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Quality systems to avoid secondary brain injury in neurointensive careNyholm, Lena January 2015 (has links)
Outcome after traumatic brain injury (TBI) depends on the extent of primary cell death and on the development of secondary brain injury. The general aim of this thesis was to find strategies and quality systems to minimize the extent of secondary insults in neurointensive care (NIC). An established standardized management protocol system, multimodality monitoring and computerized data collection, and analysis systems were used. The Uppsala TBI register was established for regular monitoring of NIC quality indexes. For 2008-2010 the proportion of patients improving during NIC was 60-80%, whereas 10% deteriorated. The percentage of ‘talk and die’ cases was < 1%. The occurrences of secondary insults were less than 5% of good monitoring time (GMT) for intracranial pressure (ICP) > 25 mmHg, cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) < 50 mmHg and systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg. Favorable outcome was achieved by 64% of adults. Nurse checklists of secondary insult occurrence were introduced. Evaluation of the use of nursing checklists showed that the nurses documented their assessments in 84-85% of the shifts and duration of monitoring time at insult level was significantly longer when secondary insults were reported regarding ICP, CPP and temperature. The use of nurse checklist was found to be feasible and accurate. A clinical tool to avoid secondary insults related to nursing interventions was developed. Secondary brain insults occurred in about 10% of nursing interventions. There were substantial variations between patients. The risk ratios of developing an ICP insult were 4.7 when baseline ICP ≥ 15 mmHg, 2.9 when ICP amplitude ≥ 6 mmHg and 1.7 when pressure autoregulation ≥ 0.3. Hyperthermia, which is a known frequent secondary insult, was studied. Hyperthermia was most common on Day 7 after admission and 90% of the TBI patients had hyperthermia during the first 10 days at the NIC unit. The effects of hyperthermia on intracranial dynamics (ICP, brain energy metabolism and BtipO2) were small but individual differences were observed. Hyperthermia increased ICP slightly more when temperature increased in the groups with low compliance and impaired pressure autoregulation. Ischemic pattern was never observed in the microdialysis samples. The treatment of hyperthermia may be individualized and guided by multimodality monitoring.
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Perovskites de manganèse nanométriques : vers des applications biomédicales / Nanoscale manganese perovskites : towards biomedical applicationsEpherre, Romain 29 November 2010 (has links)
Les nanoparticules seront sans doute les outils diagnostiques et thérapeutiques de demain. Si ellessont magnétiques, elles sont promises à des applications telles que le renforcement du contraste enIRM, la thermothérapie et la libération contrôlée de médicaments. Les nanomatériaux La1-xSrxMnO3ont été sélectionnés car leur température de Curie (TC) peut être ajustée dans la gamme detempérature thérapeutique. Des particules calibrées en taille et désagrégées ont été élaborées par leprocédé glycine-nitrate (GNP). Les caractérisations chimiques et structurales ont permis de mieuxcomprendre les résultats contradictoires de la littérature concernant la soi-disant dépendance de TCavec la taille des nanoparticules. L’adaptabilité de ces nanoparticules pour des applications enhyperthermie ou en IRM a été confirmée. Enfin, la capacité des nanoparticules à s’échauffer a étéutilisée pour réticuler autour d’elles une couronne de macromolécules thermosensibles selon leconcept nouveau de chimie localement stimulée. / Nanoparticles may be the next generation of diagnostic and therapeutic tools. If they are magnetic,they are dedicated to applications such as MRI contrast agent, thermotherapy and controlled drugrelease. La1-xSrxMnO3 nanoparticles were selected because their Curie temperature (TC) may be tunedwithin the range of therapeutic temperature. Size sorted and disaggregated particles weresynthesized by the Glycine-Nitrate Process. Chemical and structural characterizations allowed abetter understanding of conflicting results found in the literature about the particle size-dependenceof TC. The possibility to use these nanoparticles for hyperthermia and MRI applications has beenconfirmed. Finally, their ability to heat has been used to crosslink thermosensitive macromoleculesall around them according to the new concept of locally stimulated chemistry.
