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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementation of the Human Resource Development Strategy for South Africa / Andrew Willie Bartlett

Bartlett, Andrew Willie January 2011 (has links)
In 2001 the first Human Resource Development Strategy of South Africa (HRDSA) was implemented. The lack of institutional arrangements, structures, procedures, processes and capacity and the location of the HRDSA, 2001, at both the then Departments of Education and Labour, severely hampered the implementation and effective functioning of the Strategy. This study aims to find solutions to the main implementation difficulties experienced with the HRDSA, 2001, in order to ensure increased performance regarding the strategic priorities of the revised HRDSA, 2010 – 2030. An empirical study was conducted to determine potential challenges pertaining to the implementation of the revised HRDSA. Interviews were conducted with senior officials and experts at relevant national departments and with the Gauteng Provincial Government and social partners and relevant stakeholders, including organised labour and organised business. Questionnaires distributed among human resource development (HRD) practitioners addressed matters pertaining to possible solutions with regard to the appropriate location of the HRDSA, challenges in implementing the HRDSA, capacity needs, appropriate governance structures, political support and budgetary constraints. Best practice for the implementation of a national HRD strategy in a number of countries is outlined and discussed with a view to benchmarking the HRDSA and learning from the mistakes made by them in the implementation of their national HRD strategies. Based on these lessons learnt by those countries, and valuable information gathered through the results obtained from the questionnaires and interviews, recommendations are made to support the successful implementation of the revised HRDSA. The recommendations are focused on the effective, efficient, economic and sustainable implementation of the revised HRDSA commitments, strategic priorities, strategic objectives, programmes and projects to improve social and economic growth, as well as HRD, human development (HD) and accelerated quality service delivery in South Africa. / Thesis (M. Development and Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Implementation of the Human Resource Development Strategy for South Africa / Andrew Willie Bartlett

Bartlett, Andrew Willie January 2011 (has links)
In 2001 the first Human Resource Development Strategy of South Africa (HRDSA) was implemented. The lack of institutional arrangements, structures, procedures, processes and capacity and the location of the HRDSA, 2001, at both the then Departments of Education and Labour, severely hampered the implementation and effective functioning of the Strategy. This study aims to find solutions to the main implementation difficulties experienced with the HRDSA, 2001, in order to ensure increased performance regarding the strategic priorities of the revised HRDSA, 2010 – 2030. An empirical study was conducted to determine potential challenges pertaining to the implementation of the revised HRDSA. Interviews were conducted with senior officials and experts at relevant national departments and with the Gauteng Provincial Government and social partners and relevant stakeholders, including organised labour and organised business. Questionnaires distributed among human resource development (HRD) practitioners addressed matters pertaining to possible solutions with regard to the appropriate location of the HRDSA, challenges in implementing the HRDSA, capacity needs, appropriate governance structures, political support and budgetary constraints. Best practice for the implementation of a national HRD strategy in a number of countries is outlined and discussed with a view to benchmarking the HRDSA and learning from the mistakes made by them in the implementation of their national HRD strategies. Based on these lessons learnt by those countries, and valuable information gathered through the results obtained from the questionnaires and interviews, recommendations are made to support the successful implementation of the revised HRDSA. The recommendations are focused on the effective, efficient, economic and sustainable implementation of the revised HRDSA commitments, strategic priorities, strategic objectives, programmes and projects to improve social and economic growth, as well as HRD, human development (HD) and accelerated quality service delivery in South Africa. / Thesis (M. Development and Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

