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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parking Regulation Strategies and Policies to Support Transit-Oriented Development

Lundergan, Ryan W. 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis identifies and explores the effects that new parking strategies and policies could have on transit-oriented development (TOD) success levels. Additionally, it makes the case for TOD parking regulation reform, and is designed to educate planners and stakeholders on how to successfully and responsibly shape parking regulation in the planning and implementation process, so that land use in the region allows the synergistic provision of sustainable transportation specifically to the Boston region. Transit-Oriented Development is viewed and defined differently throughout research and literature, with its most common traits being compact, mixed use development near transit facilities and high-quality walking environments. Due to automobile dependency in the United States, developments (including TOD) are required to provide a specific level of parking to accommodate automobile usage. Excessive provision of parking decreases urban density, walkability, housing affordability, and transit ridership. In order to comply with governmental regulations and still meet TOD goals and objectives, expensive measures such as parking garages are implemented to accommodate automobile users, leading to a less affordable development and smaller profit margins for developers. An assessment of land use characteristics around transit stations, literature pertaining to TOD and current parking regulations and policies is conducted. Best practices and strategies are proposed with the overall goal of decreasing automobile-dependency and its impacts on the urban environment. Due to TOD’s heavy reliance on extensive transit systems, the focus of the study is specifically on the 101 cities and towns in the Boston metropolitan region. Somerville, MA, which contains previous transit-oriented developments and future projects in the design process, is used as a case study for transit-oriented development.

A survey of bond campaign procedures followed by a selected number of California school districts

Adamson, John William 01 January 1957 (has links) (PDF)
California Schools have experienced an unprecedented growth during the past several years. Enrollments in many school districts within the state have more than doubled since the end of World War II. It took California ninety years to enroll its first million children in school in 1940. It took only thirteen years to enroll the second million in 1953. It will take only an estimated five years to enroll the third million by 1958.1 Practically every California school system, therefore, is faced with the continuing problem of providing more classrooms to house these new pupils. To provide funds for additional schools, boards of education must submit bond issues to the vote of the electorate. Passage of such bond issues in California requires a two-thirds favorable vote. The purpose of this study was to determine what procedures have been followed by selected larger California school districts in planning and conducting school bond campaigns.

Florida’s Most Recent Anti-transgender Political Policies and Their Effects on Transgender Adults

Sanchez, Jaron A 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
During May of 2023, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed multiple bills into law, which included House Bill 1521, Senate Bill 1580, and Senate Bill 254. Critics have regarded these bills to directly discriminate against transgender individuals and negatively impact their quality of life. The main research question this project seeks to answer is what impact these bills have, if any, on transgender individuals who live in the state of Florida. This includes experiences that negatively impact quality of life outcomes and mental health disparities. An online survey of a small sample of the population that self identifies as transgender, that had lived in Florida for at least 1 month prior to and after the passing of the bills and were over 18 years old was used. Participants answered 2 sets of questions using a five-point Likert scale. One set asked about feelings and experiences prior to the passing of the bills, and the other after the passing of the bills, which included questions about mental health disparities seen commonly in transgender individuals such as depression, suicidal ideation and more. A comparison of the average Likert scale score prior to and after the passing of the bills showed a 10-20 percent increase in mental health disparities, and a large decrease in perceived ease of access to healthcare and satisfaction with state governmental support. Across the board, increases to negative mental health and quality of life outcomes were seen in our sample, which paints a troubling picture as to how these types of bills impact transgender quality of life and mental health outcomes.

Priorities for School Safety: The Alignment between Federal and State School Safety Legislation and Safety Needs as Perceived by Education Stakeholders in Florida Private Schools for Exceptional Students

Mortimer, Anthony D 01 January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates the apparent threat assessment priorities of potential risks to safety in the school environment in the United States and whether stakeholders in Florida private schools that serve exceptional students agree with the priority given to specific identified potential threats. Faculty and staff, high school students, and the students’ parents and guardians at four Florida private schools for exceptional students rated their perceptions of the severity and likelihood of occurrence of nine potential threats identified in a review of federal and Florida state school safety laws and national and state government surveys of incident occurrences. Results showed that although violent potential threats such as an armed intruder, students bringing weapons to school, and physical assaults received priority attention in federal and state school safety laws, stakeholders in Florida private schools for exceptional students indicated that threats of a more personal nature—such as bullying, sexual harassment, and cyberbullying—were the most significant risks to the safety of their school environment. All three respondent subgroups, however, reported high ratings of their overall feelings of safety at their schools.

