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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement d'algorithmes temps réel de traitement de séquences d'images animées biomédicales pour la thermothérapie guidée par IRM

Maclair, Grégory 05 December 2008 (has links)
L'hyperthermie locale guidée par IRM s'est développée en pratique clinique au cours des dernières années. Le principe repose sur la destruction des cellules tumorales grâce à une élévation de température pendant une durée suffisante. L'acquisition d'images IRM simultanément au chauffage permet un monitorage en ligne de la température et un contrôle de la destruction cellulaire induite par l'hyperthermie appliquée aux tissus.Le principal objectif de cette thèse est de mettre en oeuvre des stratégies permettant de corriger les artefacts induits par la respiration ou le battement cardiaque pour les organes mobiles (foie, rein, coeur) et pour les organes non-mobiles (seins). La contribution principale de ce travail de thèse consiste à proposer une méthode de modélisation des champs de déplacements à l'aide d'une Analyse en Composantes Principales (ACP) en s'appuyant sur le caractère périodique des phénomènes physiologiques observés. / During the last years MR-guided lo cal hyp erthermia has b een develop edfor the clinical practice. Hyp erthermia is based on the destruction of tumorcells due to an increased temp erature over a sufficient amount of time. The si-multaneous acquisition of MR images during the heating pro cess allows on-linemonitoring of the temp erature and a control of the tissue destruction inducedby the hyp erthermia treatment. The on-line calculation of the temp erature isnot a trivial problem. This is b ecause the physical and physiological pheno-mena like the respiration disturb the temp erature measurement. Hence, it isnecessary to develop strategies for real-time correction in order to deliver pre-cise temp erature maps. In this work, we prop ose several algorithms for imagetreatment enabling the correction of artefacts related to motion and magneticsusceptibility effects. These corrections will provide a reliable estimation of theefficiency of the hyp erthermia treatment.

Zdokonalené metody pro snímání obrazových dat a analýzu tkání a buněk pomocí konfokální a multifotonové mikroskopie / Improved Methods of Image Acquisition and Analysis of Tissues and Cells by Confocal and Multi-Photon Microscopy

Chernyavskiy, Oleksandr January 2015 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Přírodovědecká fakulta Studijní program: Vývojová biologie (P1520) Studijní obor: Vývojová biologie (1501V000) Oleksandr Chernyavskiy Zdokonalené metody pro snímání obrazových dat a analýzu tkání a buněk pomocí konfokální a multifotonové mikroskopie Improved Methods of Image Acquisition and Analysis of Tissues and Cells by Confocal and Multi-Photon Microscopy Abstrakt disertační práce Školitel: RNDr. Lucie Kubínová CSc Praha, 2015 Abstract The aim of this study was to develop methods and approaches for image acquisition with subsequent image analysis of data, obtained by confocal and two- photon excitation microscopy as well as their combination, enabling new possibilities of visualization and assessment of information on biological tissues and cell structures in 3D and their measurement. We focused on methods that exploited advantages of confocal and multi-photon excitation microscopy. Our further aim was to demonstrate the applicability of non-invasive approach for in vivo applications, usefulness and the relevance of these methods in several special biological applications with emphasis on improved image acquisition, analysis and evaluation of real biological specimens. The present work was not oriented on just one specific biological problem, but rather to methodological...

Analyse qualitative et quantitative du remodelage vasculaire utérin sur deux modèles murins d'insuffisance placentaire : modèle hyperthermie et modèle anémie ferriprive / Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the uterine vascular reshaping on two murins models of placental insufficiency : hyperthermia model and iron deficiency anemia model