The complementarities of child health achievements in developing countries

Lo Bue, Maria Carmela 06 February 2015 (has links)
Diese Dissertation basiert auf einer auf den Menschen bezogenen, multidimensionalen Betrachtung von Entwicklung. Sie soll empirisch Übereinstimmungen und Determinanten der Gesundheit von Kindern in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen analysieren. Der erste Essay – mit verfasst von Stephan Klasen - wendet bivariate Cluster Analyse an, um die Beziehung der Verbesserungen verschiedener Gesundheits- und Bildungsindikatoren der Millennium Development Goals (MDG) zu untersuchen. Die MDGs beinhalten Schlüsselaspekte des menschlichen Wohlbefindens und sollten daher eng miteinander verkoppelt sein. Trotz der substantiellen theoretischen Grundlage für enorme Synergien zwischen MDG Zielen, ist die empirische Heterogenität der Kopplung der Prozesse zwischen verschiedenen MDGs erheblich groß.  Die zentrale Fragestellung des ersten Essays dieser Dissertation ist daher, ob klare Gruppen eben jener Länder ausgemacht werden können, in denen derartige Synergien existieren (und in denen diese nicht existieren), und was die Zugehörigkeit in derartigen Gruppen treibt.   Unser Beitrag ist, den MDG Fortschritt durch Indikatoren relativer Leistung zu definieren. Diese bezeichnen die Änderungsrate, die die empirisch "erwartete" Änderungsrate bei gegebenen ursprünglichen Bedingungen übersteigt. Diese Maßnahme erlaubt es uns für den unterschiedlichen Grad an Ambition impliziert durch die MDGs bei Ländern mit unterschiedlichen Ausgangslagen zu kontrollieren und lässt uns im Grunde fragen ob Länder, die außerordentlichen Fortschritt bei der Erreichung von MDGs gemacht haben, von Synergien profitiert haben. Indem wir die Cluster Analyse auf diese Indikatoren der relativen Leistung in Bezug auf verschiedene MDG Indikatoren für Gesundheit und Bildung anwenden konnten wir jene Länder, in denen sich Indikatoren in die selbe Richtung ("gute" oder "schlechte" Performer) bewegten, von solchen Ländern unterscheiden, bei denen sich Indikatoren in unterschiedliche Richtungen ("partielle" Performer) bewegten. Unsere Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass Synergien existieren, diese jedoch nur bei einer eingeschränkten Gruppe von Ländern auftreten (die "guten" Performer, die mit Fortschritt einhergehen und die "schlechten" Performer, die mit Rückschritt einhergehen). Andererseits können wir zeigen, dass bei einer beträchtlichen Anzahl an Ländern Synergien schwach oder abwesend sind, was zu umgekehrten Bewegungen  im MDG Fortschritt bei mindestens einem oder zwei Paaren von nicht einkommensbezogenen MDG Indikatoren führt. Unsere Regressionsergebnisse zeigen, dass diese partielle Performance gut durch steigende Ungleichheit und niedrige institutionelle Qualität erklärt wird. Andererseits kann Wirtschaftswachstum, welches als die robusteste Determinante der Cluster-Zugehörigkeit erscheint, insbesondere gute von schlechten Performern unterscheiden. Der zweite Essay - in alleiniger Urheberschaft - analysiert die kurz- und langfristigen Determinanten von Errungenschaften bei der Gesundheit von Kindern unter Verwendung von Längsschnittsdaten aus Indonesien. Basierend auf dem analytischen Ansatz von Mosley und Chen (1984), werden insbesondere die Effekte einer Reihe von kindspezifischer, Haushalts- und Gemeindecharakteristika auf den Ernährungszustand von Kindern, gemessen in height-for age z-scores, betrachtet. Der besondere Beitrag dieser Studie ist die Verwendung von Paneldaten auf der Mikro-Ebene und einer Methodologie (dem Mundlak-Ansatz für fixe  Haushalteffekte), die  robuste und unverzerrte Schätzungen liefert. Desweiteren ermöglicht sie die Identificationkurz- und langfristiger Effekte unmittelbarer und sozioökonomischer Determinanten der Gesundheit von und trägt so zur bestehenden Literatur bei. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass mütterliche Bildung einen positiven und langfristigen Einfluss auf die Gesundheit von Kindern hat. Dies zeigt sich teilweise in reproduktivem Verhalten und wird teilweise durch Praktiken im Umgang mit Kindern (d.h. Stillen) vermittelt. Andererseits zeigt sich kein langfristiger Effekt von Einkommen, obgleich temporäre Einkommenssteigerungen zu höheren Ausgaben und somit zu einer Verbessereung des Eernährungsstatus führen., Hierbei zeigt nur der Erwerb und die Verwendung von Vorleistungsgütern der Gesundheitsproduktion wie einer verbesserten Hygieneinfrastruktur einen ausgeprägten und signifikanten Einfluss auf die Gesundheit von Kindern. Insgesamt implizieren die Ergebnisse, dass eine Politik der Linderung von Einkommensarmut ergänzt durch Investitionen in grundlegende Gesundheitsinfrastruktur erheblich dazu beitragen, die Gesundheit von Kindern zu verbessern. Da der Zusammenhangzwischen der Bildung von Müttern, Praktiken der Kindesernährung und der Gesundheit von Kindern stark ausgeprägt ist, könnten auch Strategien, die die Qualität von Bildung erhöhen,  den Ernährungszustand von Kindern verbessern. Der dritte Essay - in alleiniger Urheberschaft - untersucht die Auswirkungen des Ernährungszustandes auf den Bildungserfolg. Dabei werden Paneldaten auf der Miko-Ebene aus Indonesien verwendet. Außerdem wird eine Spezifikation mit Mutter-Fixed Effects, die durch einen Instrumentalvariablen-Ansatz erweitert wird, verwendet um für mögliche Korrelationen zwischen verschiedenen Komponenten des Fehlerterms und der unabhängigen Variable zu kontrollieren. Wir nutzen Flächenbrände, die im Jahr 1997 in Inodensien zu einer Dürre führten, und Variation zwischen Geschwistern und identifizieren so den Effekt des Ernährungszustands in den frühen Lebensmonaten auf den späteren Bildungserfolg. Schätzungen zeigen, dass Gesundheitskapital (gemessen in height-for-age z-scores in der Kindheit) die Anzahl an abgeschlossenen Schuljahren und das Ergebnis bei kognitiven Testes signifikant positiv beeinflusst.  Dies impliziert, dass von einer politischen Perspektive aus Zielsetzungen im Bereich Schule und Ernährung nicht als rivalisierend betrachtet werden sollten, sondern eng miteinander verzahnt sind. Daher konkurrieren finanzielle Ressourcen, die der Kindesernährung gewidmet sind, nicht unbedingt mit solchen für Bildungszwecke. Im Gegensatz könnten sie - wie in diesem Essay beschrieben - als eine kosteneffizientere Art betrachtet werden, gegenwärtige und zukünftige sozio-ökonomische Entwicklung anzuheben.