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Synthèse de nanogels biocompatibles et multi-stimulables pour la libération contrôlée d'une molécule modèle par hyperthermie magnétique et photothermie / Synthesis of biocompatible and multi-responsive nanogels for a controlled release of a model molecule by magnetic hyperthermia and photothermiaCázares Cortés, Esther Del Carmen 20 December 2017 (has links)
Les nanogels hybrides constitués de polymères thermosensibles et de nanoparticules inorganiques stimulables telles que des nanoparticules magnétiques (NPMs) ou des nanobatônnets d’or (AuNRs) sont extrêmement intéressants pour des applications biomédicales. Leur matrice en polymère permet d’encapsuler et de libérer de grandes quantités de molécules actives, alors que les nanoparticules peuvent générer de la chaleur lorsqu’elles sont exposées à un champ magnétique alternatif (AMF) pour les NPMs, et à une irradiation proche infrarouge (NIR-L) pour les AuNRs. Ce manuscrit de thèse porte sur la synthèse et la caractérisation de nanogels biocompatibles, pH- et thermosensibles, à base de monomères en oligo (éthylène glycol) méthyl éther méthacrylate (OEGMAs), d’acide méthacrylique (MAA) et encapsulant des NPMs et/ou des AuNRs pour déclencher de manière contrôlée, par hyperthermie magnétique ou par photothermie, la libération d’une molécule anticancéreuse, la doxorubicine (DOX). Des nanogels hybrides magnétiques, plasmoniques et magnéto-plasmoniques ont été synthétisés. Ces nanogels ont un diamètre hydrodynamique entre 200 et 500 nm et une température de transition de phase volumique comprise entre 30 et 54 °C. Le comportement de gonflement-dégonflement des nanogels peut être induit par plusieurs stimuli (température, pH, AMF, NIR-L). Ces résultats démontrent que les MagNanoGels sont d’excellents nanovecteurs pour accroître l’internalisation cellulaire en augmentant la cytotoxicité de la DOX et qu’il est possible de déclencher à distance la libération intracellulaire de DOX sous AMF dans des conditions athermiques. Par ailleurs, les PlasMagNanoGels peuvent générer efficacement de la chaleur par photothermie pour une thermothérapie. En outre, les propriétés intrinsèques des NPMs, pour le ciblage magnétique et en tant qu’agents de contraste pour l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (MRI), font de ces nanogels des candidats idéaux pour une nouvelle approche thérapeutique (diagnostique et traitement) contre le cancer. / Hybrid nanogels, composed of thermoresponsive polymers and inorganic responsive nanoparticles, such as magnetic nanoparticles (NPMs) and gold nanorods (AuNRs) are highly interesting for biomedical applications. Their polymeric matrix makes them able to uptake and release high quantities of drugs, whereas nanoparticles can generate heat when exposed to an alternating magnetic field (AMF) for NPMs, and to a near-infrared light for AuNRs. This thesis manuscript focuses on the synthesis and the characterization of biocompatible, pH- and thermoresponsive nanogels, based on oligo(ethylene glycol) monomers (OEGMAs), methacrylic acid (MAA) and encapsulating NPMs and/or AuNR for remotely triggered doxorubicin (DOX, anticancer drug) release, by magnetic hyperthermia or phothothermia. Hybrid magnetic, plasmonic and magneto-plasmonic nanogels were synthesized. Theses nanogels have a hydrodynamic diameter between 200 and 500 nm and a volume phase transition temperature (VPTT) from 30 to 54°C. The nanogels’ swelling-deswelling behavior can be induced by several stimuli (temperature, pH, AMF, NIR-L). These results demonstrate that MagNanoGels are excellent nanocarriers for enhancing cellular internalization enhancing DOX cytotoxicity and that DOX release was significantly enhanced upon exposure to AMF in athermic conditions. In addition, PlasMagNanoGels can efficiently generate heat by photothermy for thermotherapy. Therefore, the intrinsic properties of NPMs for magnetic targeting and as contrast agents for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), make these nanogels ideal candidates for a new therapeutic approach (diagnosis and treatment) against cancer.
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New strategies towards the synthesis of innovative multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles combining MRI imaging and/or magnetic hyperthermia therapy / Nouvelles stratégies vers la synthèse de nanoparticules magnétiques multifonctionnelles innovantes combinant imagerie par IRM et/ou thérapie par hyperthermie magnétiqueCotin, Geoffrey 24 November 2017 (has links)
Bien que de nombreux progrès aient été réalisés dans le traitement du cancer, de nouvelles approches sont nécessaires afin de minimiser les effets secondaires délétères et d’augmenter le taux de survie des patients. Aujourd’hui de nombreux espoirs reposent sur l’utilisation de nanoparticules (NPs) d’oxyde de fer fonctionnalisées permettant de combiner, en un seul nano-objet, le diagnostic (agent de contraste en IRM) et la thérapie par hyperthermie magnétique (i.e. « theranostic »). Dans ce contexte, la stratégie développée est la synthèse de NPs à propriétés magnétiques optimisées par le contrôle de leurs taille, forme et composition, leur biofonctionnalisation et la validation de leurs propriétés théranostiques. Une démarche d’ingénierie des NPs a été mise en place allant de la synthèse du précurseur de fer et de l’étude fine de sa décomposition en passant par l’étude in situ de la formation des NPs jusqu'à leur fonctionnalisation et la détermination de leurs propriétés theranostiques. / Despite numerous advances in cancer treatment, new approaches are necessary in order to minimize the deleterious side effects and to increase patient’s survivals rate. Nowadays, many hopes rely on functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs) that combine, in a single nano-objects, diagnosis (MRI contrast agent) and magnetic hyperthermia therapy (i.e. “theranostic”). In this context, the strategy is to develop the synthesis of optimized magnetic properties NPs through the control of their size, shape, composition, biofunctionalization and the validation of their theranostic properties. A process of NPs engineering has been developed starting at the iron precursor synthesis and the fine study of its decomposition passing through the in situ formation of the NPs to their functionalization and the determination of their theranostic properties.
