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Práce s pamětníky ve výuce historie na primární škole. / Interview with witnesses in the teaching of history in primary school.Tomanová, Kamila January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the support and the development of the relationship among different generations and learning among pupils of younger age and elderly people. Teaching national history in a traditional way brings two main problems. Firstly, children learn history through abstract terms, which they are not acquainted with. It is followed by another problem, when the presentation for pupils is not in detail and they cannot imagine most of the historical situations. Memories of contemporary witnesses can help us to solve these problems, because thanks to these memories pupils can better understand historical situations. Therefore, it is necessary to find and use such a way of teaching history in the current education, which would be interesting for pupils. Such a way would encourage an interest of pupils about history and further education. Thanks to this, they can gain different points of view about the background of their family, the place of birth and also about the Czech history. Inner motivation is what we want to achieve. By using activities which stimulate pupils we can develop critical thinking while teaching history. The first part of my thesis deals with theoretical knowledge of the authors who concern with the themes of the concept of memory with all its aspects, historical thinking...
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Primärsånger : En empirisk studie om andliga barnsånger i Jesu Kristi Kyrka av Sista Dagars Heliga / Primary songs : An empirical study about spiritual children’s songs in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsBlomberg, Sigrid Margrete January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att få en djupare inblick i om informanternas trosuppfattning harpåverkats av barnsångerna de fick sjunga i Jesu Kristi Kyrka av Sista Dagars Heliga då de varsmå, och i så fall hur detta har påverkat dem.Sex informanter som alla gick i Primär (kyrkans organisation för barn) har valts ut ochintervjuats. Informanterna är i åldrarna 19 till 32 och är från Sverige och USA. Studieninnehåller även en del om kyrkans musiktradition och kultur, samt analys av en primärsång.En av studiens slutsatser är att primärsångerna har varit ett medel för informanterna att lärasig mera om evangeliet, känna den Helige Anden och därigenom utveckla deras personligatro. Informanterna kommer fortfarande ihåg sångerna i vuxen ålder och kan på så sätt fortsättasjunga och fördjupa sig i sångernas religiösa budskap.
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Jaunuolių su nežymiai sutrikusiu intelektu integracijos į darbo rinką situacija Lietuvoje / The integration of the youth with slight metal handicap into the work market in Lithuania / Zusammen fassung der magisterarbeitJakuta, Vadimas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Lietuvoje, kaip ir kitose ES valstybėse, kiekvienam jaunuoliui, nepaisant jo negalios, turi būti garantuojama teisę į mokslą. Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymai deklaruoja proto negalios asmenų teisę į ugdymą, profesinį rengimą bei įdarbinimą, tačiau neįgalieji šių savo teisių pilnai realizuoti negali. Nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto jaunuoliai, baigę bendrojo lavinimo ar specialiąsias mokyklas, neįstengia konkuruoti su kitais moksleiviais, stodami į profesinio rengimo mokyklas, nes bendrojo lavinimo ar specialiosiose mokyklose mokosi pagal adaptuotas ir modifikuotas programas.
Dar viena iškilusi problema tai įstatyminė bazė. Profesinio mokymo įstatymas bei jį lydintis teisės aktai jau nebeatitinka šiuolaikinio gyvenimo realijų. Šie dokumentai negarantuoja specialiųjų poreikių vaikams, ugdytiems adaptuojant bendro lavinimo mokyklos dalykų programas, teisės mokytis antroje profesinio mokymo programų pakopoje.
Šiuo metu asmenų su negalia profesinis mokymas, permokymas ir perkvalifikavimas vykdomas per darbo rinkos mokymo tarnybas, specialius mokymo centrus, profesinio mokymo mokyklas ir yra prieinamas asmenims su nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto. Nepakankamas, sunkiai prieinamas, mažai pritaikytas ir su vietos darbo rinkos poreikiais nesusietas profesinis mokymas, perkvalifikavimas tampa viena iš asmenų su negalia nedarbo priežasčių. Nėra profesinių įgūdžių (išlikusių, įgytų) įvertinimo metodikų, pagal kurias būtų galima spręsti apie profesinės reabilitacijos galimybę ir veiksmingumą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In Lithuania, like in the others EU countries, the right to education should be guaranteed to every young person despite his or her disability. The laws of Lithuanian Republic declare the right to education for people with mental disabilities, as well as their vocational training and job placement; however, the disabled people cannot realize those rights in full. After finishing adapted and modified programs in secondary and special schools, young people with light mental disorder are not able to compete with the rest of students for the place in vocational training schools.
