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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inre arbetsmotivation och engagemang i organisationen: en studie om skillnader mellan inhyrda och tillsvidareanställda läkare

Österström, Stina Lisa, Ohlsén, Oscar January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine if intrinsic motivation and work commitment to the organization differs between permanent doctors and hired doctors. The total of 63 doctors who participated in the study made an internet-based survey with 21 questions taken from the Basic Need Satisfaction at Work Scale and 3 questions from the section “work commitment” in QPS Nordic. The main results of the study showed that permanent doctors perceived a higher level of intrinsic motivation on all the three needs autonomy, competence and relatedness. Furthermore the result showed a tendency that permanent doctors perceived a higher level of work commitment to the organization then hired doctors. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka om inre arbetsmotivation samt engagemang i organisationen skiljer sig mellan tillsvidareanställda och inhyrda läkare. Det gjordes genom en internetbaserad enkät som skickades ut till fem av Sveriges landsting. De totalt 63 läkarna som deltog i studien fick besvara totalt 21 frågor hämtade från Basic Need Satisfaction at Work Scale och 3 frågor från delen “engagemang i organisationen” i QPS Nordic. Studiens huvudresultat visade på att tillsvidareanställda läkare upplever en högre grad av inre motivation på alla tre behoven autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet. Resultatet visade också på en stark tendens till att tillsvidareanställda läkare upplevde högre grad av engagemang i organisationen än inhyrda läkare.

En arbeidsplass, to arbeidsgivere : Opplevelser av trygghet, ansettelsesbarhet, engasjement og solidaritet på en arbeidsplass som bruker innleid arbeidskraft / One workplace, two employers : Experiences of security, employability, commitment and solidarity in a company that use temporary hired employees

Bru, Linn Sunniva January 2012 (has links)
Formålet med studiet er med et brett perspektiv studere hvordan arbeidslivsituasjon og interaksjon oppleves av ulike typer av ansatte som arbeider på en arbeidsplass som bruker innleid arbeidskraft. Det ville også skapes en forståelse om hvordan ordinære og innleid personal i en bedrift opplever sin arbeidslivssituasjon gjennom fire perspektiver: trygghet, ansettelsesbarhet, engasjement og solidaritet. Det ble gjennomført ti kvalitative intervjuer.    Med hjelp av den innsamlede empirien, tidligere forskning samt teoretiske utgangspunkter gjøres det en analyse som beskriver og forklarer grunnen til likheter og ulikheter i opplevelsene av de fire perspektivene til de to gruppene av personal.  Hvordan de fire perspektivene påvirker hverandre analyseres med hjelp av en matrise. Det brede perspektivet var interessant for å få en forståelse av opplevelsene til personal som berøres av innleid arbeidskraft. Det viktigste bidraget til forskningen er at studiet bidrar til en dypere forståelse av ordinære og innleides opplevelser av arbeidslivssituasjon og interaksjon på en arbeidsplass. / The research intension is to study how the workplace situation and interaction is perceived by employees working in a workplace that also uses temporary hired employees through employment agencies. I will investigate how ordinary employees and temporary hired employees in a workplace experiences four different aspects; security, employability, commitment and solidarity. The study is based on ten qualitative interviews.   By using the collected empirical, earlier research and theories, I will do an analysis which describes and explains the reasons for the similarities and differences in the two groups of employees, and their perspective of the four aspects studied.  How the four different perspectives is influenced by one another, will be analyzed by using a matrix. Through the wide perspective of the terms security, employability, organizational commitment and solidarity I found interesting views of the experiences of the permanent employees are affected by the company’s use of temporary hired employees.

Export vegetable supply chains, household labour allocation and poverty effects among small producers – Evidence from Northern Tanzania

Benali, Marwan 14 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Ett samarbete ja tack, men under vissa premisser : En fenomenografisk studie om ordinarie anställda sjuksköterskors uppfattningar om samarbetet med inhyrd personal