Binet, Aurélien 29 November 2012 (has links)
Le retard de croissance intra-utérin par altérations vasculaires placentaires affecte 4% des grossesses actuelles. Ses mécanismes d’installation encore inconnus ont un impact pédiatrique important responsable d’une mortalité non négligeable. La combinaison d’un retard de croissance intra-utérin et de modifications vasculaires placentaires sur un modèle animal est nécessaire pour comprendre ces mécanismes et envisager une étude thérapeutique ultérieure. Le but de ce projet est de mettre au point dans un premier temps un modèle animal qui associe au retard de croissance intra-utérin les modifications vasculaires placentaires retrouvées dans la physiopathologie humaine. Pour cela, deux modèles animaux murins ont été étudiés : l'hyperthermie en fin de gestation et l’anémie par carence martiale pré et péri-gestationnelle. Une étude qualitative et quantitative par échographie (échographie Doppler et échographie de contraste) associée à une étude anatomopathologique. immuno-histochimiques et spectroscopique des placentas a été réalisée. L’optimisation du modèle animal définitif a requis dans un premier temps la mise au point de repères anatomiques inexistants à l'heure actuelle permettant la reproductivité des mesures échographiques ainsi que la mise en évidence de l’innocuité du produit de contraste échographique utilisé. Une étude placentaire globale nous a permis d’enregistrer des modifications structurelles liées au modèle analysé. L’étude de ces deux modèles animaux nous a permis d’établir un protocole de mesure standardisé et de mettre en évidence l’absence d’effet de l’utilisation du produit de contraste échographique sur la gestation. L’hyperthermie tout comme la carence martiale sont responsables d'un retard de croissance intra-utérin avec un effet dose dépendant. Les modifications vasculaires placentaires retrouvées dans le modèle hyperthermie à type d'ischémie-hémorragique n’apparaissent pas consécutives à des modifications vasculaires installées mais séquellaires de cet incident aigu. Les modifications hémodynamiques enregistrées dans le cadre de la carence martiale sont plutôt en faveur de modifications vasculaires en accord avec la pathologie humaine. L’étude spectroscopique ne met pas en évidence de changement métabolomique particulier. Ces deux modèles permettent donc l’installation d’un retard de croissance intra-utérin corrélé positivement à l’intensité du protocole. Le modèle anémie tend à se rapprocher au mieux de la pathologie humaine ; son étude reste à approfondir sur des effectifs plus conséquents. / The intra-uterin growth restriction by placental vascular modifications affects 4% of the current pregnancies. lt’s still unknown installation mechanism has an important pediatric impact with a significant mortality. The association of intra-uterin growth restriction and placental vascular defects on an animal model is necessary to understand this mechanism and envisage a therapeutic study later. The aim of Ibis project is to establish at first an animal model which associates intra-uterin growth restriction and vascular placental modifications found in the human physiopathology For that purpose, two murine models were studied : hyperthermia at the end of the gestation and anaemia by iron deficiency before and during the gestation. A qualitative and quantitative study by ultrasonography (Doppler ultrasonography and contrast ultrasonography) associated with anatomopathological, immune-histochemical and spectroscopic studies of the placentas was realized. The optimization of the definitive animal model required at first anatomical marks development, allowing reproduction of the ultrasonographic measures as well as revelation of the ultrasound contrast product harmlessness. A global placental study allowed us to note structural modifications connected to the analyzed model. The study of these two animals models allowed us to establish a standard measuring protocol and show that ultrasonographic contrast product use had no effect on the gestation. The hyperthermia, as the iron deficiency, is responsible of an intra-uterin growth restriction with a positive effect dose related. The vascular placental modifications found in the hyperthermia model as hemorrhage and ischaemia areas do not appear as the result of vascular modifications but after-effects of this acute incident. The hemodynamical modifications registered within the framework of the iron deficiency are rather in favour of vascular modifications in agreement with the human pathology. The spectroscopic study does not show metabolomic modifications. These two models allow the installation of an intra-uterin growth restriction positively correlated with the protocol intensity. The anaemia model gets closer to the human pathology; its study remains b he continued with more consequent numbers.

Nanopartículas superparamagnéticas encapsuladas com polímeros para tratamento de câncer por hipertermia / Superparamagnetic nanoparticles encapsulated with polymers for cancer therapy by hyperthermia