Tourist Philanthropy, Disparity and Development: The Impacts of Tourists' Gift-giving on Developing Communities. Trinidad, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba.

Wiebe, Laura Ariana 13 May 2011 (has links)
For more than a decade tourists originating in developed nations have been giving various gifts to locals of tourism communities in developing nations. This occurrence is commonly associated with the Caribbean, and is particularly well known to occur in Cuba. Tourism has often been adopted as a part of economic development strategies of developing nations, however due to a lack of studies on tourists’ philanthropic gift-giving it is unclear how the occurrence affects both human and economic development, and likewise its impacts such as possibilities of population disparity. There are current restrictions in Cuba which forbid locals from accepting the gifts of international tourists (Taylor & McGlynn 2009; Mesa-Lago 2005), however the island’s unique need for material goods seems to over-rule this policy. The implication herein indicates benefits to accepting gifts from tourists. Tourism employees most frequently come in contact with tourists and the potential of gift receipts by tourism employees is heightened. This in turn carries implications of social disparities amongst the population resulting from unequal gift receipts by tourism employees. Furthermore, current research suggests that complex social relationships are created through gift-giving yet little is understood within the context of tourist-to-local community member. The goal of this thesis is to determine whether international tourist philanthropic gift-giving contributes to social disparity within a local community as well as its affects on human and economic development. This has been achieved through case study research from a mixed-methods approach in Trinidad, Sancti Spirtus, Cuba. The results of this research point to significant economic gains and improvement in access-to-material-goods through tourists’ gift-giving, which in turn have been found to contribute to economic development. However, the external nature of tourists’ gift-giving limits using the phenomenon as a reliable tool for economic development. Impacts on human development are not as clearly defined. Although tourists’ gift-giving contributes to some aspects of human development, the phenomenon cannot be considered to contribute to overall human development. Although population disparity was found to be an impact of tourists’ philanthropic gift-giving, community members viewed the occurrence as a positive benefit of tourism. The policy in Cuba restricting locals from accepting tourists’ gifts has been largely ineffective as this type of economic gain was found to be well integrated in the informal economy. The general public is largely unaware of the policy and it is likely Cubans will continue to accept tourists’ gifts. Although this research has revealed interesting insight regarding tourists’ philanthropic gift-giving much remains to be known of its impacts and several recommendations for future studies are suggested.

Indigenous Peoples' Right to Self-determination and Development Policy

Panzironi, Francesca January 2007 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / This thesis analyses the concept of indigenous peoples’ right to self–determination within the international human rights system and explores viable avenues for the fulfilment of indigenous claims to self–determination through the design, implementation and evaluation of development policies. The thesis argues that development policy plays a crucial role in determining the level of enjoyment of self–determination for indigenous peoples. Development policy can offer an avenue to bypass nation states’ political unwillingness to recognize and promote indigenous peoples’ right to self–determination, when adequate principles and criteria are embedded in the whole policy process. The theoretical foundations of the thesis are drawn from two different areas of scholarship: indigenous human rights discourse and development economics. The indigenous human rights discourse provides the articulation of the debate concerning the concept of indigenous self–determination, whereas development economics is the field within which Amartya Sen’s capability approach is adopted as a theoretical framework of thought to explore the interface between indigenous rights and development policy. Foundational concepts of the capability approach will be adopted to construct a normative system and a practical methodological approach to interpret and implement indigenous peoples’ right to self–determination. In brief, the thesis brings together two bodies of knowledge and amalgamates foundational theoretical underpinnings of both to construct a normative and practical framework. At the normative level, the thesis offers a conceptual apparatus that allows us to identify an indigenous capability rights–based normative framework that encapsulates the essence of the principle of indigenous self–determination. At the practical level, the normative framework enables a methodological approach to indigenous development policies that serves as a vehicle for the fulfilment of indigenous aspirations for self–determination. This thesis analyses Australia’s health policy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as an example to explore the application of the proposed normative and practical framework. The assessment of Australia’s health policy for Indigenous Australians against the proposed normative framework and methodological approach to development policy, allows us to identify a significant vacuum: the omission of Aboriginal traditional medicine in national health policy frameworks and, as a result, the devaluing and relative demise of Aboriginal traditional healing practices and traditional healers.