Nadia, Svensson January 2022 (has links)
To address the lack of staff in health and care, many care providers choose to hire staff to cover for vacancies. Deficiencies in the collaboration between regular employees and hired staff can lead to a deteriorating work environment such as a high workload for regular staff, increased risk of endangering patient safety, poorer loyalty to the employer and increased costs for caregivers. The purpose of this qualitative study is to describe the perceptions of regular employed nurses about the collaboration with hired staff. The study was conducted with semi-structured interviews and analysed with a phenomenographic approach. The number of informants in the study is nine distributed in four different regions, seven different hospitals and six different wards. The results showed that the coveted collaboration between regular employees and hired staff is described both as burdensome and as a resource for the regular staff, but the collaboration can work better under certain conditions. Longer placement of hired staff in the same department, including areas of responsibility in the hired contract, and improved remuneration terms for regular employees are proposed as premises that could facilitate cooperation, create more continuity in the care chain and reduce redundancies. The study can be used as a knowledge base for those responsible for care operations in, for example, intervention work to improve the work environment and the nurses' occupational health. More research on the collaboration between hired and regular, for example, quantitative studies or studies with mixed informants, both regular and hired, are proposed.

Vad kan eleverna? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om nyanställda musiklärares strategier för bedömning / What do the pupils know? : A qualitative interview study about newly hired music teachers´ strategies for assessment

Persson, Josefine January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker nyanställda musiklärare i grundskolan utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Studien undersöker vilka artefakter de använder när de bedömer och vilka prioriteringar som görs. Studien bygger på tre intervjuer i fokusgrupper som analyserats med tematisk analys. Tidigare forskning framhäver att lärare byter jobb allt oftare och att lärarens förmåga att bygga relationer är av stor betydelse för undervisningens kvalitet. Det finns mycket forskat på hur nyutexaminerade musiklärare agerar i sin första yrkesroll. Vissa menar dock på att det kan finnas likheter som berör alla nyanställda, oavsett hur mycket eller lite erfarenhet de har sen innan, därtill sällar sig denna studie. Föreliggande studie finner att nyanställda musiklärare använder flera olika slags artefakter vid bedömning, så som olika typer av planering, skriftliga anteckningar och videoupptagningar. Nyanställda musiklärare prioriterar, enligt denna studie, att fokusera på att strukturera sin musiksal, bygga relation till sina nya elever och kollegor samt kartlägga elevernas aktuella kunskaps och färdighetsnivå för att på så vis handskas med stressen av att vara nyanställd. / This study investigates newly hired music teachers in the elementary school from a sociocultural perspective. The study investigates how they assess their students, which artifacts they use for this, and which priorities they make. The data for the study was collected from interviews in three focus groups. This was then analyzed using thematic analysis within a sociocultural perspective. Previous research shows that teachers change schools more and more often. Furthermore, the teacher’s ability to build relationships has a major impact on the quality of the teaching according to previous research. There is research on how newly examined music teachers act at their first job, however there is also research indicating that there might be similarities amongst newly hired music teachers regardless of their prior working experience. This study is an example of such research. This study finds that newly hired music teachers use many different artifacts as they assess. These can be for instance different types of planning, written notes, and video records. According to the present study, newly hired music teachers prioritize creating a structure in their music room, building relationships with their new pupils and colleagues, and mapping the current level of their student's knowledge and abilities to handle the stress of being a newly hired teacher.

Contratação direta: análise crítica do sistema e o caso dos serviços advocatícios / Direct hiring: critical analysis of the system and the specific case of legal services

