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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise comparativa e modelagem espacial de espécies de Anastrepha (Diptera, Tephritidae) coletadas em armadilhas e em plantas hospedeiras / Comparative analysis and spatial modeling of Anastrepha species (Diptera, Tephritidae) collected in traps and from host plants

Mayara Ribeiro de Araujo 22 January 2016 (has links)
Os estudos de diversidade de espécies são importantes para compreender os aspectos ecológicos das comunidades de moscas-das-frutas. Todavia, nos estudos de diversidade de moscas-das-frutas, têm sido discutidos principalmente os espécimes coletados em armadilhas tipo McPhail. Entretanto, no presente estudo, além dos dados de armadilhas, a diversidade foi também baseada nas moscas-das-frutas obtidas diretamente dos hospedeiros. Destsa forma, foi realizada, pela primeira vez, uma análise comparativa de espécies de Anastrepha coletadas em uma mesma área em armadilhas e nos hospedeiros. A diversidade de espécies de Anastrepha foi discutida, pela primeira vez, por meio da modelagem espacial. O levantamento de moscas-das-frutas foi realizado em 48 pontos de coleta distribuídos pelo campus \"Luiz de Queiroz\", Piracicaba, SP. Uma armadilha, contendo proteína hidrolisada de milho, foi instalada em cada ponto de coleta e os hospedeiros foram amostrados nas proximidades. As coletas com armadilhas foram realizadas semanalmente de julho de 1998 a junho de 1999. Os hospedeiros (26 espécies) foram amostrados de janeiro a dezembro de 1999. As espécies de Anastrepha coletadas nos dois métodos foram comparadas por meio de parâmetros faunísticos, índices de diversidade e flutuação populacional. As moscas-das-frutas obtidas nos hospedeiros foram comparadas por meio da análise de agrupamento (Sorensen e Bray-Curtis). A interação das espécies, nos dois métodos de coleta, foi baseada no heat map graph. O padrão de distribuição da diversidade foi analisado por meio de modelagem espacial (Krigagem). Foram coletadas 19.660 fêmeas de espécies de Anastrepha em armadilhas e 10.453 nos hospedeiros. Foram capturadas mais espécies de Anastrepha nas armadilhas (18) do que nos hospedeiros (7). Nas armadilhas, A. fraterculus, A. obliqua, A. bistrigata, A. pseudoparallela, A. barbiellinii e A. sororcula foram predominantes, mas somente A. fraterculus foi a mais abundante. Nos frutos, A. obliqua, A. fraterculus e A. bisgrigata foram predominantes, mas somente A. obliqua foi a mais abundante. A maior abundância de espécimes foi obtida em seriguela e a maior riqueza de espécies foi obtida em goiaba e em citros. Sete grupos foram formados pela presença e ausência de espécies de Anastrepha pelo coeficiente de similaridade de Sorensen e cinco grupos foram formados pela abundância de espécimes pelo coeficiente de Bray-Curtis. As características da comunidade (diversidade, riqueza, equitabilidade e dominância) diferiram nos dois métodos de coleta. Das seis espécies compartilhadas nas armadilhas e nos hospedeiros, apenas A. fraterculus e A. obliqua tiveram interação mais forte com os dois métodos de coleta. O pico populacional de espécies de Anastrepha ocorreu em setembro (armadilhas) e em fevereiro (hospedeiros). A disponibilidade de hospedeiros foi o fator que mais interferiu na dinâmica populacional. A diversidade de espécies de Anastrepha se concentrou nas áreas próximas aos fragmentos de mata. A maior diversidade ocorreu nas proximidades dos fragmentos acima de 100.000 m2. / Studies on diversity of fruit fly species are crucial for understanding ecological aspects of their communities of fruit flies. These studies have been carried out mostly on fruit flies collected in McPhail-type traps. Consequently, diversity of fruit flies has been discussed mostly on trapped specimens. Nonetheless, in this study, besides trapped specimens, diversity was also based on specimens obtained directly from hosts. Thus, it was performed, for the first time, a comparative analysis of Anastrepha species from same area collected in traps and from hosts. Additionally, diversity of Anastrepha species was discussed, for the first time, based on spatial modeling. Fruit fly survey was performed in 48 collecting points distributed throughout \"Luiz de Queiroz\" campus, in Piracicaba, state of São Paulo, Brazil. A trap, baited with hydrolyzed corn protein, was installed at each collecting point, and fruits nearby were sampled. Collections with traps were carried out weekly from July 1998 to June 1999. Hosts (26 species) were sampled from January to December 1999. Anastrepha species collected in both methods were compared by mean of faunistic parameters, diversity indices and population fluctuation. Fruit flies obtained from hosts were compared by mean cluster analysis (Sorensen e Bray-Curtis). The species interaction, in both collecting methods, was based on heat map graph. The diversity distribution pattern was analysed by mean of the spatial modelling (Kriging). A total of 19,660 females of Anastrepha species were collected in the traps, and 10,453 were obtained from hosts. It was captured more Anastrepha species (18) in the traps than in the hosts (7). In the traps, A. fraterculus, A. obliqua, A. bistrigata, A. pseudoparallela, A. barbiellinii and A. sororcula were more abundant, but only A. fraterculus was predominant. In the hosts, A. obliqua, A. fraterculus and A. bistrigata were predominant, but only A. obliqua was more abundant. The greatest abundance of specimens was obtained in red mombin and the greatest species richness in guava and citrus. Seven groups were formed by presence and absence of Anastrepha species for the Sorensen similarity coefficient, and five groups for the abundance of specimens for the Bray-Curtis coefficient. The community characteristics (diversity, richness, equitability, and dominance) differ in both collecting methods. Six species were collected in both traps and hosts, but only A. fraterculus and A. obliqua had stronger interaction with these collecting methods. The population peak of Anastrepha species occurred in September (traps) and in February (hosts). The host availability was the main factor that interfered with population dynamic. The Anastrepha species diversity concentrated in areas nearby of forest fragments. The highest diversity was adjacent to forest fragments above 100,000 m2.