Perecin, Caio José 01 February 2016 (has links)
O câncer é uma das maiores causas de mortalidade no Brasil e no mundo, com potencial de crescimento nas próximas décadas. Um tipo de tratamento promissor é a hipertermia magnética, procedimento no qual as células tumorais morrem pelo efeito do calor gerado por partículas magnéticas após a aplicação de campo magnético alternado em frequências adequadas. Tais partículas também são capazes de atuar como agentes de contraste para imageamento por ressonância magnética, um poderoso método de diagnóstico para identificação de células neoplásicas, formando a combinação conhecida como theranostics (terapia e diagnóstico). Neste trabalho foram sintetizadas nanopartículas de óxido de ferro por método de coprecipitação com posterior encapsulação por técnica de nano spray drying, visando sua aplicação no tratamento de câncer por hipertermia e como agente de contraste para imageamento por ressonância magnética. Para a encapsulação foram utilizadas matrizes poliméricas de Maltodextrina com Polissorbato 80, Pluronic F68, Eudragit® S100 e PCL com Pluronic F68, escolhidos com o intuito de formar partículas que dispersem bem em meio aquoso e que consigam atingir alvo tumoral após administração no corpo do paciente. Parâmetros de secagem pelo equipamento Nano Spray Dryer, como temperatura, solvente e concentração de reagentes, foram avaliados. As partículas formadas foram caracterizadas por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura, Difração de Raios-X, Análise Termogravimétrica, Espalhamento de Luz Dinâmico, Espectroscopia de Infravermelho, magnetismo quanto a magnetização de saturação e temperatura, citotoxicidade e potencial de aquecimento. Tais procedimentos indicaram que o método de coprecipitação produziu nanopartículas de magnetita de tamanho em torno 20 nm, superparamagnéticas a temperatura ambiente, sem potencial citotóxico. A técnica de nano spray drying foi eficiente para a formação de partículas com tamanho em torno de 1 &#956m, também superparamagnéticas, biocompatíveis e com propriedades magnéticas adequadas e para aplicações pretendidas. Destaca-se a amostra com Pluronic, OF-10/15-1P, que apresentou magnetização de saturação de 68,7 emu/g e interação específica com células tumorais. / Cancer is one of the greatest causes of mortality in Brazil and in the world, with growing potential for the next decades. A promising treatment alternative is magnetic hyperthermia, in which tumor cells die by the heat generated by magnetic nanoparticles after application of an alternate magnetic field in adequate frequencies. Such particles are also capable of acting as contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging, a powerful method of diagnosis for the identification of neoplasic cells, which characterizes the combination of properties known as theranostics (therapy and diagnosis). In this work, iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized by coprecipitation method with subsequent encapsulation by nano spray drying technique, aiming their application on cancer treatment by hyperthermia and on magnetic resonance imaging as a contrast agent. Polymeric matrices of Maltodextrin with Polysorbate 80, Pluronic F68, Eudragit® S100 and PCL with Pluronic F68 were employed for encapsulation, chosen carefully to create particles that disperse well in aqueous media and that are able to address the tumoral target after administration into the patient\'s body. Drying parameters of the Nano Spray Dryer equipment, such as temperature, dispersing medium and reagent concentrations, were evaluated. The generated particles were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-Ray Diffraction, Thermogravimetric Analysis, Dynamic Light Scattering, Infrared Spectroscopy, by magnetism in matters of applied magnetic field and temperature, cytotoxic potential and heating potential. Such methods indicated that the coprecipitation method was able to produce magnetite nanoparticles with size of approximately 20 nm, superparamagnetic at room temperature and with no cytotoxic potential. The nano spray drying technique was efficient to produce particles with size of around 1 &#956m, biocompatible, superparamagnetic and with adequate magnetic properties for the intended applications. The sample OF-10/15-1P stands out with a saturation magnetization of 68.7 emu/g and presenting specific interactions with the tumour cells.

Nanomateriais magnéticos para aplicações em terapia e imagem / Magnetic nanomaterials for application in therapy and imaging

Effenberger, Fernando Bacci 19 April 2012 (has links)
