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Synthesis of magnetic and thermosensitive iron oxide based nanoparticles for biomedical applications / Synthèse de nanoparticules magnétiques et thermosensibles à base d'oxyde de fer pour des applications biomédicalesHemery, Gauvin 10 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse présente le développement de nanoparticules hybrides avec un coeur inorganique et une couronne organique pour des applications médicales. Des nanoparticules d’oxyde de fer ont été obtenues par synthèse polyol, en contrôlant leurs cristallinités, leurs morphologies (monocoeur ou multicoeur) et leurs tailles (de 4 à 37 nm). Leurs propriétés ont été évaluées et comparées pour de possibles applications théranostiques : en thérapie pour le traitement du cancer par hyperthermie magnétique, pour le diagnostic en tant qu’agents de contraste pour l’IRM. Les surfaces des nanoparticules ont été modifiées par greffage de polymères/polypeptides pour apporter de la stabilité en milieux biologiques et de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Le poly(éthylène glycol) (PEG) a été greffé pour ses propriétés de furtivité, le poly(2-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) (PDMAEMA) et des polypeptides dérivés de l’élastine (ELPs) pour leurs propriétés thermosensibles, et la sonde fluorescente DY700 pour permettre le suivi des nanoparticules in vitro et in vivo. Les propriétés magnétiques et thermosensibles de ces nanoparticules coeur-couronne ont été étudiées avec un instrument unique combinant l’hyperthermie magnétique et un système de diffusion dynamique de la lumière. Ainsi, les variations de température, de diamètre et d’intensité diffusée ont pu être mesurées simultanément. Les propriétés de nanoparticules monocoeur et multicoeur greffées avec du PEG, et des nanoparticules monocoeur greffées avec un ELP contenant un peptide pénétrant ont d’abord été évaluées in vitro. Leurs internalisations dans des cellules de tumeur cérébrale humaine (glioblastome) ont permis d’étudier leurs cytotoxicités après traitement par hyperthermie magnétique, et ont montré une baisse de viabilité cellulaire jusqu’à 90 %. In vivo, l’injection intraveineuse de ces nanoparticules dans des souris a abouti à une accumulation dans les tumeurs. L’injection intratumorale suivie du traitement par hyperthermie magnétique a conduit à des élévations de température locales d’environ 10 °C, avec un effet significatif sur l’activité des tumeurs. / This thesis reports the development of hybrid nanoparticles made of an inorganic iron oxide core and an organic shell for medical applications. Iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) were produced by the polyol pathway, leading to a good control over their crystallinity and morphology (monocore or multicore). IONPs with diameters in the range of 4 to 37 nm were produced. Their properties as MRI contrast agents were assessed and compared, for possible theranostic applications. They can be used for treating cancer by magnetic hyperthermia, and as contrast agents for MR imaging. The surface of the IONPs was modified to bring stability in biological conditions, as well as new functionalities. Poly(ethylene glycol) was grafted for its stealth property, poly(2-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) (PDMAEMA) and elastin-like polypeptides (ELPs) for their thermosensitive capabilities, and a DY700 fluorescent probe was grafted for tracking nanoparticles in vitro and in vivo. The magnetic and thermosensitive properties of the nanoparticles were studied using a unique set-up combining magnetic hyperthermia with dynamic-light scattering. This set-up allowed measuring the elevations of temperature of the samples as well as variations in diameter and backscattered intensity. Monocore and multicore IONPs grafted with PEG, and monore IONPs grafted with a diblock ELP were tested in vitro. Their interactions with glioblastoma cells were studied, from the internalization pathway inside the cells to their cytotoxic effect (up to 90 %) under magnetic hyperthermia. In vivo, nanoparticles intravenously injected in mice accumulated in the tumors. Intratumoral administration followed by magnetic hyperthermia treatment led to elevations of temperature of up to 10 °C, with a significant effect on the tumor activity.