A apropriação da psicologia histórico-cultural na educação infantil brasileira: análise de teses e documentos oficiais no período de 2000 a 2009 / The appropriation of Cultural-Historical Psychology in Brazilian Early Childhood Education: analysis of theses and MEC documents in the period 2000-2009

Silva, Janaina Cassiano 12 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5266.pdf: 2118849 bytes, checksum: b0c2b3f8b6a6b4a95f2fdc1398c2022c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-12 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The theoretical assumptions of Cultural-Historical Psychology started circulating in Brazilian academia, in the 1980s through works translated from English to Portuguese; among them is Vygotsky s book entitled Thought and Language. Faced with this observation, we sought to understand: How has Historical-Cultural Psychology been appropriated in the Brazilian educational field? Thus, the hypothesis that has guided us is that there is a mistaken appropriation of the precepts of Cultural-Historical Psychology, a fact not tied to individual questions but rather resulting from how these ideas were incorporated in Brazil with the aim to join the hegemonic discourse in the field of pedagogical ideas: neoproductivism and its variants. Thus, our general aimis to understand and analyze how the appropriation of Cultural-Historical Psychology s assumptions by the field of Early Childhood Education during the first decade of this century in Brazil has occurred. Therefore, we conducted a bibliographic study of Official Ministry of Education (MEC) documents, as well as academic production (theses) related to Early Childhood Education in this period. We used as categories of analysis the concepts of zone of proximal development (ZPD) and play/role play. The methodological procedures that guided us are the five categories proposed by Demerval Saviani, namely: the principle of the concrete nature of historical educational knowledge, the long-term perspective, the analytic-synthetic vision, the articulation of the singular and the universal and the relevance of historical research. With respect to the zone of proximal development, we find that the aspect most studied in theses and MEC documents was the definition of this concept. This was presented as the distance between what child is able to perform alone (actual development) and its performances with the help of an adult or in collaboration with other more experienced children (potential development). Regarding play/role play, several aspects were treated. In the Theses researchers studied the origin of play/role play, the definition of this concept, the toy, imagination and fantasy, among other topics. MEC documents mainly addressed imagination, child development, the toy and the role performed by children in play. After this analysis we infer that there is an eclectical appropriation with peculiarities that distances itself from discussions of the concepts presented in both: classics and by contemporary researchers who seek to continue research in this area. Thus, we sought to understand this eclecticism in the history of pedagogical and psychological ideas since the 1980s. We note that in this period with regard to pedagogical ideas we are in the midts of neoproductivis, and in relation to psychological ideas in the field of education we have experienced a period of criticism and reconstruction of School/Educational Psychology. However, in our analysis we found that this movement of criticism and reconstruction of School/Educational Psychology was not appropriate in the area of Early Childhood Education. We conclude with the statement that the eclecticism in theses and MEC documents is reflected in this historical period. / Os pressupostos teóricos da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural começaram a circular no meio acadêmico brasileiro, a partir da década de 1980, através de obras traduzidas do inglês para o português, dentre estas temos o livro de Vygotsky intitulado Pensamento e Linguagem. Perante essa observação, buscamos compreender: Como a Psicologia Histórico-Cultural tem sido apropriada no campo educacional brasileiro? Assim, a hipótese que nos norteou é a de que ocorre uma apropriação equivocada dos preceitos da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural, fato este não vinculado a questões individuais e sim, fruto do modo como essas ideias foram inseridas no Brasil, visando fazer coro com o discurso hegemônico no campo das ideias pedagógicas, o neoprodutivismo e seus variantes. Desta forma, o nosso objetivo geral é apreender e analisar como tem ocorrido a apropriação dos pressupostos teóricos da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural pela área da educação infantil durante a primeira década do século XXI. Para tanto realizamos um levantamento bibliográfico dos documentos oficiais do Ministério da Educação (MEC), bem como de produções acadêmicas (teses) relacionadas à Educação Infantil nesse período. Utilizamos como categorias de análise os conceitos de zona de desenvolvimento proximal (ZDP) e brincar/jogo de papéis sociais. Como procedimentos metodológicos nos pautamos nas cinco categorias propostas por Demerval Saviani, a saber: o princípio do caráter concreto do conhecimento histórico-educacional; a perspectiva de longa duração; o olhar analítico-sintético; a articulação do singular e do universal e a atualidade da pesquisa histórica. Com relação à zona de desenvolvimento proximal, verificamos que nas teses e nos documentos do MEC o aspecto mais trabalhado foi a definição deste conceito. Este foi apresentado como sendo a distância entre o que a criança consegue realizar sozinha (desenvolvimento real) e o que esta executa com o auxílio de um adulto ou com a colaboração de outra(s) criança(s) mais experiente(s) (desenvolvimento potencial). No que se refere ao brincar/jogo de papéis sociais, vários aspectos foram tratados. Nas teses os pesquisadores estudaram a origem do brincar/jogo de papéis sociais, a definição deste conceito, o brinquedo, a imaginação e fantasia, dentre outros temas. Já nos documentos do MEC foram abordados principalmente a imaginação, o desenvolvimento infantil, o brinquedo e o papel desempenhado pela criança na brincadeira. Após essa análise inferimos que há uma apropriação eclética com peculiaridades que a distanciam das discussões, dos conceitos presentes tanto nos clássicos quanto nos pesquisadores contemporâneos, que buscam dar continuidade a pesquisas nesta área. Deste modo, buscamos no campo da história das ideias pedagógicas e psicológicas, a partir da década de 1980, a compreensão desse ecletismo. Constatamos que nesse período com relação às ideias pedagógicas estamos no neoprodutivismo e, no que se refere às ideias psicológicas no campo da educação vivenciamos um período de crítica e reconstrução da Psicologia Escolar/Educacional. Entretanto, verificamos em nossa análise que esse movimento de crítica e reconstrução da Psicologia Escolar/Educacional não foi apropriado na área da educação infantil. Concluímos com a afirmação de que o ecletismo presente nas teses e documentos do MEC se alinha a esse período histórico que vivenciamos.

