Spelling suggestions: "subject:"humanfactor"" "subject:"humanfactors""
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Návrh metodiky šetření příčin leteckých nehod zaviněných lidským činitelem v malém letectví / Draft methodology for investigating the causes of aviation accidents caused by human factor in general aviationPulgret, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
This Master´s thesis examines Investigation of aircraft accidents / incidents, which were caused by human error. My thesis is focused on fixed wing aircrafts with maximum take off weight up to 2500 kg. Practices of Aircraft accident / incident Investigation are described in Annex L13 which is document published by Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic. This document provides some support for investigators but does not contain methodology which should be used to discover human error by which the accident / incident was caused. This thesis has two major purposes. First purpose is to analyze Final reports of investigations and suggest improvements which can be made. Second goal of this thesis is to create own methodology for investigating the causes of aviation accidents / incidents caused by human factor.
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Blockchain on Data Security : An interpretive approach on Cyber Security Professionals’ perceptionsGkougkaras, Vasileios January 2021 (has links)
This Master’s Thesis main purpose is to identify the perceptions of Cyber Security Professionals on Blockchain Technology and whether it could potentially become a substitutefor the current data security systems or not. A literature review was initially performed in order to explore previous related research on the field of Cyber Security, its infrastructure andthe main aspects of Blockchain Technology.Qualitative research was conducted in regards to the participants’ perceptions. Morespecifically, individual interviews were held with each one of the participants all of whom are professionals in the field of Cyber Security. Five different themes emerged from theinterviews which were performed by asking open-ended questions and holding a dialogue with the participants. Those themes start with (1) their opinions on current data security infrastructure and methods. Following that theme a half hour presentation on basic blockchain operations and applications were held in order to identify their (2) current understanding onblockchain. (3) Discussions were held in regards to blockchain’s scalability and sustainability,followed by (4) the security of Blockchains. In the end the (5) fifth and final theme covered the main purpose of this master’s thesis which is whether blockchain can be implemented asan alternate technology on data privacy and security.This Master’s Thesis contributes to the current knowledge on Blockchain within the field ofinformatics by providing the perceptions of Cyber Security Professionals in regards to its operation and implementation. Furthermore it aims to identify whether any possible applications of blockchain technology could be suggested for future implementation in thedomain of data security.The discussion summarizes the empirical findings acquired from the interviews and theperceptions of the participants on Blockchain Technology. By exploring the themes thatemerged from the interviews, it is clearly evident that blockchain is still not a technology thatcan be trusted as an alternative to the current security infrastructures and methods according to the participants. Despite that fact a lot of advantages and optimistic elements were derived since blockchain’s immutability and security demonstrates a high level of tamperingresistance, thus making it suitable as a technology within the Information security industry. Incase blockchain manages to overcome its shortcomings it could prove to be a necessary tool in data privacy and security.
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Vliv kvality mechanických prací na optický přenos / Effects of mechanical doings on optical data transportTihlařík, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with of human factor impact on optical fibers manipulation. It describes types and methods used for splicing and placing optical fibers and optical cables. These methods are specified in the chapters; their application in different environments and conditions is accentuated. This paper presents splicing optical fibers. It emphasizes problems which can occur if proper procedures aren´t kept or if improper device is used. In the thesis there is the chapter dealing with problems which can arise during splicing optical fibers - these negative influences are evaluated with educational equipments EF-970-01 PLASTIC by the company MIKROKOM, s.r.o. Another aim of the work is to describe mechanical optical fiber splice 3MTM FibrlokTM. This kind of device was lent for testing optical fibers multiple splicing. It was tested under extreme conditions. Statistically processed values of insertion loss and splice reflectance, measured by OTDR are the results of the test. Comparing measured values, technical report ones, regarding for usage in practice, there is a possibility of 75 multiple reusing of the mechanical optical fiber splice. The prediction of magnitude insertion loss, calculated for thousands splice cycles follows. The next part of the work deals with fusion splices and contains comparison of splices made with two cleavers: CORNING LWL-TRENNGERAT S46999-M9-D12 and the later model - Fitel S325A cleaver. The result is that older S46999-M9-D12 model gained lower attenuation. The results of both previous measurements are influenced by human factor. It appears at mechanical optical fiber splices as growing fluctuate of insertion losses and as the unequal attenuation fusion splices at tested cleavers.
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Personální management ve veřejné správě / Management of the Human Resources in the of Public AdministrationPokorný, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
The subject of my master thesis "Management of the human resources in the public administration" is to introduce the personal management and analyse the possibilities of application in public administration, directly in the Prison of the Czech Republic in the State Prison in Kuřim with a focus on training workers in different levels of management.
