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Using Ontologies to Support Interoperability in Federated SimulationRathnam, Tarun 20 August 2004 (has links)
A vast array of computer-based simulation tools are used to support engineering design and analysis activities. Several such activities call for the simulation of various coupled sub-systems in parallel, typically to study the emergent behavior of large, complex systems. Most sub-systems have their own simulation models associated with them, which need to interoperate with each other in a federated fashion to simulate system-level behavior. The run-time exchange of information between federate simulations requires a common information model that defines the representation of simulation concepts shared between federates. However, most federate simulations employ disparate representations of shared concepts. Therefore, it is often necessary to implement transformation stubs that convert concepts between their common representation to those used in federate simulations. The tasks of defining a common representation for shared simulation concepts and building translation stubs around them adds to the cost of performing a system-level simulation.
In this thesis, a framework to support automation and reuse in the process of achieving interoperability between federate simulations is developed. This framework uses ontologies as a means to capture the semantics of different simulation concepts shared in a federation in a formal, reusable fashion. Using these semantics, a common representation for shared simulation entities, and a corresponding set of transformation stubs to convert entities from their federate to common representations (and vice-versa) are derived automatically. As a foundation to this framework, a schema to enable the capture of simulation concepts in an ontology is specified. Also, a graph-based algorithm is developed to extract the appropriate common information model and transformation procedures between federate and common simulation entities.
As a proof of concept, this framework is applied to support the development of a federated air traffic simulation. To progress with the design of an airport, the combined operation of its individual systems (air traffic control, ground traffic control, and ground-based aircraft services) in handling varying volumes of aircraft traffic is to be studied. To do so, the individual simulation models corresponding to the different sub-systems of the airport need to be federated, for which the ontology-based framework is applied.
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Model-based Code Generation For The High Level Architecture FederatesAdak, Bulent Mehmet 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
We tackle the problem of automated code generation for a High Level Architecture (HLA)-
compliant federate application, given a model of the federation architecture including the
federate&rsquo / s behavior model. The behavior model is based on Live Sequence Charts (LSCs),
adopted as the behavioral specification formalism in the Federation Architecture Metamodel
(FAMM). The FAMM is constructed conforming to metaGME, the meta-metamodel offered
by Generic Modeling Environment (GME). FAMM serves as a formal language for
describing federation architectures. We present a code generator that generates Java/AspectJ
code directly from a federation architecture model. An objective is to help verify a federation
architecture by testing it early in the development lifecycle. Another objective is to help
developers construct complete federate applications. Our approach to achieve these
objectives is aspect-oriented in that the code generated from the LSC in conjunction with the
Federation Object Model (FOM) serves as the base code on which the computation logic is
weaved as an aspect.
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Metamodeling For The Hla Federation ArchitecturesTopcu, Okan 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study proposes a metamodel, named Federation Architecture Metamodel (FAMM), for describing the architecture of a High Level Architecture (HLA) compliant federation. The metamodel provides a domain specific language and a formal representation for the federation adopting Domain Specific Metamodeling approach to HLA-compliant federations. The metamodel supports the definitions of transformations both as source and as target. Specifically, it supports federate base code generation from a described federate behavior, and it supports transformations from a simulation conceptual model. A salient feature of FAMM is the behavioral description of federates based on live sequence charts (LSCs). It is formulated in metaGME, the meta-metamodel for the Generic Modeling Environment (GME).
This thesis discusses specifically the following points: the approach to building the metamodel, metamodel extension from Message Sequence Chart (MSC) to LSC, support for model-based code generation, and action model and domain-specific data model integration.
Lastly, this thesis presents, through a series of modeling case studies, the Federation Architecture Modeling Environment (FAME), which is a domain-specific model-building environment provided by GME once FAMM is invoked as the base paradigm.