Jurksaitis, Guilherme Jardim 12 September 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho oferece uma análise crítica das hipóteses de contratação direta previstas na Lei Geral de Licitações e Contratos brasileira, Lei Federal n.º 8.666, de 21 de junho de 1993, com atenção especial para o caso da contratação direta de serviços advocatícios. A dissertação encontra-se dividida em quatro partes. A primeira delimita o tema do trabalho no estágio atual de evolução do Direito Administrativo brasileiro. A segunda parte do trabalho explora o tema da licitação e sua importância para o Direito Administrativo. Nessa etapa, são apresentados os princípios norteadores da licitação e sua importância para o ideal republicano, tal qual previsto pela Constituição Federal. A terceira parte do trabalho analisa as hipóteses de contratação direta previstas na Lei 8.666/93, procurando identificar suas possíveis razões e as características em comum que existem entre elas. Elaborou-se uma classificação própria aglutinando os incisos do artigo 24 da Lei 8.666/93 em 6 categorias, a saber: a) dispensa de licitação em função do valor do objeto contratado; b) dispensa de licitação em função de situação excepcional; c) dispensa de licitação em função de problemas em contratação anterior; d) dispensa de licitação em função dos atores envolvidos; e) dispensa de licitação em função de políticas de fomento; e f) dispensa de licitação em função de especificidades do objeto. A quarta parte do trabalho contém uma análise sobre o caso da contratação direta de serviços externos de advocacia nos tribunais superiores: o Supremo Tribunal Federal e o Superior Tribunal de Justiça. Ao olhar para as decisões proferidas por essas Cortes, espera-se alcançar dois objetivos: captar os argumentos usados pelas partes que tomam posição nesse debate e identificar o posicionamento das maiores instâncias do Poder Judiciário sobre o tema da contratação direta de serviços advocatícios e o dever de licitar. Não se trata, portanto, de uma análise de jurisprudência, que foi usada como fonte de pesquisa para identificar situações reais envolvendo a contratação direta de serviços advocatícos, suas razões, e os argumentos forenses favoráveis e contrários a ela. / This paper offers a critical analysis of the cases of direct hiring as prescribed by the Brazilian General Law of Public Bids and Contracts, i.e., Federal Law No. 8.666, of June 21, 1993, with due regard for the direct hiring of legal services. The paper is divided into four parts. The first defines the theme of the paper viewed from the current standpoint of evolution of the Brazilian Administrative Law. The second part of the paper analyzes the issue of bidding per se, and its importance to Administrative Law. At this stage the bidding guiding principles and their importance to the republican ideal are presented, as set forth in the Brazilian Federal Constitution. The third part of the paper looks into the cases of direct hiring set out under Law No. 8.666/93, seeking to identify the possible reasons therefor and the common characteristics existing among them. Under a specific classification the items of article 24 of Law number 8.666/93 were combined in order to fall under six categories: a) waiver of bidding in view of the amount of the contracted object; b) waiver of bidding due to exceptional circumstances; c) waiver of bidding due to problems occurred in previous hiring; d) waiver of bidding due to the players involved; e) waiver of bidding based on development policies; and f) waiver of bidding based on the specific characteristics of the object. The fourth part of the paper analyzes the case of external legal services directly hired, as viewed by the higher courts, i.e., the Supreme Court and the Superior Court of Justice. When looking into the decisions handed down by these courts, two goals are expected to be met: to raise the arguments used by the parties involved in this debate and identify the standing of the Judiciary Branch highest instances on the subject of directly hiring legal services, as well as and the duty to promote competitive bids. This is not an analysis of case law, which was used as a research source to identify real situations involving direct hiring of legal services, their reasons, and forensic arguments for and against them.

Contratação direta: análise crítica do sistema e o caso dos serviços advocatícios / Direct hiring: critical analysis of the system and the specific case of legal services