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Contribution au développement et à la caractérisation d’applicateurs pour les études bioélectromagnétiques portant sur les ondes radiofréquences et les impulsions électriques nanosecondes de haute intensité / Contribution to the development and characterization of delivery device s for bioelectromagnetic studies on radiofrequency waves and intense nanosecond pulsed electric fieldsSoueid, Malak 09 November 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous proposons et étudions des systèmes d’exposition en vue d’explorer les effets biologiques sanitaire et thérapeutique des ondes électromagnétiques sur le vivant. Nous proposons une antenne micro-onde pour l’ablation thermique des tumeurs cancéreuses du foie à 2.45 GHz. Son originalité réside en ses dimensions miniatures et la possibilité de l’insérer dans le foie par voie endoscopique. Pour cette antenne, un débit d’absorption spécifique (DAS) supérieur à 50 W/kg/W inc a montré une zone exposée de 1-cm de diamètre. Nous proposons ensuite une cellule transverse électromagnétique (TEM) avec une ouverture fermée par un matériau transparent conducteur l’Indium tin oxyde (ITO). Cette cellule TEM peut être utilisée pour évaluer les effets sanitaires potentiels des signaux de télécommunications sans fils. Ce système permet l’observation microscopique en temps réel du milieu biologique exposé, à travers son ouverture fermée par l’ITO. L’influence de la présence de l’ouverture et de la couche d’ITO sur le DAS dans le milieu exposé a été évaluée. Les valeurs du DAS obtenues à 1.8 GHz dans le milieu exposé dans la cellule TEM avec l'ouverture fermée ou non par l’ITO étaient de 1.1 W/kg/W inc et 23.6 W/kg/W inc, respectivement. Une excellence homogénéité du DAS a été obtenue dans le milieu en présence de l’ITO. Enfin, nous proposons plusieurs dispositifs spécifiques pour l’exposition des cellules biologiques aux champs électriques pulsés nanosecondes de haute intensité (nsPEFs). Les effets biologiques des nsPEFs sont utilisés pour des applications dans le domaine médical et en biotechnologie. Nous proposons deux dispositifs à électrodes en contact direct avec le milieu biologique et trois dispositifs à électrodes isolées. Nous démontrons l’adaptation de ces dispositifs aux impulsions courtes de durée 3-ns et la capacité de ceux à électrodes en contact à fournir des champs intenses de l’ordre de quelques MV/m. Nous illustrons aussi l’importance des dispositifs isolés pour délivrer des impulsions ultracourtes. / In this thesis, we propose and study exposure systems to explore healthy and therapeutic biological effects of EM signals. We propose a microwave antenna for thermal ablation of liver tumors at 2.45 GHz. Its original feature consists in its reduced dimensions that permits the endoscopic insertion in the zone to be treated. For this antenna, a specific absorption rate (SAR) greater than 50 W/kg/W inc showed an exposed zone of 1-cm diameter. We propose a transverse electromagnetic cell (TEM) with an aperture sealed with a transparent conducting material Indium tin oxide (ITO).This TEM cell can be used to study the potential effects of wireless communication systems on biological cells. This delivery device allows real-time observation of biological cells during exposure across the aperture sealed with ITO. The effect of the aperture and the ITO layer presence on the SAR in the exposed sample was evaluated. The SAR values obtained at 1.8 GHz in the sample exposed in the TEM cell with the sealed or non-sealed aperture of 20-mm diameter were 1.1 W/kg/W inc and 23.6 W/kg/W inc, respectively. An excellent homogeneity of SAR was achieved in the medium in the presenceof ITO. Finally, we propose several devices for the exposure of biological medium to nanosecond pulsed electric field with high intensity (nsPEFs). The biological effect of nsPEFs are used in biotechnology and medicine. We propose two devices with electrodes in direct contact with the biological medium and three devices with isolated electrodes. We demonstrate their adaptation for 3-ns duration pulses and the suitability of those with electrodes in contactwith the biological medium to provide high intensities fields in the order of several MV/m. We demonstrate the importance of the isolated devices for delivering ultrashort pulses.