Les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) : facteurs de développement humain : cas de la Région Méknès-Tafilalet au Maroc / The information technology and communication : factors of human development : the case of Region Meknes-Tafilalet in Morocco

Ben el Maati, Abdelkader 11 October 2013 (has links)
La présente étude essaie de répondre au questionnement : les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), contribueraient-elles à la création d’emplois au Maroc et lesquels emplois généreraient-ils des revenus assez suffisants pour permettre aux acteurs TIC les uns, de se prendre en charge pour leurs besoins essentiels (nourriture, habillement, logement décent, soins) et pour d’autres de mener une vie meilleure (se marier, avoir son propre logement, une sécurité sociale , un moyen de transport, l’accès aux loisirs, pouvoir économiser). En prenant en considération d’une part, le niveau de vie de la grande majorité et d’autre part la culture sociale et religieuse des marocains, la notion de développement humain se réduit principalement à l’amélioration matérielle des conditions de vie. Pour vérifier l’hypothèse, une enquête a été effectuée dans la région de Méknès-Tafilalet au Maroc. Cette étude, basée sur les données de 239 sondés par questionnaire exerçant dans 113 entreprises (téléboutiques, cybercafés, centres d’appel, opérateurs, l’administration publique) et sur les interviews et les témoignages de 24 utilisateurs) a révélé que, sur le plan économique, les activités TIC luttent contre le chômage en procurant de l’emploi même à ceux qui n’ont aucune formation dans le domaine et permettent l’accès aux différents indices de la hiérarchie de développement humain et ce proportionnellement aux niveaux de qualification. Sur le plan social, les services rendus par les TIC (téléphonie et internet de proximité, transmission des événements sportifs et politiques, réseaux sociaux, guichets automatiques, services de la e-administration, et de la e-gouvernance…) ont apporté une grande satisfaction aux utilisateurs. Cependant, l’étude a révélé que les TIC ont aussi des impacts négatifs sur la société (perte d’emplois, réduction de revenus, délinquance, cybercriminalité, …) et sur l’environnement. / This study tries to answer the question: the information technology and communication (ICT) to help they create jobs in Morocco and which jobs they generate income sufficient enough to allow the ICT actors some, take responsibility for their basic needs (food, clothing, housing, health care) and for others to live a better life (getting married, having its own housing, social security, means of transport, access to leisure, to save). Taking into account the one hand, the standard of living of the majority and secondly the social and religious culture of Morocco, the concept of human development is reduced mainly to improve material conditions of life. To test the hypothesis, a survey was carried out in the Départment of Meknes-Tafilalet in Morocco. This study, based on data from 239 respondents throught questionnaire practicing in 113 companies (phone shops, cafes, call centers, operators, public administration) and on interviews and testimonies from 24 users) showed that the economic, ICT activities struggle against unemployment by providing employment even those who have no training in the field and provide access to various indices of the hierarchy of human development and in proportion to the level of qualification. On the social services provided by ICT (Internet, telephony, and nearby transmission of sports events and political, social networks, ATM services, e-government and e-governance ...) have made a great user satisfaction. However, the study revealed that ICT also have negative impacts on society (cybercrime, job loss, reduction in income..) and on the environment.