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Lidský faktor v letectví / Human Factor in AviationVaňourek, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
Diploma work includes summary of aeroplanes accidents, incurred by human factor malfunction in general aviation and in ultralight aeroplanes category on Czech Republic territory since year 2000. It analyses accidents enclosures with a view to discover similarities near particular accidents. From ascertained lockworks ared proposal created for possibly steps, how prevent rise of these accidents. Part of this work are also attachments (formularies, etc.).
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Vliv lidského činitele na nehodovost malých letadel / Effect of the human factor on small aircraft accidentDluhoš, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
DLUHOS, J. Effect of the human factor on small aircraft accident. Brno: Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2013. 90 s. Supervisor Ing. Jiří Chlebek, Ph.D. The Master’s thesis focuses on the safety of civil aviation, which is in 80% of the accidents caused by Human Factor, Human Error or just Pilot Error. The main goal of this Master’s thesis is evaluation and assessment of the causes of aircraft accidents of general civil aviations operations of the Czech Republic. In the practical part of the Master’s thesis were analyzed accidents of aircrafts in the category with maximum take of mass to 2250 kg and ultra light aircrafts incurred in the Czech Republic from 2006 to 2012. In the conclusion were analyzed main causes of the aircraft accidents and were proposed further measures to reduced accidents caused by Human Factor.
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Nejčastější příčiny chybovosti řídícího letového provozu při poskytování služeb ŘLP / The most frequent causes of air traffic controller errors in the process of providing ATSČeremetová, Erika January 2014 (has links)
In my Master´s thesis I am concerned with the questions of the human factor in air traffic control. The work is mainly focused on the air traffic controller and discusses the influences that directly or indirectly affect the air traffic controller. Considerable attention is paid to the errors that may occur during the management, their analysis and proposals for their elimination, respectively their complete disposal. The main idea is to understand the thinking of the air traffic controller as the human element in an organization and applying theories to reduce the errors in the air traffic control.
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A holistic model to create organizational information security awareness programs – iSAPRydefelt Calatayud, Leonor January 2011 (has links)
There is a large number of information security awareness programs (iSAP) found in the literature with multiple approaches. Considering that the number of security breaches performed by insiders is as high as 48%, the effectiveness of such programs is questionable. This leaves a considerable space for external, but also internal criminals, to perform and succeed in their attacks, something that can cause heavy losses (both economical and less tangible as reputation) to organizations. This thesis decided to study some of those iSAP to see their strengths and weaknesses. After studying the approaches in focus for this thesis, and following an inductive research method, a new model to develop iSAP from a holistic point of view was presented. The solution has been aligned with subject matter experts (SME) at “Company X” and with end-users external to that company. The model is now ready to be studied empirically in organizations to evaluate its effectiveness.
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Managing Production deviations : A case study at Scania AB / Hantering av produktionsavvikelser : en fallstudie på Scania ABLiljedahl, Anders, Muftic, Armin January 2012 (has links)
The use of continuous improvement programs is a widespread practice present in many organizations throughout the world. CI-programs are mostly associated with Lean production and substantial focus in literature and research are on the applicable tools and methods. This focus has led to the lack of attention to the softer areas of CI such as implementation. The reason explaining this might be due to the difficulties of measuring success in these areas. In order to investigate production deviations within a company that uses CI a study was performed at the bus chassis assembly at Scania. The deviation handling process and all activities related to it is highly influenced by Scania’s Production System. The studies were conducted at an assembly area with observations and interviews taking place as well as an internal benchmarking performed at the engine assembly. The conclusion is that the area studied at Scania has the tools and methods needed (although with the need of adjustments) but the implementation part is lacking. This area will come to play a big part in taking SPS one step further. As a recommendation to the area studied in Scania a group of suggestions has been presented in this paper in order to improve the implementation of SPS. The managerial contribution of this paper is a group of important suggestions. The theoretical contribution of this paper can be seen as a case study that could create an increase insight in the complexity of this topic but also to increase the attention to the importance of it. / Ständiga förbättringar är ett världsomfattande fenomen som används inom flera organisationer. Oftast associerar man ständiga förbättringar med Lean och litteraturen kring ämnet beskriver för det mesta bara verktygen och metoderna som tillämpas. Detta focus har lett till att väldigt lite uppmärksamhet har riktats mot de mjukare delarna så som implementering. En orsak till detta kan vara svårigheten att mäta framgång inom området. För att undersöka avvikelser inom ett företag som arbetar med ständiga förbättringar så gjordes en studie på Scanias buss chassi montering. Avvikelsehanteringsprocessen påverkas väldigt mycket utav Scanias produktions system. Studier utfördes på ett monteringområde där man bland annat observerade, intervjuade samt utförde en benchmark på motormonteringen. Slutsatsen är att monteringsområdet där studien ägde rum på Scania har verktygen och metoderna som behövs (med behovet av mindre justeringar) men implementeringen har brister. Just implementeringen kommer spela en stor roll i att ta SPS ett steg längre. Som en rekommendation till monteringsområdet som undersöktes så har ett flertal förslag som kan förbättra SPS presenterats i denna rapport. Bidraget till lokala ledningen är ett antal viktiga förslag. Det teoretiska bidraget i denna rapport kan ses som en case studie som kan förbättra förståelsen för det komplexa ämnet samt att belysa det ytterligare och konstatera dess betydelse.
