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The impact of marketer -controlled factors on college-choice decisions by students at a public research universityDonnellan, John 01 January 2002 (has links)
The study examined college-choice decisions by students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The purpose of the study was to determine whether marketing factors controlled by the University have a greater impact on college choice than external environmental factors uncontrollable by the University. The literature showed evidence of considerable research on college choice, student recruitment, and use of marketing strategies in higher education. However, there was no evidence of research comparing the effectiveness of student-recruitment marketing efforts controlled by an institution to factors impacting college choice over which an institution has little or no control. In view of the expanding use of marketing strategies in higher education today, this represents a significant research void. The present research also examined student demographic characteristics as they relate to college choice, and the importance of institutional attributes in the college-choice process. Four hundred fifty-three UMass freshmen ('04) completed the survey. The results showed that non-marketing factors were more influential on the respondents' college-choice decisions than marketing factors. The most strongly influential marketing factors were the campus visit and information about a specific major. The most strongly influential non-marketing factors were parents and friends. Price emerged as the most strongly influential institutional attribute on college choice. Significant differences were found between male and female respondents, in-state and out-of-state respondents, and white and non-white respondents in terms of how each group rated the influence of marketing and non-marketing factors on their college-choice decisions. Females rated marketing factors as more strongly influential than males. With the exception of television and radio ads, out-of-state students rated marketing factors as more strongly influential on their college-choice decisions than in-state students. White students rated parents as significantly more influential on their college-choice decision than non-white students.
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An investigation into export market orientation in UK universities from the international marketing manager's perspective : a mixed-method approachAsaad, Yousra January 2011 (has links)
Recent developments in the theories of export marketing have resulted in the conceptualisation of export market orientation in the manufacturing industry. However, little research investigating the concept of export market orientation in the higher education context exists, despite the importance of the export market in shaping the direction of the marketing of higher education. Building on the existing literature on export marketing and higher education marketing, this research offers a conceptualisation of export market orientation in universities and its antecedents and consequences from a managerial perspective. A mixed-method research design was adopted, consisting of two main phases. The first phase involved conducting key informant interviews with the international marketing managers of UK universities. Together with the literature review, an analysis of the key themes led to the development of research hypotheses and an operational model. The model was tested in the second phase with a survey directed at the international marketing managers of different UK universities. Partial Least Squares structural equation modelling was used to analyse the survey responses. The structural model showed a good fit with the data and good convergent, discriminant and nomological validity and reliability stability. This research is the first to formulate and develop the concepts of export market orientation and export performance in the higher education context. The outcome of this research adds new perspectives to the growing body of higher education marketing literature, and suggests directions for future research. This research also offers important implications for management bodies in universities, academia and public policy-makers alike.
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Marketing strategies in higher education with specific reference to public and private educational institutions within Gauteng, South Africa14 August 2012 (has links)
M.B.A. / The researcher proposes that there are similarities as well as differences between the private and public institutions. Is it true that the results regarding achievements and quality are better with private education institutions than with public institutions, with much more difficulties facing private education than public education? What are the fundamental differences and similarities between the private and public Higher Educational institutions that lead to their marketing strategies?
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Perspektiven des Hochschulsports als Marke der Universität / Perspectives of Academic Sports as a University BrandTabor, Olaf 11 June 2014 (has links)
Der Hochschulsport ist an vielen Hochschulen, an einigen wie der Universität Göttingen sogar bereits seit ihrer Gründung, ein wichtiger Bestandteil universitärer Kultur, studentischen Lebens und akademischer Ausbildung. Trotz seiner gesetzlichen Verankerung, der beträchtlichen Reichweite dieser sekundären Hochschuldienstleistung, seines Potenzials als Instrument zur Schaffung von Identifikation und Bindung mit der Hochschule sowie seiner Funktion als vielfach größter inneruniversitärer Begegnungsraum und zentrale Sozialisationsplattform ist der Hochschulsport nur an sehr wenigen Standorten in Deutschland als Profilelement und Imagefaktor der Hochschule entwickelt.