Em virtude da grande atenção que os nanomateriais magnéticos recebem atualmente, cientistas de diversas áreas (química, física, engenharia e medicina) vêm estudando as propriedades e as aplicações de nanopartículas magnéticas, gerando uma grande demanda por materiais de alta qualidade. As propriedades dos nanomateriais magnéticos são fortemente dependentes de suas propriedades intrínsecas (p. ex., composição, cristalinidade, tamanho e forma) e das interações entre as partículas, portanto sofrendo grande influencia do método de síntese aplicado. Várias técnicas para produção de nanomateriais magnéticos são conhecidas, porém muitas delas geram materiais com baixa qualidade no que diz respeito a tamanho médio e faixa de distribuição de tamanhos nas amostras. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a síntese de nanopartículas de magnetita (Fe3O4) por decomposição térmica do acetilacetonato de ferro (III), um método já conhecido e que se destaca pela alta qualidade de amostras (elevado controle no tamanho, estreita distribuição de tamanhos e forma bem definida), porém de alto custo. Estudamos a influência dos aditivos normalmente empregados no meio reacional no controle da morfologia, tamanho e polidispesão das amostras preparadas e sugerimos outros reagentes (monoóis, dióis e polióis) em busca de novas condições de síntese de nanopartículas magnéticas com morfologia e tamanho controlados. Do ponto de vista prático, reduzimos o custo de produção de nanomateriais magnéticos de alta qualidade pela utilização de aditivos mais baratos e de fácil obtenção no mercado. Os diferentes aditivos propostos modificaram as propriedades magnéticas ligadas às interações dipolares entre as partículas magnéticas. A influência dos aditivos foi testada em crescimentos sucessivos usando partículas de magnetita já formadas como sementes. O perfil de crescimento se mostrou diferente em função dos reagentes empregados e as amostras tiveram suas interações hiperfinas medidas para avaliar a relação entre o tamanho e aumento da cristalinidade das partículas formadas. O revestimento das partículas de magnetita com ouro foi estudado buscando aumentar a biocompatibilidade e proteger os núcleos magnéticos, porém as estruturas core-shell obtidas não apresentaram comportamento superparamagnético. Os estudos das interações hiperfinas mostraram perda da cristalinidade após o revestimento com ouro. As partículas de magnetita foram aplicadas para produzir calor através de hipertermia magnética, sendo que a interação entre as partículas se mostrou fundamental para o aumento do calor gerado. Outra aplicação biomédica testada foi o uso das partículas de magnetita como contraste para imagem por ressonância magnética nuclear. Nossas amostras mostraram desempenho semelhante às partículas disponíveis no mercado a alto custo / Magnetic nanomaterials have received a great deal of attention from scientists of various research fields (chemistry, physics, engineering and medicine) that have been studying the properties and applications of magnetic nanoparticles, generating a great demand for high quality materials. The magnetic properties of nanomaterials are strongly dependent on their intrinsic properties (eg., composition, crystallinity, size and shape) and the interactions between particles, therefore are influenced by the method of synthesis applied. Various techniques for the production of nanomarerials are known, but many of them produce poor quality materials, regarding to the average size, broad size distribution range and variable shape. The present work aimed to study the synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4) by thermal decomposition of iron (III) acetylacetonate, a method already known for delivering high quality samples (high control on the size and narrow size distribution ), but at high cost. We studied the influence of additives normally used in the reaction medium to control the morphology, size and polydispersion and suggested other reagents (monols, diols and polyols) in the search for new conditions to synthesize magnetic nanoparticles with controlled size and morphology. From a practical viewpoint, we have reduced cost of producing high-quality magnetic nanoparticles using cheaper additives available on the market. The different additives used in the synthetic protocol modified the magnetic properties which are related to dipolar interactions between magnetic particles. The influence of additives was tested in successive growth using magnetite particles previously formed as seeds. The growth profile showed to be different depending on the additives used and the samples had their hyperfine interactions measured to estimate the relationship between the size increasing and the crystallinity of the particles formed. The coating of the magnetite particles with gold was studied in order to increase the biocompatibility and to protect the magnetic core. In this case, the core-shell structure lost the superparamagnetic behavior. Studies of hyperfine interactions showed the loss of crystallinity after coating the nanoparticles with gold. The synthesized particles were used to produce heat by magnetic hyperthermia, where the interaction between the particles proved to be crucial to increase the generated heat. Another biomedical application tested was the use of magnetite particles as contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging. Our samples showed similar performance to the commercially available particles at high cost.