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Nanomateriais magnéticos para aplicações em terapia e imagem / Magnetic nanomaterials for application in therapy and imagingFernando Bacci Effenberger 19 April 2012 (has links)
Em virtude da grande atenção que os nanomateriais magnéticos recebem atualmente, cientistas de diversas áreas (química, física, engenharia e medicina) vêm estudando as propriedades e as aplicações de nanopartículas magnéticas, gerando uma grande demanda por materiais de alta qualidade. As propriedades dos nanomateriais magnéticos são fortemente dependentes de suas propriedades intrínsecas (p. ex., composição, cristalinidade, tamanho e forma) e das interações entre as partículas, portanto sofrendo grande influencia do método de síntese aplicado. Várias técnicas para produção de nanomateriais magnéticos são conhecidas, porém muitas delas geram materiais com baixa qualidade no que diz respeito a tamanho médio e faixa de distribuição de tamanhos nas amostras. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a síntese de nanopartículas de magnetita (Fe3O4) por decomposição térmica do acetilacetonato de ferro (III), um método já conhecido e que se destaca pela alta qualidade de amostras (elevado controle no tamanho, estreita distribuição de tamanhos e forma bem definida), porém de alto custo. Estudamos a influência dos aditivos normalmente empregados no meio reacional no controle da morfologia, tamanho e polidispesão das amostras preparadas e sugerimos outros reagentes (monoóis, dióis e polióis) em busca de novas condições de síntese de nanopartículas magnéticas com morfologia e tamanho controlados. Do ponto de vista prático, reduzimos o custo de produção de nanomateriais magnéticos de alta qualidade pela utilização de aditivos mais baratos e de fácil obtenção no mercado. Os diferentes aditivos propostos modificaram as propriedades magnéticas ligadas às interações dipolares entre as partículas magnéticas. A influência dos aditivos foi testada em crescimentos sucessivos usando partículas de magnetita já formadas como sementes. O perfil de crescimento se mostrou diferente em função dos reagentes empregados e as amostras tiveram suas interações hiperfinas medidas para avaliar a relação entre o tamanho e aumento da cristalinidade das partículas formadas. O revestimento das partículas de magnetita com ouro foi estudado buscando aumentar a biocompatibilidade e proteger os núcleos magnéticos, porém as estruturas core-shell obtidas não apresentaram comportamento superparamagnético. Os estudos das interações hiperfinas mostraram perda da cristalinidade após o revestimento com ouro. As partículas de magnetita foram aplicadas para produzir calor através de hipertermia magnética, sendo que a interação entre as partículas se mostrou fundamental para o aumento do calor gerado. Outra aplicação biomédica testada foi o uso das partículas de magnetita como contraste para imagem por ressonância magnética nuclear. Nossas amostras mostraram desempenho semelhante às partículas disponíveis no mercado a alto custo / Magnetic nanomaterials have received a great deal of attention from scientists of various research fields (chemistry, physics, engineering and medicine) that have been studying the properties and applications of magnetic nanoparticles, generating a great demand for high quality materials. The magnetic properties of nanomaterials are strongly dependent on their intrinsic properties (eg., composition, crystallinity, size and shape) and the interactions between particles, therefore are influenced by the method of synthesis applied. Various techniques for the production of nanomarerials are known, but many of them produce poor quality materials, regarding to the average size, broad size distribution range and variable shape. The present work aimed to study the synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4) by thermal decomposition of iron (III) acetylacetonate, a method already known for delivering high quality samples (high control on the size and narrow size distribution ), but at high cost. We studied the influence of additives normally used in the reaction medium to control the morphology, size and polydispersion and suggested other reagents (monols, diols and polyols) in the search for new conditions to synthesize magnetic nanoparticles with controlled size and morphology. From a practical viewpoint, we have reduced cost of producing high-quality magnetic nanoparticles using cheaper additives available on the market. The different additives used in the synthetic protocol modified the magnetic properties which are related to dipolar interactions between magnetic particles. The influence of additives was tested in successive growth using magnetite particles previously formed as seeds. The growth profile showed to be different depending on the additives used and the samples had their hyperfine interactions measured to estimate the relationship between the size increasing and the crystallinity of the particles formed. The coating of the magnetite particles with gold was studied in order to increase the biocompatibility and to protect the magnetic core. In this case, the core-shell structure lost the superparamagnetic behavior. Studies of hyperfine interactions showed the loss of crystallinity after coating the nanoparticles with gold. The synthesized particles were used to produce heat by magnetic hyperthermia, where the interaction between the particles proved to be crucial to increase the generated heat. Another biomedical application tested was the use of magnetite particles as contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging. Our samples showed similar performance to the commercially available particles at high cost.
