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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vývoj konkordátního práva od roku 1964 do současnosti / The Development of Concordat Law between 1964 and 2013

Gazárek, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The development of concordatarian law from the year 1964 onward The goal of this thesis is the analysis and comparisson of concordatarian law in few select countries. This thesis is mainly focused on the countries of Central Europe (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Republic of Poland, Federal Republic of Germany). In order to expand the scope of this thesis, two other countries were chosen. The first one is the Kingdom of Spain, which represents a unique example of a gradual change between the so called traditional concordatarian system and the new and modern system developed after the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council. The second country, that was chosen is the Republic of Colombia as a non-European country with long and interesting history of concordatarian tradition. The thesis itself is divided into two main parts. The first part (composed of the first two chapters) aims to define the basic terms, which are used throughout the entire thesis. Such basic terms as concordat, the subjects of concordatarian agreements, the Holy See and others are defined in the first chapter. Also the international legal personality of the Holy See and its historical development is examined in the same chapter as well. The Second Vatican Council and its teachings had a profound impact on the concordatarian...

Saladin a Richard Lví srdce - co je spojuje a co rozděluje / Saladin and Richard the Lion-Heart - what divides and what unites them

Hromas, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The third crusade could be likened to a chess game, taking place between the English King Richard I and the Muslim Sultan Saladin. The game that eventually ended in stalemate because neither Richard nor Saladin were able to gain an advantage over his opponent, which would lead to the final turn. The attitudes of both men were very different and this is obviously reflected in their ruling and military capabilities. The question which therefore arises is, how were Richard I and Saladin linked? The answer is simple. The King of England and the Muslim Sultan were on a larger scale linked with a right to the Holy Land and in the narrow scale to Jerusalem. If we try to understand Saladin and Richard we must focus on the period in which they lived, the situation in the Holy Land and minds of Christians and Muslims. This goal is also subject to the methodology of the work, descriptive method with contextual analysis and structure of the thesis were chosen.

Společné prvky vatikánské a americké zahraniční politiky po druhé světové válce / The mutual elements of the vatican and american foreign policy after the second world war

Fuchsová, Anežka January 2015 (has links)
The victory of Christian democrats in the parliamentary election of 1948 in Italy was made possible by a cooperation between the Holy See and United States during the pre-election campaign. The thesis presents the outcome of research done on American, but especially on Vatican foreign policy. The foreign policy of Pius XII between 1945 and 1950 had three main features. They were support for European integration, relations with certain European states and fight against communism. A stand of the Holy See on these issues is compared to the American one. The outcome of the analysis is that their foreign policies had some aims in common but that it hardly ever led to cooperation. There were some minor examples of cooperation, but there was none as significant as the one in Italy in 1948. Key words: Holy See, Pius XII, foreign policy, USA, communism, integration

He is with you and he will be in you: The Spirit, the believer, and the glorification of Jesus

Hamilton, James Merrill, Jr. 15 April 2003 (has links)
Were OT saints indwelt by the Holy Spirit? This dissertation seeks an answer from John's Gospel. The thesis here is that John 14:17c, "He is with you, and he will be in you," encapsulates the Bible's description of the relationship between the Spirit and the believer in the Old and New Covenants. In chapter 1 the different positions taken on this question are surveyed. The five actual positions and one alleged position are illustrated with quotations. Not all equate regeneration and indwelling. None think the Spirit had nothing to do with OT saints. Chapter 2 contends that the OT does not present its faithful as indwelt by the Spirit. Covenant mediators have the Spirit, but the Spirit distinguishes and empowers them. God dwells among his people in the tabernacle/temple, but he does not dwell in each believer. The outpouring of the Spirit passages point to the future, saying nothing about the experience of Old Covenant believers. Chapter 3 exegetes the Spirit passages in John. Chapter 4 argues that John 7:39 will not permit the inference that OT saints were indwelt. This chapter lays out the OT expectation of a Spirit-anointed Messiah who inaugurates the age to come. John presents Jesus as the fulfillment of this hope, and Jesus ministers the Spirit to his people. Chapter 5 shows that regeneration and indwelling are not equivalent in John. John presents Jesus as the replacement of the temple. Jesus is the locus of God's presence and the place where sin is dealt with. Once Jesus fulfills all sacrifice, God can take up residence in a temple where no sacrifices are offered. Jesus confers temple status on those who believe in him. When Jesus ascends, believers become the locus of God's presence with authority to forgive and retain sin, i.e., they are the new temple. Chapter 6 concludes and summarizes. OT saints were regenerate but not indwelt. The OT does not claim its faithful were indwelt, and the NT says they were not (John 7:39). Under the Old Covenant God's dwelling was the temple. In the New Covenant God dwells in believers. / This item is only available to students and faculty of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. If you are not associated with SBTS, this dissertation may be purchased from <a href="http://disexpress.umi.com/dxweb">http://disexpress.umi.com/dxweb</a> or downloaded through ProQuest's Dissertation and Theses database if your institution subscribes to that service.

