publicació dels treballs que formen part d’aquesta tesi, s’havien fet alguns estudis amb vasoconstrictors esplàcnics que suggerien que aquests fàrmacs eren els més efectius en la reversió de la SHR. Però no s’havien publicat estudis prospectius i aleatoritzats al respecte i aquesta és l’aportació d’un dels estudis: avaluar l’efecte de la terlipressina junt amb l’albúmina sobre la funció renal i la supervivència en pacients amb CH i SHR. Es van aleatoritzar 46 pacients, 23 en el grup de terlipressina i albúmina i 23 en el grup d’albúmina sola. La milloria de la funció renal es va donar en 10 (43,5%) dels pacients tractats amb terlipressina i albúmina i en 3 (8,7%) dels pacients tractats amb albúmina sola (p=0,017). En l’anàlisi multivariat, els factors independents predictius de milloria de la funció renal van ser el volum urinari basal, la creatinina sèrica, el recompte de leucocits i el tractament amb terlipressina i albúmina. La supervivència a 3 mesos no va ser significativament diferent entre els dos grups de tractament (terlipressina i albúmina 27% vs albúmina sola 19%, p=0,7). En l’anàlisi multivariat, els factors independents predictius de supervivència als 3 mesos van ser el MELD basal i la resposta al tractament. A falta d’altres opcions, la terlipressina junt amb albúmina és l’opció terapèutica més efectiva per revertir la SHR i és el tractament que s’ha d’utilitzar, sobretot en els pacients en lista per a trasplantament hepàtic, com a pont fins a l’arribada de l’organ necessari.
D’altra banda, malgrat els progressos realitzats en la SHR, els pacients amb CH poden presentar altres tipus d’insuficiència renal i aquest és un camp poc estudiat. En el segon estudi que forma part d’aquesta tesi, basant-nos en un gran número de pacients hospitalitzats, es van avaluar els diferents tipus d’insuficiència renal que poden presentar els pacients amb CH des del punt de vista de la repercusió en el pronòstic. Es van incloure de forma prospectiva, 562 pacients amb CH i insuficiència renal a l’ingrés o que la van desenvolupar durant el mateix. La causa de la insuficiència renal es va classificar en 4 grups: associada a infeccions, a deplecció de volumen, SHR i nefropatia parenquimatosa. La insuficiència renal associada a infeccions va ser la més freqüent (46%), seguida de l’associada a hipovolèmia (32%), SHR (13%) i nefropatia parenquimatosa (9%). Un 17.6% dels casos presentava combinació de causes. La probabilitat de supervivència als 3 mesos va ser del 73% en la nefropatia parenquimatosa, 46% en la insuficiència renal associada a hipovolèmia, 31% en la insuficiència renal associada a infecciones i 15% en la SHR (p<0.0005). En l’anàlisi multivariat ajustat per factors potencialment confusius, la causa de la insuficiència renal estava independentement associada al pronòstic, junto amb el MELD, el sodi sèric i l’encefalopatia hepàtica en el moment del diagnòstic de la insuficiència renal. Aquesta informació és molt important de cara a avaluar els pacients per a trasplantament hepàtic. / Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is a type of renal failure common and specific in patients with advanced cirrhosis. The prognosis of HRS is poor and there are no randomized studies with effective treatment for HRS. In one study of this thesis, 46 patients with cirrhosis and HRS were randomly assigned to receive either terlipressin and albumin (n=23) or albumin alone (n=23) for a maximum of 15 days. Primary outcomes were improvement of renal function and survival at 3 months. Improvement of renal function ocurred in 10 patients (43.5%) treated with terlipressin and albumin compared with 2 patients (8.7%) treated with albumin (P=.017). Independent predictive factors of improvement of renal function were baseline urine volume, serum creatinine, leukocyte count, and treatment with terlipressin and albumin. Survival at 3 months was not significantly different between the 2 groups (terlipressin and albumin 27% vs albumin 19%, P=.7). Independent predictive factors of 3-month survival were baseline MELD score and improvement in renal function. In conclusion, the administration of terlipressin and albumin should be considered for the management of patients with cirrhosis and HRS, particularly in patients who are candidates to liver transplantation.
The prognostic value of the different causes of renal failure (RF) in cirrhosis is not well stablished. In the other study of this thesis, 562 consecutive patients with cirrhosis and RF (serum creatinine >1.5mg/dl) were prospectively included. The cause of RF was classified into 4 groups: RF associated with bacterial infections, RF associated with volume deplection, HRS and parenchymal nephropathy. The primary end point was survival at 3 months. The frequency of RF was: RF associated with infections: 213 cases ( 46%),hypovolemia-associated RF: 149 (32%), HRS: 60 (13%), and parenchymal nephropathy: 41 (9%). Three-month probability of survival was73% for parenchymal nephropathy, 46% for hypovolemia-associated RF, 31% for RF associated with infections, and 15% for HRS (P<.0005). In the multivariate analysis, cause of RF was independently associated with prognosis, together with MELD score, serum sodium and hepatic encephalopathy. This information may help in decision making in liver transplantation.
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Risk Factors for Extended Hospital Stay in Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular CarcinomaLin, Jau-Nan 29 June 2011 (has links)
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the second most common cancer in Taiwan and transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) is now the mainstay of treatment for noncurative HCC. Due to increasing medical costs yearly and financial problem of the Bureau of National Health Insurance, it is important to reduce medical resource utilization including hospital stay and medical costs.