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AvaliaÃÃo da hipertermoterapia associada ao Paclitaxel, 5-Fluorouracil e 5-Fluorouracil mais Ãcido FolÃnico no Tumor de Walker 256 implantado em estÃmagos de rato / Evaluation of the hyperthermotherapy associated with paclitaxel, 5-fluorouracil and 5-fluorouracil plus folinic acid on the Walker 256 tumor implanted in rat stomachsPaulo Ferdinando de Melo Oliveira 09 October 2003 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / IntroduÃÃo: As drogas quimioterÃpicas convencionais nÃo tÃm obtido sucesso no tratamento do cÃncer gÃstrico. O paclitaxel (TaxolÂ) mostrou ser efetivo no tratamento dos cÃnceres de ovÃrio, mama e pulmÃo. O 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) tem apresentado resultados promissores no tratamento do cÃncer de cÃlon. O Ãcido folÃnico (LeucovorinÂ) potencializa a citotoxicidade do 5-fluorouracil. Estudos desen-volvidos no JapÃo, Estados Unidos e Europa vÃm sugerindo o uso de quimioterapia associada à hiper-termia no controle da doenÃa localmente avanÃada. Objetivos: Avaliar a influÃncia do paclitaxel, 5-fluorouracil e 5-fluorouracil mais Ãcido folÃnico, isolados e associados à hipertermia, na sobrevida de ratos com tumor de Walker 256 implantados no estÃmago, e observar o comportamento do tumor de Walker 256 original implantado em estÃmagos de rato sem tratamento e submetidos aos tratamentos quimioterÃpicos propostos, associados à hipertermia. MÃtodos: Implantou-se o tumor de Walker 256 na mucosa gÃstrica de rato no 3o, 7o, e 10o dias de inoculaÃÃo do tumor. Os animais foram tratados com paclitaxel, 5-fluorouracil e 5-fluorouracil mais Ãcido folÃnico, isolados e associados à hipertermia. Foram administrados paclitaxel na dose de 25 mg/m2, 5-fluorouracil na dose de 130 mg/m2 e Ãcido folÃnico na dose de 7 mg/m2. A Hipertermia de Corpo Inteiro foi iniciada 2 horas apÃs a administraÃÃo dos quimioterÃpicos, tendo duraÃÃo de 1 hora. Resultados: Os animais inoculados com tumor apresentaram uma sobrevida de 13,25  0,53. Os animais tratados com Paclitaxel isolado apresentaram sobrevida de 28,61  0,82; 20,92  1,77 e 20,07  0,60 no 3o, 7o e 10o dias, respectivamente, e aqueles trata-dos com Paclitaxel + hipertermia apresentaram sobrevida de 19,17  1,20; 22,54  1,47 e 17,92  1,06 nos mesmos perÃodos. Os animais tratados com 5-fluorouracil isolado apresentaram sobrevida de 16,16  0,52; 15,57  0,57 e 17,94  0,46 no 3o, 7o e 10o dias, respectivamente, e aqueles tratados com 5-fluorouracil + hipertermia apresentaram sobrevida de 14,45  0,36; 16,36  0,81 e 18,37  1,86 nos mesmos perÃodos. Os animais tratados com 5-fluorouracil + Ãcido folÃnico apresentaram sobrevida de 14,89  0,71; 16,56  0,91 e 16,11  0,67 no 3o, 7o e 10o dias, respectivamente, e aqueles tratados com 5-fluorouracil + Ãcido folÃnico + hipertermia apresentaram sobrevida de 17,60  1,22; Â15,42  0,31 e 15,45  0,39 nos mesmos perÃodos. ConclusÃes: O tumor experimental de Walker 256 à um tumor de pequenas cÃlulas. A hipertermia associada à quimioterapia, com paclitaxel, 5-fluorouracil, 5-fluorouracil mais Ãcido folÃnico como tratamento do tumor de Walker experimental implantado nos estÃmagos de rato Wistar, nÃo melhorou a sobrevida. / Introduction: The conventional chemotherapy drugs have not obtained success on the treatment of gastric cancer. The paclitaxel (TaxolÂ) showed to be effective on treating lung, breast and ovarian cancer. The 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) has shown promising results on the treatment of colon cancer. The folinic acid (LeucovorinÂ) reinforces the 5-FU cytotoxicity. Studies developed in Japan, United States and Europe suggest the use of chemotherapy associated with hyperthermia on the control of locally advanced disease. Objectives: Evaluate the influence of paclitaxel, 5-fluorouracil and 5-fluorouracil plus folinic acid, isolated and associated with hyperthermia, on the survival of rats with Walker 256 tumor implanted on their stomach, and observe the behavior of the original Walker 256 tumor implanted in the stomach of rats with no treatment and with the proposed chemotherapy treatments associated with hyperthermia. Methods: The Walker 256 tu-mor was implanted on the mucous layer of the rat stomach on the 3rd, 7th and 10th day after inoculation. The animals were treated with paclitaxel, 5-fluorouracil and 5-fluorourcil plus folinic acid isolated and associated with hyperthermia. Paclitaxel 25 mg/m2, 5-fluorouracil 130 mg/m2 and folinic acid 7 mg/m2 were used. The Whole-Body Hyperthermia was initiated 2 hours after the administration of the chemotherapic drugs, with 1 hour of duration. Results: The animals in-oculated with tumor showed a survival of 13.25  0.53. The animals treated with Paclitaxel isolated showed a survival of 28.61  0.82; 20.92  1.77 and 20.07  0.60 in the 3rd, 7th and 10th days, respectively, and those treated with Paclitaxel + hyperthermia showed a survival of 19.17  1.20; 22.54  1.47 and 17.92  1.06 in the same periods. The animals treated with 5-fluorouracil isolated showed a survival of 16.16  0.52; 15.57  0.57 and 17.94  0.46 in the 3rd, 7th and 10th days, respectively, and those treated with 5-fluorouracil + hyperthermia showed a survival of 14.45  0.36; 16.36  0.81 and 18.37  1.86 in the same periods. The animals treated with 5-fluorouracil + folinic acid showed a survival of 14.89  0.71; 16.56  0.91 and 16.11  0.67 in the 3rd, 7th and 10th days, respectively, and those treated with 5-fluorouracil + folinic acid + hyperthermia showed a survival of 17.60  1.22; 15.42  0.31 and 15.45  0.39 in the same periods. Conclusions: The Walker 256 is a small cell tumor. The hyperthermia associated with chemotherapy using pacli-taxel, 5-fluorouracil and 5-fluorouracil plus folinic acid as treatment of Walker experimental tu-mor implanted in Wistar rat stomachs do not improved the survival.