Caractérisation et implication du canal cationique TRPV1 dans la physiopathologie du muscle strié squelettique / Characterisation and implication of TRPV1 cationic channel in physiopathology of skeletal muscle

Lotteau, Sabine 10 October 2013 (has links)
Le canal cationique TRPV1 (Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1) est activé par la capsaïcine, une acidose, de fortes températures ainsi que par les anesthésiques volatils (AV) dans les neurones sensoriels. Dans le muscle squelettique, TRPV1 est impliqué dans le métabolisme énergétique et l'exercice d'endurance. Grâce à des techniques d'immunomarquage et d'imagerie calcique, la première partie de la thèse vise à caractériser TRPV1 en tant que canal de fuite fonctionnel du réticulum sarcoplasmique (RS) dans les cellules musculaires squelettiques isolées de FDB (Flexor Digitorum Brevis) de souris. Par la suite, nous nous sommes intéressés à son rôle physiopathologique dans le muscle strié squelettique. Ainsi, dans une seconde partie nous supposons une implication de TRPV1 dans les crises d'hyperthermie maligne (HM) chez l'homme. Cette pathologie musculaire correspond à une crise de métabolisme exacerbé du muscle strié squelettique menant à une brusque montée en température chez le patient (>42°C) endormi au moyen d'AV. Dans cette deuxième étude nous démontrons, à travers une approche combinant imagerie calcique et outils pharmacologiques spécifiques du canal, que TRPV1 est activé lors de l'exposition des cellules musculaires à l'isoflurane. TRPV1 est donc une cible des AV dans la cellule musculaire. Puis, des variants de TRPV1 (T612M et N394del) de patients susceptibles à l'HM ont été découvertes. Nous avons pu montrer, suite à la transfection in vivo de ces variants dans des souris déficientes en TRPV1 et grâce à la mesure de flux calciques intracellulaires, que les variants humains de TRPV1 rendent ces canaux plus sensibles aux anesthésiques volatils que le canal TRPV1 humain sauvage. La troisième partie de la thèse a pour but de déterminer le rôle de TRPV1 dans le muscle squelettique en conditions physiologiques par des études fonctionnelles (fonction locomotrice, consommation d'oxygène) sur animal entier. Les résultats préliminaires de cette étude tendent à montrer que l'entraînement physique est moins efficace sur la fonction musculaire des souris déficientes en TRPV1. En conclusion, l'ensemble de ces résultats révèlent pour la première fois que TRPV1 est un canal calcique de fuite fonctionnel du RS pouvant faire le lien entre le déclenchement de l'HM au cours des anesthésies et la présence des RyR1 mutés dans le muscle squelettique / TRPV1 (Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1) cation channel is activated by capsaicine, acidosis, high temperature and by volatile anaesthetics (VA) in sensory neurons. In skeletal muscle, TRPV1 appears to be implied in exercice endurance and energy metabolism. The present work aims first to characterize the functionality of this channel using immnostaining and calcium imaging. We report that TRPV1 is functionally expressed in isolated mouse skeletal muscle cells of FDB (Flexor Digitorum Brevis). These experiments point out that TRPV1 acts as a SR calcium leak channel. In contrast to earlier reports, our analysis shows that TRPV1 is only located to the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane. Subsequently, we have studied its physiological role in skeletal muscle. Thus, in a second part, we suppose that TRPV1 could be involved in malignant hyperthermia (MH) crisis in human. MH is a muscular pathology linked to an abrupt increase in body temperature (> 42°C) in patients. MH crisis is a severe and feared complication of anesthesia. Nevertheless, any studies have demonstrated that RyR1 mutants are activated by VA. If the triggering agents of MH are known, their targets remain to be determined. By combining calcium imaging and pharmacological agents, our data first demonstrate that TRPV1 is activated by isoflurane in skeletal muscle cells. TRPV1 is so a target of volatile anaesthetics in skeletal muscle. Afterwards, TRPV1 mutants (T612M and N394del), obtained from susceptibles MH patients, were discovered. In the second part of the work, using in vivo transfection of TRPV1 mutants in TRPV1-/- mice and intracellular calcium measurements we have been able to demonstrate that human TRPV1 mutants are more sensitive to VA than human wild type TRPV1. The last part of the work investigates the physiological role of TRPV1 in skeletal muscle, using a functional exploration (locomotor function, oxygen consumption) in TRPV1-/- mice. Preliminary data point out that training seems to be less effective on skeletal muscle function of TRPV1-/- mice. To conclude, these results indicate for the first time that TRPV1 is a functional SR calcium leak channel and that TRPV1 may be the missing link between MH induction and RyR1 mutants in skeletal muscle during anesthesia

