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Da pedagogia da hospitalidade no turismo ao turismo pedagógico pela hospitalidadeOliveira, Ana Carolina Rodrigues Melo de 15 July 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa visa contribuir com empreendimentos turísticos no sentido de que disponham de uma ferramenta pedagógica para a formação permanente de gestores e colaboradores no âmbito das relações de hospitalidade ou acolhimento , a qual possa transcender o caráter meramente informativo ou a realização fortuita de atividades de treinamento, por estar aí em jogo processo relacional a ser com preendido e a preendido. Nesse sentido, traz à discussão uma pedagogia da hospitalidade , aqui desenhada a partir da aplicação, num empreendimento turístico, de Grupos Operativos (conforme Pichon-Rivière, 2005), modelo teórico-metodológico com raízes no paradigma pedagógico construtivista, proposto como promotor de redimensionamentos no processo de re construção/ re ssiginificação do conceito de hospitalidade e no estabelecimento de relações deste com a prática profissional em turismo e com a prática turística. As reflexões têm na base o entendimento de hospitalidade/acolhimento como fenômeno instaurado na alternância dos polos em interação (acolhedor e acolhido) e, sob esse prisma, instituindo-se como eixo fundante do fenômeno turístico. Têm também o suposto teórico de que todo acolhimento genuíno carrega o potencial pedagógico de ser agente de aprendizagens, catalizador de saberes, promotor de transformações de processos psicoafetivos, cognitivos, relacionais. Nesse universo, a pesquisa objetiva ainda suscitar discussão sobre relações entre o fenômeno do acolhimento e o conceito de turismo pedagógico. Metodologicamente, desenvolveram-se duas sessões de grupos operativos, intermediadas pela realização, no próprio empreendimento, de uma prática turística específica (trilha a cavalo). O corpus consistiu das manifestações verbais dos sujeitos colaboradores e gestores do empreendimento campo de investigação ao longo dos grupos operativos e de respostas do guia e de turistas a entrevistas realizadas antes e após a trilha. A análise do discurso pautou-se por pressupostos da teoria enunciativa de Bakhtin (1997), tendo recorrido também a alguns procedimentos da Análise de Conteúdo, de acordo com Bardin (2000). Os resultados vinculam os re dimensionamentodos/ re ssignificações identificados/inferidos, objetos de análise, aos processos reflexivos efetivados nos/pelos Grupos Operativos, nos quais se constata crescente aproximação ao conceito de hospitalidade/acolhimento tomado como de referência. Por outro lado, quer diretamente pelas respostas dos sujeitos às entrevistas, quer, indiretamente, pelas respectivas manifestações nos grupos operativos, o turismo, quando marcado por relações genuínas de acolhimento, faz-se ele próprio pedagógico, propiciando ruptura de fronteiras e assim, inaugurando novos espaços de transformações e aprendizagens. / This research aims to contribute to touristic enterprises in a sense of having a pedagogical tool to the continuous education for the managers and employees within hospitality relations or even hosting which might transcend the information only and the fortuitous realization of training activities, to be at stake here a relational process to be comprehended and seize. In this sense, we discuss about pedagogy of hospitality , here drawn from the application, in a touristic enterprises, of Operatives Groups (according to Pichon-Rivière, 2005), a theory-methodological based on the constructivist pedagogical paradigm, proposed as a resizing promoter the reconstruction/reframing the hospitality concept and on the relationship establishment of this concept to the professional praxis in tourism and in the touristic praxis. The thoughts presented here are based on the understanding of Hospitality/hosting a established as a phenomenon of the alternation of the poles in interaction (to host and be hosted) and, under this point of view, establishing itself as the foundation axis of the tourism phenomenon. We also present the theoretical assumption that all genuine host loads the pedagogical potential of being an agent of learning, knowledge catalyst, promoter of psychological and cognitive, relational processes transformation. In this universe, this research aims to raise discussion about relations between the hosting phenomenon and the concept of educational tourism. Methodologically, it was developed two Operatives Groups sections, intermediated by performing on the enterprise itself, a specific tourism practice (horse track). The research corpus consists on the subjects verbal manifestations employees and managers of the in loco field enterprise over the operating groups and the guide and tourists responses to the interviews done before and after the track. The discourse analysis was guided by assumptions of the enunciative theory according to Bakhtin (1997), also have appealed to some procedures of the content analysis, according to Bardin (2000). The results link the resizing/reframing, identified/inferred, analysis objects, to the reflexive processes effected on/by the Operative Groups, in which we can find the growing closeness to the concept of hospitality/hosting taken as reference. On the other hand, either directly by the subjects´ responses to interviews or indirectly by the respective operating groups in the manifestations, the tourism, when marked by genuine host relationship, is educational providing boundaries break and thus opening new spaces for transformations and learning.