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Dynamique d'aimantation ultra-rapide de nanoparticules magnétiques / Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in magnetic nanoparticlesKlughertz, Guillaume 28 January 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’explorer analytiquement et numériquement la dynamique d’aimantation de nanoparticules magnétiques. Nous montrons qu’il est possible de contrôler efficacement le retournement d’aimantation d’une nanoparticule à l’aide d’une excitation autorésonante. Cette étude révèle que l’amortissement de Gilbert et la température altèrent l’efficacité de ce procédé, tandis que les interactions dipolaires peuvent le faciliter. Les propriétés stationnaires d’une monocouche de nanoparticules sont également étudiées en reproduisant numériquement des courbes ZFC. Nous observons ainsi qu’un désordre structurel ne modifie pas la température de blocage. Enfin, nous étudions le comportement d’un ensemble de nanoparticules en interaction dans un fluide à l’aide de simulations de dynamique moléculaire. Nous retrouvons les configurations à l’équilibre en forme de chaînes et d’anneaux, puis nous examinons les aspects dynamiques en mettant en évidence l’existence d’ondes de spins. / The goal of this thesis is to explore analytically and numerically the magnetization dynamics in magnetic nanoparticles. Firstly, we study the Néel dynamics of fixed. We show that one can efficiently control the magnetization reversal of a nanoparticle by using a chirped excitation (autoresonance). This study reveals that the Gilbert damping and the temperature alter the efficiency of the reversal, while dipolar interactions can improve it. The stationary properties of a monolayer of nanoparticles are then examined by computing ZFC curves with a Monte Carlo method. We observe that structural disorder has no effect on the blocking temperature. Finally, we investigate the behavior of an ensemble of interacting nanoparticles moving in a fluid with a molecular dynamics approach. Our numerical simulations reproduce the usual chain and ring-like equilibrium configurations. We then study the dynamics of these structures and show the existence of super-spin waves.
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Magnetic polyion complex micelles as therapy and diagnostic agents / Micelles polymères magnétiques comme agents pour la thérapie et l'imagerieNguyen, Vo Thu An 16 September 2015 (has links)
Ce manuscrit de thèse présente la synthèse de nanoparticules d’oxyde de fer superparamagnétiques couramment appelées SPIONs servant d’agents de contraste pour l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) et la génération de chaleur pour la thérapie cellulaire par hyperthermie induite par champ magnétique radiofréquence (HMRF). Le contrôle des tailles et de la distribution en tailles des SPIONs et donc de leurs propriétés magnétiques a été obtenu en utilisant un copolymère arborescent G1 (substrat de polystyrène branché en peigne noté G0, greffé avec des groupements pendants poly(2-vinyle pyridine) ) comme milieu « gabarit », tandis que la stabilité colloïdale et la biocompatibilité des SPIONs ont été apportées par un procédé de poly-complexation ionique grâce à un copolymère double-hydrophile acide polyacrylique-bloc-poly(acrylate de 2-hydroxyéthyle) PAA-b-PHEA. / This Ph.D. dissertation describes the synthesis of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) designed to serve as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents and for heat generation in cellular radiofrequency magnetic field hyperthermia (MFH) treatment. Control over the size and size distribution of the iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs), and thus over their magnetic properties, was achieved using a G1 arborescent copolymer (comb-branched (G0) polystyrene substrate grafted with poly(2-vinylpyridine) side chains, or G0PS-g-P2VP) as a template. Good colloidal stability and biocompatibility of the SPIONs were achieved via the formation of polyion complex (PIC) micelles with a poly(acrylic acid)-block-poly(2-hydroxyethyl acrylate) (PAA-b-PHEA) double-hydrophilic block copolymer.