Another issue that has been raised is the legal base. The law of vocational training and associated documents do not match the realities of contemporary life. Those documents do not guarantee the right to study at the second level vocational training schools to children who were educated according to adopted secondary school programs.
Currently the vocational training, re-training and re-skilling for people with disabilities is being done through the employment agencies, special training centers, vocational schools and is available only for those with light mental disorders. Vocational training and re-training, which is insufficient, difficult to access and poorly adapted to the demands in the job market, becomes one of the reasons for unemployment of disabled people. There is no methodology of evaluating the acquired vocational skills, according to which it is possible to estimate the possibility for... [to full text] / In Litauen, wie in anderen Staaten EU muß man jeden Jugendlichen mit einer Behinderung die Möglichkeit zur Ausbildung garantirten. Die litauischen Gesetze bestätigen den geistig behindrten Menschen, daß die eine Möglichkeit zum Lernen, Berufschulen zu absolvieren und in den Berufsmarkt zu integrieren haben, sondern die geistig Behinderte könen aus diesen Mögleichkeiten voll nicht benutzen. Die leicht behinderte Jugendliche, die Mittelchulen und speziellen Schschuelen absolviert haben, haben keine Chancen mit Anderen in den Berufschulen zu konkurieren, wiel sie in den Schulen ein adaptiertes Lernprogramm hatten.
Noch ein wichtiges Problem - das Gesetzeswerk. Das Berufsbilgungsgesetz und anderen Begleitakten entsprechen heute keine Lebensrealität. Diese Gesetze geben keine Garantie für die leicht beginderten Jugendlichen, die nach dem adaptirten Programm lernten, weiter mit den anderen Kindern in der zeiten Berufsstufe studieren.
Zur Zeit organiesirt man die berufliche Schulung und Umschulung mit Hilfe der Umschulungsorganiration des Arbeitsmarktes, der speciellen Berufschulen, in dennen nur die leicht behinderte Jugendlichen lernen können. Die Berufsprogramme sind zu dem Arbeitsmarkt nicht angepasst. Berufsrehabilitationssystem ist sehr schwach entwickelt und das macht diese Situation noch schlechter.
Das Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufssystem ist nur für die gesunde Menschen, die zu dem Arbeitsmarkt leicht anzupassen können. Den behinderten Menschen... [der volle Text, siehe weiter]
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Contribution au développement d'antennes intégrales aux vêtements. Application aux gilets militaires / Contribution to the development of integrated antennas to clothes. Application to military jacketsAndriamiharivolamena, Fanamperana Tsitoha 13 March 2015 (has links)
Actuellement, les fantassins de l'armée française sont équipés d'un système de radiocommunication quand ils sont en intervention sur le terrain. L'antenne utilisée pour émettre et recevoir les signaux radiofréquences (RF) est du type monopole appelée antenne fouet placée parallèlement au corps du fantassin au niveau de la clavicule gauche. Cependant, l'antenne fouet perturbe le champ de vision des fantassins surtout lorsqu'ils tournent leur tête vers la gauche. De plus, la position de l'antenne fouet gêne les fantassins gauchers lorsqu'ils sont en position de tir. Enfin, l'antenne fouet rajoute un poids supplémentaire. Il est évident alors que l'intégration de l'antenne dans les gilets militaires permet de mieux répondre aux besoins des fantassins notamment en termes d'ergonomie. Cependant une telle intégration doit aussi répondre aux besoins d'efficacité de rayonnement, de couverture spatiale et de protection du corps vis-à-vis du rayonnement de l'antenne. De plus les contraintes liées à la technologie de réalisation doivent être prises en compte. La thèse est focalisée sur la conception et la caractérisation d'antennes intégrées aux gilets militaires. Le travail de recherche s'est fait dans le cadre du projet collaboratif GIANTE, soutenu par le dispositif DGA-RAPID, associant les partenaires complémentaires : SAFRAN Sagem, le laboratoire LCIS et ARDEJE. Le travail inclue tous les développements relevant de la conception électromagnétique avec la prise en