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Integrating Participatory Processes in Planning for Strategic Sustainable DevelopmentCretney, Alison, Cretney, Steven, Meisterheim, Tracy January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines how dialogue-based methodologies can be integrated into a participatory planning process for strategic sustainable development. Evidence of the complex nature of the sustainability challenge is cited as necessitating tools and methodologies suited for dealing with complexity. The methodologies in this study were designed to use dialogue to address complex problems in which outcomes are unpredictable. Within the sustainability practitioner community, we identified a need for research on systematic guidance for pairing engagement processes with use of the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD). This research focuses on how a specific set of dialogue-based methodologies within the Art of Hosting network can be integrated with the FSSD to strengthen the linkage between content and process. As the culmination of our research, we have developed The Weave: Participatory Process Design Guide for Strategic Sustainable Development (www.theweave.info). It includes a Template for process design, suggestions and examples for use, and guiding principles. It is the first prototype of participatory process design guidance to be offered for pilot testing in the field of strategic sustainable development.
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Hosting Capacity of a Low-Voltage Grid : Development of a Simplified Model to be used in future Solar RoadmapsAndersson, Jonas, Bernström, Vendela, Törnqvist, Joacim January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to assess whether it is possible to create a simplified model that estimates the hosting capacity of a low-voltage grid. The Simplified model is compared with a more elaborate model created by the Built Environment Energy Systems Group (BEESG) at Uppsala University. The Simplified model takes three easily obtainable variables into account. The model created by BEESG allows us to observe both the amount of photovoltaic (PV) power that is installed as well as the voltages in each bus in a grid. The hosting capacity is found by gradually increasing the amount of PV power installed in a low-voltage grid until overvoltage is reached. Simulations with BEESG’s model are done for a week in July when the PV generation has its peak and the load is generally low. The Simplified model is created using linear regression with the calculated values from the BEESG’s model as a reference. The report shows that the Simplified model will give an estimation of the low-voltage grid’s hosting capacity that is comparable to the value calculated with BEESG’s model. The results show that it is rarely the low-voltage grid that restricts the installation of PV facilities and that a high self-consumption is advantageous regarding to the grids hosting capacity.
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Mikroproduktion med solceller : Användandet av acceptansgränserHanhisalo, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
Detta arbete har med hjälp av acceptansgränser uppskattat hur mycket mikroproduktion som kan installeras i ett lågspänningsnät och resultatet presenteras som en karta över ett referensområde. Arbetet visar att det trots ett mycket starkt elnät i huvudsak är acceptansgränsen för spänningshöjning som kommer att vara begränsande. Det läggs fram tre förslag på åtgärder som underlättar införandet mikroproduktion. Mätning för att uppskatta återstående marginal till acceptansgränsen, vilket sedan kan fungera som ett beslutsunderlag för att tillåta mer installerbar effekt. Justering av transformatorns nominella spänning, vilket frigör utrymme för mer produktion. Möjligheten till begränsning av produktion under kritiska timmar medför att mer installerbar effekt kan tillåtas och det finns mer tid för genomtänkta investeringar. / This work has estimated the amount of microgeneration that may be installed in a low voltage grid based on hosting capacity limits and presents an overview of a reference area. The work shows that despite a very strong power grid, it is essentially the hosting capacity for voltage increase that will limit microgeneration production. Three proposals are given for measures that facilitate the introduction of microgeneration. Measurements to estimate the remaining margin to the hosting capacity limit, which serves as a decision base to allow more installable effect. Adjustment of the transformer's rated voltage, which increases the hosting capacity and allows more production. Production curtailment during critical hours means that more installable power can be allowed and there is more time for thoughtful investments.