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Utilisation de nanoparticules magnétiques dans les traitements anti-tumoraux : Au-delà de l'hyperthermie magnétique / Magnetic nanoparticles for cancer therapy : Magnetic hyperthermia and beyondHallali, Nicolas 09 December 2016 (has links)
Deux approches potentiellement anti-tumorales, employant des nanoparticules magnétiques (NPMs) et des champs magnétiques oscillants, furent étudiées. La première, l’hyperthermie magnétique, utilise l’échauffement de NPMs au contact des cellules tumorales provoqué par un champ magnétique alternatif haute-fréquence. Durant cette thèse, il fut démontré que les forces magnéto-mécaniques induites par les inhomogénéités de champ magnétique pendant un essai d’hyperthermie magnétique n’avaient aucune influence sur la viabilité cellulaire. Egalement, des mesures magnétiques, d’XPS, et de puissance de chauffe de NPMs de fer enrobées d’une coquille de silice amorphe furent effectuées et analysées. Il fut observé que cette coquille permettait de préserver les propriétés magnétiques des NPMs suite à l’exposition à un environnement aqueux. La deuxième approche anti-tumorale utilise des NPMs soumises à un champ magnétique basse-fréquence, induisant une stimulation mécanique des cellules tumorales. Une étude théorique complète de l’influence du champ magnétique, de l’agitation thermique et des interactions magnétiques sur la force magnéto-mécanique exercée par des NPMs, fut effectuée. Elle démontra notamment que cette force augmente de manière drastique pour une assemblée de NPMs lorsque la rotation du champ magnétique induit une rupture de symétrie dans l’évolution temporelle du couple magnéto-mécanique. Expérimentalement, il fut développé différents prototypes de génération de champ magnétique tournant à basse fréquence. Des tests in vitro furent réalisés en utilisant des NPMs enrobées par une matrice de phosphatidylcholine, leur permettant d’être solidaires des membranes cellulaires. Suite à la rotation d’un champ magnétique de 40 ou 380 mT, à 10 Hz, il fut observé une réduction de la survie cellulaire. / Two anti-tumor treatments based on magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) and oscillating magnetic field were studied. The first one, magnetic hyperthermia, uses the heat released by MNPs in contact with tumor cells under a high frequency alternating magnetic field. We have shown that the forces induced by magnetic field inhomogeneity during magnetic hyperthermia essay no influence on cellular viability. Moreover, magnetic measurements, XPS characterization and heating power evaluation of iron MNPs coated by amorphous silica shell were carried out. It was observed that this shell is able to preserve the MNP magnetic properties submitted to an aqueous environment. The second anti-tumor treatment combines MNPs and low-frequency magnetic field, inducing mechanical stress to tumor cells. A complete theoretical study on the influence of magnetic field, thermal agitation and magnetic interaction on the magneto-mechanical forces generated by the MNPs was carried out. It was demonstrated that for a MNP assembly this force increases dramatically when the rotation of the magnetic field induces a break of time reversal symmetry on the magneto-mechanical torque. Experimentally, several devices generating low frequency rotating magnetic fields were developed. Using these devices, in-vitro essays were also achieved using phosphatidylcholine coated MNPs, which bind to cellular membranes. An application of a 40 or 380 mT magnetic field rotating at 10 Hz reduced cell survival rate.