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Avaliação dos efeitos das hipertermias magnética e fototérmica na síntese de heteroestruturas à base de nanopartículas de MnFe2O4 e Au / Evaluation of the effects of magnetic and photothermal hyperthermia on the synthesis of heterostructures based on MnFe2O4 and Au nanoparticlesSousa Júnior, Ailton Antônio de 14 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2017-03-03T10:47:21Z
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Dissertação - Ailton Antônio de Sousa Júnior - 2015.pdf: 8825071 bytes, checksum: 2c6c25961d11096534c7e36baa42c260 (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-03-03T11:52:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertação - Ailton Antônio de Sousa Júnior - 2015.pdf: 8825071 bytes, checksum: 2c6c25961d11096534c7e36baa42c260 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2015-12-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / The purpose of this project is to synthesize and characterize heterostructures composed by manganese
ferrite nanoparticles (MnFe2O4 NPs) and gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) able to: 1) respond to external
alternating magnetic fields, what would enable their use in cancer diagnostic as contrast agentes for
magnetic resonance imaging, as well as in cancer treatment via magnetic hyperthermia; 2) respond to
eletromagnetic radiation, what would enable their use in cancer diagnostic as contrast agents for X-ray
computed tomography (CT), as well as in cancer treatment via photothermal hyperthermia. We evaluate
four MnFe2O4-Au heterostructures synthesis protocols. On Protocol 1, we use part of the energy of a laser
beam (808 nm, 800 mW) to promote the nucleation of Au NPs at the surface of previously synthesized
MnFe2O4 NPs covered by DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid). On Protocol 2, we use part of the energy of an
alternating magnetic field (333,8 kHz, 17 mT) to promote this nucleation. We also perform an analysis of
the influence of MnFe2O4 NPs covering layer, by comparing the ionic surfactants DMSA and sodium
citrate. On Protocols 3 and 4, both the magnetic cores (MnFe2O4 NPs) and the metalic cores (Au NPs) are
previously synthesized. Therefore, three Au NPs synthesis methods are evaluated. On Protocol 3, we
promote the coupling between Au NPs and MnFe2O4-DMSA NPs using part of the energy from the same
laser beam used on Protocol 1. On Protocol 4, we promote the coupling between cysteine-covered Au NPs
and lysine-covered MnFe2O4 NPs via peptidic reaction between these two aminoacids. Finally, we conduct
a comparative analysis between magnetic and photothermal hyperthermia, proposing a method for the
determination of the optical SLP (Specific Loss Power). Moreover, we submit some of our samples to CT
imaging. Protocol 1 is the best one in terms of covering the magnetic core by Au NPs. Protocol 2 allows the
nucleation of Au NPs with diameters greater than the ones obtained via Protocol 1. Protocols 3 and 4 offer
nanostructures with better potential with respect to their use as contrast agents in CT. However, the final
yield of all four protocols is very low. Comparing magnetic and photothermal hyperthermia, we verify that
the optical SLP is two to three orders of magnitude greater than the magnetic SLP under the assessed
conditions, what suggests that protocols using laser beams have more energy available for the
nucleation/coupling of Au NPs at the surface of MnFe2O4 NPs than those using alternating magnetic fields
or simple heating on hot plate. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo sintetizar e caracterizar heteroestruturas compostas por nanopartículas de
ferrita de manganês (NPs de MnFe2O4) e nanopartículas de ouro (NPs de Au), capazes de: 1) responder à
aplicação de um campo magnético alternado, podendo ser utilizadas no diagnóstico de cânceres enquanto
agentes de contraste no imagiamento por ressonância magnética, bem como em seu tratamento via
hipertermia magnética; 2) responder à aplicação de radiação eletromagnética, podendo ser utilizadas no
diagnóstico de cânceres como agentes de contraste no imagiamento por tomografia computadorizada de
raios-X (CT), bem como em seu tratamento via hipertermia fototérmica. Nesse sentido, avaliamos quatro
protocolos de síntese de heteroestruturas MnFe2O4-Au. No Protocolo 1, utilizamos parte da energia de um
feixe de luz laser (808 nm, 800 mW) para promover a nucleação de NPs de Au à superfície de NPs de
MnFe2O4 previamente sintetizadas, recobertas por DMSA (ácido dimercaptosuccínico). No Protocolo 2,
utilizamos parte da energia de um campo magnético alternado (333,8 kHz, 17 mT) para promover essa
nucleação. Fazemos também uma análise da influência da camada de cobertura das NPs de MnFe2O4,
comparando os surfactantes iônicos DMSA e citrato de sódio.Nos Protocolos 3 e 4, tanto os núcleos
magnéticos (NPs de MnFe2O4) quanto os núcleos metálicos (NPs de Au) são previamente sintetizados.