Die vorliegende Arbeit geht daher der zentralen Frage nach, ob der Hochschulsport unter den gegenwärtigen hochschulischen Rahmenbedingungen die Voraussetzungen und Kriterien erfüllt, um als Marke der Hochschule entwickelt und positioniert zu werden. Damit einher geht die Frage nach seiner sinnvollen Rolle und Funktion für die Gesamtorganisation. Zur Klärung dieser Fragen werden wesentliche strukturelle und organisatorische Voraussetzungen für den Hochschulsport in Deutschland dargestellt, die theoretischen Grundlagen und besonderen Voraussetzungen des Hochschulmarketings herausgearbeitet, die hochschulsportspezifischen Marktbedingungen beleuchtet und seine institutionellen und zielgruppenspezifischen Mehrwertaspekte systematisch analysiert. Der empirische Teil der Arbeit ist als internationaler Vergleich konzipiert, der die Wahrnehmung des Hochschulsports der Universität Göttingen unter Markengesichtspunkten im Verhältnis zum Universitätssport der University of Western Ontario, der Vergleichshochschule im kanadischen London (Ontario), untersucht.
Neben den umfangreichen Literaturbetrachtungen zu den unterschiedlichen zuvor dargestellten Themenbereichen fließen auch die Erfahrungen des Autors aus mehr als einem Jahrzehnt nationaler und internationaler Tätigkeit als ehrenamtliche bzw. hauptberufliche Führungskraft im Allgemeinen Deutschen Hochschulsportverband (adh) sowie im Europäischen Hochschulsportverband (EUSA) in die Arbeit ein. Der internationale Vergleich der universitären Sporteinrichtungen in Göttingen und London basiert auf einer umfangreichen Befragung von Nutzern und Nichtnutzern der jeweiligen Sport- und Bewegungsangebote aus den Jahren 2001/02.
Als zentrales Ergebnis dieser Arbeit kann konstatiert werden, dass ein entwickelter Hochschul-sport erhebliche Mehrwertoptionen bietet. Je nach Ausgestaltung der im Rahmen der jeweiligen Hochschulpositionierung sinnvollen Schwerpunkte kann die Institution Hochschulsport inhaltliche Beiträge zur Umsetzung des hochschulischen Bildungsauftrages und zur Gewährleistung einer stärkeren Internationalisierung, aufgrund seines identitätsstiftenden und Bindung schaffenden Potenzials, als Qualifizierungs- und Erprobungsfeld, als Instrument aktiver Gesundheitsförderung und als außercurriculares Hochschulangebot zur sozialen Integration und Freizeitgestaltung liefern. Für die Gesamtorganisation kann er als Standortfaktor und Profilelement beträchtliche Öffentlichkeits- und Imagewirkung erzielen, ein ergänzendes sportliches Exzellenzfeld darstellen und zur hochschulischen Qualitätsorientierung beitragen. Für die Studierenden bietet der Hochschulsport zahlreiche Betätigungsfelder zum Erwerb und zur Erprobung von Kompetenzen, zur ergänzenden Ausbildung von fächer- und jahrgangsübergreifenden Netzwerken sowie für ein aktives Gesundheits- und Stressmanagement. Er hat damit das Potenzial, wesentlich zu wichtigen Studienzielen wie der ganzheitlichen Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, der praktischen Anwendung von theoretisch erlernten Kompetenzen und Fähigkeiten sowie mithin zur Ausprägung einer von den Arbeitgebern geforderten Employability der Studienabsolventen beizutragen.