Interrupting History: A critical-reconceptualisation of History curriculum after 'the end of history'

Parkes, Robert John Lawrence January 2006 (has links)
Contemporary Italian philosopher, Gianni Vattimo (1991), has described ‘the end of history’ as a motif of our times. While neo-liberal conservatives such as Francis Fukuyama (1992) celebrated triumphantly, and perhaps rather prematurely after the fall of the Berlin Wall, ‘the end of history’ in the ‘inevitable’ global acceptance of the ideologies of free market capitalism and liberal democracy, methodological postmodernists (including Barthes, Derrida, Baudrillard, Lyotard, and Foucault), mobilised ‘the end of history’ throughout the later half of the twentieth century as a symbol of a crisis of confidence in the discourse of modernity, and its realist epistemologies. This loss of faith in the adequacy of representation has been seen by many positivist and empiricist historians as a threat to the discipline of history, with its desire to recover and reconstruct ����the truth���� of the past. It is argued by defenders of ‘traditional’ history (from Appleby, Hunt, & Jacob, 1994; R. J. Evans, 1997; Marwick, 2001; and Windschuttle, 1996; to Zagorin, 1999), and some postmodernists (most notably, Jenkins, 1999), that if we accept postmodern social theory, historical research and writing will become untenable. This study re-examines the nature of the alleged ‘threat’ to history posed by postmodernism, and explores the implications of postmodern social theory for History as curriculum. Situated within a broadly-conceived critical-reconceptualist trend in curriculum inquiry, and deploying a form of historically and philosophically oriented ‘deconstructive hermeneutics’, the study explores past attempts to mount, and future possibilities for, a curricular response to the problem of historical representation. The analysis begins with an investigation of ‘end of history’ discourse in contemporary theory. It then proceeds through a critical exploration of the social meliorist changes to, and cultural politics surrounding, the History curriculum in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, from the Bicentennial to the Millennium (1988-2000), a period that marked curriculum as a site of contestation in a series of highly public ‘history wars’ over representations of the nation’s past (Macintyre & Clark, 2003). It concludes with a discussion of the missed opportunities for ‘critical practice’ within the NSW History curriculum. Synthesising insights into the ‘nature of history’ derived from contemporary academic debate, it is argued that what has remained uncontested in the struggle for ‘critical histories’ during the period under study, are the representational practices of history itself. The study closes with an assessment of the (im)possibility of History curriculum after ‘the end of history’. I argue that if History curriculum is to be a critical/transformative enterprise, then it must attend to the problem of historical representation. / PhD Doctorate

Paid Parental Leave in the United States: Reconciling Competing Demands

Joseph, Sydney 01 January 2018 (has links)
The United States is the only developed nation that fails to provide its citizens with paid parental leave. The lack of parental benefit provision operates to the detriment of individuals and society as a whole by contributing to inequity across gender, race, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation. As the demographics of the American workforce have changed, public policy has not kept pace. Paid parental leave is associated a number of health, economic, and social benefits. However, the greatest barrier to legislating paid parental leave is the philosophical underpinnings of American politics, specifically the strong current of liberal individualism and absence of maternalism. This thesis examines the policy option space for paid parental leave in the United States and recommends a paid parental leave policy that is gender-neutral and has a combination of three months individual leave and three months of shared leave at 100 percent wage replacement.

Deconstructing “Deviance” and “Disorder” as Systems of Domination: Chicago Public Schools as a Case Study of the Effects of Zero Tolerance Discipline Policies on Educational Outcomes in US Schools

Kaul, Maya 01 January 2017 (has links)
The rise of “zero tolerance” discipline practices in US primary and secondary schools has become increasingly well documented by the media and empirical studies. Despite the extensive scholarship that has emerged from these conversations, many of these analyses are limited in their scope and do not connect the phenomena of zero tolerance in schools to the diverse, shifting forces at play within American politics and policy today. As such, the goal of this work is to synthesize ideas about zero tolerance across disciplines by integrating historical thought, philosophical frameworks of punishment, shifting policy goals within the US education system, the sociological constructions of “deviance” and “disorder” in the context of the US criminal justice system, and empirical data directly from a school district to develop particular policy recommendations accordingly. The primary research question of this analysis is: What are the effects of zero tolerance discipline policies on educational outcomes? To answer this question, Chicago Public Schools will be employed as a case study from which lessons for the nation at large will be drawn. Ultimately, this analysis ends up revealing the ways in which zero tolerance policies stem from much deeper forces at play between dominant and marginal groups, and what comes to be defined as “deviance” in relation to a socially constructed system of “order.”