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Transforming Mission Space Models To Executable Simulation ModelsOzhan, Gurkan 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents a two step automatic transformation of Field Artillery Mission Space Conceptual Models (ACMs) into High Level Architecture (HLA) Federation Architecture
Models (FAMs) into executable distributed simulation code. The approach followed in the course of this thesis adheres to the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) philosophy. Both
ACMs and FAMs are formally defined conforming to their metamodels, ACMM and FAMM, respectively. ACMM is comprised of a behavioral component, based on Live
Sequence Charts (LSCs), and a data component based on UML class diagrams. Using ACMM, the Adjustment Followed by Fire For Effect (AdjFFE) mission, which serves as the source model for the model transformation case study, is constructed. The ACM to FAM transformation, which is defined over metamodel-level graph patterns, is carried out
with the Graph Rewriting and Transformation (GReAT) tool. Code generation from a FAM is accomplished by employing a model interpreter that produces Java/AspectJ code. The
resulting code can then be executed on an HLA Run-Time Infrastructure (RTI). Bringing a fully fledged transformation approach to conceptual modeling is a distinguishing feature of
this thesis. This thesis also aims to bring the chart notations to the attention of the mission space modeling community regarding the description of military tasks, particularly their
communication aspect. With the experience gained, a set of guidelines for a domainindependent transformer from any metamodel-based conceptual model to FAM is offered.
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Architecture synthesis for adaptive multiprocessor systems on chipIshebabi, Harold January 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents methods for automated synthesis of flexible chip multiprocessor systems from parallel programs targeted at FPGAs to exploit both task-level parallelism and architecture customization. Automated synthesis is necessitated by the complexity of the design space. A detailed description of the design space is provided in order to determine which parameters should be modeled to facilitate automated synthesis by optimizing a cost function, the emphasis being placed on inclusive modeling of parameters from application, architectural and physical subspaces, as well as their joint coverage in order to avoid pre-constraining the design space. Given a parallel program and a set of an IP library, the automated synthesis problem is to simultaneously (i) select processors (ii) map and schedule tasks to them, and (iii) select one or several networks for inter-task communications such that design constraints and optimization objectives are met. The research objective in this thesis is to find a suitable model for automated synthesis, and to evaluate methods of using the model for architectural optimizations. Our contributions are a holistic approach for the design of such systems, corresponding models to facilitate automated synthesis, evaluation of optimization methods using state of the art integer linear and answer set programming, as well as the development of synthesis heuristics to solve runtime challenges. / Aktuelle Technologien erlauben es komplexe Multiprozessorsysteme auf einem Chip mit Milliarden von Transistoren zu realisieren. Der Entwurf solcher Systeme ist jedoch zeitaufwendig und schwierig. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Frage, wie On-Chip Multiprozessorsysteme ausgehend von parallelen Programmen automatisch synthetisiert werden können. Die Implementierung der Multiprozessorsysteme auf rekonfigurierbaren Chips erlaubt es die gesamte Architektur an die Struktur eines vorliegenden parallelen Programms anzupassen. Auf diese Weise ist es möglich die aktuellen technologischen Unzulänglichkeiten zu umgehen, insbesondere die nicht weitersteigende Taktfrequenzen sowie den langsamen Zugriff auf Datenspeicher.
Eine Automatisierung des Entwurfs von Multiprozessorsystemen ist notwendig, da der Entwurfsraum von Multiprozessorsystemen zu groß ist, um vom Menschen überschaut zu werden.
In einem ersten Ansatz wurde das Syntheseproblem mittels linearer Gleichungen modelliert, die dann durch lineare Programmierungswerkzeuge gelöst werden können. Ausgehend von diesem Ansatz wurde untersucht, wie die typischerweise langen Rechenzeiten solcher Optimierungsmethoden durch neuere Methode aus dem Gebiet der Erfüllbarkeitsprobleme der Aussagenlogik minimiert werden können. Dabei wurde die Werkzeugskette Potassco verwendet, in der lineare Programme direkt in Logikprogramme übersetzt werden können. Es wurde gezeigt, dass dieser zweite Ansatz die Optimierungszeit um bis zu drei Größenordnungen beschleunigt. Allerdings lassen sich große Syntheseprobleme auf diese weise wegen Speicherbegrenzungen nicht lösen.