Hinsichtlich der zentralen Frage nach der Markenfähigkeit des Hochschulsports wird gezeigt, dass die Dienstleistung alle Anforderungen zur Positionierung als Marke grundsätzlich erfüllt und damit als Marke der Hochschule vorzugsweise im Rahmen einer Dachmarkenstrategie entwickelbar ist. Unter der Voraussetzung einer am Gesamtkonzept des jeweiligen Hochschulmarketings ausgerichteten Rollenzuweisung mit einer für die Hochschulpositionierung dienlichen Schwerpunktsetzung in dessen Programmangebot und Infrastrukturentwicklung (z.B. Leistungssportorientierung, Gesundheitsorientierung, Fun- und Erlebnisorientierung etc.) kann der Hochschulsport wichtige Beiträge zur hochschulischen Marketingstrategie leisten. Weil er allerdings einen Entwicklungsstand aufweisen muss, der ihn zumindest im nationalen Vergleich als Alleinstellungsmerkmal nutzbar werden lässt, wird gleichzeitig deutlich, dass er eine solche Rolle nur an einer überschaubaren Anzahl von Hochschulen einnehmen kann. Auf einem noch immer unzureichend differenzierten Hochschulmarkt wie derzeit in Deutschland eröffnet sich den Hochschulen damit auch über den akademischen Sport eine Differenzierungsoption, die erhebliches Potenzial birgt.
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我國高等教育消費者行為模式之研究--以高中生選校為例 / A Study of the Higher Education Consumer Behavior--Taking College Choice of High School Student as an Example鄭芳渝, Cheng, Fang-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
三、可進行技職體系及專校方面的研究以進一步探討本研究結果之適用性。 / The main purpose of this research is to explore high school students’ consideration and preference. First of all, is to understand the common situation of college choice of high school students. And then, is to explore the differences between students’ background toward college choices. Finally, is to analyze the high school students’ preference among various universities. There were 782 valid cases, and the returned data were analyzed by statistical methods such as “Mean”, “Standard Deviation”, “One-Way ANOVA”, “Multiple Regression”, “Cluster Analysis”, and “Discriminant Analysis”.
The main conclusions are as follows:
1. Individual factors and significant others are the major consideration of college choice.
2. There are obvious differences between students’ backgrounds toward college choices.
3. Each item in distinct factors has different relative importance.
4. High school students’ classifications are primarily based on the academic reputation and the characteristics of colleges.
At last, to bring out some concrete suggestions according to the study outcomes as references for presidents of university or deans of college, high school teachers and parents, and correlated study in the future.
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Student Recruitment: Ein Vergleich des Marketings zur Gewinnung von Studienanfängern in Deutschland und den USA sowie Erweiterung und Implikationen für das deutsche Hochschulmarketing.Schäwen, Katrin von 15 November 2019 (has links)
In der Dissertation wurde ein Vergleich des deutschen Studierendenmarketings und des amerikanischen Student Recruitments vorgenommen, um eine Erweiterung des Modells des deutschen Hochschulmarketings auf die Zielgruppe der zukünftigen Studierenden vorzunehmen und praktische Implikationen für deutsche Hochschulen abzuleiten. Hierzu wurde der Forschungsgegenstand in die Organisations- und die Marketingtheorie eingeordnet. Anschließend erfolgten eine theoretische Gegenüberstellung des deutschen und des amerikanischen Hochschulsystems sowie eine theoretische Darstellung des Student Recruitments. Die Betrachtung des Letzteren wurde empirisch durch qualitative Experteninterviews untermauert. Diese wurden im Rahmen eines Forschungsaufenthalts in den USA mit Spezialisten aus den Bereichen Student Recruitment durchgeführt und validierten das zuvor theoretisch dargestellte Konstrukt weitestgehend. Abschließend wurden das theoretische Modell des deutschen Hochschulmarketings auf die Zielgruppe der zukünftigen Studierenden erweitert und Implikationen für die Anwendung von Student Recruitment an deutschen Hochschulen abgeleitet.