Targeted release from lyso-thermosensitive liposomal doxorubicin (ThermoDox®) using focused ultrasound in patients with liver tumours

Lyon, P. C. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Plasmonique hybride : propriétés optiques de nanostructures Au-TMD, couplage plasmon-exciton / Hybrid plasmonic : optical properties of TMD-Au nanostructures, plasmon-exciton interaction

Abid, Ines 24 November 2017 (has links)
Récemment, la famille des dichalcogénures de métaux de transition (TMDs) (MoS2, WS2, MoSe2...) a suscité l'intérêt de nombreuses équipes de recherche en raison de leurs propriétés optiques, électroniques et spintroniques exceptionnelles. Ma thèse est centrée sur l'association de monocouches de TMDs à des nano-structures plasmoniques. Ces dernières apportent une exaltation des propriétés d'absorption, de diffusion et d'émission optiques qui peuvent être mises à profit dans divers domaines d'applications tels que l'opto-électronique, la photo-catalyse ou les capteurs. Dans une première partie je me suis intéressée à l'interaction plasmon-exciton dans des systèmes hybrides constitués de couches de MoSe2 élaborés par dépôt chimique en phase vapeur (CVD) et transférées sur les nanodisques d'or. La résonance plasmon est contrôlée par le diamètre et la séparation entre les nano-disques. Grâce à des mesures de transmission optique et de photoluminescence, et à une analyse détaillée des réponses spectrales basée sur un modèle analytique et des simulations numériques, j'ai mis en évidence un couplage de type Fano entre les plasmons de surface des nanodisques et les transitions excitoniques de MoSe2. J'ai étudié la dépendance de ce couplage en fonction de la taille des disques, du nombre de monocouches de MoSe2 déposées et aussi en fonction de la température. Une analyse quantitative des résultats a été menée en simulant numériquement non seulement le champ local plasmonique mais aussi son couplage avec le moment dipolaire des transitions excitoniques. Pour compléter l'exploration des propriétés optiques du système MoSe2@Au, je me suis intéressée à la diffusion Raman dans des conditions d'excitation résonante et non-résonante de la transition hybride plasmon-exciton. L'idée principale étant que la résonance plasmonique apporte une exaltation de la diffusion Raman par effet SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering) tandis que les transitions excitoniques contribuent par l'effet Raman résonnant. Cette combinaison des résonances plasmonique et excitonique conduit à un effet SERS résonant. J'ai ainsi pu distinguer les contributions relatives de ces deux résonances, notamment grâce à l'imagerie confocale de la diffusion Raman. J'ai également montré que, dans ces conditions d'excitation résonnante de la transition plasmon-exciton, un phénomène d'hyperthermie a lieu. la modélisation par simulation numérique du champ proche optique et de la diffusion Raman a été utile pour comprendre les principaux facteurs limitatifs de l'exaltation Raman. Ensuite, la couche de MoSe2 a été utilisée comme substrat de nanoparticules d'Au. Les mesures de photoluminescence ont révélé une extinction quasi-totale de l'émission de la photoluminescence. Afin d'expliquer ce phénomène, deux possibilités ont été discutés : (i) le passage de la structure de bande électronique de la couche de TMD d'un semiconducteur à gap direct à indirect à cause de la contrainte imposée par les nanoparticules d'Au (ii) le désordre structural dû au dépôt des nanoparticules d'Au (iii) le transfert des porteurs photo- générés du semiconducteur vers le métal. Grâce aux mesures Raman, et à l'émission radiative des nanoparticules d'Au, j'ai mis en évidence un phénomène de transfert de charges entre le semi conducteur et le métal. Pour compléter les interprétations proposées, j'ai mené une étude comparative avec les propriétés optiques de couche de TMD couvertes \nolinebreak de silice. Ce travail de thèse a été mené au sein du groupe NeO du CEMES et dans le cadre d'une collaboration avec le groupe du Professeur Jun Lou de l'université de Rice à Houston. / Transition metal dichalcogenide materials (TMDs) are increasingly gaining attention, due to their unique optical, spintronic, and electronic properties. These properties result from the ultimate confinement in 2D monolayers of a direct band-gap semiconductor and the lack of inversion symmetry in the crystallographic structure. To control and enhance the optical response of these materials, it is interesting to integrate them with plasmonic nano-resonators. The TMDs/plasmonic hybrid systems have been extensively studied for plasmon-enhanced optical signals, photocatalysis, photodetectors, and solar cells. In this context, this thesis deals with the interaction between TMD monolayers and gold nanostructures. In a first part, an hybrid system composed of CVD grown MoSe2 monolayers transferred on gold nanodisks was studied. Surface plasmon resonance was tuned by controlling the nanodisks size and the inter-disks separation. The optical properties of the nanostructures are probed by means of spatially resolved optical transmission and photoluminescence spectroscopies. Fano-type coupling regime between the surface plasmon of the gold nanodisks and the MoSe2 exciton was evidenced by a quantitative analysis of the optical extinction spectra based on an analytical model. Our interpretations were supported by numerical simulations. The number of MoSe2 monolayer dependence as well as the Temperature dependence of the plasmon-exciton interaction was investigated. Our results were quantatively analysed on the nanometric scale by studying the local electromagnetic near-field and the excitonic transition dipole momentum interaction. Furthermore, the Raman scattering of MoSe2@Au system was carried out. A particular situation was investigated where a resonant interaction between the surface plasmon of nanodisks and A exciton of v occur. The contribution of these two resonances leads to a resonant surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERRS) effect. The Raman Scattering excitation is selected to resonantly excite the Surface Plasmon resonance and MoSe2 excitonic transition simultaneously. The relative contribution of the surface Plasmon and the confined exciton to the resonant Raman scattering signal is pointed out. In this resonant condition, a hyperthermia effect was detected. Numerical simulations of the SERS gain were useful to figure out the main factors affecting the SERS intensity enhancement in MoSe2@Au. In a second part, the TMD monolayer was used as a substrate of Au nanoparticles. Au nanoislands were deposited on mono- and few-layered MoSe2 flakes. Photoluminescence (PL) measurements revealed a net quenching of the MoSe2 photoluminescence. To figure out the origin of this quenching three possibilities were discussed (i) the charge transfer between the TMD monolayer and the Au particles (ii) the direct to indirect gap transition of the TMD electronic band structure caused by the strain induced by the metal deposition (iii) structural disorder imparted by the nanoparticles in the TMD/metal interface. Owing to the Raman scattering measurements and using the radiative emission of the gold nanoparticles, we evidenced a charge transfetrt between the metallic nanostructures and the semiconductor. In order to complement our interpretations a comparative study with respect to optical properties of TMD covered by a silica film was carried out. The present work was held within the NeO group in CEMES, in a frame of a collaboration with the group of thr Pr. Jun Lou from Rice university, Houston.