Ein weiterer Ansatz zur schnellen automatischen Synthese bietet die Verwendung von Heuristiken. Es wurden im Rahmen diese Arbeit drei Heuristiken entwickelt, die die Struktur des vorliegenden Syntheseproblems ausnutzen, um die Optimierungszeit zu minimieren. Diese Heuristiken wurden unter Berücksichtigung theoretischer Ergebnisse entwickelt, deren Ursprung in der mathematische Struktur des Syntheseproblems liegt. Dadurch lassen sich optimale Architekturen in kurzer Zeit ermitteln.
Die durch diese Dissertation offen gewordene Forschungsarbeiten sind u. a. die Berücksichtigung der zeitlichen Reihenfolge des Datenaustauschs zwischen parallelen Tasks, die Optimierung des logik-basierten Ansatzes, die Integration von Prozessor- und Netzwerksimulatoren zur funktionalen Verifikation synthetisierter Architekturen, sowie die Entwicklung geeigneter Architekturkomponenten.
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High-level language design for IMMA-Virtual Driver DHM ResearchGaray, Beñat January 2015 (has links)
The growing implementation of ergonomics in the automotive sector sets high demands on Digital Human Modelling (DHM) functionalities towards the simulation of more realistic environments and the reduction of physical model dependency. During the current degree project a leading element that smartly assembles DHM usage (implementation of high-level commanding languages) was designed, revolving around the industries’ needs which were gathered and interpreted in order to organize current functions in this language and suggest new complementary functions that would create a language environment suitable for non-expert users. This was achieved by focusing in an intuitive word-function structure, the proposal of defaults and other tools that aid users with different kinds of expertise. The need for realism of simulations was assessed by the language design especially by designing means to coordinate synchronic manikin-actions. / Virtual Driver
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Testning med BeSS på svenska gymnasieungdomar utan kända språkliga svårigheter : - ett referensmaterial för bedömning av subtila språkstörningarAndersson, Matilda, Wieslander, Erik January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Testmaterialet Bedömning av Subtila Språkstörningar (BeSS) togs fram för att bedöma subtila språkliga svårigheter hos bland annat personer med neurodegenerativa sjukdomar. Testet har sedan använts bland annat i dyslexiutredningar då subtila språkliga svårigheter kan förekomma även vid dyslexi. BeSS saknar dock referensmaterial för flera åldersgrupper vilket behövs för att logopeder ska kunna göra tillförlitliga bedömningar med materialet. Mål: Att låta gymnasieungdomar genomgå BeSS och sammanställa ett referensmaterial. Att se om det föreligger några prestationsskillnader mellan deltesten och könsskillnader. Metod: I studien deltog 28 gymnasieungdomar, 16 flickor och 12 pojkar, vilka testades enskilt med BeSS. Deltagarna fick inte ha några kända språkliga svårigheter eller läs-/skrivsvårigheter. Övriga krav var att deltagarna gått i svensk skolklass och fått svensk undervisning på svenska under minst 8 år. Resultat: Det totala medelvärdet för testgruppen (alla deltesten sammanräknade) var 172 poäng av 210 möjliga med standardavvikelsen 14,5. I studien presenteras även medelvärde och standardavvikelse för var och ett av deltesten: Repetition av långa meningar M=20,8 (SD 4,6), Meningskonstruktion M=27,3 (SD 2,3), Inferens M=25,5 (SD 3,5), Förståelse av logikogrammatiska meningar M=25,2 (SD 3,4), Tvetydigheter M=22,1 (SD 5,0), Förståelse av metaforer M=25,5 (SD 3,9) och Definitioner av ord M=25,6 (SD 3,2). Det förelåg inga könsskillnader. Slutsats: Denna studie har resultat för 28 gymnasieungdomar vilket är början till ett referensmaterial som behövs för att BeSS fortsatt ska kunna användas kliniskt i logopedisk verksamhet. Deltesten Repetition av långa meningar och Meningskonstruktion blev de deltest där gymnasieungdomarna presterade lägst respektive högst poäng. Det förelåg inga signifikanta könsskillnader. / Background: The test material BeSS was developed to assess subtle language difficulties in people with neurodegenerative diseases. The test has also been used in dyslexia evaluations since subtle language difficulties also can occur with dyslexia. The material lacks reference material for several age groups which is needed to give safer assessments with the material. Aim: To collect reference material for the BeSS test for high school students. To see if there is differences in performance between the test sections and if there is a gender difference. Method: The study had 28 participants, 16 girls and 12 boys, who were tested individually with BeSS. The participants did not have any known language difficulties or reading/writing problems and they were required to have attended a Swedish class with Swedish education in Swedish for at least 8 years. Results: For each of the test sections means and standard deviations are presented. For the individual test sections the students performed as follows: Repetition of long sentences mean 20.8 (SD 4.6), Sentence construction 27.3 (SD 2.3), Inference 25.5 (SD 3.5), Understanding of grammatically logical sentences 25.2 (SD 3.4), Ambiguities 22.1 (SD 5.0), Understanding of metaphors 25.5 (SD 3.9) and Definitions of words 25.6 (SD 3.2). There was not a significant gender difference. Conclusions: This study presents results for 28 students which is the beginning of a reference material that is needed for the continued use of the test in clinical speech and language pathology work. In the test sections Repetition of long sentences and Sentence construction the students performed the lowest and the highest scores. There was not a significant gender difference.