Recherche d’agents infectieux circulant dans une communauté d’hôtes, intérêt pour la conservation des PNHs et risque d’émergence de maladies zoonotiquesau Centre De Primatologie du CIRMF et dans les sanctuaires de PNHs (au Gabon)rimatologie du CIRMF (Gabon) / Research of infectious agents circulating in a host community, interestfor the conservation of HNPs and risk of emergence of zoonotic diseasesin the CIRMF's Primatology Center and in the sanctuaries of PNH (in Gabon)

Ngoubangoye, Barthélémy 13 July 2017 (has links)
La survie des Primates Non Humains (PNHs) est menacée par les activités humaines et les maladies infectieuses. Pour contribuer à leur conservation au Gabon, plusieurs structures dont les sanctuaires et centres de primatologie ont été mises en place. Cependant, si la gestion des risques sanitaires n’est pas prise en compte et les conditions d’accompagnement réglementées, ces structures qui visent la sauvegarde des PNHs pourraient constituer de véritables carrefours d’échanges de parasites entre espèces de PNH, Homme et/ou microfaune. Ainsi, pour mieux comprendre la nature et l’ampleur du problème, notre travail de thèse avait pour but d’évaluer les risques sanitaires et zoonotiques chez des groupes d’hôtes de deux (2) sanctuaires et d’un (1) centre de primatologie au Sud-est du Gabon. En combinant les études épidémiologiques sur le terrain à la fois chez l’Homme et l’animal, le séquençage, les analyses phylogénétiques ainsi que la modélisation statistique, nos travaux se sont attelés à comprendre (i) la circulation d’agents infectieux entre espèces et (ii) les stratégies parasitaires dans ces nouveaux contextes de communautés créés par les activités humaines. Nous nous sommes intéressés à trois (3) modèles parasitaires, à savoir ; un (1) procaryote (Staphylococcus aureus) et deux (2) eucaryotes dont un agent pathogène à transmission vectorielle (Plasmodium spp) et un groupe viral à transmission directe ou indirecte (paramyxovirus). Nos résultats révèlent une grande diversité plasmodiale circulant chez les PNHs (9 espèces) et montrent que la spécificité d’hôtes observée jusqu’à présent en milieu naturel est rompue. Si aucun plasmodium simien n’a été trouvé chez l’Homme, le spectre d’hôtes de P. falciparum s’agrandit avec sa mise en évidence pour la première fois chez le Mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx). Nos résultats révèlent également une large diversité génétique de Stahylococcus aureus composée de souches généralistes et spécialistes, la circulation de souches SARM (S. aureus résistant à la méticilline) principalement via les souches généralistes, entre groupes d’hôtes traités et non traités aux antibiotiques et décrivent quinze (15) nouvelles souches. Pour les paramyxovirus, aucune infection n’a été identifiée mais la question du patron de circulation épidémique ou endémique est posée. En conclusion, cette étude montre que dans ces structures (i) les conditions écologiques de franchissement inter-espèces des parasites sont réunies et (ii) que ces dernières permettent le développement d’infections encore jamais observées en milieu naturel. Ces conditions de promiscuité entre espèces favorisent la sélection d’espèces parasitaires à large spectre d’hôtes (i.e., généralistes) mais aussi l’occurrence de souches bactériennes résistantes à la méticilline qui se propagent via la communautarisation des parasites, notamment dans la microfaune interagissant avec les PNHs traités aux antibiotiques ou à partir de l’Homme / The survival of Non-human Primates (NHPs) is threatened by human activities and infectious diseases. To participate in their conservation in Gabon, several facilities among which sanctuaries and the Centre De Primatologie (CDP) of the Centre International de Recherches Médicales de Franceville (CIRMF) have been created. However, if the management of health risks is not taken into account and the supportive conditions are not regulated, these facilities which aim to preserve NHPs could become real crossroads for the transmission of parasites between NHP species, humans and/or microfauna. Therefore, to better understand the nature and the extent of the problem, our thesis work aimed to evaluate the health and zoonotic risks in groups of hosts from two (2) sanctuaries and one (1) primatology center in the south-east of Gabon. By combining epidemiological studies on the field both in humans and animals, sequencing and phylogenetic analyses as well as statistical modelling, our work aimed to understand (i) the circulation of infectious agents between species and (ii) the parasitic strategies in the new context of these communities created by human activities. We focused on three (3) parasitic models, namely: one (1) prokaryote (Staphylococcus aureus) and two (2) eukaryotes among which one pathogenic agent with vectorial transmission (Plasmodium spp) and a viral group with direct or indirect transmission (paramyxovirus). Our results highlight a great plasmodial diversity circulating in NHPs (9 species) and show that the specificity of hosts observed up until now in their natural habitat is broken. No simian plasmodium was found in humans, however the specter of hosts of P. falciparum grows with the new addition of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx). Our results also reveal a large genetic diversity of Staphylococcus aureus composed of general and specialized strains, the circulation of SARM strains (S. aureus resistant to methicillin) mainly via the general strains, between groups of treated and non-treated hosts to antibiotics. Fifteen (15) new strains are described. Regarding paramyxoviruses, no infection was identified but we raise the question of epidemic or endemic circulation models. To conclude, this study shows that in these facilities (i) the ecological conditions required for inter-species crossing of parasites are gathered and (ii) these conditions allow the development of infections previously never observed in the natural environment. These conditions of promiscuity between species favor the selection of parasitic species with a large specter of hosts (i.e., generalists) but also the occurrence of bacterial strains resistant to methicillin which spread via the communitarisation of parasites, especially in microfauna interacting with NHPs treated with antibiotics or humans