compte du corps humain et le suivi de la réalisation par impression numérique assurée par ARDEJE qui possède la technologique jet d'encre. Il concerne également la caractérisation RF (adaptation, bande passante, diagramme de rayonnement) des antennes avec un banc expérimental adapté et l'évaluation des performances globales des antennes en environnements fonctionnels (milieu dégagé, milieu urbain, forêt). / Nowadays, the infantrymen of French army are equipped with a radio communication system when they are in field action. The antenna used to transmit and receive Radiofrequency (RF) signals is a monopole antenna called as whip antenna. It is placed parallel to the infantryman's body at the left clavicle. However, the whip antenna disrupts the field of view of infantrymen particularly when they turn their head to the left. Moreover, the position of the whip antenna bothers the left-handed infantrymen when they are in fire position. Finally, the whip antenna adds an additional weight to the infantrymen. Thus, it is obvious that the integration of the antenna into the military jackets allows to better meet the needs of infantrymen particularly in terms of ergonomy. However such an integration must also meet the needs in terms of radiation efficiency, spatial coverage and protection of the body against the antenna radiation. Moreover, the constraints of realization technology must be taken into account. The thesis is focused on the design and characterization of integrated antennas into military jackets. The research work is performed within the collaborative project GIANTE, supported by the DGA-RAPID frameproject, associating complementary partners: SAFRAN Sagem, laboratory LCIS, and ARDEJE. The work includes all the electromagnetic studies required by the environmental constraints by taking account the human body. It also includes the follow-up of the realizations made by ARDEJE that masters inkjet printing technologies. The RF characterization (impedance matching, bandwidth, radiation pattern) of antennas with a suitable bench test and the evaluation of global performances of antennas in functional environments (environment free from obstructions, urban areas, forest) are also part of the thesis work.
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Détection de motifs temporels dans les environnements multi-perceptifs. Application à la classification automatique des Activités de la Vie Quotidienne d'une personne suivie à domicile par télémédecineFleury, Anthony 24 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
À l'horizon 2050, environ un tiers de notre population sera âgée de soixante-cinq ans et plus. Les travaux de l'équipe AFIRM du TIMC-IMAG visent à surveiller les personnes âgées à domicile pour détecter une perte d'autonomie le plus précocement possible. Pour ce faire, les travaux de cette thèse tentent d'objectiver les critères ADL ou les grilles de type AGGIR, en classifiant de manière automatique les différentes activités de la vie quotidienne d'une personne par l'intégration de capteurs, créant un Habitat Intelligent pour la Santé (HIS).<br />L'appartement HIS possède des détecteurs de présence infrarouges (localisation), des contacteurs de porte (utilisation de certaines commodités), un capteur de température et d'hygrométrie dans la salle de bains et des microphones (classification des sons/ reconnaissance de la parole avec l'équipe GETALP du LIG). Un capteur cinématique embarqué détecte les transferts posturaux (reconnaissance de formes avec la transformée en ondelettes) et les périodes de marche (analyse fréquentielle).<br />La première partie de ce manuscrit présente la réalisation du capteur cinématique et les algorithmes associés puis une première validation sur des sujets jeunes suivi de la mise en place et de la validation des autres capteurs de l'appartement HIS et enfin l'algorithme de classification des sept activités de la vie quotidienne reconnues (hygiène, élimination, préparation et prise de repas, repos, habillage/déshabillage, détente et communication), par l'intermédiaire des séparateurs à vaste marge. La seconde partie décrit le protocole expérimental pour valider cette classification et discute de la généralisation des premiers résultats présentés.