Contribuição à crítica da produção do conhecimento sobre o currículo de pedagogia no Brasil: uma análise das teses ( 1987-2010)

Gama, Carolina Nozella January 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Auxiliadora Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2013-09-23T18:41:25Z No. of bitstreams: 3 ANEXOS A a G.pdf: 297131 bytes, checksum: d9efaf992ec137e471d7dae83989b49c (MD5) APÊNDICES A a S.pdf: 620021 bytes, checksum: 9b5234b03704d94caaaff321c2ff1d25 (MD5) Carolina Nozella Gama.pdf: 1405056 bytes, checksum: 4d00cc312789986c615c8c9e48a09104 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora Lopes(silopes@ufba.br) on 2013-09-23T18:42:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 ANEXOS A a G.pdf: 297131 bytes, checksum: d9efaf992ec137e471d7dae83989b49c (MD5) APÊNDICES A a S.pdf: 620021 bytes, checksum: 9b5234b03704d94caaaff321c2ff1d25 (MD5) Carolina Nozella Gama.pdf: 1405056 bytes, checksum: 4d00cc312789986c615c8c9e48a09104 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-09-23T18:42:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 ANEXOS A a G.pdf: 297131 bytes, checksum: d9efaf992ec137e471d7dae83989b49c (MD5) APÊNDICES A a S.pdf: 620021 bytes, checksum: 9b5234b03704d94caaaff321c2ff1d25 (MD5) Carolina Nozella Gama.pdf: 1405056 bytes, checksum: 4d00cc312789986c615c8c9e48a09104 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / As avaliações críticas da produção do conhecimento científico são uma atividade humana fundamental na identificação de limites e possibilidades do conhecimento historicamente acumulado para a reflexão acerca dos problemas situados no mundo da necessidade. Tomando como objeto o currículo de pedagogia, o estudo analisa as relações estabelecidas entre as concepções de homem e projeto histórico e as categorias da prática - trabalho educativo, currículo e escola - nas teses sobre currículo de pedagogia no Brasil, tendo em vista a necessidade histórica de apropriação dos conhecimentos objetivos/científicos pela classe trabalhadora. A fonte de análise foram as teses disponíveis nos bancos de teses da CAPES e da BDTD, no período de 1987 a 2010. Fundamentado no materialismo histórico dialético, toma a crítica em Marx para a análise destas produções. Parte das seguintes hipóteses: 1) É possível, que as concepções de homem/formação humana presentes nas teses não apontem a necessidade de articulação de um projeto educacional (concepção de formação humana) com um projeto de mudança radical das relações sociais que se estabelecem na sociedade capitalista (projeto histórico), necessidade imperiosa dos dias atuais. 2) Possivelmente, estas teses não pautam o currículo de formação do pedagogo a partir da necessidade histórica de apropriação dos conhecimentos objetivos/científicos pela classe trabalhadora, levando em consideração a situação concreta de desqualificação e rebaixamento da educação no país, ou seja, a partir da prática da qual a pedagogia se origina e a qual ela se destina. A análise dos dados demonstra que cerca de 86% das teses fundamentam-se numa visão idealista de homem e de mundo, centrando a discussão sobre o currículo na subjetividade, em detrimento do debate a partir das necessidades reais do nosso tempo. As teorias são substituídas por descrições fenomênicas e interpretações consensuais, segundo as quais a verdade científica reside não na realidade em si, mas nas normas particulares de grupos específicos. Assim, ao tratar da escola, do trabalho educativo e do currículo, nega-se a universalidade da cultura e o conhecimento objetivo, bem como secundariza-se a necessidade de apropriação deste conhecimento na escola. Discuti-se o currículo de pedagogia desconsiderando que a alteração do mesmo não pode se dar descolada da luta mais geral pela superação da realidade que o determina em última instância. Os outros 14% das teses concebem que o homem constitui-se a partir do trabalho em seu sentido ontológico, articulando a discussão sobre a alteração do currículo à luta pela superação do capital, defendendo explicitamente o projeto histórico socialista. Ao fazê-lo reconhecem a universalidade da cultura e a objetividade do conhecimento, bem como a necessidade do trato e da apropriação do mesmo na escola, no currículo pelo trabalho educativo. Finalmente, o estudo aponta que é necessário avançarmos em proposições e práticas curriculares que tenham em vista a formação humana vinculada ao processo de transição ao projeto histórico comunista. / Salvador