Guilherme Jardim Jurksaitis 12 September 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho oferece uma análise crítica das hipóteses de contratação direta previstas na Lei Geral de Licitações e Contratos brasileira, Lei Federal n.º 8.666, de 21 de junho de 1993, com atenção especial para o caso da contratação direta de serviços advocatícios. A dissertação encontra-se dividida em quatro partes. A primeira delimita o tema do trabalho no estágio atual de evolução do Direito Administrativo brasileiro. A segunda parte do trabalho explora o tema da licitação e sua importância para o Direito Administrativo. Nessa etapa, são apresentados os princípios norteadores da licitação e sua importância para o ideal republicano, tal qual previsto pela Constituição Federal. A terceira parte do trabalho analisa as hipóteses de contratação direta previstas na Lei 8.666/93, procurando identificar suas possíveis razões e as características em comum que existem entre elas. Elaborou-se uma classificação própria aglutinando os incisos do artigo 24 da Lei 8.666/93 em 6 categorias, a saber: a) dispensa de licitação em função do valor do objeto contratado; b) dispensa de licitação em função de situação excepcional; c) dispensa de licitação em função de problemas em contratação anterior; d) dispensa de licitação em função dos atores envolvidos; e) dispensa de licitação em função de políticas de fomento; e f) dispensa de licitação em função de especificidades do objeto. A quarta parte do trabalho contém uma análise sobre o caso da contratação direta de serviços externos de advocacia nos tribunais superiores: o Supremo Tribunal Federal e o Superior Tribunal de Justiça. Ao olhar para as decisões proferidas por essas Cortes, espera-se alcançar dois objetivos: captar os argumentos usados pelas partes que tomam posição nesse debate e identificar o posicionamento das maiores instâncias do Poder Judiciário sobre o tema da contratação direta de serviços advocatícios e o dever de licitar. Não se trata, portanto, de uma análise de jurisprudência, que foi usada como fonte de pesquisa para identificar situações reais envolvendo a contratação direta de serviços advocatícos, suas razões, e os argumentos forenses favoráveis e contrários a ela. / This paper offers a critical analysis of the cases of direct hiring as prescribed by the Brazilian General Law of Public Bids and Contracts, i.e., Federal Law No. 8.666, of June 21, 1993, with due regard for the direct hiring of legal services. The paper is divided into four parts. The first defines the theme of the paper viewed from the current standpoint of evolution of the Brazilian Administrative Law. The second part of the paper analyzes the issue of bidding per se, and its importance to Administrative Law. At this stage the bidding guiding principles and their importance to the republican ideal are presented, as set forth in the Brazilian Federal Constitution. The third part of the paper looks into the cases of direct hiring set out under Law No. 8.666/93, seeking to identify the possible reasons therefor and the common characteristics existing among them. Under a specific classification the items of article 24 of Law number 8.666/93 were combined in order to fall under six categories: a) waiver of bidding in view of the amount of the contracted object; b) waiver of bidding due to exceptional circumstances; c) waiver of bidding due to problems occurred in previous hiring; d) waiver of bidding due to the players involved; e) waiver of bidding based on development policies; and f) waiver of bidding based on the specific characteristics of the object. The fourth part of the paper analyzes the case of external legal services directly hired, as viewed by the higher courts, i.e., the Supreme Court and the Superior Court of Justice. When looking into the decisions handed down by these courts, two goals are expected to be met: to raise the arguments used by the parties involved in this debate and identify the standing of the Judiciary Branch highest instances on the subject of directly hiring legal services, as well as and the duty to promote competitive bids. This is not an analysis of case law, which was used as a research source to identify real situations involving direct hiring of legal services, their reasons, and forensic arguments for and against them.

Professores contratados por tempo determinado: sentimentos de um inquilinato docente / Contracted teachers by determined time: feelings of a tenancy lecturer

Cainelli, Clivia Martins de Oliveira 22 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-05-16T14:49:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Clivia Martins de Oliveira Cainelli.pdf: 2500593 bytes, checksum: 3a8d349dbf3f6ffb1963f0b7a9b1faf5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-16T14:49:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Clivia Martins de Oliveira Cainelli.pdf: 2500593 bytes, checksum: 3a8d349dbf3f6ffb1963f0b7a9b1faf5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-22 / This work aims to identify and analyze the feelings of teachers hired for a temporary job at Technical School in São Paulo, since this condition of temporariness can assign them a character of "teaching tenancy." It was decided, therefore, to conduct a qualitative research, and the data seized resulted from semi-structured interviews with teachers who have worked temporary in the technical school searched, and from the information contained in the standards and documents of Technological Education Paula Souza Center (CEETEPS). The theoretical work was supported in BAUMAN (210; 2014); CASTEL (2008; 2013); CODO (2002); HUBERMAN (1989) and OLIVEIRA ( 2004; 2005; 2006, 2007; 2008; 2009) and the authors who study and discuss the transformations of modern society in relation to the labor market and its consequences on the Brazilian educational reforms, intensifying from the 1990s, with a direct interference in flexibility, temporariness and precariousness of the teaching profession. The results showed that feelings of happiness, well-being, inclusion, belonging and satisfaction emanate from the beginning and during teaching practice, especially in the classroom and the relationship with the coordinators, colleagues and students; however, when they witnessed the left of a colleague for rescission of contract, as well as when taking knowledge of the non-renewal of the contract itself, the feelings intensify in: exclusion, sadness, dissatisfaction, seizure interruption, loss, melancholy, mourning and misunderstanding. / Este trabalho visa identificar e analisar os sentimentos dos professores contratados por tempo determinado de uma Escola Técnica da cidade de São Paulo, visto que esta condição de provisoriedade possa atribuir-lhes um caráter de “inquilinato docente”. Optou-se, assim, pela pesquisa qualitativa, sendo que os dados apreendidos resultaram das entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com as professoras que atuaram como temporárias na escola técnica pesquisada, e das informações contidas nas normas e documentos do Centro de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza (CEETEPS). O trabalho buscou sustentação em BAUMAN (2014); CASTEL (2008; 2013); CODO (2002); HUBERMAN (1989) e OLIVEIRA (2004; 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009) e nos autores que estudam e discutem as transformações de uma sociedade moderna em relação ao mercado de trabalho e seus reflexos nas reformas educacionais brasileiras, intensificando-se a partir da década de 1990, com uma interferência direta na flexibilização, provisoriedade e precarização do trabalho docente A análise das entrevistas mostrou que os sentimentos de felicidade, bem-estar, inserção, pertencimento e satisfação emanam no início e durante a atuação docente, principalmente, em sala de aula e no relacionamento com coordenadores, colegas e alunos; no entanto, ao presenciarem a saída de um colega por rescisão do contrato, bem como no momento em que tomam conhecimento da não renovação do próprio contrato, os sentimentos se modificam em: exclusão, tristeza, insatisfação, apreensão descontinuidade, perda, melancolia, lamentação e incompreensão. Ao considerar as discussões e conceitos embasados em autores da sociologia do trabalho e da psicologia social foi possível compreender, enfim, que os sentimentos não nascem no sujeito, como se pensou nas inquietações iniciais, mas, na forma do Estado gerir os recursos humanos com base no novo modelo do capital.