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Länsstyrelsens krav vid beviljandet av förvärvstillstånd : En studie om huruvida länsstyrelsen agerar i enlighet med gällande rätt i de fall när tillstånd vägras och fastigheten ej löses in till ett pris där eventuell jakträtt åsätts marknadsmässigt värdeMorosanu, Mariana-Daniela January 2013 (has links)
En av de grundläggande rättigheterna som tillerkänns den enskilde är egendomsskyddet. Denna rättighet är stadgad i regeringsformen. Ingrepp i den enskildes egendomsskydd medges om det syftar till att tillgodose ett angeläget allmänt intresse samt om inskränkningen klarar det test på proportionalitet som skapats genom praxis. Kravet på förvärvstillstånd i jordförvärvslagen är en typ av ingrepp i den enskildes egendomsskydd. Att den enskilde inte fritt kan förfoga över sin egendom genom att sälja den till vem han vill utgör ett sådant ingrepp. För att ingreppet ska anses vara proportionerligt krävs det att enskild ersätts genom att staten löser in fastigheten till det pris som avtalats. Inlösen vägras om priset skulle betydligt överstiga egendomens värde. Det är länsstyrelsen som har bevisbörda på att priset betydligt överstiger egendomens marknadsvärde med hänsyn till dess avkastning och marknadsvärdet på andra nyttigheter, till exempel eventuell jakträtt. Staten, genom länsstyrelsen, kräver att köpare sedan tidigare äger mark inom området för att kunna erhålla förvärvstillstånd. Detta är av länsstyrelsen själv uppställt krav som inte tydligt framgår vid en genomläsning av tillståndslagstiftning. I denna uppsats presenteras vilka konsekvenser en sådan marknadsbegränsning får på frågan om värdering av fastighet vid inlösen. Frågan ställs huruvida länsstyrelsen agerar i enlighet med lagen när, vid vägrat förvärvstillstånd fastigheten ej löses in till det pris där även eventuell jakträtt åsätts det marknadsmässiga värde som bedöms på en marknad som ej är begränsad. Frågan besvaras i uppsatsens avslutande kommentarer. / One of the fundamental rights conferred on the individual is the property protection. This fundamental right is enacted in the Swedish Constitution (Regeringsformen). Interference with a person’s right to his own property is allowed if it aims to meet a public interest and if it passes the test of proportionality created through practice. The requirement for an authorization to acquire property according the Swedish Land Acquisition Act (Jordförvärvslagen) is a type of interference with a person`s right to his own property. When the individual cannot freely dispose over his property by selling it to whoever he wants, is an example on such interference. In order to such a procedure be considered proportionate it requires that the Government (through the County Administrative Board) remunerates the individual at the price the parties (seller and buyer) agreed on. The Government`s obligation to remunerate falls if the price would significantly exceed the property`s value. It is the County Administrative Board that has the burden of proof that the price significantly exceeds the property`s market value with respect to its return and the market value of other utilities, such as hunting rights. The County Administrative Board requires that buyers already own property in the area in order to obtain such approvals. This is by the Board itself set up requirement that is not apparent when studying the state of law. This paper presents the implications of such a market restriction on the question on the valuation of the property at redemption. The question is whether the County Administrative Board acts in accordance with the state of law when, after not allowing the acquisition, the property is not redeemed at the price where even possible hunting rights are assigned the market value as assessed in a market that is not limited. The question is answered in the final comments of this paper.
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Contribution au développement d'antennes intégrables aux vêtements : application aux gilets militaires / Contribution to the development of integrated antennas to clothes : application to military jacketsAndriamiharivolamena, Fanamperana Tsitoha 13 March 2015 (has links)
Actuellement, les fantassins de l'armée française sont équipés d'un système de radiocommunication quand ils sont en intervention sur le terrain. L'antenne utilisée pour émettre et recevoir les signaux radiofréquences (RF) est du type monopole appelée antenne fouet placée parallèlement au corps du fantassin au niveau de la clavicule gauche. Cependant, l'antenne fouet perturbe le champ de vision des fantassins surtout lorsqu'ils tournent leur tête vers la gauche. De plus, la position de l'antenne fouet gêne les fantassins gauchers lorsqu'ils sont en position de tir. Enfin, l'antenne fouet rajoute un poids supplémentaire. Il est évident alors que l'intégration de l'antenne dans les gilets militaires permet de mieux répondre aux besoins des fantassins notamment en termes d'ergonomie. Cependant une telle intégration doit aussi répondre aux besoins d'efficacité de rayonnement, de couverture spatiale et de protection du corps vis-à-vis du rayonnement de l'antenne. De plus les contraintes liées à la technologie de réalisation doivent être prises en compte. La thèse est focalisée sur la conception et la caractérisation d'antennes intégrées aux gilets militaires. Le travail de recherche s'est fait dans le cadre du projet collaboratif GIANTE, soutenu par le dispositif DGA-RAPID, associant les partenaires complémentaires : SAFRAN Sagem, le laboratoire LCIS et ARDEJE. Le travail inclue tous les développements relevant de la conception électromagnétique avec la prise en compte du corps humain et le suivi de la réalisation par impression numérique assurée par ARDEJE qui possède la technologique jet d'encre. Il concerne également la caractérisation RF (adaptation, bande passante, diagramme de rayonnement) des antennes avec un banc expérimental adapté et l'évaluation des performances globales des antennes en environnements fonctionnels (milieu dégagé, milieu urbain, forêt). / Nowadays, the infantrymen of French army are equipped with a radio communication system when they are in field action. The antenna used to transmit and receive Radiofrequency (RF) signals is a monopole antenna called as whip antenna. It is placed parallel to the infantryman's body at the left clavicle. However, the whip antenna disrupts the field of view of infantrymen particularly when they turn their head to the left. Moreover, the position of the whip antenna bothers the left-handed infantrymen when they are in fire position. Finally, the whip antenna adds an additional weight to the infantrymen. Thus, it is obvious that the integration of the antenna into the military jackets allows to better meet the needs of infantrymen particularly in terms of ergonomy. However such an integration must also meet the needs in terms of radiation efficiency, spatial coverage and protection of the body against the antenna radiation. Moreover, the constraints of realization technology must be taken into account. The thesis is focused on the design and characterization of integrated antennas into military jackets. The research work is performed within the collaborative project GIANTE, supported by the DGA-RAPID frameproject, associating complementary partners: SAFRAN Sagem, laboratory LCIS, and ARDEJE. The work includes all the electromagnetic studies required by the environmental constraints by taking account the human body. It also includes the follow-up of the realizations made by ARDEJE that masters inkjet printing technologies. The RF characterization (impedance matching, bandwidth, radiation pattern) of antennas with a suitable bench test and the evaluation of global performances of antennas in functional environments (environment free from obstructions, urban areas, forest) are also part of the thesis work.