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The Effect of Hyperthermia on Doxorubicin Therapy and Nanoparticle Penetration in Multicellular Ovarian Cancer SpheroidsNagesetti, Abhignyan 12 February 2017 (has links)
The efficient treatment of cancer with chemotherapy is challenged by the limited penetration of drugs into the tumor. Nanoparticles (10 – 100 nanometers) have emerged as a logical choice to specifically deliver chemotherapeutics to tumors, however, their transport into the tumor is also impeded owing to their bigger size compared to free drug moieties. Currently, monolayer cell cultures, as models for drug testing, cannot recapitulate the structural and functional complexity of in-vivo tumors. Furthermore, strategies to improve drug distribution in tumor tissues are also required. In this study, we hypothesized that hyperthermia (43°C) will improve the distribution of silica nanoparticles in three-dimensional multicellular tumor spheroids. Tumor spheroids mimic the functional and histomorphological complexity of in-vivo avascular tumors and are therefore valuable tools to study drug distribution. Ovarian cancer (Skov3) and uterine sarcoma (MES-SA/Dx5) spheroids were generated using the liquid overlay method. The growth ratio and cytotoxicity assays showed that the application of adjuvant hyperthermia with Doxorubicin (DOX) did not yield higher cell killing compared to DOX therapy alone. These results illustrated the role of spheroids in resistance to heat and DOX. In order to study the cellular uptake kinetics of nanoparticles under hyperthermia conditions, the experimental measurements of silica nanoparticle uptake by cells were fitted using a novel inverse estimation method based on Bayesian estimation. This was coupled with advection reaction transport to model nanoparticle transport in spheroids. The model predicted an increase in Area Under the Curve (AUC) and penetration distance (W1/2) that were validated with in-vitro experiments in spheroids. Based on these observations, a novel multifunctional theranostic nanoparticle probe was created for generating highly localized hyperthermia by encapsulating a Near Infrared (NIR) dye, IR820 (for imaging and hyperthermia) and DOX in Organically modified silica nanoparticles (Ormosil). Pegylated Ormosil nanoparticles had an average diameter of 58.2±3.1 nm, zeta potential of -6.9 ± 0.1 mV and high colloidal stability in physiological buffers. Exposure of the IR820 within the nanoparticles to NIR laser led to the generation of hyperthermia as well as release of DOX which translated to higher cell killing in Skov3 cells, deeper penetration of DOX into spheroids and complete destruction of the spheroids. In-vivo bio-distribution studies showed higher fluorescence from organs and increased plasma elimination life of IR820 compared to free IR820. However, possible aggregation of particles on laser exposure and accumulation in lungs still remain a concern.
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Perturbations de l'efflux calcique du réticulum dans la fibre musculaire squelettique de mammifère par l'expression de récepteurs de la ryanodine pathologiques et par certains phophoinositides / Alterations of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release by expression of pathological mutant ryanodine receptors and by phophoinositides in mammalian skeletal muscle fibersLefebvre, Romain 10 September 2012 (has links)
Les ions Ca2+ responsables de la contraction musculaire sont extrudés du réticulum sarcoplasmique (RS) via le récepteur de la ryanodine de type 1 (RyR1). Des mutations du gène de RyR1 sont responsables chez l’homme de l’hyperthermie maligne (HM) et de la myopathie à cores centraux (MCC). Nous avons caractérisé les altérations de l’efflux calcique du RS dues à de telles mutations dans la fibre musculaire de souris par électrophysiologie et imagerie confocale. L’expression des formes Y523S, R615C et R2163H de RyR1, associées à l’HM, provoque une hypersensibilité de l’efflux vis-à-vis du potentiel membranaire alors que les formes I4897T et G4896V associées à la MCC provoquent une réduction chronique de l’efflux sans modification de densité des RyR1 s ainsi que des protéines Cav1.1 et SERCA1. L’expression de la forme R4892W associée à la MCC ne modifie pas l’efflux calcique suggérant une plus faible pénétrance fonctionnelle de cette forme. Dans tous les cas, aucune indication de changement du contenu en calcium RS n’a été observée. Les résultats suggèrent que les modifications pathologiques de