Para tanto, três métodos de síntese de NPs de Au são avaliados. No Protocolo 3, promovemos o
acoplamento de NPs de Au a NPs de MnFe2O4-DMSA utilizando parte da energia proveniente do mesmo
feixe de luz laser utilizado no Protocolo 1. No Protocolo 4, promovemos o acoplamento de NPs de Au
recobertas por moléculas cisteína a NPs de MnFe2O4 recobertas por moléculas de lisina via reações
peptídicas entre esses dois aminoácidos. Finalmente, fazemos um estudo comparativo entre hipertermia
magnética e hipertermia fototérmica, sugerindo um método para determinação do SLP (Specific Loss
Power) óptico. Além disso, submetemos algumas de nossas amostras ao imagiamento por CT. O Protocolo
1 é o melhor do ponto de vista do recobrimento do núcleo magnético por NPs de Au. O Protocolo 2 permite
a nucleação de NPs de Au com diâmetros superiores àqueles obtidos via Protocolo 1. Os Protocolos 3 e 4
oferecem nanoestruturas com melhor potencial quanto à sua utilização como agentes de contraste em CT.
Entretanto, o rendimento de todos os protocolos avaliados é muito baixo. Na comparação entre hipertermia
magnética e fototérmica, verificamos que o SLP óptico é de duas a três ordens de grandeza superior ao SLP
magnético nas condições avaliadas, o que indica que protocolos que fazem uso de luz laser dispõem de mais
energia para a nucleação/acoplamento de NPs de Au à superfície de NPs de MnFe2O4 do que aqueles que
fazem uso de campos magnéticos alternados ou simples aquecimento em chapa térmica.
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Efeito da interação dipolar magnética na eficiência de aquecimento de nanopartículas: Implicações para magnetohipertermia / Effect of magnetic dipolar interactions on nanoparticle heating efficiency: Implications for magnetic hyperthermiaBranquinho, Luis Cesar 09 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2017-04-27T17:01:46Z
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Tese - Luis Cesar Branquinho - 2014.pdf: 6091709 bytes, checksum: 2c59441af9866c02cd7a2cc3cc667b3e (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-05-03T11:40:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Tese - Luis Cesar Branquinho - 2014.pdf: 6091709 bytes, checksum: 2c59441af9866c02cd7a2cc3cc667b3e (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-03T11:40:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
Tese - Luis Cesar Branquinho - 2014.pdf: 6091709 bytes, checksum: 2c59441af9866c02cd7a2cc3cc667b3e (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-12-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Magnetic nanoparticles can generate heat when submitted to alternating magnetic fields of adequate amplitude and frequency. This phenomenon is named magnetic hyperthermia and has several therapeutic applications, as for example, in the treatment of cancer. In general, the theoretical models used to describe this neglect the effect of interparticle interaction. In this thesis we investigate the effect of magnetic dipolar interaction in the magnetothermal efficiency (named specific loss power – SLP) of bicompatible magnetic nanoparticles. Firstly, we develop a chain of magnetic particles model, where we prove that the interaction leads to a contribution to the uniaxial anisotropy. This term in the free energy density allowed us to extract from the electron magnetic resonance technique (EMR) information about the mean chain size in the colloid. Further, this additional magnetic nanoparticle anisotropy term was used to develop an analytical theoretical model that takes into account the effect of the dipolar interaction between nanoparticles to SLP, considering the case where the magnetization responds linearly to the field (Linear Response Theory). Our calculations indicate that depending on the particle parameters, specially the anisotropy, the effect can be to enhance or decrease the heat generation. Moreover, we showed that increasing the chain size (number of particles in the chain) the optimal particle size for hyperthermia can decrease up to 30% in comparison with non-interacting particles. This result has several clinical implications, which allowed us to suggest some strategies for improving the therapeutic efficacy. In order to investigate experimentally the effect, two magnetic fluids, one containing spherical nanoparticles based on manganese ferrite (MnF-citrate) in the superparamagnetic regime, and another commercial one (BNF-starch) magnetite-based with a shape of a parallellepiped and blocked, were selected and deeply characterized. We found a decrease of SLP increasing the chain size for the MnF sample, while for BNF-starch no effect was found at the same experimental conditions. The decrease of SLP in the MnF sample, within the particle concentration range, was explained considering in the model not only the effect in the anisotropy but also by an increase in the damping factor parameter, a term correlated to spin-phonon interaction. Data obtained using EMR and Monte Carlo simulations corroborate our hypothesis. The absence of concentration effect for the BNF sample was attributed to the higher anisotropy value and to the probable influence of brownian relaxation. In addition, the same chain model was used to investigate the behavior of blocked nanoparticles of Stoner-Wohlfarth type. In this case, we demonstrate that the chain formation increases the magnetic hyperthermia, as found in magnetosomes. Finally, we showed that a fluctuation of the dipolar interaction field between particles in the chain, which does not destroy the symmetry of this term, shows a Vogel-Fulcher behaviour in the weak coupling regime. / Nanopartículas magnéticas são capazes de gerar calor quando submetidas a campo magnético alternado de amplitude e frequência adequadas. Este fenômeno é conhecido como magnetohipertermia e possui aplicações terapêuticas como, por exemplo, no tratamento de câncer. Em