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Planning the future expansion of solar installations in a distribution power gridAlmenar Molina, Irene January 2020 (has links)
This thesis provides a tool to determine the maximum capacity, of a given power grid, when connecting distributed photovoltaic parks including the optimal allocation of the parks taking the power grid configuration into account. This tool is based on a computational model that evaluates the hosting capacity of the given grid through power flow simulations. The tool also integrates a geographic information system that links suitable land areas to nearby substations that can host photovoltaic parks. The mathematical model was tested on different cases in the municipality of Herrljunga, Sweden, where it was determined to be possible to connect 47 photovoltaic parks of 1MWp to the power grid as well as the most appropriate substations to allocate them to without the need for grid reinforcements. Additionally, the concept of grid cost allocation is presented and briefly discussed while analysing the results in relation to national energy targets.
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Správa projektů z oblasti Human-Computer Interaction / HCI Projects ManagementFarbiak, Peter January 2012 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with problems of testing, especially manual and beta testing. Further thesis discuss area of Human - Computer Interaction and looks for possibilities of effective managing of HCI projects. As solution project hosting area is proposed, explained and existing solutions are examined. In practical part of thesis system for managing HCI projects is designed and implemented based on previous research.
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Mitteilungen des URZ 3/2008Clauß, Matthias, Riedel, Wolfgang, Heide, Gerd, Trapp, Holger 03 September 2008 (has links)
Informationen des Universitätsrechenzentrums:Virtual Private Server Hosting (VPSH)
Übersicht öffentliche Computerpools
Software-Update von Firefox auf die Version 3
Weiterbildungsangebot des URZ - Wintersemester 2008/2009
Neues aus der UB
Kurzinformationen: Scientific Linux, Türzugangssystem 'DACS', Kodierung von Dateinamen in OpenAFS 1.5.5x (Windows), Zwei weitere Pools mit Windows Vista
Software-News: Update Intel-Compiler, Neue Version von SPSS und AMOS, Citavi, MindManager Pro, Neue Software-Handbücher
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Hög andel solcellsproduktions påverkan på mellanspänningsnätet : Med avseende på spänningshöjningHolt, Thomas January 2021 (has links)
Detta arbete sammanfattar och redovisar ett arbetssätt för att bedöma vilken spänningshöjning som uppstår i tre radiella mellanspänningsnät på grund av den nettoeffekt som avges från solcellsanläggningar i de sammankopplade lågspänningsnäten. Hur anläggningarna är placerade antas vara efter hur abonnenterna är fördelade i mellanspänningsnäten. Spänningshöjningen som sker i mellanspänningsnäten är viktig att veta om då den kan medföra att marginalen till acceptabel spänningsnivå minskar i svaga punkter i näten vilket leder till ökad risk för att gränsvärden till långsamma spänningsvariationer och överspänning kan överskridas i abonnenters anslutningar till elnäten. Metoden bygger på ett iterativt tillvägagångssätt där nätens olika punkter undersöks och den som påverkas mest blir gränssättande för nätet. Resultaten påvisade skillnader mellan olika nät beroende på ledningsresistanser och antal abonnenter samt hur dessa är fördelade och hur nettoflöden av aktiv effekt ser ut i näten tillsammans med spänningshöjningen i var nod fram till slutpunkten. Med hjälp av dessa nettoflöden kunde riktlinjer tas fram och användas som rekommendationer för vilka storlekar på anläggningar som kan komma att begränsa mellanspänningsnäten. / This work summarizes and presents a method for assessing the voltage increase that occurs in three radial medium voltage networks due to the net power emitted from photovoltaic systems in the interconnected low voltage networks. How the production is located is assumed to be according to how the users are distributed in the medium voltage networks. The voltage increase that occurs in the medium voltage networks is important to know as it can lead to a decrease of the margin to acceptable voltage levels in weak points in the networks. The method is based on an iterative approach where the various points of the network are examined and the one that affects the most becomes the boundary for the network. Results showed differences between networks depending on line-resistances and number of users and how these are distributed and how net flows of active power cause the voltage increase in each node up to the end point. With the help of these net flows, guidelines could be drawn up and create recommendations size of photovoltaic systems that may limit the medium-voltage networks.