l’efflux calcique sont la conséquence directe de l’altération de fonction des canaux. Le deuxième objectif du travail s’est intéressé au rôle de certains phosphoinositides (PtdInsPs) dans la régulation de l’efflux calcique du RS. La surexpression de la PtdInsPs-phosphatase Mtm 1 n’a aucun effet sur l’efflux calcique alors que l’application intracellulaire de ses deux principaux substrats inhibe l’efflux, suggérant que leur accumulation dans les fibres musculaires déficientes en Mtm1 pourrait contribuer aux altérations pathologiques associées du couplage excitation-contraction / Ca2+ ions that trigger muscle contraction are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) through the type 1 ryanodine receptor (RyR1) channel. Mutations of the gene encoding RyR1 are responsible for malignant hyperthermia (MH) and central core disease (CCD) in human. We characterized the alterations of SR Ca2+ release due to such mutations in mouse fibers using electrophysiology and confocal imaging. Expression of each of the MH-associated Y523S, R615C and R2163H mutant forms of RyR1 increases the sensitivity of Ca2+ release to membrane potential whereas forms I4897T and G4896V that are associated to CCD provoke a chronic depression of Ca2+ release with no concurrent alteration of RyR1, Cav1.1 and SERCA1 density. Expression of the CDD-associated R4892W form of RyR1 has no effect on Ca2+ release suggesting a weaker functional penetrance of this mutant form. In all cases we found no indication for a change in SR calcium content. Results suggest that pathological changes in Ca2+ release are the direct consequence of the functional alteration of the channels. The second goal of this work focused on the role of certain phosphoinositides (PtdInsPs) in the control of SR Ca2+ release. Over-expression of the PtdInsPs-phosphatase Mtm 1 does not affect Ca2+ release whereas intracellular application of its two main substrates inhibits Ca2+ release, suggesting that accumulation of these molecules in Mtm 1-deficient fibers could contribute to the associated alterations of excitation-contraction coupling
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Desenvolvimento de vidros bioativos contendo óxido de ferro sintetizados pelo método sol-gel visando tratamento de câncer por hipertermiaBorges, Roger January 2018 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Juliana Marchi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nanociências e Materiais Avançados, Santo André, 2018. / A hipertermia e uma terapia de tratamento de cancer que consiste em aumentar a
temperatura do tecido biologico contendo celulas cancerigenas a temperaturas ate 43¿C,
a qual afeta as celulas cancerigenas e causa minimos danos a celulas saudaveis. Este
trabalho visou sintetizar, pelo metodo sol-gel, vidros bioativos do sistema SiO2-CaO-P2O5
contendo fases magneticas de oxido de ferro a fim de obter um material com
propriedades magneticas promissoras para hipertermia e com propriedades
osteocondutoras favoraveis para regeneracao ossea, podendo assim ser utilizado no
tratamento de cancer osseo. As fases magneticas foram introduzidas por dois diferentes
metodos: I) cristalizacao por reacoes de estado solido (Parte I); II) dispersao de
nanoparticulas de magnetita na matriz vitrea (Parte II). Na Parte I do trabalho, uma rota
alternativa de sintese foi desenvolvida e validada para possibilitar a obtencao de vidros
contendo fases superparamagneticas nucleadas por cristalizacao. Os materiais foram
caracterizados por difracao de raios X (DRX), espectroscopia de infravermelho na
transformada de Fourier, calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC) e magnetometro de
amostra vibrante (VSM-SQUID). Os resultados indicaram que vidros obtidos pela
metodologia modificada da Parte I apresentam estrutura quimica similar aos vidros
obtidos pelo metodo convencional, i.e. uma fase vitrea contendo fase secundaria
cristalina de hidroxiapatita. Foi possivel obter vidros contendo ferro, cuja incorporacao
ocasiona uma conversao 3Q2 ¨ 2Q3 na estrutura vitrea, sugerindo um efeito de ion
intermediario em relacao ao ferro. O tratamento termico de vidros contendo ferro a 670¿C
induziu a nucleacao de nanocristais de hematita, fazendo que os vidros exibissem
comportamento superparamagnetico. Na segunda parte deste trabalho (Parte II) os
vidros foram obtidos pelo metodo quick-alkali onde as nanoparticulas de magnetita foram
dispersas durante a sintese. Os materiais foram caracterizados por DRX, DSC,
espectroscopia Raman, microscopia eletronica de varredura por emissao de campo e