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Die lewe en werk van Evert Philippus Groenewald in kerkhistoriese perspektiefTerblanche, Sarel Stefanus. 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English And Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / The biography focused on the life and work of Evert Philippus Groenewald in church historical perspective within the context of the twentieth century. It endeavoured to make a contribution to a period in the history of the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) against the background of strife in matters related to the church, politics and other
Groenewald taught New Testament subjects as professor at the Faculty of Theology (Section 8 - DRC) at the University of Pretoria for 33 years. As one of the first four professors of the new Faculty
of Theology he helped to lay a sound foundation. He served as dean of the Faculty for 21 years (1948 - 1969). As administrator and lecturer he played an important role in the establishment, recognition and development of the Faculty. He was a born exegete, the Nestor of New Testament science in SA. He is regarded as a great theologian and the doyen of New Testament research and exegesis in SA.
As writer of Afrikaans theological literature Groenewald undeniably fulfilled the role of a pioneer. This was recognised by the award of the Stals-prize for Theology to him, the first time in history. Apart from this he received four honourary doctorates and various other important
awards. He made an important contribution to Bible translation and translatory science.
As church and cultural leader he strove to find solutions for the problems of his church and people. He made a significant contribution in the ecumenical field.
Apartheid was given its biblical foundation by Groenewald during the forties. His intention was to stimulate thought in the search for a solution to the serious racial problem.
Further facets of Groenewald's work await research in order to paint a
representative theological portrait of him. / Die studie fokus op die lewe en werk van Evert Philippus Groenewald in kerkhistoriese perspektief binne die konteks van die twintigste eeu. Die klem het op die periode tussen die dertiger- en tagtigerjare geval. Daar is gepoog om 'n bydrae te lewer tot 'n tydperk in die geskiedenis van die NGK teen die agtergrond van die stryd wat op vele gebiede gevoer is. Die invloed van vroom ouers, 'n aantal ingrypende gebeurtenisse in sy lewe en die eise van die tyd het hom ge·inspireer. Hy was kind en teoloog van sy tyd, egter ook van sy kerk. Wat hy verwoord het was deel van die NGK se Calvinistiese en gereformeerde historiese erfenis en die NGK se beleid. Hy het sy eie teologiese stempel egter ongetwyfeld daarop afgedruk.
Hy onderrig vir 33 jaar (1938 tot 1970) Nuwe Testamentiese vakke as professor aan die Teofogiese Fakulteit (Afd 8) van UP. As een van die eerste vier professore help hy om 'n stewige grondslag te le. Hy was vir 21 jaar (1948-1969) dekaan van die Fakulteit. In 1970 het hy geemeriteer. Hy het nie die akademie as sy enigste roeping
beskou nie. Hy het sy kerk, volk en die gemeenskap gedien. Na sy aftrede lewer hy sy belangrikste bydraes tot Bybelvertaling, die NAV (gepubliseer in 1983), en die vertaalwetenskap. Hy het wat sy lewenstaak betref sy belangrikste bydrae as dosent gelewer.