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UML aprašų transformacijos į srities kalbą (VHDL,SystemC) / Transformation of UML notations to domain language (VHDL,SystemC)Aklys, Andrius 05 June 2006 (has links)
To increase the productivity of electronic systems design we offer to use UML – the standard specification language of high level systems. The higher level of abstraction and automatic design methods could decrease a gap of hardware design. We offer to use UML class diagrams for the specification of electronic systems structure and UML state diagrams to specify the behavior of electronic systems. We introduce metamodels which describe mapping between UML class and state diagrams and hardware description languages (VHDL, SystemC), as the possible realization of ideas we introduced earlier. Also we provide code generator which translates notations of UML class and state diagrams to VHDL and SystemC languages.
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Didelio meistriškumo stalo tenisininkų(-ių) pirmųjų trijų smūgių koncepcijos taikymo rezultatyvumas / Three smashes attacking tactics rezults of high level men and women table tennis playersRybakas, Artūras 26 May 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to explore the three smashes attacking tactics wich is used by professional table tennis players all over the world. While analysing the game of world‘s elite and top lithuanian men and women players such videotapes of 2005 were used during this work: World Cup (Belgium, October), Lithuania‘s Top 12 competition (Kaunas, December), The Women Euroleague (Kaunas, November). This research incorporates an analyse of 20 players: 6 world men elite players and 6 lithuanian men top players, 4 world class and 4 Lithuanian women players. During the time of research 20 issues were explored: after concluding the results it was estimated how many points are being won by tree smashes attacking conception – completing the service, accepting the service, after completing the serve and winning the point by the third smash, after accepting the service and winning the point by the third smash. Also, it was backhand and forehand smashes explored concerning their effect by using three smashes conception. It emerged that world‘s elite men players win 59,33% points by using three smashes conception while lithuanian men top players win 69,83% points by using the same tactics in the game. World class women players are able to win 75,50% by using an attacking tree points concept, while lithuanian top women players achieve the result of 73,00% by using the same style. World top class players during the first three points win about 33,99% by using their forehand and... [to full text]
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Kosminio žingsninio strateginio žaidimo kūrimas. Aukšto lygio objektų atvaizdavimo interfeiso funkcijų kūrimas / Development of Turn-Based Space Strategy Game. Development of High Level Objects Visualization Interface functionsBlaževičius, Aurimas 04 August 2011 (has links)
Darbas skirtas sukurti kuriamam kosminiam žingsniniam strateginiam žaidimui reikalingas grafinio varikliuko statinės dalies aukšto lygio objektų atvaizdavimo funkcijas, kurios bus naudojamos žaidimo vartotojo sąsajos vaizdo langų realizavimui. Buvo išanalizuotas „3D Orion“ žaidimo modelis ir suprojektuota grafinio varikliuko statinė dalis su jos realizacijai skirtais funkcijų prototipais. Funkcijų prototipai suskirstyti į atskiras klases ir realizuoti. / The purpose of this work is to create a high level objects visualization interface functions for turn-based space strategy game graphic user interface viewports. The analysis of “3D Orion” game model was made and designed graphic engines static part, with functions prototypes for its realization. Functions prototypes specified to different classes and developed.
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