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Understanding the Admissions Experience of Admitted Students Who Fail to Enroll: A Multiple Case StudyHudnett, Richard 01 January 2015 (has links)
The main purpose of this applied dissertation was to explore why a new student who is fully admitted to an academic program never proceeds to registration during their first semester. A research study addressing these instances might help college administrators improve conversion rates of admitted students.
The fact that four of the six participants only applied to one university, the researcher believes, validates several prior research studies that directly linked a strong connection between a student’s positive perception of a college and the likelihood that they enroll in it. All of these participants in fact did perceive the university positively; therefore, many of them only applied to it for admission. Several of the participants mentioned that the university’s course offerings, format, and academic fit were among the reasons why they applied to it as well. However, what the study results revealed was not so much about their positive perception of the university or whether or not it was a good academic fit, but more so the lack of communication with the university during the enrollment process, difficulty in navigating the financial aid process, and their common need for a more personalized experience with their financial aid needs that led them to not enroll.
The researcher was able to identify six major participant experiences and topics that were among the most commonly used by each of the participants. They included financial aid, cost, personalized experience, level of ease or difficulty relative to the enrollment, expressed need for more information, and communication. After the researcher identified each of the six most commonly mentioned participant experiences and topics within the enrollment process, three major emerging themes became apparent. The three major emerging themes were: Personalized Experience, Communication, and Financial Aid. The results of this study, such as identifying multiple consistent emerging themes of why an admitted student chooses to not enroll, can add value for any university especially one that is seeking to improve its enrollment management processes, the overall experience of its admitted prospective students within its admission system, and its admitted and enrolled conversion rate.
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Student Recruitment for the Mobile Generation : An Exploratory Study of Mobile Marketing Practices in the International Higher Education IndustryZinn, Marian, Johansson, Helen January 2015 (has links)
Background: In an increasingly market-driven and global higher education industry, characterized by growing international competition and the emergence of disruptive mobile technologies, higher education institutions (HEIs) are challenged to adopt innovative ways of marketing for student recruitment to sustain student enrollment numbers. Within this new landscape the concept of mobile marketing for student recruitment has become an important issue for HEIs. Mobile devices are playing an increasingly significant role in the decision-making process of potential students and this trend has created the need to adopt new forms of marketing through mobile devices to stay relevant with a new mobile generation of students. Purpose: Despite the growing significance of mobile marketing for HEIs, little is still known about the phenomenon of mobile marketing for student recruitment within a higher education setting. Hence, the purpose of this thesis was to fill this knowledge gap by exploring how and why mobile marketing can be used during the student recruitment process from the perspective of education-marketing practitioners. Method: The research gap addressed in this thesis called for existing mobile marketing concepts to be introduced to the field of higher education marketing. Hence, in alignment with abductive reasoning, the starting point of the research was the creation of a theoretical framework that integrates theory on mobile marketing tools with the student recruitment process. Subsequently, through a collective case study design, exploratory qualitative research was undertaken amongst ten universities and four education-marketing agencies to learn about exemplary cases of mobile marketing practice in HEIs. Empirical data was collected from semi-structured interviews with 16 informants, as well as relevant documents to gain a rich understanding of the phenomenon of mobile marketing for recruiting new students. Results & Contribution: This thesis extends the higher education marketing literature by making a first contribution towards conceptualising mobile marketing for student recruitment. The empirical study revealed ten major categories of mobile student recruitment tactics to engage with potential students on mobile devices, and provides new insights on how and for what purpose these tools can be used to recruit new students. Furthermore, a conceptual model of mobile marketing for student recruitment was developed, which helps to understand how mobile marketing can be applied to the student recruitment process. The study is particularly relevant for education marketers, as it provides practitioners with new knowledge about the opportunities presented by mobile marketing channels to communicate with their main target audience. Specifically, the study provides empirical evidence of mobile marketing practices in the industry and a set of specific recommendations. Additionally, the new model may provide a framework for developing a mobile recruitment strategy for HEIs.
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