As administrateur het hy die Fakulteit help vestig en uitbou. Hy was 'n gebore eksegeet, die Nestor van die Nuwe Testamentiese wetenskap in SA. Hy word beskou as 'n belangrike teoloog, die doyen van die Nuwe Testamentiese navorsing en eksegese in SA. Die tradisie van die N T eksegese wat hy in die beoefening van die teologie gevestig het, kan as sy heel belangrikste bydrae beskou word. Hy word
ook as volksteoloog getipeer. As skrywer het Groenewald 'n pioniersrol vervul vanwee sy groot bydrae tot die ontluikende Afrikaanse teologiese literatuur. Hy het die prestasie behaal dat die Stals-prys vir Teologie, die eerste keer in die geskiedenis, aan horn toegeken is. Hy is met vier eredoktorsgrade en verskeie ander
belangrike toekennings vereer.
As kerk- en kultuurleier het Groenewald se bekwaamhede sterk na vore gekom. Hy het die behoeftes van sy kerk en volk raakgesien en horn beywer om oplossings vir die ingewikkelde vraagstukke te vind. Die NGK, UP, vele instansies en die Staat het gebruik gemaak van sy talente. Apartheid is in die veertigerjare deur hom Bybels fundeer. Sy bedoeling was om teologiese denke te stimuleer in die soeke na 'n
oplossing vir die ernstige rassevraagstuk. Hy het apartheid as teologies-praktiese oplossing aangebied. Hy het na 'n eerlike oplossing binne die destydse konteks gesoek wat regverdig teenoor die nieblanke sou wees en van die blanke groot offers sou vra. Die wyse waarop apartheid algaande toegepas is, het meegebring dat daar afgewyk is van wat Groenewald in 1947 beoog het. Dit het in 'n ideologiese monster ontaard wat groot pyn en lyding veroorsaak het.
Groenewald was een van 'n klein aantal kerkfigure wat met hul dade in die twintigste eeu van stryd en worsteling die Suid-Afrikaanse kerkgeskiedenis verryk het. Sy bydrae is deur hierdie proefskrif slegs ten dele ontgin en verdere fasette van sy werk wag om nagevors te word ten einde uiteindelik 'n omvattende teologiese portret van
hom te skilder. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / Th. D. (Church History)
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Organização em rede: uma alternativa para a modelagem da implantação de sistemas de informação em saúde? / Network organization: an alternative for modeling the deployment of health information?França, José Augusto Andrade January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2009 / Para viabilizar a produção automatizada de informações é preciso antes conduzir com êxito processos de implantação de sistemas de informação. Este trabalho propõe a discussão de formas organizativas inovadoras para a implantação de sistemas de informação em saúde nos estabelecimentos públicos do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS).Para isso, procura deslindar conhecimentos basilares sobre redes sociais e gestão em redes, regionalização da atenção à saúde no Brasil e implantação de sistemas de informação, em revisão bibliográfica realizada sobre os temas. Os referenciais teóricos e empíricos, atributos e definições selecionados na literatura consultada permitiram a identificação de alguns requisitos e critérios para compor uma modelagem da implantação de sistemas de informação em saúde. / In order to make available the automatic data processing it’s necessary at first successfully to carry out the implantation projects of health information systems. This paper elaborated through a bibliographical research proposes the discussion of an innovative organizational pattern in implantation of health information systems (HIS) at government hospitals and polyclinics of Unified Health System (SUS). Hence, in the literature review, it unravels basic knowledge about social networks and network
management, regionalization of health care in Brazil and information systems implantation. The theoretical and empirical knowledge and concepts selected from literature, allowed the identification of some requirements and criteria to compose a implantation modeling of health information systems.
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Mládež a její morálka ve vztahu k současné společnosti / The Youth and their Moral Attitude to the Current SocietyPAREISOVÁ, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with the moral thinking of youth in its adolescent age. The first part deals with the basic ethic terms and with historical development of ethic thinking. The thesis deals further with determinants, which influence the moral development of thinking of a man including primary and secondary socialisation and the influence of a state. The theoretical part ends with a chapter dealing with the psychological aspects of development of moral judgement, where are described the particular stages of moral development according to Lawrence Kohlberg. The practical part deals with the research in a given group according to Kohlberg. The research is made with regard to family background of an individual. Except for reactions to Heinz´s dilemma, there are researched the differences between moral attitudes of men and women and the differences between individuals coming from villages or cities. The aim of this thesis is to judge, if it is possible from the stage of a moral judgement of the researched adoloscents, judge a relation according to the context of their experience in the family. The research showed some influences to moral thinking of a man, but it is not possible to determine the convincing conclusions. The man is to complicated human being, whose moral quality shows the concrete and practical situation only.
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