Venise, mutations d’une puissance navale au XVIIe siècle / Venice, changes of a naval power in the XVIIth century

Candiani, Guido 21 January 2011 (has links)
La composition, l’organisation et le fonctionnement de la marine de guerre vénitienne ont fait l’objet de nombreuses études pour l’époque médiévale et le XVIe siècle, mais les historiens ont largement négligé le XVIIe siècle. Pourtant, cette période joue un rôle crucial dans l’histoire maritime de la Sérénissime. Alors qu’à l’orée du XVIIe siècle, la marine vénitienne était exclusivement composée de galères, elle comprend cent ans plus tard une majorité de vaisseaux de ligne, tandis que les trirèmes vénitiennes, qui sont toujours utilisées en période de paix pour assurer la police de l’Adriatique et de la mer Ionienne, ne servent plus que de force d’appoint dans les moments de guerre.Le présent travail considère cette évolution, sous l'aspect soit opérationnel qui gestionnaire et d'organisation. À ce but, il a été réparti en deux tranches. En la première, on a parcouru les événements qui ont intéressé la marine vénitienne dans la période qui va de 1572 au 1699. Ici, jusqu'à 1635 environ, les principaux adversaires ne furent plus les Turcs, mais les force des Habsbourg, dans leur double déclinaison italique-espagnole et autrichienne, et seulement après le 1645 allèrent recommencer les conflits avec l'Empire Ottoman. Dans la seconde tranche du travail on a analysées les structures sur lesquels s’articulaient la marine vénitienne et ses hommes. En particulier on a distinguées les forces ordinaires de celles extraordinaires, en opérant une séparation nette entre les deux composants de la flotte et les correspondantes organisations. / The composition, the organization and the functioning of the Venetian Navy have been the subject of numerous studies for the medieval time and the XVIth century, but the historians have disregarded the XVIIth century. Yet, this period plays a crucial role in the maritime history of the Serenissima. Whereas to the verge of the XVIIth century, the Venetian Navy was composed exclusively of galleys, a hundred years later it consisted of a majority of ships-of-the-line, while the Venetian triremes, which were always used in period of peace to assure the police of the Adriatic and the sea Ionian, acted only by balancing force in the wars. The present work considers this evolution, under the aspect either operational then of administration and organization. To this purpose, it has been distributed in two sections. The first part looks at the events that interested the Venetian Navy in the period that go from 1572 to 1699. Here, until about 1635, the main adversaries were not anymore the Turks, but the Hapsburg forces, in their double Spanish-Italic and Austrian declination, and only after the 1645 the conflicts with the Ottoman empire were going to restart. The second part of the work analyses the structures on which were articulated the Venetian Navy and her tools and men. In particular it has distinguished the ordinary forces from those extraordinary, operating a clean separation between the two components of the fleet and the respective organizations.

Mezinárodní pronájem pracovních sil / International Hiring of Labour Forces

Bohůnová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the international hiring out of labour force between the Czech Republic and other member states of the European Union. It focuses on hiring out of employees between parent companies and subsidiaries. This diploma thesis describes the situation of the international hiring out of employees, suggests method of taxation of these employees and defines subjects responsible for fulfilment of obligations in the area of income tax and social security.

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