Dynamiques alternatives pour l'accès au droit et à la justice dans un contexte de pauvreté : enjeux de l'état de droit, de la gouvernance et du développement durable / Alternative dynamics for the access to justice and to the law in a context of poverty : Stake of the rule of law, of governance and of sustainable development

Njupouen, Isaac Bolivar René 11 March 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur des dynamiques plurielles d’accès au droit et à la justice chez les plus pauvres. Dans le contexte actuel marqué par la mondialisation du capitalisme, on assiste à la judiciarisation galopante de la société qui semble induite par la première; les individus aspirent de plus en plus à être des sujets de droit et tout ou presque se réfère à la justice. Dans le même temps, l’enrichissement démesuré des uns et l’appauvrissement des autres n’a pas réduit le fossé et les tensions entre riches et pauvres, forts et faibles. Si la justice est un besoin fondamental inné chez tout être humain, accéder à ses institutions et en obtenir des décisions à sa faveur à juste titre reste dans une certaine mesure dans l’imaginaire et dans la réalité de moult sociétés, comme étant l’apanage des plus nantis et des plus forts. Aussi, des dynamiques personnelles, sociales, culturelles, citoyennes, internationales, se forment et se développent pour briser ce déterminisme en prêtant main forte aux indigents afin qu’ils puissent accéder à la justice. En effet, face à la cherté et la complexité de la justice institutionnelle, de multiples acteurs se mobilisent autour des citoyens démunis et à travers des mécanismes alternatifs internes à la justice institutionnelle, ou parallèles à celle-ci.Ces formes de justice, émergentes ou résurgentes, aussi bien dans l’espace privé que dans l’espace publique, qui s’adaptent à la rationalité du droit moderne ou qui participent d’autres rationalités et cultures, interrogent d’une part l’Etat de droit, la gouvernance et le développement, et d’autre part l’universalisme et le particularisme. Il s’agit de trouver à travers chacune des justices, la preuve qu’elle contribue à la défense des droits humains universels, corollaire de la subjectivation. / This research work focuses on the multiple agents of access to law and justice for the poor. In the current context marked by the globalization of capitalism, we witness the ever growing judiciarisation of society which seems to result from the former phenomenon; people increasingly seek to be subjects of law and everything or almost everything refers to justice.In the meantime, the disproportionate wealth of some people and impoverishment of others has not reduced the gap and tension between the rich and the poor, the strong and the weak. While justice is a natural fundamental need for every human being, to access the judicial machinery and to rightfully obtain a favorable court ruling is, to some extent perceived in many societies, wrongly or rightly, as being the privilege of the richest and of the strongest. Thus, many initiatives, be they at personal, social, cultural, citizens’ or international level, are developed, with the aim to break such determinism by lending a hand to the needy, so as to enable them get access to justice. In effect, facing the costly and intricate nature of the institutional justice system, multiple actors are getting themselves available for poor citizens. This is possible through internal alternative or similar mechanisms to institutional justice.These emerging or re-emerging forms of justice, in both the private and public spheres, seeking to fit to the rationality of the modern law or which belong to other rationalities and cultures, question on one hand the Rule of Law, governance and development, and on the other hand, universalism and the sense of identity. This requires finding through each of these forms of justice, the proof that it contributes to the defense of the universal human rights, a consequence of the Subjectivation.

La construction du sens du développement des compétences psychosociales : justifications et usages en promotion de la santé / The construction of meaning of development of life skills : justifications and uses in health promotion