VSM-SQUID. Os resultados da Parte II indicaram que vidros contendo nanoparticulas de
magnetita com propriedades superparamagneticas foram obtidos. Foi observado um
efeito de aglomeracao das nanoparticulas, o qual afetou as interacoes dipolares entre as
particulas. O processo da sintese induziu uma oxidacao das nanoparticulas de magnetita,
levando a uma diminuicao do momento de saturacao, porem ainda com valores
adequados para sejam empregados em tratamentos por hipertermia. Os resultados de
ambas as Partes (I e II) indicam que materiais promissores para aplicacoes em
hipertermia foram obtidos. / Hyperthermia is a cancer treatment therapy that consists of increasing the cancerous tissue
temperature up to 45¿C, majorly affecting cancer cells, and minimally damaging healthy
ones. The aim of this work was to synthesize, through the sol-gel method, bioactive glasses
based on the SiO2-CaO-P2O5 and containing magnetic phases of iron oxide in order to
achieve materials with suitable magnetic properties for hyperthermia, and desired
biological properties for bone regeneration. Therefore, such material can be used in
treatment of bone cancer. The magnetic phases were added in the glass structure by two
different methodologies: I) crystallization through solid state reactions (Part I); II) dispersion
of magnetite nanoparticles within the glass matrix (Part II). In Part I, an alternative synthesis
route was developed and validated to obtain glasses containing superparamagnetic
phases nucleated by crystallization.The prepared materials were characterized by X-ray
diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM-SQUID). The results showed
that glasses obtained by the adapted synthesis of Part I showed chemical structure similar
to those glasses obtained by the conventional quick-alkali route, i.e., a glassy phase
contenting hydroxyapatite crystals as residues. Iron-containing glasses were also obtained,
and it was verified that iron diffusion the glass structure led to a 3Q2 ¨ 2Q3 silicate
population conversion, suggesting an intermediate role for iron ions. Thermal treatment in
the iron-containing glasses up to 670¿C induced to a hematite nanocrystals nucleation,
which makes the glasses to exhibit superparamagnetic properties. .In Part II, the glasses
were obtained through quick-alkali route, where magnetic nanoparticles were dispersed
during the synthesis. The obtained materials were characterized by XRD, DSC, Raman
spectroscopy and field-emission gun scanning electron microscopy and VSM-SQUID. Part
II results highlighted that glasses containing magnetite nanoparticles exhibiting
superparamagnetic properties were obtained. It was noted that a clustering effect of the
magnetite nanoparticles affected dipole-dipole interactions. In addition, along the
synthesis, magnetite underwent oxidation, which diminished the saturation moment, but it
does not prevent the use of such materials for hyperthermia purposes. Finally, the overall
results of both parts (I and II) indicated that promising materials for hyperthermia
applications were obtained.
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Nanopartículas superparamagnéticas encapsuladas com polímeros para tratamento de câncer por hipertermia / Superparamagnetic nanoparticles encapsulated with polymers for cancer therapy by hyperthermiaCaio José Perecin 01 February 2016 (has links)
O câncer é uma das maiores causas de mortalidade no Brasil e no mundo, com potencial de crescimento nas próximas décadas. Um tipo de tratamento promissor é a hipertermia magnética, procedimento no qual as células tumorais morrem pelo efeito do calor gerado por partículas magnéticas após a aplicação de campo magnético alternado em frequências adequadas. Tais partículas também são capazes de atuar como agentes de contraste para imageamento por ressonância magnética, um poderoso método de diagnóstico para identificação de células neoplásicas, formando a combinação conhecida como theranostics (terapia e diagnóstico). Neste trabalho foram sintetizadas nanopartículas de óxido de ferro por método de coprecipitação com posterior encapsulação por técnica de nano spray drying, visando sua aplicação no tratamento de câncer por hipertermia e como agente de contraste para imageamento por ressonância magnética. Para a encapsulação foram utilizadas matrizes poliméricas de Maltodextrina com Polissorbato 80, Pluronic F68, Eudragit® S100 e PCL com Pluronic F68, escolhidos com o intuito de formar partículas que dispersem bem em meio