臺灣的倉儲媒合平台 / Online platform for storage in taiwan

葛凡習, Grajales, Francis Unknown Date (has links)
2Store is an online platform for Storage in Taipei, our business model is based in peer to peer network, we will be connecting people who need a space to storage their belongings (Renters) and people with empty space in their house and willing to gain an extra revenue renting their space for storage (Hosts), 2Store will aggregate independent service providers. In fact, one of the key characteristics of 2Store is that Hosts and Renters can set the characteristics of the service that they want. For example, size, location, conditions of the place, security, insurance etc. therefore users of the service can adjust the service according to their requirements. 2Store online platform will charge host and renters a commission fee as a broker, therefore 2Store doesn’t require to invest in real estate or warehouses, our operating cost are relatively low compared with the competitors in the storage business, this convert 2Store in an attractive and innovative business model. Taipei have more than six companies involved in the storage business with about 12 warehouses and 44,000 mini warehouses. We also have analyzed the more than 2,7 million of persons in Taipei as our target market and the attraction of Taiwanese for new technologies and similar business models like Airbnb and Uber makes us believe that we have an opportunity of start operations in Taipei.

Diversité génomique des bactéries pathogènes du complexe d’espèces Borrelia burgdorferi : évolution et épidémiologie moléculaire / Genomic diversity of pathogenic bacteria in the Borrelia burgdorferi species complex : evolution and molecular epidemiology

Jacquot, Maude 08 October 2014 (has links)
Les maladies infectieuses sont une des causes les plus importantes de morbidité chez l'homme et l'animal avec des conséquences à la fois économiques, sanitaires et écologiques. L'étude de la diversité des pathogènes responsables et de leurs dynamiques de circulation au sein des communautés d'hôtes et de vecteurs, peut fournir des informations importantes pour la prévention et le contrôle de ces maladies. Dans ce contexte, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'agent pathogène responsable de la maladie de Lyme. Cette maladie est causée par les bactéries du complexe d'espèces Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) transmises par les tiques lors de repas sanguins et sont capables d'infecter plusieurs espèces d'hôtes vertébrés. L'analyse de la diversité génétique de 63 souches de B. burgdorferi s.l., dont les génomes ont été séquencés, ont révélé un degré d'isolement génétique très important entre les différentes espèces du complexe. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que les différents spectres d'hôtes des lignées de B. burgdorferi s.s. (principalement associées aux petits mammifères) et de B. garinii (normalement associées aux oiseaux) conduisent à des dynamiques de populations distinctes. De plus, grâce au séquençage haut-débit de deux marqueurs, nous avons pu démontrer qu'il existe, à une échelle intra-spécifique, des associations préférentielles des génotypes de B. burgdorferi avec différentes espèces de rongeurs. Enfin, en utilisant la diversité observée chez ces rongeurs et celle chez les tiques, nous avons estimé, via une approche de modélisation, que la contribution au risque de la maladie pour l'homme d'une espèce hôte introduite (tamia de Sibérie), pouvait être importante. / Infectious diseases are one of the major causes of human and animal morbidity, and they have impacts on the economy, public health, and the environment. By studying the diversity of the pathogens responsible for these diseases and their circulation within host communities and among vectors, we may glean valuable information that will aid prevention and control efforts. For these reasons, during my thesis, I became particularly interested in the pathogen(s) responsible for Lyme disease. This disease is caused by bacteria belonging to the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) species complex that are transmitted by ticks (during their blood meals) and that can infect several vertebrate host species. When I analyzed the genetic diversity present in 63 B. burgdorferi s.l. strains, whose genomes had been sequenced, I found that there was a significant degree of genetic separation among the different genospecies making up the complex. My results suggest that the fact that these different bacterial groups infect different ranges of hosts B. burgdorferi s.s. is mainly a pathogen of small mammals and B. garinii is primarily associated with birds lead to distinct population dynamics. Moreover, thanks to the high-throughput sequencing of two genetic markers, I have been able to show that, at an intraspecific level, certain B. burgdorferi genotypes are associated with specific rodent species. Finally, using the pathogen diversity observed in rodents and ticks, I employed a modeling approach to estimate the human disease risks presented by an introduced host species (the Siberian chipmunk) and found that these risks could be significant.