The costs of reproduction in evolutionary demography : an application of Multitrait Population Projection Matrix models / Les coûts de la reproduction en démographie évolutive : Une application des modèles de Matrices de Projection de Population Multitrait

Coste, Christophe 20 November 2017 (has links)
Les coûts de la reproduction sont un compromis biologique (trade-off ) fondamental en théorie des histoires de vie. Par ce compromis, le succès, pour un organisme, d’un évènement de reproduction réduit sa survie et sa fertilité futures. Pour les écologues, ce trade-off correspond principalement à un compromis physiologique résultant d’un processus d’allocation ayant lieu à chaque instant et au niveau de chaque individu. Au contraire, en démographie évolutive, il est envisagé comme un trade-off génétique découlant du polymorphisme génotypique d’un gène pléiotropique agissant de manière antagoniste sur la reproduction aux jeunes âges et la fitness aux âges élevés. L’étude des mécanismes des coûts de la reproduction, physiologiques et génétiques, de leur possible cohabitation et de leur effets relatifs, croisés et conjoints est le sujet de cette thèse. Un examen attentif de la définition originelle des coûts de la reproduction par Williams (1966), nous permet de construire un modèle théorique des coûts physiologiques intégrant leurs aspects mécaniques et évolutifs. Cette construction nous permet d’induire l’intensité des coûts de la reproduction selon la position d’un organisme sur trois continuums d’histoire de vie: "slow-fast", "income-capital breeders" et "quantity-quality".A partir de la décomposition, par Stearns (1989b), de l’architecture des contraintes d’histoire de vie en trois parties – le niveau génotypique, la structure intermédiaire et le niveau phénotypique – nous étendons notre modèle conceptuel pour y intégrer à la fois des trade-offs physiologiques et génétiques. Cela nous permet d’inférer les effets de l’environnement, de sa variance et de la stochasticité individuelle sur la détectabilité de chaque famille de coûts. La différence entre coûts physiologiques et génétiques se retrouve également dans leur modélisation mathématique. Il est donc nécessaire de développer de nouveaux modèles permettant d’incorporer coûts physiologiques et génétiques. Nous proposons ensuite une méthode vectorielle de construction d’un tel type de modèle, que nous appelons Matrice de Projection de Population Multitrait (MPPM). Ce dernier peut implémenter chaque type de coût en l’intégrant dans la matrice en tant que trait. Nous étendons ensuite aux MPPMs les techniques d’analyse de sensibilité, standards en démographie évolutive, des modèles à un trait aux MPPMs. Surtout, nous décrivons un nouvel outil d’analyse, pertinent en théorie des histoires de vie et en démographie évolutive: la Trait Level Analysis. Elle consiste à comparer des modèles qui partagent les mêmes propriétés asymptotiques. Ceci est rendu possible par le repliement d’une MPPM selon certains traits, une opération qui réduit le nombre de traits du modèle en moyennant ses transitions selon les abondances ergodiques relatives. Ainsi, la Trait Level Analysis permet de mesurer l’importance évolutive des coûts de la reproduction en comparant des modèles implémentant ces coûts, avec des versions ergodiquement équivalentes de ces modèles mais repliées selon les traits supportant les compromis. Nous utilisons des méthodes, classiques et nouvelles, de calculs des moments de la fitness – gradient de sélection, variance du succès reproducteur, variance environnementale – que nous appliquons aux modèles avec coûts et sans coûts afin de mesurer leurs effets démographiques et évolutifs. Nous présentons les effets conjoints des coûts physiologiques et génétiques sur la distribution par âge des taux vitaux d’une population. Nous montrons également comment les coûts physiologiques influencent les deux composants de la sélection efficace, en aplatissant le gradient de sélection d’un côté et en accroissant la taille efficace de la population de l’autre. Enfin, nous démontrons comment l’effet tampon des coûts sur les variances environnementales et démographiques améliore la résilience d’une population soumise aux coûts physiologiques de la reproduction / Costs of reproduction are pervasive in life history theory. Through this constraint, the reproductive effort of an organism at a given time negatively affects its later survival and fertility. For life historians, they correspond mostly to a physiological trade-off that stems from an allocative process, occurring at each time-step, at the level of the individual. For evolutionary demographers, they are essentially about genetic trade-offs, arising from a genetic variance in a pleiotropic gene acting antagonistically on early-age and late-age fitness components. The study, from an evolutionary demographic standpoint, of these mechanisms and of the relative, cross and joint effects of physiological and genetic costs, is the aim of this thesis. The close examination of Williams (1966)’s original definition of the physiological costs of reproduction led us to produce a theoretical design of their apparatus that accounts for both their mechanistic and evolutionary mechanisms. This design allowed us to make predictions with regards to the strength of costs of reproduction for various positions of organisms on three life-history spectra: slow-fast, income-capital breeders and quality-quantity. From Stearns (1989b)’s tryptic architecture of life history trade-offs –that divides their structure into the genotypic level, the intermediate structure and the phenotypic level – we devised a general framework, which models the possible cohabitation of both physiological and genetic costs. From this, we inferred differing detectability patterns of both types of costs according to the environmental conditions, their variance and individual stochasticity. We could also establish that both costs buffer environmental variations, but with varying time windows of effect. Their dissimilarity emerges also from the differences between mathematical projection models specific to each cost. A new family of evolutionary models is therefore required to implement both physiological and genetic trade-offs. We then describe the vector-based construction method for such a model which we call Multitrait Population Projection Matrix (MPPM) and which allows incorporating both types of costs by embedding them as traits into the matrix. We extend the classical sensitivity analysis techniques of evolutionary demography to MPPMs. Most importantly, we present a new analysis tool for both life history and evolutionary demography: the Trait Level Analysis. It consists in comparing pairs of models that share the same asymptotic properties. Such ergodic equivalent matrices are produced by folding, an operation that consists in reducing the number of traits of a multi-trait model, by averaging transitions for the traits folded upon, whilst still preserving the asymptotic flows. The Trait Level Analysis therefore allows, for example, to measure the evolutionary importance of costs of reproduction by comparing models incorporating them with folded versions of these models from which the costs are absent. Using classical and new methods to compute fitness moments – selection gradient, variance in reproductive success, environmental variance - in models with and without the costs, we can show their effects on various demographic and evolutionary measures. We reveal, in this way, the combined effects of genetic and physiological costs on the vital rates of an age-structured population. We also demonstrate how physiological costs affect both components of effective selection, as they flatten the slope of selection gradients and increase the effective size of a population. Finally, we show how their buffering of environmental and demographic variance confer greater resilience to populations experiencing physiological costs of reproduction