The aim is to figure out the risk factors of extended hospital stay, and increased in-hospital medical costs in hepatocellular carcinoma patients receiving transcatheter arterial chemoembolization. The result of this study should be available for further improvement of medical care quality in the limited medical resource.
From January 2008 to January 2010, 162 patients (121 male and 41 female) with histologically proven hepatocellular carcinoma underwent TACE only (131 pts) or TACE followed by catheter placement for hepatic artery infusion chemotherapy (HAIC) (31pts) at district teaching hospital. The extended hospital stay (EHS) and extended post-procedure stay (EPS) are defined as stay larger than their median values (11 & 7 days respectively). Clinical demographic, disease factors, tumor factors, procedure (TACE)-related factors and complications are used to identify the univariate factors related to EHS and EPS statistically. To find out predictors of EHS, EPS and increased in-hospital medical costs, multiple linear regression analyses are used.
The risk factors for EPS are procedure-related, including complications and procedure methods ( TACE + HAIC related to TACE only) (R2=.367, p<.001), while those for EHS are complications, encephalopathy, procedure methods, Child-Pugh classification C (related to classification A) and age (R2=.490, p<.001). The predictors for increased in-hospital medical costs include procedure methods, AJCC stage IV, T4 stage, hepatoencephalopathy and complications (R2=0.615, p<.001). Taking total hospital stay into consideration, the most important risk factor related to increased medical cost is total hosptial stay itself.
The most powerful risk factor for EPS, EHS is procedure-related complication. The different procedure methods also affect hospital stay and medical costs. In order to reduce medical resource utilization, we should avoid post-procedure complication and pay attention to cirrhotic degree as well as American Joint Committee of Cancer (AJCC) tumor stage system.
The result of this study can provide some ideas to adjust medical expense polices for the Bureau of National Health Insurance and to control medical cost for the hospitals.
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Piktybinių navikų, esančių kepenyse, vietinio progresavimo rizikos veiksnių tyrimas taikant radijo dažnio abliaciją / The research of risk factors for local progression of malignant hepatic tumours treated with radiofrequency ablationTrakymas, Mantas 26 May 2009 (has links)
Nors vietinis naviko progresavimas yra esminė problema, atliekant piktybinių navikų kepenyse radijo dažnio abliaciją, dažniausiai tai yra vienintelis rodiklis, apibrėžiantis šio gydymo metodo veiksmingumą. Mūsų tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti kompiuterinės tomografijos ir ultragarso tyrimų bei histologinio stulpelinės biopsijos medžiagos, paimtos iš abliuoto naviko, histologinio tyrimo rezultato reikšmę anksti vertinant radijo dažnio abliacijos veiksmingumą.
Tyrimo medžiaga ir metodai: Į tyrimą buvo įtraukti 68 pirminiai ir metastaziniai kepenyse esantys navikai. Radijo dažnio abliacija buvo atliekama naudojant perfuzijos elektrodus. Navikai prieš abliaciją ir po jos atliekant kontrolinius tyrimus buvo vertinami kompiuterinės tomografijos ir ultragarsinio tyrimo metodais. Po abliacijos praėjus vienam mėnesiui buvo atliekama abliacijos zonos punkcinė stulpelinė biopsija, audiniai tiriami histologiškai.
Rezultatai ir išvados: Galutinei analizei buvo tinkami 58 sėkmingai gydyti navikai. Radiologinio stebėjimo metu buvo nustatyti devyni (15,5 %) vietinio naviko progresavimo atvejai. Vidutinis analizuotų navikų stebėjimo laikas buvo 16,3 mėnesiai (nuo 1,7 iki 38,7 mėnesių). Nustatyta, kad:
1. Biopsijos medžiagos, paimtos iš abliacijos zonos praėjus vienam mėnesiui po naviko, esančio kepenyse, radijo dažnio abliacijos, histologinio tyrimo rezultatas neleidžia prognozuoti vietinio naviko progresavimo
2. Naviko dydis 30 mm ir naviko lokalizacija arčiau kaip per 5 mm nuo didesnio nei 3... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Local tumour progression remains the main problem after radiofrequency ablation of liver tumours and it is usually the only measure of treatment efficacy. The aim of our study was to investigate and evaluate the prognostic value of computed tomography and ultrasonography as well as the histological result of core biopsy material from ablated tumour on assessment of radiofrequency ablation effectiveness.
Materials and methods: We have studied 68 malignant primary and metastatic hepatic tumours treated by radiofrequency ablation. Ablation was performed using perfusion electrodes. Evaluation of tumours before ablation and follow up was performed by means of contrast enhanced computed tomography and ultrasonography. Ablation zone was biopsied for histological examination.
Results and conclusions: 58 successfully treated hepatic tumours were suitable for the final analysis. The local progression of nine (15.5 %) tumours was detected on follow up. Mean follow up time for analysed tumours was 16.3 months with a range from 1.7 to 38.7 months. It was showed, that:
1. The result of histological examination of ablation zone biopsy material taken one month after radiofrequency ablation of malignant liver tumour does not predict local tumour progression.
2. Tumour size 30 mm and larger and tumour proximity closer than 5 mm to hepatic vessels larger than 3 mm are significant risk factors for local tumour progression after radiofrequency ablation of malignant liver tumours
3. Tumour type... [to full text]
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