AvaliaÃÃo dos efeitos da hipertermoterapia por ultrasom associada a agentes antiangiogÃnicos no tratamento do tumor experimental de walker / EVALUATION OF THE HIPERTHERMOTHERAPY EFFECTS BY ULTRASOUND ASSOCIATED TO ANTIAGIOGENIC AGENTS IN THE TREATMENT OF WALKER EXPERIMENTAL TUMOR

Josà AntÃnio Carlos Otaviano David Morano 30 October 2009 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / Os mÃtodos tradicionais de tratamento do cÃncer, como a quimioterapia e a radioterapia, embora sejam eficazes em vÃrios tipos de tumores, encontram freqÃentemente populaÃÃes de cÃlulas neoplÃsicas resistentes, alÃm de apresentarem uma baixa margem de seguranÃa para os pacientes. A utilizaÃÃo da hipertermia associada à quimioterapia e/ou radioterapia jà se encontra fartamente relatada como vantajosa na literatura especializada, principalmente em pacientes portadores de cÃncer em estÃdio avanÃado, submetidos previamente aos mÃtodos clÃssicos de tratamento. A aplicaÃÃo de calor nos tecidos atravÃs de ultrassom contÃnuo torna mais Ãgil Ãste procedimento e com eficÃcia comprovada. O uso dos antiangiogÃnicos tambÃm vem sendo relatado como eficaz na literatura especializada e atualmente, a lista destas substÃncias vem aumentando consideravelmente. O estudo da aÃÃo da hipertermia associada a alguns agentes antiangiogÃnicos tem sido sugerida uma vez que os vasos tumorais ao encontrarem-se dilatados, nÃo promoverÃo a diminuiÃÃo da temperatura no tecido tumoral e, consequentemente, os efeitos desta associaÃÃo serÃo mais intensos do que no tecido normal devendo contribuir para a morte celular. Objetiva-se neste trabalho, avaliar o efeito antitumoral e antiangiogÃnico da hipertermia induzida por US isolada e combinada com etoricoxibe e pegaptanibe,no carcinossarcoma de Walker 256 implantado na tela subcutÃnea do dorso de ratos por meio de utilizaÃÃo do modelo experimental de hipertermoterapia por US assim como o estudo dos efeitos da hipertermia por US isolada e em combinaÃÃo com etoricoxibe e pegaptanibe,na angiogÃnese tumoral.O mÃtodo utilizado para o estudo teve inÃcio com o implante de cÃlulas de tumor de Walker 256 no dorso de ratos Wistar machos. Os animais foram tratados com hipertermia aplicada atravÃs de aparelho de ultrassom, mantida a nÃvel de 45o C durante cinco minutos no terceiro dia apÃs a inoculaÃÃo e tambÃm tratados com etoricoxibe e pegaptanibe por via oral e intraperitoneal respectivamente a partir do dia da inoculaÃÃo. Cada grupo de animais foi submetido a medidas do crescimento tumoral durante o perÃodo de 30 dias, assim como tambÃm à avaliaÃÃo da microdensidade vascular atravÃs de estudo mesoscÃpico fotogrÃfico, validado pelo estudo microscÃpico. A aplicaÃÃo do calor atravÃs de aparelho de ultrasom demonstrou eficiÃncia e agilidade A hipertermia, o etoricoxibe e o pegaptanibe, apresentaram capacidade antiangiogÃnica, expressada tanto pela curva de sobrevida, como pela avaliaÃÃo da microdensidade vascular. Particularmente, a hipertermia isoladamente apresentou um efeito antiangiogÃnico significativo tanto na curva de crescimento tumoral como na diminuiÃÃo da densidade microvascular. A associaÃÃo da hipertermia com o pegaptanibe, demonstrou uma eficiÃncia na diminuiÃÃo da densidade microvascular significativamente maior do que os demais grupos. O modelo de aplicaÃÃo de hipertermia gerada por um aparelho de ultrassom na modalidade contÃnua foi satisfatÃria, demonstrando ter sido efetiva tanto na diminuiÃÃo do crescimento tumoral, como na diminuiÃÃo da densidade microvascular. / The traditional methods of cancer treatment, like the chemotherapy and radiotherapy, even though they are effective in many types of tumours, they find frequently resistant neoplasic cellsâ population, beyond presenting a low security margin to the patients. The hyperthermia use associated to the chemotherapy and radiotherapy are plenty mentioned as profitable in the specialist literature, especially in patients with cancer in advanced stage, submitted previously to the classic methods of the treatment. The tissuesâ heat insertion through the continuous ultrasound becomes the procedure faster and with proved efficacy. The antiangiogenic use also is being related like effective in the specialist literature and, at this moment, the substancesâ list has grown vastly. The study of the hyperthermia action associated to antiangiogenic agents has been suggested, once the tumour vessels are dilated, would not promote the temperature reduction in the tumour vessels and, therefore, the effects of this association would be more intense than in the normal tissue, what might contribute to the death cell. The study objective is to evaluate the antitumor and antiangiogenic effect of the hyperthermia induced by isolated ultrasound and combined with etoricoxibe and pegaptanibe in the 256 Walker carcinossarcoma implanted in the subcutaneous back screen of mouse by using the hyperthermia experimental model by ultrasound, like the hyperthermia effects study by isolated ultrasound and linked with etoricoxibe and pegaptanibe, in the tumour angiogenesis. The method used describes the insertion of 256 Walker Tumour cells in the back of male Wistar mouse. The animals were treated with hyperthermia applied through the ultrasound equipment, kept to a 45 C level during five minutes in the third day after the inoculation and also treated with etoricoxibe and pegaptanibe by oral and intraperitoneal respectively since the inoculation day. Each animal group was submitted to a tumour growth measurement during a period of 30 days, as well as also a vascular microdensity evaluation through a photographic mesoscopic study, validated by the microscopic study. The heat application through the ultrasound equipment demonstrated efficiency and agility. The hyperthermia, the etoricoxibe and the pegaptanibe showed antiangiogenic capacity, expressed by the over life curve, and also by the vascular microdensity evaluation. Particularly, the isolated hyperthermia showed a significative antiangiogenic effect in the tumour growth curve and also in the decreasing of the micro vascular density. The association between the hyperthermia and the pegaptanibe demonstrated a greater efficiency in the reducing of the micro vascular density than the other groups. The hyperthermia application model generated by the ultrasound equipment in the continuous modality was satisfactory, demonstrating by being effective as much in the reducing of the tumour growth as in the decreasing of the micro vascular density.