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Sjösäkerhet i en digitaliserad sjöfart : En studie om effekter på sjösäkerheten i en framtida digitaliserad sjöfart / Maritime Safety in a Digitalized Shipping Industry : Digitalization of the Shipping Industry and its Effects on maritime SafetyÖrberg Kätterer, Hannes January 2023 (has links)
Sjöfarten har förändrats genom tiderna och fartygen har utrustats med avancerad teknologi. Trots högutbildade operatörer och högteknologiska fartyg så inträffar allvarliga sjöolyckor som kan härledas till mänskliga fel och teknologiska brister. Syftet med studien är att utreda hur digitalisering ombord på fartyg påverkar sjösäkerheten. Metoden som används för att utreda digitaliseringens effekter är en systematisk kvalitativ litteraturstudie. Väl avvägda sökord och strukturerad utsortering av artiklar summeras i totalt tjugotvå inkluderade och analyserade artiklar. De studerade artiklarnas innehåll tematiseras och presenteras i studiens resultat indelat i fyra huvudteman respektive fyra underteman. Studiens resultat visar att digitalisering kan leda till effektivisering, kostnadsbesparingar och miljövinster. Digital teknologi har potential att underlätta beslutsfattandet för sjöbefäl och arbetet med navigation kan underlättas med autonoma inslag. En ökad andel autonoma inslag kan dock leda till att sjöbefälets kunskaper går förlorade. Även om digital teknologi är driftsäker så är den skapad av människan vilket kan betyda att tekniken påverkats av den mänskliga faktorn. Digital teknologi fattar beslut på ett förprogrammerat sätt och har svårt att göra helhetsbedömningar i komplexa situationer. Obemannade fartyg kan bli verklighet och sjöbefälet arbetsuppgifter kan förändras. På grund av teknologins avsaknad av mänskligt sunt förnuft så kan sjöbefälen bidra till sjösäkerheten. I framtiden kan nya krav ställas på sjöbefäl och kunskaper om avancerad teknik, autonoma system och förmågan att avhjälpa fel som uppstår i tekniken. För att rusta sjöbefälen kan flexibla utbildningssystem bidra till att förbereda sjöbefälen för yrkeslivet. Den maritima industrins anpassning mot digitalisering kan underlättas genom samverkan mellan regulatoriska myndigheter, organisationer och människor. / The shipping industry has experienced changes over time and modern ships are equipped with advanced technology. Despite highly trained operators and technological ships, serious maritime accidents occur which can be traced to human error and technological deficiencies. The aim of this study is to investigate the impacts of digitization on board ships and how maritime safety is affected. The method used to investigate the effects of digitization is a systematic qualitative literature study. Balanced search terms and a structured selection of articles resulted in a total of twenty-two included articles that were analyzed. The content of the studied articles was thematized and presented in the study results divided into four main themes with one additional sub-theme each. The study shows that digitization can lead to efficiency, cost savings, and environmental benefits. Digital technology has the potential to facilitate decision-making for ship operators and the work of navigation can be facilitated with autonomous elements. An increased proportion of autonomous elements can lead to the operator’s knowledge being lost. Even if digital technology is reliable, it is created by humans, which can mean that the technology has been affected by the human factor. Digital technology makes decisions in a pre-programmed way and has difficulties in making overall assessments in complex situations. Unmanned ships may become a reality and the ship officers’ duties may change accordingly. Due to technology's lack of human common sense, ship officers can contribute to maritime safety. In the future, new demands may be placed on ship officers and knowledge of advanced technology, autonomous systems, and the ability to remedy errors that arise in the technology. To prepare the ship officers, flexible training systems can help to prepare operators for their coming profession. The maritime industry's adaptation to digitization can be facilitated through cooperation between regulatory authorities, organizations, and humans.
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