Mécanismes d'adaptation des insectes forestiers à de nouveaux arbres hôtes : une approche intégrative / Adaptation mechanisms of forest insects to novel hosts : an integrative approach

Bertheau, Coralie 22 June 2009 (has links)
Avec l'intensification de la sylviculture et des échanges internationaux (introductions d'insectes ou plantations d'essences exotiques), les arbres forestiers sont de plus en plus confrontés à des attaques de nouveaux insectes phytophages. La compréhension des mécanismes d’adaptation de ces insectes à de nouveaux hôtes représente un enjeu scientifique majeur faisant intervenir de nombreux facteurs et des processus biologiques complexes. Dans ce contexte, nous nous sommes focalisés sur l’étude du rôle de deux facteurs : (1) la proximité taxonomique entre hôtes naturels et nouveaux de l'insecte ; (2) l’étendue du spectre d’hôtes naturels de l’insecte. Quatre approches complémentaires (méta-analyse, inventaire terrain, tests comportementaux, analyses génétiques), réalisées à différentes échelles taxonomiques et géographiques, ont été développées, les trois dernières approches se focalisant sur les relations scolytes indigènes - conifères introduits. Les objectifs étaient, d'une part d’approfondir les connaissances sur les capacités des insectes forestiers à étendre leur gamme d’hôtes, d'autre part d'apporter des informations utiles au gestionnaire forestier pour évaluer les risques économiques et écologiques qui découlent de ces adaptations. Les résultats des quatre approches concordent pour démontrer l’importance des deux facteurs testés dans les relations insectes-arbres en général et scolytesconifères en particulier. Les insectes à large spectre d’hôtes naturels seraient plus aptes à coloniser de nouveaux hôtes que ceux dont la gamme d’hôtes est plus restreinte. Parallèlement, la présence d'hôtes nouveaux proches taxonomiquement des hôtes naturels faciliterait le changement d’hôte. L’ensemble de nos résultats a contribué à compléter les connaissances sur l’évolution de la gamme d’hôtes des insectes forestiers phytophages en présence de nouveaux hôtes et par conséquent sur la sensibilité relative de ces hôtes par rapport aux hôtes autochtones. / With the intensification of forestry and global trade (insect introductions or plantations of exotic trees), forest trees have increasingly to face attacks by novel phytophagous insects. Understanding the adaptation mechanisms of these insects to their novel hosts, represents a crucial scientific issue involving many factors and complex biological processes. In this general topic, we focused on the role of two factors: (1) the taxonomic proximity between natural and novel hosts of the insects; (2) the host specificity of the insect. Four complementary approaches (meta-analysis, field inventory, behavioral tests and genetic analyses) at different taxonomic and geographical scales have been developed, the last three approaches focusing on the adaptation of indigenous bark beetles to exotic conifers. The objectives were, firstly to improve knowledge on the ability of forest insects to extend their natural host range, and secondly to provide useful information to forest managers, in order they can assess ecological and economic risks arising from these adaptations. Results from the four approaches agree to demonstrate the importance of both tested factors in the insect-tree relationships in general and conifer-bark beetle in particular. Forest insects with a broad natural host range appear to be better colonizers of novel hosts than insects with a narrow host range. The presence of novel tree species taxonomically related to native hosts seems to favor insect host shift. This work has also contributed to improve knowledge on the evolution of the host range of phytophagous forest insects in presence of novel host trees species, and consequently on the sensitivity of these hosts relatively to native ones.

Områdesvärdarna Öster för ett tryggare Rosengård? / Community hosts in Malmö East for a safer Rosengård?