Kontroliuojamos pakaitinės kartotinės pasyvios hipertermijos ir hipotermijos poveikis aklimacijos požymių kaitai / The effect of controlled intermittent repeated passive hyperthermia and hypothermia on changes of acclimation symptoms

Skaisgirytė, Beata 10 September 2013 (has links)
Žmogaus organizmas yra linkęs aklimuotis ir prie besikartojančių šilumos ir prie besikartojančių šalčio stimulų (Michael, 2001). Tai sukelia skirtingus fiziologinius atsakus organizme. Žmogaus organizmas aklimuodamasis šilumai siekia sušvelninti šilumos sukeltą fiziologinį stresą, ir pagerinti šiluminį komfortą bei treniravimosi galimybes. Aklimacija yra sukeliama pakartotinių šilumos stimulų, kurie sukelia pakankamą stresą, galintį pakelti odos ir vidines temperatūras, padidinti prakaitavimą. Dažniausiai aklimacija kasdien pasikartojantiems šilumos stimulams atsiranda per pirmas 4 dienas ir galutinai susiformuoja per 3 savaites. Šilumos aklimacijos sukelti požymiai – žemesnė vidinė temperatūra, padidėjęs prakaitavimas ir odos kraujotaka, sumažėjusi metabolinė medžiagų apykaita, sumažėjęs širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemai sukeliamas krūvis, pagerėjęs skysčių balansas ir padidėjusi šiluminė tolerancija (Michael ir kt., 2001). Šiais laikais profesinė ir rekreacinė veikla šaltomis oro sąlygomis yra gana dažna. Šalčio poveikis sukelia termoreguliacijos atsakus, kurie pasireiškia elgesiu arba fiziologiniais pokyčiais, kad išlaikytų šiluminę pusiausvyrą- padidėjusia metabolinė šilumos gamyba drebant arba vazokonstrikcija- sumažėjusiu šilumos atidavimu. Šie fiziologiniai atsakai priklauso nuo asmens individualių savybių- amžiaus, kūno sudėjimo, bendro prisitaikymo šalčiui. Stiprus šalčio stimulas gali sukelti medicinines traumas ar net mirtį (Launay, 2009). Aklimacija šalčiui yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Human body tends to acclimate to repeated heat or cold stimulus (Michael, 2001). This leads to different physiological responses in the body. During acclimation to heat the body seeks to soften heat-induced physiological stress, to improve thermal comfort and increase training opportunities. Acclimation is induced by repeated heat stimuli that cause sufficient stress, that can raise skin and core temperature, increase sweating. Usually the acclimation to daily repeated heat stimuli occurs within the first 4 days and finally forms during 3 weeks. Heat acclimation causes symptoms such as lower core temperature, increased sweating and skin blood circulation, decreased metabolism, decreased stress for cardiovascular system, improved fluid balance and increased thermal tolerance (Michael et al., 2001). Nowadays, professional and recreational activities in cold weather conditions are quite common. Cold exposures cause thermoregulatory responses that affects behaviour or physiological changes to maintain thermal balance- increased metabolic heat production while shivering, or vasoconstriction- reduced heating. These physiological responses depend on the person’s individual characteristics- age, body composition and general adaptation to cold. A strong cold stimulus can cause medical injuries or even death (Launey, 2009). Acclimation to cold is classified into several categories- metabolic, insulation, hypothermic and intermediate versions (Bittel, 1992). Acclimation to cold may... [to full text]

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