A study of junior sportsman clubs throughout the United States with special reference to the Lodi Junior Sportsmen

Wilson, Joseph Allen 01 January 1951 (has links)
This study will trace the history and development of a new idea in recreation, that of the Junior Sportsmen’s Club. This program was first worked out by the writer ar Lodi, California, while he was employed by the Lodi Recreation Department, and has in a few short years spread throughout the United States. The writer feels the inasmuch as the project has been an actual field experiment, his study should be of value to other communities or to other leaders in recreation. This provides the reason as well as the justification for this study.

The history and enforcement of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act since 1938

Morrissey, William Ebert 01 January 1947 (has links) (PDF)
In the undertaking a recent history of such a fundamental law as one that deals with food, drugs and cosmetics in its relationship to the human race, we should realize that such a field has a history possibly as old as man himself. There have always been individuals in the good and welfare of others, and there have always been individuals interested in taking advantage of their fellow man for personal gain, frequently in an exceedingly unscrupulous manner. The Solicitor General of the United States, in a recent paper read at the commemoration the the fortieth anniversary of the original Federal Food and Drugs Act of 1906 pointed out that "the attempts of organized society to prevent the adulteration of food and drugs date back to ancient times. The racket implicit in the purveying of adulterated and misbranded commodities is now a new one by any means -- it has been practiced from the commencement of recorded times." The officials goes on and recites specific instances, telling how Pliny the Elder complained of "white earth" in his bread, the pepperers and spicers of London in the year 1316 began to regulate the quality of their produce, brewers were subject to fines for adulterating beer in the days of William the Conqueror, food control statutes were passed in France and Germany in the thirteenth century. The first pharmacopoeia was published in England by the College of physicians in 1613. In the fourteenth century the Provost of Paris forade the artificial coloring of butter. In the United States, Congress enacted a law to prevent the importation of adulterated and spurious drugs and medicine as far back as 1846. The Department of Agriculture through its Division (later Bureau) of Chemistry from 1863 to 1906 in its reports kept calling to the attention of the various Secretaries of Agriculture, and in a measure to the attention of Congress and the people of the United States, the need for remedying conditions of food and drug frauds perpetrated upon the consumer.

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