Björnram Daniel, Simon, Johanna, Seger January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrunden till arbetet var att det fanns en önskan att tillgå en ökad förståelse kring områdesvärdarna Öster och deras uppsökande och trygghetsskapande arbete i Rosengård. Studien har ett tvådelat syfte, dels att undersöka lokala ungdomars upplevelser av områdesvärdarnas arbete för ett tryggare Rosengård, dels att åskådliggöra lokala aktörers erfarenheter av verksamheten. Urvalet i aktuell studie bestod av tolv intervjuer med ungdomar och åtta intervjuer med lokala aktörer som omfattades av personal från Rosengårdsbibliotek och polis. Det resultatet som framkom i studien var att det finns en övergripande positiv bild gentemot områdesvärdarna från både ungdomarna i Rosengård och de lokala aktörer som verkar i området. Upplevelserna från ungdomarna kan tolkas som att områdesvärdarnas arbete minskar deras oro att utsättas för brott, samt att de lokala aktörerna anser att områdesvärdarna fyller flera viktiga funktioner i Rosengård bland annat genom deras synlighet och tillgänglighet. / The background of this study was the desire to increase the understanding of the community hosts in Malmö East and their work for a safer Rosengård. The aim of the study is split in two, the first refers to examine local youth’s experiences of the community hosts work to reduce fear of crime in Rosengård and the second refers to examine what experiences local stakeholders have towards the community hosts. The sample consists of twelve interviews with local youths and eight interviews with local stakeholders which includes employees of the local library and police working in the area. The result of the study indicates that there is a positive perception of the community hosts from both the local youth and from local stakeholders working in Rosengård. The experiences from the youths can be interpreted as that the community hosts and their work is reducing the fear of crime for youths in Rosengård. The local stakeholders claim that the community hosts are important for many functions in the area, this is possible through their visibility and presence.

Lokalizace stanic v síti Internet pomocí umělých souřadnicových systémů / Node localization on the Internet using artificial coordinate systems

Škvor, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is focused on methods for nodes localization in Internet using latency prediction in synthetic coordinates systems. Thesis also deal with methods, which latency prediction between nodes is based on other systems. Among such a methods particularly belongs King, which uses DNS (domain name service). Furthermore, thesis deal with relevance of overlay networks in latency prediction and their use for different services. Practical part of this thesis concentrates on method for latency prediction in synthetic coordinate system Global Network positioning. There were made two programs for counting coordinates of landmarks and hosts in this system. Measurements and calculations made in this thesis, are focused to determine accuracy of latency prediction of this method and their evaluation is made at the end of thesis.

Advanced Characterization of Exoplanet Host Stars

Al Moulla, Khaled January 2020 (has links)
The spectroscopic determination of stellar properties is important for subsequent studies of exoplanet atmospheres. In this thesis, HARPS data for 6 exoplanet-hosting, late-type stars is processed to achieve an average signal-to-noise ratio of ~105. Together with line data, the SME tool is used to synthesize spectra and interpolate model photospheres with which chi-square minimization is performed. Fundamental parameters are derived to an overall precision of 191 K in effective temperature, 0.88 dex in surface gravity and 0.21 dex in metallicity. For 5 of the stars, the parameters are thereafter used to compute specific intensities across the stellar discs. Primary improvements could be made in regards to the stellar models, i.a. through the update of atomic properties and inclusion of magnetic fields. The numerical derivation can also be handled more carefully by excluding parameter-insensitive spectral regions. / Den spektroskopiska bestämningen av stjärnegenskaper är viktig för efterföljande studier av exoplaneters atmosfärer. I denna avhandling bearbetas HARPS-data från 6 stjärnor av sen typ som hyser exoplaneter för att uppnå en genomsnittlig signal-till-bruskvot på ~105. Tillsammans med linjedata, används SME-programvaran för att syntetisera spektra och interpolera modellfotosfärer med vilka chi-kvadratminimering genomförs. Fundamentala parametrar härleds till en medelprecision på 191 K i effektiv temperatur, 0.88 dex i ytgravitation och 0.21 dex i metallicitet. För 5 av stjärnorna används parametrarna till att därefter beräkna specifika intensiteter över stjärnornas projicerade ytor. Huvudsakliga förbättringar kan göras med avseende på stjärnmodellerna, bl.a. genom uppdatering av atomära egenskaper och inkludering av magnetiska fält. Den numeriska härledningen kan också hanteras med högre noggrannhet genom att avsiktligt exkludera parameterokänsliga spektralregioner.