aquoso e que consigam atingir alvo tumoral após administração no corpo do paciente. Parâmetros de secagem pelo equipamento Nano Spray Dryer, como temperatura, solvente e concentração de reagentes, foram avaliados. As partículas formadas foram caracterizadas por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura, Difração de Raios-X, Análise Termogravimétrica, Espalhamento de Luz Dinâmico, Espectroscopia de Infravermelho, magnetismo quanto a magnetização de saturação e temperatura, citotoxicidade e potencial de aquecimento. Tais procedimentos indicaram que o método de coprecipitação produziu nanopartículas de magnetita de tamanho em torno 20 nm, superparamagnéticas a temperatura ambiente, sem potencial citotóxico. A técnica de nano spray drying foi eficiente para a formação de partículas com tamanho em torno de 1 μm, também superparamagnéticas, biocompatíveis e com propriedades magnéticas adequadas e para aplicações pretendidas. Destaca-se a amostra com Pluronic, OF-10/15-1P, que apresentou magnetização de saturação de 68,7 emu/g e interação específica com células tumorais. / Cancer is one of the greatest causes of mortality in Brazil and in the world, with growing potential for the next decades. A promising treatment alternative is magnetic hyperthermia, in which tumor cells die by the heat generated by magnetic nanoparticles after application of an alternate magnetic field in adequate frequencies. Such particles are also capable of acting as contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging, a powerful method of diagnosis for the identification of neoplasic cells, which characterizes the combination of properties known as theranostics (therapy and diagnosis). In this work, iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized by coprecipitation method with subsequent encapsulation by nano spray drying technique, aiming their application on cancer treatment by hyperthermia and on magnetic resonance imaging as a contrast agent. Polymeric matrices of Maltodextrin with Polysorbate 80, Pluronic F68, Eudragit® S100 and PCL with Pluronic F68 were employed for encapsulation, chosen carefully to create particles that disperse well in aqueous media and that are able to address the tumoral target after administration into the patient\'s body. Drying parameters of the Nano Spray Dryer equipment, such as temperature, dispersing medium and reagent concentrations, were evaluated. The generated particles were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-Ray Diffraction, Thermogravimetric Analysis, Dynamic Light Scattering, Infrared Spectroscopy, by magnetism in matters of applied magnetic field and temperature, cytotoxic potential and heating potential. Such methods indicated that the coprecipitation method was able to produce magnetite nanoparticles with size of approximately 20 nm, superparamagnetic at room temperature and with no cytotoxic potential. The nano spray drying technique was efficient to produce particles with size of around 1 μm, biocompatible, superparamagnetic and with adequate magnetic properties for the intended applications. The sample OF-10/15-1P stands out with a saturation magnetization of 68.7 emu/g and presenting specific interactions with the tumour cells.
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Ovlivní zvýšení tělesné teploty v průběhu epileptického statu u mláďat laboratorního potkana rozsah či charakter poškození hipokampu? / Will an increase in body temperature during status epilepticus in rat pups affect the extent and nature of damage to the hippocampus?Chott, Robert January 2012 (has links)
Febrile seizures are epileptic seizures, arising in connection with febrile conditions in children of prechool age. In adults with epilepsy is often present a history of febrile status epilepticus, seizure whose duration is longer than 20 minutes. To study the role of febrile status epilepticus (FSE) in the development of epilepsy and neuronal damage, it is necessary to have a relevant animal models. This work is focused on the morphological analysis of the new created model of febrile status epilepticus, using a combination of short-term hyperthermia and chemical induced status epilepticus at 10 days old rats. In adulthood, the animals were examined by video/EEG monitoring, and then morphometric analysis. The aim of this study was to determine the importance of short-term hyperthermia during SE for neuropathological changes using stereological measurements of hippocampal volume.
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