Severing the Spirit from the Son: Theological revisionism in contemporary theologies of salvation

Miles, Todd LeRoy 27 April 2006 (has links)
This dissertation evaluates the historiography, methodology, exegesis, and theological conclusions of pneumatological inclusivists and their doctrine of salvation, and then offers a biblical and theological defense of soteriological exclusivism based on the relationship between the Son and the Spirit. Chapter 1 defines the categories of exclusivism, inclusivism, and pluralism. Attention is given to those inclusivists who ground their inclusivist proposals in a work of the Holy Spirit in world religions apart from Gospel proclamation. Chapter 2 summarizes the work of non-evangelical inclusivists in the area of theology of religions, with particular attention given to those theologians who focus their work on the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. Chapter 3 summarizes the work of evangelical pneumatological inclusivists, focusing on the efforts of Clark Pinnock and Amos Yong. Chapter 4 evaluates the historiography of pneumatological inclusivists. The chapter contends that any appeals to the theology of Irenaeus or a rejection of the Fifoque clause to bolster support for pneumatological inclusivism are tendentious. Chapter 5 evaluates the theological method of pneumatological inclusivists. The chapter argues that systematic theological conclusions must be based upon solid exegesis and biblical theology. The Bible presents the Spirit as working to glorify the Son. Theological method ought to reflect this priority, that is, it must be Christocentric. Chapter 6 presents a theology of the Son and the Spirit. It is demonstrated that from the beginning of redemptive history, prior to and during the incarnation, the Spirit worked toward and for the glorification of the Son. During the present church age, the Spirit works to glorify Christ. Chapter 7 summarizes the dissertation and highlights areas of contribution and significance. / This item is only available to students and faculty of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. If you are not associated with SBTS, this dissertation may be purchased from <a href="http://disexpress.umi.com/dxweb">http://disexpress.umi.com/dxweb</a> or downloaded through ProQuest's Dissertation and Theses database if your institution subscribes to that service.

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Leading Ecclesial Change in Luke-Acts

Mason, Justin 12 January 2016 (has links)
This study examined the biblical/theological foundations found in the Holy Spirit for leading ecclesial change within the text of Luke-Acts. Chapter 1 describes the purpose, goals, rationale, and research methodology for the study. Chapter 2 is a literature review that examines secular, Christian, and biblical/theological models for leading ecclesial change. Chapter 3 examines the role of the Holy Spirit in the empowered Messiah and demonstrates how the same Spirit that empowered, enabled, and equipped the Messiah is the same Spirit that enables, empowers, and equips believers today. Chapter 4 displays the manifestation of the Spirit’s work not only in the believer but inside the New Testament church. Chapter 5 offers conclusions of this study. Here the purpose and goals of the study are examined and biblical reflections as well as recommendation for practices are offered.