Zavettieri-Mangin, Grazia 13 November 2017 (has links)
Depuis les travaux de l’Organisation Mondiale de la santé (1946) sur la promotion de la santé, en référence à la Charte d’Ottawa (1986), la notion de compétences psychosociales, définies comme « les capacités d’une personne à répondre avec efficacité aux exigences et aux épreuves de la vie quotidienne», apparaît comme essentielle dans toute démarche éducative liée à la santé. En plus de 30 ans, le champ de la promotion de la santé s’est doté de stratégies, de référentiels, d’outils et de ressources d’intervention visant, notamment, le développement des compétences psychosociales des individus et des groupes. Aujourd’hui, en France, les décideurs de la politique de prévention et d’éducation pour la santé inscrivent l’objectif du développement des compétences psychosociales dans nombre de leurs appels à projets. Mais alors que les réseaux de professionnels en santé se sont emparés de cet objectif pour l’ériger en fer de lance de leurs programmes d’action, la recherche en la matière est peu développée et l’efficacité n’apparaît pas plus confirmée. L’objectif principal de la thèse est d’explorer, par une approche sociologique compréhensive et pragmatique, le sens de l’intervention pour le développement des compétences psychosociales en promotion de la santé. Cette recherche se fonde sur l’analyse des discours portés par les acteurs de la promotion de la santé et sur l’analyse des usages avancés par les intervenants de terrain relevant du champ de l’éducation au sens plus large. Elle vise à mettre au jour les « visions du monde » des différents acteurs. La recherche porte d’abord sur l’étude de l’idéal-type de la promotion de la santé pour en délimiter les périmètres et identifier ceux qui s’y intéressent plus particulièrement. Elle est interrogée dans ses fondements théoriques et ses dimensions éthiques et socio-politiques afin de situer le développement des compétences psychosociales et d’en rendre compréhensibles les finalités. La promotion de la santé est une « cité » (Boltanski) considérée à la fois comme un concept récent et comme un espace de pratiques sociales en construction. Ensuite, ces travaux visent à établir en quoi le développement des compétences psychosociales est une composante de l’approche salutogénique de la « santé pour le développement humain ». En s’appuyant sur l’examen d’autres champs (travail, entreprise, éducation et formation) qui se sont intéressés largement à la problématique de développement des compétences personnelles, sont posées les questions 1/ de la construction conceptuelle de la notion de compétences psychosociales et de leur développement et 2/ du mouvement de politisation qui s’opère au travers de l’acte d’intervenir pour le développement des compétences psychosociales dans les actions de promotion de la santé. L’intervention pour le développement des compétences psychosociales est une action politique (Boltanski) qui engage notre étude au cœur des questions éducatives et des politiques sociales. La construction du concept de compétences psychosociales dans les discours théoriques propres à la promotion de la santé, nourris par les apports des autres champs sociaux, induit des processus de politisation des acteurs (responsabilisation et adaptabilité). La finalité de l’intervention pour le développement des compétences psychosociales en promotion de la santé est assurément le développement humain dans ses dimensions psychologiques (autonomie) et sociales (citoyenneté) mais les exigences impliquent et engagent l’individu dans une conformité admise et acceptée d’autocontrôle de soi (empowerment individuel). Le sens de l’intervention pour le développement des compétences psychosociales est situé dans un intervalle où s’affirme un changement éthique de paradigme au bénéfice d’un mieux-être individuel et social, et dans un espace où la réalisation de soi s’oriente, dans une certaine mesure, vers un bonheur marchandisé dans la sphère économique libérale / Since the work of World Health Organization (1946) on health promotion, summarized into the Ottawa International Charter (1986), the concept of life skills, defined as "person’s abilities to respond effectively to the requirements and tests of everyday life" appears essential part in any educational practice related to health. In over 30 years, the field of health promotion has provided any educational approach with strategies, methods and intervention tools designed, in particular, to help people develop or improve life skills. Nowadays, in France, in numerous calls of proposals, the development of life skills is a usual aim for funders of prevention and health education programs. But although often considered essential by health education professionals in their actions, the development of life skills is not yet a real object of scientific research, and its effectiveness remains rather unconfirmed. The main objective of this thesis work is to explore through a comprehensive sociological and pragmatic approach, the meaning of the intervention aimed for the development of life skills. This research is based on a discourse analysis, especially on two axes: 1) individual skills acquisition, carried by health promotion practitioners, and 2) daily use of the development of life skills, by field workers within education area in its broader sense. This analysis is supposed to help to understand worldviews transmitted by different actors through their action. The research first focuses on the study of health promotion field as ideal type to delineate its area and to identify people interested in this topic. Its theoretical basis and its ethical and socio-historical dimensions are questioned to find out the development of life skills object and to understand its goals. According to Boltansky, health promotion is a "city", considered both as a new concept and as anunder construction space of social practices. Then, these works aim to determine whether the development of life skills is a component of the new approach of the so-called "global health" as an issue for population health management. Based on other area findings (i.e. occupation, business, education and training), all of which directly and widely concerned by development of life skills, the questions they asked can by divided in two categories: 1) how was built the life skill concept– and its development-, and 2) the politicization movement which undergoes the use of development of life skills in health promotion actions. The intervention for development of life skills is a political action that engages our study at the heart of educational issues and social policies. The construction of life skills concept in the own theoretical discourse on health promotion, fed by contributions coming from other social area, induces actors’ politicization process (accountability and adaptability). The purpose of the intervention for the development of life skills in health promotion is certainly human development in its psychological (autonomy) and social (citizenship) dimensions, but the requirements involve and engage the individual in a recognized and accepted self-monitoring mechanism (individual empowerment). The meaning of development of life skills can be found in an interval where an ethic paradigm shift – to the benefit of a better individual and societies’ well being - is raising, and in an area where, to some extent, personal self-realization turns to a mercantile happiness in the liberal economic sphere

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