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Fungi + Plastics = <3 : Collaborative design for coliving in queer ecologiesLasnier Guilloteau, Mathilde January 2022 (has links)
As plastic pollution is considered a potential geological marker of the Anthropocene, some living organisms have evolved and adapted into symbiotic relationships with polymers. The wicked problem of pollution and toxic exposure contributes to waste colonialism, which is inherent to the current state of climate and ecological emergency. From plastics to fungi and back again, this project speculates on the possibilities to decolonise plastic waste with the help of a plastic-decomposing fungus. My research prompts toward anthropo-de-centrism and multispecies storytelling as design methods to develop care for plastic waste. The project draws upon the complexity of fungi-plastics-humans relations and is supported by a transdisciplinary collaborative research focused on fungi cultivation. At the core of this practice, I relate the omnipresence of fungi and plastics to queer ecologies, and as such, I develop my design proposal with generative toxicity as theoretical and creative framework. To materialise this, I propose a workshop bridging between local communities of designers and self-taught mycologists, in order to change the general opinion on plastic waste by focusing on hosting and care as forms of slow activism. The longer-term aim would be a systemic rebalancing of our permanently polluted world. Queer ecologies could therefore contribute to refine what sustainability means for design today by facilitating multispecies care and decolonising gestures.
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Evaluation and variability of power grid hosting capacity for electric vehicles : Case studies of residential areas in SwedenSandström, Maria January 2024 (has links)
Electric vehicles (EVs) are increasing in popularity and play an important role in decarbonizing the transport sector. However, a growing EV fleet can cause problems for power grids as the grids are not initially designed for EV charging. The potential of a power grid to accommodate EV loads can be assessed through hosting capacity (HC) analysis. The HC is grid specific and varies, therefore it is necessary to conduct analysis that reflects local conditions and covers uncertainties and correlations over time. This theses aims to investigate the HC for EVs in existing residential power grids, and to gain a better understanding of how it varies based on how the EVs are implemented and charged. The work is in collaboration with a distribution system operator (DSO) and is based on two case studies using real-life data reflecting conditions in Swedish grids. Combinations of different HC assessment methods have been used and the HC is evaluated based on cable loading, transformer loading and voltage deviation. Additionally, the study investigated three distinct charging strategies: charging on arrival, evenly spread charging over whole connection period, and charging at the lowest spot price. The results show that decisions on acceptable voltage deviation limit can have a large influence on the HC as well as the charging strategy used. A charging strategy based on energy prices resulted in the lowest HC, as numerous EVs charging simultaneously caused high power peaks during low spot price periods. Charging on arrival was the second worst strategy, as the peak power coincided with household demand. The best strategy was to evenly spread out the charging, resulting in fewer violations for 100% EV implementation compared to the other two strategies for 25% EV implementation. The findings underscore the necessity for coordinated charging controls for EV fleets or diversified power tariffs to balance power on a large scale in order to use the grids efficiently.
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