Les négociations diplomatiques entre la France et le Saint-Siège de 1870-1939 / Diplomatic negotiations between France and the Holy See, 1870-1939

Virot, Audrey 23 March 2013 (has links)
Entre 1870 et 1939, les relations diplomatiques entre le Saint-Siège et la France sont sans nul doute tumultueuses. La période est marquée à Rome par la fin de l’État pontifical et la perte consécutive de la souveraineté temporelle pour le Saint-Siège en 1870, rétablie sous la forme de l’État de la Cité du Vatican, par la signature des Accords du Latran avec le royaume d’Italie en 1929. En France, le début de la Troisième République se caractérise par un anticléricalisme actif, qui atteint son paroxysme au début du XXe siècle, avec la suppression de l’ambassade de France près le Saint-Siège, suivie de la loi de séparation de 1905, mettant fin au régime concordataire. À la faveur des évènements de la Première Guerre mondiale, un rapprochement s’opère entre la France et le Saint-Siège, concrétisé en 1921 par le rétablissement de relations diplomatiques officielles.L’existence de relations diplomatiques entre deux États a notamment pour objectif de constituer un cadre privilégié pour la menée de négociations. Pendant la Troisième République, les sujets de débat sont nombreux entre les gouvernements français et pontifical. Le caractère juridique a été utilisé comme critère de sélection des affaires. L’étude des modalités de négociation permet de mettre en évidence trois phases chronologiques distinctes, qui dépendent de la combinaison de deux éléments : l’existence ou non de rapports diplomatiques officiels et le cadre juridique – concordataire ou de séparation – qui sert de toile de fond à ces tractations. Pour appréhender de manière pertinente cette évolution des modalités de négociation, il faut déterminer au préalable le cadre institutionnel français et pontifical, décisif pour l’orientation du rapport de forces dans les tractations. Par cette analyse, on constate un rééquilibrage du rapport de forces dans le temps entre la France et le Saint-Siège et une incapacité à rompre de manière absolue les contacts. La variété des intérêts à défendre, en France, à Rome mais aussi plus largement dans le monde, explique que malgré de vives oppositions, la France et le Saint-Siège trouvent toujours un accord. / Between 1870 and 1939, the diplomatic relations between the Holy See and France are obviously hectic. At that time, Roma is marked by the end of the papal State and the consequent loss of the temporal sovereignty for the Holy See in 1870, restored to the State of the Vatican City by the signature of the Lateran treaty in 1929. In France, the beginning of the Third Republic is characterized by an active anticlericalism, which shows a paroxysm at the beginning of the twentieth Century, with the suppression of the French embassy in the Holy See, and then the law of 1905. That cancels the Composition. With the First World War events, a link was made between France and Holy See, materialized in 1921 by the reestablishment of diplomatic relations.The existence of diplomatic relations between two states especially aims at creating a favorable framework to lead negotiations. During the Third Republic, there are numerous debate topics between the French and Papal governments. The legal character has been used as selection criteria for the affairs. The analysis of the negotiation modalities can demonstrate three distinct chronological phases, which depend on the combination of two criteria: the existence or not of official diplomatic relations and the legal bound – composition or separation - which is the backstory of these negotiations. To understand rightly the evolution of the negotiation modalities, we have to fix beforehand the French and Papal institution framework, decisive to turn the battle of wills in bargaining. When running this analysis, we can observe a rebalancing over time of the battle of wills between France and the Holy See and the inability to break completely the relations. The diversity of benefits to protect, in France, at Roma but also and, more widely, in the world, explains that despite strong oppositions, France and Holy See always find an agreement.

Entre o espetáculo e a devoção: a festa do Divino Espírito Santo em Mogi das Cruzes (SP) / Between spectacle and devotion: the Holy Ghost celebration in Mogi das Cruzes (SP)

Rodrigues, Herbert 15 December 2006 (has links)
Localizada às margens da grande metrópole paulistana, a cidade de Mogi das Cruzes realiza uma espetacular festa para o Divino Espírito Santo. Esta dissertação focaliza as formas expressivas de devoção que ocorrem na superfície da cidade e busca penetrar em camadas mais profundas da experiência dos devotos na tentativa de desvendar os elementos aparentemente arredios que surgem como força transformadora durante os dias de festa. / Located on the edges of the great paulistana metropolis, the city of Mogi das Cruzes carries through a spectacular celebration for the Holy Ghost. This master thesis focuses the expressive forms of devotion that occur on the surface of the city and search to penetrate in layers deeper of the experience of the worshippers in the attempt to unmask the apparently timorous elements that appear as transforming force during the days of celebration.