Hosté a hostitelé: turistické interakce v istrijském penzionu Lucia / Guests and Hosts: Tourist Interactions in the Istrian Pension Lucia

Garajová, Jolana January 2015 (has links)
The master's thesis explores the process in which tourist interactions between hosts and guests develop and sheds some light on tourism imaginaries by which these interactions are constructed and produced in an Istrian pension. The ethnography of hosts and guests presented here illustrates how the global and the local are closely intertwined through the process called glocalization (Salazar, 2005) and shows that "the global not only affects, but becomes the local, and vice versa". (Leite, Graburn in Jamal, Robinson ed., 2009: 53) The thesis shows how both the global and the local can take an active part in the process of new meaning-making in the context of tourism. In the pension, there is an ongoing local struggle over tourism imaginaries seeking to redefine the place and people. (Salazar, 2012) The thesis reveals that hosts cannot be viewed as passive victims of their hosts' expectations. They rather can be viewed as active negotiators, negotiating their position in the field of tourism. Key words: globalization, truism, global, local, glocalization, hosts/guests, tourism imaginaries, identity, cosmopolitanism, tourist development Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Évaluation des facteurs influençant l’avortement des oeufs de la punaise marbrée Halyomorpha halys Stål (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) par la guêpe parasitoïde Telenomus podisi Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)

Hadi, Frederic 08 1900 (has links)
Les parasitoïdes se développent sur, ou, à l'intérieur d'un hôte qu’ils tuent au cours de leur développement. Ils sont souvent utilisés en lutte biologique car ils ont la capacité de réduire et de contrôler les populations d’organismes considérés comme nuisibles. Nous avons investigué la capacité de la guêpe parasitoïde Telenomus podisi à induire l’avortement des oeufs de son hôte : la punaise exotique Halyomorpha halys. Cette nouvelle association d’espèce ne permet pas à la guêpe de se reproduire, mais elle induit un taux d’avortement des oeufs de l’hôte, néanmoins variable d’une guêpe à l’autre. Nos trois expériences ont permis de déterminer que 1) le taux d’avortement suit la grosseur de l’oeuf, qu’il soit parasité ou non. Que ce taux d’avortement est encore plus important lorsque parasité par des guêpes de plus petite taille. 2) Le taux d'avortement est expliqué à 18.2% par la génétique des guêpes (h2 = 0,182). 3) Il est difficile de générer une population de T. podisi capable d’induire un taux d’avortement élevé après 5 générations de reproduction sélective. Nous ouvrons, par ces résultats, une piste en matière de lutte biologique contre l’insecte ravageur qu’est H. halys. L’utilisation de petites guêpes permettrait de réduire la reproduction de la punaise. Mais aussi, qu’à la lumière du contenu de ce mémoire, un programme de reproduction sélective pourrait être optimisé pour produire des guêpes performantes en matière d’avortement des oeufs de H. halys. / Parasitoids develop on, or, inside a host they kill during their development. They are often used in biological control because they have the ability to reduce and control populations of organisms considered harmful. We investigated the ability of the parasitoid wasp Telenomus podisi to induce the abortion of its host eggs: the exotic stink bug Halyomorpha halys. This new species association does not allow the wasp to reproduce, but it induces some abortion of the eggs of the host, nevertheless variable from one wasp to another. Our three experiments have determined that 1) the abortion rate follows the size of the egg, whether parasitized or not. That this abortion rate is even greater when parasitized by smaller wasps 2) The abortion rate is explained to 18.2% by wasp genetics (h2 = 0.182). 3) It is difficult to generate a population of T. podisi capable of inducing a high abortion rate after 5 generations of selective breeding. With these results, we are opening a track in biological control against the pest insect H. halys. The use of small wasps would reduce the stink bug reproduction. But also, at the light of the contents of this thesis, a selective breeding program could be optimized to produce efficient wasps in the abortion of H. halys eggs.

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