geral, os modelos teóricos que descrevem o fenômeno não levam em conta efeitos associados à interação partícula-partícula. Nesta tese investigamos o efeito da interação dipolar magnética na eficiência magnetotérmica (SLP) de nanopartículas magnéticas biocompatíveis. Primeiramente desenvolvemos um modelo de cadeia de nanopartículas magnéticas, aonde provamos que a interação entre partículas que formam uma cadeia linear equivalem a uma contribuição uniaxial a anisotropia. Essa contribuição à densidade de energia permitiu que obtivéssemos por meio da técnica de ressonância magnética eletrônica (RME) informações acerca do tamanho médio de aglomerado na suspensão coloidal. Posteriormente utilizamos esse termo adicional da anisotropia efetiva da nanopartícula para propor um modelo teórico analítico que leve em consideração o efeito de tal interação na eficiência de aquecimento de nanopartículas magnéticas em um fluido para o caso em que a magnetização das nanopartículas responde linearmente ao campo (Teoria da Resposta Linear). Nossos cálculos indicaram que, dependendo de parâmetros da nanopartícula, em particular da anisotropia, este efeito pode aumentar ou diminuir a geração de calor. Além disso, mostramos que o aumento do número de partículas formando cadeias lineares reduz o diâmetro ótimo para hipertermia em até 30% em relação ao valor esperado para partículas isoladas. Este resultado possui fortes implicações clínicas, e permitiu que sugeríssemos algumas estratégias para aumentar a eficiência terapêutica. No intuito de investigar experimentalmente este efeito, dois fluidos magnéticos, um contendo nanopartículas esféricas de ferrita de Mn (MnF-citrato) no regime superparamagnético e outra comercial (BNF-starch) à base de magnetita com forma de nanoparalelepípedos e contendo partículas bloqueadas, foram selecionados e amplamente caracterizados. Observamos uma diminuição no SLP com o aumento de partículas na cadeia para a amostra MnF-citrato, para todos os valores de campo, enquanto que para a amostra BNF-starch não percebemos alteração do SLP. O decréscimo do SLP da amostra MnF, na faixa de concentração investigada, foi explicado incluindo não apenas o efeito na anisotropia efetiva, mas também o aumento no valor do fator de amortecimento. Dados de RME e simulação de Monte Carlo corroboraram tal hipótese. A ausência de efeito para amostra BNF-starch foi atribuída à alta anisotropia e provável influência de relaxação browniana. Adicionalmente, o modelo de cadeia foi usado para explicar o comportamento de nanopartículas bloqueadas do tipo Stoner-Wohlfarth. Neste caso demonstramos que a formação de cadeias aumenta a hipertermia magnética, como verificado em magnetossomos. Finalmente, mostramos que uma flutuação no campo dipolar interpartículas na cadeia, que não destrua a simetria desta contribuição, fornece um comportamento do tipo Vogel-Fulcher no regime fracamente interagente.
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Hipertermia magnética in vivo com nanopartículas de MnFe2O4 no tratamento de tumores sólidos e subcutâneos de Sarcoma 180 / In vivo magnetic hyperthermia with MnFe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles in the treatment of solid and subcutaneous tumors of Sarcoma 180Rodrigues, Harley Fernandes 19 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2017-05-29T17:22:24Z
No. of bitstreams: 2
Tese - Harley Fernandes Rodrigues - 2017.pdf: 14917308 bytes, checksum: 98bd396b4a6b5e7839b6b8ff0fd12102 (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-05-30T10:44:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Tese - Harley Fernandes Rodrigues - 2017.pdf: 14917308 bytes, checksum: 98bd396b4a6b5e7839b6b8ff0fd12102 (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-30T10:44:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
Tese - Harley Fernandes Rodrigues - 2017.pdf: 14917308 bytes, checksum: 98bd396b4a6b5e7839b6b8ff0fd12102 (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-04-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / In this thesis a methodology of real-time monitoring of magnetic hyperthermia (HM) in vivo was developed in the murine tumor model Sarcoma 180 using infrared thermography technique. Magnetic nanoparticles (NPM) consisted of Mn ferrites capable of generating heat at low magnetic field amplitude at the 300 kHz frequency within the safety limit determined by Atkinson. It has been shown that the apparent surface temperature value measured with the infrared camera underestimates the real skin temperature value of the mice if the camera objective does not form an angle 0 ° with the normal direction to the animal's skin in the region of interest on the tumor, with the error reaching more than 7.0 ° C (for 60 °). A new theoretical model to estimate the error in the temperature of curved surfaces was developed and proved valid even in the case where the surface temperature diverges significantly from the environment. Preclinical treatment results indicated a complete remission condition in animal that was submitted to 150 min of hyperthermia and other cases with partial remission, suggesting that biological response analyzes need to be done in a long time (> 60 days). Measurements of the intratumoral temperature monitored by three fiber-optic thermometers during the therapeutic procedure of HM with NPM indicated an inhomogeneous heat delivery within the tumor. Additionally, a new methodology for calculating the thermal dose (CEM43) evaluated at the surface, considering each pixel of the thermographic image as a thermometer in the tumor region, indicated that the value T10(t) of the temperature detected in vivo at the surface of the skin over subcutaneous tumors can report, with an error of the order of 5%, the mean intratumoral temperature value during the therapeutic procedure of HM. / Nesta tese foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de