The Holy Spirit and the Life of the Christian According to Hugh of St. Victor: Dator et Donum, Cordis Omne Bonum

Salzmann, Andrew Benjamin January 2015 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Boyd T. Coolman / Hugh of St. Victor impresses even the cursory reader of his great De Sacramentis Christianae Fidei with his tendency to "think in threes." Why does he do this? Is it significant? At the same time, common scholarly judgment holds that Latin theology, in focusing on the person and work of Christ, fails to give an adequate account of the Holy Spirit's role in Christian life. This accusation appears true of Hugh, whose relatively sparse references to the Spirit in, for example, the De Sacramentis are easily catalogued. After a brief introductory chapter, the second chapter of this dissertation exacerbates the problem of Hugh's relative silence about the Holy Spirit by exploring the Trinitarian resonance of his threefold thought: When one demonstrates that the terms of which many of these traids are composed either reproduce the Trinitarian relations or can be "appropriated" to Trinitarian persons, Hugh is recognized not simply as an impressively "triadic" thinker, but a resolutely "Trinitarian" one. How can so Trinitarian a thinker have such an underdeveloped pneumatology? Chapter two proceeds to discuss Hugh's use of the doctrine of appropriations, acquainting the reader with the way Hugh associates various concepts with the different members of the Trinity. The question of Hugh's threefold thought now provides an answer to the accusation of a truncated pneumatology: While Hugh's explicit mentions of the Spirit may be relatively sparse, his doctrine of the Spirit is surprisingly robust, once the pneumatic moments in the triads which structure his thought are identified and considered. The implicit nature of his pneumatology is not surprising, given his tendency to reserve the names of "Father, Son, and Spirit" to discussions of the immanent Trinity. To prepare the reader to uncover Hugh's "implicit" doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Christian, chapter three does the work of identifying pneumatological themes related to the human person. The second part of the inquiry, structured around Hugh's own description of his spiritual program, properly considers the role of the Holy Spirit in Christian life: One first reads and meditates, then prays, and then receives the grace to live the moral life, all in preparation for a final state of contemplation in which one enjoys the foretaste of eternal sweetness. Utilizing the above method for uncovering Hugh's implicit pneumatology, the Holy Spirit is found to be both "giver and gift" (dator et donum), advancing the believer through the first four steps while being the very gift finally received and enjoyed. Chapter four, on reading, concludes that the Spirit makes the Word's knowledge and wisdom present to the earthly reader. Chapter five examines the interplay between the Word and the Spirit in the act of prayer, in which the Spirit--who first makes the Word "incarnate" in sacramental-Scriptural and sacramental-liturgical signs--intensifies the believer's love for God through the prayerful use of these signs. Finally, chapter six demonstrates that the moral life is given by the Spirit who, in fifteen steps not explicitly attributed to the Spirit yet shown to be the work of the Spirit, makes Christ the Word incarnate present not just "in history" but in the very heart of the acting believer. The dissertation concludes with a reflection on whether the sweetness the soul now enjoys is understood as the "immanental gift" of the Spirit itself or is simply a gift appropriated to the Spirit, suggesting the former. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2015. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Theology.

Necessidade e possibilidade da prova da existência de Deus na filosofia de Tomás de Aquino / Necessity and possibility of proving the existence of God in the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas

Crivorncica, Roberta 08 May 2009 (has links)
A questão da existência de Deus acompanha o desenvolvimento intelectual de Tomás de Aquino e tem papel central em sua Suma de Teologia, na qual o filósofo desenvolve sua resposta através das conhecidas cinco vias para a prova da existência de Deus. O objetivo desta dissertação é percorrer o caminho traçado por Tomás de Aquino para chegar às cinco vias, mostrando a necessidade e a possibilidade da prova da existência de Deus como sujeito da Doutrina Sagrada. / The question of the existence of God follows the intellectual development of Saint Thomas Aquinas. It also plays a central role in his Summa Theologica, where the philosopher develops his answer trough “the five ways" of proving the existence of God. This dissertations aims to follow Saint Thomas Aquinas through the journey in developing \"the five ways\", by showing the need and the possibility to prove the existence of God as subject of the holy doctrine.

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