monitoramento em tempo real da hipertermia magnética (HM) in vivo no modelo tumoral murino Sarcoma 180 utilizando a técnica de termografia por infravermelho. As nanopartículas magnéticas (NPM) consistiam de ferritas de Mn capazes de gerar calor em baixa amplitude de campo magnético, na frequência de 300 kHz, dentro do limite de segurança determinado por Atkinson. Foi demonstrado que o valor da temperatura superficial aparente medido com a câmera de infravermelho subestima o valor da temperatura real da pele dos camundongos se a objetiva da câmera não formar um ângulo 0° com a direção normal à pele do animal na região de interesse sobre o tumor, podendo o erro chegar a mais do que 7,0 °C (para 60°). Um novo modelo teórico para estimar o erro na temperatura de superfícies curvas foi desenvolvido e se mostrou válido inclusive para o caso em que a temperatura superficial diverge significativamente da ambiente. Resultados pré-clínicos do tratamento indicaram uma situação de remissão completa em animal que passou por 150 min de hipertermia e outros casos com remissão parcial, sugerindo que análises de resposta biológica precisam ser feitas em longo tempo (> 60 dias). Medidas da temperatura intratumoral monitorada por três termômetros de fibra-óptica durante o procedimento terapêutico de HM com NPM indicaram uma entrega de calor não homogênea dentro do tumor. Adicionalmente, uma nova metodologia para o cálculo da dose térmica (CEM43) avaliada na superfície, considerando cada pixel da imagem termográfica como um termômetro na região do tumor, indicou que o valor de T10(t) da temperatura detectada in vivo na superfície da pele sobre tumores subcutâneos pode informar, com um erro da ordem de 5%, o valor da temperatura média intratumoral durante o procedimento terapêutico de HM.
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Simulações numéricas 3D em ambiente paralelo de hipertermia com nanopartículas magnéticasReis, Ruy Freitas 05 November 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-02-24T15:43:42Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
ruyfreitasreis.pdf: 10496081 bytes, checksum: 05695a7e896bd684b83ab5850df95449 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-03-06T19:28:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
ruyfreitasreis.pdf: 10496081 bytes, checksum: 05695a7e896bd684b83ab5850df95449 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-06T19:28:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ruyfreitasreis.pdf: 10496081 bytes, checksum: 05695a7e896bd684b83ab5850df95449 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-11-05 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este estudo tem como objetivo a modelagem numérica do tratamento de tumores
sólidos com hipertermia utilizando nanopartículas magnéticas, considerando o modelo
tridimensional de biotransferência de calor proposto por Pennes (1948). Foram
comparadas duas diferentes possibilidades de perfusão sanguínea, a primeira constante
e, a segunda, dependente da temperatura. O tecido é modelado com as camadas de
pele, gordura e músculo, além do tumor. Para encontrar a solução aproximada do
modelo foi aplicado o método das diferenças finitas (MDF) em um meio heterogêneo.
Devido aos diferentes parâmetros de perfusão, foram obtidos sistemas de equações lineares
(perfusão constante) e não lineares (perfusão dependente da temperatura). No domínio
do tempo foram utilizados dois esquemas numéricos explícitos, o primeiro utilizando o
método clássico de Euler e o segundo um algoritmo do tipo preditor-corretor adaptado
dos métodos de integração generalizada da família-alpha trapezoidal. Uma vez que a
execução de um modelo tridimensional demanda um alto custo computacional, foram
empregados dois esquemas de paralelização do método numérico, o primeiro baseado
na API de programação paralela OpenMP e o segundo com a plataforma CUDA. Os
resultados experimentais mostraram que a paralelização em OpenMP obteve aceleração
de até 39 vezes comparada com a versão serial, e, além disto, a versão em CUDA também
foi eficiente, obtendo um ganho de 242 vezes, também comparando-se com o tempo de
execução sequencial. Assim, o resultado da execução é obtido cerca de duas vezes mais
rápido do que o fenômeno biológico. / This work deals with the numerical modeling of solid tumor treatments with hyperthermia
using magnetic nanoparticles considering a 3D bioheat transfer model proposed by
Pennes(1948). Two different possibilities of blood perfusion were compared, the first
assumes a constant value, and the second one a temperature-dependent function. The
living tissue was modeled with skin, fat and muscle layers, in addition to the tumor.
The model solution was approximated with the finite difference method (FDM) in
an heterogeneous medium. Due to different blood perfusion parameters, a system of
linear equations (constant perfusion), and a system of nonlinear equations (temperaturedependent
perfusion) were obtained. To discretize the time domain, two explicit numerical
strategies were used, the first one was using the classical Euler method, and the second one
a predictor-corrector algorithm originated from the generalized trapezoidal alpha-family
of time integration methods. Since the computational time required to solve a threedimensional
model is large, two different parallel strategies were applied to the numerical
method. The first one uses the OpenMP parallel programming API, and the second
one the CUDA platform. The experimental results showed that the parallelization using
OpenMP improves the performance up to 39 times faster than the sequential execution
time, and the CUDA version was also efficient, yielding gains up to 242 times faster than
the sequential execution time. Thus, this result ensures an execution time twice faster
than the biological phenomenon.
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